Friday, December 19, 2008

Keith Olbermann's take on "Palin palling around with drug dealers".

I know this is like my third post on this subject today, but I swear this one is REALLY funny.

So go ahead and watch it. You know you want to.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Keith and Christian are right on the money with this one. Just when you think that SP has fallen off the lower 48 map, someone or something related to her keeps bringing her back to us in some bizarre way.

    Since the election we have had numerous ridiculous interviews, revelations about her crazy behavior in the camapaign trail,a turkey massacre,financial disclosure forms for more kid travel, the church fire, and now a drug bust for Bristol's baby daddy mama. She and her family have truly earned a spot on the Jerry Springer show. Bristol would do herself a favor by getting herself and this baby far away from this psycho family.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.