Saturday, January 15, 2011

Out of the darkness of evil, shines the ray of hope.

From the AZ Central:

More than 1,700 people packed St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, tucked into the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains, for Christina-Taylor's funeral Thursday afternoon. The congregation included Mark Kelly, the husband of Giffords; senators John McCain and Jon Kyl, and baseball greats like Ryne Sandberg and Pat Gillick. Her father, John, is a scout for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

The Most Rev. Gerald Kicanas, Bishop of Tucson told the crowd that Christina-Taylor's organs were donated.

And a friend helping the Green family said they received a call yesterday from the organ donation network, telling them that Christina-Taylor's donation had already saved the life of a child on the East Coast.

Christina-Taylor was born on Sept. 11, 2001, and liked to think of herself as something good that came into the world that awful day.

Just when you fear that charity and hope are permanently losing ground to selfishness and fear, there comes the gift of this child to remind us all that every day is a chance to make the world a better place.

She came into this world on a day forever stained by violence and terror and left on a day much the same, but still she manages to leave a little part of herself behind so that others will live to see the future that she was denied.

Good-by little angel.


  1. Anonymous2:11 AM

    This little girl is also making a difference in my life. My father, a staunch republican all of his, life is mad as hell. He is pissed off at gun regulation, the lack of mental health care and just about everything the repub's stand for right now. I am his little girl. I may be 48 and a grandma now, but I am that little brown eyed girl he sees everywhere on the news.

    My dad is about the most wonderful man on EARTH. He has always been my hero, and I married a man much like him. He is finally starting to see the consequences of the crazy right wing party and I wouldn't be surprised if he voted democrat next time.

    You can only be wrong for so long before people start to wake up. So long FOX and Rush and Beck and especially you Paylin! Hasta la Vista MF'ers.

    Thanks G,for highlighting this TRUE American, little Christina! She is the poster child for a new America. And may we only hear of that rat bastards name when he goes to prison for the rest of his life.

  2. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Amen. Rest in peace.

  3. Anonymous2:58 AM

    She's a very lovely little girl from a very caring family. This is going to take s great amount of time for her family. We will never understand this tragedy.

  4. abo gato4:46 AM

    Last night, while watching the news, we heard that Christina was an organ donor and had saved a child on the East coast. My husband looked at me and we both burst into tears.

    What a lovely person she was.

  5. womanwithsardinecan5:00 AM

    It seems fitting that Christina's organs would save at least one life.

  6. Anonymous5:11 AM

    I just want to thank Christina's family for donating their beautiful child's organs to help others. Thank you.

  7. Anonymous5:55 AM

    * Christina's family, under the very worst of circumstances, made the decision to donate her organs. That decision saved the life of another little girl, and will make life better for several other people as well.

    * Mark Kelly attended the funeral of Christina Green.

    These are two examples of the BEST of the human spirit and true compassion. There IS hope for our country.

  8. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Thank you, Gryphen, for having and sharing a large and compassionate heart, for caring and demanding the best of yourself and us, and for being someone willing to put yourself on the line for what you believe in.

    You remind us that it's not okay to allow cruelty and ignorance to run rampant in our land. You remind us to be more than we are and to be sanely passionate about our ideals. You remind us that we don't have to shout, carry guns or tolerate intolerance. That we can be more than we are; that we can work together.

    The anger you often voice seems rooted in your outrage and sadness that too many people have turned their backs on and hardened their hearts against common decency.

    I see in your posts that you are constantly asking questions that we need to address: Why is it so difficult for people to understand that love is simply all that counts? Why is it so hard to be kind? Why is it so wrong to open our minds and learn?

    Thank you for reminding us of what we can be, and why we should try to be better than we sometimes are.

  9. Mrs. M6:27 AM

    I think little Christina is tugging at the heartstrings of people who you never would have expected to be effected by this tragedy... my heart breaks each and every time I see her picture... it's hard to imagine anyone not feeling the same way, though I know there are people like that out there.

    I read the news of her organs being donated yesterday and it made me cry for her all over again... part of Christina will live on and truly change the lives of others. I think for me it was the first "good" thing to come of this senseless tragedy. I hope there are more good things to come... better background checks... stronger gun control...

    Rest in peace, Christina.

  10. Anonymous7:00 AM

    That church is gorgeous--a beautiful place to say goodbye to a beautiful child. My heart aches for her parents as they have many dark days ahead. This is an unfathomable loss.

    Each day brings fresh tales of horror and abuse suffered by children. I wish I could stop it, but all I can do is hug my own child tighter.

  11. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Rest In Peace sweet Angel.

  12. To Sarah Palin: can you possibly imagine how the parents of Christina felt on hearing the news that their beautiful daughter was dead, murdered while she attended a community event? And then, in the midst of their grief, they allowed their daughter's organs to be used to save other lives? Can you, for one instant, take your mind away from your own selfishness to comprehend that kind of goodness? Is this the America you envision? From your own mouth, you have indicated that your America is a place full of hate. It is not, no matter how hard your try to portray it as such. People like the Green Family and the many others who have shown bravery and compassion in the wake of this terrible national tragedy are shining examples of the America that our forefathers (you know, "all of them") envisioned.

  13. Rest in peace, Christina. Add her name to the children who paid the ultimate price for adult stupidity. (Another little girl never got to grow up, Her life stolen, but so were her contributions to ours).

    That's a quote from/about the movie 'Four Little Girls'

  14. Thank you for this post. Heartwarming/heartbreaking.

  15. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Everytime I see her sweet smile I cry. She blessed the lives of many despite the brevity of her time here on earth. I hope her spirit fills us and reminds us always to be better. It is a choice we are free to make....

    Fear manifests weakness, love is both the ultimate strength, and gift, that we can give to others, as well as ourselves.

    Namaste......Sue in Minnesota

  16. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Angel indeed.
    She will continue to save lives, in many ways.

  17. I think my favorite age of raising my children, after the births, and after 18 months, was about age 8 to 9 years.

    Thinking of her parents in the loss of this sweet girl at such a fantastic childhood stage. I am so sorry.

    Thank you for posting that her organs have been donated. It is a value I also hold [list it on your driver's license, just in cases].

  18. @2:11 AM
    "Thanks G,for highlighting this TRUE American, little Christina! She is the poster child for a new America. And may we only hear of that rat bastards name when he goes to prison for the rest of his life."

    If only we could make the Grisly $arah Palin join him.

  19. Seen elsewhere:

    "Sarah Palin collects the blood of gunned-down nine-year-olds to further her political career; pass it on."


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