Monday, July 19, 2010

The Lovebirds have taken flight. Update!

It looks like things got just a little too hot in Anchorage for Levi and Bristol.

Today they were seen packing up and moving out of Bristol's condo and heading for parts unknown. (Well at least so far.)

Inside Edition had dispatched a crew but I don't know if they got any footage as of yet, or WHO they might have caught on film.  There were a couple of other video and news guys circling the area as well, but I don't know which news agencies they were working for.

I will provide an update if I hear anymore today.

Update:  Okay it looks like they are staying in Anchorage. And NO I will not give the address.

Update 2: According to US Magazine a Palin rep has denied that Levi and Bristol are doing a reality show.

"There is a lot of public speculation that Bristol and Levi have signed up for a reality show about their relationship. They have not," Palin's rep tells Us.

"While several networks have pitched different concepts, Bristol has not agreed to participate in any show. Her focus remains on doing what is best for Tripp and her family."

Remember this IS the Palins so have your gigantic grain of salt ready before swallowing this.

Still it IS interesting that it came out today, isn't it?


  1. Enjay in E MT3:18 PM

    lol I hope they drive far away without a forwarding address. Find a nice quiet neighborhood to start their life together & when they get married, invite both families live via web cam.

  2. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I am truly impressed by their ability to practice their revirgination while living and traveling together. Such restraint! Or maybe they just aren't that into each other.

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Packing up like a summer trip or packing up like a moving van was there?

    They should go to an undisclosed location and sell the Trig story for 10 million dollars.

  4. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Just like on TV....they struck it rich, loaded up the truck and headed of to Beverly Hills to enjoy the good life....or did they just move back to Was-Hell-a?

    Bristol will need to go into hiding soon to hide that belly! Might as well do it now!.

  5. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Why am I not surprised? We won't see Bristol until eight or nine months after the "wedding." It will be well controlled releases to prove she wasn't pregnant.

    Will they sell Bristol's love nest? She will work hard and go to her job each day? I know that Alaska is vast but it is also very small. The same people are continually involved with the Palins and their tricks are better known. Bristol and Levi can run but they just can't hide for too long.

    It almost seems impossible that no one has photos of the abstinent-only celebrity. I hope they get that Reality Show and Sarah runs for President like Bristol wants. If the family can't handle publicity the whole family will have to disappear!

  6. angela3:39 PM

    They're going to one of Sarah's cabins. Sarah wants Bristol hidden from view--that huge baby bump is a problem. Now they can mess the due date up by pretending they left in February--Doing a Palin.

    And by the way---I figure this is why she didn't go on The View. Nothing gets past those women, right or wrong . . . .

  7. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Oh, next we are going to hear that Bristol had to move because Joe McGinnis was peeking into her bedroom window and watching as she cut her lawn (do condos have lawns?) in her tank top and shorts with Tripp strapped to her back.

    Dollars to donuts, she will be a victim like her mommy.

  8. Good for them! I hope *some people* can stop stalking them.

  9. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Does Bristol have mono again? Man, that chick can't catch a break!

  10. SME1313:49 PM

    Maybe they are heading to Vegas for a quickie wedding then when the baby comes "early" they can say the outdoor wedding was just for show they had already been married.

    Was there a moving van or just suitcases? Is it too much to hope there is a moving van at Scarah's too? LOL

  11. Witness protection program!

  12. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Get Bristol to a nunnery!

  13. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I had forgotten she was supposed to do The View but if she is anywhere as big as many people are saying, she would not have fooled those women. Where is everyone seeing the pics of this extended belly? Online or do I have to go take a look at US Weekly at the grocery store?

  14. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Wouldn't it be great if they really were serious about resuming a relationship and striking out on their own away from the everyday invasion drama? I wouldn't begrudge them a bit if they took some money from somewhere -- anywhere -- and ran!

    Lots of commenters on Mercede's site are advising her to put some distance between her and Levi; maybe Levi and Bristol can likewise distance themselves from Mrs. Palin and benefit from it.

    The added benefit for me and the rest of the country if the above is true is that Mrs. Palin would not be completely controlling the "message" :-)

  15. not enuff scarves to cover the bump like mommy did?

  16. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Yeah, they gotta get out of site until the baby comes....Hard to do that privately with all the press around.

    They could be moving into the Palin compound, but that would be oh so awkward for Levi I guess.

    Maybe the cabins they don't pay taxes on....

    My money is on Aunt Katie in Richland, WA. Or to Euphrata, WA.

  17. So . . . does this look like they are moving to an undisclosed location to evade media who may be on the hunt for a photo of an obviously pregnant Bristol?

  18. Anonymous4:40 PM

    If there were media there, why are there no reports of pictures in the media?

  19. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Hmm, so did Mama Gristle think she was giving them enough time to get outta dodge with her asinine tweeter twatter?

    Everybody! Look over here! Bristol, Levi, run!

    God how I wish someone would wink these silly ass people into a cornfield.

  20. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Packing up the condo? So they are living together, on the lamb together, but not "sleeping" together.

    Wow...such restraint for two teens in love. Snark.

    If those helicopters don't find Bristol and Levi, she won't be seen again until she gives birth and Mama Grizzly fudges the marriage date and the birth date. Something she know how to to, BTW.

  21. Anonymous4:54 PM

    from Bristol:
    Turn on those tears crazy women.

    Introduce yourself to isotretinoin!
    Saturday at 1:23am · Like

    from friend:Are we talking about kathy griffin? Haha I just saw her on tv crying over ur magazine.Saturday at 1:47am · Like

    You have our own path..thank God...stay true know the most important people in your life and you know how to make things right. Recognize the crazies!Saturday at 1:24am · Comment · LikeUnlike · View Feedback (2)Hide Feedback (2) · See Wall-to-Wall

    Oh I do recognize them! But thank you, Tripp and I miss your family! We saw Michael at the store today, tell the girls we said hello! :)
    Saturday at 1:52am · Like

  22. sewnup4:55 PM

    I'd sure like to have a job like Bristol's...time off for photo shoots, interviews, impromptu trips, all that good stuff, all without seniority of any kind. Bet that's really nice.

  23. My money is on: The wedding photos already have been staged and shot, then, like the babies, they can roll them out and tell us all the date the big event occurred.

    Anon @4:03 "Bristol, get thee to a nunnery!" priceless!

  24. Lynne5:04 PM

    Unfortunately, Gryphen, not every blogger is planning to be as discreet as you are regarding their new address. Looks like they aren't going to get any peace anyway you look at it. I like your approach best.

  25. Virginia Voter5:04 PM

    The money shot is at the Native Health center in Anchorage... anyone interested in making some serious $$ would be camped out waiting for Bristol to show up for her monthly prenatal visit. Bristol and Levi gave up the right to expect privacy when they took hundreds of thousands of tabloid dollars, so spare me any bullshit about not giving out Brstols whereabouts ... too late for that

  26. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I'd sure like to have a job like Bristol's...time off for photo shoots, interviews, impromptu trips, all that good stuff, all without seniority of any kind. Bet that's really nice.

    @sewnup 4:55 PM, don't forget -- zero education also, too.

  27. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Kristan Cole will need to find a new housekeeper while the lovebirds are honeymooning.

    Scarves only work when there isn't really a bump.

    MSNBC and the Today show had video that clearly showed the big belly on Bristol. However, within an hour of the broadcast, the pictures were pulled.

  28. You don't suppose mama grizzly cut Bristol out of the family/will.

    I thought Levi had his own home..anyone?

  29. Anonymous5:37 PM

    when I look at this picture of Bristol I swear it looks like she has a fake bra/boob thing going on...noticing it more than ever before, it just hit me right in the face!

  30. You don't suppose mama grizzly cut Bristol out of the family/will.

    I thought Levi had his own home..anyone?

  31. Anonymous5:44 PM

    That's strange. Didn't Bristol just buy this condo? Wonder if it has a for sale sign (actually some condominium regulations don't allow for sale signs on the grounds or premises). Wonder if a real estate agent has it listed?

    These people move around a lot, change, quit, whatnot. Funny they are following President Obama's campaign slogan, Change We Can Believe In.

  32. Anonymous5:44 PM

    So, if Sarah isn't involved with this sham of a "surprise", then why is her lawyer speaking on behalf of Bristol and Levi? He stated that they do not have a reality TV deal.

    Are we to believe that this announcement was a surprise to the Palin's yet Sarah's lawyer knows the intimate details of a potential reality show?

    Come on...this has Sarah Scam written all over it.

  33. Anonymous5:46 PM

    GRyphen- Did you see the NY Post's Page Six report today? It said that none of networks had any interest in a reality show because neither Bristol or Levi have a personality, lol.

    So sad, you know they tried to shop it.

  34. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I think it's crazy to believe that these two DESERVE any peace. THEY took the money....THEY called US Magazine. THEY gave up their right to privacy when they sold their story to a tabloid.

    Oh boo-hoo. Give us (a reported) 200k, but leave us alone.

  35. Anonymous5:54 PM

    anon 4:23-Who lives in Ephrata Washington?

  36. Anonymous5:57 PM

    There was an on-line poll, and 70% or more didn't want to see a Bristol & Levi Reality Show. Sarah Palin appeals to about 25-30% of the population on a very good day, and those are the only heartland, real Americans who care about her and her tabloid family.

    I imagine that Bristol is too big to show up in public. I wish that they would just elope, but there is much more money in a magazine wedding feature. I suggest that Bristol contact the fictional Pam (Jenna Fisher) from The Office. Pam got "married" when she was supposed to be pregnant, and she had a lovely white wedding gown that would be perfect for the fashion shoot.

    Seriously, it is a shame to watch people who are totally unqualified to do anything raking in thousands of dollars for selling their souls for cheap publicity. As for Sarah, it really disheartening to watch someone as stupid as Sarah pontificate (refudiate?) on politics, Shakespeare or anything else.

  37. Mama Duck6:00 PM

    The Palins are trying to hide another pregnancy. They just think the world of their fellow Alaskans don't they? They think they can fool you again. Noone will notice, just hide Bristol again. But, Dr. Baldwin-Johnson refuses to deliver anymore Palin babies. The drama continues...

  38. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Kids, sell your story to Hollywood . . . and run all the way to the bank ... and then live in Italy!

  39. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Is Bristol packing up and heading out to Canada for some free pregnacy health care?

  40. emrysa6:19 PM

    they asked for the publicity... don't know why they would move. glad to hear they can afford 2 residences now. they are pissing away any money they make. stooopid.

  41. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Bet that lotto winning BMW and Coach bag did not get left behind. Old $$ would not be caught dead with either.

  42. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I find it hard to believe that networks (and cable) would reject a Bristol & Levi reality show. Their drama is MADE for it. This is Sarah and her handlers putting the brakes on.

  43. Anonymous6:24 PM

    But who is going to be pregnant for Bristol the way that Bristol was pregnant for Sarah? Willow? Then when Willow gets knockers and hides it who will be pregnant for Willow? Piper? Then the girls run out and there will be no more fake pregnancies, unless Down Syndrome also gave Trig a uterus, in which case this could go on a bit longer.

  44. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I'm with anon at 3:25--

    Get outta Dodge, double cross the crazy lady, out yourself as Tri-G's mom, and haul in for the big bucks, and never have to see/lie for Mom again. Have as many babies as you want. Somewhere else.

    I'd think the info would be worth way more than 10 million, though....what say you 50 million?

  45. Just saw on Inside Edition that on tomorrow's show they have an exclusive interview with Levi's EX girlfriend. Some blonde chick. They didn't say her name.

  46. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Whoa!!! just watched inside edition...says shows turned down Bristol and Levi because they don't have a personality ..... also said that Levi's ex is going to tell what Levi told her about the Palins. Tomorrow : )

  47. Anonymous6:40 PM

    6:24, you make my brain hurt!

  48. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I also think it is interesting that despite Bristol's claims she would like to protect her privacy and how she claims to be afraid for Tripp's "safety," she drives around Anchorage in a truck with the license plate "TRIPP."

    It kind of belies the idea that she doesn't want public scrutiny. She might as well have a bumper sticker on the truck that says, "Hi! I'm Bristol Palin!"

  49. emrysa7:00 PM

    omfg.. putting your kids name on your license plate... is that the best someone can come up with for a plate? "MY BABY" wow I can breed! pay attention to me!

  50. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Did anyone save views of MSNBC and Today Show videos(that showed preggers Bristol) before they were pulled?

    We must act fast....remember what happened during the election and the intertubes were swept clean of incriminating evidence of the Palin kids drinking, holding Triggy Bear,etc.

  51. Anonymous7:20 PM

    From a psychological perspective, i Sarah did steal Bristol's first FAS baby and trade him in for a Tri-g (s), it's obvious that Bristol is damaged as she keeps making replacement babies to piss off mommy. Bristol, you are sitting on the story of the new millenium. You CAN easily make 50 million dollars by fessing up to your mom's hoax. Then you can get all the therapy you will ever need and heal. Your mom has done some crazy sh*t to you. THe buck stops with you. Break the pattern. Spill the beans. BE FREE.

  52. Anonymous7:29 PM

    to anon @ 6:40pm

    There is also a white cadillac escalade that cruises the valley with TRPSTR on the tags. How many cars does this woman have?

  53. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Anchorage is her safe hub. That is where her support system is, also, she needs to be near doctors. Supporters will put them up and try to protect them from the bad librul media. I think she was at the "dermatologist office" so much for work. Not because she was working.

    She is a charlatan. She must address her weight. She can have an interview and photo session with a Christian reporter as long as they confront and offer proof that she is not pregnant. If she is pregnant it is time she answered to the fraud involved with her abstinent-only scheme. I hate that she targets the vulnerable and young.

  54. Lisabeth7:38 PM

    Native Health Center?? Is that free government medicine?? With all the money they have???

    Levi's ex is going to tell all?? I can't wait. I am so sick of these people. Trash trash trash. Anyone know who this ex is? Good for her but I hope she is careful in nutjob land.

  55. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Off topic, but just checked out ADN articles related to our dear half-term, quitter ex-gov and the infamous tea baggers. The trolls are out with a vengeance. Interesting. They seem to have an organized approach to impacting our Alaska news articles. Go home, trolls, and comment on your own local news outlets!!

  56. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Does anyone have a link to the KSKA Anchorage Edition during the time that Sarah was "pregnant" (for what?, a month?) and where John Tracy (former KTUU news director) voiced the local rumor that Sarah's pregnancy was being faked to cover up for Bristol? The broadcast occurred at the same time that there were wild rumors about Sarah being interviewed for McCain's running mate.

  57. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Are they moving into the Palin compound?

    No one else seems to live there.

  58. Anonymous3:12 AM

    They probably went to a little hideaway somewhere so they could refudiate in privacy.

  59. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Movin' from that condo the single mom worked oh so hard to buy all by herslef?

    Yeah, they're moving to an igloo or some remote shack for the hillbilly reality show.

  60. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Somethings weird about Mercede's last post. She said she lived alone while her mother was in jail and her brother was being a media whore. She has family in Alaska correct? They are originally from there, so why didn't she live with family, an aunt, a grandparent? Something smells fishy about that girl and I dont believe that no family member said to her, "Hey, come live with me until your mother's home"

    thats sad. at least the Palins/heaths are tightknit and supportive of one another. It sounds like the Johnstons have severe issues.

  61. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Levi has an ex? Good grief.

    We're not going to hear anything exciting from the ex, though. Certainly not any answers to the Trig question.

    I'm kind of with the people who think Levi and Bristol are gonna kind of disappear until several months after the baby is born... so they can fudge his date of birth. I just don't believe that Bristol's figure would change that much from the May Abstinence photos (floral sheath dress) and the Wedding Announcement photo (white empire-style with Tripp carefully placed) unless she is pregnant. Minimum 5 months at this point, IMO.


  62. Anonymous4:18 AM

    So mom put the kabash on their TV show because it might embarass mom, that is what I bet, aided by Murkock who seems to own all the crappy cable networks that might buy a show.

  63. Anonymous4:43 AM

    If you take usweekly article at its word, I highly doubt the couple would agreed to a tv show. Levi said he's almost out of the media and never wants to go there again. GOOD and hope its true

  64. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Anonymus 4:55 said-

    "from Bristol:
    Turn on those tears crazy women.

    Introduce yourself to isotretinoin!
    Saturday at 1:23am · Like"

    I assume this must be from Bristol's Facebook postings...I wonder why the isotretinoin reference? This is a medication prescribed for severe acne-if taken while pregnanit it can lead to horrid birth malformed ears.

  65. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Just like you and me, right?
    Able to move out of a condo with another place to go without problems?

    Able to selectively make money off the press yet able to control what you want in it at the same time?

    I feel sorry for these kids and baby.
    This is nothing of their choosing and they are trying to deal with it the best they can.
    Too bad the twitter queen did not have more regard for her family and said thanks, but no thanks to McCain's offer.
    I would have thought better of her. Taking care of a special needs child, during the most important year of his life and shielding and nurturing a pregnant teenage daughter.

  66. Anonymous6:47 AM

    From Bristol's FB posting:

    - that isotretonin-whatever reference sounds more like an ad that may have been attached to the FaceBook message--you don't think that Bristol would actually know how to spell the name of this medication correctly do you? It was probably just carried over from someone copying and pasting is my guess...

  67. Anonymous6:50 AM

    What strikes me is the absurdity that Sarah and Todd are engaged in doing their reality show while their oldest daughter is getting reality show offers. At C4P they must believe one is a "documentary" for even in Peezoo serious politicians don't go do reality shows.

    Nor do their offspring chose the tabloid route especially while crying, whining and playing the victim card. It's truly quite crazy. When anyone goes for notoriety, selling self for money it does come with the territory there be more probing, people hanging around, paparazzi looking to make a buck too.

    Well, this must be what Bristol decided is "best for Tripp and her family". It's what was the easiest way to get a lot of money for Bristol and Levi. Delaying gratification, the work of going to college, homework, tests, privacy, is hard work. Instead take the money and don't give a damn about anyone else.

    This poor child, Tripp, will remain infamous as the most famous unwanted and resented bastard child used for money in history. He's such a little guy to be used to provide an easy or free ride for both his parents for their lust for fame and fortune. If it weren't for this precious child they might be "living in a van down by the river". What a soap opera laced with cons, lies and exploitation of people. Disgusting!

  68. Anonymous6:50 AM

    "It sounds like the Johnstons have severe issues."

    Many families have severe issues but few come close to the issues the Palins have demonstrated. Did you read about Diana Palin?
    That is severe and they get to cover it up and have influence.

    I am interested in learning about the laws in Alaska regarding minors of incarcerated parents. I have heard nothing about specific details about why Mercede was abandoned. That is a matter that must be looked into. Sherry did not have a family with influence that could stay in the background and work things out for her. It is overwhelming to go through the whole criminal system. I don't think she was aware or knowledgeable at her most vulnerable moments. Her options were limited and she was in a place where she could only put trust in her lawyer at the time.

    I don't know about the Johnston family but many in the area are big supporters of Palin. That may include some in the Johnston family. Who is to say where their loyalty is? They may live in fear and not want to get involved. I have only heard of one extended family member connected to the Johnstons that worked in corrections. You would think they did reach out and offer support and their knowledge. I know they are big on family and all the typical "wonderful" family talk and the same rhetoric like the Christians talk. I have no way to tell how sincere they are, they all sound a like. After awhile it all sounds like moose-crap only.

    What happened to Mercede sounds criminal and I would hope someone would be on top of this and get some answers. Charges filed if criminal wrongdoing can be established.

  69. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Oh wow - I looked up what isotretonoin can do to a baby - is this Ruffles?
    "Children with the isotretinoin syndrome often demonstrate facial asymmetry; serious external ear abnormalities, including microtia (small ear), anotia (no ear), or stenosis of the external ear canal; micrognathia (small jaw); flat depressed nasal bridge; and ocular hypertelorism (widely spaced eyes). The cardiovascular abnormalities commonly seen include conotruncal malformations, such as transposition of the great vessels and tetralogy of Fallot. Effects on the CNS can lead to hydrocephalus and microcephaly as well as to an IQ in the subnormal range and learning disabilities. Thymic aplasia and parathyroid abnormalities can also be part of this syndrome."

  70. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Do you think she would have an abortion?

  71. Anonymous8:16 AM

    7:27 AM

    IMO, YES, if they think they can get by with another one and they rationalize. Breeders are programed to believe birth control is murder. Many young girls are taught that and they do not want to murder and won't even use birth control. To them that is the same as aborting an embryo. A Levi baby would be at that stage. A Ben Barber baby is past the embryo stage.

  72. Anonymous @ 4:08 PM asked: "Where is everyone seeing the pics of this extended belly? Online or do I have to go take a look at US Weekly at the grocery store?"

  73. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I'm confused by the Bristol Facebook and "isotretonoin" comments. Where is that coming from?

    Bristol is said to work for a dermatologist. If she needed an excuse to abort Ben's baby isotretonoin is as good as any. I don't think that excuse is allowed in Sarah's religion, however. Bristol would be a murderer to some. If she needs to get rid of Ben's baby I don't see that she has any other options. May be someone is doing damage control incase the abortion is revealed?

  74. Anonymoose9:51 AM

    People talking about Bristol's isotretinoin comment, I read it as her insulting the Johnstons. Sounds like she was watching the Inside Edition interview "Turn on those tears crazy women", then I believe "Introduce yourself to isotretinoin!" was directed at Mercede, ie a catty way of insulting her for having acne (which I didn't even notice she had). Then her friend suggests to make things right, recognize the crazies. ie invite Johnstons to the wedding. Interesting that isotretinoin causes ear deformities in babies, Bristol must have taken it if she knows the drug name!

  75. Anonymous9:52 AM

    KaJo, the link to photobucket isn't working... is what is reflected in your post the entire link? I've noticed that this site sometimes chops out a portion of a URL if it is too long.

  76. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I just figured, if she was talking about Kathy Griffin, that it's an immature dig at her acne issues.

  77. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Thanks KaJo. That is big belly if only on birth control pills.

    Bristol's little family way.

  78. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I assume that the 'Palin rep' is someone working for SP -- if that is the case how would SP know what Bristol and Levi are planning when she didn't even know they were planning to marry?

  79. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Everytime I see that picture of BP, the same thought strikes me....

    That is not just a bosom of a pregnant girl. She is padded up to her chin. It is a bosom of a nursing mother as well. JMO



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