Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Monday, July 18, 2011
Inside the Palin HQ as the launch of "The Undefeated" fails.
For those of you who sent this to me today, I am sorry it took me so long to post it, but I was a wee busy.
For those who have NOT watched it yet, drop everything and have a seat, because this video is HYSTERICAL!
Speaking as a non-practicing Jew, all of these Hitler videos with the subtitles really aren't funny at all. Hitler is not funny, and this kind of thing is pretty reprehensible, no matter what words you are putting in his mouth. But I guess if it gets you off, it gets you off. Personally, I don't find it at all funny.
Non-practicing Jew here again. If your name isn't Mel Brooks, it's probably best to not try and inject anything Hitler or Nazi related with humor. It usually serves to offend more than anything else.
THANK YOU, Jesse, for posting this when you could. It is a perfect way for us to end the day...or start it...depending on where you are on the globe. The Flying Monkey Circus will get massively 'wee-weed up over this!
I agree with Anonymous @3:17 p.m. That same video was used to make fun of an advocate in my town, who happened to be Jewish. Was very disturbing. Did not laugh.
Try listening without the sound, just the sync of the expressions is flawless. I don't speak/understand German, so I'm left wondering what original movie the scene is from. It looks pretty intense.
But in this particular context, it's a masterpiece of drama.
PRACTICING Jew here, this was hilarious in the way it mercilessly mocks Sarah Palin and her delusional movie, Hitler is an afterthought, a prop. Try to lighten up a little.
I think this is appropriate because Bannon bragged that he modeled this "mockumentary" after Hitler propaganda films.
For what is it worth...I am not Jewish and I didn't find it as funny as some of the others either. I have visited the Holocaust Museum and also the Normandy coast and saw what horrible damage that man created and the miles upon miles of white crosses. I don't think anything about Hilter is a joking matter either.
I do, however, fear that many of the palinbots are like those Germans who did whatever he asked of them quite willingly. Her bots are cut from the same bolt. She is as dangerous to our country as Hitler was to my very honest opinion..because she does it in the name of "God"..which gives her bots a feeling of right. There is nothing funny about that.
Murdoch Is Considering Stepping Down As CEO Of NewsCorp. If so, he would be succeed by COO Chase Carey - Reports $NWSA via @breakingnews
Practicing Jew here.... I thought it was hilarious! But then again, My husband, children and I used to spend time at the dinner table telling "Hotsy Totsy, No More Nazi" jokes. No, Hitler wasn't funny, but humor is a wonderful coping mechanism, and Jews in general have a delicious sense of humor! LIGHTEN UP!!
This clip of a Hitler movie has been used many, many times to make a humorous point about some topic or another.
The challenge to the person who writes the alternate dialog is to try and match up the rhythm and sounds of the spoken dialog as much as possible... I say this is a win!
I am a Jew - and I do practice - and I think these "Downfall" parodies are sometimes very funny. The one about Hillary losing the nomination to Obama was hysterical. This one is pretty good. And I agree with the others who have pointed out that a great many Palin-supporters seem to have a rather "Germanic-like" worship of the her...
You lost me on this one, Gryph. Yeah, the text was amusing, but not the use of Hitler and his henchmen. They should never be used to make a joke of anything. Very very bad taste.
3:17 NPJ here again....listen, if this were the only one of these out there, maybe, maybe, I could smile a little. But this meme is going on two years now, and it's getting less funny each time out. The only one I ever even halfway enjoyed was the one that was done in re: the Allman Brothers run at the Beacon a few years ago. Still, even then, with subtitles that carried a lot of nuance that squares would not understand, I simply think this one false completely flat on it's face. There are better and less offensive criticisms to make. If you were really creative, you wouldn't be using a two year old meme as your platform for comedy anyway. I do not need lightening up, I am light. But this video is just not very funny, IMHO. But carry on, I know we are all in agreement on one point at least ;)
OT How could Palin raise campaign funds if the bots buy out movie theaters? Sorry, can't stop laughing about the rewards program for "mobilizers". It must not have been enough to use their church tithing monies.
AND, as just highlighted on Keith's new show by Markos (daily ,, the movie critic aggregator for all things on film, now has the new flying monkey movie rated a ZERO..... 0%.... After 10 critic reviews..... ZERO.....
So mama, run fast.. Duck often..... Hide anywhere you can.... NEVER show your face again as a human..... You're not... YOU'RE DONE......
Another Jewish reader here. I cant stand Sarah. But i hate the Hitler stuff in both sides. I dont like when Beck brought it up and i dont think we should. Lighten up some of you say. Sure.. Could you lighten up knowing that some of your relatives were killed in gas chambers. 6 million people killed because of ignorance. Sarah is nuts and if she by any chance became president, i have no doubt she would run a fascist regime controlling the media, etc. But thats a far cry from murdering millions of innocents. There is no comparison. Surely there are other comparisons to use. I dont find this funny at all. There is nothing funny about Sarah and the people who did this and those who laugh without thinking how it effects people are about as empathetic as Sarah.
Anon 3:58 get over yourself? Humour trumps evil? Fuck you. I will tell that ti my father in law who lived in the camps from the age of about 10-14. He went there with his family whom he never saw agsin. He weighed 70 pounds when he was released and has spent his life in severe pain.
You are a jerk. I dont care that some of you find it funny. Haha, whatever. But how dare you tell people to get over themselves. What a dolt you are. Get over yourself. You arent clever or kind.
This clip, used in an endless string of parodies to the great chagrin of the filmmakers and the actor playing Hitler (on financial grounds), is indeed from a German dramatic film Downfall released in 2004. It depicts the final week in Berlin as the Soviet troops are entering the city to finish the war.
The movie gets mixed reviews, and frankly my individual review is itself mixed, but I heartily recommend its viewing by each and every person who has ever enjoyed a parody of this scene (in which Hitler actually expresses an envy of Stalin and his, ah, management practices).
HEY!! You are a jerk. I dont care that some of you find it funny. Haha, whatever. But how dare you tell people to get over themselves. What a dolt you are. Get over yourself. You arent clever or kind.
Are you kidding me. You probably like to go to funerals because you can tell everybody that you knew the person that died better than anyone else. This isn't about you JERK. You can look at any nationality of people and they were all persecuted at sometime.
O/T Here are are the official numbers from the weekend box office. Only $6,513 average for each the 10 theaters. The total for all showings is $65,132.
We report on all movies, regardless of location count. The Undefeated people failed to send us anything on their movie.But we finally hunted them down today, and the movie will be listed later today.“Per theater average” at only 10 theaters is not an apples-to-apples comparison with a nationwide release. The fewer the theaters, the easier it is to have a high per-theater average .And simply having one of the higher per-theater averages on a given weekend is not a sign of success. At 10 theaters, a successful per theater average would be much higher than ‘Undefeated’s. There was nothing exceptional about ‘The Undefeated.’ If anything, it was soft. It was relatively worse than ‘Atlas Shrugged Part I,’ and that movie was a disappointment. Anyone claiming this is a success already is not being objective.
Regards, Brandon Gray Creator & President Box Office Mojo
the various clips around the internetS in which people have used this movie scene to depict a certain situation are almost always hilarious. this one is a definite WIN! whoever did that did a superb job.
3:17 & 3:21, just relax. this scene has been used over and over again as HUMOR. this one is not the first and it won't be the last. just go to youtube and search for hitler downfall, and you'll get a sampling. one of my faves is hillary's downfall
jeeezus I can't believe how uptight some people are about these hitler parodies. fuckin a I sure hope I never go to a party where you people are present.
btw, this scene is from a movie titled DOWNFALL. it's not exactly a glowing portrayal of hitler.
3:17: Thank you for saying that! As a German and having grown up in Germany during WWII, I find EVERYTHING about Hitler extremely offensive, and I don't understand how people can find this funny, no matter what subtitles they put on the video. It is a tasteless piece of trash, and I am extremely disappointed that you, Gryphen, would post this garbage. I have seen it on other websites too and it's just disgraceful.
I understand how some people can be offended by this clip. I think these videos are meant to mock Hitler as well as the person they're spoofing (the only other one I've seen is "balloon boy's" father).
That said, I must confess I found the subtitles hilarious! I laughed so hard at the "Hot-Tub Time Machine" line I couldn't read the rest.
Hitler has been used in parody many times, yes, people loathed and hated him, and rightfully so, but honestly, why would anyone offended by hitler, seeing the content in the first seconds of the vimeo movie actually keep watching it, you know, just to make sure he definately offends them? Don't like it? Don't watch it.
He was used prominantly in movies like "Schindler's List" and mel brooks "springime for hitler", and got RAVE reviews.
Anyone of jewish heritage offended by Palin, non practicing non jew, exploitive abuse of the Key of David and Star of David symbolism?
Crickets chirped and no one, NO ONE voiced outrage.
That being said, this was, indeed, a very funny clip.
I actually have made a few of these videos myself, and in my opinion, this one was very well done. Unfortunately, YouTube had to pull them all down because the producers of the original film (The Downfall) complained about copyright infringement.
Another non-practicing jew says that that was very funny. What's the problem in making fun of Hitler for Palin's sake. And what's the problem with talking about jesse's queer dotter who got that way because daddy was one too.
What a farce, Palinbots coming on here and feigning indignation over the use of a Hitler movie clip. These are the same people who call you a socialist at the drop of a hat. What a joke they are.
Yeah well, sorry, we're not really biting on that one, no matter how hard you try.
Why must the Palinistas play juvenile games? It's like they're all still back in high school or something. They seem to revel in whatever dishonest act they think they're getting away with.
@ 6:58, quite a number of us DID express outrage at Sarah Palin's use of that Star of David, as a matter of fact.
Anyone having the nerve to tell Jewish posters here they have no right to express distaste for this video is out of line (and that's kind).
Talk about defensive, those of you who are indignant that anyone would complain... It's honestly not that funny, this video. The original Hitler film is compelling, but there is something quite disturbing about seeing Hitler fall apart with the humorous subtitles.
ONLY Mel Brooks had the right, and the ability, to use Hitler with this kind of humor.
Otherwise making light of someone so evil is doing just that - making light of him. In a country which cannot seem to make Holocaust education a standard part of educational curriculum, that's a very real concern.
I am not Jewish myself, but I have several in-laws who are. I wouldn't dare run this past them, honestly.
People can enjoy this if they like, but at the very least refrain from attacking people for feeling uncomfortable with this material.
It doesn't matter that these tapes have been around for several years, that isn't the point.
Very funny, subtitles were great. Yes no outrage of palin wearing star of david. No outrage of Obama with a Hilter moustache. But, suddenly everyone is offended. So what people are saying is they are offended at others laughing at a fake Hitler? No one is embracing him or complimenting him. We are laughing at an actor imitating him. You didn't have to watch it either, but you watched it and then stated 'it's not funny'. Google 'Godwin's Law' that is pretty funny too. BTW, Gryph, I can't post here anymore without out your comments forcing me to join Blogger. trevjr
PS Anytime I see posters start talking about trolls simply because someone has a concern about one of Gryphen's posts or about some of the comments, I feel irritated. As if we must be in complete and total lockstep (sorry for the reference) with one another or we are traitorous, potentially hostile.
It's the most juvenile type of comment that I see here. Actual trolls are quite obvious. People taking issue from within our own ranks, however, should be allowed to express themselves without being labeled as some sort of enemy.
Speaking as a non-practicing Jew, all of these Hitler videos with the subtitles really aren't funny at all. Hitler is not funny, and this kind of thing is pretty reprehensible, no matter what words you are putting in his mouth. But I guess if it gets you off, it gets you off. Personally, I don't find
317PM ------------------------------------\Dear anon , I do not find it "funny" either. My father spentan extra yr after WWII interogating Nazi collaborators. According to him, Sarah Palin is from trhe same ilk ( his word, not mine). WE must NEVER forget the past, deal with it.
3:17: Thank you for saying that! As a German and having grown up in Germany during WWII, I find EVERYTHING about Hitler extremely offensive, and I don't understand how people can find this funny, no matter what subtitles they put on the video. It is a tasteless piece of trash, and I am extremely disappointed that you, Gryphen, would post this garbage. I have seen it on other websites too and --------------------------------------- Since according to your IP address you are the same persn, I am not surprised that you agree with the above delusional poster.
good grief, all you self defined Jews who are offended need to get over your faux outrage. I'm half Jewish (and half Catholic on the other side) and this parody is dead on for truth about Palin.
Let's track this back to the original parody of Hitler- Spike Jones' song "Der Fueher's Face" and the Donald Duck cartoon of the same name (via youtube).
Funny then, funny now (well, maybe a racist depiction of Hirohito, but more than made up for by a charmingly gay Nazi in the Marcus Bachmann mold...)!
This would be the cartoon I'd want to see if I were being shipped overseas to fight the Axis. A dose of courage with a laugh, and a good lesson in separating political leaders from the people. It didn't hurt Germany's treatment (and the world's acceptance and implementation of the Marshall Plan)to show Donald Duck as a poor schmuck forced to work for the Nazi regime.
The video clip hits the same notes, the only thing missing is a cameo of Eva Braun as Sarah Palin.
For those offended, I submit a rousing chorus of "Der Fuerher's Face", Oscar-winning animated short film of 1942.
The phony complaints about the video are almost as funny as the video. I guess Mel Brooks must have been an anti-Semite and we're supposed to be appalled by "Springtime for Hitler and Germany."
It makes me sick to my stomach to see people scolding others for finding this offensive.
How dare anyone tell someone else how they should feel about Adolf Hitler, for God's sake?
I think people don't like being reminded of the reality of this figure. We'd rather just laugh and tell others to "lighten up".
For those saying it doesn't really have anything to do with Adolf Hitler, THAT'S THE ENTIRE JOKE.
If some can't laugh about Adolf Hitler, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Regardless of personal ancestry, those who lost loved ones at the hands of this monster are 100% entitled to be offended. I sincerely doubt the dismissive posters - even those who identify as Jewish - are those who lost family or friends.
The further away we get from that historical era, the greater danger there is that people will forget. This distortion in the name of comedy is part of that phenomenon. (Mel Brooks got it right - ultimate black humor, and about the events/person in particular.)
So much outrage at mocking Hitler to mock Palin via this meme. It's a meme. If the opposite of mock is reverence, should we all then treat Hitler with complete and utter reverence?? He deserves that?
And what's with the only person that gets a pass on mocking Hitler is Mel Brooks? Sure he was brilliant but he's the ONLY one allowed to do it? Pfffft.
If one more internet blogger or poster uses the term, "meme", I am going to puke.
That's rationalizing bs.
Mel Brooks is a good Jew who knew the right way to mock Hitler. He gets to do it because he is Jewish, just like other groups get to make jokes using certain content.
If you look, there are websites devoted to helping people create these Downfall parodies. Who are these people, I'd like to know?
I'd be willing to bet very few Jewish people take the trouble to watch that guy's ugly mug just so they can get a lot of hits on youtube.
Outrage is the very least people should be able to express when it comes to the Holocaust.
Why does mel brooks get a free pass on using hitler for comedy? Andy why is HIS use of hitler not offensive?
Schindlers list was a historical documentary of the Holocaust, and it was appropriate to reference and use his image.
For the record, I am not Jewish, but my husband's family are. He runs and owns a judeo centric business and I'm in contact with many of his customers, including Rabbis who teach at Rabbinical college, so that's the background from which I drew. None of them felt offended, but knew it was satire.
I didn't call anyone a jerk, use any slurs, simply expressed my opinion.
Can we be a little less politically correct and just get along?
First off, your not going to convert anyone opposing your viewpoint by telling them to f*** off.
No one on here is extolling the virtues of Hitler or the holocaust. There's something called freedom of expression in this country and even though things like this may offend you, Griffin has every right to post it(as 'controversial' as it may be). And no, Mel Brooks should not somehow get a pass for being the only one able to make fun of Hitler despite his sensibilities.
It seems like you (and others here) gloss over the fact that Hitler harmed millions of others in addition to the Jews. So if someone who is not a Jew was affected by him wanted to mock him that is somehow offensive? Lighten up.
I saw this parody in the light it was meant to be portrayed, which was to Mock Hitler by comparing him to SP (and vice versa).
Listen, I am well aware that Hitler and his henchmen slaughtered many non-Jews. Interesting you would bring that up and make assumptions that any of us are "glossing over" that horrible fact. We are doing no such thing.
Something tells me you aren't Jewish.
These stupid parodies using the Downfall footage are very rarely "comparing" Hitler to anyone. If they are humorous at all it is due to the absurdity of putting words in his mouth. I don't think anyone is comparing Sarah Palin to Hitler there, anyway. The guy is speaking in the 3rd person about her.
It's just plain stupid, and no one should feel the need to defend it or attack those who are offended.
Speaking as a non-practicing Jew, all of these Hitler videos with the subtitles really aren't funny at all. Hitler is not funny, and this kind of thing is pretty reprehensible, no matter what words you are putting in his mouth. But I guess if it gets you off, it gets you off. Personally, I don't find it at all funny.
ReplyDeleteTears running down my face: the term LOL was invented for this.
ReplyDeleteNon-practicing Jew here again. If your name isn't Mel Brooks, it's probably best to not try and inject anything Hitler or Nazi related with humor. It usually serves to offend more than anything else.
ReplyDeleteThat was hysterical!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU, Jesse, for posting this when you could. It is a perfect way for us to end the day...or start it...depending on where you are on the globe. The Flying Monkey Circus will get massively 'wee-weed up over this!
Absolutely brilliant. I really have to appreciate a mind that has such genius with comedic timing. VHTG
ReplyDeleteI agree with Anonymous @3:17 p.m. That same video was used to make fun of an advocate in my town, who happened to be Jewish. Was very disturbing. Did not laugh.
ReplyDeleteTry listening without the sound, just the sync of the expressions is flawless. I don't speak/understand German, so I'm left wondering what original movie the scene is from. It looks pretty intense.
ReplyDeleteBut in this particular context, it's a masterpiece of drama.
PRACTICING Jew here, this was hilarious in the way it mercilessly mocks Sarah Palin and her delusional movie, Hitler is an afterthought, a prop. Try to lighten up a little.
ReplyDeleteI think this is appropriate because Bannon bragged that he modeled this "mockumentary" after Hitler propaganda films.
ReplyDeleteFor what is it worth...I am not Jewish and I didn't find it as funny as some of the others either. I have visited the Holocaust Museum and also the Normandy coast and saw what horrible damage that man created and the miles upon miles of white crosses. I don't think anything about Hilter is a joking matter either.
I do, however, fear that many of the palinbots are like those Germans who did whatever he asked of them quite willingly. Her bots are cut from the same bolt. She is as dangerous to our country as Hitler was to my very honest opinion..because she does it in the name of "God"..which gives her bots a feeling of right. There is nothing funny about that.
Amazing! What was this footage originally from?
ReplyDelete"It's my last chance to see Harry...if I had a real magic wand...beans are his downfall."
@3:17: MOCKING Hitler by putting these stupid captions is HILARIOUS.
ReplyDeleteHumor trumps evil. Get over yourself.
Murdoch Is Considering Stepping Down As CEO Of NewsCorp. If so, he would be succeed by COO Chase Carey - Reports $NWSA via @breakingnews
ReplyDeletePracticing Jew here.... I thought it was hilarious! But then again, My husband, children and I used to spend time at the dinner table telling "Hotsy Totsy, No More Nazi" jokes. No, Hitler wasn't funny, but humor is a wonderful coping mechanism, and Jews in general have a delicious sense of humor! LIGHTEN UP!!
ReplyDeleteThis clip of a Hitler movie has been used many, many times to make a humorous point about some topic or another.
ReplyDeleteThe challenge to the person who writes the alternate dialog is to try and match up the rhythm and sounds of the spoken dialog as much as possible... I say this is a win!
One of my best friends, who is Jewish, sent me this same video with subtitles about Carmaggedon.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that clip from "The Bunker"? GREAT FILM btw.
ReplyDeleteFWIW, here is the same clip with Carmaggedon subtitles:
Hilarious video. And is it just me or is that Greta Van Susteren in the group at 1:25? Don't believe me? Check it out again! :)
ReplyDeleteOh, and 3:17? I understand your concerns, but anything that belittles Hitler (in this case comparing him to $P) is fine in my book.
I am a Jew - and I do practice - and I think these "Downfall" parodies are sometimes very funny. The one about Hillary losing the nomination to Obama was hysterical. This one is pretty good. And I agree with the others who have pointed out that a great many Palin-supporters seem to have a rather "Germanic-like" worship of the her...
ReplyDeleteOT @ C4P they have a post The Undefeated made more per theater than Winnie the Pooh.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone buy 5 tickets to Pooh to jack the numbers?
What is it about Palin supporters blatantly manipulating success. It is DWTS again. They certainly need to prop Palin up.
Is that Greta Van Susteren @ 1:25? If not it sure looks like her, LOL.
ReplyDeleteYou lost me on this one, Gryph. Yeah, the text was amusing, but not the use of Hitler and his henchmen. They should never be used to make a joke of anything. Very very bad taste.
ReplyDelete3:17 NPJ here again....listen, if this were the only one of these out there, maybe, maybe, I could smile a little. But this meme is going on two years now, and it's getting less funny each time out. The only one I ever even halfway enjoyed was the one that was done in re: the Allman Brothers run at the Beacon a few years ago. Still, even then, with subtitles that carried a lot of nuance that squares would not understand, I simply think this one false completely flat on it's face. There are better and less offensive criticisms to make. If you were really creative, you wouldn't be using a two year old meme as your platform for comedy anyway. I do not need lightening up, I am light. But this video is just not very funny, IMHO. But carry on, I know we are all in agreement on one point at least ;)
ReplyDeleteAndrew Sullivan is using this same vid clip:
ReplyDeleteOT How could Palin raise campaign funds if the bots buy out movie theaters? Sorry, can't stop laughing about the rewards program for "mobilizers". It must not have been enough to use their church tithing monies.
ReplyDeleteAND, as just highlighted on Keith's new show by Markos (daily ,, the movie critic aggregator for all things on film, now has the new flying monkey movie rated a ZERO..... 0%.... After 10 critic reviews..... ZERO.....
ReplyDeleteSo mama, run fast.. Duck often..... Hide anywhere you can.... NEVER show your face again as a human..... You're not... YOU'RE DONE......
Another Jewish reader here. I cant stand Sarah.
ReplyDeleteBut i hate the Hitler stuff in both sides. I dont like when Beck brought it up and i dont think we should.
Lighten up some of you say. Sure.. Could you lighten up knowing that some of your relatives were killed in gas chambers. 6 million people killed because of ignorance.
Sarah is nuts and if she by any chance became president, i have no doubt she would run a fascist regime controlling the media, etc. But thats a far cry from murdering millions of innocents. There is no comparison. Surely there are other comparisons to use.
I dont find this funny at all. There is nothing funny about Sarah and the people who did this and those who laugh without thinking how it effects people are about as empathetic as Sarah.
Anon 3:58 get over yourself? Humour trumps evil? Fuck you. I will tell that ti my father in law who lived in the camps from the age of about 10-14. He went there with his family whom he never saw agsin. He weighed 70 pounds when he was released and has spent his life in severe pain.
ReplyDeleteYou are a jerk. I dont care that some of you find it funny. Haha, whatever. But how dare you tell people to get over themselves. What a dolt you are. Get over yourself. You arent clever or kind.
It's Bill Kristol, they should get the spelling right.
ReplyDeleteI think the Jewish commenters have every right to protest, if this offends.
If it has been done with other topics, also, where's the joke anyway?
Hitler is definitely not funny.
@3:45 PM
ReplyDeleteThis clip, used in an endless string of parodies to the great chagrin of the filmmakers and the actor playing Hitler (on financial grounds), is indeed from a German dramatic film Downfall released in 2004. It depicts the final week in Berlin as the Soviet troops are entering the city to finish the war.
The movie gets mixed reviews, and frankly my individual review is itself mixed, but I heartily recommend its viewing by each and every person who has ever enjoyed a parody of this scene (in which Hitler actually expresses an envy of Stalin and his, ah, management practices).
HEY!! You are a jerk. I dont care that some of you find it funny. Haha, whatever. But how dare you tell people to get over themselves. What a dolt you are. Get over yourself. You arent clever or kind.
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me. You probably like to go to funerals because you can tell everybody that you knew the person that died better than anyone else. This isn't about you JERK. You can look at any nationality of people and they were all persecuted at sometime.
O/T Here are are the official numbers from the weekend box office. Only $6,513 average for each the 10 theaters. The total for all showings is $65,132.
40 N The Undefeated (2011) ArcEnt
$65,132 - 10 - $6,513 $65,132
It comes in 6th out of 9 new movies released this weekend.
It comes in 40th out of all new and older movies shown this weekend.
It's hard spinning those kind of numbers.
Oh, and those of you whose hatred of Hitler preclude any enjoyment of these parodies depicting any number of mental breakdowns (or, Downfalls)?
ReplyDeleteYou above all should see this film because it's no joke, it's the ultimate depiction of the comeuppance.
More info from Box Office Mojo:
ReplyDeleteWe report on all movies, regardless of location count. The Undefeated people failed to send us anything on their movie.But we finally hunted them down today, and the movie will be listed later today.“Per theater average” at only 10 theaters is not an apples-to-apples comparison with a nationwide release. The fewer the theaters, the easier it is to have a high per-theater average .And simply having one of the higher per-theater averages on a given weekend is not a sign of success. At 10 theaters, a successful per theater average would be much higher than ‘Undefeated’s. There was nothing exceptional about ‘The Undefeated.’ If anything, it was soft. It was relatively worse than ‘Atlas Shrugged Part I,’ and that movie was a disappointment. Anyone claiming this is a success already is not being objective.
Brandon Gray
Creator & President
Box Office Mojo
the various clips around the internetS in which people have used this movie scene to depict a certain situation are almost always hilarious. this one is a definite WIN! whoever did that did a superb job.
ReplyDelete3:17 & 3:21, just relax. this scene has been used over and over again as HUMOR. this one is not the first and it won't be the last. just go to youtube and search for hitler downfall, and you'll get a sampling. one of my faves is hillary's downfall
jeeezus I can't believe how uptight some people are about these hitler parodies. fuckin a I sure hope I never go to a party where you people are present.
ReplyDeletebtw, this scene is from a movie titled DOWNFALL. it's not exactly a glowing portrayal of hitler.
Question for you, Gryphen: how come my comments never show up here? Do you delete me? I don't write offensive stuff.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what the original film was that is shown here?
ReplyDelete3:17: Thank you for saying that! As a German and having grown up in Germany during WWII, I find EVERYTHING about Hitler extremely offensive, and I don't understand how people can find this funny, no matter what subtitles they put on the video. It is a tasteless piece of trash, and I am extremely disappointed that you, Gryphen, would post this garbage. I have seen it on other websites too and it's just disgraceful.
ReplyDeleteNow that is damned entertaining.
ReplyDeleteThis particular clip has become iconic for it's double edged ability to make fun of Hitler and whatever is being lampooned.
I remember that Hillary clip. It was hilarious too.
But I think Sarah has been ridiculed with this particular clip repeatedly.
It's not Mel Brooks. But it's almost as good.
I understand how some people can be offended by this clip. I think these videos are meant to mock Hitler as well as the person they're spoofing (the only other one I've seen is "balloon boy's" father).
ReplyDeleteThat said, I must confess I found the subtitles hilarious! I laughed so hard at the "Hot-Tub Time Machine" line I couldn't read the rest.
The video clip aside, 'Downfall' was a really great film depicting Hitler's last days.
ReplyDeleteHitler has been used in parody many times, yes, people loathed and hated him, and rightfully so, but honestly, why would anyone offended by hitler, seeing the content in the first seconds of the vimeo movie actually keep watching it, you know, just to make sure he definately offends them? Don't like it? Don't watch it.
ReplyDeleteHe was used prominantly in movies like "Schindler's List" and mel brooks "springime for hitler", and got RAVE reviews.
Anyone of jewish heritage offended by Palin, non practicing non jew, exploitive abuse of the Key of David and Star of David symbolism?
Crickets chirped and no one, NO ONE voiced outrage.
That being said, this was, indeed, a very funny clip.
I actually have made a few of these videos myself, and in my opinion, this one was very well done. Unfortunately, YouTube had to pull them all down because the producers of the original film (The Downfall) complained about copyright infringement.
ReplyDeleteAnother non-practicing jew says that that was very funny. What's the problem in making fun of Hitler for Palin's sake. And what's the problem with talking about jesse's queer dotter who got that way because daddy was one too.
ReplyDeleteWhat a farce, Palinbots coming on here and feigning indignation over the use of a Hitler movie clip. These are the same people who call you a socialist at the drop of a hat. What a joke they are.
ReplyDeleteYeah well, sorry, we're not really biting on that one, no matter how hard you try.
Why must the Palinistas play juvenile games? It's like they're all still back in high school or something. They seem to revel in whatever dishonest act they think they're getting away with.
@7:20 - Please take your homophobic slurs elsewhere. You were the one who left a threat before, weren't you? Hopefully, your IP is noted.
ReplyDelete@ 6:58, quite a number of us DID express outrage at Sarah Palin's use of that Star of David, as a matter of fact.
ReplyDeleteAnyone having the nerve to tell Jewish posters here they have no right to express distaste for this video is out of line (and that's kind).
Talk about defensive, those of you who are indignant that anyone would complain... It's honestly not that funny, this video. The original Hitler film is compelling, but there is something quite disturbing about seeing Hitler fall apart with the humorous subtitles.
ONLY Mel Brooks had the right, and the ability, to use Hitler with this kind of humor.
Otherwise making light of someone so evil is doing just that - making light of him. In a country which cannot seem to make Holocaust education a standard part of educational curriculum, that's a very real concern.
I am not Jewish myself, but I have several in-laws who are. I wouldn't dare run this past them, honestly.
People can enjoy this if they like, but at the very least refrain from attacking people for feeling uncomfortable with this material.
It doesn't matter that these tapes have been around for several years, that isn't the point.
Very funny, subtitles were great.
ReplyDeleteYes no outrage of palin wearing star of david. No outrage of Obama with a Hilter moustache. But, suddenly everyone is offended.
So what people are saying is they are offended at others laughing at a fake Hitler? No one is embracing him or complimenting him. We are laughing at an actor imitating him. You didn't have to watch it either, but you watched it and then stated 'it's not funny'.
Google 'Godwin's Law' that is pretty funny too.
BTW, Gryph, I can't post here anymore without out your comments forcing me to join Blogger.
ReplyDeleteRachel Maddow has done a segment tonight on the Murdoch/News America hacking of Floorgraphics!!
PS Anytime I see posters start talking about trolls simply because someone has a concern about one of Gryphen's posts or about some of the comments, I feel irritated. As if we must be in complete and total lockstep (sorry for the reference) with one another or we are traitorous, potentially hostile.
ReplyDeleteIt's the most juvenile type of comment that I see here. Actual trolls are quite obvious. People taking issue from within our own ranks, however, should be allowed to express themselves without being labeled as some sort of enemy.
8:07, well said.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSpeaking as a non-practicing Jew, all of these Hitler videos with the subtitles really aren't funny at all. Hitler is not funny, and this kind of thing is pretty reprehensible, no matter what words you are putting in his mouth. But I guess if it gets you off, it gets you off. Personally, I don't find
------------------------------------\Dear anon ,
I do not find it "funny" either. My father spentan extra yr after WWII interogating Nazi collaborators.
According to him, Sarah Palin is from trhe same ilk ( his word, not mine).
WE must NEVER forget the past, deal with it.
nonymous said...
ReplyDelete3:17: Thank you for saying that! As a German and having grown up in Germany during WWII, I find EVERYTHING about Hitler extremely offensive, and I don't understand how people can find this funny, no matter what subtitles they put on the video. It is a tasteless piece of trash, and I am extremely disappointed that you, Gryphen, would post this garbage. I have seen it on other websites too and
--------------------------------------- Since according to your IP address you are the same persn, I am not surprised that you agree with the above delusional poster.
good grief, all you self defined Jews who are offended need to get over your faux outrage.
ReplyDeleteI'm half Jewish (and half Catholic on the other side) and this parody is dead on for truth about Palin.
ReplyDeleteLet's track this back to the original parody of Hitler- Spike Jones' song "Der Fueher's Face" and the Donald Duck cartoon of the same name (via youtube).
ReplyDeleteFunny then, funny now (well, maybe a racist depiction of Hirohito, but more than made up for by a charmingly gay Nazi in the Marcus Bachmann mold...)!
This would be the cartoon I'd want to see if I were being shipped overseas to fight the Axis. A dose of courage with a laugh, and a good lesson in separating political leaders from the people. It didn't hurt Germany's treatment (and the world's acceptance and implementation of the Marshall Plan)to show Donald Duck as a poor schmuck forced to work for the Nazi regime.
The video clip hits the same notes, the only thing missing is a cameo of Eva Braun as Sarah Palin.
For those offended, I submit a rousing chorus of "Der Fuerher's Face", Oscar-winning animated short film of 1942.
Wild (...pphhhhttttt...) Tortoise
The phony complaints about the video are almost as funny as the video. I guess Mel Brooks must have been an anti-Semite and we're supposed to be appalled by "Springtime for Hitler and Germany."
ReplyDeleteIt makes me sick to my stomach to see people scolding others for finding this offensive.
ReplyDeleteHow dare anyone tell someone else how they should feel about Adolf Hitler, for God's sake?
I think people don't like being reminded of the reality of this figure. We'd rather just laugh and tell others to "lighten up".
For those saying it doesn't really have anything to do with Adolf Hitler, THAT'S THE ENTIRE JOKE.
If some can't laugh about Adolf Hitler, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Regardless of personal ancestry, those who lost loved ones at the hands of this monster are 100% entitled to be offended. I sincerely doubt the dismissive posters - even those who identify as Jewish - are those who lost family or friends.
The further away we get from that historical era, the greater danger there is that people will forget. This distortion in the name of comedy is part of that phenomenon. (Mel Brooks got it right - ultimate black humor, and about the events/person in particular.)
So much outrage at mocking Hitler to mock Palin via this meme. It's a meme. If the opposite of mock is reverence, should we all then treat Hitler with complete and utter reverence?? He deserves that?
ReplyDeleteAnd what's with the only person that gets a pass on mocking Hitler is Mel Brooks? Sure he was brilliant but he's the ONLY one allowed to do it? Pfffft.
It was funny.
If one more internet blogger or poster uses the term, "meme", I am going to puke.
ReplyDeleteThat's rationalizing bs.
Mel Brooks is a good Jew who knew the right way to mock Hitler. He gets to do it because he is Jewish, just like other groups get to make jokes using certain content.
If you look, there are websites devoted to helping people create these Downfall parodies. Who are these people, I'd like to know?
I'd be willing to bet very few Jewish people take the trouble to watch that guy's ugly mug just so they can get a lot of hits on youtube.
Outrage is the very least people should be able to express when it comes to the Holocaust.
Apologists can go f%#U themselves.
I thought it was very funny.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who finds it offensive has a very simple and very effective remedy - don't watch it.
I'm 6:58
ReplyDeleteWhy does mel brooks get a free pass on using hitler for comedy? Andy why is HIS use of hitler not offensive?
Schindlers list was a historical documentary of the Holocaust, and it was appropriate to reference and use his image.
For the record, I am not Jewish, but my husband's family are. He runs and owns a judeo centric business and I'm in contact with many of his customers, including Rabbis who teach at Rabbinical college, so that's the background from which I drew. None of them felt offended, but knew it was satire.
I didn't call anyone a jerk, use any slurs, simply expressed my opinion.
Can we be a little less politically correct and just get along?
Anon @ 7:56:
ReplyDeleteFirst off, your not going to convert anyone opposing your viewpoint by telling them to f*** off.
No one on here is extolling the virtues of Hitler or the holocaust. There's something called freedom of expression in this country and even though things like this may offend you, Griffin has every right to post it(as 'controversial' as it may be). And no, Mel Brooks should not somehow get a pass for being the only one able to make fun of Hitler despite his sensibilities.
It seems like you (and others here) gloss over the fact that Hitler harmed millions of others in addition to the Jews. So if someone who is not a Jew was affected by him wanted to mock him that is somehow offensive? Lighten up.
I saw this parody in the light it was meant to be portrayed, which was to Mock Hitler by comparing him to SP (and vice versa).
Anon @ 9:06, he spells it Gryphen.
ReplyDeleteListen, I am well aware that Hitler and his henchmen slaughtered many non-Jews. Interesting you would bring that up and make assumptions that any of us are "glossing over" that horrible fact. We are doing no such thing.
Something tells me you aren't Jewish.
These stupid parodies using the Downfall footage are very rarely "comparing" Hitler to anyone. If they are humorous at all it is due to the absurdity of putting words in his mouth. I don't think anyone is comparing Sarah Palin to Hitler there, anyway. The guy is speaking in the 3rd person about her.
It's just plain stupid, and no one should feel the need to defend it or attack those who are offended.
Btw, F#@$ off.