Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Wow, it looks like Track Palin's wife made out like a bandit at her baby shower!
For any of those who are STILL not convinced that Britta is pregnant.
It looks like Sarah's next grandchild is going to be extremely cute, if his parents are any indication.
I wish the best for Britta and Track. I wonder why Sarah hasn't announced on her Facebook the good news? Any grandparent is thrilled to death to have a new grandchildren. I think Sarah thinks it is always better not to say anything.
I am hoping the pregnancy was never announced because Track and Britta prefer to remain private, rather than as an attempt to avoid "hurting" Sarah's image. All the same, my best to the happy couple.
She looks really happy - I wish them well too. I really hope I don't see any of the Menard/Heath bunch on the cover of a magazine. RUN - Britta & Track - RUN!
We will see if there will be people pictures, they jumped right on the wedding photos. Money is awfully hard to pass up, especially when you marry into a family of grifters.
To listen to the rest of you, I'm the only non-Palin female in the history of our Republic to conceive without benefit of a wedding ring. (And my first child was conceived after our engagement, when I was in my 30s, owned my own home, and had a great career.)
Will Grandma Grizzly tweet out a congrats when the baby comes, or just sell the pics to Us Weekly or People Mag? If I was a betting woman, I would say Sarah is trying to keep this pregnancy on the down low, but is she is, it's only because Track and Britta requested it.
Manx Momma, I agree with you to a point. Most committed couples have sex before marriage , and even live together for years before saying I do. I certainly did, it's more common than being a virgin until marriage. The problem comes in when Track's sister peddles a bullshit book based on lies, and Track's mother has built a career and a fortune out of being the evangelical uber Christian with the perfect family. It's the never ending hypocrisy that the Palins have turned into a very lucrative lifestyle which even Track Palin has engaged in by being part of Sarah's empire. The kid has no education beyond high school, no marketable job training that I can discern, and a very questionable past. If he is truly trying to distance himself from his despicable parents , I see no evidence of that.
Where are they living? How do they plan to support their child ? From what I gather, Britta is still in school, unless she dropped out to join the Palin gravy train. Don't forget those emails...Britta got very high level admin jobs in Sarahs administration, so she is just as in debt to her as the rest of her bots. I just find this whole family to be nothing but leeches sucking the blood from their supporters who have been fooled into thinking they are the next first family, when in reality, they are living on corporate welfare. Sarahs millions have come from Rupert Murdoch ( Fox and Harper Collins), shady front groups masquerading as charities, and deluded bots who think Sarah will save them from the bad black man in the White House.
@4:54, nobody here gives a flying fig about whether people who are expecting a child are married. Frankly, I don't give a crap what Track Palin does. The issue here is that Sarah Palin is a hypocrite who spouts family values and has a daughter who is an "abstinence advocate". They are sick phonies.
I notice that you felt the need to point out that you were engaged and doing well financially when you got pregnant, btw.
I don't know when TRack and Britta were ACTUALLY married, but Track has worn a band of some sort at least since Dec 09. Maybe earlier but I've seen one on is finger since then.
I sincerely hope creepy stalkers don't follow her around hoping for pics or info. Hear that Kathleen and Patrick? NO hiring people to do your petty, immoral "dirty work."
OK, so this picture pretty much confirms that your source is Track or one of her very closest girlfriends. Who else would have access to the baby's room and the shower?
My vote is Track. That's good news that you have someone so close in the family to help get the truth out abotu crazy Sarah.
It's not their fault they are related to Quitler. Track did make some mistakes in his teens, but it seems like he has learned from them and he's not trying to cash in as a fame whore the way that Brisket is.
I hope the young couple is able to make a life for themselves and their baby as separate from SP and her dysfunction as possible.
I do find it odd that the Target registry use the name "Hanson" instead of Palin. Although I would not want to change my name to that if I were her either.
Ummm, someone very, very, close took that picture and the other of Britta opening here presents.
The possibility that two pictures got out under Sarah's watch is explained by only one of two possibilities. 1) This is Britta's scream for H E L P using Piper's Barbie computer to leak pictures so someone will know where to find her. (And since we know how Sarah likes to live out tv and movie plots Britta should be concerned if the psycho has seen Hush) 2)Sarah is leaking these pictures to blogs to soften the blow by letting everyone get the awe out of their systems before going to tabloids to try to temper comments at People.
BTW, I have already contacted all the tabloids with the picture. Hope they run with it. The fact Britta has for years taken money from Palin as gov and beyond to keep her secrets, especially knowing how she treats Trig and now living at the compound makes her fair game IMO.
Not so long ago we all thought poor Bristol, now look at what she is. Britta is playing to the highest bidder. If she were not she and Track would have their own home somewhere, a little apartment and use her degree for an honest days work. Instead she is knocked up living on the lake eating PAC funds.
We have no proof to this day that they are married other than a comment in People Magazine that they had received a joint statement from the two families stating this, a statement that was probably delivered to People Magazine by either Sarah or her publicist/agent. Having a wedding ceremony is one thing: Britta's father, a pastor, could easily perform that, on the spot, without prior notice. Getting a marriage license is another thing: the couple may or may not have taken that step.
Whether or not they are in fact married, the baby will surely complicate Britta's plans to attend nursing school and Track's plans to study at the University of Alaska (if in fact he or she ever had such plans). I wish them the best, but statistics show us that this is not a good way to start a successful marriage or begin a family. No wonder Sally Heath always looks so sad: she has spent her entire life baby-sitting, with very few time-outs for herself.
Wow lots if stuff left on the Target list to get for new mommy and baby. You would think Sarah would have sprang for something more pricy than the pacifiers and a couple baby hangers.
Oops, what I meant to say is that I hope Britta has the sense to stay far away from any future Palin bus tours, book tours, reality shows, dance contests, and phony speaking gigs. If, and only if, she keeps her kid far away from the dysfunction of the Palin/Heath clan will this little girl have a chance at a normal life. Look at Bristol, Willow, Piper, Trig, and now Tripp....used as props to glorify and make money for their mother. It would be sad if this was the legacy left for another generation.
Happiness and Joy to Britta and Track! I respect you two for staying out of the Sarah limelight. Your baby girl will be beautiful, and I hope I never see pics of her. P.S. to Sarah, don't exploit this grandchild, you bitch.
Maybe once Track is a parent, and has to send his child to school on a bus.....he might fully understand the seriousness of his so-called "prank". Would be nice if he would ever own up and take responsibility for his crime.
Hmmm... That's a 'Single' bed, not a 'Double' or 'Queen'! I thought she and Track were 'married' at that ceremony in May? Also, too, the fact that she is listed as Britta Hanson - no Track there at all - in the Target registry also makes me go HMMM even more. Has she had second thoughts of getting involved with the Palins after all? I mean, we even don't have any 'official' announcement from the 'proud grandparents-to-be' Palins (or the 'proud auntie-to-be' Barstool. HMMM...
Aw hell, most of my cousins were pregnant before they got married, and we were all raised as strict Irish Catholics. An early baby is no big deal nowadays.
I'm of the opinion that unless Track and/or Britta publicly start waving the flag for Sarah, they should be left completely alone. Track essentially disappeared from the Sarah-Pack after the VP thing fell through. He doesn't go on her book tours, or ride that Godawful bus, or create a blog to shill for her, or compete on reality shows, and so on.
Please Track and Britta, can you please give her a good name? Something pretty, like her mom? I wish them all the best and a long, long distance from the crazy Paylin family.
I too would like to see the end of all the snarky comments about Track and Britta. They seem to be trying to live their lives out of the circus ring, and as far as I'm concerned, I wish them all the best...and congratulations on the birth of their soon to be baby.
I also wish them well. Lots of adults in long-term relationships get married when they're expecting. The only reason people are making snide comments about Track & Britta is because of Mama Grizzly.
Considering how Track's been shunning the spotlight (see Bristol? It CAN be done!), I think this kid stands a chance at a normal childhood.
Ok we aren't talking about everyday folks when we condemn political officials.
So if have that wonky eye, those bug eyes, children out of wedlock, closet gay, a fat ass, ugly as sin, inappropriate gear, etc we aren't talking about you. You can't pass laws.
SORRY PEOPLE: Getting married and expecting a child does NOT give Track a Free Pass! He has never answered for his crimes in a court of law. He has never said he was sorry for what he did. More privileged white boy problems from where I am sitting.
He is an adult. He is technically a Palin. Snark away... Britta "may" be innocent. No snark for her.
Please Track and Britta, can you please give her a good name? Something pretty, like her mom? I wish them all the best and a long, long distance from the crazy Paylin family.
5:46 PM
What's wrong with the name "Tire Iron Palin"? It is unique.
For those of you quick to defend Britta, I refer you to this article from People Magazine, May 20, 2011, entitled
Five Things to Know About Track Palin's New Bride:
3. Knows her way around the governor's office Hanson was an executive secretary in the office of the governor from 2008 to 2011 under both Palin and current Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell.
Now tell me how many 18 year olds get executive secretary jobs for not one, but two governors?
Britta was also Bristol's roommate in her condo in Anchorage. Apparently Track and Britta are living at the house that Rupert built, so it seems to me that she and Track are all aboard the gravy train with the rest of the grifters, huh?
Well 4:37 the way I look at it, Britta is an adult. So is Track. And certainly so are her parents. The minute none of them contradicted $carah's B.S. explanation of why the phony wedding on Hatcher Pass (we want to wait for family to be here) they became complicit in lying. And Mr. Hanson is a minister?
No, they did not have to give any comment - has NO ONE in this family ever heard the term "NO comment." No we (the public) does not have a right to know why.
But as human beings - Britta et al do have an obligation not to lie and to not be complicit in a lie.
Concerning the twin bed in the Britta picture. It's recommended in MANY books geared towards expectant mothers to have a bed set up in the newborns room. 30 years ago, I had a twin bed in my baby's room so I could sleep in there if he was fussy or ill. I could take him back to bed with me, nurse him, and snuggle, all without waking hubby.
And 4:54 I bet you didn't have one relative runnign aroun dtalkign about "family values and how she had them and those "unREAL Americans" don't. And the sister of your fiance taking portraying premarital sex as akin to rape, thus her baby daddy as a rapist. AND getting well paid for promoting abstinence even though it isn't realistic.
Then again, I guess you're just a normal, non-hypocritical, non- grifting REAL American.
Track has stayed out of the limelight. There have been times when he could have easily cashed in on the Palin notoriety, but he didn't. I respect that. He may have done things as a teen that were bad, but people can and do change for the good. I am not going to pile on a young couple who seems to be trying to live a normal happy life. Count me in with the group who only wishes happiness for Track and Britta.
"Ooooh! Single bed! I smell scandal!" You observant folks missed the crib on the left and the baby's dresser on the left. Could it be a nursery? Now wouldn't that be an odd place to put all the baby gifts!
Stop digging for dirt on Track & Britta. Aren't there bigger fish to fry?
I wish unconditional love and endless strength for this new little family.
All the posts calling Track and Britta "innocent bystanders" are nonsense.
Britta exploited her tie to the governor by scoring a cushy five-figure salary job almost literally before the ink on her HIGH SCHOOL diploma was dry.
Track was able to call on mommy and fish a handcuff key out of her apronstring pocket...he was allowed to do a NINE MONTH (who has stint in the military for nine months? NOBODY) military term instead of having a criminal record follow him around his whole life.
Track and Britta COULD have said "screw you, ma" when Sarah insisted on doing the Hatcher's Pass fake wedding. When Sarah ripped apart the mother's day bouquet and said "Britta, hon, hold the fla-r-s just like this, in front of this l'il bastard. I mean blessing! BLESSING!"...Track and Britta should have and could have told her where to stick her fake ceremony AND her fat check from People magazine.
Now we know why the shotgun "wedding" that really wasn't a wedding as Scarah proclaimed to her favorite tabloid People Magazine. That was all for damage control ahead of time until the "real" wedding she said in December. She endlessly & foolishly plots & schemes.
So where's the marriage certificate? Isn't that something easily looked up? Go look it up somebody who lives up there!
The whole time Bristol was condemning sex before marriage on her book tour , she knew her brother's situation. Once Track and Britta knew they were going to be parents, why did they wait so long to get married ?
Here's a very fair question. Does everyone who comments daily on blogs know his/her family members as well as you think you know the Palins? Man, I hope you devote at least as much time to your families as you do with shallow gossip about other people.
What's even sadder, you know nothing about these people you endlessly speculate about. Bahahahahahaha
And cue the attacks on me in 321. Go ahead. You cannot refute one thing I just said because you know it's true.
"Stop digging for dirt on Track & Britta. Aren't there bigger fish to fry?"
Very obviously someone who is thisclose to Britta and Track want to make sure someone is digging or all these pictures and private info's would not be sent to blogs and such that are known for exposing Sarah.
It is not a fluke or an accident these intimate, private, pictures are landing with Gryph. He is known to be long hated by the Palin's. There is noway someone got that close to Britta with such an exposure without her or Track wanting themselves noticed.
Now, everyone start digging as to why they want to be seen since they are apparently being silenced as not to be heard by Sarah.
"Track has stayed out of the limelight. There have been times when he could have easily cashed in on the Palin notoriety, but he didn't. I respect that."
Or he was being paid to stay out of trouble or someone else was paid to keep him out of it until mommy needed him to be called up in rotation when Bristol proved worthless.
@anon 6:24 PM "I am not going to pile on a young couple who seems to be trying to live a normal happy life."
Well, SO FAR..... They did agree to pose for People Magazine. Someone got paid for that so it still remains to be seen.
From People Magazine "Five Things to Know About Track Palin's New Bride"
2. Has acting chops While her new mother-in-law is no stranger to the spotlight, Britta has her own experience on a stage. She played the sharp-witted Elizabeth Bennet in a local production of Pride and Prejudice. "Britta does well whatever she applies herself too,” says Garry Forrester, executive director of Valley Performing Arts.
I might be willing to leave Track alone if I had information on when he was discharged and if early, why. It seemed as though he came home for Christmas which most were not able to do and it doesn't seem he served 4 years unless a lot of those years were in Alaska.
Why is there so little written about his service or lack thereof?
now I am wondering if britta and track are jumping on the grifting train. 2 pics of a pregnant britta released within a week? if they wanted privacy, that wouldn't be happening. I sure hope they're not going to become part of the circus, but whatever, easy money is easy money and maybe now that they've got another mouth to feed they're not above grifting in order to make it happen.
"wonder how postal lou $carah will go trying to figure out who's funneling "family" pix to Gryphen ?"
something tells me this is not funneling pics to gryphen, but it could be jumping aboard the grifting train. track and britta might have decided to become part of the family business. 2 pics released in the same week of a pregnant britta is not a coincidence, it is not by chance.
Until they get out of the Palin compound and live on their own like adults, they are still under Granny Lou's influence. Granny probably wants to keep them living there for her own purposes. Hey kids, you can have free rent, free food, use my car heh heh and I'LL even pay for the wedding later on.
I thought Track had a decent job? Why on earth would Britta Hanson want start out in life with a new baby and new husband under her in-laws roof? Young adults just don't do that unless they are so broke they can't even afford rent. Nothing makes sense about living in Sarah and Todd Palin's minefield.
1st anon @ 6:52 hey you know nothing fraud piece-0-shit ( that being a fraud if yer indeed not a palin, but wait, they're frauds too ) what do you even bother coming over here and posting for ? Why don't you just cannonball back into that pool-0-shit you subsist in and dog paddle back over into the sea of piss with the rest of your miserable knuckle dragin' compadres. I'm sure they're missing you dipshit...
Gryphen, Are they really married? The Target store register lists her as Britta Hansen?? Why not Palin? Anyway, I bet Ol' Brisket is pissed off that Britta gets to have a baby and keep it.
PS To Track, Britta is a beauty and by all accounts a good person, please treat her well and keep your vindictive family away from her and your child.
"I sincerely hope creepy stalkers don't follow her around hoping for pics or info. Hear that Kathleen and Patrick? NO hiring people to do your petty, immoral "dirty work."
@5:12 PM
Please. Nobody gives a crap about Track and his bride.
so...after a kid has been raised in a dysfunctional environment all of his/her life... he/she is culpable for their actions/missteps/mistakes when the life clock strikes...16? 18? 21? Even more?
IMHO, it is not fair to attribute the sins of the mother to her children.
Track and Britta are not seeking the limelight. Let them be. They've got enough baggage because of the Sociopath with a biological tie in their midst.
DestinoRising 29 minutes ago is it ok yet to congratulate the palins on the impending birth of their new grandchild? there are photos all over the internet and sources close to the palins are talking about it. or are the purity trolls going to flag me because its supposed to be some kind of shameful secret? palinsupporter1 liked this
anonlou 11 minutes ago in reply to DestinoRising Yes, its ok. Congratulations to Track and Britta, on the pending birth of their daughter due at the end of August. No its not a shameful secret, but Track wants no part of the spotlight and its his choice to keep this gift to themselves. Frankly I think its shameful whoever it was who posted those pictures. It was obviously someone close to the family.
Firelight 20 minutes ago in reply to DestinoRising feel free to post a pic and those sources
temilola 12 minutes ago in reply to Firelight wat is shamful have u all forgotten dat they are married the can children if they choose to
DestinoRising 0 minutes ago in reply to temilola unmarried people can also have children if they choose to. and unmarried people can get pregnant and then get married. its a fine Palin Family tradition. in fact its an AMERICAN TRADITION. and so far all the pictures i have seen of the Palin-Hansen Wedding and Baby Shower were released by THE FAMILY!!!
Firelight 0 minutes ago in reply to temilola Clearly you didn't read. I said nothing about shameful, forgetting or choice in children.
I said "feel free to post a pic and those sources".
You come on here making a claim with nothing to back it up. I have heard no such rumor so it makes sense that I would ask for those sources and pics you are bragging about.
It it's true then congrats to the very cute, very happy couple!
Now, either put up or shut up.
DestinoRising 0 minutes ago in reply to Firelight why dont you use google like everyone else in the free world
palinsupporter1 26 minutes ago in reply to DestinoRising Your desperate and Pathetic. I hope someday you find better use your time than trolling on a website.
temilola 10 minutes ago in reply to palinsupporter1 if it is true it is ok dey are a married couple and are allowed to have children
DestinoRising 0 minutes ago in reply to temilola bristol wasnt married. does that mean she was not allowed to have children? i find nothing to be ashamed about when GOD sends a baby to the world. what i find shameful are the secrets, lies, and intolerance people express about things that are none of their business. a baby is a gift and they should all be welcomed into the world that way.
"I'm of the opinion that unless Track and/or Britta publicly start waving the flag for Sarah, they should be left completely alone. Track essentially disappeared from the Sarah-Pack after the VP thing fell through. He doesn't go on her book tours, or ride that Godawful bus, or create a blog to shill for her, or compete on reality shows, and so on.
Leave 'em alone."
@5:45 PM
Why should we leave them alone? His mother doesn't leave innocent people alone.
I have been a long-time reader and fan of IM. I am very familiar with the style of informed chit/chat and respectful discussion which takes place here. I respect Gryphen for his "hands-off" approach to this message board, unless someone totally crosses the line.
With that said, I sadly recognize that over the past few months there has been a new breed of "Anonymous" posters here, who are more than eager to leap into even the most boring stories and offer up grandiose attempts at gasp! Conspiracy Theories!!!
For example: Willow stood in for Bristol to give a public, paid-for speech; Willow drove the motorcycle which ferried the un-invited Scarah around that Veteran's celebation; Bristol had a stand-in for some TV appearance after her crappy chin surgery...
The majority of people who are regulars here can roll their eyes and recognize another nutbar who thinks that he/she has found a sympathetic audience. Most of us keep quiet, which probably encourages the nutbars.
What set me off tonight are the new attacks on Britta and Track for their involuntary exposure about their expected baby. To summarize a few:
"She registered at Target as Hanson, Hmmmm?????": When I got married back in 1989 when it was still near-scandalous to do so, I refused to change my last name. Why should Britta do so, now that we're in the 2000s?? And it's NONE of our business!!!
"Oh look, there's a single bed! They can't be married" It's a baby's room, dumbass.
"It's obviously a baby's room, there's a crib... really rich folks have a bed for their nanny or babysitter." Well how about, people who actually have the space for it, and give thoughtful consideration to the needs of a newborn, might decide that a spare bed in the baby's room would be terrific for nursing and keeping an eye on the child? Not scandalous enough for you? Too bad!
Who cares when these two got married, or if they even did. Lies spread by the She-Grizzly should not be attributable to the cubs. Track and Britta have done a stunning job of laying low, even when Scarah has done everything in her power to keep her "brand" on top, and if she somehow coerced them into posing for "wedding" pictures (remember Frank Bailey's account of her bawling on the phone to him about Biskit's pregnancy), then believe it that Track is nothing more than another pawn in her game.
Again, I will refer to that small percentage of crazy fringe IM commentators who are trying to start up unsupportable rumours and shoot down people whose voices are reasonable.
Do we recall what happened with "Wendy the Waitress"? She got heckled out of here pretty quick, for no good reason. And no amount of pleading and self-flagellating would bring her back.
IM people, we are our own worst enemies sometimes. Let's keep things reasonable.
I think Bristol, aka ¨The Neck,¨ is leaking the photos. Everyone is supportive of Britta, even most of the people here, and it has been that way since The Neck has known Britta.
The Neck is jealous of Britta´s happiness and sarah is jealous of all the attention Britta is getting.
"Here's a very fair question. Does everyone who comments daily on blogs know his/her family members as well as you think you know the Palins? Man, I hope you devote at least as much time to your families as you do with shallow gossip about other people.
What's even sadder, you know nothing about these people you endlessly speculate about. Bahahahahahaha
And cue the attacks on me in 321. Go ahead. You cannot refute one thing I just said because you know it's true."
@6:52 PM
Cue the troll whining about the "attacks" on them in 321...
Please don't tell us what you think we can't "refute." I assure you most of us worry about our own families than these losers. And, how do you know nobody here knows them? You don't! I bet most people in this country thank their lucky stars they don't know them.
I only wish the Palins devoted more time to their familes instead of spreading "shallow gossip about other people," while whoring for attention.
I really can't stand track or britta, he for the bus episode, and she for her history with big boss. But I don't understand how either are to blame because of this "abstinence" thing. He has never promised or preached it, that I know of. All I hope for is that the new baby has a fighting chance to be normal.
Come on, folks. The cleverly disguised wolves-in-sheeps'-clothing-UnTrolls are hoping this whole saga will take wing. Mission? Well, shucks, Track and Britta are doin' the Will and Kate thang...of course. It was already staged that way by the crazy Dowager Queen mother-in-law. That crazy Palin woman has been trying to upstage the royal family all winter. I'm betting that Sarah and her staff "leaked" that photo and are hoping that the "story" will capture the public's attention and go viral. Why? 1.) 'Cause she's losing publicity. Need some more. Nobody's done nuthin' for awhile. Need some magazine spreads. New family baby? Fabulous! Good! Just right! Where's People Magazine and U.S. Weekly (flippin' through the Blackberry...)? 2.) Newsweek cover flopped. Movie flopped. Quick! We need a story! Britta! Track! You're up,earn your keep!
Well, I guess most of us who come here, including Gryphen are conspiracy theorists because most of us who come here believe in baby-gate! Some people believe baby-gate is just a conspiracy theory! Not all of us anoymous posters are crazy assholes, either. It is easier for some, like myself to post anonymously.
And I still say, fuck Track and Britta! They're fair game!
Henry: (Reading Klinger's excuse letters) Mother dying last year. Sister dying last year. Mother dying and older sister pregnant. Sister dying and mother pregnant. Here is an oldie but a goodie... half the family dying... the other half pregnant. Klinger aren't you ashamed of yourself?
Klinger: Yes sir... I don't belong in the Army.
And Her Heinous doesn't deserve the White House. Seriously.
I really don't like this focus on Track and Britta and their unborn child. I really, really hate Sarah Palin and all she stands for, and I'm not that nuts about Bristol, either, since she's become her mother's sock puppet. But I have felt for a long time that Track wants nothing to do with this bunch... his youthful problems aside... and I applaud any effort he makes to get out.
Britta is the daughter of a pastor of a fairly liberal denomination. She has some education and experience behind her. She and Track are not teenagers anymore, and they made the decision to get married and be responsible for their baby. If they are lucky, maybe her parents' influence can overcome the Palin dysfunction and give this young family a fighting chance to succeed. I don't see their situation as being hypocritical or deserving of our contempt in any way.
Sarah and Bristol, on the other hand, continue to make a mockery of marriage, pregnancy, parenthood, authorship, and the role of women in public life. Were it not for their innocent children, I would wish them both to fry in hell.
Don't feed family values and have all these unwed pregnant woman in the family, one mistake yes. this isn't about Track and Britta it's about the Palin/Heath family, don't act so pure and good and comdemn others when you live in a glass house yourself.The Palin/Heath clan live in a glass hopuse , all of them.
Why are some of you still running with the Track school buses story? One of the boys who DID do it said very clearly that Track wasn't involved:
That's more proof as to him not doing it, than there's been as to him doing it. In fact, it seems all we've heard was a rumor, and that's it. People took it and ran with it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Anyway, congrats to Track. Sarah is a big hypocrite, but we always knew that. I hope Track wasn't forced into the marriage to save face for Sarah.
And they both participated in a lie with $carah, by not saying, (about those future big wedding with the family plans) well, really we a) have other reasons we don't want to discuss or b) we're pregnant and wanted the baby born in wedlock - or pseudo wedlock. And now we have no further comment. Please respect our privacy.
But no- they let $carah lie and said nada, zip, zilch, zero NOTHING.
Britta, Track and Maw and Paw Hanson are liars - fair game all the way.
How much of a distraction is this from the bad movie reviews?
Sarah is jumping (doing a triple toe loop over) the shark with letting these pics come out. They were sent out to numerous friends and she knew that someone would get this to you, Gryphen. Still, it is silly that her family is proof that abstinence is a joke that doesn't work.
To those of you who insist on slamming Track & Britta, could you try to show a smidge of humanity and leave the baby alone? She's not even born yet and people are already trashing her. There is no way you can justify doing something that low.
I might be waaay off here, but to me, that bed looks like one of those cribs that converts to a bed when the child is ready for it. I also notice that it appears to have "boy" bedding on it. I think we are looking at a little boy's room that is now going to be shared by a boy and the new baby.
Another thing I noticed from a previous post (can't remember now which) there was a picture of Bristol holding Tripp and it appears to have been taken in his room - but on the shelf in the background is one of those wooden "name signs" and it says TRIG. I'll see if I can find that pic but wanted to bring it up while I remember it... Nothing ever adds up with this family. I wish them well, though. Truly.
who cares if track and britta decided to get married after they knew she was preggers?
i know we all care about his momma's and sis's idiocy-n-hypocrisy on the topic of sex-before-marriage as a political talking point, but if we pretend he's just a "guy with a crazy family" is he much different than any 20-something guy you know in your own life?
some teenage-early-20's guys are bigger idiots than others, but they all are almost NEVER knowing proxies for their parents or younger living siblings odd social/cultural/religious passions.........
if track had been a "normal" young person to enlist in the US armed services it's totally in that culture to marry even younger than he did, preggers or not (mostly not, actually) if for no reason than that you get better benefits and some better military housing options. (and the whole "i could die before i do this if i don't do it now, and i think i love you" thing.)
so, regardless of what he did, why he came home so quick, etc. he still obviously spent some time living in a culture where people tend to get married around age 20 +/- 2 years, and then happened to marry his long time GF (who was also pregnant) when they were what? -about 22?
if his mom wasn't famous NONE of us who don't personally know him or britta would care one wit about this.
and yes, "we" can argue that if bristol "teaches abstinence" it's a poor mark on her "teaching skills" that she couldn't even influence her big brother's GF-
BUT let's be a bit realistic -anyone here have a sibling who we found ourselves at odds with in matters of ideas -as teenagers or older? or sibling we just plain loved but kinda didn't like? one we argued and tussled with over mom-n-dad's attentions? and how many readers here are looking back on that with a perspective of literally being older than age 22?
if their mom wasn't famous -and bristol's own efforts to be in the public eye (which are her own, or at least probably NOT track's ideas...) hadn't happened would we have ANY reason to care about track and britta's baby-making -in OR out of wedlock?
as someone who thinks it's just fine to have babies as a single woman, an unmarried hetero couple, an adoptive solo dad, or any gay couple or gay singleton, i'm just happy that it appears a "wanted-baby" is going to be born soon to these youngish people.
i would hate to be judged on the actions and statements of my younger sister, my parents, my cousins, aunts/uncles, etc. despite the fact that i love them all. we often disagree, we usually quickly make-amends socially as a family, but we still disagree on the initial point of argument (yeah, politics, religion, environmental issues, etc.). and that's okay, we're all our own people and still family!
so until track and britta give us reason to consider them "public persons/personas" -just as bristol has clearly done- i'm much more with the "leave them alone, just notice if they do something of note" than the "their lives are an indictment of momma and lill' sis! scrutinize them thusly!"
and if anyone remembers my name, all the way back to early audrey post comments, it should be clear that i'm no 'bot, just a realistic person.
Well, it appears the Target Baby Registry no longer has Britta Hanson registered. And there's no Britta Palin, either. You can check for yourself:
Was she told to take it out because of giving the Aug 29 truth?
Look if track and britta didn't want to be in the light, they should have stayed off the pages. They are going to sell bascially the same stories as da ho bustol. Break ups, make ups, first home, wedding pics, honeymoon pics, babies' pics. Watch.
Gryphen, certainly you've seen Goodfellas, the movie. In the Palin crime family when babies are born, it is required all those in the "family" are to give. Now the definition of being in the Palin family: If you've ever accepted hush money from Sarah or Todd for secrets you know, or contributed to their life of crime and bribed them.
Seriously, leave Track and his bride/baby alone. It is obvious that he knows he's a Menard and thinks his mom is a nutball, but is trying to have a normal life. He isn't standing in front of the camera like his sister, pretending to be something he isn't.
"Why are some of you still running with the Track school buses story? One of the boys who DID do it said very clearly that Track wasn't involved"
How incredibly SUSPICIOUS that one comes out to say that Track did not do it. Why would the guy say anything about Track? Did he also too come out and name those who he says were not Track who were involved? No? Someone told the guy to say something to clear Track and that right there is why I do believe Track was involved.
For me, the only sad thing in all of this is that Sarah is too busy playing queen Esther to announce proudly that she is expecting a grand child. I think it is sad that she is obviously ashamed of her son and daughter in law. Also, if Britta is due in august, she knew for some time before the rush wedding that she was pregnant. Why did they wait to marry? Afraid to tell Sarah perhaps?
Track and Britta are fair fair game. They are in People magazine, made to look like innocents in college when in actuality they are irresponsible, got pregnant maybe before they are financially, emotionally or common sensically ready. And were we told she was pregnant in the wedding pics? Trying to fool the public while collecting a nice lettle nest egg? Fuck that. Fair game. Britta gets a well paying job with the admins out of HS? Nepotists- Are- Us up in Wasilly. Also, too, both Track, Britta, the good Lutheran in laws ALL know Sarah is a fucking liar and did not give birth to Tri-g in April 08. If one of them would have the cajones to out that little secret, well, then they would earn my respect. Until them, lying opportunists, all of them. Sarah, grandma times - what is it now? 3,4,5?????
After looking more closely at the picture, I wonder just how much money Britta is getting fromt he Palins or are Wasillians just woefully poor interior designers? Cherry Single sleigh bed for the nursing mom/nanny....Walnut crib....white book case....Makes me wonder if this is a work in progress OR has already been thrown together for a mystery baby earlier in the compound?
Kate Hudson 10 days after giving birth still has a baby tummy like someone who has really given birth..
@Thisby, OK, there are some problems with your logic: 1) "She has some education and experience behind her." Her experience is serving as an EXECUTIVE SECRETARY to her boyfriend's mother, who just so happens to be the GOVERNOR, then, with all her 19 months of experience, she continues with a second GOVERNOR. All with her high school diploma. In my experience, executive secretaries are far older, more experienced, impeccable and very well paid (i.e. $85,000 plus). This isn't some girl who waited tables to get through college. 2) "She and Track are not teenagers anymore, and they made the decision to get married and be responsible for their baby." You see, this one is a doozy: did you see the pictures of the "wedding"? The ripped up bouquet from the Piggly Wiggly and the jeans and fleece jackets? So I'm not sure how we can honestly say this was a well-planned decision to get married and be responsible for their baby. And, also too: They are showing that responsibility by a) getting paid a six-figure check for selling their "private wedding photos" to People magazine for all the world to see, and b) moving into the compound that momma's PAC paid for. BTW, I don't mean we shouldn't wish them well, but just don't buy the whole "young, innocent, private" bullshit. Oh, and I don't personally care whether their child is conceived out of wedlock. My 16 yo daughter stood up in her parents' wedding at 22 months, and we celebrate 15 years next month. Nowadays, marriage, also, too, is a choice. More power to them.
Gryphen, you realize you've just crossed over into Murdoch territory, right?
Publishing photos that were clearly private take by "friends" who are only interested in getting the story and didn't care if they violated anyone's trust.
So stop wishing these kids "all the best" while you broadcast their private business for everyone to see, all so people can issue snarky comments that they have somehow done something "wrong" and deserve to be punished because their relatives runs their mouths.
Oh well, let the slings and arrows fly! I wish them well, even wish the judgmentals who say we should wish everyone well because we're human and that's what humans do.
Why leave Track and Britta alone?
Track CHOSE to be on his mother's reality show, and I'm sure he got paid for it. Track and Brit chose to be in People magazine for the wedding, non wedding, pre announcement for a future wedding to give family and friends from far far away time, and better weather to make it to Ahhhhhlaaaaakaaaaah, docha know?
Who poses for a magazine pre announcing that a wedding will happen in the future, unless someone's reputation is at stake and moolah's involved.
That photo was an impromptu mother's day staged photo to perpetuate a lie that makes Sarah look good. Did Track or Britta say "NO! We're adults and want our privacy respected" NAH There's quick money to be made.
Anyone willing to bet there'll be a photo spread with photos of Grandma, Track, Britta, and healthy baby girl?
Trackster got to "serve the country" (probably doing paper work in a well protected bunker because mama pulled some strings) to avoid the embarrassment Mama would have endured had it been known he went before a judge for vandalizing school busses. Who serves for 9 months and gets a Christmas pass? Most single soldiers who EARN the right, pass it on to married soldiers with families because they're a band of brothers. Didn't Track show up at a Sarah event in his uniform around Chistmas?
The dude who posed with the dead innocent iraqi was best buds with Track, did he get paid for those photo ops? Don't think so. Did Sarah or Track come out with a statement trying to distance themselves from it or damn the actions in any way?
And who's leaking these photos now, and why?
So Sarah dosen't have to deal with the moral issue at a later date.
Sarah exploits every human being in her family every chance she gets, and moreso if it makes her money.
What's with the black clothes when pregnant with all the palin women? When I was pregnant and working, I found that wearing well taylored clothes with some color made me feel better about how I looked, prouder of what I was about to become, and lifted the spirits of everyone around me as well.
Everyone knows you're pregnant, so why wear black when you're a beautiful, radiant, young woman about to bring a life into the world?
track and britta are co-conspirators in the palin deception - i wish them happiness and success in their personal life, and it would surprise me if they ever got fair trials for the crimes they've committed so far
I wish them well. I'm just a little surprised. Why get pregnant first? And why get married after?
this is a general question and has nothing to do with this couple. There really are great birth control methods out there and if you are going to have sex, you should use them. So anybody that is having sex should protect themselves against pregnancy unless they want to have a baby.
If republicans believe there should be sex before marriage and don't want to have sex education in schools, then shouldn't the expectation be that no evangelicals will get pregnant?
Now I'm back to the palins. So why have 3 generations and 2 palin children have gotten pregnant before marriage? Hello? With those odds palin is a Hypocrite with a capitol H. Her morals belong in her family, not in my government!!!
"How incredibly SUSPICIOUS that one comes out to say that Track did not do it. Why would the guy say anything about Track? Did he also too come out and name those who he says were not Track who were involved? No? Someone told the guy to say something to clear Track and that right there is why I do believe Track was involved."
Honestly, this sounds nutty. The boy spoke about it because Track is the one being rumored about. No one is talking about the other boys.
Do you know how nutty it sounds to use evidence to say "that proves it is TRUE!" What would convince you it's not, then? All you're gonna do is refute anything that suggests otherwise, because it's what you want to believe.
This is the same crap people do to Obama.
We really need to keep a grip on reality, and not just believe rumors for the sake of believing them. Who's more reliable. A random liberal host who was suggesting a theory, or someone who was actually there?
That person could be lying, but it's ludicrous to right off the bat assume he is, when you have no real reason to believe Track did anything.
If you also look at the article, the mother of one of the other boy's who were involved in the school bus incident said that Track wasn't involved.
Also, the boy named in the article was expelled from school. Track was not. Yeah, I guess you could then say "well maybe Sarah pulled strings", but that's unlikely, as you'd think boy would be upset if he got expelled and Track didn't. That obviously isn't the case, as he very clearly states that Track wasn't even involved.
People really need to stop believing just what they want to believe. There is enough legitimately crazy stuff going on in Palinworld that it's not fair to state an unsubstantiated a rumor about Track as fact, when in fact, all of the evidence suggests that the rumor was completely untrue.
If there is another reality show in this, I won't be surprised. Not only does she use her children for publicity, she uses her grandchildren. Sarah needs it like an addict.
Bristol once told a friend she was the "golden child," which she must think that she's her mom's favorite. Why wouldn't she? Sarah does love all the free media attention. But it is interesting she didn't pay attention to her, only used her to babysit or do things for her until People covers/dwts/etc. -- I mean her assistant had to BEG Sarah to spend time with Bristol and her sisters, remember? That e-mail spoke volumes to me.
Now, she uses Sarah back to help her ratings/book sales. They use each other.
Track even cashed in on SPA. He could have kept out and I would have respected him more. Now the photo of the marriage in People. He better see the dollar signs in grandma Palin's eyes now that she will have another cute baby for magazine covers soon. Sad.
to the person who is trying to claim that track had nothing to do with the school bus incident:
rumor goes around wasilla that track was involved in a crime. track never says he wasn't involved. the quitter never says he wasn't involved. tracks "father" never says that he wasn't involved. in fact, the very well-known family is completely silent on the rumors accusing one of their own of theft and vandalism.
but some kid makes a statement to the press that track wasn't involved. not buying it, because this is a pattern with the palins - getting other people to come to their defense (didja see the defeated yet?).
if you were a public figure and your son was being accused of something he didn't do, wouldn't you go out there and put it on the public record that your kid was innocent? then why didn't the palins? why was it left up to one of the kids involved? and is he really going to admit to the press that track was involved? I mean get real.
I agree with the posters who say leave this couple alone. In fact, Gryphen, maybe it is a little over the top to have posted this photo. Track Palin has never asked for, nor deserved any of the publicity that has come his way. He also seems to go out of his way to avoid any publicity. He has remained his own person despite being a part of the Palin family drama.
I think Sarah Palin has major issues with her own inflated sense of self importance and she is capable of major acts of a delusional nature; ie, imagining herself vice presidential/president. But, the issue she grapples with most assuredly is the fact her parenting is so slipshod. Like all magical thinking parents she just expected her children would be perfect and successful. She didn't really consider the incredible amount of energy parenting requires. The goal of a good parent is to raise adult- capable children and I think Sarah views her children as accessories, like a piece of jewelry or a particularly useful purse.
How betrayed she must have felt when Bristol became pregnant and she had to actually engage with the consequences of that very serious "mistake" as they phrase this part of their lives. Especially, considering her behind-the-scenes campaign to become the VP nominee. Her very selfish nature caused her family to become second place in her life. I think this behavior was on full display in 2008. No concerned mother would have allowed her pregnant teen daughter to be humiliated the way Sarah Palin did to Bristol during the GOP convention. One glaring example was the thoughtless way Bristol was presented in that ugly ill-fitting dress that only drew attention to her changing body. It was like she was being punished. Sarah, given her shopping abilities, didn't take time to help Bristol with this very simple task. It says to me there is a serious lack of empathy for her children.
I imagine Track is aware of this and tries his best to stay out of the crossfire. I think we should respect his good sense in this regard and leave his family alone.
"all of the evidence suggests that the rumor was completely untrue."
what evidence?
do you have any more evidence than one statement to the press from one of the guilty parties?
let's remember the willow breaking and entering event - one of the kids says "yeah she was there but she wasn't involved in any of the vandalism" - are we supposed to take that person's word as evidence? again, this is another example of how when the palin kids fuck-up, the parents will leave it up to others to clear their name. willow fucks up, and one of her acquaintances declares her innocence. track fucks up, and one of his acquaintances declares his innocence. AND THE PARENTS SAY NOTHING. same pattern.
Sorry, by alloing the release of the Hatcher Pass photo, with NO correction when $carah lied about why there was that pseudo wedding, then they have also lied, allowed their images to be used to bolster $carah's ambitions, and put themselves "out there." Ditto for Britta's parents.
Fair game to comment on, snark about, use to highlight $carah's bad parenting/hypocrisy/dysfunction.
There are two statements in that article. One of them from the boy involved, and the other from the mother of another one of the boys involved.
The article also states that the boy in the article was expelled from the school due to the incident. Track was never expelled and graduated on time.
I'm sorry, but you guys sound worse than the birthers. You keep saying "this isn't proof, this isn't evidence." What evidence do YOU have? It makes you look like an idiot to go around accusing someone of something just because some random person said something at one time, when everyone else is saying the exact opposite.
I can't stand Palin, but clinging to a rumor like this that has absolutely no factual basis just makes all of us look bad. Like I said, there a million and one things that we can go after Palin on.
If we are going to talk shit about a family member who hasn't really chased the spotlight, I think it's best to talk about things grounded in reality.
And for the record, yes, Sarah has addressed the bus thing as being untrue, but that shouldn't matter, as her word means nothing. Everything else I stated in this post does matter, though.
Also, anyone with half a brain should know that the "Track joined the military to get out of jail time" theory makes absolutely no sense, as he joined the military almost three years after the bus incident happened. Sentencing doesn't take that long.
As for Track chasing the spotlight because of the People pic...that's ridiculous. Now that we know that Britta is pregnant, it seems pretty obvious that Sarah released the pic to try to save a little bit of face. Track probably went along with it because Sarah probably guilted him about causing embarrassment to her by giving her her second out of wedlock baby. This way Sarah could try to publicly save a bit of face, and lessen the blow.
I would not be surprised if he also releases a pic of the child, because why not get a little bit of money now that it's been thrust into the spotlight? Someone is gonna make money off of that pic, so why not let it be him, especially since he now has a family to support?
I don't think quietly releasing a pic that a lot of people are gonna be after anyway is "chasing the spotlight." I'd hardly qualify Chelsea Clinton as chasing the spotlight, and she's been out there much, much, more than Track.
Anyway, I just think it's ridiculous to act like Track's a big celebrity chaser just because of the People pic, which was probably orchestrated by Sarah.
Having said that, I don't really have a problem with this post, because it does point out Sarah's hypocrisy, and she did draw the attention to the wedding.
Aside from this, though, I don't think it's really fair to delve into Track's private life too much, because he hasn't put himself out there.
Sort of OT...but what is Phil Munger's problem? He is such a trouble making, foolish, blowhard. Because of this post he's listed your blog as a Tacky AK Blog on his blogroll. If he's a friend of yours, gryph, you don't need any enemies. He's dogged you more than once and every time it irritates me. I think he might be jealous of your readership.
Again, excuse me 10:14? Chelsea CLinton is the daughter of a former two term president and the daughter of the current Secretary of State. Her wedding was one of those "social events of the century" attended by hundreds that have always been covered in the society pages. It was not a quickie drive for a quickie CYA pseudo wedding which would have needed and garnered NO publicity.
And for the record - you're an idiot to even try to compare such an accomplished person with AK trailer trash and it's hangers on.
No one has a bit of evidence that Track or Britta released the wedding picture to People. It's possible that Sarah released that photo. She appears to have People magazine on her speed dial. Perhaps Track has learned to stay away from his mother, and not to cross her. We have no idea if he got mad about the photo being published or was ok with it. He keeps a very low profile. He is not like his publicity seeking sister, Bristol. For people who have never lived with a Narcissist, it's hell. Imagine walking on eggshells your entire life. Imagine being part of a dysfunctional family whose purpose is to be your famous mother's prop. I lived with a Narcissist. It's amazing how screwy your thinking becomes when living with one, and he wasn't even one tenth as bad as Sarah is.
Imagination is a gift. Here is my gift to the Palins. An imaginary future email dated 8/29/11:
It's a girl! Congratulations Sarah on the newest member of the clan. Sooo cute how your children continue the tradition of choosing names with very personal family meaning. Enjoy little Shailey.
They got it all straight from Facebook, from a friend of Britta's Facebook profile. So these pictures were not LEAKED by anyone. They were easily available on Facebook.
Hope all goes well for expected little one. These Palins preach abstinence but don't practice it, at all. I abstained but never preached others to, it was my own personal choice.
As far as keeping her maiden name, would you want his name? And I don't give a crap for Track I don't give Palin kids a pass.. They got enough of those already in Alaska, That SOB got away with vandalism and several cases of theft of snow machines and 4 wheelers in which he trespassed to steal he got a pass on that because he is a Palin thats BS.
Fair enough, I was unaware that Britta had worked for Herself the Magnificent, and of certain of the facts involving Track. That has changed my mind a bit.
Now I have a question: It seems to be well known that nobody in Wasilla wants to cross Sarah because they're all afraid of her and her power - can you imagine how her own children feel when it comes to fearing her? Sarah sounds like an out of control mental case anyway - perhaps she has threatened them so much over the years, and has made good on those threats as well.
What a horrible way for them to live. Her for the threatening of her own children, them for having been so beaten down over the years that they probably no longer seek to escape. Bristol is obviously completely brainwashed and nothing but a younger version of her mother, as is the nest daughter in line whose name I can't remember - is it Exxon? Anyway, whichever one shoved the other's face into a cake - I can totally see Sarah shoving one of her own children's face into a cake, like it's a bizarre and cruel family tradition. I'm betting there were plenty of other incidents like that.
I think her whole family is terrified of her, with reason.
Anonymous 5:12 PM:"I sincerely hope creepy stalkers don't follow her around hoping for pics or info."
The only creepy unhinged stalker Track and Britta need to worry about is their new baby's famewhore granny. What do you want to bet she'd sell them down the river to get more attention for herself? Just like she did with Bristol and poor "Trigger!"
The Frontiersman? Ha Ha Ha that paper is bias bull I am from wasilla and I never read or buy that toilet paper. Credibility NONE! It has gotten so shitty and racist in the last 10 years I wonder if Murdoch or Palin bought it?
Radar Online has picked this story up. This family is one big mess. Just think they could be in the White House. So proud of our President and his great family.
I wanted to add to my Anon 12:44 comment about no one leaking the pics and about them having been open to anyone on Facebook.
I posted that to help squash any of the conspiracy theories of a family insider or other such insidious ideas floating around leaking the pics from the event.
Cause it looks like, from what Gawker has, they got nabbed from the Facebook page.
Nonetheless, I forgot to say Kudos to you for having the Scoop first! And having the class and tact not to brag about :) We all know you did and its been posted in the Gawker comments also.
Wow, those morals!! Looks like brother should have listened to sister. I wonder what Palin family talks sound like when this kind of news happens. See, it wouldn't be a matter if Grams didn't preach to others about morals. Got it? You get judged largely because you point the finger first! It's called "Hypocrisy!"
Now, we get to talk to her twin from Minnesota talk about Satan!
According to Targets baby registry a baby girl is due August 29.
ReplyDeleteWhat's this kids name, "Surprise"?
ReplyDeletenice baby bump..
ReplyDeleteshe's showing more than $carah "ever did with trig"
I, too, Gryphen wish them well. And I sincerely hope I don't see one more nasty comment here about either Britta or Track.
ReplyDeleteI wish the best for Britta and Track.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why Sarah hasn't announced on her Facebook the good news? Any grandparent is thrilled to death to have a new grandchildren.
I think Sarah thinks it is always better not to say anything.
The bed looks like it is a single.
ReplyDeleteWow, @4:36, that's awfully soon (August 29th) isn't it? It's a Palin tradition, though.
I am hoping the pregnancy was never announced because Track and Britta prefer to remain private, rather than as an attempt to avoid "hurting" Sarah's image. All the same, my best to the happy couple.
ReplyDeleteDITTO, agree with ManxMamma - there shouldn't be any nasty comments about Britta or Track. They are innocent bystanders.
ReplyDeleteThey got married in May and the baby is due in August.
ReplyDeleteThe best to both of them. She looks so happy.
She looks really happy - I wish them well too. I really hope I don't see any of the Menard/Heath bunch on the cover of a magazine. RUN - Britta & Track - RUN!
ReplyDeleteWe will see if there will be people pictures, they jumped right on the wedding photos. Money is awfully hard to pass up, especially when you marry into a family of grifters.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to them.
ReplyDeleteTo listen to the rest of you, I'm the only non-Palin female in the history of our Republic to conceive without benefit of a wedding ring. (And my first child was conceived after our engagement, when I was in my 30s, owned my own home, and had a great career.)
Will Grandma Grizzly tweet out a congrats when the baby comes, or just sell the pics to Us Weekly or People Mag? If I was a betting woman, I would say Sarah is trying to keep this pregnancy on the down low, but is she is, it's only because Track and Britta requested it.
ReplyDeleteManx Momma, I agree with you to a point. Most committed couples have sex before marriage , and even live together for years before saying I do. I certainly did, it's more common than being a virgin until marriage. The problem comes in when Track's sister peddles a bullshit book based on lies, and Track's mother has built a career and a fortune out of being the evangelical uber Christian with the perfect family. It's the never ending hypocrisy that the Palins have turned into a very lucrative lifestyle which even Track Palin has engaged in by being part of Sarah's empire. The kid has no education beyond high school, no marketable job training that I can discern, and a very questionable past. If he is truly trying to distance himself from his despicable parents , I see no evidence of that.
Where are they living? How do they plan to support their child ? From what I gather, Britta is still in school, unless she dropped out to join the Palin gravy train. Don't forget those emails...Britta got very high level admin jobs in Sarahs administration, so she is just as in debt to her as the rest of her bots. I just find this whole family to be nothing but leeches sucking the blood from their supporters who have been fooled into thinking they are the next first family, when in reality, they are living on corporate welfare. Sarahs millions have come from Rupert Murdoch ( Fox and Harper Collins), shady front groups masquerading as charities, and deluded bots who think Sarah will save them from the bad black man in the White House.
Rant over...I hope that Britta at least have
That was no baby shower.
ReplyDeleteIt was an abstinence party!
ReplyDeleteI agree, Gryphen - with those parents, that should be one beautiful little baby girl.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to them and I hope they manage to establish a normal, happy life far away from the dysfunction of the rest of the family.
@4:54, nobody here gives a flying fig about whether people who are expecting a child are married. Frankly, I don't give a crap what Track Palin does. The issue here is that Sarah Palin is a hypocrite who spouts family values and has a daughter who is an "abstinence advocate". They are sick phonies.
ReplyDeleteI notice that you felt the need to point out that you were engaged and doing well financially when you got pregnant, btw.
So, the baby is due the 29 of Aug? THE same day as Britta's bday AND S and T's anniversary?
WOW. Thats both cool and freaky.
wonder how postal lou $carah will go trying to figure out who's funneling "family" pix to Gryphen ?
ReplyDeletemaybe it'll cause the $kank lou $carah to choke on her snot once and for all
I don't know when TRack and Britta were ACTUALLY married, but Track has worn a band of some sort at least since Dec 09. Maybe earlier but I've seen one on is finger since then.
ReplyDeleteI sincerely hope creepy stalkers don't follow her around hoping for pics or info. Hear that Kathleen and Patrick? NO hiring people to do your petty, immoral "dirty work."
ReplyDeleteI'm betting the parents will sell the baby pics. Grifters all.
ReplyDeleteOK, so this picture pretty much confirms that your source is Track or one of her very closest girlfriends. Who else would have access to the baby's room and the shower?
ReplyDeleteMy vote is Track. That's good news that you have someone so close in the family to help get the truth out abotu crazy Sarah.
I agree and wish them only the best.
ReplyDeleteIt's not their fault they are related to Quitler. Track did make some mistakes in his teens, but it seems like he has learned from them and he's not trying to cash in as a fame whore the way that Brisket is.
I hope the young couple is able to make a life for themselves and their baby as separate from SP and her dysfunction as possible.
I do find it odd that the Target registry use the name "Hanson" instead of Palin. Although I would not want to change my name to that if I were her either.
Ummm, someone very, very, close took that picture and the other of Britta opening here presents.
ReplyDeleteThe possibility that two pictures got out under Sarah's watch is explained by only one of two possibilities. 1) This is Britta's scream for H E L P using Piper's Barbie computer to leak pictures so someone will know where to find her.
(And since we know how Sarah likes to live out tv and movie plots Britta should be concerned if the psycho has seen Hush) 2)Sarah is leaking these pictures to blogs to soften the blow by letting everyone get the awe out of their systems before going to tabloids to try to temper comments at People.
BTW, I have already contacted all the tabloids with the picture. Hope they run with it. The fact Britta has for years taken money from Palin as gov and beyond to keep her secrets, especially knowing how she treats Trig and now living at the compound makes her fair game IMO.
Not so long ago we all thought poor Bristol, now look at what she is. Britta is playing to the highest bidder. If she were not she and Track would have their own home somewhere, a little apartment and use her degree for an honest days work. Instead she is knocked up living on the lake eating PAC funds.
We have no proof to this day that they are married other than a comment in People Magazine that they had received a joint statement from the two families stating this, a statement that was probably delivered to People Magazine by either Sarah or her publicist/agent. Having a wedding ceremony is one thing: Britta's father, a pastor, could easily perform that, on the spot, without prior notice. Getting a marriage license is another thing: the couple may or may not have taken that step.
ReplyDeleteWhether or not they are in fact married, the baby will surely complicate Britta's plans to attend nursing school and Track's plans to study at the University of Alaska (if in fact he or she ever had such plans). I wish them the best, but statistics show us that this is not a good way to start a successful marriage or begin a family. No wonder Sally Heath always looks so sad: she has spent her entire life baby-sitting, with very few time-outs for herself.
Wow lots if stuff left on the Target list to get for new mommy and baby. You would think Sarah would have sprang for something more pricy than the pacifiers and a couple baby hangers.
The picture is taken in a babies room. You can see the crib on the left side.
ReplyDeleteNice try.
Is that RAM, LouScarah, or one of the kids?!
To anon post earlier: Track is not innocent...
Oops, what I meant to say is that I hope Britta has the sense to stay far away from any future Palin bus tours, book tours, reality shows, dance contests, and phony speaking gigs. If, and only if, she keeps her kid far away from the dysfunction of the Palin/Heath clan will this little girl have a chance at a normal life. Look at Bristol, Willow, Piper, Trig, and now Tripp....used as props to glorify and make money for their mother. It would be sad if this was the legacy left for another generation.
ReplyDeleteHappiness and Joy to Britta and Track! I respect you two for staying out of the Sarah limelight. Your baby girl will be beautiful, and I hope I never see pics of her. P.S. to Sarah, don't exploit this grandchild, you bitch.
ReplyDeleteMaybe once Track is a parent, and has to send his child to school on a bus.....he might fully understand the seriousness of his so-called "prank". Would be nice if he would ever own up and take responsibility for his crime.
ReplyDeleteHmmm... That's a 'Single' bed, not a 'Double' or 'Queen'!
ReplyDeleteI thought she and Track were 'married' at that ceremony in May? Also, too, the fact that she is listed as Britta Hanson - no Track there at all - in the Target registry also makes me go HMMM even more.
Has she had second thoughts of getting involved with the Palins after all? I mean, we even don't have any 'official' announcement from the 'proud grandparents-to-be' Palins (or the 'proud auntie-to-be' Barstool.
Gee, will they struggle to buy diapers like Bristol did?
ReplyDeleteHoly shit, look at her! Going by the Palin pregnancy measurement system, she must be at like 27 months!
ReplyDeleteSarah isn't saying anything because it isn't about her and she hasn't found a way to cash in yet.
ReplyDeleteAw hell, most of my cousins were pregnant before they got married, and we were all raised as strict Irish Catholics. An early baby is no big deal nowadays.
ReplyDeleteI'm of the opinion that unless Track and/or Britta publicly start waving the flag for Sarah, they should be left completely alone. Track essentially disappeared from the Sarah-Pack after the VP thing fell through. He doesn't go on her book tours, or ride that Godawful bus, or create a blog to shill for her, or compete on reality shows, and so on.
Leave 'em alone.
Please Track and Britta, can you please give her a good name? Something pretty, like her mom? I wish them all the best and a long, long distance from the crazy Paylin family.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe Track's wife is due in August.
ReplyDeleteThey just got married in May.
Britta is the daughter of a pastor.
Track was raised by a Christian woman.
The Palins are a Christian family.
So how can they be expecting a baby so soon? Is this another one of those Heath-Palin premies?
How can Sarah run for POTUS? Who is going to keep the rest of her kids from getting pregnant?
I hope Britta will tell Momma Paylin to back off and allow them to have a normal life, without her meddling or interference.
ReplyDelete"I think Sarah thinks it is always better not to say anything."
ReplyDeleteThanks for the LOLs, Anon @ 4:39.
I too would like to see the end of all the snarky comments about Track and Britta. They seem to be trying to live their lives out of the circus ring, and as far as I'm concerned, I wish them all the best...and congratulations on the birth of their soon to be baby.
ReplyDeleteI wish them the best.
ReplyDeleteI also wish them well. Lots of adults in long-term relationships get married when they're expecting. The only reason people are making snide comments about Track & Britta is because of Mama Grizzly.
ReplyDeleteConsidering how Track's been shunning the spotlight (see Bristol? It CAN be done!), I think this kid stands a chance at a normal childhood.
The bed is for the nurse and the nanny. not at the same time. It is how people with money sometimes choose to live.
ReplyDeleteOk we aren't talking about everyday folks when we condemn political officials.
ReplyDeleteSo if have that wonky eye, those bug eyes, children out of wedlock, closet gay, a fat ass, ugly as sin, inappropriate gear, etc we aren't talking about you. You can't pass laws.
Get off of it. track and the rest of them are in the public eye, they are fair game
ReplyDeleteI see palin's family values is working real good for her two oldest siblings.
SORRY PEOPLE: Getting married and expecting a child does NOT give Track a Free Pass!
ReplyDeleteHe has never answered for his crimes in a court of law. He has never said he was sorry for what he did. More privileged white boy problems from where I am sitting.
He is an adult. He is technically a Palin. Snark away...
Britta "may" be innocent. No snark for her.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletePlease Track and Britta, can you please give her a good name? Something pretty, like her mom? I wish them all the best and a long, long distance from the crazy Paylin family.
5:46 PM
What's wrong with the name "Tire Iron Palin"? It is unique.
TIP for short.
For those of you quick to defend Britta, I refer you to this article from People Magazine, May 20, 2011, entitled
ReplyDeleteFive Things to Know About Track Palin's New Bride:
3. Knows her way around the governor's office
Hanson was an executive secretary in the office of the governor from 2008 to 2011 under both Palin and current Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell.,,20496353,00.html
Now tell me how many 18 year olds get executive secretary jobs for not one, but two governors?
Britta was also Bristol's roommate in her condo in
Anchorage. Apparently Track and Britta are living at the house that Rupert built, so it seems to me that she and Track are all aboard the gravy train with the rest of the grifters, huh?
Well 4:37 the way I look at it, Britta is an adult. So is Track. And certainly so are her parents. The minute none of them contradicted $carah's B.S. explanation of why the phony wedding on Hatcher Pass (we want to wait for family to be here) they became complicit in lying. And Mr. Hanson is a minister?
ReplyDeleteNo, they did not have to give any comment - has NO ONE in this family ever heard the term "NO comment." No we (the public) does not have a right to know why.
But as human beings - Britta et al do have an obligation not to lie and to not be complicit in a lie.
They're fair game.
Concerning the twin bed in the Britta picture. It's recommended in MANY books geared towards expectant mothers to have a bed set up in the newborns room. 30 years ago, I had a twin bed in my baby's room so I could sleep in there if he was fussy or ill. I could take him back to bed with me, nurse him, and snuggle, all without waking hubby.
ReplyDeleteAnd 4:54 I bet you didn't have one relative runnign aroun dtalkign about "family values and how she had them and those "unREAL Americans" don't. And the sister of your fiance taking portraying premarital sex as akin to rape, thus her baby daddy as a rapist.
ReplyDeleteAND getting well paid for promoting abstinence even though it isn't realistic.
Then again, I guess you're just a normal, non-hypocritical, non- grifting REAL American.
Track has stayed out of the limelight. There have been times when he could have easily cashed in on the Palin notoriety, but he didn't. I respect that. He may have done things as a teen that were bad, but people can and do change for the good. I am not going to pile on a young couple who seems to be trying to live a normal happy life. Count me in with the group who only wishes happiness for Track and Britta.
ReplyDeleteoh, stuff it @ 5:12. THis photo was obviously posed and she's well aware of it. Hmmm... oculd it be Track and Britta who are letting the info out?
ReplyDelete"Ooooh! Single bed! I smell scandal!" You observant folks missed the crib on the left and the baby's dresser on the left. Could it be a nursery? Now wouldn't that be an odd place to put all the baby gifts!
ReplyDeleteStop digging for dirt on Track & Britta. Aren't there bigger fish to fry?
I wish unconditional love and endless strength for this new little family.
All the posts calling Track and Britta "innocent bystanders" are nonsense.
Britta exploited her tie to the governor by scoring a cushy five-figure salary job almost literally before the ink on her HIGH SCHOOL diploma was dry.
Track was able to call on mommy and fish a handcuff key out of her apronstring pocket...he was allowed to do a NINE MONTH (who has stint in the military for nine months? NOBODY) military term instead of having a criminal record follow him around his whole life.
Track and Britta COULD have said "screw you, ma" when Sarah insisted on doing the Hatcher's Pass fake wedding. When Sarah ripped apart the mother's day bouquet and said "Britta, hon, hold the fla-r-s just like this, in front of this l'il bastard. I mean blessing! BLESSING!"...Track and Britta should have and could have told her where to stick her fake ceremony AND her fat check from People magazine.
They are grifters just like the rest of them.
Why do people specifically wish some people well? Isn't it the HUMAN thing to do to wish EVERY HUMAN BEING well?
ReplyDeleteIf you answer no, then you're a scumbag who deserves a lashing.
not much of a haul for the (future/present) daughter-in-law of a possible presidential candidate.
ReplyDeleteBachmann's kids would surely outdo that pitiful pile of presents.
Palin's star grows ever dimmer.
Now we know why the shotgun "wedding" that really wasn't a wedding as Scarah proclaimed to her favorite tabloid People Magazine. That was all for damage control ahead of time until the "real" wedding she said in December. She endlessly & foolishly plots & schemes.
ReplyDeleteSo where's the marriage certificate? Isn't that something easily looked up? Go look it up somebody who lives up there!
The whole time Bristol was condemning sex
ReplyDeletebefore marriage on her book tour , she knew
her brother's situation.
Once Track and Britta knew they were going to be parents, why did they wait
so long to get married ?
Here's a very fair question. Does everyone who comments daily on blogs know his/her family members as well as you think you know the Palins? Man, I hope you devote at least as much time to your families as you do with shallow gossip about other people.
ReplyDeleteWhat's even sadder, you know nothing about these people you endlessly speculate about. Bahahahahahaha
And cue the attacks on me in 321. Go ahead. You cannot refute one thing I just said because you know it's true.
LOL LOL @ 4:36
ReplyDelete"What's this kids name, "Surprise"?"
I'm still LOL
Looks like it WAS a fake shotgun wedding!
"Stop digging for dirt on Track & Britta. Aren't there bigger fish to fry?"
ReplyDeleteVery obviously someone who is thisclose to Britta and Track want to make sure someone is digging or all these pictures and private info's would not be sent to blogs and such that are known for exposing Sarah.
It is not a fluke or an accident these intimate, private, pictures are landing with Gryph. He is known to be long hated by the Palin's. There is noway someone got that close to Britta with such an exposure without her or Track wanting themselves noticed.
Now, everyone start digging as to why they want to be seen since they are apparently being silenced as not to be heard by Sarah.
"Track has stayed out of the limelight. There have been times when he could have easily cashed in on the Palin notoriety, but he didn't. I respect that."
ReplyDeleteOr he was being paid to stay out of trouble or someone else was paid to keep him out of it until mommy needed him to be called up in rotation when Bristol proved worthless.
@anon 6:24 PM "I am not going to pile on a young couple who seems to be trying to live a normal happy life."
ReplyDeleteWell, SO FAR..... They did agree to pose for People Magazine. Someone got paid for that so it still remains to be seen.
From People Magazine "Five Things to Know About Track Palin's New Bride"
2. Has acting chops
While her new mother-in-law is no stranger to the spotlight, Britta has her own experience on a stage. She played the sharp-witted Elizabeth Bennet in a local production of Pride and Prejudice. "Britta does well whatever she applies herself too,” says Garry Forrester, executive director of Valley Performing Arts.
I might be willing to leave Track alone if I had information on when he was discharged and if early, why. It seemed as though he came home for Christmas which most were not able to do and it doesn't seem he served 4 years unless a lot of those years were in Alaska.
ReplyDeleteWhy is there so little written about his service or lack thereof?
now I am wondering if britta and track are jumping on the grifting train. 2 pics of a pregnant britta released within a week? if they wanted privacy, that wouldn't be happening. I sure hope they're not going to become part of the circus, but whatever, easy money is easy money and maybe now that they've got another mouth to feed they're not above grifting in order to make it happen.
ReplyDeleteanon @ 5:08 pm sez:
ReplyDelete"wonder how postal lou $carah will go trying to figure out who's funneling "family" pix to Gryphen ?"
something tells me this is not funneling pics to gryphen, but it could be jumping aboard the grifting train. track and britta might have decided to become part of the family business. 2 pics released in the same week of a pregnant britta is not a coincidence, it is not by chance.
Until they get out of the Palin compound and live on their own like adults, they are still under Granny Lou's influence. Granny probably wants to keep them living there for her own purposes. Hey kids, you can have free rent, free food, use my car heh heh and I'LL even pay for the wedding later on.
ReplyDeleteI thought Track had a decent job? Why on earth would Britta Hanson want start out in life with a new baby and new husband under her in-laws roof? Young adults just don't do that unless they are so broke they can't even afford rent. Nothing makes sense about living in Sarah and Todd Palin's minefield.
1st anon @ 6:52
ReplyDeletehey you know nothing fraud piece-0-shit ( that being a fraud if yer indeed not a palin, but wait, they're frauds too ) what do you even bother coming over here and posting for ? Why don't you just cannonball back into that pool-0-shit you subsist in and dog paddle back over into the sea of piss with the rest of your miserable knuckle dragin' compadres.
I'm sure they're missing you dipshit...
ReplyDeleteAre they really married? The Target store register lists her as Britta Hansen?? Why not Palin?
Anyway, I bet Ol' Brisket is pissed off that Britta gets to have a baby and keep it.
PS To Track,
Britta is a beauty and by all accounts a good person, please treat her well and keep your vindictive family away from her and your child.
I, too, think it's staged just to lesson the blow for the Main Grifter's "fans".
ReplyDeleteI hope the Menard's acknowledge their new grandbaby, every child deserves to know their family, ALL of it, from both sides.
ReplyDeletemaybe she's about to give birth to the DWTS baby
ReplyDelete"I sincerely hope creepy stalkers don't follow her around hoping for pics or info. Hear that Kathleen and Patrick? NO hiring people to do your petty, immoral "dirty work."
ReplyDelete@5:12 PM
Please. Nobody gives a crap about Track and his bride.
I just hope that they weren't pressured into marriage just because of a pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteso...after a kid has been raised in a dysfunctional environment all of his/her life... he/she is culpable for their actions/missteps/mistakes when the life clock strikes...16? 18? 21? Even more?
ReplyDeleteIMHO, it is not fair to attribute the sins of the mother to her children.
Track and Britta are not seeking the limelight. Let them be. They've got enough baggage because of the Sociopath with a biological tie in their midst.
5:45 PM said of Track&Britta:
ReplyDelete"Leave 'em alone."
the Sea of Pee are very anti baby
ReplyDeleteDestinoRising 29 minutes ago
is it ok yet to congratulate the palins on the impending birth of their new grandchild? there are photos all over the internet and sources close to the palins are talking about it. or are the purity trolls going to flag me because its supposed to be some kind of shameful secret?
palinsupporter1 liked this
anonlou 11 minutes ago in reply to DestinoRising
Yes, its ok. Congratulations to Track and Britta, on the pending birth of their daughter due at the end of August. No its not a shameful secret, but Track wants no part of the spotlight and its his choice to keep this gift to themselves. Frankly I think its shameful whoever it was who posted those pictures. It was obviously someone close to the family.
Firelight 20 minutes ago in reply to DestinoRising
feel free to post a pic and those sources
temilola 12 minutes ago in reply to Firelight
wat is shamful have u all forgotten dat they are married the can children if they choose to
DestinoRising 0 minutes ago in reply to temilola
unmarried people can also have children if they choose to. and unmarried people can get pregnant and then get married. its a fine Palin Family tradition. in fact its an AMERICAN TRADITION. and so far all the pictures i have seen of the Palin-Hansen Wedding and Baby Shower were released by THE FAMILY!!!
Firelight 0 minutes ago in reply to temilola
Clearly you didn't read. I said nothing about shameful, forgetting or choice in children.
I said "feel free to post a pic and those sources".
You come on here making a claim with nothing to back it up. I have heard no such rumor so it makes sense that I would ask for those sources and pics you are bragging about.
It it's true then congrats to the very cute, very happy couple!
Now, either put up or shut up.
DestinoRising 0 minutes ago in reply to Firelight
why dont you use google like everyone else in the free world
palinsupporter1 26 minutes ago in reply to DestinoRising
Your desperate and Pathetic. I hope someday you find better use your time than trolling on a website.
temilola 10 minutes ago in reply to palinsupporter1
if it is true it is ok dey are a married couple and are allowed to have children
DestinoRising 0 minutes ago in reply to temilola
bristol wasnt married. does that mean she was not allowed to have children? i find nothing to be ashamed about when GOD sends a baby to the world. what i find shameful are the secrets, lies, and intolerance people express about things that are none of their business. a baby is a gift and they should all be welcomed into the world that way.
"I'm of the opinion that unless Track and/or Britta publicly start waving the flag for Sarah, they should be left completely alone. Track essentially disappeared from the Sarah-Pack after the VP thing fell through. He doesn't go on her book tours, or ride that Godawful bus, or create a blog to shill for her, or compete on reality shows, and so on.
ReplyDeleteLeave 'em alone."
@5:45 PM
Why should we leave them alone? His mother doesn't leave innocent people alone.
I have been a long-time reader and fan of IM. I am very familiar with the style of informed chit/chat and respectful discussion which takes place here. I respect Gryphen for his "hands-off" approach to this message board, unless someone totally crosses the line.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, I sadly recognize that over the past few months there has been a new breed of "Anonymous" posters here, who are more than eager to leap into even the most boring stories and offer up grandiose attempts at gasp! Conspiracy Theories!!!
For example: Willow stood in for Bristol to give a public, paid-for speech; Willow drove the motorcycle which ferried the un-invited Scarah around that Veteran's celebation; Bristol had a stand-in for some TV appearance after her crappy chin surgery...
The majority of people who are regulars here can roll their eyes and recognize another nutbar who thinks that he/she has found a sympathetic audience. Most of us keep quiet, which probably encourages the nutbars.
What set me off tonight are the new attacks on Britta and Track for their involuntary exposure about their expected baby. To summarize a few:
"She registered at Target as Hanson, Hmmmm?????": When I got married back in 1989 when it was still near-scandalous to do so, I refused to change my last name. Why should Britta do so, now that we're in the 2000s?? And it's NONE of our business!!!
"Oh look, there's a single bed! They can't be married" It's a baby's room, dumbass.
"It's obviously a baby's room, there's a crib... really rich folks have a bed for their nanny or babysitter." Well how about, people who actually have the space for it, and give thoughtful consideration to the needs of a newborn, might decide that a spare bed in the baby's room would be terrific for nursing and keeping an eye on the child? Not scandalous enough for you? Too bad!
Who cares when these two got married, or if they even did. Lies spread by the She-Grizzly should not be attributable to the cubs. Track and Britta have done a stunning job of laying low, even when Scarah has done everything in her power to keep her "brand" on top, and if she somehow coerced them into posing for "wedding" pictures (remember Frank Bailey's account of her bawling on the phone to him about Biskit's pregnancy), then believe it that Track is nothing more than another pawn in her game.
Again, I will refer to that small percentage of crazy fringe IM commentators who are trying to start up unsupportable rumours and shoot down people whose voices are reasonable.
Do we recall what happened with "Wendy the Waitress"? She got heckled out of here pretty quick, for no good reason. And no amount of pleading and self-flagellating would bring her back.
IM people, we are our own worst enemies sometimes. Let's keep things reasonable.
I think Bristol, aka ¨The Neck,¨ is leaking the photos. Everyone is supportive of Britta, even most of the people here, and it has been that way since The Neck has known Britta.
ReplyDeleteThe Neck is jealous of Britta´s happiness and sarah is jealous of all the attention Britta is getting.
"Here's a very fair question. Does everyone who comments daily on blogs know his/her family members as well as you think you know the Palins? Man, I hope you devote at least as much time to your families as you do with shallow gossip about other people.
ReplyDeleteWhat's even sadder, you know nothing about these people you endlessly speculate about. Bahahahahahaha
And cue the attacks on me in 321. Go ahead. You cannot refute one thing I just said because you know it's true."
@6:52 PM
Cue the troll whining about the "attacks" on them in 321...
Please don't tell us what you think we can't "refute." I assure you most of us worry about our own families than these losers. And, how do you know nobody here knows them? You don't! I bet most people in this country thank their lucky stars they don't know them.
I only wish the Palins devoted more time to their familes instead of spreading "shallow gossip about other people," while whoring for attention.
I really can't stand track or britta, he for the bus episode, and she for her history with big boss. But I don't understand how either are to blame because of this "abstinence" thing. He has never promised or preached it, that I know of. All I hope for is that the new baby has a fighting chance to be normal.
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to wrapping paper? Gift bags are great when something is hard to wrap, but just says lazy the rest of the time.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes to the couple. Hope they are smart enough to stay away from the family Christian hypocrisy business.
7:55 said "Why should we leave them alone? His mother doesn't leave innocent people alone."
ReplyDeleteWe should leave them alone because otherwise it lowers us to $arah's bullying level.
Come on, folks. The cleverly disguised wolves-in-sheeps'-clothing-UnTrolls are hoping this whole saga will take wing.
ReplyDeleteMission? Well, shucks, Track and Britta are doin' the Will and Kate thang...of course.
It was already staged that way by the crazy Dowager Queen mother-in-law. That crazy Palin woman has been trying to upstage the royal family all winter.
I'm betting that Sarah and her staff "leaked" that photo and are hoping that the "story" will capture the public's attention and go viral.
1.) 'Cause she's losing publicity. Need some more. Nobody's done nuthin' for awhile. Need some magazine spreads. New family baby? Fabulous! Good! Just right! Where's People Magazine and U.S. Weekly (flippin' through the Blackberry...)?
2.) Newsweek cover flopped. Movie flopped. Quick! We need a story!
Britta! Track! You're up,earn your keep!
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess most of us who come here, including Gryphen are conspiracy theorists because most of us who come here believe in baby-gate! Some people believe baby-gate is just a conspiracy theory! Not all of us anoymous posters are crazy assholes, either. It is easier for some, like myself to post anonymously.
And I still say, fuck Track and Britta! They're fair game!
I don't care if Track and Britta got married, and are welcoming a new grifter into the family. They are fair game.
ReplyDeleteHenry: (Reading Klinger's excuse letters) Mother dying last year. Sister dying last year. Mother dying and older sister pregnant. Sister dying and mother pregnant. Here is an oldie but a goodie... half the family dying... the other half pregnant. Klinger aren't you ashamed of yourself?
ReplyDeleteKlinger: Yes sir... I don't belong in the Army.
And Her Heinous doesn't deserve the White House. Seriously.
I really don't like this focus on Track and Britta and their unborn child. I really, really hate Sarah Palin and all she stands for, and I'm not that nuts about Bristol, either, since she's become her mother's sock puppet. But I have felt for a long time that Track wants nothing to do with this bunch... his youthful problems aside... and I applaud any effort he makes to get out.
ReplyDeleteBritta is the daughter of a pastor of a fairly liberal denomination. She has some education and experience behind her. She and Track are not teenagers anymore, and they made the decision to get married and be responsible for their baby. If they are lucky, maybe her parents' influence can overcome the Palin dysfunction and give this young family a fighting chance to succeed. I don't see their situation as being hypocritical or deserving of our contempt in any way.
Sarah and Bristol, on the other hand, continue to make a mockery of marriage, pregnancy, parenthood, authorship, and the role of women in public life. Were it not for their innocent children, I would wish them both to fry in hell.
Oh goody! They're gonna pop out their own 'flower girl' just in time for their wedding re-enactment in the fall!!
ReplyDeletePer Target, the babys date has been moved...
ReplyDeleteBritta's baby girl
Parent(s): Britta Hanson
Expected Arrival Date: September 29, 2011
Location: wasilla, AK
Don't feed family values and have all these unwed pregnant woman in the family, one mistake yes. this isn't about Track and Britta it's about the Palin/Heath family, don't act so pure and good and comdemn others when you live in a glass house yourself.The Palin/Heath clan live in a glass hopuse , all of them.
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah, Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?
Ya know, what with your new grand baby delivering soon...
Why are some of you still running with the Track school buses story? One of the boys who DID do it said very clearly that Track wasn't involved:
That's more proof as to him not doing it, than there's been as to him doing it. In fact, it seems all we've heard was a rumor, and that's it. People took it and ran with it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Anyway, congrats to Track. Sarah is a big hypocrite, but we always knew that. I hope Track wasn't forced into the marriage to save face for Sarah.
And Her Heinous doesn't deserve the White House. Seriously.
ReplyDelete8:44 PM
Her Heinous doesn't deserve the dog house!
Wow, too bad Britta doesn't have Tight Abs like Sarah.
ReplyDeleteBritta is the daughter of a pastor"
And they both participated in a lie with $carah, by not saying,
(about those future big wedding with the family plans) well, really we
a) have other reasons we don't want to discuss or
b) we're pregnant and wanted the baby born in wedlock - or pseudo wedlock. And now we have no further comment. Please respect our privacy.
But no- they let $carah lie and said nada, zip, zilch, zero NOTHING.
Britta, Track and Maw and Paw Hanson are liars - fair game all the way.
How much of a distraction is this from the bad movie reviews?
ReplyDeleteSarah is jumping (doing a triple toe loop over) the shark with letting these pics come out. They were sent out to numerous friends and she knew that someone would get this to you, Gryphen. Still, it is silly that her family is proof that abstinence is a joke that doesn't work.
congrats sarah on grandchild #3!
ReplyDelete"Track has stayed out of the limelight. There have been times when he could have easily cashed in on the Palin notoriety, but he didn't."
ReplyDeleteSo he gave People Magazine the wedding photo out of the goodness of his heart?
I wish Track and Britta and the baby the best, but they have NOT stayed out of the limelight.
To those of you who insist on slamming Track & Britta, could you try to show a smidge of humanity and leave the baby alone? She's not even born yet and people are already trashing her. There is no way you can justify doing something that low.
ReplyDeleteRegarding Britta moving the date of the baby's birth to September 29th from August 29th on the Target website:
ReplyDeleteI think that was because the secret's out now. They don't want all of the attention coming on to them when the baby's due.
I also think that's the reason why she used her maiden last name instead of Palin.
I might be waaay off here, but to me, that bed looks like one of those cribs that converts to a bed when the child is ready for it. I also notice that it appears to have "boy" bedding on it. I think we are looking at a little boy's room that is now going to be shared by a boy and the new baby.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing I noticed from a previous post (can't remember now which) there was a picture of Bristol holding Tripp and it appears to have been taken in his room - but on the shelf in the background is one of those wooden "name signs" and it says TRIG. I'll see if I can find that pic but wanted to bring it up while I remember it...
Nothing ever adds up with this family.
I wish them well, though. Truly.
who cares if track and britta decided to get married after they knew she was preggers?
ReplyDeletei know we all care about his momma's and sis's idiocy-n-hypocrisy on the topic of sex-before-marriage as a political talking point, but if we pretend he's just a "guy with a crazy family" is he much different than any 20-something guy you know in your own life?
some teenage-early-20's guys are bigger idiots than others, but they all are almost NEVER knowing proxies for their parents or younger living siblings odd social/cultural/religious passions.........
if track had been a "normal" young person to enlist in the US armed services it's totally in that culture to marry even younger than he did, preggers or not (mostly not, actually) if for no reason than that you get better benefits and some better military housing options. (and the whole "i could die before i do this if i don't do it now, and i think i love you" thing.)
so, regardless of what he did, why he came home so quick, etc. he still obviously spent some time living in a culture where people tend to get married around age 20 +/- 2 years, and then happened to marry his long time GF (who was also pregnant) when they were what? -about 22?
if his mom wasn't famous NONE of us who don't personally know him or britta would care one wit about this.
and yes, "we" can argue that if bristol "teaches abstinence" it's a poor mark on her "teaching skills" that she couldn't even influence her big brother's GF-
BUT let's be a bit realistic -anyone here have a sibling who we found ourselves at odds with in matters of ideas -as teenagers or older? or sibling we just plain loved but kinda didn't like? one we argued and tussled with over mom-n-dad's attentions? and how many readers here are looking back on that with a perspective of literally being older than age 22?
if their mom wasn't famous -and bristol's own efforts to be in the public eye (which are her own, or at least probably NOT track's ideas...) hadn't happened would we have ANY reason to care about track and britta's baby-making -in OR out of wedlock?
as someone who thinks it's just fine to have babies as a single woman, an unmarried hetero couple, an adoptive solo dad, or any gay couple or gay singleton, i'm just happy that it appears a "wanted-baby" is going to be born soon to these youngish people.
i would hate to be judged on the actions and statements of my younger sister, my parents, my cousins, aunts/uncles, etc. despite the fact that i love them all. we often disagree, we usually quickly make-amends socially as a family, but we still disagree on the initial point of argument (yeah, politics, religion, environmental issues, etc.). and that's okay, we're all our own people and still family!
so until track and britta give us reason to consider them "public persons/personas" -just as bristol has clearly done- i'm much more with the "leave them alone, just notice if they do something of note" than the "their lives are an indictment of momma and lill' sis! scrutinize them thusly!"
and if anyone remembers my name, all the way back to early audrey post comments, it should be clear that i'm no 'bot, just a realistic person.
wonder how the Menards feel about the new addition to their family.
ReplyDeleteAndrea and Thisby, agree with your comments.
ReplyDeleteAnon liar@10:00, nobody is trashing the unborn baby! How do you have the gall to post such garbage??!!
Why isn't track and britta living together?
ReplyDeleteMaybe britta and palin can compare pregnancies-trigs with hers. HAHAHA
ReplyDeleteWell, it appears the Target Baby Registry no longer has Britta Hanson registered. And there's no Britta Palin, either. You can check for yourself:
ReplyDeleteWas she told to take it out because of giving the Aug 29 truth?
Look if track and britta didn't want to be in the light, they should have stayed off the pages. They are going to sell bascially the same stories as da ho bustol. Break ups, make ups, first home, wedding pics, honeymoon pics, babies' pics. Watch.
ReplyDeleteIs everyone named after things in wasilla?
your reminded me my sons first Baby Shower Invitations Booming party..
ReplyDeleteI wish this lady lots of luck with this crazy family. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, certainly you've seen Goodfellas, the movie. In the Palin crime family when babies are born, it is required all those in the "family" are to give. Now the definition of being in the Palin family: If you've ever accepted hush money from Sarah or Todd for secrets you know, or contributed to their life of crime and bribed them.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, leave Track and his bride/baby alone. It is obvious that he knows he's a Menard and thinks his mom is a nutball, but is trying to have a normal life. He isn't standing in front of the camera like his sister, pretending to be something he isn't.
ReplyDelete"Why are some of you still running with the Track school buses story? One of the boys who DID do it said very clearly that Track wasn't involved"
ReplyDeleteHow incredibly SUSPICIOUS that one comes out to say that Track did not do it. Why would the guy say anything about Track? Did he also too come out and name those who he says were not Track who were involved? No? Someone told the guy to say something to clear Track and that right there is why I do believe Track was involved.
For me, the only sad thing in all of this is that Sarah is too busy playing queen Esther to announce proudly that she is expecting a grand child. I think it is sad that she is obviously ashamed of her son and daughter in law. Also, if Britta is due in august, she knew for some time before the rush wedding that she was pregnant. Why did they wait to marry? Afraid to tell Sarah perhaps?
ReplyDelete10:00 pm Trash the baby?
ReplyDeleteI read all the comments and unless I missed it, I saw no comment trashing the baby.
Are you making up stuff? Gryphen would never allow anyone to trash a baby. Grow up!
Track and Britta are fair fair game.
ReplyDeleteThey are in People magazine, made to look like innocents in college when in actuality they are irresponsible, got pregnant maybe before they are financially, emotionally or common sensically ready. And were we told she was pregnant in the wedding pics? Trying to fool the public while collecting a nice lettle nest egg? Fuck that. Fair game.
Britta gets a well paying job with the admins out of HS? Nepotists- Are- Us up in Wasilly.
Also, too, both Track, Britta, the good Lutheran in laws ALL know Sarah is a fucking liar and did not give birth to Tri-g in April 08. If one of them would have the cajones to out that little secret, well, then they would earn my respect. Until them, lying opportunists, all of them.
Sarah, grandma times - what is it now? 3,4,5?????
After looking more closely at the picture, I wonder just how much money Britta is getting fromt he Palins or are Wasillians just woefully poor interior designers? Cherry Single sleigh bed for the nursing mom/nanny....Walnut crib....white book case....Makes me wonder if this is a work in progress OR has already been thrown together for a mystery baby earlier in the compound?
ReplyDeleteKate Hudson 10 days after giving birth still has a baby tummy like someone who has really given birth..
Anonymous @ 5:24pm said...
ReplyDelete"The picture is taken in a babies room. You can see the crib on the left side."
Do you mean baby's room or babies' room?
ReplyDeleteOK, there are some problems with your logic:
1) "She has some education and experience behind her." Her experience is serving as an EXECUTIVE SECRETARY to her boyfriend's mother, who just so happens to be the GOVERNOR, then, with all her 19 months of experience, she continues with a second GOVERNOR. All with her high school diploma. In my experience, executive secretaries are far older, more experienced, impeccable and very well paid (i.e. $85,000 plus). This isn't some girl who waited tables to get through college.
2) "She and Track are not teenagers anymore, and they made the decision to get married and be responsible for their baby."
You see, this one is a doozy: did you see the pictures of the "wedding"? The ripped up bouquet from the Piggly Wiggly and the jeans and fleece jackets? So I'm not sure how we can honestly say this was a well-planned decision to get married and be responsible for their baby. And, also too: They are showing that responsibility by a) getting paid a six-figure check for selling their "private wedding photos" to People magazine for all the world to see, and b) moving into the compound that momma's PAC paid for.
BTW, I don't mean we shouldn't wish them well, but just don't buy the whole "young, innocent, private" bullshit. Oh, and I don't personally care whether their child is conceived out of wedlock. My 16 yo daughter stood up in her parents' wedding at 22 months, and we celebrate 15 years next month. Nowadays, marriage, also, too, is a choice. More power to them.
Gryphen, you realize you've just crossed over into Murdoch territory, right?
ReplyDeletePublishing photos that were clearly private take by "friends" who are only interested in getting the story and didn't care if they violated anyone's trust.
So stop wishing these kids "all the best" while you broadcast their private business for everyone to see, all so people can issue snarky comments that they have somehow done something "wrong" and deserve to be punished because their relatives runs their mouths.
ReplyDelete"Why do people specifically wish some people well? Isn't it the HUMAN thing to do to wish EVERY HUMAN BEING well?
If you answer no, then you're a scumbag who deserves a lashing."
1: I guess you haven't really been around humans very long, have you.
2: ROFL I almost got whiplash from the hypocrisy! Nice one!
Oh well, let the slings and arrows fly! I wish them well, even wish the judgmentals who say we should wish everyone well because we're human and that's what humans do.
ReplyDeleteWhy leave Track and Britta alone?
Track CHOSE to be on his mother's reality show, and I'm sure he got paid for it. Track and Brit chose to be in People magazine for the wedding, non wedding, pre announcement for a future wedding to give family and friends from far far away time, and better weather to make it to Ahhhhhlaaaaakaaaaah, docha know?
Who poses for a magazine pre announcing that a wedding will happen in the future, unless someone's reputation is at stake and moolah's involved.
That photo was an impromptu mother's day staged photo to perpetuate a lie that makes Sarah look good. Did Track or Britta say "NO! We're adults and want our privacy respected" NAH There's quick money to be made.
Anyone willing to bet there'll be a photo spread with photos of Grandma, Track, Britta, and healthy baby girl?
Trackster got to "serve the country" (probably doing paper work in a well protected bunker because mama pulled some strings) to avoid the embarrassment Mama would have endured had it been known he went before a judge for vandalizing school busses. Who serves for 9 months and gets a Christmas pass? Most single soldiers who EARN the right, pass it on to married soldiers with families because they're a band of brothers. Didn't Track show up at a Sarah event in his uniform around Chistmas?
The dude who posed with the dead innocent iraqi was best buds with Track, did he get paid for those photo ops? Don't think so. Did Sarah or Track come out with a statement trying to distance themselves from it or damn the actions in any way?
And who's leaking these photos now, and why?
So Sarah dosen't have to deal with the moral issue at a later date.
Sarah exploits every human being in her family every chance she gets, and moreso if it makes her money.
What's with the black clothes when pregnant with all the palin women? When I was pregnant and working, I found that wearing well taylored clothes with some color made me feel better about how I looked, prouder of what I was about to become, and lifted the spirits of everyone around me as well.
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows you're pregnant, so why wear black when you're a beautiful, radiant, young woman about to bring a life into the world?
Or is it a Wassilla tradition we never heard of?
track and britta are co-conspirators in the palin deception - i wish them happiness and success in their personal life, and it would surprise me if they ever got fair trials for the crimes they've committed so far
ReplyDeleteI wish them well. I'm just a little surprised.
ReplyDeleteWhy get pregnant first? And why get married after?
this is a general question and has nothing to do with this couple.
There really are great birth control methods out there and if you are going to have sex, you should use them.
So anybody that is having sex should protect themselves against pregnancy unless they want to have a baby.
If republicans believe there should be sex before marriage and don't want to have sex education in schools, then shouldn't the expectation be that no evangelicals will get pregnant?
Now I'm back to the palins.
So why have 3 generations and 2 palin children have gotten pregnant before marriage?
Hello? With those odds palin is a Hypocrite with a capitol H.
Her morals belong in her family, not in my government!!!
"How incredibly SUSPICIOUS that one comes out to say that Track did not do it. Why would the guy say anything about Track? Did he also too come out and name those who he says were not Track who were involved? No? Someone told the guy to say something to clear Track and that right there is why I do believe Track was involved."
Honestly, this sounds nutty. The boy spoke about it because Track is the one being rumored about. No one is talking about the other boys.
Do you know how nutty it sounds to use evidence to say "that proves it is TRUE!" What would convince you it's not, then? All you're gonna do is refute anything that suggests otherwise, because it's what you want to believe.
This is the same crap people do to Obama.
We really need to keep a grip on reality, and not just believe rumors for the sake of believing them. Who's more reliable. A random liberal host who was suggesting a theory, or someone who was actually there?
That person could be lying, but it's ludicrous to right off the bat assume he is, when you have no real reason to believe Track did anything.
If you also look at the article, the mother of one of the other boy's who were involved in the school bus incident said that Track wasn't involved.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the boy named in the article was expelled from school. Track was not. Yeah, I guess you could then say "well maybe Sarah pulled strings", but that's unlikely, as you'd think boy would be upset if he got expelled and Track didn't. That obviously isn't the case, as he very clearly states that Track wasn't even involved.
People really need to stop believing just what they want to believe. There is enough legitimately crazy stuff going on in Palinworld that it's not fair to state an unsubstantiated a rumor about Track as fact, when in fact, all of the evidence suggests that the rumor was completely untrue.
If there is another reality show in this, I won't be surprised. Not only does she use her children for publicity, she uses her grandchildren. Sarah needs it like an addict.
ReplyDeleteBristol once told a friend she was the "golden child," which she must think that she's her mom's favorite. Why wouldn't she? Sarah does love all the free media attention. But it is interesting she didn't pay attention to her, only used her to babysit or do things for her until People covers/dwts/etc. -- I mean her assistant had to BEG Sarah to spend time with Bristol and her sisters, remember? That e-mail spoke volumes to me.
Now, she uses Sarah back to help her ratings/book sales. They use each other.
Track even cashed in on SPA. He could have kept out and I would have respected him more. Now the photo of the marriage in People. He better see the dollar signs in grandma Palin's eyes now that she will have another cute baby for magazine covers soon. Sad.
I really hope this grandchild calls her "grandma" too and upsets her just as much as when Tripp did it.
ReplyDeleteto the person who is trying to claim that track had nothing to do with the school bus incident:
ReplyDeleterumor goes around wasilla that track was involved in a crime. track never says he wasn't involved. the quitter never says he wasn't involved. tracks "father" never says that he wasn't involved. in fact, the very well-known family is completely silent on the rumors accusing one of their own of theft and vandalism.
but some kid makes a statement to the press that track wasn't involved. not buying it, because this is a pattern with the palins - getting other people to come to their defense (didja see the defeated yet?).
if you were a public figure and your son was being accused of something he didn't do, wouldn't you go out there and put it on the public record that your kid was innocent? then why didn't the palins? why was it left up to one of the kids involved? and is he really going to admit to the press that track was involved? I mean get real.
Bus Vandalism =
ReplyDeleteI agree with the posters who say leave this couple alone. In fact, Gryphen, maybe it is a little over the top to have posted this photo. Track Palin has never asked for, nor deserved any of the publicity that has come his way. He also seems to go out of his way to avoid any publicity. He has remained his own person despite being a part of the Palin family drama.
ReplyDeleteI think Sarah Palin has major issues with her own inflated sense of self importance and she is capable of major acts of a delusional nature; ie, imagining herself vice presidential/president. But, the issue she grapples with most assuredly is the fact her parenting is so slipshod. Like all magical thinking parents she just expected her children would be perfect and successful. She didn't really consider the incredible amount of energy parenting requires. The goal of a good parent is to raise adult- capable children and I think Sarah views her children as accessories, like a piece of jewelry or a particularly useful purse.
How betrayed she must have felt when Bristol became pregnant and she had to actually engage with the consequences of that very serious "mistake" as they phrase this part of their lives. Especially, considering her behind-the-scenes campaign to become the VP nominee. Her very selfish nature caused her family to become second place in her life. I think this behavior was on full display in 2008. No concerned mother would have allowed her pregnant teen daughter to be humiliated the way Sarah Palin did to Bristol during the GOP convention. One glaring example was the thoughtless way Bristol was presented in that ugly ill-fitting dress that only drew attention to her changing body. It was like she was being punished. Sarah, given her shopping abilities, didn't take time to help Bristol with this very simple task. It says to me there is a serious lack of empathy for her children.
I imagine Track is aware of this and tries his best to stay out of the crossfire. I think we should respect his good sense in this regard and leave his family alone.
anon @ 8:36 am sez:
ReplyDelete"all of the evidence suggests that the rumor was completely untrue."
what evidence?
do you have any more evidence than one statement to the press from one of the guilty parties?
let's remember the willow breaking and entering event - one of the kids says "yeah she was there but she wasn't involved in any of the vandalism" - are we supposed to take that person's word as evidence? again, this is another example of how when the palin kids fuck-up, the parents will leave it up to others to clear their name. willow fucks up, and one of her acquaintances declares her innocence. track fucks up, and one of his acquaintances declares his innocence. AND THE PARENTS SAY NOTHING. same pattern.
ReplyDeleteSorry, by alloing the release of the Hatcher Pass photo, with NO correction when $carah lied about why there was that pseudo wedding, then they have also lied, allowed their images to be used to bolster $carah's ambitions, and put themselves "out there." Ditto for Britta's parents.
Fair game to comment on, snark about, use to highlight $carah's bad parenting/hypocrisy/dysfunction.
What does Uncle Trig think about this?
ReplyDeleteThis got cut off.
Are people really not reading?
ReplyDeleteThere are two statements in that article. One of them from the boy involved, and the other from the mother of another one of the boys involved.
The article also states that the boy in the article was expelled from the school due to the incident. Track was never expelled and graduated on time.
I'm sorry, but you guys sound worse than the birthers. You keep saying "this isn't proof, this isn't evidence." What evidence do YOU have? It makes you look like an idiot to go around accusing someone of something just because some random person said something at one time, when everyone else is saying the exact opposite.
I can't stand Palin, but clinging to a rumor like this that has absolutely no factual basis just makes all of us look bad. Like I said, there a million and one things that we can go after Palin on.
If we are going to talk shit about a family member who hasn't really chased the spotlight, I think it's best to talk about things grounded in reality.
And for the record, yes, Sarah has addressed the bus thing as being untrue, but that shouldn't matter, as her word means nothing. Everything else I stated in this post does matter, though.
Also, anyone with half a brain should know that the "Track joined the military to get out of jail time" theory makes absolutely no sense, as he joined the military almost three years after the bus incident happened. Sentencing doesn't take that long.
As for Track chasing the spotlight because of the People pic...that's ridiculous. Now that we know that Britta is pregnant, it seems pretty obvious that Sarah released the pic to try to save a little bit of face. Track probably went along with it because Sarah probably guilted him about causing embarrassment to her by giving her her second out of wedlock baby. This way Sarah could try to publicly save a bit of face, and lessen the blow.
ReplyDeleteI would not be surprised if he also releases a pic of the child, because why not get a little bit of money now that it's been thrust into the spotlight? Someone is gonna make money off of that pic, so why not let it be him, especially since he now has a family to support?
I don't think quietly releasing a pic that a lot of people are gonna be after anyway is "chasing the spotlight." I'd hardly qualify Chelsea Clinton as chasing the spotlight, and she's been out there much, much, more than Track.
Anyway, I just think it's ridiculous to act like Track's a big celebrity chaser just because of the People pic, which was probably orchestrated by Sarah.
Having said that, I don't really have a problem with this post, because it does point out Sarah's hypocrisy, and she did draw the attention to the wedding.
Aside from this, though, I don't think it's really fair to delve into Track's private life too much, because he hasn't put himself out there.
I respect the way he's avoided Sarah's carnival.
Sort of OT...but what is Phil Munger's problem? He is such a trouble making, foolish, blowhard. Because of this post he's listed your blog as a Tacky AK Blog on his blogroll. If he's a friend of yours, gryph, you don't need any enemies. He's dogged you more than once and every time it irritates me. I think he might be jealous of your readership.
ReplyDeleteP.S. You should make a category for AK Blogs written by Grumpy Old Men
Again, excuse me 10:14? Chelsea CLinton is the daughter of a former two term president and the daughter of the current Secretary of State. Her wedding was one of those "social events of the century" attended by hundreds that have always been covered in the society pages. It was not a quickie drive for a quickie CYA pseudo wedding which would have needed and garnered NO publicity.
ReplyDeleteAnd for the record - you're an idiot to even try to compare such an accomplished person with AK trailer trash and it's hangers on.
Phil Munger is an ass and is just as stupid as Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteI will never visit his blog again, he thinks his shit don't stink.
I really believe he has some mental problems because he is getting worse.
Gryphen, stay safe cause Phil is mentally unbalanced.
No one has a bit of evidence that Track or Britta released the wedding picture to People. It's possible that Sarah released that photo. She appears to have People magazine on her speed dial. Perhaps Track has learned to stay away from his mother, and not to cross her. We have no idea if he got mad about the photo being published or was ok with it. He keeps a very low profile. He is not like his publicity seeking sister, Bristol. For people who have never lived with a Narcissist, it's hell. Imagine walking on eggshells your entire life. Imagine being part of a dysfunctional family whose purpose is to be your famous mother's prop. I lived with a Narcissist. It's amazing how screwy your thinking becomes when living with one, and he wasn't even one tenth as bad as Sarah is.
ReplyDeleteImagination is a gift. Here is my gift to the Palins. An imaginary future email dated 8/29/11:
ReplyDeleteIt's a girl! Congratulations Sarah on the newest member of the clan. Sooo cute how your children continue the tradition of choosing names with very personal family meaning. Enjoy little Shailey.
Gawker just posted the story and pictures.
ReplyDeleteThey got it all straight from Facebook, from a friend of Britta's Facebook profile. So these pictures were not LEAKED by anyone. They were easily available on Facebook.
Just FYI.
As the saying goes, "If you do it, we can talk about it." Don't send photos to People if you don't want everyone opining about you!
ReplyDeleteHow do they know it's a girl?
ReplyDeleteHope all goes well for expected little one. These Palins preach abstinence but don't practice it, at all.
ReplyDeleteI abstained but never preached others to, it was my own personal choice.
As far as keeping her maiden name, would you want his name? And I don't give a crap for Track I don't give Palin kids a pass.. They got enough of those already in Alaska, That SOB got away with vandalism and several cases of theft of snow machines and 4 wheelers in which he trespassed to steal he got a pass on that because he is a Palin thats BS.
ReplyDeleteIn response to any who responded to my comment:
ReplyDeleteFair enough, I was unaware that Britta had worked for Herself the Magnificent, and of certain of the facts involving Track. That has changed my mind a bit.
Now I have a question: It seems to be well known that nobody in Wasilla wants to cross Sarah because they're all afraid of her and her power - can you imagine how her own children feel when it comes to fearing her? Sarah sounds like an out of control mental case anyway - perhaps she has threatened them so much over the years, and has made good on those threats as well.
What a horrible way for them to live. Her for the threatening of her own children, them for having been so beaten down over the years that they probably no longer seek to escape. Bristol is obviously completely brainwashed and nothing but a younger version of her mother, as is the nest daughter in line whose name I can't remember - is it Exxon? Anyway, whichever one shoved the other's face into a cake - I can totally see Sarah shoving one of her own children's face into a cake, like it's a bizarre and cruel family tradition. I'm betting there were plenty of other incidents like that.
I think her whole family is terrified of her, with reason.
Anonymous 5:12 PM:"I sincerely hope creepy stalkers don't follow her around hoping for pics or info."
ReplyDeleteThe only creepy unhinged stalker Track and Britta need to worry about is their new baby's famewhore granny. What do you want to bet she'd sell them down the river to get more attention for herself? Just like she did with Bristol and poor "Trigger!"
5:40 PM said...
ReplyDelete"Holy shit, look at her! Going by the Palin pregnancy measurement system, she must be at like 27 months!"
Or maybe she's pregnant with quintuplets! ;-)
The Frontiersman? Ha Ha Ha that paper is bias bull I am from wasilla and I never read or buy that toilet paper. Credibility NONE! It has gotten so shitty and racist in the last 10 years I wonder if Murdoch or Palin bought it?
ReplyDeleteBaby names? I suppise I have a few suggestions...
And if it's a girl: Yvette or Susan.
And if it's a girl: Yvette or Susan.
Radar Online has picked this story up. This family is one big mess. Just think they could be in the White House. So proud of our President and his great family.
ReplyDelete"Phil Munger is an ass and is just as stupid as Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteI will never visit his blog again, he thinks his shit don't stink.
I really believe he has some mental problems because he is getting worse.
Gryphen, stay safe cause Phil is mentally unbalanced."
Get real. Jesse is a person I would defend to the ends of the earth, should he ask for or need my help.
I found this post to be offensive. Some of the comments are far, far worse.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to add to my Anon 12:44 comment about no one leaking the pics and about them having been open to anyone on Facebook.
I posted that to help squash any of the conspiracy theories of a family insider or other such insidious ideas floating around leaking the pics from the event.
Cause it looks like, from what Gawker has, they got nabbed from the Facebook page.
Nonetheless, I forgot to say Kudos to you for having the Scoop first! And having the class and tact not to brag about :) We all know you did and its been posted in the Gawker comments also.
Wow, those morals!! Looks like brother should have listened to sister. I wonder what Palin family talks sound like when this kind of news happens. See, it wouldn't be a matter if Grams didn't preach to others about morals. Got it? You get judged largely because you point the finger first! It's called "Hypocrisy!"
ReplyDeleteNow, we get to talk to her twin from Minnesota talk about Satan!