Friday, January 07, 2011

Do you know how you can be confident that Sarah Palin will NEVER win the Republican nomination for 2012? When freaking Ted Nugent even refuses to endorse her!

Call it what you will, jumped the shark, nuked the refrigerator, or clubbed the halibut, Sarah Palin is finished when the "Nuge" cannot even bring himself to stand behind her.


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    So what you saying here is that Nuge is not as dumb as he looks? Who the hell knew?


  2. I guess Sarah didn't wink and wiggle her tongue as hard at Ted as she did for John McCain.

  3. Anonymous11:09 AM


    Here, sharky sharky sharky!!


  4. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I always knew he was an idiot. Just play, Ted.

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I said it all last year and I'll say it again.

    She will NOT run.

  6. Anonymous11:24 AM

    To think, she's done more for getting his name back in the mainstream eye than his talent alone for all the events they've done together and the shout outs she's given him.

    He's a batshit crazy mofo rocker, to each his own, but even if this wingnut can't vote for her - Gryphen's right, she's clubbed the halibut. : )

    But we have to object, and continue to keep him under the 'crazy' label, for all the things he likes about her and thinks she stands for. Pithy platitudes and a bullshit tough as nails narrative. Nope.

  7. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I am embarrassed to say I actually own an album from this wacko. Well, I was 16 and too stupid to know any better. I can't believe he said that she is articulate, makes sense when she talks, is sincere, and knowledgeable. Me thinks Ted's volume on his guitar has been way too loud for way too long--no brain cells left between the ears. My skin crawls with embarrassment for him.

  8. Anonymous11:27 AM

    The problem with all this is who's Ted Nugent?The only thing I might take his recommendation on is ammo and that's not a lock either.Another right winger that needs to crawl back in his hidey hole and stfu.

  9. Well, at least he's the first one of her "panty sniffers" (Actually, Gryphen, I think that's a pretty funny description) who has the guts to say outright he wouldn't vote for her.

  10. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Why is this pedophile given airtime and by Anderson Cooper no less?
    Who in their right mind considers Ted Nugent an authority on anything other than draft dodging and teen brides?
    He is the poop on the heel of humanity.

  11. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Never thought I'd EVER agree with anything the Nuge says, but wow, he almost makes sense!

  12. Ahhh, but he LOVES her!

    As fascinating as this is, I'm disturbed that Anderson Cooper gives this sordid guy a platform.

  13. LOL!
    I wonder if he realizes he's in trouble now?

  14. Anonymous11:54 AM

    "makes sense"

    Has he MET her???

    Wow, just!

  15. TNbluedot11:57 AM

    Oy! His description of Scarah's abilities speaks volumes on his intelligence, or lack thereof! But at least he knows she wouldn't make a good president.

  16. WalterNeff12:03 PM

    All these asshats talk about how 'hot' she is. I mean, have they ever SEEN Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand?

  17. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Q: Now Ted, what would you see as Sarah's greatest weaknesses, if any?

    A: Oh, any of 'em, all of 'em.

  18. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Q: Now Ted, what would you see as Sarah's greatest weaknesses, if any?

    A: Oh, any of 'em, all of 'em.

  19. Enjay in E MT12:12 PM

    Awww - that is so disappointing

    Looks like Nugent has at least ONE brain cell that hasn't been fried.

  20. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Did he say she makes sense when she speaks? Really? In what alternate universe?

  21. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Who else can win it? Romney can't win because he backed health care reform that models what Obamacare is. You can't run against health care if you run Romney. Gingrich has had 3 wives and multiple mistresses. Huckabee seems clean cut, but boring. Who else can excite voters? Palin is the only current option. If someone is planning on coming out of left field they better hurry. The Iowa Caucuses are less than a year away now.

  22. Anonymous12:18 PM



  23. Anonymous12:23 PM

    According to the pee'ers, Nuge and others are just holding back until she announces; and they don't want it to look like they're "in the bag" for her.

  24. Anonymous12:24 PM

    That woman is so delusional she would throw her hat into the ring just to see her name in the news.

    I think only a jail sentence could stop her, or if Murdock lures her aboard one of his yachts and has it sail to China and back during the elections.

  25. Anonymous12:31 PM

    And, he is so ill-informed about her that it is amazing! He gives her way too much credit in his opening commentary! She's articulate...give me a f------ braak!

  26. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I know that Ted may not vote for her but he may want to "do her".
    Conservatives are so desperate for a D-list celebrity that they will overlook all of "Has Been Rocker" Ted Nugent. I am grew up in Detroit area and I currently live in the Ann Arbor area and most of us know what a scum bag he is.
    This is taken from July 15, 1990 Detroit Free Press Sunday Magazine profile:

    "But Nugent wanted no part of Vietnam. He claims that 30 days before his draft board physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days, he ingested nothing but Vienna sausages and Pepsi; and a week before his physical, he stopped using bathrooms altogether, virtually living inside pants caked with his own excrement, stained by his urine.

    That spectacle won Nugent a deferment, he says, although the Free Press was unable to verify his draft status.
    "The men who went should be applauded, but if I would have gone over there, I’d have been killed, or I’d have killed all the hippies in the foxholes . . . I would have killed everybody." [DS: In other words, let them do the job for me, while I rock and lounge over here in safety. Whatever, Ted.]

    WITH HIS WORRIES ABOUT THE draft out of the way — "I never heard from them again" — Nugent focused on his band.
    Here's an example of Ted's feelings about our nation's neighbors...

    "...Yeah they love me (in Japan) – they’re still assholes. These people they don’t know what life is. I don’t have a following, they need me; they don’t like me they need me... Foreigners are assholes; foreigners are scum; I don’t like ‘em; I don’t want ‘em in this country; I don’t want ‘em selling me doughnuts; I don’t want ‘em pumping my gas; I don’t want ‘em downwind of my life-OK? So anyhow-and I’m dead serious..." (WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., November 19, 1992).

    "We should put razor wire around our borders and give the finger to any piece of shit who wants to come here." Westword Newspaper, Denver, Colorado, July 27, 1994

    Perhaps Ted will tell the baggers about his respect for women...

    "What’s a feminist anyways? A fat pig who doesn’t get it often enough?" Wikipedia

    [On Hillary Clinton] "You probably can’t use the term ‘toxic c—-’ in your magazine, but that’s what she is. Her very existence insults the spirit of individualism in this country. This bitch is nothing but a two-bit whore for Fidel Castro." Westword Newspaper, Denver, Colorado, July 27, 1994

    And last but not least, Ted's tribute to Martin Luther King...

    "My being there (South Africa) isn’t going to affect any political structure. Besides, apartheid isn’t that cut-and-dry. All men are not created equal." Detroit Free Press Magazine, July 15, 1990
    He is a scumbag racist and perfect fodder for Beck and Hannity!

  27. Anonymous12:33 PM

    This teabagging idiot proves my point that if $arah looked like Madeleine Albright (whom I admire) but had the brains of a Palin she'd be history......... ancient history. I'm talking when man hung out with dinosaurs history!!

  28. Yeah, but he did say she's "knowledgeable" and "says all the right things". Sad, just sad.

  29. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Clubbing the halibut is the new jumping the shark. I love it! She's really done herself in, hasn't she?

  30. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Thanks, Ted. Now go kill something.

  31. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I agree with 11:14, she's going to milk her minions for every cent she can get out of them and then she's going into forced hiding. She thought she can pull the same crap she pulled in AK on a national level.

    She didn't realize that she fooled only some of the people in AK, the intelligent ones weren't going to let her get away with that crap.

  32. Anonymous1:04 PM

    He loves her but.... he loves gurls and guns. There is no way he would not back her up no matter how awful she shoots. She is out there, doing it and that is what counts. Chuck Heath was by her side, you can't knock his skills. Nuge would have her back, he would have Chuck's back, that's what friends are for, Nuge. WTF happened? He must have seen something deep and dark to deliever that shot to the heart. Copper prolly had him on because he couldn't believe Ted would turn like that, in love but over the rush.

    Another one for Sarah to laugh off. Krauthammer, now this?

    Sarah's radio interview
    Posted on: January 7, 2011
    Posted in: Border Control, Policy & Issues

    When will Alaska release the Palin e-mails? git er dun.

  33. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Anon12:33PM, and this is the man $p exposed her young child to. A man she proudly stood on stage with, with young daughter in front of them.

  34. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I think that it's more important for Karl Rove, George Will, Charles Krauthammer to say that Sarah is not qualified to be president. Bill O'Reilly seems to be behind Romney. The problem is that when Sarah ran for VP, she was running with a 72 year old guy with a history of recurrent cancer. If she isn't qualified now, she wasn't qualified then. The job description of the VP is to serve as President if something were to happen to the Chief Executive. It's too bad that it took them two years to speak out.

  35. Anonymous1:25 PM


    5 hours ago: March '06 Obama says raising debt WEAKENS USA & signals "failed leadership" then went on to support overspending;now wants to raise ceiling

  36. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Mr. Nugent might possibly be an even bigger asshole than the grifter. Just sayin'!

  37. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Here's my big concern, the GOP playing field is so dull that they just might trot out Jeb Bush at the last minute and compared to all the other idiots, he isn't one. I don't like his politics, but he isn't extreme like the other ones are. And if anyone had to ramp up a last minute presidential campaign, he could.

  38. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Assuming this really is Sarah's POTUS hope's death knell.
    We should all send thank you notes to all the Alaska bloggers who have recorded Sarah's words and deeds and people like Andrew Sullivan, Letterman, Comedy Central, Huff Po, Political Carnival and many many more for not giving up on exposing Sarah's hate and ineptitude to the world.

    Not forgetting a couple of Canadian guys who pranked her early on, and told the world.

    Also too Sarah's brain and her mouth for making all this possible.

  39. Anonymous1:44 PM

    The fact that Nugent stated that she makes sense when she talks and various things like this - Negates his attempt at regaining any cred he was aiming for by saying that she couldn't be elected now.

    Enjay commented above he has managed to keep one brain cell - well the other fried ones just ate it!!

    I noticed too on the show the discussion about the Obama birth cert and he waved all the birther cards/talking points but admitted he hadn't really paid much attention. He said they should just show it. Cooper stated facts that the cert had been filed etc. and Nugent finally said great, enough said, move on, get over type comments. Good til the next time we hear him talk say at a rally. He'll be on the birther wagon again.

    Tells you how serious he is about any of this. He too is the same as Palin - wanting attention for himself like when he appears on Beck's show. He is batshit crazy and always will be and actually always was.

    In my mid-teens, one of my birthday presents from a friend & her parents were tickets to a Nugent concert. It would have been my first concert to go to. It was also the first time I swore as I told my friend to fuck off - I wouldn't go see that freak!! Seems I had Nugent pegged decades ago!

  40. Anonymous1:53 PM

    He is a "fan both literally and figuatively." Hmmm. What does that mean? He likes her and is made of paper to make wind???? Does Sarah Palin have any fans that have an education?????


  41. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Good Lord!
    Now Ted Nugent has voice?!

    It really IS the EndTimes, isn't it?

  42. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Where were these idiots in 2008?

  43. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Well, my opinion of Ted Nugent has done a nose dive reading about how he thinks Sarah is so great plus Anon 12:33pm's devastating comment about him.

    As for WGE, this post didn't change my already low opinion of her at all. Yeah, WGE is not as loathsome as a murderer or child there's still room for her to debase herself further. She just needs to keep showing the American public what a fraud she is.

  44. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Ted Nugent, you need to get your hearing and eyes checked.
    - She makes sense when she talks ?
    - She says all the right things ?
    - She's sincere ?
    - She's knowledgeable ?
    - She's articulate ?
    - She's good looking ?

    The Palin that we've been exposed to is NONE of those. If fact, just the opposite.
    - She speaks gobbledygook.
    - She spews vitriole.
    - She lies out of both sides of her mouth.
    - She makes things up and rattles them off as facts.
    - She mangles the English language.
    - Her internal ugliness totally distorts & skews her face into a gargoyle.

    And that's on her good days, which are few and far between.
    Yes, Ted, you better get your ears and eyes checked.


  45. EPIC OUCH!! (part deux)

  46. Anonymous3:28 PM

    He can't endorse anybody that takes 7 shots to hit a stationary target.

  47. Anonymous3:47 PM

    @1:35 p.m.,

    Jeb Bush may not be dumb, but he may not be extreme enough for the teatards. He may be too moderate for their tastes. Jeb Bush supports immigration reform, which the far-right is against, and he opposed the law in Arizona which the far-right supports. Jeb Bush can speak Spanish. Can you imagine what the Tea Party would do if Jeb Bush were at campaign rallies speaking in Spanish to Latino voters, and promising them immigration reform? His brother "W" used Jeb Bush to get Latino voters when he ran for president.

    The teatards are out of control, and already making threats to punish republicans in the new congress in 2012, if they fail to carry out their far-right agenda. Whomever they nominate in 2012 will be a far-right candidate, who is against immigration reform. They want someone who wants to put an end to birth-right citizenship, and put up a fence. People act as if Jeb Bush is a flawless candidate, or something. He's not.

  48. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Poop! Meltdown at the compound!

    When will FAUX come get their equipment and dismantle their studio?

  49. Anonymous3:55 PM

    That Sarah is "articulate " and "makes sense" on a Ted Nugent level isn't saying much.

  50. Anonymous4:08 PM

    gross! yet ANOTHER panty-sniffer...gag.

    I still fail to see what these douches see in her!? HOT: Really?!

    This just confirms what we have all known all along: Scary got where she is today b/c of all these blithering idiots and their Madonna/Whore complexes.

    He is a lying jack-hole when he gave her all the compliments that are laughable...but I DO believe him about the not voting for her...

    (but he will pull a Kleenex out for her). I just threw up a little bit in my mouth...

  51. Eunice4:25 PM

    The wingtards always bitch about celebrities getting involved in politics, then they drag out idiots like Ted Nugent, Janine Turner and Victoria Jackson. I watched 5 minutes of Janine Turner opining about the constitution last night, I swear I've never heard anything quite so stupid and pointless in my entire life. And she's the smart one. WTF is wrong with these people? Why are these people on "news" programs anyway?

  52. Please, the only reason he wouldn't vote for her is that he's a misogynist jackass. If you really think he gave any thought at all to her true qualifications, you're crazy. All he needed to know was that she's a woman. Done.

  53. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Anon 1:35PM We must be careful not to fall into the Bush trap again! The full picture of George jr's pro corporate, backdoor politics and craziness was hidden before 2000. Jeb has the SAME politics..but he's smarter, craftier and has a gorgeous smile. Doubt that he'll run in 2012 (unless some catastrophe hits Obama) because he'd likely lose. But watch out 2016!
    Florida resident

  54. Anonymous4:33 PM

    @Anon 12:33 - "If $arah looked like Madeleine Albright..." FYI, Madeleine Albright was actually considered a beauty in her younger days. She still has great cheekbone structure (not implants like someone else we know). I shudder to think what winky will look like in 30 years, even after 30 more procedures.

  55. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Someone should keep all these little nuggets about Nugent since palin thinks he is so great ,does that mean she also thinks like him and approves of what he has said and done in the past???

  56. Anonymous5:11 PM

    "She makes sense when she talks???"

    Are we talking about the same person here?

  57. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Just read somewhere that Palin blasted McCain for daring to suggest bi-partisan immigration reform while she was on Laura Ingraham's radio show.

    Now we'll soon hear that Palin is doing a 2nd season of SPA. The difference being - it won't be Sarah Palin's Alaska - it will be Sarah Palin's Arizona!!

    She has McCain in her sites!! He royaly has pissed her off!!

  58. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I too saw Janine Turner on CNN last night. The blonde Bagger bimbo is dumber than a rock.

  59. Sarah is not going to do another SPA show, I bet it wasn't offered to her

    Sarah passes on second season for SPA?

  60. Anonymous6:20 PM

    The good news is there are only 4 states that start with "A".

    And it's kind of interesting that all 4 of them are red states.


    Ah, sarah, I'm betting your political life is going to die a slow death in Arizona and you'll never get to Alabama and Arkansas.
    I'm also betting that you'll take John with you. So, thanks. Bless your heart.

  61. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Eunice @4:25PM, I guess the Repugs think celebrities are okay if they're third stringers, like Victoria, Janine and Ted. They don't like any thinking celebrities. Nugent can't think if he thinks $arah is articulate! It is funny that the idiot wouldn't vote for $arah.

  62. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I wonder if Nugent is backing Ryan/Rubio like Bill Kristol? Sarah must be getting her panties in a wad when Bill Kristol, dumped her? 2011, isn't going so well for the Queen.

    I guess she has been so busy getting her STD test?

  63. majii7:15 PM

    Not once, in all of his praise for Palin, does he say that he thinks she knows what she is talking about.

    A rousing endorsement, eh?

  64. Sarah Scratch Fever!

    Catch it!

  65. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Aside from the fact that this guy is total scum and a racist-- what is that thing on his face? A beard? Why do TeaBaggers try to grow them?

  66. Gasman8:52 PM

    Ted Nugent on Palin:
    “She makes sense when she talks. She says all the right things. She’s sincere. She’s knowledgeable. She’s articulate, plus she’s DAMN good lookin’, plus she kills moose, how could you go wrong?”

    If Nugent thinks Palin “makes sense” and is “sincere” and is “articulate” then Nugent is out of his fucking mind. I guess Ted stood in front of his deafeningly loud guitar amps just a little too much. It seems to have cooked his gray matter. Whether or not he did drugs, he is certifiably batshit crazy. There are many adjectives which can be used to describe Palin, but certainly not the ones that Nugent chose.

    As a matter of fact, I cannot think of anybody astride the national stage who makes LESS sense, is LESS sincere, and is LESS articulate than Sarah Palin. She is a simpering moron who took two full years to answer the question “what do you read?”

    It’s clear that Palin still delivers all sorts of good wood to Uncle Ted, which creeps me out immensely. I'm not sure how much I'll have to drink to get THAT image out of my mind.

    WTF is Anderson Cooper doing asking Ted Nugent about any subject in the political realm? I could give a fat rat’s ass about what Nugent thinks about anything, let alone his decidedly Neanderthalesque political opinions. Isn’t that kind of like asking Strom Thurmond about popular music - that is if he weren’t dead?

  67. Well, well I have to agree with your assetment, Gryph. I'm encouraged by all this..

  68. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Interesting, from an ADN writer:

  69. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Anon 1:35p
    I believe your concern is spot on.

  70. Anonymous7:42 AM

    This camo-clad windbag needs to keep has yap shut. You might as well drag a wino off the street and ask him what he thinks. Big tough Ted makes a lot of noise about killing animals, but was a draft dodger of the worst sort during Vietnam. Hell, he used to brag about his "clever" methods of getting deferred. Nugent is nothing but hypocritical scum.

  71. Ted is a disgusting piece of dog excrement but even he is right about Palin. I dislike him for a few reasons but his canned hunts piss me off. That is not what true hunters do. Fine if you hunt for food. But to take animals from their know habitat, giving them even more of a disadvantage, hunt them for a fucking head on your wall is wrong on so many levels. My opinion and I am sticking with it.


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