Thursday, December 30, 2010

"America by Heart" is only selling one fifth as well as "Going Rogue" did last year. Oh yeah, somebody jumped the shark!

I was fortunate enough to receive an e-mail with this message this message attached yesterday:

I work in the book publishing industry and I have access to Nielsen book sales data. Nielsen compiles book sales information from every major retailer (Amazon, B&N, Borders, Target, Costco, indie stores...). Every retailer of any significance is included in their data except (no surpise) Wal*Mart.

I can compare sales for SP's book from this time last year for her first book vs the same time period this year (data is from the exact same group of retailers in 2009 and in 2010). I think these numbers tell a pretty interesting story...

GOING ROGUE - sales through Dec 27th 2009 - 1,255,963 units

AMERICA FROM THE HEART - sales through Dec 26th 2010 - 232,344 units

These are units sold through the cash register at all of these retailers combined.

I think that says it all when it comes to the state of Ms. Palin's popularity (or lack thereof).

(Just for clarification, Going Rogue was published on November 17, 2009, while America by Heart was published November 23, 2010.  So, adding in the one day difference in the above information, Going Rogue has seven more sale days than ABH.  I am sure to the Palin-bots that explains everything.)

I think this, plus the information about how many viewers that "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the first time" has lost since its debut are impossible to ignore indicators that Palin is indeed failin'.

By now it is crystal clear that Snowdrift Snooki has proven her point that the more people see of her, without the filtering by the "lamesteam media,"  the more they will understand the REAL Sarah Palin. Sadly nobody seems to like the REAL Sarah Palin.

Good job Sister Sarah!  The media could NEVER have done a better job of revealing your inadequacies and lack of ability than you have done yourself! 

Reality show turns out to be a stinker,

Senate candidate gets his ass handed to him.

Book sales in the toilet.

Republicans turning against her en masse.

Yep it looks like Sarah Palin is certainly showing all of us that the more the American people know her, the more they loathe her.

BTW the person who sent me this e-mail also sent along a couple of screenshots to prove their claim, and according to what I saw everything that is written above is absolutely correct.  If any of you are also in the publishing industry perhaps you can independently confirm this for yourselves.


  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    What is particularly encouraging to me is to remember that not all of those less than a quarter of a million books were bought by Palin fans. Plenty of anti-Palin folks bought a copy just to see WTF she was lying about this time.

    Same old, same old - just more whine

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Over at Pee Central they are trying their best to give the impression that Sarah's book is a runaway hit as witnessed by the headline in one of the posted threads:-

    “America By Heart” is Up Five Spots While Obama’s Book Continues to Bomb on the USA Today Best-Seller List Among All Books/Open Thread

    Posted on December 29 2010 - 7:14 PM - Posted by: Ian Lazaran

    Twisting the truth to suit their agenda. How do these people live with themselves?

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    It really seems that her 15 minutes are up. The question is, will she realize this and slink away from the presidential race? Or is her ego so big and her reasoning so small that she tosses her hat in the ring? It will be interesting to see.

  4. Anonymous12:48 PM

    America by Heart is number 88 on top 100 and is going for $10.49 for a brand new copy.

    When will it drop to 4 cents?

    I wonder if SarahPac just bought some? It was about to fall out of the Top 100, but it just moved up some.

  5. Anonymous12:50 PM

    As the late, great Don Meredith used to sing, "Turn out the lights, the party's over....."

  6. Anonymous12:54 PM

    will the movie sequel be

    "Nalin' Falin' Palin" ?

  7. Anonymous1:01 PM

    And remember, SP and Company bought a lot of those books themselves, to give to supporters.

  8. Anonymous1:02 PM

    It looks like the Palins have enough toilet paper, I mean books to last Bristol's next 5 pregnancies.

  9. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Too cheap to buy up all of the copies like you did last time SSarah?

  10. Anonymous1:12 PM

    2011 will be a great year Gryphen!

  11. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Oversaturation... she doesn't get it. I'm sure we are about due for another dramatic crisis in Palinland.

    Those C4P'ers must be working really hard to spin things in her favor.

  12. Anonymous1:17 PM

    On the NY Times Bestseller list: ABH dropped from 8 to 10 for Jan. 2 on the non-fiction hardcover list.

    Pres. Obama's book remains at #1 on the Children's picture book list.

    I've never followed the USA Today list. Looks like they don't divide by categories.

    They aren't comparable books, and I hate to compare him to her. But it is interesting that SP compares the 2 on her site.

  13. Excellent, Gryphen. I know it takes good work to keep these contacts going, to keep the information flow up. Good job.
    and Thank you.

  14. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Has anyone seen Bristol's truck in Wasilla? or did she drive it to Arizona?

  15. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I was in Costco today. the tables were stacked high with three columns of her book. No one was even looking. Something propelled me to open the book , and when I saw there were NO PICTURES (!!), I realized this would never sell to her crowd. I mean, c'mon...NO PICTURES!!

  16. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Anon 1:14- their spin cycle is about worn out they need new washing machines..maybe using too much pee water!

  17. Gasman1:37 PM

    Aside from the inescapable reality that the American public is simply beginning to not give a shit about Palin, the piss poor sales of "America by Heart" would seem to indicate that the higher sales of "Going Rogue" were clearly propped up by the massive buys by Murdoch, et. al. Even with massive buys by SarahPac, the sales are still tanking.

    Even Murdoch sees Palin as an ultimately lost cause. Gee, what will they do with ALL of those unwanted copies of "America by Heart?" How low will the price actually go?

    Hey, Sarah. It looks like you don't deliver the good wood to the dirty old GOP men like you used to. Kind of sucks being a FORMER sex kitten, doesn't it?

  18. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I check C4P from time to time and they are so very aware that they are propping each other up. If someone posts something negative, they are disciplined with a comment that their negativity is "upsetting" the others. Her book not selling, all the negative polling, the Republican's jeering her, it's got to be eating them up.

  19. Anonymous1:42 PM

    What? Only 200,000 left in the cult worldwide?

    I think we can also thank RAM for $P's dramatic downward spiral... Thanks, RAM! Luv ur am@tchurizm

  20. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I just read on BuzzFlash that one tip to the terrorist watch list will place an American on this list.
    Why isn't Sarah on this list? She surely could be with all the things she declares. There has been plenty of cause during the campaign, with all the armour being displayed at so called peaceful events.
    Just think, if she was, no money to be made, no travel,answering questions all the time when she does try to move about this country. sarah would be boxed!

  21. Anonymous1:50 PM


    You're seeing icebergs again. Don't forget what happened the last time you saw icebergs.

    In total so far, the two books have sold about 3 million copies. At $5 per royalty, well, you do the arithmetic.

    Plus $2 million for SPAK plus whatever she gets from DVD sales.

    Plus what she gets from Fox News plus all the money she made on speeches.

    Shit, she might be able to afford a house in Arizona plus the two she owns in Alaska.

  22. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I don't know quite what to make of her.
    Sometimes I think she is a shameless
    "shock" comedian (doing whatever it takes
    to get attention), and sometimes I think
    she literally has no self awareness. Does
    she not know how stupid she looks to the
    public, or doesn't she care? Either her
    persona is a joke to her, or she doesn't
    get that she is the joke to us. It is one of
    those 2 things, I'm sure, but which one?

  23. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I can't remember the last time the TwitterQuitter was quiet for this long...she hasn't tweeted since the 24th - must be some kind of record. No Grinchy tweets???

  24. quills2:03 PM

    has sarah already performed the line about her not "wanting to be in a stuffy old office"?

    just wondering if that pronouncement will be her final coup de gras to her failing popularity and white house dreams.

  25. Anonymous2:06 PM

    The sails may be less but your source of info is ANONYMOUS! These anonymous's just make up some stuff! Wheres' the proof???


    There will be a lots' of Sarah's book's bought to be given as CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!!!


    H8trs will be rong again!!!!!

  26. Anonymous2:07 PM

    It's not too late. Since Sarah is both the editor and executive producer for her TLC show, she has just enough time to shoot a new scene and insert it in Sunday's show. Those numbers have been slipping too.

    Here is my suggestion for Sarah's last show. I suggest that she Jumps the Shark. OK, if you don't have sharks up there in Alaska, then it's time to hitch up a big guns power boat to pull Water Skiing Sarah around the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Alaska. If she can't find a shark, she can always jump a whale, a walrus, a seal or a grizzly bear stuck on a piece of ice. It will be the perfect ending for a perfect season. Sarah thought that it would be a good idea to have her name in the media every day for the last year. Sometimes, too much is just TOO MUCH!

  27. angela2:12 PM

    Did they include corporate sales in this? SarahPac bought 64 grand worth of the waste of paper. Good old Sarah, always trying to jump start the economy--well, hers.

    Also, I've noticed at Amazon the worse her book does the higher the reviewing stars are getting. Hmmmm.
    Is some group en masse tweaking Scarah's reviews?

  28. Anonymous2:15 PM

    To Anonymous at 12:38, I check in daily with the book on Amazon. The reviews and comments of the book are very entertaining. The book debuted at number 8 and has been on a rapid decent ever since. A few days ago it fell off the top 100 list. It now bounces around between 99-130. I think anyone who wanted a copy already has it.

    Some more tidbits from Amazon. In the span of a few days the official Amazon price dropped from $12.99 to $11.99 to $11.49 and it now is at $10.49. There's a healthy supply of over 100 copies available used starting at $6.00 of which Ms. Quittypants gets no cut.

    The Palin machine has figured out how to get one star reviews deleted without a trace. At one point several weeks ago one star reviews were disappearing at a rate of a couple a day. If the reviewer quotes any snippet from the book, usually to highlight the absurdity of it, they threaten Amazon and the review disappears. This of course doesn't happen when quotes from the book are in 5 star reviews.

    Once the book, drops off the top 100 or so sellers, it will not longer be carried in places like Target and airport bookstores which only carry the hot sellers. That will hasten the decent because casual shoppers at Target won't arbitrarilly pick up a copy.

  29. Anonymous2:19 PM

    My local library had to buy 3 copies to satisfy the demand from her foolowers.

    The librarian was embarrassed to say this.

    I told her it was OK and that this book would keep these foolowers occupied and off the street for weeks.

    LOL- Librarian tells me that's one reason they buy 3 books- because the asshats take more than two weeks to read and return book! And they typically have it checked out all by itself!?!

    Share? Hell no! Reading as fast as they can? Probably.

    Didn't tell her that I put printouts of 'appropriate' internet posts and sites in these types of books when I can.

    Like Fox News Talking heads going after snowgrift snookie. Pics of pg looking daughter also too.

  30. icstraights2:24 PM

    No word from paylins b/c they are very busy trying to hide bristle's current pregnancy...let's see: She should be about 6 months? Can't spanx that load down anymore!

    c'mon paparazzi: I thought NO one could hide from you've been paid off too?!! Lame...

    Gasman: Excellent choice of words as usual. Plan (B): Make Bristle the next slutty gop 'sex kitten'. Must hide current baby until things looks nice and tidy...

  31. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Annonymous at 2:06. Are you doing a satirical immitation of a palin groupie. Are you homeschooled? You spelled sale, sail and wrong, rong. Excessive punctuation is annoying. Grow up!!!!

    Which Christmas season are you referring to? Christmas 2011, 360 days from now?

  32. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Don't feed the trolls.

    She can call Larry Flint to see how much he'll pay for a feature article if it's all about the benjamins!

  33. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Looks like the LSM filter was a lot more flattering for you than you thought Sarah.

  34. wakeUpAmerica2:42 PM

    More whine. No cheese.

  35. Oh, the outrage of it all! Sarah Palin was not picked as one of the most brilliant people of 2010.
    'Course the list was made by a bunch of librul elitists.

    On another note, Clinton Kelly, from TLC's What Not To Wear has dissed Palin: Kelly called "Sarah Palin's Alaska" an "eight-hour info-commercial on my network."

  36. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Sarah thought that people were just going to line up and love her. Buying her manufactured narrative, she'd been so used to beguiling fellow Alaskans and she thought she could knock the socks off of Lower 48rs too.

    Well Sarah, your many missteps early on as a hapless Governor started making us question your fitness for office, Troopergate was a frightening revelation as to you and Todd's character.

    If you would have gone home and managed to not get censured or impeached, you could have rolled up your sleeves and quietly reinvented yourself. But that blinding white-hot light of celebrity was too juicy for you to pass up. You moped in your office, deferred all questions to your Commissioners and simply gave up. You smelled opportunity and felt you'd found a graceful and clever way to blame your resignation on others instead of your true motivations.

    You are a liar. You are arrogant. You are lazy and impossibly boastful for a glaring lack of achievements. Because you insisted on NOT Sitting Down and Shutting Up, you ended up turning off more than 70% of the American public.

    You are your own worst enemy, you are a world class H8r.

  37. Just watching Countdown, Joe Madison on with Cenk talking about Palin attacking Michelle. Joe said 'there are Barbie dolls with more brains than Palin'. Uh oh, gotta add him to the list now. He added at the end of the segment 'she is not worth quoting'. Ouch!

  38. @Anonymous 12:38pm

    you said: "Plenty of anti-Palin folks bought a copy just to see WTF she was lying about this time."

    Do you really believe this to be true? Do you know anyone who cheerfully despises her and actually bought a book, also, too?

    I guess Gryphen bought one to get in line at the book signing but I assumed he also performed some meaningful act of penance like, I don't know, maybe posting a mocking blog entry about her.

    I'm very skeptical that a significant number of her many detractors spends actual money on her books.

    It's much more plausible to me that 250,000 deranged Palinites bought her book or that conservative groups made bulk purchases.

    I wouldnt check her book out of the library for free much less buy one at the Buck-a-Book bin in a drugstore. She has nothing to say I want to hear and I certainly dont want to contribute to her ill-gotten fortune.

  39. Anonymous3:10 PM

    To Anonymous @1:50...You said
    "In total so far, the two books have sold about 3 million copies. At $5 per royalty, well, you do the arithmetic."

    Okay, I did the arithmetic like you said but based on what Gryphen said", it looks like the two books together total 1,483,507 copies sold. NOT 3,000,000.

    2+2=4 unless you live in Palinland and then it equals 8.

    "GOING ROGUE - sales through Dec 27th 2009 - 1,255,963 units

    AMERICA FROM THE HEART - sales through Dec 26th 2010 - 232,344 units"

  40. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Whenever I see SP's book I turn it over so that I don't have to look at her face. While in a major Costco in California just before Christmas I found all of SP's books had already been turned over by someone else! Thank you!

  41. Enjay in E MT3:25 PM

    I pity the tree's that were slaughtered for that piece of trash when they could have lived on as part of a home, or furniture.

  42. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I have it from a reliable source that the reason Sarah hasn't been heard from in five days is that she's frantically working on her third book. Realizing that her whining drivel was not in demand anymore, she's writing about the sex lives of the Palins. My source tells me that there is no decision on a title yet but the first two chapters are 1: The Kids Are Getting Way More Than Todd 2: Todd, That's What You Have A Hand For; Spank The Monkey For God's Sake!

  43. she's a fraud, folks3:31 PM

    Jumped the shark =
    Bashed the halibut
    Missed the caribou
    Camped with Kate

    At this point, it's only brain-dead morons that are still around to defend Palin. By definition.

  44. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Anonymous 2:06!!! For your own safety...slowly get away from sharp objects, go back and sit on the side of the bed and calmly press the call button. There must have been a shift change. Your meds are late.

    Oh, and don't be upset, but your thighs are getting bigger.

  45. she is just tabloid fodder for now. her shelf life is well past expiration, and makeup, plastic surgery and meth cant keep her going much longer.

  46. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I never get tired of this picture. It shows how batshitcrazy she really is. Even she can't believe her bullshit.

    Happy New Year to you & your daughter & your new furniture. Please keep up the pressure on this wingnut until she cracks.


  47. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Sorta reminds me of the loaves and fishes parable except she's finally multiplying justified criticism and derision. Go Esther! Thank G-d it's rendered her momentarily twitless.

  48. sallyngarland,tx3:50 PM

    Even though Palin is losing popularity, I think she'll still run out of revenge--Revenge against Dems & Repubs who have insulted her and all others. I don't think she cares if she ruins the GOP or the country. Sarah's playing a "basketball" game and she wants to "win". So if she gets back at everyone, she wins no matter what she destroys. She has the $$money$$ to carry on.

  49. Anonymous3:55 PM

    There is a small market for political books. This time around it has been dominated by George Bush which was unexpected.

    If she decides to run for President her book sales will explode along with any Palin item that is marketable.

    Count on it.

  50. Anonymous3:57 PM

    1:50, who cares how much $$ she makes. Bully for her. Not coming out of my pocket. The point, which you can't admit, is that the palins are a huge joke. Glad they have made so.much so far. They're gonna need it for those lean years ahead when no one will touch any of them - even with gloves.

  51. lwtjb4:03 PM

    While out doing a little last minute Christmas shopping we stopped for lunch at a Safeway coffee shop in the high end part of town. A couple tables over an older guy was diligently reading Going Rogue. No way was I going to talk to this guy but I kept surreptitiously watching him for expressions or any clues what was in his mind. Nada. He was poker faced and still engrossed in reading when we left about half an hour later.

  52. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Going out on a limb here....but 2:06 is pulling our chain. LOL. I know, hard to tell cause the fan-bots sound just like that.

  53. Thanks for the stats, Gryphen! It's beautiful to see Sarah's political genius in action.

  54. GA Peach4:10 PM

    The only way sarah's book will get into my house is if they start wrapping wild Alaska salmon with it.

  55. Anonymous4:23 PM

    One more time to the asshat at 2:24. Not all homeschoolers are fundernuts or Palin/Millerites.
    So kindly stop with the overly broad generalizations and false stereotyping.

    Learn your fallacies, then avoid them. Critical thinking much?

  56. Anonymous4:41 PM

    She's tanking..she's tanking...Hey Sarah, how's the view as you continue slipping into your giant cesspool? What? Can't claw your way out?

    Oh well, couldn't have happened to a more deserving fraud. Say hi to Joe.

  57. Anon @4:08PM, I'm out on that limb with you. 2:06 is funny whether bot or not.

  58. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I have a policy of not clicking any stories that headline SP but I couldn't resist this gem at Politico: "Snooki knocks Palin's show"!

    Also wondering why Palin isn't on the list of events for:
    Eureka College, Reagan's Alma Mater, Plans Year-Long Celebration Of Gipper's 100th Birthday.

  59. Anonymous4:46 PM

    There hasn't been a tweet or face book post from Sarah for almost a week. That is a woman who is used to having her name in the media for something on every single day.

    So, where in the world is Sarah Palin and why haven't we heard from her? Was she attacked by angry grizzly bears, the real ones? Did she and Todd get in the plane for a quick trip and forget to check the gas tank for water condensation first? It's not like Sarah to be so quiet for such a long time.

  60. ManxMamma4:48 PM

    Amen Gryphen!

  61. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Gryphen, "jumped the shark" is so last season. It's "clubbed the halibut" now!

  62. @2:07 pm:

    We have sharks in Alaska (tastes like chicken).

    It's okay with me if she jumps a shark or a bear or a walrus.

    As long as it takes a bite out of her ass on the way.

  63. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Anon 3:29, I can't wait to read that book.

    Message to Sarah, because we know you lurk: When you go down, it is going to be your own fault. If you'd really been smart you would have spent the last two years working to improve yourself so you'd be ready to announce this year. But you didn't. You stayed your own uneducated self, afraid of diversity of culture, thought and opinion. You WILL NOT be our president.

  64. Anonymous5:11 PM

    When the book was published, I signed up at the library for GR and ABH to see the wait time. With GR, there were 100 ahead of me in line. With ABH, the book was available within two weeks indicating no waiting list. My guess, the purchasers of GR are still trying to finish the first book or got lost in one of Sarah's word salad sentences.

  65. Anonymous5:19 PM

    @ Anonymous 3:22 PM.
    Thank you for sharing!

  66. I wonder how those book deals were structured. Most of the reports at the time said she was going to get a $7 million deal for that first book. I don't know how they may have done the second deal, but perhaps she doesn't give a rip if it doesn't sell. She got it out the door on schedule, supported it with some signings and cashed a big check. What will hurt her is that there won't be an offer for millions for a 3rd book. She's already cooked that goose. I don't think they can make any money on 250,000 sold when the "author" gets millions up front.

  67. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Just spreading this around:

    Get a load of this SHIT! TLC just attacked Malia Litman, the small blog out of Texas!!
    Check it out:


    The post in question by Malia:

    TLC Supports Mis-inform­ation

    How low can SPA go? Big ol' TLC attacking a small Blog! Unbelievab­le.

  68. Oh, I wish some of the anonymous noters had clickable names. So funny they are, I want to read more...
    My daughter and I were in Border's today and each register had copies of Palin's latest book just sitting there, stacked AT the checkout counter, as if I would be checking out, see the book and go, "Oh, wait, yeah, that. Ring that thing there up for me, too." It irked me.

  69. Anonymous5:35 PM

    2011 !!!! Nopalin2012 !!!!

    Rebuttal to the Rebuttal to the Rogue

    "Sarah does make a quick aside with some political content." media spalaska December 30, 2010 by Broadsheet 12-30-10

    We’ve recently seen a lot of attention paid towards comments Sarah maid(?) about Michelle Obama’s 'Let’s Move' campaign, and that’s to be expected. It only makes sense for people to use a comment made by a prominent figure in the media about another as a means towards a greater discussion. This is a big part of the point of what we’re doing here at We want people to talk about the show, and we want to drive discussion."

    To the not Obama Obama question.... "So, this all relies on the idea that, without mentioning his name, Sarah was still somehow invoking the idea of Barack Obama. What do you think? When she made those comments, was your first thought “she’s talking about Obama?"

  70. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Is she able to tweet again? I'm so glad they couldn't take Newt's advice!

  71. Anonymous5:57 PM

    hahahahaha Sarah totally owns all your lives. She's living happily enjoying the holidays and yall were bitching about nothing

  72. Anonymous5:58 PM

    To anonymous who thinks she's making a killing--$5/book for royalty? Ha! Fat chance....more like 7% of the wholesale cost...and to some outlet like Costco, they will absolutely get it at 50% of retail price. So if it's selling for $13 they might buy it for $6 and her royalty would be $0.46....that's less than 50c per book....

    not only that--she got an advance on royalties...and that advance is based on how many books they print. At this rate, it looks like they overprinted and the bookstores will return the covers of the books they don't sell (they rip the cover off to show it didn't sell and throw out the rest of the book), OR some used book outlet will buy them for a buck a piece....Anyway, so looks like the publishers will have LOST MONEY on her book...they will nto have recouped what they paid her for an advance.

    Of course if her advance was good, she lucked out--she doesn't have to give back any of the advance, even if the book bombs. Of course it also means that she's unlikely to get a 3rd book deal...or if she does it will be a very minimal advance--the publishers won't risk the monetary loss again.

    But from the looks of it, she won't make a dime past what her advance was. That only would happen if she goes into reprinting. And when the bookstores start returning all those unused books, they are definitely not reprinting.

    All in all, her 2nd book has bombed.

  73. Anonymous6:22 PM

    If the feds can file an investigation on Christine O'Donnell for mis-using campaign funds, wouldn't they have significant dirt on Palin mis-using her PAC funds? If so, what the hell are they waiting for, she proved during the campaign how readily she'd use GOP money for her own greedy needs?

  74. Anonymous6:26 PM

    The woman is irrelevant. I for one have stopped viewing Palin related articles outside of IM.

  75. In his mind, he's a Knight & $arah is his Lady6:56 PM

    @5:57 - have you ever wondered "Why don't women like me?" You know you have. It must feel so bad to be so lonely....

  76. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Maybe Sarah will offer a pair of used spanx with each new book purchase?

  77. Anonymous7:34 PM

    3:55, you are very mistaken. People will always buy whatever is interesting. Palin is no longer interesting and will deliver only diminishing returns. Besides, she isn't political material, she's celebrity entertainment.

    GWB has been blamed (justifiably) for many things, but blaming him for poor Palin book sales is truly absurd.

  78. IRS Guy7:39 PM

    If she's making $5.00 a book profit, we'll double-check her return and make sure sh reports that figure as income on her 1040.

    Thanks for the tip !

  79. Anonymous7:42 PM

    5:32, don't be mad at Borders. They just want to unload it ASAP. it's more like one last opportunity at begging to be purchased.

  80. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Part 1

    You're seeing icebergs again. Don't forget what happened the last time you saw icebergs.

    In total so far, the two books have sold about 3 million copies. At $5 per royalty, well, you do the arithmetic.
    * * *

    All right, let's try. I'm a published author, I know the book business. Books are essentially sold on consignment. Unsold books can be returned to the distributor/publisher for credit.

    Sarah made a $1.25 million advance on Going Rogue. My guess is that was for a two-book contract (publishers always want two) as I didn't see any news on an advance for ABH. ABH was her "option" book. She has sold a total of 1.25 million books according to Bookscan which is about as accurate as you can get. Bookscan is like the WSJ stock page. It informs the booksellers of what is hot and what is not.

    For Going Rogue, the 1.25 million sold includes paperbacks which are paid at a much lower royalty rate than hardcovers.

    Standard royalties on hardcovers range from 10 to 15% of the cover price, moving up when you reach certain sales milestones. 10% for the first 200,000, 11% for the next and so on. HOWEVER, the price of the book will gradually come down the longer it's been out, so this kind of balances out.

    10% of full price on Going Rogue at an original price of 29.00 was about $2.90 per book. This is the absolute most she probably made for royalties per book. Not $5.00. While small bookstores sold it for list price, it was available early on at Walmart and Costco for $9 to $10 for hardcover. 12% of this is only $1.20. Royalty is figured on the sale price, not the list price.

  81. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Part 2
    Now, for paperbacks. Average royalty rate on a paperback is 6 to 10%, also on a sliding scale. Going Rogue is available in paperback for $10.00 list, so she makes 60 cents to $1.00 on each of those books.

    I don't know the combination of hardcover sales to paperback, but if it was about half and half, she's paid her royalty back.

    If she bought her own books, she probably ordered them from a bookstore, or several selected bookstores that report to the NYT Bestseller List (yes, that list can be rigged) and may have paid over $20.00 a copy which is a net loss of about $17.00.

    Royalties are usually held for at least a year, giving the sellers the chance to return any unsold books. Those books are then remaindered, sold by the publisher at a deep discount to third-party distributors who then sell them back to bookstores for very cheap. This saves destroying hard-cover books, like they do with unsold paperbacks (cover gets ripped off and only the cover is returned for credit, book gets trashed). When a book hits the remainder tables it is dunzo, and basically out of print. A publisher NEVER goes back to print on a book that has been remaindered.

    Authors do not get full royalties on remainders. Most don't get ANY royalites on remainders. So, when you see ABH on the big table at Barnes and Noble for $3.00 in another few months, Sarah probably doesn't get anything for those. Buy one and burn it, if you like.

    After her first book sold well, my guess is her publisher ordered a big print run for ABH. ABH didn't come close to matching the sales figures for Going Rogue, so the sell-thru percent (Books sold/Books Printed) will probably be low, which means any future books will be very judiciously ordered by distributors and booksellers. Sell-thru is everything to publishers and booksellers. Once your sell-thru takes a dive, you can pretty much be done as an author. They're only interested in authors who keep going up in sell-thru numbers. (If you've ever had a favorite author just disappear from the bookstores, it's usually bad sell-thru or death that's the cause).

    Since she's paid back her advance from the first book, anything she makes on ABH is profit. So, the short answer is for 1:50 Mr. Icebergs -- No, she hasn't made fifteen million on her books. She's maybe made two million. And bad sell-through on ABH doesn't bode well for another 1.25 million advance on the next book -- if any major publisher is interested in buying another book.

  82. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Authors do not get full royalties on remainders. Most don't get ANY royalites on remainders. So, when you see ABH on the big table at Barnes and Noble for $3.00 in another few months, Sarah probably doesn't get anything for those. Buy one and burn it, if you like.

    After her first book sold well, my guess is her publisher ordered a big print run for ABH. ABH didn't come close to matching the sales figures for Going Rogue, so the sell-thru percent (Books sold/Books Printed) will probably be low, which means any future books will be very judiciously ordered by distributors and booksellers. Sell-thru is everything to publishers and booksellers. Once your sell-thru takes a dive, you can pretty much be done as an author. They're only interested in authors who keep going up in sell-thru numbers. (If you've ever had a favorite author just disappear from the bookstores, it's usually bad sell-thru or death that's the cause).

    Since she's paid back her advance from the first book, anything she makes on ABH is profit. So, the short answer is for 1:50 Mr. Icebergs -- No, she hasn't made fifteen million on her books. She's maybe made two million. And bad sell-through on ABH doesn't bode well for another 1.25 million advance on the next book -- if any major publisher is interested in buying another book.

  83. Anonymous8:38 PM

    palin: but...but I have over 2 million facebook followers...

  84. Anonymous9:03 PM

    I was hoping that this blessed quiet from you know who is due, in some way, to the news about her administration's emails being released. I bet she thought they could be kept hidden forever.

  85. FEDUP!!!10:51 PM

    4:46pm: Oh, yes, there was one period of silence: When she had all her facelift done, just before she ventured to HonKong for an anonymous screech (her first one, I believe)

  86. FEDUP!!!11:14 PM

    To anon @ 7:51pm: Also, too, remember that when she was on her latest book tour, people had to bring in their own book, purchased at whatever book store and show the receipt, but they were NOT given back the same book - there were HUGE piles of new books next to $arah, which Toad handed her over to sign.
    Don't know what they did with the 'original' books from the 'fans', but it seems to me that somehow she made her sales look twice as big as they actually were. (Is that where her PAC expense for her books came from?)

  87. Anonymous4:24 AM

    SP probably got an advance royalty for the book. The book has to earn the advance royalty in sales before she will see any more royalty checks.

  88. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Anon@557: World-class narcissists like $arah are incapable of enjoying themselves quietly, away from the limelight. My guess is, after making dozens of statements through the media, top Republican strategist finally told her flat out to STFU (or else.) It's pretty clear that people in high places do have real dirt on her. But there could be other explanations, she could finally have hit melt-down as a consequence of her own mental health and/or her kids' continued antics. I don't think it's plastic surgery gone bad - if it were just that, her little minions would still be out in force.
    But happy holidays to you, too.

  89. Anonymous6:36 AM

    She can throw up all the left wing conspiracy crap she wants, but when she tries to implicate Joe in this, she crosses a line with me. Does anyone really believe that Joe would spend two seconds on this self destructive idiot.

    As usual, these tea bag candidates are lacking any level of self awareness.

    It is interesting to note that even Fox was challenging her. There is a pattern here. Yeah, they create these beasts and then when the real crazy is revealed, the damage to others is complete, and the candidate has committed atrocities, they cut them lose and start revealing the truth.

  90. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Isn't the use of a public library called socialism? Certainly, Sarah would not support this!

  91. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Where is Sarah?

    One might assume she has went into comatose stage, similar to what was described in Game Change when the stress, failing popularity, family missteps, and scrutiny finally stopped her. Prior to each of her other Half Baked Alaska TV shows, she would be tweeting with both blackberries blazing. She has been too quiet.

    Or they are hunkered down, strategerizing how to roll out Bristol's pregnancy! At this point, we can assume that Sarah is in hyper stage trying to lock Bristol down. The tension may be very difficult and Bristol may be ready to blow the lid off of it all.

  92. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Sarah Palin has been very quiet for the past week or so. Don't you wonder what grand scheme she will come bursting on to the world stage with for her next big media spotlight fix?

    Maybe another "reality show" with unwed, teenage girls living together in the Arizona house with Bristol?

  93. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Sorry, I posted in the wrong area. It was meant for the Christine story.

  94. Anonymous8:35 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Just spreading this around:

    Get a load of this SHIT! TLC just attacked Malia Litman, the small blog out of Texas!!
    Check it out:


    The post in question by Malia:

    TLC Supports Mis-inform­ation

    How low can SPA go? Big ol' TLC attacking a small Blog! Unbelievab­le.

    5:30 PM"

    It is gone--what did it say?

  95. Anonymous12:42 PM

    To 5:30PM
    Here it is...

  96. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Let TLC know how you feel about their Half Baked Alaska reality show starring Sarah.

  97. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I was just over at and did my civic duty and posted my negative 1 star review for "America by Ignorance." I didn't buy the book but was able to check it out from the library so my review is an honest one. There are some very insightful reviews there - go on over and take a look. And don't forget to post your own review while you are there.

  98. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Amazing how this fizzled. Looked on ebay - many signed copies for sale - several went for $19. Some signed "Limited editions" (vinyl cover?) went for over $100 - there are some diehard fans, but they're clearly a minority.

    Also note no Tweets or Facebook posts by Sarah since Christmas Eve (10 days). Odd for her to remain silent after Michael Vick/Snooki comparisons, or after Kathy Griffin (another piece of work...) said she'll target Willow in 2011 .


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