Saturday, March 08, 2014

Palin's CPAC speech in its entirety. Might need a cocktail to get through this. Update!

Of course Palin is introduced by a representative of the NRA.

After that they play that Palin propaganda film that SarahPAC paid for awhile back.

After that Palin strides to the podium to thunderous applause.  (Well thunderous for CPAC anyhow.)

She carries with her a white three ring notebook, which means her ghostwritten speech must have been too long to fit on her palms this time.

By the way this thing is over thirty minutes long so if you think I am going to transcribe the whole thing, well you have another think coming.

Palin starts off mocking Obamacare, and claims that the youth who supported Obama are "suckers" because they end up paying the health care bills for the rest of us.

She also mocks MSNBC, who she derisively calls MSLSD, for predicting that the country is leaning to the left.

She makes a number of little quips about not being able to access the website, or being able to make a phone call without Michele Obama knowing.  Whatever THAT means.

She claimed that since 2012 the country had become wiser, and now knew:

"There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. There is no free birth control. There's no free phone. There's no free doctor visits. There's no free Fritos. There's no free ride. Someone pays, someone always pays. And if you don't know who that someone is, it's probably you."

Of course if you are a Palin there ARE free doctor visits, and fortunately for them SarahPAC pays for the rest.

Except the birth control, because which Palin would be caught dead using that?

"Hopefully those social engineering politicos learned something as well. Americans are not quite as obedient as they thought we were. See they set up a lot of hoops. Making us pay for insurance that we don't want, don't need. Telling us 'Ahh there's nothing to see in Benghazi, move along, move along.' Nor at the IRS. Nothing amiss. Not even a smidgeon. Making us bear the brunt of that dopey wobbling on the world stage. But we didn't jump through those hoops the way we were supposed to. It's like you all went rogue."

Red meat, get your bloody red meat here!

Nothing but Right Wing talking points as far as the eye can see.

Palin gives Ted Cruz a reach around for trying to stop Obamacare, and chastises the Republican "army" for joining with the Lamestream media in trashing Cruz and others who did not realize the battle was lost.

Palin then does the unthinkable and referring to the fact that Cruz read from Dr. Suess during his faux filibuster, claims to now read her own modified version of "Green Eggs and Ham" to poor little Trig.

"I do not like this Uncle Sam. I do not like his healthcare scam. I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when Congress stills, I do not like their crony dills. I do not like this spying man. I do not like 'Oh yes we can.' I do not like this spending spree. We're smart we know there's nothing free. I do not like reporter's smug replies when I complain about their lies. I do not like this kind of hope. And we won't take it nope, nope, nope."

And that my friends is how SarahPAC fees for speech writers is spent.

You know I would feel badly for Trig if I even for a moment believed she actually read to him.

Palin trots out most of her worn out talking points, crony capitalism, big government, liberal elites, fundamentally transforming the country, clingers and wingers, Republican establishment, the shining city on the hill, you've heard it all before.

I will say that Palin is more polished then she has been in recent appearances but her word salad is just as thoroughly tossed as usual.

At one point the crowd starts chanting "Run Sarah, Run." Which I assume is what you get when your reality television show ponies up $9,000 to help pay for the event.

Her response, "I should. I did not get to run this morning. I was so busy man."

And that was just about all I could take.

I need to reread my contract because NOBODY should have to sit through two sessions of Sarah Palin's batshit crazy word salad in one day.

If she said anything else of interest, and you manage to last long enough to hear it, just leave it in the comments sections for us to mock.

I think I need a drink.

Update: Here is what Media Matters took away:

Palin mocked Obama for projecting weakness on the world stage in the midst of the crisis in Ukraine, taking a page out of the NRA book to tell him, “The only good thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke!” And she also turned the tables of the War on Women back on the Democrats, saying that “liberals seem to think that the women of America are just cheap dates” who they can condescend to on women’s issues.” 

She rallied feminists in the GOP to stand up and be heard, because “donkeys just bray, only mama grizzlies can say, ‘Hear me roar!’”

Yep, I figured the speech would just keep getting dumber.

Update 2: From Politico:  

Palin also devoted a section of her speech to women in the audience, urging them to resist Democratic entreaties after a year filled with partisan fights over Obamacare’s women’s health care provisions and calls by some in the GOP to retool the party’s message to women. 

“Women, don’t let them use you unless you choose to be their political pawn or just their piece of accessory on their arm,” Palin said. “Honey, that’s not liberation. That’s subjugation, and this sisterhood fights against that.” 

She spoke shortly after the announcement that Paul had won CPAC’s presidential straw poll. Palin took 2 percent of the votes, tied with figures such as Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, after she flirted with a run in 2011. 

Well so much for being the darling of the conservative right.

Update 3: Hey guess who plagiarized that Dr. Suess bit.


  1. She was scheduled to speak only 14 minutes, from 6:03 to 6:17 PM. Her introduction by Chris Cox was 3 minutes late, and she didn't walk off the state until 6:40.

    In other words, she did like she always does, ignores guidelines, rules, regulations, and anything else most people pay attention to not step on other people's toes.

    I can see why they scheduled her last. They must have expected her to do whatever the hell she wanted to.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM


    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      She plagiarized the speech!
      via annette

    3. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Well, there's a surprise, 5:16 PM.......

    4. You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Regardless of what you think of Palin, you are Americans. You ought to be just fine with wanting a constitutional government. What is wrong with that? That is what Palin wants...nothing more or nothing less.

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Can't listen to one word of the screech,I've heard it all before and it's all the same bullshit.Fucking idiot.

    1. Really? You have a problem with wanting a constitutional government that values freedom and personal liberty?

  3. Anonymous4:40 PM

    She was so annoying, her voice, her gloating and sing-song voice. She was even referred to as sounding like Tina Fey by a Fox reporter.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      As I watched, I was thinking if someone played SP's 2008 speech (one of them) next to this speech, this one would seem like a Tim Fey satire.

  4. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I just have to point out that Dr Suess was a liberal, just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Big time!

    2. Anonymous6:34 PM

      So true, he would have made sure her lawyer was kept busy after that performance.

  5. And the US media showed every last word - yet they ignore the President when he speaks reality.

    Only thing worse than the GOP is the US media

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM


      I knew things were going to suck for Obama when I saw, at the gym, that the news was playing Rush Limbaugh's CPAC speech IN FULL in 2009.

  6. Anonymous4:47 PM

    She seems to have developed some tics, watch her mouth. An obvious sign of either psychiatric drugs or illegal drugs or both.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      It was like watching an entirely different person from the one who appeared on Sean Hannity's show. During that interview she was almost comatose but tonight she was super animated. How does she do that?

    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      She was performing today... "She's a great actress, give her some lines".

    3. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Drugs, 5:01 PM. Think Elvis, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston.....

    4. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Red Bull and drugs

    5. Anonymous5:42 PM

      @5:07 You nailed it. There are more demands on Palin now than before. There is pressure to keep the money coming into her PAC. She needs speaking engagements. She needs people to watch her TV show. She needs donation donations donations. Nobody in her family works, and her donations are going down each filing period, not up. The PAC spends more than it takes in. The facial tics, the uncontrolled voice, losing weight, the bad wig and too much make up. I was thinking Judy Garland, or any star who feels the pressure of having to top their last performance.

    6. Anonymous5:57 PM

      . . . all of the above, plus bipolar.

    7. Anonymous6:34 PM

      So weird her kids don’t seem in any way motivated.

    8. Anonymous8:34 AM

      No Palin kids motivated?
      Hey, do you think it's easy for Bristol to go out night after night looking for someone to F her when she is hungover? You get drunk as a skunk 5 nights in a row and see if you want to continue to do so.

  7. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Thank God She Lost: Bitter Sarah Palin Calls for the Nuking of Russia ASAP

    "Though she gave a rousing rendition of a rage-filled Green Eggs and Ham riff, proving that she is still the Queen of mean girl spite, Palin predictably tripped over reality when she was instructing President Obama on foreign policy. “Mr. President,” she spat, “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke.”.......

    If you can’t/won’t listen, add a screech and a lot of bitterness into all of the quotes, for which she utilized a teleprompter, and just imagine you’re back in middle school and she’s the really angry girl who used to be popular but no one talks to her anymore. This is her “I don’t care! I really don’t care!” speech, given to the girl now dating her ex, the quarterback. "

  8. Anonymous4:52 PM

    G said-- I will say that Palin is more polished then she has been in recent appearances but her word salad is just as thoroughly tossed as usual.

    Oh I beg to disagree there Gryphen. She was NOT polished. She presented like a bad stand up comic that is embarrassing to watch. I agree she sounded somewhat sober, but polished? Hell no!

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      She wasn't as drugged as she appeared on Hannity's show. But, Sarah is not a polished speaker. She's a joke, a comedy routine, an insult comedian throwing out one-liners and zingers. There was no coherent thread to her speech other than her underlying hate. It's all that she has going for her.

    2. Anonymous5:47 PM

      A female Don Rickles

    3. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Sarah's biggest fan over at the Pee Pond weighs in with this review of her performance:-

      Part I

      BrianusBerkleianus • an hour ago
      My Dear Friends in Sarah,

      Good Evening!

      How does one try to post remarks on a speech that was perfection, IMHO!!??

      Still, here are a few highlights from and reflections on a great oration that flowed straight from the HEART OF AMERICA, namely, Sarah Palin of Alaska!!

      God bless!!

      Sarah Invicta Semper!!


      THE CPAC SPEECH 2014

      A general observation: This speech came straight and true from a heart that is ON FIRE with love for America and for Americans.

      If she can deliver a speech remotely like this one to a GENERAL AUDIENCE of the American People, she will top her hero, Ronald Reagan, and sweep all FIFTY (not fifty-seven, "mr. president") States.

      A few specifics from a veritable FEAST of PATRIOTIC and ORATORICAL POWER:

      She hurls obama's "yes we can" right back in his teeth:

      NO YOU CAN'T: Log on to the obamacare website, keep your health-care plan, etc..

      And, re the NSA spying: Watch out--Is this the THIRD time you have called Pizza Hut this week??!!

      She cites Milton Friedman, Reagan, Thatcher: There's no free lunch.

      And there are no free: Phones, doctor visits … FRITOS ("FREE-TOS :-)

      She mocks obama's not even a "smidgen" remark re the abuse of the IRS.

      We didn't jump as they thought we would- YA ALL WENT ROGUE—she thanks TEXAS—Liberty needs a Congress on CRUZ CONTROL! The
      Awakening has begun. She praises the Cruz filibuster. It is time to use the TOOLS OF THE CONSTITUTION.

      Then, in what was a moment as brilliant, IMV, as her BIG GULP moment from last year, she brings out ...

      DR. SEUSS, and praises Senator Cruz for reading "Green Eggs and Ham" on the Senate floor during his filibuster.

      She jokes re memorizing the TRIG version of Seuss:

      I do not like this Uncle Sam;
      With his health-care scam.

      I don't like these dirty crooks;
      Who lie and cook the books.

      I don't like his smug replies;
      When I complain about their lies.

      I do not like this spying man;
      "Oh yes we can."

      I don't like this king of hope;
      We won't take it, nope, nope, nope (I am not sure I got all the
      words right, but that is the spirit of it!!)

      What is so brilliant about this Seuss moment, IMHO, is this: She links ONE GENERATION (Cruz) to ANOTHER, her youngest son, Trig Paxson Van Palin—The Torch Will Be Passed!!

      These moments were pure GENIUS for a Lady who is as brave and
      BRILLIANT as the Establishment has tried to portray her as dumb and stupid... (cont'd)

    4. Anonymous7:31 PM


      Sarah's heart needs to be "on fire" for her children, who are all dropouts.

    5. Cracklin Charlie7:40 PM

      He cannot be real.

    6. I've said this time and time again to this PeePond gas fart..." if you are unable to capitalize the name of the President of the United States, but are able to capitilize Pizza Hut etc. than you obviously don't have a place a the grown up table."

    7. Anonymous5:10 AM

      Sounds as though the same speech writer wrote the glowing review on her blog!! surely nobody is THAT dumb as to believe she was a hit.

    8. Hey what happened to the fire in her belly?

      OMG 6:11 there is so much shit in that letter I don't know where to begin. But this made me lol, rotf and smh hahahaha hooking one generation to another generation thru Dr. Seuss. HAHAHAHAHA Are these retards for real? trig is environmentally, physically and mentally challenged. Jesus Christ!

      The insufferable witch didn't give the "little guy" much hopey to be born...No prenatal care,No diet,No love.she purposely passed thru 4 x-ray machines,took flights leaking at 8 months.she skipped equipped hospitals and doctors to give birth, an hour away-in snow- to a knowingly challenged infant using an unqualified doctor and unequipped clinic.

      Whats true, is that the kids cooked for themselves and I bet they ate plenty of green ham and slime.

  9. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Sarah Palin, plagiarist:

  10. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Expectations were high. She bombed. The mama grizzly thing was over years ago- it's obviously all she has.

  11. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Nice to see Fox get screwed by a drugged up sleepy Palin when she (or her handlers) clearly know how to get the dosages right as is seen in Palin's CPAC appearance. I bet Hannity is really tee'd off. He was played for a fool and he must know it now. I bet O'Reilly is laughing his head off at that Hannity was stupid enough to take that drugged up mess on his show.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Hannity deserves the very worst (thy name is "Palin") that is coming to him.

  12. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Run Sarah Run
    The country needs Sarah in the White House
    Impeach Obama, the Kenyan Muslim Marxist
    Repeal Obamacare
    Send Hussein and Moochelle back home to Kenya
    Take back our country
    Stand your ground

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Always the bridesmaid, never the bride!

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Broken record at 5:07 PM. Time to toss it aside.
      M from MD

    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      @5:07 What ever happened to using big words like manipulation and slander and libel and vibrantly?

    4. Here's Laughing at You, Kid5:53 PM

      5:07 - the numbskull who can't punctuate as well as a third grader. Hahaha. He sure loves this site, though.

      Hey, low info voter. Do you know how long it would take to get impeachment going, even if an impeachable offense were to be found (none exists!!!)? President Obama would be out of office before the GOP could call roll. Like you, they have NO idea how gov't works. Bwahahaha. But keep writing your tripe. It always makes me laugh that Sarah's fans "think" at the second grade level. She proved tonight that perhaps it's lower than that. Could you follow her Green Eggs and Ham? Bwahahaha.

    5. Anonymous7:56 PM

      @5:07 p.m.

      Run, Hillary, Run!
      The country needs Barack, or Hillary in the White House!
      President Obama, please send a very powerful missile to the white trash, anti-American, secessionist, fascist $arah Palin's house in Wasilla, Alaska!
      Send the lazy, unemployed grifters, the Toad, $$$arah, and their ignorant offspring back to Europe, and make them take their diseases with them!
      Take Back our country!
      Somebody might "stand their ground" against $arah Palin, if she doesn't shut the fuck up!

    6. Anonymous8:00 PM

      5:07 p.m.,

      LOL! Your delusional fantasy will never happen! Michelle Obama has CLASS, and $arah Palin is TRASH! $arah Palin is never going to be president, EVER! The Palins are moochers! Nobody in that family works! All they do is live off of handouts, from cousin-humping mouth-breathers, like you!

      Now, pick up the gun, and put it in your mouth...

    7. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Just remember- removing Barack Obama from office means President Joe Biden :)

      (Somehow, I think they all forget this- it's like they think they can pick someone to replace Obama if they get him removed. Sorry, dumb-dumbs. Doesn't work that way. There's a little thing called the Constitution of the United States of America that specifies order of succession)

    8. Anonymous10:37 PM

      Also, it's 2014. The next term starts in 2017, Jan. There is no way the GOP will get ANYTHING done under Boehner in that time period. Case in point: Issa. Wasting $$. Finds nothing. Lies. Wastes more tax payer $$. Hope he loses this year.

  13. Anonymous5:10 PM

    from Raw Story discussion thread:

    searambler • 22 minutes ago

    She really is a useless twit,
    She really does have brains of shit,
    She quit the job she was elected to,
    'Cuz as I said, her brains are poo.
    Her fifteen minutes must be done,
    Too bad she won't become a nun,
    But that requires morality,
    And she only fakes THAT, for a fee...

    (Apologies to Dr. Seuss.)

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM


    2. Anonymous5:14 AM

      Thanks for the link. I hope TBogg takes on the speech in a separate article. He's a treasure, right along with Charlie Pierce.

  14. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Fact Check

    Palin's characterization of the Dr. Suess parody--that she "saw a couple of lines on the internet and winged the other ones"-- doesn't hold up.

    Here's the poem with Sarah's (or are the Nancy's) very minor changes in brackets.

    I do not like this Uncle Sam
    I do not like this healthcare scam
    I do not like these dirty crooks
    or how they lie and cook the books
    I do not like when Congress steals
    I do not like their secret [crony] deals
    I do not like ex-Speaker, Nan [this spyin’ man]
    I do not like this [oh] “YES, WE CAN”
    I do not like this spending spree
    I’m [we’re] smart, I [we] know that nothing’s free
    I do not like your [reporters’] smug replies
    when we [I] complain about your [their] lies
    I do not like this kind of hope
    I do not like it [and we won’t take it], Nope, Nope, Nope!

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Its still plagiarism! A bot tried to tell me "She got it off the web" so? She is a plagiarist! Not the first time remember when she did Newt's speech?

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      So says the dope.

      Seriously, it's obvious that Palin wrote this kindergarten gibberish herself.
      No speechwriter would proudly claim this moronic nonsense.
      I think the IRS is too gun shy to investigate the flagrant and obvious abuses of SarahPAC.
      Too bad, because it begs for an investigation.

    3. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Why investigate SarahPac, it will be broke in 4 yrs any way.

  15. abbafan5:18 PM

    When will we see (not hear) the last of this dim bulb fuckin' retard?? Fuckin' half-baked traitorous Arizonan bitch! (Notice I never insulted Alaska?)

  16. Anonymous5:19 PM

    NPR reported CPAC today would include conservative "all stars" Newt and Sarah Palin. This is brilliant if you're a Democrat. Sarah is the most polarizing weapon in the Democrat arsenal. It feeds the egos of the biggest dumbasses on the hard right, and it herds level headed voters to the left.

    The last time Sarah spoke to a near empty room at CPAC. This time she spoke to a fabricated crowd. NRA swag and free food and drinks were the draw.

    Keep the moron in the news, maintain the illusion she is the conservative female flagship, and continue to hold her up as the ideal conservative woman.

    Let them shrink their pump tent.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Can't shrink a pup tent if Bristol's still in it sucking the wine coolers. Right,.mommie dearest?

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      That's why it's a "pump" tent.

  17. Anonymous5:24 PM

    In the five minutes I watched with the sound off she made sooo many mean ugly snarly faces. The rabid far right's sweetheart. How fitting.

    1. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Totally agree with you about Palin's mean faces, Anonymous 5:24. I was channel surfing about 11:30 PM and came across C-SPAN. There was Palin in all her glory. I muted the sound as I cannot stand her shrill, cutesy and hateful tones of voice. Palin sure exaggerates her facial expressions.

      I noticed Palin has placed a "wedding ring" on her left hand. She is obviously afraid to create any questions from CPAC attendees regarding the lack of same. Wonder if the ring will be gone by the time she retires tonight?

      I have also wondered how Palin, over several days time, goes from nearly dozing off during an interview and looking really drugged, to doing her old comedy routine. Something is getting her "up" for the occasion...wonder who supplies the magic.

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      8:56 Joey Junker is Sarah's supplier now.

  18. Anonymous5:27 PM

    We own her. One commenter here once referred to teenage pregnancy in Wasilla as a bunch of teens treating their pregnancies/babies as “accessories” and she now has used this twice in her blabber. She reads IM and some of our comments get under her or Becky’s skin.

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Still got that pic of IM on her smartphone, Gryph?
      One of your best! HAHAHAHAHA

  19. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I will say that Palin is more polished then she has been in recent appearances but her word salad is just as thoroughly tossed as usual.

    I hate to disagree with you, but that wasn't a polished performance. Palin's face was a rubber clown face, making all kinds of strange grimaces and smirks in response to her one-liners. That was not a speech. It was a comedy routine filled with zingers, red meat and insults. Don Rickles has a better delivery that than. Sarah had a sing-song voice, trotting out the golden oldies, the red meat talking points that her fans have heard before. That was not a polished speech. It was a string of jokes, a stand up routine, a comedy show and Sarah is the biggest joke. She read Dr. Seuss and repeated insults because that's the level of intelligence of both speaker and audience. That's why she only got 2% of the vote in the straw poll. She's entertainment. She did not open the show. The big boys did. I will agree that she was more polished than when she appeared dazed and drugged on Hannity's show. But, that is all that Sarah can ever be, the poor man's comedian with broken down jokes. Her most polished and practiced speech was the one that she delivered at the 2008 Republican Convention. Even then, we recognized her as the mean girl from high school, and she has gone down hill since then. She needs new writers, a voice coach and a new wig. Oh, Hell, she's doing just fine. Her only job is to keep donations flowing into her PAC. Those who are dumb enough to donate to her in hopes of her running are the only ones who thought that was a good speech.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      The whole speech just simmered with pent-up resentment.

    2. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Since Maryline Blackburn, 5:49 PM!

    3. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Every convention ends with a clown or a comedian. They got both for the price of one. Now go and have some more coke and a smile Bitch, and STFU.

    4. Anonymous7:17 PM

      The clown show. Leave them laughing. Good idea.

  20. Anonymous5:34 PM

    A close-up. She is not aging well. Note how they caption the pic!

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      5:34 yikes look how sunken her eyes are!! can't fix that with the plastic surgery paid for by sarah pac can you skank? you and sally and chuck could be siblings you all look so much really look like your parents now that you are old.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

      She needs that abscess drained. (On the cheeks above the lips.... the lump from the first campaign has resurfaced and moved forward)

    3. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Not only that, but what are those god awful lumps in her neck?

    4. Anonymous6:52 PM

      I noticed the lumps around her mouth and along her jaw. Would plastic surgery have that effect?

    5. You saw the other one, didn't you? Ghastly.

    6. Anonymous6:56 PM

      I first noticed her lump problem on Greta's show. It's why she doesn't like to face in profile on that side.

    7. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Botox injection sites? Maybe collagen too. Her body is finally having a reaction against all of those chemicals being injected in there or the doctor is getting older and he's not doing such a good job, what with Bristol away in Arizona studying skin care. He needs his Medical Assistant.

    8. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Looking at the close ups of that God awful wig I just keep expecting lice to crawl out of that nasty, dirty thing.

    9. Anonymous10:43 PM

      skin covered skull - i'll bet the crosseyed skank meets her demise within the year

    10. Anonymous11:46 PM

      She is also wearing JEANS with that fancy top! lol

    11. Anonymous3:15 AM

      @KaJo 6:53

      Wow. That picture is a glimpse of the real Sarah.
      Gryphen, you really need this one.

    12. Anonymous3:43 AM

      The lumps are from filler to get rid of her lines and wrinkles. She recently had some refirm laser work on her neck and face, too. You can get cold sores as a side effect.

    13. Anonymous11:35 AM

      cold sores = herpes ... crosseyed skank's been around ...

  21. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Was she fucking drunk during that bullshit speech. And why the hell was she mentioning michelle obama? It's very clear that sarah palin has a love/hate obsession with president obama. Thank god the secret service has our hardworking president's back.

    1. Anonymous10:46 PM

      It's also very clear that she'd lynch every person of colour in order to avenge her loss in 2008 if she had the chance.

  22. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I don't understand Sarah Palin. Somebody needs to tell Sarah that President Obama is in his second term and is not running in 2016 and she needs to get over it.

    Sarah: "Obama this Obama that"

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      She will never get over it. Sarah Palin has turned her hatred into her profession. She IS a professional hater.

    2. Anita Winecooler4:26 PM

      Hey, how about some respect for the office? Bordello Madame and pole dancer Sarah Heath Palin.

  23. Anonymous5:39 PM

    fuck her. fuck her over good and then fuck her again. she is the meanest and nastiest piece of work that has been thrust upon this country ever. she will go down in history as an ignorant asshole.
    she not only throws red meat for applause but she makes it personal...........the line about john kerry and the "long face"...........fuck her and her skanky ass drugged up idiot blather. she mentions hot yoga as a cover for her skeletor body that is being eaten up from drug use. she had a binder and a teleprompter and still couldn't stay on script.

    fuck her. her time is soon up. hilary will win in 2016 and what is skank going to say then? fuck with hilary you asshole and you are so toasted. she will not hold back.
    hilary 2016!!! put that skank in jail hilary!

    oh and this too............FUCK SARAH FUCKING LYING DRUG ADDICTED PALIN. she only throws red meat and personal attacks because she is an idiot and can only memorize lines. oh well and also too, she can snort lines.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      I can’t wait until she goes after Hillary. Hillary is miles ahead of Sarah’s lame game. Hillary is an accomplished woman.

      Sarah is a tool. And, this new feminist meme? I look at her daughters and there is no way a feminist raised those idiots.

    2. Anonymous10:43 PM

      6:31 PM Idiots is too nice a term for those unemployed Baby Makers, Bristol and Willow.

  24. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Hey, $arah? Think President Obama was watching you?
    Nope! Dummy on, girlfriend.....

  25. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Wow. The tone of voice she uses when she talks about Trig - "lucky little fella" - is so incredibly weird. It is totally not the kind of tone any mother would use when referring to her own child.

    It's the tone of voice an exasperated baby sitter would use, just before shoving the kid's face in a bowl of oatmeal, or the tone an actor would use for a kid actor who upstaged him, or the tone a politician would use for a baby who cried when he tried to kiss him.

    Never in a million years would a mother use that tone of voice, that affect, that mocking fakety fakeness to refer to her own child.

    That creeped me out more than anything else.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

      Same here. You could tell it meant zero in the grand scheme of things other than the excuse to read a plagiarized satire of dr seuss.

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Me too. She just doesn’t get motherhood. Poor Trig, I feel for him. She is just creepy. And remember, the proof is in the pudding. Her three eldest are derelict at best.


    3. What amazes me is that her fans and audience like the ones that heard her at CPAC don't hear the creepiness and hate in her voice. It's like they're not even the same species as we are.

    4. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Right on the nose folks. It's is disturbing.

    5. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Super comment.

      Totally agree. That was creepy. It just gave me chills hearing her talk that way about her child. No mother could use that glib tone unless they were totally void of feelings.

    6. Anonymous7:27 PM

      I watched some of the speech and thought she sounded very nasty and vindictive. She also rose and lowered her voice continually and just had a plain out nastiness about her - w/the looks too! However, the CPAC enjoyed her and gave her standing ovations a number of times - she loved it!!!

    7. Anonymous5:39 AM

      She HATES that kid. He represents her failures!! As a mother - her 15 year old daughter got knocked up. Said 15 year old screwed moms political career So, she fakes birthing a Tri-G because it would make her the VP. Maybe. Except SHE LOST. She is stuck with the retarded kid, well financially, anyway. She doesn't care for him any other way.

  26. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Is Palin's usefulness as a fundraising tool for the Democratic Party really sufficient reason to allow her to continue polluting our political discourse?

    Is there no one willing to rise above petty political expediency and put an end to her vicious and divisive political career?

  27. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Dear Sara.h,

    It's 2013 dear. 2008 is long past but you choose to revisit it whenever you can. You lost.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      It's 2014.

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Again and again and again!

    3. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Actually, it's 2014.

      Palin lives in an alternate universe and we're all tired of her. Barack has been President since the 2008 election - get over it Wasilly Hillbilly!

    4. Anonymous7:11 PM

      I hate to admit it, but she looked better in 2008 when the Republican$$$$ were dressing her, doing her makeup and hair, writing her speeches and rehearsing her. Maybe she couldn't take direction well, and she wanted to "go rogue" and do her own thing, but she looked better when they prepared her. Now, Palin s making her own style and speech decisions and it shows. She is worse that ever, sinking from high school to middle school, becoming even more juvenile, looking less attractive, she is turning into a parody of herself.

    5. Anita Winecooler4:19 PM

      You have an excellent point. The 2008 McCain staff are owed a debt of gratitude from Sarah, because they proved the old adage "You can't polish a turd" to be wrong. After that, it's been downhill to what we see today.

  28. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I wonder if old Johnny Boy got a gander at his goose who lays the golden eggs.

    She sure took direct aim at him as one of those beltway Republicans, the GOP Establishment, those who go along....

    yep, She did turn on you, Johnny Boy. She sure did.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      She turned on him mid campaign '08.
      Little chihuahua.

  29. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Evidently 98% of CPAC straw poll voters understand Sarah Palin is a circus side show and will never run for POTUS. She garners a whopping 2% vote. Bitch Sarah Bitch

  30. Anita Winecooler6:12 PM

    I don't know how she managed on her own, but she got the third nail in her own vertical/horizontal plank AND she managed to put gun sites on her own chances of being asked to run.

    She stole that speech, she copied Cruz's reading and we all know the ONLY Dr Seuss she ever reads is "Hop on Pop".

    Does the GOP ever read books aimed at adults? Hopefully factual ones? I think it's pretty safe to say the women's vote, the hispanic and black votes, the LGBT and the "normal folks" vote are out of the GOP'S outreach plans.

    Go back to the Palin Cave and clean up Brancy's mess. She's put a little TMI out there. A photo including Trig and Tripp was titled "My Babes".

  31. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "Mr. President, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke."

    God done good letting the right one win in 2008, whew!!

  32. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Part II

    She ridicules the barack obama/hillary benghazi "reset" button with Russia: Some Lefties want America to just hit the snooze button; Go back to sleep, little lambs!

    Peace Through Strength only comes through our US MILITARY!

    Then, when the crowd starts to chant …

    RUN, SARAH, RUN, she,with perfect self-deprecating humor, says that she couldn't get in a RUN that morning … though she did do YOGA!!!!!

    re obama versus Putin, she marvelously turns the "president's" phone and pen remarks back on him:

    obama's threats to Putin are: I can dial (the phone ) real fast, and poke you with my pen!!

    re obama's claim that he had Al-Qaeda on the run—she mocks, Yes, maybe TOWARDS us!!

    Then, in a shout-out to Second-Amendment rights, in an extended sense:


    This BRILLIANTLY, IMV, extends NATIONAL principles (guns—the 2nd Amendment) to the INTERNATIONAL level!

    Re obama's supposed healing of the planet--the planet is not listening to dr. obama. This is so scintillating because, in one sentence, she combines justified ridicule both of obama's "messiah" claims and of his "health-care" plan!!

    Re obama's keeping the tides from rising; The only thing that is rising is the Russian Empire. Again, re Putin and Ukraine: Who could have seen that coming??"—with hilarious reference to her own SPOT-ON prophecy in 2008!!

    She challenges the GOP Beltway Boys to remember that, re 2010: YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT; THE TEA PARTY DID!!

    re harry reid: Hopefully, after 2014, he will either be MINORITY leader … or a black-jack dealer in Vegas!!!

    She censures the "perpetual-panties-in-a-wad" people--the people on the Left who are PROFESSIONALS AT TAKING OFFENSE!!

    Re Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty: This time people rose up: HIS FIGHT WAS OUR FIGHT, AND WE PUSHED BACK AND WON!!!

    "BULL" she says, it's DEMOCRATIC leaders who are demeaning to women--Liberals seem to think that women are CHEAP DATES!! She censures the Left's views of women: Honey, that's not liberation, that's subjugation, and THIS SISTERHOOD (i.e., Conservative Women) fights against Libs. Can you really say "I am Woman"??--DONKEYS bray; only Mama Grizzlies can ROAR these words!!!


    The Age of obama is almost over—The end of an … ERROR!!!!--He is the lamest of lame ducks.

    She extends Shakespeare's Band of Brothers to a Band of Brothers and Sisters for today!!

    She concludes: The Best Is Yet To Come. Guys this is just a feeble attempt to summarize a few points from a nation- and even world-shaking speech! God bless!

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      OMG! I think you're serious.

      I'd knock down the points one-by-one if I thought you could come down from your emotionally manipulated delirium enough to digest reality.

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      World shaking? Fracking does better.

    3. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Dude, she's pandering for cash and nothing more! She's not running for anything and get over it!

    4. Anonymous8:34 PM

      When George W. Bush got a memo saying that Osama Bin Laden was poised to strike in America, he pressed the snooze button, and went back to sleep! Then one month later, BAM! 9/11 happened, and 3,000 people died because of him! The Righties want us to forget about THAT! The Right can keep on beating the Benghazi dead-horse. It doesn't work on anybody, except their paint-chip eating base! You got NOTHING!

      I'm going to ridicule $arah Palin's "2008 reset button!" $arah Palin's "2008 reset button" has been STUCK for 6 years, and that "2008 reset button" is going to be stuck for the rest of her pathetic life!

      $arah Palin is a fucking retard, and she will NEVER be president! She will NEVER beat President Obama! You people need to GET OVER IT! Suck it, BITCHES!

    5. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Glenn Rice gave Sarah Palin a 'world shaking' Fuck.

    6. Anonymous10:41 PM

      6:13 PM Your part ll is constantly posting your JUVENILE Rants all over the internet. Sarah Palin Sucks, just ask GLENN RICE. Sarah misses that good feeling so bad that she obsesses over President Obama. Sarah is a Skank and will always be one.

    7. Anonymous4:18 AM

      Anonymous6:44 PM

      For some reason Part II @ 6:13 didn't post beneath Part I @ 6:11. This is just a continuation of a delusional review from BrianusBerkleianus who resides at the Pee Pond.

    8. Anonymous5:33 AM

      6:13 You sound as though YOU wrote that crappy speech, and are trying to make us see how brilliant YOU are. No way did $carah write asny of that, except maybe the "cheap date" part. Her family is well known as "cheap dates" Get them either drunk, or fed with fast food, and anything goes.

    9. 6:13 we Brianus mockers recognized it immediately, so I'm grateful you posted it. No one writes as poorly for such length as Brianus, :-)

    10. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Is this a catalog of how lame she was? It's a pretty comprehensive list.

  33. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Such a intellectual lightweight. Offers no facts or solutions, just preteen barbs and bile. The brain dead eat that shit up, and send this fool their money

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      See example above at 6:13.

  34. Anonymous6:46 PM

    What a performance!' I wondered what her gimmick would be - a plaigerized take on Greem Eggs and Ham.

  35. Anonymous6:50 PM

    The woman who didn't even understand the economics of Alaska's dairy industry is somehow given a state to denigrate the President and Secretary of State while they're engaged in diplomatic efforts to avoid international catastrophe.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Anonymous7:00 PM

    My favorite part was how the paid "supporters" near the stage all held up cameras and cell phones to take Sarah's picture when she walked on stage. I am so convinced Sarah is a star with adoring fans now!

    Sarah gets me so riled up and angry! I hate her! Make it stop! You wish, Sarah.

    Meantime, LMFAO!

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      My favorite pat was that Sarah had to have her new reality show on some obscure channel that no one can find PAY CPAC to allow her to speak. You know a whore is done when they do the paying.

  38. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Where were the Belmonts today? TSA tell her she couldn't bring liquids in that form on flights?

    1. Anonymous10:34 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, Old Saggy chested Sarah Palin forgot to INFLATE her Belmonts. She probably uses the same Bicycle Pump that she used for her Fake Tri-g Pregnancy.

  39. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Hey Gryphen, could you delete my post with the Esquire link, I meant to post anonymous. Thanks!

  40. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Her glasses can't mask her wonky eye anymore.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      He eye was find before her night with Glen Rice. When he was done she became cockeyed.

  41. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "She drives liberals absolutely crazy."

    That is true.

    Crazy with laughter.

    Although I do stop laughing when I think of Sarah's children, who are all dropouts.

  42. Anonymous7:32 PM

    ... just her usual salad of hate, lies, and snark served with a dressing of bile.

  43. Cracklin Charlie7:34 PM

    Pimp's old lady said WHAT about women?

    Bitch, please.

  44. Anonymous7:37 PM

    There are no real "feminists" in the republican party. Palin needs to stop playing the fake feminist/gender card.

    At least President Obama has never made America a laughing stock, unlike $arah Palin. $arah Palin is an international punchline! $arah Palin is sooo jealous of Michelle Obama! Palin's obsession with President Obama is weird, but her obsession with Michelle Obama is even more disturbing. It's hard to understand it. $arah Palin is one crazy bitch!

    $arah Palin likes to run her mouth, as if she has been vindicated of something. That skank hasn't been vindicated of anything! The truth is, nothing has changed. If President Obama ran against Palin even today, he would still kick her ass, President Obama is still more popular than Palin is (and can still draw a bigger crowd than her) and the majority of Americans (and, the world) still think $arah Palin is a dumb-ass, and wants her the go away, sit down, shut the fuck up!

    The country IS moving to the Left. If it weren't, we wouldn't have a black president, states wouldn't be legalizing gay marriage, the courts wouldn't be striking down gay marriage bans, and I know this will piss some people off, but Hillary Clinton (a woman) wouldn't be a top contender for the democratic party's presidential nomination in 2016. If the country wasn't moving to the Left, Hillary Clinton wouldn't have even come close to winning the nomination in 2008. Polls say the majority of the country think conservatives are out of the mainstream, and that most people agree with democrats on most issues.

    Conservatives aren't winning elections because the country is moving to the Right, conservatives are winning elections because democrats don't vote, and because of stupid, and fickle so-called "independents" who go back, and forth.

    And, because too many Americans are just dumb, and the dumb ones vote GOPig!

    If President Obama is so "weak" then why is most of the world (Britain, France, Germany, etc.) agreeing with him on Russia? If President Obama looked "weak" to the rest of world, they wouldn't be taking his phone calls, or calling him up, to talk about the situation in the Ukraine. Palin is a dumb bitch! Toad Palin is WEAK! The Toad's high-pitched voice makes me laugh, and I have NEVER seen President Obama carry Michelle Obama's purse. But, I have seen those sad pictures of The Toad carrying $arah Palin's purse! Hahahahaha!

    Palins proves once again that she knows nothing about foreign policy. Palin is sooo sure there is going to be an all out war in the Ukraine. There is a 95% chance that this won't happen, and this too, shall pass. If it does happen, it will be a disaster for Vladimir Putin/Russia, not President Obama. Vladimir Putin knows war with the Ukraine would be bad for Russia. That's probably why he is taking his own sweet time declaring all out war. Here's a question for conservatives: If Vladimir Putin doesn't go to war with the Ukraine, does that mean Vladimir Putin is "weak?"

    Also, is 99% fixed, and millions of people are signing-up in droves. If the website were still broken, the media would still be talking about it. 'Obamacare' is here to stay, bitch! I can't say the same for $arah Palin!

    P.S., Palin should ask Osama Bin Laden how "weak" President Obama is!

  45. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Mrs. Geisel should sue her ass off. The cuban from canada was bad enough, this is too much.

  46. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Mr. Charles P. Pierce's review is a must-read. Here are some snippets:

    "It was as singularly embarrassing a public address as any allegedly sentient primate ever has delivered. It was a disgrace to politics, to rhetoric, to the English language, and to seventh-grade slam books everywhere."

    "This ambulatory bag of rank resentment pulled out all the tricks."

    "The sneering, wheedling playground taunting.....and a full panoply of funny voices that are the trademark of dipshit comics in every two-drink minimum club in America."

    "She is the living representation of the infantilization of American politics, a poisonous Grimm Sister telling toxic fairy tales to audiences drunk on fear, and hate and nonsense."

    "It was the address of a malignant child delivered to an audience of malignant children. If you applauded, you're an idiot and I feel sorry for you."

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Simpler translation: Palin is the bitter cuntish 13 year-old she always was, and always will be.

    2. Anonymous10:23 PM

      most all perpetuated from her inbred con artist dad chuck_tard sr along with older inbred brother chuck_tard jr's perverted molesting when she was a child - with all the while mother sally looking the other way

    3. Anonymous4:54 AM

      Many thanks for this.......made my day....

    4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:20 AM

      Can't wait for Charlie to review this on Stephanie Miller; I always love to hear him riff on his columns. Brilliant as usual! Of course Swifferella was designed and packaged to appeal to the lowest of the low. IMO, 80 percent of the posters at the Sea of Insanity are paid to praise her and bring in the bucks, so that's why they deflect from the obvious drug use and wonder if she's "sick", pick out nonexistent clues and declare she'll "run", etc. If these maroons weren't compensated, could you imagine their wives putting up with their constant Palin obsession? (I'm looking at you, VAman). No rational human would accept this verbal vomit from any so-called adult--could you imagine if a Progressive carried on like this? I'm sure we'll see a Sarah Palin Theater somewhere in Vegas or Branson in a few years, where a drugged-out Miss Thing can spout her lame jokes, bash Presidents Obama and Hillary, steal routines--hell, even sing and dance--then pass out on stage. The audience would be jammed with Jazzies, Hoverounds and full time nurses to tend to her older-than-dirt fans who are still living in the 1850s. This would be downright depressing if it wasn't so freaking hysterical!

    5. Anonymous7:21 AM

      That speech Hillary gave when she was vying for the democratic candidacy when she said the heavens opened up for then Senator Obama confirmed my choice of President Obama. This speech given by twat waffle was the same sort of sing songy, childish jabbing only stupider. How it doesn't totally turn all folks off is beyond me.

    6. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Nice try...Hillary would have to get up really early and start smoking crack immediately and keep the pipe burning all day to ever sound as stupid as Sarah Palin.

  47. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Jealousy is devouring Palin! Her head of hair is gone. Her
    eyes have the sunken, crazy look . Her body has shrunk.
    Her mouth is now a constant snarl and the Palin Screech is
    even more manic!

    1. Meth will do that to her!

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Meth and Ketamine are powerful drugs. And, Wasilla is the meth capital of Alaska.

  48. Anonymous9:41 PM

    The reference to Michelle Obama was a double jab -- at the NSA and about the healthy food initiative by MO. Palin said something about the NSA listening and you could make phone calls without MO knowing you called Pizza Hut three times in a week or something like that.

  49. Anonymous9:48 PM

    She is gravely ill, or else just looks like it

  50. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Has Palin or Cruz actually read "Green Eggs and Ham"? It is about man who is closed minded and hates everything as a result. Then he tries geen eggs and ham and discovers that it is good. This is the problem with conservatives and all the CPAC leaders and speakers - they hate everything even without trying it or even debating it. Please Sarah read the entire book - being closed minded and spiteful gets you no where.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Poor Dr. Seuss must be barfing in heaven. Again, Sarah is never original.

  51. Anonymous11:08 PM

    To be brief, Palin talked like a child to a room full of children, especially the boys who tried very hard to hide their lust.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Why anyone- even the most desperate man or woman-feel lust for this person is beyond me. She is so ugly inside and out.

  52. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Oh My....She could have been vice president. Shit. This isn't really funny.

    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      Which is why so many of us are still working to make sure this kind of thing never happens again!!!
      Carry on!!!

    2. Olivia8:57 AM

      I guarantee that she would have been president not too long after the inauguration. Poor old man McCain would have died under suspicious circumstances. Scary, indeed...but of course, she would have quit before the 2012 election.

  53. Anonymous4:50 AM

    The woman is vile.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      And dishonest. And racist. And selfish. And cruel. And stupid. And stupid. And stupid. Oh, and did I say stupid?

  54. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Opinions are like assholes, Sarah Palin chooses to talk out of hers instead of her mouth

  55. Gryphen, just wanted to say thank you for covering her speech. A great post, as always.

  56. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Most of the world does not view the US as the "good guy" as this India Times article (and comments) point out:

  57. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Run Sarah Run
    The country needs Sarah in the White House
    Impeach Obama, the Kenyan Muslim Marxist
    Repeal Obamacare
    Send Hussein and Moochelle back home to Kenya
    Take back our country
    Stand your ground

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      Now go back to your padded room...

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      You must be a Biden fan, right, @6:20? Because if impeachment were to happen (it won't), that who would become a President. You're welcome.

    3. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Someday, 6:20 AM, posters here will remember you're on our side. In the meantime, carry on! Fun stuff watching replies.

  58. Anonymous6:50 AM

    When you're the biggest idiot in the room, but you think you're the most intelligent, you must be Sarah Palin.

  59. Anonymous6:50 AM

    If Hillary were to be elected POTUS and Sarah Palin did this same bullshit to her, I suspect she would ignore Palin as does President Obama.

  60. Just add another "accomplishment" to add to Sarah's resume of living "vibrantly":

    · Failed Mother of 3 High School Dropouts
    · Failed Philandering (ex?) Wife of Pimp
    · Failed Half-Term Politician Who Quit
    · Failed Reality Celebrity NEVER Renewed for 2nd Season of ANYTHING
    · Failed College Student who NEVER Graduated with a Bachelor's degree
    · Failed Car Wash "Entrepreneur"
    · Failed Immature Adult Masquerading as a 14-yr old Mean Girl
    · FAKE "Half-Marathon" Runner
    · LIAR
    · FRAUD
    · ETC.

    Sarah's Vibrant Life in a Nutshell

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM



  61. PalinsHoax7:38 AM

    Say Ol' Sunken Eyes, why such a flat chest at the CPAC? I thought that you would be thumping yours like crazy over Tawdry's achievements at the Iron Dog.

    Oh that's right - he QUIT the race. He's just like you, a QUITTER and bitter to the end.

    By the way GrungyGriftyGimp @ 6:52 AM, two things that the Ol' $hrew has had real in her life are:
    - a real faux-pregnancy belly
    - and real falsies

  62. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Palin is a bully with no substance. She draws out negative emotions through manipulation. She's not about those people she pretends she cares about, she all about injecting hate towards those who criticized her. That's what she's all about.

  63. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I'm also creeped out by the idea that she presents this bile-fest as a bedtime reading for her kid. Here, lucky little fella, let me pour all my anger and resentment and hatred out on you! Now, turn out the light and sweet dreams!

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Oh, you mean the kid she avoids like the plague? The one she has never mothered (nor birthed?) The one she ignores and does not mention unless SHE wants to be seen as a martyr? I call BS, Sarah.

  64. That would take a very LARGE nutshell!

    Perhaps a coconut shell would hold 'em?


  65. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Even her breasts are manic depressive...
    Dolly Partonish one day to flat pancakes at another event.

  66. Anonymous8:42 AM

    She is looking older and older. Cocaine is a powerful drug..

  67. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Just a tauntress.

  68. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Oxymoron of the day - ObamaCare


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