Sunday, January 02, 2011

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Has anybody else ever noticed a certain difference between these two families?

And now this.

I was actually looking for pictures to use in another post a few days ago and was struck by the difference in body language between the two families.

Of course this would be a non-issue except that the Mama Grizzly touts her experiences parenting as one of her most important qualifications for office.  She is also constantly throwing her family out in front of the spotlight for public scrutiny to increase her popularity.

Okay let's scrutinize them.

It was just interesting to me that the person who claims to have such a close knit perfect family comes off as cold and distant in pictures, whereas the one who rarely mentions what kind of family he has appears just the opposite.

P.S. By the way I really tried to find more affectionate pictures of Sarah and family, and the best I could do was that second family photo where she is holding Piper's hand.  If there are more out there you are welcome to add them in the comments.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    You are so accurate in your assessment Gryph. And body language does not lie. The Obamas truly love and cherish each other, while the Palin's...well, don't. They may call it that, but the bodies say otherwise. What is also apparent is that warmth and genuine affection is the foundation for our President's calm and unshakable demeanor, he is deeply loved.

  2. Mark In Everett6:38 AM

    Notice that Sarah is always in the center of her family pics. I'd guess that's because it's always all about her.

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    OK, I'm ready for my political prop now...

  4. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Sarah.. you and your entire family are fucked up...

    Enjoy the money you made.. before you go to jail.

  5. Anonymous6:43 AM

    You never ever ever see a candid moment of affection between Sarah and Todd. I would like to see just one! They may "do it" for a publicity shot, but their marriage is a business arrangement as we already know. You never see the older Palin kids reach out to their mother with any kind of affectionate gesture. - My grown up kids always tell me they love me and hug me.

  6. Anonymous6:45 AM

    In the first Falin family photo, guess Bristol hadn't discovered the magic of spanx yet in containing annoying baby bumps.
    In the second Falin family photo, why are the Menard kids on the right and the ?? kids on the left?
    They even self segregate themselves. That's a piss!!

  7. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I learned a long time ago that people (like Palin) who act as if everything is so perfect in their world are usually the ones who are living the most dysfunctional situations.

  8. I also watch body language and the difference is mind boggling. You can really see the love in the Obama's. They are almost always smiling, lovely girls.

  9. Anonymous6:57 AM

    “Another snowstorm blanketed Washington for the second time in a few days. Because it was a Saturday, I hung around the White House thinking that the President might venture out in the snow with his daughters. Here they are playing in the Rose Garden in the midst of the storm.”

  10. my sister shared a photo of Obama with a "regular guy" in a "regular setting" and the guy is getting his photo taken with our President, and he's giving Mr. Obama bunny ears.
    Do you think Rah-Rah would even let someone give her bunny ears?
    I love our Obama Family.

  11. Anonymous7:17 AM

    The Obama family have genuine smiles. The Palin family are saying "cheese!" for the camera.

  12. Anonymous7:23 AM

    The Huffington Post has a post of photos taken by one of the White House photographers, and viewing them I was struck again by what a loving and lovely First Family we are blessed to have. And I thought again of how grotesque a Palin presidency would be. Class vs. White Trash. How could anyone look up to the Palin Family? It boggles the mind.

  13. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I think that this baby that Bristol wants in 2011 is what has finally stopped Sarah in her tracks. I think they have tried to look at it from every angle and still have not figured out how they want to frame it. They may not have much deceiving to work with. It's got them stumped 'cause there is no way of looking at it that works for all of them, esp. now that Bristol is more independent and has to buy into "a plan". Time marches on and they know that they are running out of it.

  14. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Both TLC and TV Guide indicate that there is no new episode tonight. All reruns. What's up with that? Wasn't tonight supposed to be a 2-hour "finale"?

  15. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Gryphen, I resent you encouraging people to compare President Obama with Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin belongs in a mall sideshow and Barack Obama is the president of the United States. What's next, a comparison of Snooki and Malia?

  16. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I think that the promotional picture for her TLC show that shows all of the Palins with their toys is the more telling picture. (I wish that you could either add it or swap the pictures). Sarah and family is defined by their materialism. It is all about toy cars for kids, big trucks and house additions for the bigger kids. Sarah still believes that you have to flaunt it so people will know how rich you are. But, it doesn't make her smarter, nicer or create a more loving family.

  17. Anonymous7:39 AM

    My mistake. Finale is next week.

  18. Anonymous7:40 AM

    From the outset, Palin has well earned a reputation for being a first-tier political cheap shot artist. This particular shot, however, might cause her considerable heartburn. By mocking attempts to limit child obesity in the name of some nebulous form of "freedom", Palin might have actually found the outer limits of the selfishness of her constituency.

  19. Florida Grammy7:42 AM

    I can't even imagine Malia or Sasha calling her mom "Michelle", unlike the Piper who refers to her mother as Sarah. Those kids have never been taught to respect anyone or anything. It's really very sad.

  20. Anonymous7:46 AM

    As far as SP's Disaster in Alaska's show tonight it is a repeat & next week will be a 2 hour torture fest.

  21. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Malia will be stunning when she's
    grown up, lovely face, tall & elegant.
    Sasha is the cutest, cuddliest little
    munchkin it's easy to see why she's always being hugged! Michele is an
    excellent mom & it shows. Whereas,
    Sarah is...well we know what she is,
    & it shows! One is raising a family, & the other an assortment of stage

    Sharon TN

  22. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Palin is not only always in the center of the family photos but frequently is the only one dressed in bright colors - everyone else is drab in comparison.

  23. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Bristol chooses well with Arizona purchase

    Published on Saturday, January 1, 2011 10:59 PM AKST
    To the editor:

    All right, Bristol!

    Although I am an Alaska booster, I cheer and congratulate Bristol Palin for purchasing her new home in the first state to show the guts and intelligence needed to address immigration reform seriously, and in the state boasting a sheriff who has for years set a great example regarding law enforcement, criminal punishment and immigration control.

    Arizona has always had many positive attributes, which have long drawn residents and vacationers nationwide; but sunshine and legislators who address the best interests of their constituents and our nation are definite plusses.

    Whether Arizona will be a permanent home, vacation home or investment for her, I say to Bristol what many of us said time and again during her dancing stint on television — you go, girl!

    Carol Neueman


  24. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Gryphen, you are really so talented at bringing up and examining important issues related to SP, I wish you would give things like Bristol's house and Palin family body language a rest. I am definitely NOT a fan of SP and I appreciate that you keep us all up on things that she says and does that we REALLY need to know about. As for the house, it's a heck of a lot nicer than many I have lived in, and the family photos are simply not bad, and bear no comparison to those of any other family. When you focus on these kinds of things you bring out silly gossipy comments in your readers that don't do justice to the real service you are able to provide.

  25. Anonymous7:57 AM

    There are so many photos of the Obamas touching each other, a hand, a shoulder, sincere affection and love.

  26. Anonymous8:03 AM

    As is the case with intelligence, or just about anything, anyone who must repeatedly proclaim their relationship status usually doesn't have it.

    - kellygrrrl

  27. Anonymous8:04 AM

    To Anonymous 7:34 a.m.

    I can well understand your resentment, and your point is taken, however, because the media continues to compare her to our President, as if she is somehow a legitimate equal, of which of course she isn't, it is appropriate for Gryphen to point out the discrepancy of the PR message she is cramming down our throats (to take a favorite GOP phrase) vs the actual unspoken message of the bodies that is telling the TRUTH for all to see, if you just open your eyes. Gryphen helps to open our eyes. To focus on just how disingenuous and false that narrative is. So, perhaps you could consider that.

  28. Anonymous8:10 AM

    is there any picture with Todd really smiling?

    He only has a "smile for camera" smile, never a genuine "happy" smile

    Sarah you screwed up your entire family... be happy...SMILE

  29. Lynne8:51 AM

    I have a file on my computer containing many wonderful Obama family photos, and thanks to you, Gryphen, I just added more. The love certainly shines through in that family.

  30. Anne In DC9:09 AM

    Gryphen, these pictures are the best confirmation of the fact that the Obama family is what Palin and her minions only pretend Palin's family is. The warmth and affection among all the president's family is unmistakable. There is no way to fake their obvious love for each other.

    On the other hand, I don't see that with the Palin family. In addition, Palin has used her kids as props so many times that no one can be blamed for discounting her claims that she represents family values. This is in stark contrast to the First Couple who take care to protect their girls in order to ensure they have as normal a life as possible in the nation's capital.

    Both families are stark examples of the silliness of explaining family values or the lack of them in terms of political affiliation. There are strong and loving families, as well as dysfunctional ones, at every part of the political spectrum.

  31. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Your last picture in front of that dead lake will have to be replaced soon.

    Next picture will be with all the Palin females holding their own babies.

    Since Track is not Todd's son, maybe they can finally hold each other since DADT has been revoked?

  32. Anonymous9:16 AM

    No SP's Alaska tonight.

    They are busy editing out the scene where Dog The Bounty Hunter is arresting Willow and her pimp Sarah for drug trafficing.

  33. Anonymous9:35 AM

    When you look at the Obamas, you see family, you see love, you see parental pride...

    How come when you look at the Palin's pictures, you hafta figure out who's pregnant? Or who is high on meth? Or who is carrying drugs in their cavity? Or who's gang is breaking into houses, Or who is being paged by their pimps? Or whose water is leaking? Or who is homophobic this week? Or who is doing a New York Yankee? Or who has a boy in their room? Or who is doing Levi? Or who is doing Ben? Or who is doing Gino? Or who is doing John McCain? Or who needs another note to skip school again? Or who needs a lawyer? Or who is being investigated? Or who is about to get criminal info revealed about them this week?

    Nothing is ever simple when it comes to a Palin.

  34. Anonymous10:06 AM

    We know she reads you, so look for some (forced) happy, huggy photos of the Palin gang soonly.

  35. Anonymous10:15 AM

    The way the Obama girls hold on to their daddy is quite revealing. I have always noticed how much they love their daddy. Every time he is around his girls, he can't help but smile broadly, give them a hug and get that sparkle in his eyes.

    In contrast, I get the feeling that the Palin children would grimace and give a WTF look if Sarah tried to hug her children like Obama hugs his girls. I believe that Todd loves the children, but is probaly not real demonstrative.

  36. Kimosabe10:23 AM

    The Obama shots are candid, albeit by the professional WH photographer. The SP shots are posed "say cheese" portraits, of course they look, well, cheesier.

    But then, the most touching candid shot we have of the P family is that loving, tender cake in the face!

  37. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Let's remember also too, that coming home episode where Cougar Mama was warmer and natural giving Ballas a hug than letting wooden praise fall from her dead lips and (trying?) to hug Bristol?

    THAT was a weird as her graceless hijacking of Bristol's first Van Susteren interview.

    The Odd Weird Family. But like Gryphen says, it wouldn't be an issue if they didn't keep shoving their "perfect" family down our throats.

    As for Sarah's parenting strengths when it comes to nutrition, taco bell crunch wrap supremes, diet red bull and power bars does not a family meal make. Remember, Schmidt wanted to bring in a nutritionist for a consultation on Sarah. It must have been hard to burn that willfully ignorant empty vessel candle at both ends when she wasn't even eating to keep up her strength for the demands of a national campaign.

  38. Anonymous11:23 AM

    The Obama girls know they are wanted.
    They know because they are well cared
    for & their daddy let his MIL live with
    them so they didn't need sitters. That is
    a good man. And their parents keep them
    away from the spotlight & make sure
    they go to school.

    The Palin brood knows they were born
    because their mama does not know about
    birth control. And she needed a little
    retarded kid that dirty librual women
    would have aborted.

  39. That Malia is going to be a great beauty soon. The little one is adorable and cute. And the love they show their parents and their parents return cannot really be completely captured in a picture.

    I don't know why Dems seem to make such good parents, despite the rap of the Republicans about the only ones who have "family values"!

  40. Anonymous12:14 PM

    What struck me in the photos was Track always seems to be a little bit separated from the rest of them, a separation that kept getting larger.

  41. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Having been a photographer, I noticed from the start the lack of maternal love exhibited by Sarah from the day she was announced.

    I remember a video from the Oprah show which showed Piper and Sarah leaving for exercise class. Piper says, "Goodbye" to Todd and Sarah has this muffled comment.

    When she gave her final speech in Fairbanks look how Todd and Sarah are holding hands, she has grasped one of Todd's finger in a cold and frozen grasp. Pictures tell a lot and reveal the warmth of a family. Gryphen, you are right on!

  42. quills12:39 PM

    In the episode where Sarah spent 'quality time' with Willow, there's a shot of them talking on the beach. Mama gristle is giving off the cuff advice about life and she reaches to give an awkward half-hug to Willow and she pulls away from her mother's hand...sad and very telling. Between Bristol's sniping snark, Willow's rolling eye sockets and Piper calling her mother Sarah, this show has been quite successful, in showing the world exactly what's happening in the internal/external dynamics of this dysfunctional family. Presidential material, never.

  43. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The Obama family photo at the top is ridiculously gorgeous.

  44. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I don't see anything wrong with any of the family pictures, but one thing always struck me was the genuine warmth that radiates from the Obama's.I don't get that vibe from the Palin's

  45. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I don't get it.
    A photographical comparison of the president's family and the Palins from Wasilla, Alaska.

    The point is...?

  46. Anonymous2:27 PM

    People keep saying that the Obama pictures looks more like a family that loves each other and the Palin's pictures looks fake and cheesey.

    Some say it is because the White House photographer took the pictures of the Obamas. Does not make sense, a photographer cannot tell you how to express love for one another. All I can say is the camera does not lie. You get what you get.

    You can put the Wasilla Hill Billies in a 5 star restaurant and they will still pick their teeth, ass and whatever else itches them while they are in public. Ya get what ya get when you are talking about the trailer trash from Wasilla.

  47. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Anonymous 10:15 AM said...
    “The way the Obama girls hold on to their daddy is quite revealing. I have always noticed how much they love their daddy. Every time he is around his girls, he can't help but smile broadly, give them a hug and get that sparkle in his eyes. “

    Well Anom 10:15am, I’m sure the Palin children would do the same thing to their daddy if they knew who their real daddy is. Seems like the old and brand new generation of Palins are in the same boat. Father’s Day is a sad day for the Palin children.

  48. Anonymous2:51 PM

    You nailed it man. Sarah TALKS. Others DO.

  49. martona4:10 PM

    I've always thought the last photo of the Palin family looks photoshopped or collaged together--that someone pasted in photos of family members one by one. Possible exception: Trig and Tripp were likely being held by Sarah and Bristol. Any photo experts out there who can comment on this?

  50. Anonymous5:06 PM

    You want confirmation that Sarah is capable of human affection? How about that GOP convention photo where Sarah's caressing Levi's freshly cut and shaved face?

    Willies. . .brrrrrrrr.

  51. Anonymous5:47 PM

    To be fair, the Obama family is younger. He has young children. Most of Sarah's children are grown. The dynamic is different. Also, you've included candid shots of the Obamas and only posed shots of the Palins.

    If you look at older shots of Sarah and the kids, at Sasha and Malia's ages, you'd see more warmth, even in posed pictures:

    Having said that, it is clear to me that the Obama's have a warm family, including showing it in a physical way. Some families do not express themselves very physically, depending on the culture and how they were raised.

  52. Anonymous5:52 PM

    You are comparing apples to oranges... the 2 families are not in the same league.

  53. Anonymous6:17 PM

    What has always struck me about photos of the two families is the focus of the people in them. The Obamas look at each other, often grinning and looking directly into the other's eyes. The Palins always look at the camera and display smiles that look forced and practiced.

    Very sad.

  54. Anonymous6:20 PM

    You can just tell that the President is a big mush when it comes to his daughters.

    However, I pity the poor young men who will someday show up to date either of them...I suspect that Daddy will be VERY protective of his little girls!

  55. Anon @5:52pm:

    you summed it up perfectly.
    The Obamas genuinely care about nurturing emotionally healthy children.

    The Palins -- I'm completely unclear about what is they are doing as a family due to all the reality show appearances, Facebook status updates and tweets.

  56. Anonymous9:23 PM

    There are backstage pics from DWTS and from the TIME100 gala showing Sarah, Bristol and a couple others looking happy and warm, as well as pics from huge family events this xmas and last

  57. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Can you imagine the Palins in the White House?

    Drug deals and meth lab in the Lincoln Room. Boys slipping in and out of the girl's rooms. Unwanted underage pregnancy rampant throughout the house. Bristol trying to get per diem to sleep in her house in AZ. Sarah sets up a FOX broadcast booth in the china room. Todd and Track justa wandering the halls of the WH looking for something to do. Piper not going to school as usual. Willow leaving diapers throughout the house. Sarah making deals with TLC to film Sarah Palin's White House. What a "F-ing" mess!

  58. Anonymous9:43 PM

    See the picture of Mrs. Obama and President Obama kissing?

    I've never see Todd and Sarah kiss! The only thing close to that for the Palins is when they tell each other to kiss their asses!

  59. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Anon@5:47 PM, you say that the Paylins are an older family, while the Obama family is a young family. Did you forget about Tri-G? The President does not have a three year old. In fact, his daughters are in same age range as several of the paylin clan.


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