Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Friday, July 22, 2011
Brief snippet from Dr. Drew's "interview" with Bristol Palin.
There is so MUCH bullshit in this small portion of the interview that it is jaw dropping.
For one Bristol did not "make a mistake." She virtually forced Levi to impregnate her, or risk losing her, and is now claiming that he "stole" her virginity and ruined her life. I believe that takes the definition of "bitch" to an entirely new level.
For another thing the arguemnt that getting pregnant took anything away from her is demonstrably untrue as NOBODY would have given her a second thought if she had not become the most famous teen mom in America. Does anybody really thing she could have made the money she has, made the television appearances she has, and been asked to write a book like she has, if she had NOT gotten pregnant?
As for Levi, I just so happened to have been around during those initial days when Levi and Sherry, and Mercede were doing their television appearances, and the ONLY thing on their minds was figuring out some way to force the Palins to share Tripp with them and not cut him out of their lives.
Now something definitely happened after that, and whatever it was it was somehow orchestrated by Bristol and her mother for their nefarious purposes. Bristol wanted to be seen as a "single mother" and that is what she got.
What she did to make Levi back off and let her drag his name through the mud, while continuing to withhold his son from him, confuses me to this day. (And yes, I have considered that he may have been bought off.)
It is not shown in this clip but during the interview Dr. Drew tried multiple times to coax Bristol into sharing her TRUE feelings about certain incidents in her life and she absolutely refused to do anything except keep that huge plastic smile plastered to her face while continuing to spout the Palin party line about how wonderful, and close, her family is.
By the way Dr. Drew Pinsky is really only an MD and clearly does not have a great deal of skill in recognizing when he is being manipulated, which is a very important skill set for a real therapist to have in their possession.
Dr. Drew is a phony, but since Bristol is one too I guess this was an interview that was destined to take place.
I noticed that she barely looked at the good doctor when she was telling her tale of woe. And she looks a LOT like WIllow here...thinner, more angular features.
ReplyDeleteI am so sick of the BS from these women. I hope Joe's book shoots holes in their whole pitiful story.
I watched part of that idiot-fest, but I can stomach her about as long as I can stomach her ignorant mother.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the poor me, single mother routine, I'd love to see her trade places with a real, struggling single mother for just one week. She'd never survive. She hasn't a clue.
Still waiting for the day all the Palins slink back into their lakeside villa and STFU!
Dr. Drew? What an idiot!!
Bristol, your mama should have taught you that "less is more", meaning that the less you run your mouth then more people could be fooled into thinking you weren't such an uneducated lying idiot.
ReplyDeleteThose long hair extensions just make her look bigger around her shoulders and chest area. I wouldn't even recognize that as Bristol after all the facial work/chin inplants and she looks at least 35 years old now.
ReplyDeleteShe looks just like an overpriced hooker after a long hard night; I feel sorry for her children because she thinks she is such a hot diva.
Dr. Drew is such an asshat.
She was "robbed of her education"??? She is 20 years old, plenty of money why not go to college? TOO LAZY. I can hardly wait toi read the reviews of her upcoming reality show, I expect it to bomb, big time. The woman has no personality whatsoever. Plastic face, spouting "and stuff" at the end of every other sentence. There are young women in Hollywood who have worked their arses off to learn acting, singing, dancing and are MUCH better looking than this worn out skank. Without her mother's notoriety Bristles would be in Alaska with her multiple kids, sleeping with any available guy. I wish some of her previous "boyfriends" before Levi would speak up. I am convinced that Levi is NOT the father of Tripp (yes, to Trig) and would have too much explaining to do if the truth comes out. He has nothing to lose at this point, he should reveal the truth.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen the full interview, but read that Bristol said that she had missed 3 or 4 days of the birth control pills... and got pregnant.
ReplyDeleteSo I wonder..was she trying to trap Levi in some way, by getting pregnant?
Bristol, we know you & your family read this blog. It is clear you love your son. How do you think he's going to feel in 8 or 10 or 15 years when he finds out you talked so much about his coming to be as a mistake? The other kids will tease him about it. Is that what you really want for him?
ReplyDeleteI couldn't hear what she was saying. I was too involved watching her chin move. That looks dangerous, like it might lead to TMJ later in life.
ReplyDeleteGood grief!
ReplyDeleteI saw this was on last night when I was flipping channels. Just could not watch it, though. I cannot handle anything Palin for more than a second.
Now Dr. Drew - he has done some flaky "interviews", but anyone who knows anything about her knows what they are going to get - bs.
Pat Padrnos
ReplyDeleteI was in a chat room when I watched it and was surprised at the lack of knowledge about the Palins from other chat room participants. They did not like Sarah Palin, but knew very little about the whole family dynamic. I filed them in. Big Time. What a lying skank. She makes it sound like her one decision to go camping ruined her life. Forget about the fact she was on birth control pills and screwing her brains out until she got pregnant. (And her "excuse" that she forgot to take her BC pills for four days was the reason she got pg.) No, Bristol, the reason you got pregnant was you were screwing your brains out. Then her poor, poor life where she was robbed of everything, while she sits with her new chin and Botox and lies, lies, lies about everything. She "dated" for a while after Levi. Shacking up is more like it. What a load of moose crap.
ReplyDeleteHow exactly has Bristol been denied an education? I know lots of single moms who busted their butts to get a college education.
ReplyDeleteI am stunned that a man of Dr. DRew's background and education and professional interests would let that slide - unless he had marching orders? Where is CNN on the issue of Palin?
I would have loved to heard Jack Cafferty's response to her assertion that she was denied an education!
Bristol was denied any education due to her innate stupidity and double digit floundering I.Q.
DeleteWhere has Sarah been? Planning her campaign?
ReplyDeleteHey Palinbots when does the bus tour start again? Your cult awaits.
What can one say about Bristol that has not been said already. Yes she is a liar and a bitch but it is so much more that that. She is headed for a life of unhappiness and like her mother, she makes bad choices based on greed and revenge. There is nothing Christian about this pair in the way they manipulate and use others. Neither one will ever have a long term, stable, loving, mutally respectful relationship with a man. And once Sarah falls into the background, which will happen, the gravy train will stop.
What will Bristol do then for an income?
I did hear one rumor that Sarah was busy studying so she was prepared for run. Anyone believe that? Or is she in eating disorder or drug rehab or having nip tuck somewhere.
Fairy tale troll will be arriving soon I'm sure.
I happen to know that Bristol was pretty ticked that Levi et al started doing interviews. And as of Aug 2009 she HATED him and never looked back. This I've heard from the horses (Bristol) mouth.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting. Bristol calls Tripp "her little love baby"
Bristol was in a predicament. Stay with someone with whom she had an immature relationship with or continue to make herself miserable, therefore making Levi miserable, therefore making their families miserable, and ultimately giving Tripp a shitty life.
That much is clear.ONLY Bristol can tell us HER story. NO ONE else can whether we like it or not. Yes, people can weigh in, but no one can possibly know what another person feels or thinks.
I don't doubt Bristol was trying to change Levi.
I read an article written by Dr Drew right after this
ReplyDelete"Imagine the worst thing that could happen to television that doesn't involve Nancy Grace or Charlie Sheen. That's right -- Bristol Palin is sitting down with Dr. Drew Pinsky. Your TV hates its life so much right now."
Things that I learned from Bristol's interview:
ReplyDelete1. She was taking birth control pills but she did not take them 3 or 4 days before she got pregnant. Bristol blames the pills for being ineffective. Not taking the pills made them ineffective.
2. Alaska must have a very easy grading system if Bristol as a straight A student. She sounds juvenile, and a word-for-word transcript of her actual speech would be filled with giggles, uhummms, ummms, like that. She is not articulate, and she does not sound smart.
3. The reason that Bristol is not dating is because she has a screaming two and a half year old always on her hip. Sounds like the single mother thing is really working out well. She's doing a crap job. Frankly, Tripp deserves some little playmates and some time away from his mother, who is little more than a kid herself.
4. Shame on Dr.Drew for failing to discuss some of the serious issues of teen sex: protection, sexually transmitted disease, aids, the responsibilities that go with an unplanned pregnancy. Often the girl is stuck with the child, and the father of the child is legally responsible for support. They may cut their education short and get a job. Everyone is not as lucky as Bristol to have a mother like Sarah Palin who orchestrated TV interviews, magazine features, a book deal and other opportunities.
4. Bristol has absolutely no talent. She can't speak well. She didn't write her own book. Her story is not unique. She has no words of wisdom other than having a kid while she was a kid was the worst thing that ever happened to her. She does have a pretty face, now, but it does not hide the empty, sad immature girl who is making a career out of bashing the guy who thinks that he is Tripp's father.
Bristol is a liar and I was surprised Dr. Drew didn't realize he was being manipulated. Since he's dealt with so many lying addicts on celebrity rehab, I thought he would call out her blatant lies. Bristol's jealously of Levi/Mercede is so obvious its starting to become scary sad. She is absolutely OBSESSED with the Johnston family. Why can't Bristol just accept she will never be good enough for Levi? She will never be beautiful like Mercede. It doesn't matter how much money she spends mutilating her face. Bristol you're a sad pathetic loser with no friends. Accept it and move on.
ReplyDeleteI cannot stand it that television producers are booking this young woman on their shows. Shame on them.
ReplyDeleteWHY is she someone we want to hear from? Her book has not done well so clearly her message has not resonated with many people. She is going to be on a reality show, however, so that is what qualifies her? It just shows how much money talks in our society. They are promoting a commercial enterprise, so essentially we have to sit through infomercials parading as legitimate interviews.
She has nothing important to say, she has no particular talent, there is nothing there. She is acting as her mother's PR representative, apparently. I hope Sarah is paying her for that.
It's a blessed relief when we see her mother's clout fading - which it is - but now we're stuck with Bristol?????? When will we get to wake up from this Palin nightmare?
I believe Bristol is being paid and supported by whomever hopes her mother still has a chance at a run. They are using Bristol as a subliminal stand-in, a younger version of her shrill, haggard mother...
interview where he mentions Bristol's emotions. He thinks she's stopping herself from accepting pain, like she doesn't want to address anything major in her life.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts were, she is 20, still learning and accepting herself. I see nothing weird considering she's also doing it while basically being stalked.
I think it was in 2007-2008 that she was more lost than ever (no different from most teens) and didnt think about the future . Deep down she knew her family will always support her so she acted irresponsibly. At least she had that security.
(btw Gryphen) you were not around in early 09 remember? you first talked to the Johnston' s much after that or so you reported. I wholly believe Bristol had a "come to Jesus moment" and realized her HUGE mistake when she did (spring 09) Shes pretty candid in person and on tv about telling people to WAIT. That no one knows what it takes to raise a child. She's expressed her troubles and stress several times.
She is correct in that her family is extremely close. Thats not a line. Dr Drew is correct in reacting with "maybe too close." theyre all pretty private. they defend each other. Theres really no mythology there. They accept their normal faults and have each others backs.
ReplyDeleteVery disappointed in the interview. How is it legal for Dr. Drew to be attacking Levi's character without any evidence of what he or Bristol is saying is truthful? I thought legally shows had to make a comment about offering the "other side" on their show to tell their version. How did LEVI "get" Bristol drunk? Dr. Drew said that Levi got her drunk and then raped her. Bristol never said she was slipped any roofies or anything like that. She chose to drink alcohol. SHE got herself drunk.
ReplyDeleteHow can she claim that he took advantage of her then complain that she didn't wake up in his arms? If she didn't expect to have sex with him, why would she want to be waking up in his arms?
Levi as being a year older than his girlfriend is even less responsible for Bristol's behavior than her parents are. Her parents (who she claims she is soooooo close to) never knew she was having sex for a couple of years until she told them she was pregnant, never knew about her underaged drinking, and overnight camping trips? They should have been more concern about their daughter's whereabouts, but were too busy with their own life -- however, Bristol is responsible for her own choices.
And why isn't anyone asking her if she is certain that she would never have lost her virginity had she not been drinking alcohol - why her "platform" isn't underaged drinking? She said that her moral code was that she was going to be "pure" until marriage but those wine coolers made her violate her code. So why is she talking abstinance from sex and not abstinance from ALCOHOL which made your chasity pledge vulnerable?
I don't get it. You say you were around for those early days but you also don't know what happened. That doesn't make sense.
ReplyDeletethe grizzly mom is not going to like Dr. Drew's article about their family.
Not that I was ever a fan of Bristol's, but I'm actually beginning to dislike her even more than I dislike Sarah. Her hypocrisy and lies have become bolder and more obvious by the day.
ReplyDeleteBristol has no idea what it means to be a teen mom, struggling to provide for her child. She has no career path or education, because she chooses to exploit her family name, her child, and intimate details of her sex life to live the life of a trashy tabloid fame whore. Bristol has a full time nanny, and she has made more than enough money to pay for college and graduate school in full if she wanted. Instead she bought a condo, a foreclosed tract house in the middle of the desert which she already abandoned, and indulged in tens of thousands of dollars of self mutilation with her cosmetic surgeries.
Her body language was telling more than her words. She had a difficult time looking at Dr. Drew and kept looking away and down before responding to questions. I kept hearing Judge Judy's voice, don't look there, look here. She states she is "passionate" about her "platform" but speaks dispassionately about it. Too many ummms, and repeating the same phrases. I think if a person was truly passionate about a topic, they would be having their comments roll off their tongue with ease.
ReplyDeleteIt was embarassing while she was reading "her" book - she seemed to stumbled over the words as if she didn't know what it said.
You know, if we're accepting that she was pregnant a first time before Tripp (im still out on that one), then things change drastically.
ReplyDeleteIf that child is Trig, again which I strongly doubt, that must hurt. If that child didnt survive, THAT DOES hurt deeply. It's not out business to dig into that part of Bristol's life and I hope people don't.
I do find one line from a print interview interesting. I believe it was in Harpers b. "My mom knows how much my baby means to me."
That, with Sarahs comments in a magazine, "a strong person is someone who can get out of bed after losing a child." We know Sarah has lost a baby. Did Bristol?
Sarah and Bristol have always had a connection emotionally. They spent much time together in 07 and 08 and 09. (Juneau, NY, events)
There current interactions are hilarious (personal video bristol posts). Do you use laughter to mask pain? I know I do. While both had wonderful childhoods, both, at times, show a deep pain in their eyes.
I know Bristol's act of repenting is genuine. I have seen it. Why are we punishing her for repenting? Shuoldn't we want people to admit their mistakes.
Levi's acknowledged how rough the past was. People have moved on. Let them. It's not out business to dictate Bristol's or Levi's desired actions. They act in ways best for THEM in the moment.
The Johnstons messed up BIG TIME going public and otherwise could have decent visiting schedules. We have to move. No matter how hard we try, we don't have ALL the details. You talk to people who are proven liars. We have nothing to go on. Bristol is the only person who knows HER. Who are we to judge.
To Sally in MI
ReplyDeleteBristol, Levi and Sadies tales shoot holes in the story. All 3 contradict each other.
Why do we care about them? Gryphen, Sadie has no rights and as long as SHE breaks the custody agreeemnt with her blog (being public), she really has no rights. You are not her father. She has a father now, one she obviously gets along with. You also aren't Levi's therapist, as much as he needs one.
Withholding emotion is actively not dealing with pain. I've been there. We don't know Bristol AT ALL so it's unfair to judge her. That is more evident by this interview. Luckily she HAS an amazing family for support. one is provides listening ears and shoulders. Shes lucky and she does knowit
ReplyDeleteAnon 5:12, it didn't take you long. Just because you heard it from the horses mouth, does NOT mean it's true. Bristol, like Sarah, LIES nonstop. They are both sick, pathological liars and I believe what others say about her who have seen her manipulative BS in person over ANYTHING that comes out of her mouth. On every post, you say only she can tell her story? Nope! Her story is just that, a story. They are made up in any way that will pad the pocketbook or for revenge against anyone who disagrees or stands up against her. She is a sick, manipulative girl and I blame her parenting for this.
ReplyDeleteOMG, the Bristol Fairy Tale Troll is baaaack.
ReplyDeletePlease tell us anonymous Bristol friend and confidante exactly how you know Bristol, the Palin family, etc. and why you get up at 5:00 AM Alaska time to defend her. You are sounding like a crazed obsessed stalker.
Apparently Bristol had plenty of opportunities in her numerous interviews on TV, radio, and tabloids, to tell us how she feels and thinks. and then you tell us know one knows her except for you? You are a lunatic, pretending to be Bristol's BFF, saying she was trying to change Levi, when she never said that herself.
Please get help fairy tale troll, the jig is up....most sane people see the Palins for what they are...grifers, rednecks, fame whoring, valley trash low lifes who have proven over and over that they will lie, cheat, and steal in order to line their pockets with other people's money.
Lots of people feel uncomfortable reading aloud. Im not remotely shy but I cannot read anything aloud to save my life. I didnt find that weird. I think Bristol's afraid of being closely examined because there are things she doesn't want revealed about herself. things WE don't know. things quite possibly ONLY her family and Levi knows. I think this may be a reason Levi hasn't pressed taking Tripp from her more. I think there was a miscarriage. It would explain sooo much. As of Feb 08, Bristol was thinking of babies in the least. she wasn't even with Levi at some point around then. True. I think when Sarah announced her pg, after denying it to her kids, it brought up feelings for Bristol. Imagine losing a baby, then your mother bringing a baby into the house right after. yeah that stings. And it confuses the mind and fogs the thinking process.
ReplyDeleteSooooooo, let me get this straight. She has time to do "Dancing With The Stars", away from home and be a single mother, but she doesn't have time to get a college education?
ReplyDeleteDigging into Bristol's life isn't going to help us. Making her emotionally confront whatever she's obviously hiding isn't going to help her. She will confront it at some point. I have no doubt she speaks with her mother constantly and that Sarah is a shoulder for her. I mean cmon, they were with each other often just this year AND even in 2007. Knowing this, it makes sense Bristol was hurt when Sarah announced the pregnancy, AFTER DENYING it to her kids.
ReplyDeletewhy don't we let the family deal with their inner struggles, if they exist at present. You can't force things. You can't force a father to act how you want. You cant force a girl to confront things shes not ready to.
Oh fairy troll 5:17, YOU are a stalker of this web page.
ReplyDeleteYou are so obvious and anyone can tell your posts.
Why are you SO obsessed with defending Bristol or another Palin?
Do you think you are accomplishing anything because you aren't. You just prove over and over what everyone says about the Palinbots. No one here believes you and you make things worse for the Palins by stirring the pot here.
Bristol is being stalked now? Yeah right. Just more lies. You lie and make things up as much as Bristol and Sarah.
This isn't attacking you. All of us are sick of the lies, yours included. You don't know them and some of us do.
Troll at 5:18- you are becoming obsessive with your posts here my God!
ReplyDeleteHow do you know that the Palin family is close and has each others backs??
Do you know them in person? You write so much here, you should tell us where you are getting your information from. Please.
If you only knew the TRUTH, you wouldn't disparage her. We have yet to hear the real truth from anyone. Mercede doesn't know any of it. Sherry would have impregnated Levi herself to have a grandkid before her health fails. Levi doesn't even know minute details.
ReplyDeleteWhat matters: that all involved have their own life and arent living others. that all involved have great families and support systems. these things are true for both parents. thats all we can hope for. Let's leave everything else to them now.
Choices were made. mistakes were acknowledged. Repenting was done. life has moved forward. Things may not add up to what we wish or what WE believe but for ALL we know, she's speaking truth. YES, for ALL WE KNOW.
Anon @ 5:17am said ...
ReplyDelete"I wholly believe Bristol had a "come to Jesus moment" and realized her HUGE mistake when she did (spring 09)."
I find it very hard to believe that Bristol had a TRUE "come to Jesus moment". People who truly have those moments are transformed and shed their old values and belief systems. They uplift other people with their transformation.
Bristol simply regurgitates her crass meme's, sharing nothing of value, nothing of refinement, nothing of dignity.
Let Bristol go back to Haiti for one year, live amongst the people there affected by the earthquake (and not live in a hotel with creature-comfort conveniences). Let her serve and help the people as they need to be helped - without cameras, without Momma Sarah, without Facebook, neck scarves and chin realignments.
Maybe then she will have something of value to say. Maybe then I will believe she will have had a "come to Jesus moment".
But right now, anything that Bristol or any Palin has to say is like hearing a sow gorging at the slop trough.
I think Dr Drew is on to something. No one can deny the Palins are close people. They breathe each other. They literally can only truth each other and close friends. Dr Drew was also spot on with saying that Bristol did indeed grow up as the good girl who her parents never worried about. As schedules got busier and life sped up, they didn't worry about her making mistakes. When Sarah tried to help, Bristol was already in the midst of living a double life. Good thing now is that they are close again, rebellion streaks have ended. Support system restored.
ReplyDelete5:12AM says "This I've heard from the horses (Bristol) mouth."
ReplyDeleteYou imply you believe something Bristol Palin says. That indicates you are deficient in both intelligence and judgement.
But "horses (Bristol) mouth" is hilariously apt, so you get points for humor.
I have a foster daughter that became pregnant after one semester of college. In order to finish her education, she lived in a studio apartment with another single mom and they shared babysitting. Both of these young women graduated this year with flying colors and have career track positions in accounting and finance. I am so proud of both of them.
ReplyDeleteVirginia Voter - I agree with you completely!! Bristol is an accomplished liar and victim now. I can't stand her. I used to defend her but she is a bratty immature ungrateful liar. She is clueless about what most people have to struggle with in their lives. She is privileged thanks to the McCains.
ReplyDeleteShe is where she is ONLY because of them, her mother and her bad mistakes. She has no talent, no skills, and no personality. She ruined her looks. She is mean and revengeful. What man would want to get involved with her
after seeing how she treated Levi?
@ 4:24 -"it is clear you love your son.
ReplyDeleteWhaaat? Clear as mud. I have a friend going through a pretty nasty divorce. Teen age and adult kids. And guess what? They manage to keep it to themselves, particularly when it comes to something that might get back to the kids. They co-parent quite well. Bitchtol hasn't a clue. She only loves herself - just like momma.
Comeon, Gyph...I love Dr. Drew !
ReplyDeleteI think he knew she was throwing him the party line.
Things appear to not make sense because we are listening to 3 different people's testimonies. It should alarm people that a brother and a sister tell conflicting stories before alarming about Bristol.
ReplyDeleteAll Levi can do is recount HIS experiences, though limited and biased, with them. But that was 4 years ago. Good luck deciphering truth from embellishment that makes him look better than he is.
You call Bristol lazy. Yet you don't acknowledge that Tripp's father has solely relied on celebrity to bring in money? He hasn't even tried to finish high school (he rarely attended since freshman year). It is true Bristol tried to change him. Most girls act that way. They are drawn to delinquents for the sex appeal (have you seen Levi? gross)
Bristol was conflicted because her personality did a 180 once she reached high school. She literally was the "golden child" who NEVER erred. But once peer pressure set in, boom. Double life.
She still has her old friends, from Juneau and childhood. She has her family back supporting her, despite the tough love in the past. Honestly, If I were her father, I'd probably be in jail and levi 6ft under. todd shows great restraint. you cant deny that. I think of Carlos from desperate housewives when he slammed that dude against the wall. Levi is lucky.
Remember, "Bristol doesn't have to fall for the first guy who sniffs up her skirt." She was a normal teen girl, who didnt know what she wanted or who she was. Nothing out of the ordinary for high school.
I still think her first Greta interview is the most telling. "no not at all" was her quick, candid response to "I take it this wasnt planned"
It was her only quickly answered, genuinely sounding answer.
Nicely written Leadfoot ! I started to watch- but kept leaving because it was so much BS- and I felt Dr. Drew was either a fool, a tool, or plain uninformed about any of the Palin discrepancies.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was a total "puff" piece, and all it did was promote BP and give her more license to build on her fictitious persona.
She is dumber than a box of rocks- and I will enjoy watching her web deceit unravel .
I could care less if she had surgery or not- just don't lie to the rest of America- cuz we're NOT that stupid!
Bristol is saving her next "big middle finger" statement for a show that pays more money.
ReplyDeleteTripp is just starting his notes for his "mommy dearest" book. He's already sitting on a goldmine of material. The Dr. Drew of the future will interview Tripp and ream Bristol's a..
Time to fight back Levi!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou were totally trashed in this interview by both Dr Drew and Bristol
5:50AM If you only knew the TRUTH, you wouldn't disparage her. We have yet to hear the real truth from anyone.
Don't bet on hearing the truth from a palin/heath. You'll lose.
You do realize that pretty much everyone who meets the family and hangs with them walks away still admiring them? Are all those people lying?
ReplyDeletethey're an amazing family. Cannot be denied
It was verrrry cringe worthy when Dr. Drew made her read from the book. She can barely read! I felt sorry for her. Probably because she spent too much time on her back, drinking and doing drugs and not enough time learning in school. yes the palins are "too close" as most families with sick disturbing secrets are... think of casey anthony's family. the similarities are stunning!
ReplyDeletewhy don't we let the family deal with their inner struggles, if they exist at present. You can't force things. You can't force a father to act how you want. You cant force a girl to confront things shes not ready to.
ReplyDelete5:43 AM
Sure thing. As soon as this fucking "family" highs their nasty arses back to Alaska and stays there. As soon as both skanks - stop booking themselves onto TV shows. And as soon as the skank supreme stops threatening to even think about running the country I love, and stops being such a nasty divisive bitch fomenting nastiness and even treason with her religulosity.
And she got off the abstinence train. Candies take note. So many inconsistencies that the whole interview was a pack of lies. She was taking BC pills. How did she get them? Can under eighteen women get them without parental consent in Alaska? The old "severe cramps" excuse went out with bell bottoms. They showed her DWTS clip where she said if she won, it would be like giving the middle finger to America. Nice, Bristol. She described herself as an "A" student and a "brown-noser." She has not matured past her fourteenth birthday. And she has the care of a young soul in her keeping. In another age, long ago, Bristol would have been shuffled off to the nunnery - or shunned by society. Instead she turns up on interview shows and gets softball questions.
ReplyDeleteWow! Bristol is up early! 5 AM in Alaska to frantically post on The Immoral Minority! LOL How sad! You are truly pathetic bristol. If the fairy tale troll is not bristol, then it is definitely a stalker. I would be worried if i was her with this deranged stalker posting here.
ReplyDeleteJudging by the stalker troll posts, britsol had a miscarriage. Year right, that's code for abortion. Bristol aborted a baby according to palin fairy tale troll. SICK
ReplyDeleteI just do't know how these liars can just get up and lie I put her just like Casy Anthony in the lying deptment. No skills but wanting big pay days. There was and is no reason for her not to go on to college. Her mother is a multi milionaire, she has a nanny she never will have to worry about getting healthcare for her child.She is supposed to get 1700 a month in childsupport. What should she be whinning? Why should she be going on TV airing this unfounded things about the father of her child? Why is nobody asking her why she isn't bending over backwards for her child to have a relationship with his father? Has anyone asked her if she got Levi's permission to move out of state? or anything else? She just hasn't dated she was sorta living with these guys and always said they were father figures for Tripp. Well haw come no one is flat out telling her this is not good for a child, and it's confusing. I for one and I'm sure a lot of ppl in my generation was taught to tell the truth and not lie That ment a lot about one's character, Thae bible talks about liars so how can these liars claim they have god on their side????????????? God would know them if he saw them. I for one am tired of these idots using children alive and dead for big pay days and as props. Boycott them all.
ReplyDeletelol at fairy tale troll. Bristle hated Levi so much in August of 2009 that she publicly became engaged to him in July of 2010. Are you saying she just did it for the money? That she was planning to dump him as soon as the check cleared? Which is it? Are you simply a moron who got it from the horse's ass or did Bristle tell you about her great money making scheme to "earn" money for college? Oh yeah, I forgot. Single mom Bristle can't manage college, even though she's soooooooo hard workin'. She has lost her chance at education and a career track at AGE 20!!!!! I've got a wahmbulance full of tiny violins for her. You are an idiot defending a liar. The whole Palin family is close all right, close to being the sleaziest family in America.
ReplyDeleteBristol didnt lie when she said how her parents found out about chapter 1. Technically they both found out from reading the book. Neither one knew previously, as that is explained by the double life-leading.
ReplyDeleteTeens who have publicly discussed the book say it has helped them and it does help people. Bristol is no different from other teen girls, conflicted, lost, confused. Hopefully those other teen girls have the strong family Bristol grew up with and has now.
I think Bristol moves to LA around Aug 1st. She said she's in AK for a whole 2 weeks, which is basically the last two weeks. I think she could do well on tv. She has personality. She is fun. She and Kyle are genuine friends.
ReplyDeleteWhen I asked a reporter friend why the media gives Palins such a free ride-- he said this. That when confronted with stupid people, an interviewer is stuck. If they make the stupid person look stupid, viewers recoil and blame the interviewer for being mean. So nobody does that. When confronted with stupid, interviewers just coast. Which it seems Dr. Drew did. (Maybe in print he was able to get a few digs in. . .)
ReplyDeleteCome on, people. Oprah let Sarah walk all over her. Get a clue. The MSM-- which includes fake-ass doctors like Dr Drew-- is as lamestream as Sarah says.
Just to clear up some confusion.
ReplyDeleteI started interacting with "Team Levi" (A term by the way, that was created in the comments section of this blog), in mid April 2009.
At that time the focus was on helping Levi, and his family, gain more access to Tripp. And the ONLY reason that Levi was convinced to go public was because he felt he had no recourse.
Later when the financial offers started rolling in things changed.
LOL Bristol is all like: "that convenience store clerk who forced me to buy that lotto ticket that made me famous and rich ruined my life!"
ReplyDeleteI have to say, I can't think of another instance where someone slandered the person who set them up to enjoy large sums of money.
Sorry but you don't know bristol like I do. She's really very sweet and tells it as she sees it since she saw the light that night.
ReplyDeleteShe forgot her birth control pills and so got pregnant. who can't understand that? But you weren't around Gryphen in the early days. I know the Palins are close, closer than anyone and they are good. I know because I socialized with them before you were there many times. Bristol is just a good sweet teen lost like so many teen at that age.
Levi is reponsible, he didn't realize Bristol forgot her birth control pills leading to the biggest mistake of her life. He's rotten through and through. But the Palins were strong and Bristol came out with no education better. Because she was robbed of it by Levi and forgetting things like pills as all teens will. But the Palins family stuck to her like glue so now she's a lovely young woman with her biggest mistake at home keeping her away from late nights and partying as teens do. So much better she can get all the ironing done and still have time for facebook.
let's play spot the troll!
ReplyDelete5:12AM (#1)
5:17AM (#2)
A DOZEN posts at 5 in the morning. Wow! Get help! ALL from the SAME obsessed palin family stalker! How SICK! They actually think they're fooling people. Guess what idiot, you aren't fooling ANYBODY. Your posts are so obvious I don't even need to read them anymore, I can simply skim them and know its the troll. OWNED! Don't bother posting again, I will just keep exposing you.
I would bet a million dollars these all came from the same IP address (something that can be easily checked). If you are an actual palin, I would be careful about posting here again, I don't think you realize how easy it is to learn your real identity.
Don't forget that Dr Drew has been involved with Bristol and Candies Foundation, so you know he is not going to ask the hard questions. Bristol was on his show to gain ratings. That would be my guess. There are lots of pictures of them posing together at Candies events.
@5:00 am: Where did you hear that $arah was "studying to prepare for her presidential run"? That sounds to me like the sort of thing a desperate C4P commenter would come up with to keep their denial alive.
ReplyDeleteI mean, these are people who actually say things like: "she even left the governorship early because she had completed her entire agenda!" (No shit, I actually saw one of 'em say that. I think that's second only to "surveyor's marks" in the top ten most moronic things Palin fans/employees have ever said)
But considering that every other attempt to get money and attention has failed her miserably, I suppose it's not out of the question. The only real question in that case would be: "how long until she decides it's too hard and gives up?" ;))
Bristol can say anything she wants on TV, and write anything in her book, but we have seen Bristol's My Space comments from May 2007 when Track called her a stoner. Sarah thought that Bristol was pregnant and took away her phone. Bristol wrote "I am such a slut". This does not sound like the innocent A student who was such a good girl.
ReplyDeleteShe read the excerpts pretty well. I dont hear the stumbling you guys hear.
ReplyDeleteI do believe many people here have commented that Levi is dumb, lazy, a Wasilla punk, opportunistic, a liar, a high school dropout, a dubious father, and other negatives. I'm one of them. I think Levi is an ass. That said, dear Fairy Tale Troll, it does not take away from the fact that Bristle is an idiot, a grifter, a liar, a fake "victim", a fake writer, intellectually incurious, has no apparent interest in college, loves money, can't dance, and wants to give the middle finger to anybody and everybody. This post is not about what a dickwad Levi is, though I happen to think he is one. This post is about what a dickwad Bristle is, as she has demonstrated over and over. So toddle on back to your horse's ass, little troll. We've got all the dickwads covered.
ReplyDelete@5:12 AM:
ReplyDelete"Bristol calls Tripp her little love baby"
She also calls him her "mistake."
the plastic surgey is just distracting. She still has the crease on the side of her jaw (which she is trying to hide with her hair). Lips look even plumper and new/new teeth too?
ReplyDeleteSHe seems to have the simmering anger that sarah has.
ugh....when will we be done with these hillbillys?
I did hear one rumor that Sarah was busy studying so she was prepared for run.
Not that it's false info, but even if Granny was "studying"...well, the very idea is hilarious.
I picture her with her books (and Those Index CARDS!!) all around her in her FOX-built studio in Wasilla. Trying to "cram" it all in, like she did for McCain.
"I did it once" she thought, "I can do it again".
The very thought that she feels that "cramming" is akin to actually studying for years is so very revealing.
The nuances of diplomacy, world economics, various religious beliefs and practices...
Sarah has Absolutely. ZERO. INTEREST. in learning about ANY of it, or she would have been doing it all along.
And for what?
To become POTUS. A job she truly does NOT want. She ONLY wants the power.
What an incredible psychopath she is!
Troll Hunter, I think it's RAM paying penance for her leaked tweets.
ReplyDeletelol. I just read the fairy tale about Levi being responsible for Bristle getting preggers because he didn't know she had forgotten her pills. Reality check anybody? Takes two idiots to have CONSENSUAL sex without proper birth control. BOTH people are responsible for avoiding unwanted pregnancy. Bristle had sex repeatedly with Levi, over a long period of time, both with and without birth control. They were both irresponsible and utterly stupid, just like a lot of irresponsible and utterly stupid teenagers. Bristle wants to convince the world that she made one little teeny mistake but she's really very smart and good and hard workin', whereas Levi is just a schmuck who had needs and "stole" her virginity. What a pile of steaming crap. Bristle has gotten rich from her "mistake" while continuing to trash the father of her son. Karma will catch up to her in a few years. I can hardly wait.
ReplyDeleteWhat a prissy whining little entitled c**t. Dr. Drew, that is.
ReplyDeleteBristol said she forgot to take her bc pills for 3 days so she got pregnant. Did she mean she got pregnant in the tent that night at 15. If so 2 pregnancies. The other at 17 with Tripp. I would love to see Nancy Grace interview her. There would be no softball questions from her.
ReplyDeleteI just am floored at how this family are still in the news and Bristol remains a highly-paid teen pregnancy advocates for others.
ReplyDeleteSo many points about this interview, but the one that stood out for me was Dr. Drew's question about the McCains and Bristol's feelings about them. Bristol felt mystified that Mrs. would offer to be godparents of her baby. So perplexed about that that she would write it in her book and mention in half a dozen times to interviewees. I can't understand why that would be a thorn in Bristol's side. Dr. Drew suggested the act was a way for her to reach out in such a stressful atmosphere. Bristol then presses further, says she liked Mr. M., but the daughter, Meghan - well - I can't remember word for word, but it's in the book. But what is striking is that Bristol again on this topic does her "talking point" on how the McCains aren't ordinary, not like Bristol's mom, who fired the cook, how they flied in coach, and one other heavy sacrifice they make every day (LOL) (can't remember here).
Bottom line, she comes off as a very spoiled child that really should not be writing a memoir. It appears she still hasn't been made better by these experiences. She still manages to claw at others, insult other, and does not see herself as at fault, ever.
The second 5:17 AM
ReplyDeleteShove it troll. No one is "stalking" Bri$tol.
Bri$tol may be telling people to WAIT, but no one is listening to her. Why should they? What makes her so stink'n unique?
Bri$tol still blames Levi J. for her mistakes. She hasn't accepted responsibility for anything. Does one of those "mistakes" include Tripp?
The fairy tale troll must have drunk a bunch of coffee to be such a busy bee so early. I love the comment about how anybody who meets and hangs with the Palins walks away adoring them. That doesn't exactly jibe with the many many many many many stories of people who have had contact with the Palins and abhor them now. Those people are actually on record about just how unadorable that family is. All we have is the "word" of an over-caffeinated fairy tale troll.
ReplyDelete"She is correct in that her family is extremely close. Thats not a line. Dr Drew is correct in reacting with "maybe too close." theyre all pretty private. they defend each other. Theres really no mythology there. They accept their normal faults and have each others backs."
ReplyDelete@5:18 AM
They are not that private. If they were, they wouldn't let so much drama play out in public. They do no accept their "normal faults." They blame everyone else. It would be nice if their "close" dyfunctional family would go away and disappear.
The DWTS Bristol Fairy Tale Bot who claims to know what Brisco thinks and what she does every day - is probably the very same one who got kicked off of Amazon book review. ALL her hateful comments to everyone who gave a less than 5-star review were completely deleted by Amazon because reports of abuse. There are 2 more bots on there trying to cheat the system & keep Brisco's book in the rating by spending all day long voting down others authors. They need to be reported too.
ReplyDeleteAll I came away from reading the transcript of this interview (couldn't stomach watching it) was that Brisco blames EVERYTHING on Levi in the tent. She can't go to college, get a decent job, etc. etc. it's so hard raising a kid all alone (with a nanny), etc. you know the same old Sarah victim schtick that obviously has been drilled in to her head.
I was just reading the part in Dunn's book "The Lies of Sarah Palin" I think around pg. 56-57 about how she outright lied on her resume and used spinning word salads. Well Bristol is trying to emulate mamma who sadly is coaching her.
Bristol is too immature to realize that JUST LIKE HER MOTHER the more she talks the worse she looks. Go ahead Bristol. I hope the $ you are making is worth the lies and the karma that is bound to bite you in the ass sooner or later.
Yes the book is a fail too - no matter how much your mom's fans think you are christ no. 2 on Amazon!
"I don't get it. You say you were around for those early days but you also don't know what happened. That doesn't make sense."
ReplyDelete@5:20 AM
Were YOU there? Were you in the tent? Where you there all the times Bri$tol lied, snuck out, got drunk, and fucked her brains out? If not, you don't know, either. So, shut up!
5:17--"I wholly believe Bristol had a "come to Jesus moment" and realized her HUGE mistake when she did (spring 09) Shes pretty candid in person and on tv about telling people to WAIT. That no one knows what it takes to raise a child. She's expressed her troubles and stress several times."
ReplyDeleteFuck off. Bristol is a conniving, ungrateful, warped, smug little shit. List of stolen items: virginity, education, freedom, adulthood, blah, blah, blah. Bristle, since you've obviously been hanging out here today: Stand up and take responsibility for your life, you nasty lying brat. No one in the world is stopping you from getting an education. If you want it, go get it, instead of drifting around the continent in a fog of deceit and victimhood. You are one of the most shockingly lazy and smug young women I have ever had the displeasure of observing.
Lost any respect I may have had for Dr. Drew. Who was it that was trying to jump on the bandwagon along with Dr. Phil when Brittney Spears had a melt down for attention to their shows and money?
ReplyDeleteIf Bristol has such a strong supportive family, why oh why does she have to do interviews and speak about things that should stay private? Hasn't her family helped her through her feelings? It's pretty evident Bristol still has ill feelings towards the McCains as she is insulting to Meghan McCain.
ReplyDeleteThe McCains do not deserve to have this ungrateful woman smearing them. They provided her and her family with a great privilege and opportunity. It's crazy how the close Palin family have not yet taught Bristol that everyone has faults, and one must work through it. Loyalty and friendship doesn't seem to be in their vocabulary.
I watched part of this with an old retired couple (not relatives-neighbors).
ReplyDeleteThe MAN pointed out the plastic surgery - the wife rolled her eyes and said "jaw surgery- right".
The woman pointed out that this type of stuff wouldn't have been spoken about years ago - too trashy.
The woman looked at me and said "of course being a mom is hard --too bad you don't have time to go get plastic surgery and other beauty stuff, but you're too busy working and taking care of your child."
They were sooo sick of her --- they finally changed the channel.
I finished reading all the trolls' idiotic comments. Yep, I'm pretty that the most idiotic one here is the very same troll Jane Austin who just got kicked off Amazon. Writes exactly the same (the one that got up at 5:00 am).
ReplyDeletewell um, I did watch the video, um..yeah, Brisdull does look, um, pretty, um, but she is as bright a as um, umm, maybe sea glass, um, yeah, um maybe sea glass. Oy vey..that girl needs some grammer coaching!!!
ReplyDelete5:29 AM
ReplyDeleteBri$tol is not genine. She has an enemies list, like her mother. She is not sorry, either. People who repent do not blame others for their mistakes.
You are getting boring. You always come here saying you don't know Bri$tol, either, yet you are sooo sure she is telling the truth, and that everyone else is lying. You whine about "bias," yet you always side with Bri$tol, and bash Levi J. and his family.
Bri$tol and Levi are making it our business, when they talk about their business to anyone who will listen, and write books about it. When we see hypocrisy, we point it out.
"The Johnstons messed up BIG TIME going public and otherwise could have decent visiting schedules."
Wow. How vindictive. That sounds like the Palins, alright. Levi and family are not being kept away from Tripp, because they are abusive, or would bring him any kind of harm, or anything, but because Levi J. said mean things about $arah Palin! Got it. Never mind that the Palins have been "going public" right along with them.
The Palins are proven liars. We will continue to judge them, as long they continue to whore for attention, and as long as those grifters continue to poison the discourse in this country.
So Bri$tol admit your mistakes and get lost! You are nothing special!
Anon @5:22: That Dr. Drew article is infuriating to me for different reasons. He gives her a total pass. The American public do not want to hear Sarah Palin's daughter's voice. She has done nothing to earn the platform she has been handed. She does not represent anything but her own self interest.
ReplyDeleteThe television interview was garbage. Obviously if she can appear on any television show or magazine cover that will have her and "write" a book, as well as enjoying the support of her incredibly "close" and "strong" family, she has the time and resources to get an education. The fact that she so brazenly tells that lie on television speaks volumes about her lack of character.
@5:33 AM
ReplyDeleteWhatever. Why is it so hard for you to accept that most people don't like Bri$tol? Repeating the same bullshit, is not going to change our minds. Bri$tol is bitch and a liar, like her mother. We are judging her by her own words and actions.
If the 5:00 am troll is not Jane Austin then it's her alternate personality, Audrey Ihrig. Note the Bristol praise, usage of the words "true", "accurate" and the bible verse quotes.
@5:43 AM
ReplyDeleteExcuse me. Bri$tol is allowing us to "dig" into her life, because she chooses to live her life in "public." WE are not making Bri$tol do anything. Bri$tol is free to shut up and go back to school, and get a real job, anytime she's ready.
You really need to do your homework...dr drew is no phony ...he wrote a blog post about how screwed up BP is...just google away.
ReplyDelete@5:50 AM
ReplyDelete"If you only knew the TRUTH, you wouldn't disparage her. We have yet to hear the real truth from anyone. Mercede doesn't know any of it. Sherry would have impregnated Levi herself to have a grandkid before her health fails. Levi doesn't even know minute details."
O.M.G. You are sick. STFU. I would disparage Bri$tol, no matter what. I don't care that she had baby when she was a teenager. I don't like her as a person. I don't have to meet her to know I don't like her. I don't like her attitude. She can "repent" until her butt falls off. She lies, and is vindictive like her mother. And, she's a hypocrite. She's a spoiled brat, and her ego is bigger than her chin.
I think her constant grin is because she was nervous because she knows she is lying. She'll never admit she is lying, because the the Palins and reality--never the twain shall meet.
ReplyDeleteWhat really would Bristol be doing had she not been made famous for being an unwedded teenaged mother? A clerk at the local conveinence store? A waitress?
ReplyDeleteI married at 18 and divorced at 22 with two kids. That energized me to go to college and graduate school. (My education was not stolen from me) I am thankful that the father of my children was so undesirable as a husband that I decided not to settle. I know without a doubt, had I remained married, that I would not have follow my own career pursuits. My children's father was not present for the children after the divorce was finalized - and guess what, I thought I was fortunate enough that I could raise my children as I saw fit. Obviously it would be great to have a wonderful dad in your life - but some people are traumatic experiences going back and forth to different families, fighting over visitation, conflict on values (go to church, don't go? strict rules, total freedom to do whatever). I didn't have to deal with a ex who sabotaged my parenting - and that made me greatful, and I got two wonderful kids from that relationship who I adore and they wouldn't have existed at all had I not been with their father. I try to remember the things that made me interested in him in the first place - yes he did have some redeeming traits---although he wasn't everything I wanted, he wasn't ALL BAD.
As long as Bristol is making her living being the victim, she is closing down her availability for a new relationship.
Just because someone isn't all that you want from a relationship, doesn't mean that they aren't perfect for a different relationship.
Couldn't watch it. I'll just read the comments.
ReplyDelete"I think Dr Drew is on to something. No one can deny the Palins are close people. They breathe each other. They literally can only truth each other and close friends. Dr Drew was also spot on with saying that Bristol did indeed grow up as the good girl who her parents never worried about. As schedules got busier and life sped up, they didn't worry about her making mistakes. When Sarah tried to help, Bristol was already in the midst of living a double life. Good thing now is that they are close again, rebellion streaks have ended. Support system restored."
ReplyDelete@5:54 AM
Give me a break. Dr. Drew is a hack. He hosts the '16 and Pregnant' aftershow, and he is often much harder on those girls. He won't let anything slide with those girls, (some of which who really were "good girls") and he often tries to make the girls admit thier guilt. Sometimes bringing them to tears. He kissed Bri$tol's ass. Bri$tol is not a good girl. Good girls who are "close" to their parents don't lie to their parents, sneak out with a boy, get drunk, and then fuck in a tent, then blame it all on the boy, later!
Was Dr. Drew being a little passive agressive with his question if Bristol like Casey Anthony are judged too harshly because they are attractive?
ReplyDeleteOr is Dr. Drew smitten with Casey Anthony too?
Bristol mentioned being cheated on by Levi, and another time that her other ex (Ben?) cheated on her with his ex. Has Bristol ever considered that she was the other woman that interupted somebody else's relationship?
ReplyDeleteListen 5:40 Troll!!! I am SO damn sick of you. Go away you sick fuck!! You have written at least 20 posts this morning implying you are one of us. You arent!!! Go away! We are sick of you and you need help big time!
ReplyDeleteGryphen, I am a long time reader and I just got here. I don't know if you realize this nut job is completely taking over the comments on any Palin story. I don't believe in censorship but this is getting ridiculous. I love coming to your blog. I come several times a day and don't post too often. This is just not enjoyable I'm sorry. I love the discussions we have and she is overwhelming the whole place.
You can tell her in two seconds!
@6:04 AM
ReplyDeleteAs if Bri$tol's version of events isn't biased. She's changed stories about as many times as her mother changed her "Wild Ride" story. Bri$tol is lazy, like her quitter mother. No one took Bri$tol's education away from her. Bri$tol doesn't want to go back to school and get an education, because that would require hard work. Why do that when she can just join the family business, being a grifter? Bri$tol has done nothing but rely on her "celebrity" to make money, also too.
I don't belive for one minute that Bri$tol was a "golden child who never erred." All lies. If she caved into peer pressure, then she is a spinless jelly-fish. A lot of girls are smart enought to say NO. But being a Heath/Palin she wasn't smart enough.
Have you seen Todd? Yuck! And I have feeling Levi Johnston would whip Todd Palin's scrawny ass, if Todd Palin tried to attacked him.
Stupid family. And stop acting like all teenagers are screwed up like the Palin kids!
Good work gryphen, and good analysis of the situation. Bristol is playing the lying for all she's worth. She's very pretty though isn't she. It's so refreshing to hear something from you that isn't on the same old queer hanangue of yours. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleterofl okay I think brisdull pays willow to come to the blogs and make up bullshit in order for brisdull to look "awesome." hahaaa troll, your comments are sad, because no matter how hard you try to make it sound like you are a bunch of people in favor of brisdull, all the comments read exactly the same. one day when you're older you'll understand how people can recognize writing styles, and how you can't pass yourself off as more than one person unless you are really, really good at it. you dear, suck at it.
ReplyDeletehey gryphen I think it would be a fun post to write down the number of positive comments about brisdull on this thread, and then tell us how many of them are from the same ip. might help to blow this myth that the palins have tons of fans out of the water. obviously the msm isn't going to do it.
ReplyDelete"You do realize that pretty much everyone who meets the family and hangs with them walks away still admiring them? Are all those people lying?
ReplyDeletethey're an amazing family. Cannot be denied"
@6:11 AM
You do realize that most people who admire are them are just like them, (white and conservative) and therefore see nothing wrong with them? What about the many people who have met them, and walked away disliking them more than ever? Are all those people lying? Bri$tol whined in her book that most of the DWTS cast wouldn't even talk to her. See? They met her, and didn't want anything to do with her. So like the vindictive snot she is, she got her revenge on them in her book.
They are not an amazing family. There. I denied it.
Many peeps who say they personally know the family continue to reiterate how 'private' they are. If they're so darn private why in the world is Bristol going all over creation speaking about her sex life et al?!? Seriously, if she wasn't getting paid for the interviews, the book, etc. would she be talking about her personal and intimate experiences and abstinence? Would you, Bristol? I don't have a crystal ball, but I say the answer is flat out 'no'. She's only 'private' re things that won't make her money.
ReplyDeleteAnd her sob story about not having an education really makes my blood boil. Thirty years ago, I was in her place...a young, single mom with a young baby to support and no education outside of high school. With no family to assist me financially, I worked full-time, took care of my child and spent YEARS taking classes...often one-by-one.....often studying late into the night, until I had my undergrad degree and, subsequently, MBA. My family is now grown and I own my own business, but the road wasn't easy by any stretch of the imagination. Bristol has SO, so many opportunities which have been literally handed to her on a silver platter. I have absolutely zero sympathy for her or the tiny, little violin that she continues to play over and over and over. It's all repulsive. At some point, when the faux fame and $$ run out, she will either may be faced with the need to put on her big girl pants just like the rest of the world to legitimately educate herself and have a viable career. I fully suspect, however, that when that time comes, she will just find some schmuck who will allow her to continue sucking $$ for her own selfish and lazy purposes. Geezzzz....what a completely and totally annoying, lazy, self-serving individual!!!
5:12, 5:17, 5:18...
ReplyDeleteBristol, you might as well be wearing a neon sign when you post. Seriously. was "stolen" from you? I hope every young mother who put in the actual effort and sacrifice for higher education HATES you.
Why don't you go count the $880,000 dollars you've earned the last calendar year and then bitch about how you can't afford diapers?
You're a liar. A cheater. A thief. And the WORST HYPOCRITE I have ever seen. Worse even than your mother. And that's saying something.
Maybe when Casey Anthony spins off another child she doesn't want, you and she can have a playdate and discuss how HARD things are for horrible people with ill-gotten millions.
"Bristol didnt lie when she said how her parents found out about chapter 1. Technically they both found out from reading the book. Neither one knew previously, as that is explained by the double life-leading.
ReplyDeleteTeens who have publicly discussed the book say it has helped them and it does help people. Bristol is no different from other teen girls, conflicted, lost, confused. Hopefully those other teen girls have the strong family Bristol grew up with and has now."
@6:29 AM
Wow, Bri$tol's family is sooo "close" and "supportive" they had to find out that she was leading a "double-life" in a book! Bri$tol believes she is different from other teenagers, and thinks what she has to say is sooo unique. She thinks we are all jealous of her and her trashy family. This book hasn't helped anyone. Hardly any teenagers have read this book. Hell, hardly ANYONE has read it. FAIL!
And Bri$tol is not a fucking teenager anymore!
"how hard it is to be a teen mom?"
ReplyDeleteShe's not a teenager anymore.
She has so many 'tells' - she lied many times during that short clip.
ReplyDeleteMy, my, my, Miss Bristol, don't take up card gambling.
why didn't dr. dumbass ask brisdull:
ReplyDelete"how do you measure your success as an abstinence spokesperson?
do you think that your efforts have been successful, given that your brother and his girlfriend got married a few months ago when she was already 5 months pregnant?"
"I think Bristol moves to LA around Aug 1st. She said she's in AK for a whole 2 weeks, which is basically the last two weeks. I think she could do well on tv. She has personality. She is fun. She and Kyle are genuine friends."
ReplyDelete@6:30 AM
Wrong. BrisDULL has no personality. Her personality, or lack thereof, sure hasn't gotten people to rush out and buy her book of lies. She will not do well on t.v. The show will fail, and it won't help revive her mother's political career. I doubt she and Kyle Massey are "genuine" friends, either. The Palins don't like black people. Get real. The Palins are using him. He doesn't know any better.
I never heard of Dr Drew so he must have done this interview to cash in on rubbernecking the Palin-train-wreck.
ReplyDeleteHi again, Bristol.
You are so stupid it sometimes hurts my heart to concede that you actually have a right to take up oxygen on this planet.
You say THE JOHNSTONS "messed up big time" by "going public"?
Since YOU have SOLD PHOTOS OF TRIPP TO NEARLY 20 publications which is TEN TIMES AS MANY as the Johnstons...if they "messed up" then what do you call what YOU did?
Coming here and lying your ass off is nothing new, I know. But somehow you manage to be even more disgusting every time.
Your jealousy of Mercede is so palpable, I can't believe rays aren't shooting out of the weak spots in your chin implant.
(BTW...did you guys catch that last night? Bristol said it was "a procedure". When DR Droop presses her, she reiterates, it was "a procedure"...done by an "oral surgeon".
HE says "oh, so it was XYZ" and names an actual jaw procedure. She simply doesn't deny it. Her lie was so obvious here it was comical.
@ 5:17 and 5:18, why should we be sympathetic towards this young woman? Why? Simply because she had instant fame as the daughter of a politician?
ReplyDeleteHer life as a single mother bears absolutely no resemblance to that of many anonymous "regular" women, whose lives are far, far more challenging.
This idea that we are required to CARE about her, that her experience MATTERS to any of us, is beyond bizarre. WHY?
She has become a product. Do you realize that?
She is selling herself. She doesn't need to do that. She could go to school and get an education, and most of all - pick a career that isn't simply based on her celebrity.
This interview shouldn't have happened. She should stop being on TV. Perhaps after she has cut herself off from her addiction to this kind of attention, and lived a real life, we might be interested in what she has to say. Maybe.
I do not know who the Fairy Tale troll is but I do know that they are very uneducated. I reread some of their comments and they were about as clear as mud.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion is that the Fairy Tale troll is either BRISTOL or WILLOW because of the uneducated strange weird comments.
@6:34 AM
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I don't know Bri$tol. You honestly think people don't like Bri$tol because she got pregant? You are so fucking stupid! We don't like her because of the way she acts! She's a hypocrite, spoiled brat, and mean-girl liar, like her mother! There is nothing "sweet" or "lovely" about that girl.
It takes two to tango. Levi Johnston didn't rape her. It was her fault if she forgot to take her birth control pills, over and over, again! But more importantly, she could have told Levi NO!
The Palins may, or may not be close (I really don't care) but they are NOT good people. And, Bri$tol is not a fucking teenager, anymore!
Oh Fairy Tale Troll, guess what!
ReplyDeleteThe more you post, the more you feed our fire and the more we despise the Palins.
Mission accomplished, the Palins are hateful liers and stink like chit.
I think Bristol is out there trying ON PURPOSE confuse the tent night pregnancy at 15 with the pregnancy at 17..she is trying to intertwine the two to confuse her first and second pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteShe's learned how to do the shiny object thing just like Mama.
"...robbed of an education." She's
ReplyDeletekidding, right? I attended night classes when my kids were younger,
at a junior college & graduated with a 3.85 average. She has made
several hundred thousand $$$, so
wouldn't need loans, so what's
stopping her from going to college?
Not smart enough? Too lazy? I think it's both, & she blames that baby for her shortcomungs.
Sharon TN
totally agree with 8:35..let us know if it's the 1 Palin Love Troll
ReplyDeleteI am beginning to believe Gryphen lets the Palin fairy tale troll stay and keep posting over and over because it brings him more hits and comments..
ReplyDeleteIts getting ridiculous!! I'm a longtime reader and commenter and enough is enough.
Oh my. I'm speechless. How does one comment on such a huge pile of hypocritical, self-serving, hateful lies?
ReplyDeleteThis young woman is so NOT an example for other girls. WHY does the media keep insisting on shoving a microphone in front of her and asking her to spew these lies.
"Robbed" of her virginity? Is it being "robbed" if you're passing it out like candy on Halloween?
Anon 6:04am - And you are a troll.
ReplyDeleteLevi is not all over tv trashing
that silly girl he was gullible
enough to get involved with; she
is, trashing him. I'm sure he rues the day he ever said, "Hi" to her.
She's got the child, she's got the
fat monthly child support check,
what's her excuse for not just shutting her hateful, ignorant mouth?
Sharon TN
The palins and their trolls know they could never win on the merits so they invariably revert to cheating:
ReplyDeleteThey artifically inflate the viewings of The Unattended as well as the ratings for palins' ghostwritten books;
They inflate votes at DWTS;
They write fake letters to editors;
They cheat at elections by voting repeatedly and trying to disenfranchise legitimate votes;
They only attend like-minded events and then describe the events as representative of the general public;
They present others' work as their own;
They inundate blogs like this one as well as news comment sections, never using their own names;
They pretend they're victims;
They malign the messengers of truth;
And their number one despicable tactic: They LIE.
Interesting comments on interview with Bristol...
The trolls are active there, but mostly negative comments. this the Jane Austin from C4P..she is their little resident High School girl, the good little Christian girl?
ReplyDeleteDr. Drew has jumped the shark with this "interview." And Bristol . . .um, yeah, well . . . the word salad doesn't fall far from the sneeze guard. And stuff . . .
ReplyDeleteAnd if medcal doctor, NOT therapist, Dr. Drew wants to see the results of some REAL interviews, he should read Joe McGinniss's upcoming book, THE ROGUE. Then he should go back to his sham-of-a-rehab center in Pasadena, apologize to his staff, then get help, himself. Maybe find out why keeping his HLN show is more important than keeping his integrity.
Dr. Drew is certainly right in describing the family as maybe "too close". Has no one heard the expression "thick like thieves"?
ReplyDeleteThey've GOT to be close, they are all hostage to each other and their web of deceit which is now on an epic scale.
Bristol made the statement "it was a decision that I made"... well if YOU made the decision Bristol, then Levi didn't "steal" your virginity... you can't have it both ways.
ReplyDeleteI think sometimes the nature of those programs is that you can't be too confrontational, but remembering the radio show he had with Adam Corolla: Love Line, I expect his BS meter was going off pretty loudly. It's one of those frustrating courtesies of working on a tv show, I guess: you have to be polite even when the person sitting there is total two-face.
ReplyDeletesHE HAS MONEY AND A NANNY! might I ask what is to stop her from getting an education or a career path other than easy money from her mothers supporters via ABSTENANCE????
ReplyDeleteAs far as stopping her pills for 4 days? Who is responsible for that. She was fooling around with Levi for how many years, and she blames HIM? Honey, it Takes two to tango. And you weren't forced into it, you stole him from Lanesia. Ancient History...
She can't recover her childhood, which she was too quick to dismiss, but there's nothing stopping Bristol from getting an education. She has time. She has money. She has plenty of support. To play the victim... oh hell... why bother? Like mother like daughter.
ReplyDelete"robbed of college?" really most young mom's have jobs and raise their kinds without round-the-clock nannies and some still manage to go to college. THAT IS HARD WORK!
ReplyDeleteIf Bristol ran her car into a ditch and totaled it, she would say that her car was stolen.
ReplyDeleteAs for Levi, I guess the content of his book will tell us whether or not he sold out. I'm more suspicious now that they've moved up the book's release date to either compete with or ride the tail of the McGinniss book.
Hey, Uncle G - The fairy tale troll has reached the level of spammer. Why not censor some or all of it?
So much better she can get all the ironing done and still have time for facebook.
ReplyDelete6:34 AM
Ironing, really ironing? So Bristol is Donna Reed now? Unless you really meant "irony" then this is the craziest thing I've ever seen typed.
If Bristol is so responsible why didn't she keep Trig?
ReplyDeleteOkay, enough of the Fairy Tale troll. It's getting very boring and I hate reading their comments cause they (Bristol or Willow) sound like a 5th grader.
ReplyDeleteKick their ass out the door, and don't come back no more.
I watched the entire interview last night and saw how slick Bristol is. Of course she continued to blame Levi for everything, while trying to say she was this great kid, straight A student, with very high morals and he was the "bad boy" that she tried to change and save. Bologna! While she totally avoided saying anything about buying a house in Arizona and living there, she tried to make it seem that the Palins were all this big, happy close family living in Alaska. What about the house in Arizona that Sarah bought? No mention of that. Does anyone know what is happening with that?
ReplyDeleteThen she tries to blame Levi for preventing her from pursuing an education. She buys a house in Arizona for cash, which very few struggling single moms could ever begin to imagine for them, and has the opportunity and money to go on to pursue an education. So why didn't she?
She claims Levi doesn't have contact with Tripp. Why? Hasn't she been the one that has tried to prevent him from having contact with the baby? I am disgusted with Dr. Drew as he doesn't seem to have a clue as to what Bristol is REALLY all about. She's a phony, just like her mother, and is learning extremely well how to play the "victim."
Thought the original story about her taking birth control pills was they were just for "cramps"? Of course that's bologna. Now she all but comes out and admits they were being used as BIRTH CONTROL pills and were used ineffectively because she did not take them daily as she should have. All the deception and lies. She can't keep anything straight because she lies so much.
ReplyDeleteDr. Drew, you have been deceived by Bristol - thought you were much more intelligent than that! I'm no longer interested in watching your show because of this.
What she did to make Levi back off and let her drag his name through the mud, while continuing to withhold his son from him, confuses me to this day. (And yes, I have considered that he may have been bought off.)
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be surprised. I've wondered how he got that nice home he showed off when Kathy Griffin visited.
There are family court judges who would/have sanctioned parents for child abuse when such obvious and deliberate parental alienation has been employed as in what Bristol is doing.
So yeah, either he is very naive/stupid or was bought off. No one lets the mother of his child bad mouth him the way she has unless one of the two transpired.
Either way, what can he be thinking? How can he justify letting his son someday read or otherwise hear such awful things about him.
And doesn't he realize that his son will hate him for that alone not to mention the absence of a father in his life. (I'm saying this as someone who's own biological father was absent from my life from a very early age and who heard my share of horror stories about him from my naive mother and hateful/abusive step father) In the end I ended up hating all of
them. Sad but true.
ReplyDelete"Dr. Drew" is a pig. I didn't watch the show but caught a promo a few days prior. In the clip, he was trying very hard to get her to call the incident in the tent a rape which at least in that little clip she wouldn't do.
But what can you expect from a guy who's one of the stars of the "All Casey Anthony All The Time" network.
Gag me with a spoon.
One reason I think Bristol's book is tanking (are you paying attention, Bristol?) is that she shows the same tin ear that Frank Bailey talks about Sarah having. To wit: She says she lied to her parents and said she was spending the night at a friend's house, then went camping instead. She has NO IDEA how bad that makes her parents look to evangelicals.
ReplyDeleteI grew up in a strict evangelical household and there was NO WAY that I or anyone I knew--even the kids with "permissive" parents--would have tried that. All our parents knew each other, and it was a given that any time someone planned to spend the night at a friend's house, there would be some discussion ahead of time between the parents. Even if the kids coordinated all the logistics, one parent would inevitably call the other and say, "Are you sure this isn't an inconvenience for you..." or "We're so excited to have so-and-so spend the night." It was just the way things were, so natural that (unlike some other things my parents said and did) it never felt like they didn't trust me or were checking up. But in retrospect, I realize this also ensured that if I said I was spending the night at someone's house, my parents knew damn well I was at that person's house.
Yes, I did know kids who had sex in high school, but they had to come up with far more ingenious strategies than just lying to their parents about slumber parties.
My mother is a Republican evangelical who thinks the media was "more horrible to Sarah Palin than they've ever been to any candidate"--in other words, the perfect audience for Bristol's book. When I told her about the camping scene, she rolled her eyes and looked disgusted. "Obviously her parents were too busy with Sarah's career to pay attention to their kids," was her assessment.
So not only is she not buying Bristol's book, but her estimation of Mama Grizz just went down a few notches too.
Wow, this one anonymous poster keeps posting different versions of the same comment over and over again. Who are you trying to convince--yourself? Because you certainly are not convincing anyone here.
ReplyDeleteDid I mention that I know Bristol, too and she is a horrible person who hates puppies?
Actually, I don't, but hopefully you get my point--nobody is going to take the word of someone posting anonymously on a message board who provides zero evidence of her claims.
The reason Bristol has trouble looking at Dr. Drew and showing emotion is because all her responses are rehearsed. It is Palin tradition to receive the questions in advance so that one can prepare answers.
When people are trying to recall a memory, they tend to look away from the person with whom they are speaking and generally look up, which Bristol does repeatedly. The "ums" are filler as she tries to recall what she's supposed to say.
She has no emotion in talking with Dr. Drew because these are not her thoughts--they are lines that someone on Sarah's payroll prepared for Bristol.
If this family were too close, as Bristol asserts, why would Todd only have learned about what happened between Bristol and Levi after reading her book? Why would Bristol have lied to Sarah initially? Why wouldn't Sarah have told Todd what happened? Those are things a "close" family would do.
What's up with Brisdull only doing interviews on Thursdays?
ReplyDeleteThe View - Thursday,July 7th
The Tonight Show - Thursday,July 14th
Dr. Drew - Thursday, July 21st what show is she doing next Thursday July 28th?
"Fan of Trig" @ 6:24am...if I were Brisdull I would get a restraining order against you! I don't think Brisdull would appreciate you screen grabbing her Facebook post and photo's and posting them here on their "hated enemy's" blog! What point are you trying to prove?
Brisdull....Er...I mean Bristol if you are reading this you may want to go through your Friends list and find out who is posting your personal shit on here and if it turns out to be Audrey Ihrig of Greensboro, North Carolina (according to's the link.... at least you now know where you can serve her! Good luck Brisdull...Er..Um... I mean Bristol
When challenged by Dr. Drew about forgetting to take 4 BC pills which he then says wasn't written in the book.. To which Bristol replies "yes it was"..
ReplyDeleteAnd he says "No it wasn't"..
Bristol then shakes her hair and says "It [ie the BC pills] wasn't used effectively"
What the H does she mean??
The natural thing to say would be... "Yes, I screwed up"..
But Bristol can't even acknowledge that it was her responsibility to take the BC pills correctly to prevent pregnancy...
She always has to blame Levi.. just as her parents want her to do. She doesn't realize how ridiculous that makes her appear to others watching the show.
This was so laughable. Just pure lies. She doesn't recognize truth any longer. Too bad.
ReplyDeleteThere a lot of 20 yr. old single mothers working their way through school who don't whine and complain 1/10th as much as Bristol. Some day soon Bristol will probably be working for one of them.
ReplyDeleteHey, 7:36, thanks for the news that Amazon finally banned Jane. That was a long time coming, and well-deserved.
ReplyDeleteOkay. That's it.
Rape: a person is forced to have sexual intercourse WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT!!!!
If you said NO to Levi, you were raped.
If you said NOTHING (presumably b/c u were passed out on wine coolers), and you DID NOT give your CONSENT, you were raped.
If you said YES YES YES Levi make me a woman, you are a lying sack of shit.
I believe it is the last one.
BRISTROLL herself said, on The View, "I am not accusing him of RAPE or anything".
Yet she continues to say her virginity was STOLEN. Stolen means LACK OF CONSENT!!
I really can not imagine why Victim's Rights groups aren't trying to clarify with this sack o' crap.
The damage Bristrol is PERSONALLY doing to the recognition of date rape as a VERY SERIOUS CRIME is heart-breaking.
So she was "robbed" of her chance to get an education?
ReplyDeleteShe had her virginity "stolen"?
Hey Bristrol, let me help you out with some of your future victimizations.
- I was:
and my personal favorite,
If I see any of the above in print, SARAHPAC will get a bill for my "CONSULTING FEES", you betcha. ;)
Fairy Tale Troll is a good and apt moniker. Kudos to whomever came up with it.
ReplyDeleteIt's quite simple to become actually.
1) Get a facebook account. (full disclosure: I have one that I've never used.)
2) Get friended by any/all Palins.
3) Spend an inordinate amount of time on facebook reading any and all things Palin.
4) Spend even more time going from blog to blog pretending you are a Palin "insider" trying unsuccessfully to dispel the truths being reported almost daily on said blogs regarding all things Palin.
5) Feel somehow important and worthwhile in believing that anyone on those blogs BELIEVES you are a Palin "insider".
There was a fairy tale troll who posted on Media Insider's blog. The first moniker she/he used was Hmmm. Media Insider banned that one so she/he came back as Sammy.
I wonder if that's the same person who keeps coming to this blog with all the "insider" info.
I agree with a previous commenter that it would be interesting for Gryphen to post how many of these comments are coming from the same IP address.
Bottom line, it's kind of sad that someone or maybe more than one person gets their jollies and some sense of worth/self respect from pretending to be a Palin insider.
Most of the readers here probably would be ashamed to admit being an "insider" even if it were true I would think.
Not to mention the fact that most folks that truly know the Palins are keeping quiet or do not have good things to say about them.
Just sayin'
Is Sarah aware that if she actually announces for POTUS that the press will again be all over her family's inadequacies?
ReplyDeleteThere are lots of divorced parents who are in Levi's position. And they will be shocked and angered at what Bristol and the Palin mafia are doing.
Bristol's lies are not unique and many Americans will have heard them from their own ex-spouses or those of friends or family members.
Does Sarah really want the Whole world, out side of Alaska and people who read blogs like this one, to know that Bristol is keeping Tripp's dad from having time with his child. That the Palins are in breach of several Court Orders.
Lying about it isn't going to last very long with the national LSM looking into their private lives in a very big way.
She can't expand her base if she does not expose her self to other audiences, and she has to expand her base. She needs the LSM.
A 20 year old says she's robbed of an education?? This is laughable. Some 20 year olds are working their asses off right now so they can enroll fulltime in college in 2 or 3 years from now and not have a lifetime of student loans. Just a half lifetime of student loans considering how expensive an education is these days because not everyone qualifies for financial aid or scholarships.
ReplyDeleteShe's thinking she's too old for college now or what? More like she figures the grifting career is much more easier. Sheesh, with what she has earned so far the sky is the limit as far as a formal education, and she could still afford a full time nanny.
Like mother like daughter, and this is just one of many similarities. Do as little as you can but still have that cash rolling in. There is nothing like money for nothing and laugh ingall the way to the bank. In her mothers case, all the way to the polls. I think mom is delusional enough to actually run and is planning on doing it the easiest way possible. Send the movie all over the country instead of actual hands on campaigning. Send tweets and facebook posts out there instead.
Would we want a president who likes to do it all the easy way, thinking the American public is too dense to notice?? Hell no! This is laughable too. Brisdull is an annoyance but mom is scary. So actually it isn't that funny. I fear for this country and what could become of it... And us.
I, for one, do not mind the trolls.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is obvious that it is the same one or two people.
I love the smell of desperation in the morning, it smells like victory.
There is no other way to get a candid glimpse into the Palin mindset.
They are funny, inarticulate, lying phonies, but most of all, they are SAD...PATHETIC.
Jane at Amazon got banned? Now this is good news! There are a couple more that are just as creepy. I didn't post a review on brisdulls book because I have not read it, I posted just a 2 line comment under another review and said that the Palins are frauds.
ReplyDeleteAnother fanatical Palin lover who posts constantly actually looked up my totally unrelated amazon review history and responded to my comment using that against me. It felt creepy to think someone actually took the time to look up my history. They are fanatical bigots who frequently quote bible passages too.
ReplyDeleteI was surprised he was so direct. There is no denying Bristol is Sarah's "mini me." That's what narcissistic mothers do their off spring.
I believe Levi did steal Bristol's virginity and she kept returning to the scene of the crime to try to get it back.
ReplyDeleteLook how well abstinence education works, the teen pregnancy rates went up in Texas.
Dr. Drew is a scumbag, like so many other psychologists in this country who are narcissists, he harms people.
ReplyDeleteBristol is an extremely stupid girl. She has created her own destiny but like mama, has zero introspection ability or desire. She is dense.
ReplyDeleteThe troll said the "Palins are so close, they breathe each other." Uh, that is not a good thing FT (fairy troll). It's quite sick and is a sign of a very dysfunctional family. Why am I not surprised.
I believe Levi did steal Bristol's virginity and she kept returning to the scene of the crime to try to get it back.
ReplyDeleteEffing LMAO hilarious!!!!
I'm amazed at the amount of time and energy Bristol continues to put into hawking her book because the public still isn't buying her craptastic memoir. Her sales have already peaked and she's now on a downward spiral which will soon be hitting rock bottom.
ReplyDeleteBristool you're looking to the left again, dear.
ReplyDeleteUm, so like, I lied to my mom and uh um got in a truck with Levi and some friends, with camping stuff, beer and wine coolers um.... and like uh had no CLUE that um yeah, I was on The Pill but didn't take them three days in a row and hey were ineffective, ok, like I;m uh... not calling it but the last thing I remembered (before going all "heels to Jesus" and yelling to God that I'm uh on my way, so to speak) was sitting around the campfire with my friends, all carefree and feeling woozy and giddy and laughing with my friends"
ReplyDeleteMy family is close, Levi's family is "Broken", so like, I figured I'd keep giving up the goods because, why not? I lost my moral code (should have written it in sharpie on my palm, goshdarnit, looking back with these Adult eyes)..... Being a single mom is hard! "It's" not an accessory on my hip. Levi posted nude for playgirl (but I take that dirty filthy 1700 buck a month payment, religiously)
Glosses over the Arizona property, and says she lives on the compound in Alaska with her close knit parents, who are everywhere but home most of the time anyway.
Track and Todd wanted to "rip Levi's face off" (being such good christians, and stuff) and Dr Drew nodded and approved!
Dr Drew pressed her four times.... "in California it's called rape".... she finally said (cough cough, the daughter of the Governor of Alaska) finally states "I don't know what the law is in Alaska, but I don't consider what happened a rape"
And the palin trolls chime in.
She's good girl, strong family, family has her back, she repented, she had a "come to Jesus" moment, Levi is bad, evil, immature.....
Don't judge Bristol, the ever virtuous blabbering jawbone of an ass, she doesn't deserve people talking about her private life unless they know her.
That's what she dictated to Nancy French, approved of, and read out loud in her book! We don't need to know her, we just need to belive what she dictated to someone and had them write it for her in her book. "The Gospel According to Bristol"
Generally speaking, trolls, when the pop up thermometer pops, the turkey's done. But to be safe, stick a food thermometer in the thigh and make sure it's done and the fluids run clear.
Bristol clearly isn't done.
Case in point, My family isn't perfect (there's no such thing). But my children learned everything from me and my gynecologist, and I do mean, everything. The types of birth control available, how to use them properly, how to avoid situations they may not be mature enough to handle or could regret later. They learned about respecting themselves and their potential partners. They learned how their bodies worked, and why. Were they sexually active? I'm still not sure, and I don't need to know for sure. I raised them the best I kenw how, and when they reach(ed) 21, they were/are ready to go make their mark on the world. I support them emotionally, but they're adults and capable of going on with their lives without me. If they fail and need to come home, then they have my permission, but they better contribute and get back on their feet again.
Bristol acts like she's an adult, but she's woefully dependent on her parents for everything.
some posters are imitating the fairy tale troll as @6:34
ReplyDeleteit's a satire.
"Laughter is feared by tryants":
Satire feels good and is very therapeutic according to Dr.Freudwin.
I just started reading Bristol's book online, found it for free as I would NEVER put a penny in the Palin coffers. In the first 3 chapters, I found more lies and discrepancies than I could count. A couple things really stick out. Bristol talks about living with her aunt yet that is allegedly the year prior to her getting pregnant. However, in an earlier book about $arah, the aunt talks about how Bristol lived with her while she was waiting to have her baby. We know it wasn't prior to Tripp's birth because she was seen at the convention and went back to Wasilla afterwards.
ReplyDeleteHow about Bristol letting us know she knew BEFORE Trig was born that he was special needs because her father allegedly told her after Willow supposedly found Trig's ultrasound pic? These girls regularly snoop through their mother's things?? In Going Rogue, Palin allegedly told her family she was pregnant, not that they found out and she had to tell them. She also said to Todd when she was allegedly in labor in Texas that she hadn't yet told the kids about Trig being special needs and he said, "don't worry about it" NOT "Bristol & Willow know about it". You'd think the family could get their stories straight but not a chance because they tell so many lies.
We also have Nicole Wallace telling them that their mother was selected as the V.P. nominee in Bristol's book, just another variation of that story! Does that make number four or five?
Bristol goes after Levi with every story she tells, no matter how petty or trivial, she tries to make him the bad guy. Bristol, since we know you and your family read this blog, let me tell you that once again, YOU are the BITCH!, the classless, trashy, fame whore who wouldn't have two cents to rub together if she hadn't gotten knocked up at such a young age and used it to make $$$ all the while complaining about how hard life is! You're full of shit, just like your mother.
Are the palinbots paid to comment on these sites by Sarah PAC??
ReplyDelete709am:"[Bristol] comes off as a very spoiled child that really should not be writing a memoir. It appears she still hasn't been made better by these experiences. She still manages to claw at others, insult other, and does not see herself as at fault, ever."
She's a Whiny, Blaming, Flaming, Grizzly Mama's girl, through and through!
512am: "It's interesting. Bristol calls Tripp 'her little love baby'."
Well, that makes no sense at all, if Levi is really the father. Why would she attach that much romantic significance to a child when she clearly despises Levi, the virginity-stealer? And even if he was the dad and she considered Tripp a "love baby" then, why would she continue to use that term which implies the relationship with Tripp's biological father was a happy, fulfilling one?
This "love baby" comment +
The fact that Levi never contested Tripp's removal from Alaska =
HUGE red flags!! Memo to IM detectives: figure out who Tripp's real father is, because I don't think it's Levi.
Anon said "I think it was in 2007-2008 that [Bristol] was more lost than ever..."
ReplyDeleteWho could blame her? Her mother had just taken Bristol's first baby and was pretending it was hers. THAT'S seriously fucked up stuff.
"Bristol was conflicted because her personality did a 180 once she reached high school." 6:04 anon
ReplyDeleteInteresting....specially since alcohol use, drug use, and sexual abuse are often three of the factors first considered by a healthcare provider when evaluating any minor's sudden "personality change."
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that pretty much everyone who meets the family and hangs with them walks away still admiring them?
Sociopaths and narcissists can have that effect on people, it's true!
Quick question. Has anyone ever considered that the support checks Levi provides might actually be for Trig ("...who was Tripp before he was Trig")?
ReplyDeleteWe know Levi is paying expenses for one of Bristol's children. The question is, which one?
TRIG is the one who has been left in Alaska. TRIG is the one still living close to Levi.
Anon@9:08 AM wrote:
ReplyDelete@6:34 AM
I'm glad I don't know Bri$tol. You honestly think people don't like Bri$tol because she got pregant? You are so fucking stupid!
Hey anon@9:08, chill out, it's a satire.
"She forgot her birth control pills and so got pregnant. who can't understand that?"
ReplyDeleteshe was 15 and on birth control because she had been sexually active for a couple years already.
She "forgot" to take her pill 4 days in a row because she is a moron. She wanted to get pregnant and planned the pregnancy/pregnancies.