Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Michele Bachmann does NOT want to talk about the anti-gay "reparative" therapy sessions conducted at her husband's clinic.
I LOVE the look on her face when she realizes that this Iowa television reporter has her cornered.
"But I want to talk about job creation, NOT my husband's Voodoo mental health practices!"
Yes she is so proud to be a job creator that defrauds Medicaid by charging it for therapies that are not considered viable by the mental health community. So not only do they pay their employees with money that comes from the government, but it is money that may have to be paid back to Medicaid if they are found to be charging for therapeutic services that the program does not cover.
Oh, PLEASE let Medicaid demand their money back!
(Think Progress has more on this topic.)
I'm surprised that she didn't scream that she was being held against her will.
ReplyDeleteShe is a hypocritical fraud who has her snout deep in the federal trough. On top of that, her husband is an out and out Medicare fraud who might as well be charging for "cootie" protection.
Since she's doing so well in Iowa, expect other GOP POTUS wannabes to start taking potshots at her soon. This topic will be a good one to ding her with because she doesn't have an answer.
THIS woman is an idiot.
Straight from the Palin playbook. If you don't want to talk about something, simply refuse to answer the question. Coward.
ReplyDeleteWe can expect to see a lot of this if Sarah decides to run because there are many question that she doesn't want to answer. (Almost all of them.)
That was the same as Palin in the Vice-Presidential debate. Ask me a question but the answer won't relate to it.
ReplyDeleteSomebody WILL pin her down as the more that video and other comments are made by those treated at her fake clinic, we will soon see the tire tracks running over her.
It may be one of the other candidates in another of the Rethuglican debates takes her to task.
You don't know that the gay clients were on Medicaid, do you?? Medicaid is insurance for the very very poor in our country. I believe they had other clients besides those you are referring to. Therapy benefits are extremely limited for adults. This could have been money for counseling for children in abusive homes for all you know.
ReplyDeleteMichele SHOULD talk about it and it's wrong no matter what. The men who privately paid for this ridiculous, useless therapy could have a class action lawsuit. That could hurt them much more then Medicaids 100,000.
OT - Ron Paul to retire to focus on presidential run.
Iowa must be so proud to have reared a medicare cheat !
ReplyDeleteThis demonstrates why Palin would not go anywhere but Fox, where she was assured no truth would be required. I hope Bachmann doesn't think this is the end of this?
ReplyDeleteHas the Bachmann clinic treated DICK CHENEY'S daughter? With the PALIN PROSTITUTE RINGS, the Bachmann WE'LL GET YOU "STRAIGHT" with Prayer Clinics, what happened to FAMILY VALUES and THE TRUTH?
ReplyDeleteWOW, Ed Rollins is really doing his job........She is really practicing hard to be a SANE politician. HA, too bad for Michelle, the skeletons are well-known and knocking on the door. She is being very careful and VERY deflective,just like a good little politician. Ed is doing a good job, but he should be ashamed.
ReplyDeletere: Straight from the Palin playbook
ReplyDeletere: the same as Palin
You GUYS...TOTALLY stole my answer!! ;)
I heard it at "common sense"...
oh. my. oh. my.
constantly praising what they do. not. have...
It will be SOOOO gratifying to see this bit*h try to play a PRESIDENTIAL race the same as Palin played the VP race...
Palin was second on the ticket...
B.I.G. Difference...
McCain had to play MAJOR DEFENSE and BLOCKING for PaLIN...
Bachmann is going for the GOLD and will F.L.A.I.L. in the wind.
I see that the Sarah effect is alive and well in this cowardly answer of Michele's. Shameful.
ReplyDeleteSP/MB: Giving women everywhere a bad name, every day.
Kudos to that news anchor for not giving batshit-crazy Bachman a free pass on her husband's 'reparative therapies'. She'll have to do better than give 'non-answer' answers if she is going to expect to get anywhere in this race.
ReplyDeleteHer face had a strained expression, but I read that she has hired tutors to help with her public image, and it shows. She kept on message, just repeating her talking points over again, in case anyone missed them the first time around.
ReplyDeleteThat she or her husband are "job creators" is just laughable. They both have their hands out for all the government dollars they can grift. I very much hope Mr. Bachmann is forced to give back the money he took for anti-gay counseling. What a scam.
Unfortunately Palin is watching, rubbing her palms together and snickering diabolically while waiting for Ms. B to fall and the other candidates to start wilting. And THEN watch out as Sister Sarah swoops in to the rescue with her wings on.
ReplyDeleteThis is a pathetically sad situation America has found itself in...And just when did we become the middle east with all this religious hatred, us against them rhetoric spewing out? Me thinks we're heading down a very dangerous path.
IMO NEITHER MB or SP should be allowed to run for office on the premise that neither of them could possibly keep church and state separate as it seems they both see themselves as the chosen ones... oh my, oh my...
That said - I hope this isn't swept under the rug!!
She must have been a BIG baby - she said she was born in Cedar Falls and Waterloo. Aren't they two different towns?
Michele Bachmann with shades of La Quitteresse: "Government handouts? I'll take all of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years."
ReplyDeleteHow damned dumb does this woman have to be not to realize librul bloggers in their wrinkled designer pajamas wouldn't be digging furiously into every skanky nook and cranny of her life? Is she thinking because $P got a free pass from the corporate media, so will she? Is she as big a cash cow as $P? Is Marcia's sex clinic off limits because they're Christers? Inquiring minds want to know. SOON!
ReplyDeleteNB: Buy stock in popcorn companies. This is gonna be quite a show.
They are insane and nobody can talk about them like you can...
They are a cast of idiots!!!!
Unfortunately, the Minnesota state medicaid fraud unit is shut down along with the rest of state government agencies right now due to the government shutdown. All one has to do is file a complaint with the Attorney General's medicaid fraud unit and the complaint will be invesigated.
ReplyDeleteThere is also the Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy that licenses mental health therapists and oversees their practices. Hopefully the shutdown will end soon and Marcus Bachmann and his clinic can be further scrutinized.
As his congresswoman wife Michele continues to make progress in her terrifying death march toward Washington, Marcus Bachmann has become a focus of the ever-curious media, and the things we've found out about him have been a bit unsettling, like the fact that he runs one of those pray-the-gay-away facilities.
ReplyDeleteLast week a group called Truth Wins Out, which is dedicated to combating the useless and damaging practice called reparative therapy, revealed that they'd sent someone undercover to seek out counseling for unwanted homosexuality at Bachmann & Associates, the Minnesota counseling centers that comprise the family's "small business" that Michele is often eager to mention in speeches. What that operative discovered was that counselors at Bachmann & Associates are actively practicing Christian ex-gay therapy tactics:
Oh, man, did she ever look like one of those dolls that has a string in the back to pull, to make it talk.
ReplyDeleteAnd, like a Magic 8 Ball, the "answers" given when the string is pulled, are random--nothing more than talking points heard so many times before--by candidates running on the "I'm not Obama" platform.
I like how she said she was born in Waterloo AND Cedar Falls. How exactly does one get born in two cities?
ReplyDeleteThis is just the tip of the iceberg with B. She is a freaky Dominionist with Christion evangelical extremism tendencies. Bat crazy as they come.
ReplyDelete"The Nation" article referenced in the "Think Progress" article quotes a young man interviewed on the Oprah Network whom Janet Boynes de-gayified.
ReplyDeleteWhat does it mean to be set free? In April, Boynes, who has become a prominent ex-gay spokeswoman, was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network, along with a former drag-queen stripper named Christian, whom she supposedly helped draw out of the “gay lifestyle.” At one point, host Lisa Ling asked Christian if he still struggled with attraction to men. He said he did, painfully: “I describe it as bleeding out of my eyeballs.”
Since when did God need to humiliate people like that? I thought we had free choice and that was how God wanted it.
berndoubt said:
ReplyDelete"I was born here in Waterloo and Cedar Rapids."
This is the new strange birth story. So what about two babies. This lady was born in two places!!
What a surprise, a religious scam artist refusing to answer a question. Yes, she is absolutely like Palin. Deflect, ignore, refuse to answer questions, answer entirely different questions than the one asked. The media has got to step letting these shams get away with this. All about job creation my eye. What she and the Rethugs are doing to Planned Parenthood is horrendous, and that is killing jobs right and left, let alone probably killing women in the process.
ReplyDeleteI generally find that those who yell the loudest about the government are collecting the most money from the government. The level of cognitive dissonance would be massive if they had any cognition. Lack of functional neurons keeps them happy in their fantasy bubbles.
ReplyDeleteYou'll like this one too G. When even O'Reilly mocks you you may have gone too far.
Police reports show different side of Michele Bachmann
Without getting into calling others out this is a perfect example of the type of crap our politicians can get away with under the radar. It's almost as though there is an unspoken, wink-wink, agreement between the media and the politicians at the local, state and federal level so someone like her can get away with the crap because the media lets it slide so they can keep access to her. Here in MN the two largest network news folks are basically whitewashing it. They report it lightly then quickly throw in what a wonderful job she's doing or something bright and uplifting. Their ass kissing this loon is sickening. She's been a marginal national figure for now and only her catching the attention of the tea party has put her in a position that would otherwise leave people laughing at her aspirations. Now, because of the media's obsession with hot repub babes she's being seriously mentioned? She is less prepared than Sara to be President. Well, she can at least read and speak in a more understandable voice. But really? Michelle Bachmann facing down the world? She's a religious freak and these things she's done under the radar to enrich herself are going to start coming at her. She should have kept her mouth shut and just kept grifting. If she and Sara had done that no one would have cared.
ReplyDeleteOne different thought. The other day she was quoted as having stopped taking money for their services, implying they'd closed it down voluntarily. The one local news source here with any credibility reported that in reality the country in which they could provide services couldn't refer anyone to their program because.... wait for it..... no one who was offered it as a treatment option wanted to go there. So they didn't close voluntarily for some noble reason. They couldn't find a single client to come in on the county's dime.
ReplyDeleteI am soooo happy that the dirt is coming out on this disgusting woman. She has a constituency of a small area of fools in Minnesota and they need to get slapped down. It is amazing that it takes so long to knock down an idiot with a slim body, long hair and a pretty face. Timmy is shooting himself down all by himself and Bachmann would suffer that fate also but she gets a pass for her stupidity because of her looks.
ReplyDeleteAmerica under Bachmann's rule would be Atwood's "Handmaid's Tale" come horribly true. America under Palin's, my mind can't even go there.
ReplyDeleteMarcus is NOT a doctor by any stretch of the imagination. He's not even licensed to do therapy in MN (the State does not require it, so any of us could hang out a shingle). Furthermore, most of his "education" was obtained at Regent University (Pat Robertson's propaganda school) and an online school which does not grant Ph.Ds in any kind of psychological counseling. And, he does not belong to any professional organization in the field.
ReplyDeleteM&M own the clinic together--so if he is guilty of pushing christian aversion therapy for gays, as well as just routine christian therapy for anyone, she is just as responsible.
Hopefully, this is going to tank her. The fallout is not going to be pretty, since they receive Federal funds which specifically forbid such "christian therapy" to be used for Medicaid purposes, and it doesn't matter if Medicaid was used for that particular client or not.
Happy this question was put to Bachmann, but wonder why none of the 'reporters' in 4 years have questioned $arah in the same her husband's ties to the AIP or prostitued sideline?
ReplyDeleteFishlips was right: Batshit Bachmann IS trying to be just like her mother.
ReplyDeleteAlso too, I'm getting real sick of her false eyelashes. Fine for a special occasion/night out. Day to day, puhleaz. Maybe she could borrow Sarah's bedazzled crucifix and her ginormous Star of David too?
ReplyDeleteIs that how they cured Mr. Bachmann?
ReplyDeleteI think her husband looks creepy as hell. Cannot imagine going to bed w/him! I'm not supporting her or Palin...both from the same cloth. Friggin' amazing! Neither will be elected.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is in a state where she is leading. It will only get worse once she leaves Dumbassistan.
ReplyDeleteMichelle needs to understand that if she is going to run for any public office then she becomes a public figure whose life will be an open book.
ReplyDeleteIf she and her skeletons can't take that heat, she should stay out of the kitchen because the truth will come out in time.
Anon 3:55
ReplyDeleteBased on his affectations, and her insanity, I'm sure they don't sleep in the same room (or the same wing of their McMansion).
ReplyDeleteNow THAT's an interviewer..."so you aren't going to the question I asked you..."
Oh, this is going to be GOOOOD. It's all on record.
You know - these Republicans are nothing but frauds...we see and learn about them daily.
ReplyDeleteLook at what idiotic Repubs we have in Congress and what they are doing to try and bring President Obama down. In their wildest dreams. They will be absolutely cremed in the next election.
They are trying to make the United States of America a third world country - in education, medical care and on and on and on.
Talk about a controlled deer caught in the headlights stare. Bachmann is crazy. She really has to squelch the crazy so someone must be doing a good job with her controlling the crazy eyes.
ReplyDeleteThis woman is a nightmare. If she got anywhere near the WH women would start going to jail for using birth control.
Dominionist nutcase!
"I was born here in Waterloo and Cedar Falls"
ReplyDeleteNow THAT'S a "wild ride" birth story.
ABC News just featured this, and nailing her in DC in her pretty yellow summer frock. "No questions! Only focused on the economy!"
ReplyDeleteJAWS theme for YOU, Your Heinous Quitter, because we KNOW you read here. You can win???!!! You want EVERYTHING to come out?
"Here, fishy, fishy, fishy..." We DARE you!
I'm expecting her to file a police report about this article any day now.
ReplyDeleteTOTALLY O/T, but Wonkette has a must-read expose of Slim Jim Gate, with, of course, priceless comments.
ReplyDeleteBachmann must be paying Ed Rollins a pisspot full of money to advise her on her campaign.
ReplyDeleteShe must have been a BIG baby - she said she was born in Cedar Falls and Waterloo. Aren't they two different towns?
2:34 PM
Cedar Falls/Waterloo is like Minneapolis/St. Paul. I'm from Iowa and we've always referred to both cities that way. So unfortunately it's not a big deal to Iowans that know that.
HOWEVER, that does NOT mean MB isn't batshit crazy. Because she is. PERIOD. She left Iowa young and is clueless. Just using that as a calling card to the loons that reside in my state. It sure as hell doesn't make one fit to be Prez.
BYE BYE Michele. Bye now. Good-bye. Take care Michele...GOOD BYE!!!!!!
Oh jeez. Another Palin. "I'm not gonna answer your questions. I'm gonna talk about what I want to talk about." Next thing you know she'll only agree to interviews with Faux News.
ReplyDeleteShe was born in Waterloo and Cedar Falls? How many places can one person be born?
ReplyDeleteI saw the clip on ABC news and just laughed out loud. She's avoinding the answer, while the reporter is following her, and her "female human shield" takes her by th hand and puts her in the car.
ReplyDeleteShe spouted off the same thing about jobs, etc that were in this interview.
For someone who's supposedly a socail conservative against excess spending, it's hypocritical to think she can get away with taking money from a government entitlement program to "raise foster kids" and to "pray away the gay"
This fraud needs to be exposed, and the money needs to go back to the program.
Palin light isn't too bright.
Her paranoia is laughable. Two gay women hold her against her will, and some dude tosses glitter in protest and she goes all "Palin" on them.
Bob Schieffer is such a good interviewer. Polite and also hard-hitting. Good interview. Thx Gryphen.
ReplyDeleteO/T but aggravating: Just had the following conversation with my ultra-conservative father:
ReplyDeleteHim: The media ripped Sarah Palin so badly, and now they're doing the same thing to Michele Bachmann, wah wah wah.
Me: No, they totally gave Palin a free pass. If they did their jobs, she would be in jail right now.
I start explaining Housegate, don't even get to Dairygate, and my dad is scowling and shaking his head.
"None of that is true. It can't be true. If there were any suspicion she'd done anything wrong, the media would be all over it. They're not, so obviously that's all made up."
Excuse me while I go bang my head against a wall now.
Can we get that reporter to interview Sarah when she announces tomorrow on Hannity?
ReplyDeleteWhat would we think if someone started a clinic that promised to pray away the straight?
ReplyDeleteFunny that only the straight "experts" on queerness believe that reparative therapy could work.
It's a queer idea.
Anonymous @ 2:09
ReplyDeleteI'm from Cedar Rapids, Iowa - about an hour from Cedar Falls and Waterloo. No, we're NOT proud to have reared her. She's an idiot and doesn't share any values with most people I know. And, yes, Cedar Falls and Waterloo are two different cities. As someone else stated, she must have been a BIG baby to have been born in both cities.
I'm just going to sit back and wait for her husband's same-sex encounter story to break. If he's tried to "pray away the gay" it obviously is not working for him!
If Bachmann happened to win the primary, Romney would vote for President Obama.
ReplyDeleteanon @ 5:58
ReplyDeleteThere, there, hug, hug. I can sympathize.
Finally watched the clip. She's so condescending: "Well, I am running for President of the United States of America, which is all about job creation and has nothing to do with controversial practices my husband might engage in. But oh, yeah, we do create jobs! Go us!"
ReplyDeleteI wish reporters would learn to think faster and ask bolder questions. Bachamnn kept harping on Obama's policies that destroy jobs. What policies? What exactly has Obama done to destroy jobs? The young lady should have asked her.
ReplyDeleteInteresting that MB did get grilled and she'll have to directly answer more as the campaign gets into gear.
ReplyDeleteThis is why SP is afraid to announce, or run. As soon as she's a bonafide candidate, if she runs, I expect media will show no mercy. She's watching to see how "Mikey" Michele likes it first.
Dr. Marcus should be free to pray the gay away, get rid of unwanted Martians, or any other hocus pocus that people are stupid enough to pay him to do. In another time, people paid guy with a forked twig to look for water. Go ahead, spend you money on whatever you want to believe in.
ReplyDeleteWhat I don't want to see is Medicare reimburse this guy for being a witch doctor or passing his religious beliefs off as therapy. It's a hoax. And, I can't wait for Dr. Marcus to stop in the Larry Craig Memorial Bathroom when he is out there at the Minneapolis Airport.
Is this how low my Dad's GOP has sunk, that the front runner is ACTIVELY defrauding Medicare?
ReplyDeleteThe most frightening part of this debacle is the idiot Tea Baggers who have polled her to Frontrunner status! Is your hatred for Obama THAT strong that you'd vote for a candidate who is "Allegedly" committing a felony?
Sad. AND scary!
"I Fear For My Country!" - Cries
she is such an idiot it gives me a headache
ReplyDeleteThis is random but I'm pissed at the state of teenage affairs and attitudes. Alaska's a good example, though it's BY FAR not the only state with the problem.
ReplyDeleteSo many teens think they are untouchable. Look at that Morlock break in. (I saw a recent convo that alluded to it). The 4 guys who threw the party actually bragged about how "kick ass" it was and that they got away with it. I remember APril's fb note concerning it (she was in FL at the time of the party). Her commenters were PISSED at the damages. AND THESE INGRATES GOT AWAY WITH IT. This is only one small example of the wayward ways of teens but it's still disgusting.
Unfortunately, the Minnesota state medicaid fraud unit is shut down along with the rest of state government agencies right now due to the government shutdown. All one has to do is file a complaint with the Attorney General's medicaid fraud unit and the complaint will be invesigated.
ReplyDeleteThere is also the Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy that licenses mental health therapists and oversees their practices. Hopefully the shutdown will end soon and Marcus Bachmann and his clinic can be further scrutinized.
2:43 PM. I'd be the first one to file a complaint but my state is shut down rite now thanks to the incompetency of Timmy P's administration and the GOP legislature.
I like how she said she was born in Waterloo AND Cedar Falls. How exactly does one get born in two cities?
ReplyDelete2:47 PM. Request her Birth Certificate!
Born in Waterloo, or is it Cedar falls?
ReplyDeleteMichelle, show us your Birth Certificate!
If you ask Bachmann or Palin a question and they squirm in their chair and hem and haw about it why don't you demand an answer?
ReplyDeleteThat bullshit of misdirection and word salad is their attempt for you to quit asking that question.
What a fraud!! She kept referring to Obama's policies that put so many people out of work. What?? Obama's policies?? How many jobs have ANY of the Repugs created lately? Oh yeah--I forgot about all those babysitters she fostered and the therapists she's hired to pray away the gay.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she cites two cities as her place of birth, because the first one was where she was born of original sin, and the second place was where she was born again?
ReplyDeleteRe: the Medicaid's nothing new to the GOP. The governor of fl - a republican - defrauded the govt millions ... And was still elected.
ReplyDeleteIf they hate homosexuals so much, they need to be blaming the straight people. THEY'RE the ones having gay babies...
ReplyDeleteOf course, Moron Michele wouldn't want to talk about this issue. For one thing, she has been exposed as feeding from the federal government trough to the tune of at least $137K, while she wants to deny government benefits to people who really need them. And coming from a state in which the government has shut down due to folks with policies like hers, she is in NO position whatsoever to talk about "jobs." Just like SP, she is a steaming pile of crap and no amount of finessing by Rollins will change the fact that like all steaming piles, she has a stench that won't go away. As someone who openly expressed glee at this shutdown of her state's government, she has proven she is unfit for any elective office again, but especially the presidency.
ReplyDeleteAs for her fellow Minnesotan Pawlenty, there is NO way he can put a positive spin on the fact that another government shutdown occurred on his watch. I feel sorry for Minnesotans that these two morons represent their state. But I will say this for the two of them: The rocks in his head fit exactly the holes in hers.
I thought the state and this country was broke? Why do we have enough money for Medicare to pay this fraund, but not enough for a decent highway, or schools, or social security, or what have you?
ReplyDeleteall info re: Bachmann's clinic has been removed from the internet.
ReplyDeleteHere we go again.
"There is also the Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy that licenses mental health therapists"
ReplyDeleteThat's the great thing about Marcus Bachmann -- he's not licensed, so no damn government can regulate him.
Theoretically they have to be misbilling, which is fraud.
ReplyDeleteThe more she runs the more people will start looking as the family and its business.
That is one reason why so many early favorites fail early on.