Saturday, May 15, 2010

Palin: "lamestream media" is using propaganda to make guns seem more dangerous. In this case the word "propaganda" is used in the place of Sarah's least favorite word.."facts".

CNN Politics:

Speakers at the National Rifle Association's annual leadership forum on Friday touted Second Amendment rights and also set their sights on the upcoming midterm elections.

Sarah Palin told the crowd in Charlotte, North Carolina, that the "lamestream media" is using propaganda to make guns seem more dangerous -- and not the criminals behind them.

"Criminals, of course, are to blame for crimes. It's the bad guys, not the piece of metal, that's to blame," she told the crowd. "Anti-Second Amendment gun laws don't offend them [criminals] -- they don't care what kind of gun laws are passed."

When politicians attempt to ban guns, "all they do is take them away from law-abiding citizens and we use them responsibly," Palin said.

Perhaps somebody needs to read Sarah Palin this report:

In Louisiana, 45.6 percent of households are gun-owners, leading to a gun-related death rate of 19.58 per 100,000, the highest in the nation.

Following Louisiana, other four states with the highest per-capita gun death rates were Alabama, Alaska, Mississippi and Nevada.

Each of these states had a per-capita gun death rate far exceeding the national per-capita gun death rate of 10.32 per 100,000 for 2006.

According to the Violence Policy Center, a Washington D.C.-based gun-control advocacy group, the states with the most gun deaths all have something in common: high rates of gun ownership and loose gun laws.

In this clip Palin compares death by handguns to deaths caused by automobile accidents. When she makes that comparion she is completely missing the point that cars are designed to transport people from one place to another, and that while doing that sadly some fatal accidents do occur. While guns on the other hand are designed for the sole purpose of killing, and that when they do that they are simply achieving the purpose for which they were manufactured. 

At the 1:45 mark Palin makes the case that the "lamestream" media wants people to conclude that "guns lead to violent death".  Is THAT really in dispute?  And if there are people who don't get that perhaps they should talk to three year old Samuel's mother.

I am so frustrated by this foul excuse for a woman, and her hypocrisy about the REAL sanctity of life, that I am almost unable to type another word.  So if I may borrow a phrase from one of my heroes Keith Olbermann:

"This woman, is an IDIOT!"


  1. Anonymous3:53 PM

    This woman, is an idiot.

  2. She is indeed! But now she has a following of confused souls who worship their guns and think President Obama is going to take them away. She manufactures a fiction like the "Death Panels." They are a fearful bunch. The world is complex and it is changing. They think the answer is a well oiled Glock. She feeds that fear. She revels in it. It is making her richer every day. The fearful bunch can't see that. They think she is their savior. She is the epitome of evil.

  3. the NRA are eating their own over the terror watch list. As a responsible gun owner the NRA makes me sick with their stance as well as many many NRA members disagreeing with their leadership. go $arah go. and make no mistake guns do kill.

  4. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Well, at least we know now why she didn't charge a fee. Either she really is a True Believer in what the NRA leadership is selling, or she is on their payroll in other ways.

    I don't blame the average NRA member, particularly since polls have shown the majority do not agree with the leadership.

    However, if those disagreeing with the leadership's message coming through people such as Palin, then members should really consider dropping out of the NRA, regardless of the membership "benefits" because their membership fees are costing our society more in lost lives and injuries and increased crime than it's worth.

    The NRA leadership is trying to maximize profits for gun and ammo manufacturers, period. They only sweeten their cover by providing safety courses and other little incidentals.

    If responsible gun owners truly want to be responsible, they need to do what many of our friends are doing: canceling their memberships.

    We have never belonged because we do not own handguns or hunting rifles (we live in the inner suburbs and do not hunt). We believe in our police force and national guard and refuse to live in fear of others or our government.

    We are, however, increasingly wary of ordinary citizens carrying guns whose tempers might flare, whose fears might trigger inappropriate responses, or who simply wish to "play it large" by carrying weapons in such a way that those weapons can be easily stolen and used against them or others.

    So, though we don't wish to see a total ban on guns. A shotgun or rifle for hunting fine. A handgun if you are licensed, trained and in a profession where you need one - well, okay.

    But otherwise, get real. We think people have been watching too many movies, TV dramas, or are just plain paranoid. We hope others will rethink what the NRA leadership, gun and ammo manufacturers are trying to do: sell, sell, sell - without regard to the human consequences.

    We also think our police officers and rescue personnel would feel and be safer if fewer people had handguns. You really have to think about how many folks use prescription meds that affect their moods and perceptions and how many folks are entering an age group where their vision, hearing and coordination makes handling a gun dangerous to themselves and those who would try to help them in emergencies.

    At the very least, the NRA does not deserve the support of responsible gun owners because the NRA leadership is no longer acting responsibly by promoting the organization through folks such as Palin, Beck, and Norris.

  5. One other thing... I see that she is getting bolder (as if she wasn't already "bold"). The megalomania is building as she visits groups (those pockets of "real America") receptive to her psychopathy. We are in for a ride here.

  6. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Ah come on Gryph, tell us how you really feel!!!

  7. For your reading enjoyment, this is in our local paper. READ the comments... This is Georgia

  8. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I have several firearms. I use them to kill. Food.

    Equating gun owners with killers is lazy and reactionary.

    "Sarah says X. I hate Sarah. Therefore, I hate X."

  9. angela5:29 PM

    The thing about Sarah is that she is certifiable and a panderer. If she is talking to a room full of kangaroos--she's a huge hopping kangaroo. If she is talking to NRA members she's the Terminator. She doesn't get past the mega talking points because she doesn't know the answers. She's one of those people who will go off the rails if she was actually asked about real policy.

    One wonders if she actually even exists if there isn't a crowd or camera. She has her "people" down pat—these are the idiots who thought Yale educated W with his filthy rich family was actually just like them. Palin is trash but she wouldn't let any of the rabble who support her, near her.

    As for the rest of the "normal" world she is freaking them out with the crazy. Watch her go COMPLETELY gleefully over the top. She can't help herself. She'll say or do anything when she gets manic from her fans adoration. Keep on screeching Sarah, the GOP will hand you your ass soon enough. But the show is pretty insane right now. Babble on.

  10. Anonymous5:31 PM

    THIS WOMAN IS A IDIOT! While she was speaking these very words a child died. Hope she can get that 5" stiletto heel out of her fat mouth!
    Gun are for killing! That is all they are good for! Instead of less regulation there should be more!!!

  11. Anonymous5:41 PM

    When is she going to realize that her employer (Fox News) is also a member of the "lamestream media", a term she loves to throw around.

    Yes, this woman is an idiot.

  12. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I hate her and she infuriates me but I have to say...I'm glad she's around, giving these speeches, getting more time on TV...she says things in a way that does two things: Get liberals into fightin' mode, and turn off average independent (not the ones who left the GOP for not being conservative enough) voters...She's a one-woman advertisement to get out and vote for Democrats!!!

    Also, I just want to point out the fact that some of these "ordinary law-abiding Americans" the gov't wants to take guns from are, uh, suspected terrorists..Sarah Palin does NOT think the government should make it illegal for people on terror watch lists to buy guns...Just...think about that for a second...In Sarah's opinion, if the Times' Square bomber had chosen to march over to the nearest gun shop instead of trying to board a plane to the UAE and bought a gun, that would have been a-okay with her, even though the government suspecting him of terrorism. And she's not alone. Members of the GOP leadership in Congress agree...mainly because the NRA tells them to think that way...So, if you're on the bubble about your Democratic member of Congress this November, just think about that...Please, think about what these people -- like Sarah -- have done to the country...Why is it even an issue? Think about what would have happened in Times Square if the bomber'd been able to get a gun!!! For the love of all that is holy...GET OUT THERE AND VOTE, VOLUNTEER AND DONATE...This election is too effing important...

  13. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Dear Sarah Fraud Palin:
    Please stop trying to incite the assassination of our president. It is not Christian and it is not patriotic to do what you do.
    Please go home to Alaska and never set foot in the lower 48 again. If you want to secede, go home to Wasilla and get together with your AIP friends to make it so.

  14. Well, Grypen, I'm back! This is O/T but I want to mention the biggest problem we have in trying to solve the Palin mystery! There are so many Palinbots on the blogs, they ruin everything. I've also noticed how they take parts of our names and make posts with them. I guess they feel it gives them credibility stealing names of people that have been posting for years.

    Surely, you are aware of this. Over at Bree's, I admit I made some provocative posts, I didn't use my Google name and posted as Guest. Then, I signed the bottom of the post. Someone came along and signed into Google with my name for Bree's blog.

    They are out in droves using crazy theories and trying to throw red herrings out to people trying to learn about Palin. This interference is how they work to break down blogs and cause confusion. If they can't shut down the blog, they resort to this kind of behavior.

    I'm sure you agree! And, on your next babygate blog, I'll give you two reasons why I think she faked the pregnancy.



  15. I just wish any and all people that know or think they know something about her and or her family would talk. Talk to anyone/a newspaper/a TV or radio station. She must be stopped and soon.

  16. Anonymous6:18 PM

    lamestream media as in lame Fox contributor

  17. Want a Bunch of Books Written by B-List Celebrities?
    Sarah Palin Rants On Facebook •
    Researchers in Australia have found that women can identify only a little more than a third of their fetus's movements. "You have got lots of things happening in a stomach and it can be a bit tricky to figure out what's what," explained one of the authors of the study. They hope to use this information to calm stressed mothers, who often express fears that their baby has stopped moving.

  18. Lisabeth6:29 PM

    On the front page of the Huffington Post there is an article saying Sarah thinks TERRORISTS on the watch list should be able to carry guns. Wouldn't she be great at POTUS ? Gee Sarah let's have a national law like Arizona.. ANYOZnE can carry a gun - anyone'. A totally insane person can be released from a mental hospital, walk to a gun store and buy any gun he wants!! No checking, no application. It's legal wow how cool!!

    Sarah is a dangerous and insane IDIOT!

    And I agree she is getting bolder and bolder. That's great because it will be the end of her politically. A tiny percentage will want her. But so far the more she flaps those lips, the lower her poll numbers will go. She's a narcissistic nut job and one day she's going to REALLY piss off the wrong person.

  19. Anonymous6:31 PM

    This woman is not only an IDIOT, but she is an EVIL, RACIST, LYING, DANGEROUS IDIOT - that's the worst kind of IDIOT one can imagine. She needs to be 'stopped in her tracks'. Why hasn't she been arrested for INCITING VIOLENCE since anyone of her 'kooky fans' could 'physically' carry out her TARGETED IDEOLOGY by trying to 'eliminate' our POTUS or any 'librul' since she believes there are way too many of us and we are not 'Amurikan enough' like 'HER patriotic Amurikans'? Someone needs to make her STFU, and if the MSM would stop reporting on her every utterance, perhaps she would STFU now. She is causing the death of many of us who simply don't have the stomach to deal with her on a daily basis!

  20. Ancient history and a nice 2006 PR piece brittapie. No update in 4 years?
    Created by brittapie on September 20 2006 | 16 pictures I'd do anything just to hold you in...
    Palin pushes abortion foes to form 'conservative, feminist identity'

  21. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Her "piece of metal" in the hands of a drunk killed my best friends son and put his grandson in the hospital fighting for his life. We just buried him this week. The grandson will be fighting these injuries for a long time. Maybe for the rest of his life.

    These people are so screwed up it just can not be explained. They want no controls at all on one of the most dangerous things man ever invented.

    I know they are tools,... but they need to be sensibly controlled. Not available to everyone, and most certainly not on everyone's hip in public.

    Assholes !

  22. Just an ugly disgusting person this Sarah Palin is...

  23. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Give a thought to the life this woman is living at the moment. She's on the road constantly, flying all over the country, staying in hotels (not fun after a while), rushing from one place to the next to stand up and give these same silly speeches over and over again. Yes, she's making buckets of money, but this is Sarah, a woman well known for not liking hard work. What she's doing now is hard work; she is keeping a killer schedule and has been at it now for almost ten months.

    Seriously, what's going on here? Did she love the campaign trail so much last year that she's deliberately recreating it? Does she now need these endless adoring crowds to feel alive, to feed her ego, to make her feel good about herself? I can't believe she just doing this for the money. She's doing it for the adoration. She's hooked, addicted.

    And what's with the huge chunky necklaces with the big crosses she's suddenly started draping around her neck, and the leather biker jackets? Something very weird is going on in this woman's psyche.

  24. Anonymous8:11 PM

    "In Louisiana, 45.6 percent of households are gun-owners, leading to a gun-related death rate of 19.58 per 100,000, the highest in the nation."

    "leading to?" says who? Association is not causation - having a high percentage of ownership and a high death rate proves association, but not that one causes the other. A study years ago showed a perfect correlation between the sidewalk temperatures in Nairobi and the heart attack rate in New York, but one hardly causes the other now, does it?

    But anyway, that doesn't matter here, because Louisiana is not the state with the highest gun ownership percentage anyway. According to a Washington Post poll, 55.4% of West Virginia homes have firearms.

    Yet West Virginia has for nearly fifty years had the lowest or nearly-lowest crime rate in the nation.

    I hate to suggest anything that might offend anyone's cemented prejudices, but a lot of what we "know" is just not true.

    Example: "Everyone knows that when ordinary citizens carry weapons, there is bloodshed."

    False. The 31 states that have "shall issue" laws allowing private citizens to carry concealed weapons have, on average, a 24 percent lower violent crime rate, a 19 percent lower murder rate and a 39 percent lower robbery rate than states that forbid concealed weapons. In fact, the nine states with the lowest violent crime rates are all right-to-carry states. Remarkably, guns are used for self-defense more than 2 million times a year, three to five times the estimated number of violent crimes committed with guns.

    Check your facts. Maybe we should REQUIRE every household to have firearms, in order to LOWER the crime rate.

    It seems to work in Switzerland, after all...

  25. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Sarah Palin is an idiot. More disturbing are those politicians who try to use her to position themselves with crazy, right wing extremist teabaggers. Where are the sane Republicans???!

  26. Anonymous9:44 PM

    It might help your case, anon 8:11, if you didn't use the same statistical fallacies you accuse others of using.

    You should also cite your source if you're going to give a direct quote. Here, I'll do it for you.

  27. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Maybe the NRA and all of their followers should go to the gulf and shoot all of their GUNS in to the ocean and KILL the offshore oil drilling deaster to put and end to he devistation that is going to effect the world in the end...oops they don't believe in any other WORLD than their OWN!!!

  28. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Maybe 1/2 govenor of the free world of buck$ to her and only her, could bake cookies for all of the fishermen in the gulf....After all it helped the people of Alaska who fish for their living (after all her and first dud make their living fishing or dose she).After all there is film footage of all she claims. The problem she will have is that the film won't add up to what she proclaims. so what else is is new.

  29. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Sarah Palin is retarded

  30. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Hey, Palin...does this mean the next time your kids commit a crime, the homeowner/caretaker can pull out a loaded weapon and blow their brains out?


  31. Do you think Sarah might be getting kickbacks or investing her millions with "Cerberus"? Making money is what a hedge fund is all about...sounds just like Sarah!

    Freedom Group (Cerberus) Acquires Barnes Bullets

    In recent years, Cerberus/Freedom Group has acquired Remington, Bushmaster, Marlin, H&R, DMPS and other smaller firearms-related companies. By acquiring Barnes, the Freedom Group gains entry into the ammunition component business at a time when brass, bullets, and powder remain in high demand. As the Freedom Group continues to build a vertically integrated firearms-related mega-corp, one wonders if Cerberus will look to acquire a powder-maker next. Freedom Group already sells Remington-brand factory-loaded ammunition.

    I don't know why this information is not written about in more detail. Unless getting rich off people running around with their hair on fire is the norm.

  32. 10catsinMD5:19 AM

    IDIOT Palin, when will she just go away. Louder and louder screams the witchy bitch. But hopefully, given enough rope she will hang herself, sooner is just fine with me.

    As to guns - I want nothing to do with them. So many of the folks who came to this land were escaping persecution. They only had guns for food and protection. Bush is the one who started the mantra- about the wild, wild west. BUT REMEMBER, the only way the west was tamed was the laws put into place that when someone, anyone came to town, he was forced to GIVE UP his guns or leave. Have we forgotten that lesson. I think the NRA needs to implode on itself and dry up and go away.

    I agree with you on this Gryphen. Guns are designed to threaten, scare, or kill. Period. As to hunters, forget it. You only need one or two to do enough damage. And they don't just injure, they often just snuff out a life (like the little boy you discuss in your article). There is no in between. My sister lives on the edge of a small town with neighbors within walking distance. A friend was working in her kitchen when she was killed by a stray bullet. It was identified to be from some hunting rifle, but no one was ever prosecuted. Oh yeh, just an accident, after that I was afraid to visit her during hunting season. These freak's and their guns who have to go out and kill supposedly for food can be the most careless people I have ever known.

    Every year in the Shenandoah valley, it's predicted that at least one person will be accidentally killed from a careless hunter's bullet.

    I used to own a horse and board at a local facility. During hunting season, we would all wear fluorescent vests, and drape orange cloth on the horse. At the height of the season, some of us never ventured onto the trail. And yes, accidents would happen. Someone would lose a beloved equine companion to some stray bullet. Or some other domestic animal got shot and killed. These are annual events.

    I am sick of the NRA argument. Their statistics and mantra are stupid and illogical. There is no comparison to be made to automobiles. The loose laws put guns into the hands of anyone, no matter how irresponsible.

    As for Palin, the only momma grizzly that she knows is dead and draped across her couch or wall somewhere.

  33. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Good one anon 2:46 am!!!!

  34. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Diana Palin almost got her young child (not to mention herself) shot during her recent home invasion.

  35. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Let's see,... a son that had to enlist or go to jail. One "out of wedlock" grandchild. Another accused of home invasion and destruction of private property. Manipulation of a special needs child for her own ends. Divorce rumors that still haven't been dispelled. Quits a very important job that SHE asked for midway through because the "heat" is on for her wrongdoings. Caught in countless lies and half truths. Accused of improprieties in Government and business dealings.

    Yep,... a TRUE Right Wing Republican, Evangelical Christian, Paranoid Politician and family.

    Disgusting at the very least. Amoral for sure.

  36. Anne In DC5:42 AM

    She is not only an idiot. She is also monumentally irresponsible in aiding and abetting the NRA leadership in perpetuating a wedge issue that ropes in fearful and ignorant people. It's refreshing to know that there are NRA members who didn't check their common sense at the door of an NRA meeting like their "leaders" did. They know that rights are always accompanied by corresponding responsibilities, particularly when the consequences of being irresponsible gun owners can be and often are lethal.

    I work at a law enforcement agency in this area, and I remember all too well back in 1996 how the 3-year-old daughter of law enforcement officers got a hold of her father's unsecured gun and accidentally shot herself to death. Among other horrible consequences, this incident led to her parents' divorce.

    It is absolutely sickening that Palin would stoop so low as to politicize a life-and-death issue, especially following the death of another child. She is completely unprincipled and only about making money at any cost. I have seldom seen a public figure as immoral and repellent as Palin. I sincerely hope that the November elections will be a referendum on her endorsements that will not work in her favor. If so, that should permanently put to rest any hope of her rabid followers that she should even try for the GOP nomination.

  37. womanwithsardinecan7:04 AM

    I would own a hunting rifle if I could afford one. I would never own a handgun, and no matter how many hunting rifles I will be able to afford in the future, I will NEVER be a member of the NRA. They are evil, ignorant assholes. You can believe in responsible gun ownership and still think that the NRA and idiots like Sarah are pushing an evil agenda. It's too bad that gun accidents don't kill the right people most of the time. Occasionally we get lucky, and one of these NRA idiots gets to be nominated for the Darwin Award posthumously.

  38. Mickey78:40 AM

    Matt Taibbi has done a masterful job of psychoanalyzing Palin's appeal from her first entry on the national stage (his most recent post is here:

    His take on it, and I agree with him, is that to see someone pretty, popular and able to generate so much attention validates the self image of millions of truly tacky Americans. If it's okay for someone like Palin to be mean-spirited and proudly ignorant, that must mean it's okay for them, too. It makes them feel good about their lazy, self-centered, petty little lives. In the past we have culturally rejected ignorance, cruelty and blatant selfishness, yet these are the qualities that, unfortunately, describe a large swath of the American public. Palin has been able to tap into that group and assure them that they are the in the right. Why anyone would purposely associate themselves with marginal human beings is anybody's guess, but it has so far worked for Palin. Her prominence is really an indictment of the American navel-gazing, under-educated and isolationist way of life favored by so many. There was a time when people had the good sense to be embarrassed at their lack of education, their baser selfish desires and their racist phobias. We live now in the time of the rise of the mediocre--celebrated by reality TV and now infiltrating our politics--where anyone with a loud enough mouth can become a celebrity, often for very bad behavior. I know I personally have no special or unique qualities that make me deserving of attention and adulation, but I could run circles around Mrs. Palin on any discussion of policy or even political history. I don't run for office because I know I am not qualified and I believe that leadership is a critical responsibility that requires serious, sober and dedicated individuals with a deep understanding of both the history of this country and a clear vision for making it a better country in the future. Mrs. Palin has none of these attributes. She is a blatant poser. If pointing that out makes me an elitist than I am a very happy to be so labeled.

  39. jennifer in RichmondVA1:04 PM

    I couldn't watch the whole thing since I've seen this song and dance from her so many times.
    1. SP as victim of "lamestream media"? Check.
    2. "Lamestream media" pushing their agenda? Check.
    3. Sarah the only one who tells the truth against fierce odds? Check.
    4. Sarah uses malapropism? Check.
    5. Sarah ignorantly says "supposeBLY" instead of "supposedly"? Check.
    6. Sarah sets up strawman argument and false analogy? Check. Check.
    OK, my work here is done.

  40. jenniferinRichmondVA1:06 PM

    The nerve of her telling him to do his job when she quit half way through hers to rake in the big cash.

  41. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Those are TELEPROMPTERS right???? Oh the humanity!!!!!!!!


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