Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
If you wake up on August sixth wondering where all of the batshit crazy Christian ministers have gone, they will be with Rick Perry in Texas.
There HAS to be a reason why all the loons gravitate to the repub. party. They must know that the dems. would laugh them right off the public stage. Palin, Bachmann, Perry, Santorum and the rest would NEVER have gotten a foothold with democratic voters. So glad we dems. recognize nuts right away, and celebrate intelligent reps. Other cuuntries just shake their heads now, knowing after W anything is possible. We are a laughingstock because of people like this. The repubs. dislike President Obama because he is SANE!!
Sincerity and compassion for all the wrong reasons. Hmmm. So THAT is why all of our elected Republican officials have totally abandoned sincerity and compassion. I knew there must be SOME explanation for it!
George W. Jr. Good-hair is as vile and nauseating as any of the other conservative contenders.
As much as I despise Rick Perry and don't want him anywhere North of the Texas border - at least he's been in real political roles in his grown-up years (that doesn't mean he's an adult.)
Someone like him would make sense as a frontrunner, no matter how horrible he would be for the country - but to continue to have that retarded-14-year-old-in-a-50-year-old-flat-chested-bony-bitch's body brand herself as a person of influence beyond the Mat-Su Valley is so incredulous.
Sarah Palin does not deserve to ever grace the cover of a national magazine with credibility, with a platform to announce (with no honest laughing-in-your face response) "I can win," a national election. We already let you get away with saying so much that is utter bullshit (I showed Trig's Birth Certificate, Family Always Comes First, We are so Frugal, I have a servant's heart, I was a State's CEO, "Whatever Reason I fired the State Chef," I sold the Governor's jet on e-bay, I divested Alaska's funds from Sudan, I consulted my family before I accepted John McCain's offer, . . ., it goes on and on.
Oh My God. Sarah, you can't win with a thirteen percent support base. You won't. We won't let you. Fuck off.
Tina Brown of Newsweek was on Morning Joe this morning where she usually presents the latest edition. She did not mention the cover article with the skank. She and the Morning Joe crowd must have been embarrassed to even acknowledge it.
We all know that separation of church-and-state nonsense started with Jefferson and Adams had that three way with the Mesopotamian succubus. Which is why it no longer can apply....
Originally this prayer event had to do with rain and the lack thereof over much of Texas. Since Perry got the presidential itch it has morphed into what Rachel Maddow described. I find it very scary.
For the commenter from the Dallas paper to talk about making how Republican rightwingers would make government more "Christocentric," and saying it with a straight face, is simply terrifying. Their notion of Christianity comes from the Old Testament alone and not from the New. None of that "love thy neighbor" or "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" or "turn the other cheek" for these people. No health care or environmental regulations or job stimulus programs or civil rights for everyone. That doesn't fit with their ignorant narrowmindedness.
The founders of this country deliberately separated church and state and they did extend the freedom to practice religion to all religions, not only to Christian churches. They did so because their immediate ancestors had escaped a continent that had been torn apart by religious wars and terrorism that had gone on for centuries. Our founders wanted none of that. So they said that all people are welcome to practice freely the religion of their choice or no religion at all. The state would not dictate.
A couple of decades of Pat Robertson's and Oral Roberts' brand of higher education, throw in a couple of decades of homeschooling and weakening public education by cutting funds and forcing quasi-religious course content has produced too many people who have no idea what Christianity was meant to be and what our country's founding principles are. Add in the Republican Party's desperation for relevance and here you have the governor of Texas inviting all sorts of crack-pot self-proclaimed preachers to tell Americans how to govern their country.
I really need to leave Texas sooner rather than later. This crap, coupled with the sucky summers due to living on the Gulf makes me not like it here anymore. And WTF is he having this meeting of crazy in Houston? Seems like it would be better received in the DFW area.
Whoof. What seems to be happening is that politicians who want to "win" above everything else have decided to ally themselves with fringy mega tv ministers who are fooling the flocks as well.
Politicical candidates and religious prophecy DO NOT MIX. Christian prophecy is for individual christians and churches to CONTEMPLATE on. Not act out and become some army or some political party that decides it wants to help prophecy along. These prayer groups should only have one mission. To pray that their nation with their love for all mankind, and let GOD do the rest. They seem to want to commence the last days' scenario.
"Last days" or "end of days" could be a thousand years from now, maybe 20,000 years from now. Although scholars feel it's closer, still there's no command for christians to lift one little finger about it. No one should intercept, or try to interrupt God's plan.
Nothing like a fundie religulous event like this to spotlight the crazy elements of our country. I wonder how many Democrats will attend this mutilation of religion? My bet is zero.
@6:02, I don't know if it's so much an overabundance as it is that we have a corporate-owned media that doesn't laugh these buffoons off the national stage.
Instead, they're propped up and held up as perfectly normal and mainstream -- if you think differently than they do, then you're in the wrong.
Anne in Texas: I agree with you, these hot summers combined with Perry's bullshit is too much! Will Jimmy Swaggart and his cronies be there with Rick? Wonder if they will have "hands on" healing? I'm getting very suspicious of the real purpose of this prayer meeting.
Perry is the male version of Sarah Palin: severely unaccomplished, lazy, a liar, a bigot and someone who relies on his/her (relative) good looks for attention. Imagine if Sarah looked like RAM and Perry like Rush. NO hearts (or whatever else) would be thumping, that's for sure.
Maddow and team need some kind of award for gathering the clips of these crazies. The guy preaching about the Emperor's demonic sex, C.Peter Wagner, is the head of the group which claims Mary Glazier and Thomas Muthee among its apostles and is closely tied to Palin.
Perry called for 3 days of prayer for rain back in April. I don't think he's explained why God continued the drought after all that prayer or why God didn't listen when the true believers called for rain on Barack Obama's DNC acceptance speech but that isn't stopping them from continuing their nonsense. Perhaps they think God has more power over U.S. economics than over rain.
What's the chance of a tornado hitting that Texas stadium on Aug 6?
As an east coaster who's travelled the south, including Texas, I've seen the harm these loons inflict on those too weak to think for themselves. I feel nothing but empathy for the State of Texas, they have Bush, Perry, and this band of crazy hate filled fake chistians.
Bush ushered this in with his "Faith based" intitative bullshit.
Do you suppose it would be un-Christian-like if the rest of the country prays for a Texas hurricane or electrical storm to strike the venue while they are all on stage? They can all be "uplifted"
My heart goes out to you and your fellow Texans. After Perry's policies have done so much damage in your state, you suffer the adding of insult to injury by being subjected to the spectacle of Perry and others making a show of their "faith" by praying for help in solving the problems he and others have created. On top of it all, these so-called ministers are as crazy as bedbugs, and full of hate as well as ignorance.
Mika on MSNBC had her dad on this morning and he had some very chilling things to say about our current situation (with the wacko right) and our near future. I agree with him that we will only learn to shut these fools up when we have suffered real pain (as I think we are beginning to experience) and he claimed that the struggle will be severe. The thing that scares me is that more redneck bible thumpers know how to shoot a gun than the rest of us. I basically took from what he said is that we all better learn to speak Chinese. If we don't smack these loonies down, and the riots begin in the streets, the Chinese are going to take advantage of our weakness and move in. You all should watch the interview, it was really scary. Wish I could articulate it better, sorry.
I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, but as the most recent accounts of the batshit-crazy-christian-dominionist-republicans crawling out of the walls so amply illustrates, I think we have a national mental health crisis going on in this country.
I think this crisis needs to be called out publically by the medical and psychiatric establishments. It needs to be identified by its symptoms, named, and diagnostic criteria established. Treatment protocols need to be set up. Detox programs need to be established.
They call it religion but it’s not. It’s “Crazy” – pure and simple. And it is ruining our country — turning it into one big mental asylum, run by the worst of the inmates.
So, its perfectly acceptable to sit in a church and listen to a preacher scream about gays needing to conform or die, national monuments being satanic, the POTUS needing to be overthrown by any means, and earthquakes being caused by humping demons???
But a preacher that yells "Goddamn America" is vilified?
Oh wait, lemme guess. Its ok as long as the one doing the preaching is WHITE right? And the ones listening to that good christian ministry had better be white too. Because if the BLACK churches started preaching that craziness, well, we all know what would happen...
What I'm fed up with is Christians trying to impose their bigotries on our democratic government.
You don't like gays? FINE. Don't hang out with them. They won't miss your company anyway. But do you have to go so far as to dehumanize them by taking away their civil rights to prove your "christian devotion" to God?
You think abortion is wrong? FINE. Don't have one. But don't you dare try to crawl between MY legs with a microscope. What happens in MY body is my own fucking business and between me & my Dr. And if you hate abortions so much, do you think defunding a huge supplier of contraceptives is wise?
Its become obvious that you christian extremists hate EVERYONE. And you want to punish them using the Government to do your dirty work FOR you like the cowards you are.
These people continue to make a mockery of true Christianity, the Bible, God, and Jesus on a daily basis. I find it highly transparent, as well as highly offensive. There is no Christianity without humility and without evidenced (ie, deeds-proving) love and compassion for the 'least of these'. They can posture and shout their apostate version of self-deceived christianity to the rooftops all they want, but neither we nor God are at all impressed. They prove the rule: the louder the talk, the more absent the deeds/fruit.
I went to elementary school, and junior high school with Mike Bickel. I even attended High School for awhile with him too. His start with the born again type of Christianity was due to a football coach at Center High School in Kansas City, MO sending him to a fellowship of christian athletes retreat in Estes Park, CO. When I was a kid, I avoided him as much as possible, as he was always threatening to 'kick my ass'. Awhile back I visited his website, and saw how some of his followers claimed to have teeth grow back in their mouths. I found it interesting that he leads off on the Maddow show of the bat shit crazies.....
And this freak-job is going to launch his national bid for office from the bosom of this horribly offensive non-secular event.
ReplyDeleteThese kinds of people and these kinds of in-your-face events are such an affront to people of real faith, who don't have to wear it on their sleeve.
Just like regular American's don't have to advertise to prove their pride in Country or Family.
What is it with neocons and fundies who HAVE to prove they are superior believers, patriots and family?
Nooo! Shoo! Shoo! Batshit crazy Teabaggers! Us sane Texans want you G.O.N.E.!!!!
ReplyDeleteThere HAS to be a reason why all the loons gravitate to the repub. party. They must know that the dems. would laugh them right off the public stage. Palin, Bachmann, Perry, Santorum and the rest would NEVER have gotten a foothold with democratic voters. So glad we dems. recognize nuts right away, and celebrate intelligent reps. Other cuuntries just shake their heads now, knowing after W anything is possible. We are a laughingstock because of people like this. The repubs. dislike President Obama because he is SANE!!
ReplyDeleteSincerity and compassion for all the wrong reasons. Hmmm. So THAT is why all of our elected Republican officials have totally abandoned sincerity and compassion. I knew there must be SOME explanation for it!
ReplyDeleteThats it Rick. Keep on dragging that evangelical crazy stick. It will come back to beat you about the head.
ReplyDeleteGeorge W. Jr. Good-hair is as vile and nauseating as any of the other conservative contenders.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I despise Rick Perry and don't want him anywhere North of the Texas border - at least he's been in real political roles in his grown-up years (that doesn't mean he's an adult.)
Someone like him would make sense as a frontrunner, no matter how horrible he would be for the country - but to continue to have that retarded-14-year-old-in-a-50-year-old-flat-chested-bony-bitch's body brand herself as a person of influence beyond the Mat-Su Valley is so incredulous.
Sarah Palin does not deserve to ever grace the cover of a national magazine with credibility, with a platform to announce (with no honest laughing-in-your face response) "I can win," a national election. We already let you get away with saying so much that is utter bullshit (I showed Trig's Birth Certificate, Family Always Comes First, We are so Frugal, I have a servant's heart, I was a State's CEO, "Whatever Reason I fired the State Chef," I sold the Governor's jet on e-bay, I divested Alaska's funds from Sudan, I consulted my family before I accepted John McCain's offer, . . ., it goes on and on.
Oh My God. Sarah, you can't win with a thirteen percent support base. You won't. We won't let you. Fuck off.
Anon said: What is it with neocons and fundies who HAVE to prove they are superior believers, patriots and family? 5:07 AM
ReplyDeleteSince you'd never know it from their actual behaviors, they have to TELL us about it. Interminably.
Off topic:
ReplyDeleteTina Brown of Newsweek was on Morning Joe this morning where she usually presents the latest edition. She did not mention the cover article with the skank. She and the Morning Joe crowd must have been embarrassed to even acknowledge it.
We all know that separation of church-and-state nonsense started with Jefferson and Adams had that three way with the Mesopotamian succubus. Which is why it no longer can apply....
ReplyDeleteOriginally this prayer event had to do with rain and the lack thereof over much of Texas. Since Perry got the presidential itch it has morphed into what Rachel Maddow described. I find it very scary.
ReplyDeleteFor the commenter from the Dallas paper to talk about making how Republican rightwingers would make government more "Christocentric," and saying it with a straight face, is simply terrifying. Their notion of Christianity comes from the Old Testament alone and not from the New. None of that "love thy neighbor" or "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" or "turn the other cheek" for these people. No health care or environmental regulations or job stimulus programs or civil rights for everyone. That doesn't fit with their ignorant narrowmindedness.
The founders of this country deliberately separated church and state and they did extend the freedom to practice religion to all religions, not only to Christian churches. They did so because their immediate ancestors had escaped a continent that had been torn apart by religious wars and terrorism that had gone on for centuries. Our founders wanted none of that. So they said that all people are welcome to practice freely the religion of their choice or no religion at all. The state would not dictate.
A couple of decades of Pat Robertson's and Oral Roberts' brand of higher education, throw in a couple of decades of homeschooling and weakening public education by cutting funds and forcing quasi-religious course content has produced too many people who have no idea what Christianity was meant to be and what our country's founding principles are. Add in the Republican Party's desperation for relevance and here you have the governor of Texas inviting all sorts of crack-pot self-proclaimed preachers to tell Americans how to govern their country.
I know other world nations have their fair share of lunatics but for some reason the United States of America seems to have an overabundance of them.
ReplyDeleteI really need to leave Texas sooner rather than later. This crap, coupled with the sucky summers due to living on the Gulf makes me not like it here anymore. And WTF is he having this meeting of crazy in Houston? Seems like it would be better received in the DFW area.
ReplyDeleteWhoof. What seems to be happening is that politicians who want to "win" above everything else have decided to ally themselves with fringy mega tv ministers who are fooling the flocks as well.
ReplyDeletePoliticical candidates and religious prophecy DO NOT MIX. Christian prophecy is for individual christians and churches to CONTEMPLATE on. Not act out and become some army or some political party that decides it wants to help prophecy along. These prayer groups should only have one mission. To pray that their nation with their love for all mankind, and let GOD do the rest. They seem to want to commence the last days' scenario.
"Last days" or "end of days" could be a thousand years from now, maybe 20,000 years from now. Although scholars feel it's closer, still there's no command for christians to lift one little finger about it. No one should intercept, or try to interrupt God's plan.
That's my take. Do good and let God do the rest.
Want to bet Sarah will be there. No one else wants her.
ReplyDeleteOK, I have to wait until I get home from work to listen to all of it. How can anyone sit and listen to that insanity is beyond me.
ReplyDeleteYikes...makes that "Gawd Damn America" pastor look like a door-2-door vacuum salesman.
ReplyDeleteWonder if Rick's boyfriend is going to be there...or maybe he'll just be there a crusin'?
ReplyDeleteNothing like a fundie religulous event like this to spotlight the crazy elements of our country. I wonder how many Democrats will attend this mutilation of religion? My bet is zero.
ReplyDelete@6:02, I don't know if it's so much an overabundance as it is that we have a corporate-owned media that doesn't laugh these buffoons off the national stage.
ReplyDeleteInstead, they're propped up and held up as perfectly normal and mainstream -- if you think differently than they do, then you're in the wrong.
Anne in Texas: I agree with you, these hot summers combined with Perry's bullshit is too much!
ReplyDeleteWill Jimmy Swaggart and his cronies be there with Rick? Wonder if they will have "hands on" healing? I'm getting very suspicious of the real purpose of this prayer meeting.
Perry is the male version of Sarah Palin: severely unaccomplished, lazy, a liar, a bigot and someone who relies on his/her (relative) good looks for attention. Imagine if Sarah looked like RAM and Perry like Rush. NO hearts (or whatever else) would be thumping, that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteMaddow and team need some kind of award for gathering the clips of these crazies. The guy preaching about the Emperor's demonic sex, C.Peter Wagner, is the head of the group which claims Mary Glazier and Thomas Muthee among its apostles and is closely tied to Palin.
ReplyDeletePerry called for 3 days of prayer for rain back in April. I don't think he's explained why God continued the drought after all that prayer or why God didn't listen when the true believers called for rain on Barack Obama's DNC acceptance speech but that isn't stopping them from continuing their nonsense. Perhaps they think God has more power over U.S. economics than over rain.
What's the chance of a tornado hitting that Texas stadium on Aug 6?
As an east coaster who's travelled the south, including Texas, I've seen the harm these loons inflict on those too weak to think for themselves.
ReplyDeleteI feel nothing but empathy for the State of Texas, they have Bush, Perry, and this band of crazy hate filled fake chistians.
Bush ushered this in with his "Faith based" intitative bullshit.
Pray and Fast, Perry? Seriously?
This man makes my skin crawl.
Donate to Obama to counter this bullshit.
Do you suppose it would be un-Christian-like if the rest of the country prays for a Texas hurricane or electrical storm to strike the venue while they are all on stage? They can all be
Please cue Twilight Zone Music....
@Anne In Texas:
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you and your fellow Texans. After Perry's policies have done so much damage in your state, you suffer the adding of insult to injury by being subjected to the spectacle of Perry and others making a show of their "faith" by praying for help in solving the problems he and others have created. On top of it all, these so-called ministers are as crazy as bedbugs, and full of hate as well as ignorance.
Gov. GoodHair's Prayer-A-Palooza
ReplyDeleteRick Perry has quite a past with pro-confederacy/slavery groups:
Why couldn't Justin Elliot provide this type of research when it came to Sarah Palin?
Perry's candidacy will be doomed beyond the south
Mika on MSNBC had her dad on this morning and he had some very chilling things to say about our current situation (with the wacko right) and our near future. I agree with him that we will only learn to shut these fools up when we have suffered real pain (as I think we are beginning to experience) and he claimed that the struggle will be severe. The thing that scares me is that more redneck bible thumpers know how to shoot a gun than the rest of us. I basically took from what he said is that we all better learn to speak Chinese. If we don't smack these loonies down, and the riots begin in the streets, the Chinese are going to take advantage of our weakness and move in. You all should watch the interview, it was really scary. Wish I could articulate it better, sorry.
ReplyDeleteI’ve been thinking about this for a while now, but as the most recent accounts of the batshit-crazy-christian-dominionist-republicans crawling out of the walls so amply illustrates, I think we have a national mental health crisis going on in this country.
ReplyDeleteI think this crisis needs to be called out publically by the medical and psychiatric establishments. It needs to be identified by its symptoms, named, and diagnostic criteria established. Treatment protocols need to be set up. Detox programs need to be established.
They call it religion but it’s not. It’s “Crazy” – pure and simple. And it is ruining our country — turning it into one big mental asylum, run by the worst of the inmates.
Don't be fooled, Perry is the most closeted of closet gays ever. Oh, how I pray that one of his boytoys will come clean...
ReplyDeleteSo, its perfectly acceptable to sit in a church and listen to a preacher scream about gays needing to conform or die, national monuments being satanic, the POTUS needing to be overthrown by any means, and earthquakes being caused by humping demons???
ReplyDeleteBut a preacher that yells "Goddamn America" is vilified?
Oh wait, lemme guess. Its ok as long as the one doing the preaching is WHITE right? And the ones listening to that good christian ministry had better be white too. Because if the BLACK churches started preaching that craziness, well, we all know what would happen...
What I'm fed up with is Christians trying to impose their bigotries on our democratic government.
You don't like gays? FINE. Don't hang out with them. They won't miss your company anyway. But do you have to go so far as to dehumanize them by taking away their civil rights to prove your "christian devotion" to God?
You think abortion is wrong? FINE. Don't have one. But don't you dare try to crawl between MY legs with a microscope. What happens in MY body is my own fucking business and between me & my Dr. And if you hate abortions so much, do you think defunding a huge supplier of contraceptives is wise?
Its become obvious that you christian extremists hate EVERYONE. And you want to punish them using the Government to do your dirty work FOR you like the cowards you are.
These people continue to make a mockery of true Christianity, the Bible, God, and Jesus on a daily basis. I find it highly transparent, as well as highly offensive. There is no Christianity without humility and without evidenced (ie, deeds-proving) love and compassion for the 'least of these'. They can posture and shout their apostate version of self-deceived christianity to the rooftops all they want, but neither we nor God are at all impressed. They prove the rule: the louder the talk, the more absent the deeds/fruit.
ReplyDeleteYou know... the minister there could very well be describing the Dominionist Christian Movement....
ReplyDeleteI went to elementary school, and junior high school with Mike Bickel. I even attended High School for awhile with him too. His start with the born again type of Christianity was due to a football coach at Center High School in Kansas City, MO sending him to a fellowship of christian athletes retreat in Estes Park, CO. When I was a kid, I avoided him as much as possible, as he was always threatening to 'kick my ass'. Awhile back I visited his website, and saw how some of his followers claimed to have teeth grow back in their mouths. I found it interesting that he leads off on the Maddow show of the bat shit crazies.....