Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Rep. Steve King has one of the stupidest arguments against abortion I have ever heard. And he should NEVER be allowed to share it with children!

From TPM:

I often go into a high school auditorium, or meet with people at even the K-12 level in their entirety, and I'll tell them, you'll be asked to answer one of the most profound moral questions of our age, and that is: 'Where do you stand on the abortion issue?'"

He continued: "You have to pick an instant, and there's only one instant, and that's the instant at conception."

King's gun analogy is perhaps one of the stupidest things I have ever heard to justify taking a woman's right to choose what she does with her body away from her.

My question to Rep. King would be "If EVERY life is sacred then how do you justify sending troops into Iraq and Afghanistan where thousands of innocent, and don't forget sacred, lives have been lost to wage a war that the Bush administration CHOSE to wage for no good reason?"

These are people who have actually been born into our world, and have already had the opportunity to live and love.  They have wives, and husbands, and children, and sisters, and parents, and lovers whose lives have been touched by these human beings.  Ask THEM if they would put a cluster of cells in the same category as their murdered loved ones.

And yet these same moral relativists have no problem voting on a defense budget to provide bullets and bombs to rip these sacred people into little pieces, and to leave their family members devastated by their loss.

I am by no means a fan of abortion, but I simply do not feel  I, or anybody, has the right to tell a woman that she MUST be a mother.  But I certainly do feel I have the right to tell my government to STOP killing people in our name.

I also believe I have the right to tell Congressman King to stay the fuck away from our kids. If he wants to talk about that in a church that is one thing, but he has no right to bring his own twisted sense of morality into the public school system.


  1. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Good point, Gryphen.

    The hypocricy of the Religious Right is nothing new.

    The trillions spent on weapons and the military machine would go a long way to making the world safer by feeding, housing and educating people.

  2. SME1312:19 AM

    This idiot needs to be kicked from congress. But his stance on abortion is just a small part of his insanity. Read here for some of his quotes:


    He considers torture as nothing more than "hazing".

  3. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Agree with you 100%. King is a lunatic, his analogy makes no sense. One has nothing to do with the other - except, he's equating abortion with murder. What else would a kid think? The guy talks against abortion, that life is sacred & it's just like murdering with a gun.

    Didn't Michelle Bachmann do something like this with school kids last year or so ago?

    Denise (Michigan)

  4. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Preaching to kids is NOT a reason why he was elected. His personal views are his, not to be discussed with other people's kids. These "moral" people do not hesitate to send young troops into the hell holes of Iraq and Afghanistan, though. His energies would be better spent trying to get the US out of the middle east. We have more than enough problems in THIS country, we do not need to be overseas creating more enemies.

  5. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Well said, Gryphen, well said!

    Thank you.

  6. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Right. Got it. Now go on over and read how these same people who love the little cluster of cells, often justify their OWN abortions and will continue to do so. "The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion"


  7. This is a really inappropriate subject for King to be discussing with children. Especially elementary age children. I would think that he would be against "Big Government" telling people what to support. This the main problem I have with pro-lifers. They are ONLY interested in saving unborn Americans, but once they're born, they're against the government spending any funds to help the mother and child out.

  8. Anonymous3:57 AM

    I do not understand women who just accept, or worse, participate, in government's control over our own bodies.

    And it is the Govt-off-our-backs people who are most zealous about telling all women what they can and cannot do.

    The only issue is Freedom.

  9. I have never met a person in favor of abortion. Choice to make our own decision is more like it. I love how they want government out of lives but have no problem telling women what to do.

    When the baby is born if not married you are called a slut but these folks, ( unless your mom is a quitter governor) they won't help with food, and/or healthcare. It doesn't make much sense.

  10. Amen Gryphen. These people are such hypocrites. All human life is sacred, except for those who are not like us, don't believe what we believe or need any of our money. Ugh.

  11. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Rep. King forgets that women can ALWAYS make the choice to abort. Wealthy women can fly to Europe for a safe, supportive environment, poor women can go to the back-alley abortionists.

    The CHOICE Rep. King is advocating is to re-instate the back-alley system in the US. He's making the worst choice.

  12. Anonymous5:17 AM

    And people like Steve King were outraged that the POTUS used the power of his office to indoctrinate children when he televised a positive message about education to our nation's public schools. . .

    Assholes. These Far Right 'leaders' are frightening, righteous and creepy assholes.

    I'd say this if any Far Left asshole went into schools and encouraged abortion, so this progressive's ire is not just reserved against conservatives. This kind of behavior in elected officials is just unacceptable.

  13. Anonymous5:22 AM

    I have relatives that live in his district. He's an idiot. You forgot to mention that aside from the wars, he and a great majority of the people in his district do NOT want to help young, unmarried people with children. The way they talk about people on 'welfare' is horrible. It's as demeaning as it gets.

    No value to life once it's here.

    And no answers for the problems we face.

  14. Anonymous5:23 AM

    And how about this? These bellicose moral relativists have no compunction about committing our troops and National Guard into conflict, but they won't even adequately outfit them with the proper gear necessary to protect themselves from things like IED's?

  15. Anonymous6:05 AM

    KIng is indeed a hypocrite - the school system can't tell a kid what a condom is without parental permission, but this a-hole and scientific, philosophical imbecile gets to spew his views on conception to them - time to sue the schools that allow him in if they are public.

  16. Anonymous6:10 AM

    @No Moose Stew - it's really not surprising - Antonin Stupidass Scalia - now claims the Constitution doesn't protect against gender discrimination - that's right, according to Supreme Court Injustice A.S.Scalia, the 14th amendment doesn't include women. We always suspected he (and the rest of the anti-choice teabaggerfundernuts never really thought women were people.

  17. Back in the day when I was in Catholic school, there were three pro-life issues, and abortion wasn't at the top of the list: unjust war, capital punishment and abortion.

    Carrying on a public religious campaign against unjust war and capital punishment means running up against state legislatures and national warmongering. Carrying on a public religious campaign against abortion is much easier since it only involves criminalizing desperate women.

  18. Gasman6:46 AM

    King also just loves to talk about oral sex with preschoolers. Don't we usually make people like him register as sex offenders?

    There is NO consensus among religions or denominations as to when life begins. King, however, has clearly made his decision as to which view he supports. He is doing nothing more than spouting his regressive religious views. Since he is a Representative of the House, by proselytizing to children in public schools about he is blatantly violating the First Amendment. Someone in his district needs to sue him to stop this practice. On top of that, he is discussing abortion WITH CHILDREN without the consent of their parents. Their is not a court anywhere in this country that would support him in that action.

  19. One thing that none of those "Life begins at Conception." people will answer, I've asked and they give me a blank stare, is since Conception happens 5 to 7 days before pregnancy it is impossible to know if conception has taken place in a womans body, therefore should all woman capable breeding be considered to have a baby and if so should the tax laws be changed so all females between 8 and 80 can declare a dependent?
    For some reason they don't want to answer that question.

  20. @No Moose Stew - it's really not surprising - Antonin Stupidass Scalia - now claims the Constitution doesn't protect against gender discrimination

    I read that. He is an idiot. It didn't say anything about abolishing slavery either. These dumb clucks want us to live in the dark ages again.

  21. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I wish to hell that waitresses and restaurants would get together and whenever one of these congressmen or anti-choice bastards orders a chicken dinner they get served a raw egg and see if they can then tell the difference!

    If the damned repuglicans spent as much time trying to fix the shit they helped the Cheney-Bush crime cartel screw up as they do sticking their noses into women's crotches there just might be a little bipartisan cooperation to make things better for a change.

    Considering how difficult and nearly impossible it is for repug males to control their 3 inch appendage I find it extremely audacious for any of them to even consider advising any control of any kind over the female reproductive system.

    If you want to see all hell break loose just try to pass a bill to control any aspect of the male's little weenie or ban any of the viagra or similar products (covered by Medicare while they try to make abortion illegal and not covered!) How about a bill to chop off any weenie that has fathered more than one child out of wedlock that he cannot or will not support so the taxpayers have to.

    Why are men in prison allowed to marry, have conjugal visits and reproduce knowing that most of their wives and kids end up on Welfare?

    If any of these bible thumping hypocrites ever read their book they would know that the old patriarchs of all bible history considered women to have little valute, less that a cow, goat or sheep and a fetus even less valuable than a woman! After all, isn't it a biblical fact that ever since EVE, everything that goes wrong is in some way a woman's fault? Now what insecure fundie god whisperer, jezuse freak would want to change THAT?

  22. I wonder if our latest child molester and school teacher is anti-choice? After all, he is a member of Centerpoint, the same church SP2, Parnell, goes to...

  23. @3:40 AM,

    lol - so true!! I've been out of high school for close to 40 years but I clearly remember a family from my parents' church, very anti-choice, yet they took their 16 yo daughter in for an abortion because ... well, I cannot recall the justification. I'm stumped. Then my parents did the same thing for my sister a year later.

  24. Eunice8:36 AM

    I had an acquaintance who died recently. He had symptoms, but he wouldn't go to a doctor because he'd recently lost his job and had no insurance. He was gambling that either the symptoms would go away or he'd find a job with benefits. He eventually landed in an ER, where he found out he had cancer. By this time he was way beyond treatment. He died within the month.

    Every life is sacred, unless you have no insurance, then it's fuck off and die already deadbeat scum.

  25. Anonymous8:50 AM

    "he has no right to bring his own twisted sense of morality into the public school system."

    I hope you're paying attention to who Alaska is bringing into Alaska's public schools.
    Particularly bush village schools, where it's less likely that parents will object.

    We have these freaks. In Alaska schools. The State of Alaska Suicide Prevention program relies heavily on Carry The Cure. In fact, these folks are the backbone of state social services councils and program delivery.
    This is the state-endorsed program.
    They go in as suicide prevention with a "holistic" evangelism-based approach, unapologetically. It's all good, because when it comes to teen suicide, whatever works, right?

    Honestly, I don't want my child in a classroom with a teacher who is a contemporary "Christian". I don't believe that that teacher can separate their personal beliefs. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Churches charge their flocks with the primary all-encompassing goal of "growing the church" and sharing "the message". Devout Christians don't stop themselves when they're alone with a group of small children.
    I remember quite well what "Christian" teachers said to me and in my classroom 35 years ago, when parents weren't present.

  26. Anonymous1:25 PM

    The biggest problem with his argument is that many if not most fertilized ova do not implant, or die so early in pregnancy that the mother never knows that her ova (her ova not the Republican's ova) was fertilized.

    Assuming that God micromanages everything as conservative Christian do believe, then God aborts babys, and does so frequently and as a matter of natural forces put in place by God.

    So how does King fit those facts into his theory? He stay ignorant of the facts.

  27. Pursang1:32 PM

    Don't forget that the right wing zeolots only care up until the time the child comes out of the womb. After that they cease caring for it, it and the parents are on their own. They must pull themselves up by their bootstraps and take care of themselves.

    Steve King is probably the worst person in Congress right now. A liar, bigot, hatemonger, fearmonger, hypocrite, and right wing theocratic monster. I can see a person like this getting elected once but not reelected. He has not done one thing for his district and won't unless it somehow puts money in his pocket and helps his career. The sad thing is that Democratic party does little or nothing to bounce him from power, just like they stand back and let Boehner, Bachmann, and a few other far righters get reelected w/o lifting a finger to help candidates who are often progressives.

  28. Anonymous6:03 PM

    This says it all:
    800 homeless teenagers in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley on December 1 2010, in below-zero temperatures.

    Some of them are pregnant teens and teenagers with babies.
    A community that cares more about conditions for animals, than it does about its children.

  29. Anonymous6:28 PM

    These pro life Republicans are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They can find possible abortion funding in a 20,000 page piece of legislation. Meanwhile they have signed off on thousands of abortions in the Middle East and in the U.S. The ordnance and even some bullets our troops use release uranium oxide and leave the impact area radioactive. Congress is ignoring the fact that the Army is not cleaning up impact sites with hazmat crews as per Army Reg. 700-48. Our soldiers and the people living in battle zones are exposed to the uranium dust and radioactive debris constantly. The radiation poisoning is causing horrendous birth defects and a huge spike in miscarriages. Rep King should clam up until he takes a look at the abortions deformed newborns he has voted to allow.

  30. Anonymous8:33 AM

    And the right ..especially palin constantly constantly acuse this president of getting in our lives and telling us to shut up! whey is it that everything they do they accuse us of? they always hold the conversation with their lies because no one stops them in their tracks..no one!

  31. majii3:35 PM

    It's sad, but his supporters think that it is more appropriate for him to go into a school and ask students how they feel about abortion, but they object to having students watch a video in which President Obama urges them to work hard, stay in school, and set high goals for themselves. If my child were still in school, I'd be more upset at having her being asked how she feels about abortion by the likes of Steve King than I would by having her watch a video from the president about the benefits of a good education.

    King's speech is the very definition of attempting to indoctrinate students. Many republicans are actually doing what they accuse the president of doing. The difference is that the president's back to school speeches don't come close to attempting to indoctrinate students.


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