Saturday, August 07, 2010

First the Japanese attacked the Aleutian Islands, then a huge earthquake hit in 1964, now we have the premiere of Sarah Palin's new reality show. Hasn't Alaska suffered enough?

(Here Sarah demonstrates how her family has learned to commune with nature.)

From CNN Entertainment:

But if you think you already see plenty of Palin, get ready for November 14, when “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” will premiere on TLC, according to THR.

TLC President Eileen O’Neill said that at the Television Critics Association press tour that the show is going “extremely well.” She added that “it’s become clear that it takes a special individual to thrive in Alaska.”

Yeah and do you know what? Most of us thrive in Alaska without pimping out our families to reality shows and supermarket tabloids.

I am simply horrified that this woman is going to, once again, represent Alaska to people all around the world.  She is a complete embarrassment to our beautiful state and she just will not go away!

I cannot imagine how Alaska could be made to look any worse!

It seems Kate Gosselin also fits into that “special” category, as she will reportedly appear on the show with all 8 of her kids for a camping session.

I stand corrected.


  1. Well NJ isn't fairing any better - our republican govenor is making sure our state is going to be a even more of laughing stock - he's dismantling our education system (took millions away from our schools and gave it penny for penny to his rich friends; and discontinued the Stars program that provide college scholarships to state colleges for students with A averages)

    Did you see the report of Kate during the filming - she threw a fit while camping and they had to put her up in a cabin, and she complained Palin had better food supplies that she did (report said Kate got food packets, while Palin had hot dogs and hamburgers provided for her) - so much for "reality" and living off the land.

  2. Anonymous2:37 AM

    What could be more natural than camping with 8 artifically created reality star kids?

  3. angela2:57 AM

    Sarah Palin's Alaska.
    Making rape victims pay for their rape kits.
    Throwing long term mentors under the bus.
    Laughing at a cancer patient on the radio.
    Trying to hire a racist, sexist AG.
    Not giving the Polar Bears endangered status.
    Arial wolf hunting.
    Cookies for starving people instead of solutions.
    Grifting from the state for travel for her kids.
    Putting a town of 7000 in 20 million dollar debt.
    Redecorating her office for 50 thousand.
    Disappearing so much legislators wore WHERE'S SARAH buttons.
    Lying about pipelines.
    Dairies Anyone?
    Now aren't Alaskans proud this idiot is out there telling the world about THEIR Alaska?

  4. London Bridges3:41 AM

    A little world perspective:

  5. Anonymous4:00 AM

    They could always exhume Anna Nicole Smith for a guest appearance.

  6. London Bridges4:45 AM

    Palin had hot dogs and hamburgers provided for her)

    Maybe that's it! Sarah has "mad cow" disease?

  7. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Don't worry about the coward tainting my image of your great state. I will not watch it. Neither of the whiny cowards could live off the land. All phony and the majority of people do know it.

  8. Anonymous5:20 AM

    I wish somebody would have filed an ethics complaint about her abusing the state travel budget for her PR stunts after she announced her intention to resign.

    She intentionally went to remote and interesting places (what, not Little Diomede so she can snark back at the Haters that she did elevate her foreign policy creds by actually seeing Russia from Alaska land?) for photo ops to push for a reality show or include in her memoirs - to make her appear for Alaskanly (like worldly) because she only lived in her Wasilla (and okay, occassionally Bristol Bay, which is interesting) bubble her whole life.

    Look at me, I'm so Frontier Woman.

    In her rambling incoherent resignation speech she gaspingly talks about not being a typical politician collecting a paycheck (like she did on the national campaign trail and governing our State by Blackberry) and taking junkets to run out her lame duck time. . .meanwhile, she's traveling all over the state as a quitter to amass a montage of her being a Frontier Woman, and it helped her land her own show on TLC.

    She personally exploited the State for personal gain once again. But then again, I'm just a hater and am pointing out a frivolous complaint.

  9. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Well said, Lady Rose. (waving from Hunt. Co.)

  10. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Hey, Gryphen.

    Did you see the report on how disastrous the "camping trip" was with Kate Gosselin, her brood, and Sarah Palin? I found it interesting.

    Here's a link at

  11. Mickey76:09 AM

    Speaking as a lower 48-er, we don't feel that Sarah Palin IN ANY WAY is a true representation of beautiful Alaska. And Wasilla She is simply a garden variety grifter of the type that pop up everywhere.

    I have stopped watching TLC entirely. They were already on the road to tacky with their reality shows, but asking a woman like Sarah Palin to highlight 'her' Alaska was too much. Sarah Palin's Alaska is a bloody and brutal place where animals living in the wild are nothing more than sport to satisfy the insecurity of stupid and shallow people. Hunting for survival is one thing. Hunting for bounty is nothing short of psychopathic. There is nothing honorable about this lady or her tacky family and TLC lost whatever credibility they had left by producing this show. I'm sure there are enough people of the Palin's ilk to satisfy TLCs rating requirements, but they have completely lost the viewership of any decent Americans and this shame will follow them forever. offspring.

    What the Palin publicity freight train has done is brought a lot of people from other areas into blogs and forums from other Alaskans--some of the best political blogging on the Internet. So, indirectly, she has managed to improve Alaska's image by pushing people in droves to anti-Palin sites!

  12. Gryphen - Did you see this telling slip by TLC President Eileen O'Neill where she inadvertently admits they've set Sarah up with an 8-series political ad?

    "...the Palins "graciously shared their Alaska with the Gosselin family," and that campaign trip will be part of an episode of Palin's new TLC series, "Sarah Palin's Alaska.""

    I think she meant to say camping.

  13. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Pretty good gig for a failed (unpublished) screen writer from Hollywood. I am 100% sure that was written by RAM. Since "the mouth" is gone it would appear that RAM has turned up the anger a notch. This is one crazy ass angry lady cloning herself into another crazy ass hate filled lady.

  14. Anonymous7:08 AM

    On Gawker someone posted in the comments that they read -- ON THIS BLOG -- about terrible things going on during the camping...what gives? I want the scoop...

  15. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Palin and "reality" are not possible.

  16. Buffalo, NY7:58 AM

    I give it 3 episodes, 4 tops, before it is yanked off the air.

    I'll stick to watching Pawn Stars and American Pickers on the History Channel thank you.

  17. Anonymous8:01 AM

    All you Alaskans who are embarassed to be represented by Palin, please remember two things:

    1. Anyone whose opinion you value already knows that everything connected with this twit is pure fiction.

    2. Anyone who really believes that she is the embodiment of the 'real Alaskan' is someone who already thinks the sun, moon and earth revolve around the Quitter Queen and that she can birth a baby while simultaneously skinning a moose, building a log cabin, shooting one of those pesky wolves and solving every one of the world's problems as POTUS. In other words, you should place absolutely no value on their opinion!

  18. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Hey Anon, I read the story on the link. What was up with Sarah's people giving lunchables to Kate's kids at the camp site? I mean, Kate may be a diva, but heck I wouldn't feed that crap to my kids either. You're supposed to grill when you go camping. Sounds like a shitty setup just for a photo op for both women.

    I'm sure there's so much beauty and fun in the Alaska outdoors, but the Palin handlers likely picked some less desirable area just because they wanted a place where no journalists or bloggers could snoop on them. I'm sure that was the priority.

    Heck, I have a canadian friend who vacations in the beautiful vancouver outdoors and even he has a cabin. I'm sure Kate, knowing Palin is a millionaire, expected a little bit more than a patch of dirt and a tent when she arrived.

  19. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Why not use those cabins the Palins haven't paid taxes on? Isn't that what she considers camping, too? It sounds like this is just a set-up to make Kate look bad and $arah look like the one who can handle anything. That's why she must have a private plane or first class written into every speech contract, along with a suite for herself, all to prove she's NOT a diva, hmm? Kate is from an area where people go hunting and camping frequently, she's no stranger to it. Instead, they made it as bad as possible in order to make $arah look good.

  20. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I usually do not leave a comment, but you really impress me, also I have a few questions like to ask, what's your contact details?



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