Sunday, March 11, 2012

Game Change tweets.

"No the movie is lies I tell you, all lies!"
I am just now becoming fully awake, after emerging from my slumber with what apparently is a Game Change hangover, which includes a rather significant headache and eyes that won't focus properly. (At least I don't have a Mike Tyson tattoo on my face or a tiger in my bathroom,)

So I am still gathering my thoughts and hopefully a little input from others before I write my review.

However the long and short of it was that I found it amazing. It inspired within me a very visceral and emotional response that I actually found somewhat fatiguing.

In my humble opinion Palin is finished, and there is NO credible news organization, or political organization,  that will EVER take her seriously again. And yes it was very accurate. VERY accurate.

Anyhow here are my tweets from last night, which of course were my impressions in real time to the movie as it unfolded.

Finally Alaska gets to see Game Change! 

Don't do it McCain! Ya dumb shit! (This in response to McCain first being presented with Palin as a potential running mate.)

How did Schmidt NOT see that she was a psycho? (Julianne Moore captured Palin's somewhat psychotic look early in the film, which I thought should have chilled Schmidt to his very core.)

"It's God's plan" says Palin in response to Schmidt's observation that she is unfazed by her pick as VP candidate. Scary stuff! 

Uh oh! There goes the other shoe! #GameChange (This is when the campaign starts to learn that Palin's assurances that there was nothing troubling in her background is demonstrated to be complete mooseshit.)

"I have been asked when her amniotic fluid started leaking." Response, "When did it start leaking?" #gamechange (I LOVE that it was the two authors of Game Change, Mark Halperin and John Heileman, who were shown posing THAT particular question.)

Cold as ice to Levi. Well THAT part is certainly accurate #gamechange (The look that Moore's Sarah Palin gave Levi when he was trotted out to make Bristol look like less of a tramp, should have rendered him impotent for the rest of his life. Icy cold exchange in the film.)

A Fraud is Born! #gamechange (This as Palin takes the stage at the convention.)

I think Nicole Wallace is starting to smell brimstone. #gamechange  (In the film it seems to be Wallace that first notices that Palin might not simply be unprepared, but in fact a lunatic.)

I think it is great that Palin wanted to maintain a close relationship with the head of the British government, the Queen. #gamechange 

$60,000 to hold a poll to see if Palin's reputations was slipping in Alaska. It was. #gamechange (Palin INSISTING that the McCain campaign check her popularity back in Alaska to see if it was slipping. She was clearly upset that without her back in Alaska to urge her people to hack the polls, that the truth about our feelings toward her might be revealed.)

Palin ignores Wallace to focus on her Blackberry. Followed by incredible paranoia. Perfect representation! #gamechange (Palin is nothing if not perceptive to how others are responding to her, and she was clearly picking up on the fact that Wallace was having doubts about her abilities, if not her sanity.)

Makeup room freak out, right before Couric interview! Yikes! #gamechange (Wiping makeup off and claiming that she looked fat. Now THAT'S the Sarah Palin we know.)

Couric interview! Oh yeah, that's the stuff! #gamechange (Clearly I loved this part!)

"Has it occurred to you guys that she might be mentally unstable?" From this Alaskan, "You betcha!" #gamechange (This is Jamey Sheridan, as Mark Salter, stating what should have been obvious to all.)

Wow, that debate between Palin and "O'Biden" just took on a whole new significance for me. #gamechange (Realizing that the campaign essentially scripted all of her responses ahead of time, explains a lot for me.)

"I so don't want to go back to Alaska" The feeling was mutual. #gamechange 

The debate provided the electrical charge that powered up the Frankenstein monster. #gamechange 

And the war hero John McCain learns to fear the creature that he helped to create.#gamechange (McCain expresses concern that she might turn on HIM. Even more frightening than spending five and a half years in a POW camp in Hanoi, is the idea of Sarah Palin putting him in her crosshairs.)

In the end Nicole Wallace could not bring herself to vote in the 2008 election. Palin made her fear a McCain presidency. #gamechange (One of the most powerful scenes in the movie.)

Schmidt "Tell her she's not fucking speaking!" #gamechange (In response to Palin's REPEATED attempts to get on stage and give her very own concession speech.
She simply refused to take no for an answer.)
I was simply blown away by the movie.
And as for its authenticity, well here is what Nicole Wallace had to say about that.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, the Palin campaign didn't like it. How true to life? 

WALLACE: Well, true enough to make me squirm.

As I can well imagine. Out of all of the major players in this movie Nicole's character seems to have the most difficult time rationalizing her support of Palin, and then McCain. In the end becoming so disillusioned that she cannot even cast her vote for the ticket that she had worked so hard to support.

Of course the Palin-bots are arguing against the facts like always.

Personally I think it is too late.  The cat is out of the bag, it ran into the road, and is now splattered against the grill of the Palin family Escalade, to eventually be scraped off and plopped onto Sarah's head for some future Fox News interview.

In other words the damage had been done and, despite the spin, it was done, as always, by Palin herself.


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    They elided over enough negatives, showing her somewhat sympathetically with her plain-vanilla family, that the negatives thus stand out in stunning relief. No one can say it's a hatchet job, and, therefore, her hostility, entitlement, lack of loyalty, egotism, spitefulness, and ignorance, are all the more striking.

    She's so "rogue" that, by the end of it, few who were undecided before watching this movie would ever trust her again, either as a candidate or an official.

    And it's FACTS that tear away the curtain and show what she is. Her eyes tell it all as the candidate and his team leave for John McCain to give his concession speech -- she was bitter, angry, and determined to still have her own way, no matter what John McCain or history said. It was frightening -- the same dead and vicious gaze of a psychopath.

    1. hedgewytch9:52 AM

      I recall that Palin still tried to go out on the stage and give her speech. The folks actually turned off the mic and the lights on her. Too bad they didn't include that in the movie.

    2. Damn! Those pesky facts surface once again. With their constant librul bias. Facts be damned!

    3. Now Sarah troll, you know it's true!

    4. I like Gryphen woke up with a "Game Change" didn't help that I was drinking "Smirnoff Ice Green Apple Bite"....WOW those Russian's really know how to make a drink!

      First I have to say...that movie was FANFUCKINGTASTIC! Baldy's moose is COOKED...anybody see that thermometer sticking out of her old wrinkly neck? You know the one that pops up when the turkeys done! HeHe.

      I can't even begin to tell you what my favorite parts of the movie was...but the number one had to be when "Steve" was asking Baldy "policy questions" particular the "who is the Head of England" one and that dodo rattled off her insane answer and then started preening like a peacock! Then I had a picture of Baldy as a peacock...her feathers all spread out...except her's aren't pretty colors at all...oh no...Baldy's feathers would be made up of two or three colors that pink and orange and then some of her feathers would have symbols and numbers...and one of the feathers would just spell out the the word ACKKKK!

      I know some folks think the movie was too nice towards Baldy and her interactions with her family...but did you really think they were going to show the scenes of Baldy screaming at the Toad..."If it wasn't for me mother fucker you wouldn't have those silk boxers to showcase your...*cough*...cajones!" And of course the Toad in his high pitched girlie voice would have screamed back...."STFU....JUICY!" Naw...that scene has to be on the cutting room floor somewhere!

      I still think that phone call with Sarkosy will pop up on the DVD as a deleted scene! Now won't that be a fucking HOOT!
      All in all...I will be watching this again and chuckling my ass off. My hubby watched this with me and of course he's not as informed on the crazy woman as I am but even he said afterwards...that "Bitch is crazy"(he's a New Yorker)! Anyway I got to go lay down...this hangover is kicking my ass!

      * and in my Cleavon Little (Blazin Saddles) voice*

      "Hey....where the trolls at?"

      PS...and wasn't SNL wonderful?? Baldy was played by a MAN!! Baldy got the Linda Tripp(?? WTF) treatment...ya'll remember Linda Tripp was played by John Goodman in a sketch on SNL during the whole Monica Lewinsky shit! And Tom Hanks was on the show too! Give it up can hang out at Nascar with the other Rednecks but that won't change the fact that....


    5. Picture of Baldy hugging a "supporter/bot"...check out those HANDS!!

      Doesn't it look like Baldy's at a funeral?? Yep...because whatever "career" Baldy had....died last night!

  2. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I still think she should be able to deliver her concession the Republican 2012 convention. Wouldn't that be fitting?

  3. lol,love the tweets! Oh man, wondering how the trolls are going to frame their comments now?
    The movie portrayed her as a loving mother, where the hell did they get that idea? I suppose in her own dysfunctional crazy ass way she does love her brood but there are some serious issues here. Guess they didn't want to go all Mommy Dearest in the movie as well, it's bad enough showing her complete ignorance in all things without going there as well.

    great, great movie....loved that they kept referencing MSNBC, so it is Steve Schmidt's way of apologizing to the world by now working for them?

  4. PalinsHoax8:52 AM

    I did not get to see "Game Change" last night. Did the movie show the moment on stage where $carah has her hand caressingly on Levi's jaw?

    1. Nope. Just showed them backstage where she was very COLD to him.

  5. My my, even a stopped (analog) clock is right twice a day... and for once, so is Queen Esther:

    "It's God's plan" says Palin in response to Schmidt's observation that she is unfazed by her pick as VP candidate.

    Part of the plan to sink McCain and get us a sound Presidency when most needed!

  6. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Did anyone see Saturday Night Live's $arah skit last night? LMAO!!!!!! :-)

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      yep. It was icing on yesterday's cake!

    2. I saw the skit, and what I thought was very telling was that there was no attempt to portray her as attractive. Shoot, they had a guy pretending to be her.

      No more oh gawd, but she's so hot!

      Ponder that, Sarah.

  7. Anonymous8:56 AM

    She probably has an acceptance speech all ready for her to deliver thinking if it's a brokered convention she'll be picked as the nominee.

    1. When Brian Boitano does a triple axel on the frozen Amazon River!

    2. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Palin is still not through inflicting her damage on the now-dysfunctional republican party. While it won't be a brokered convention, due to her activities these past 4 years, it will definitely be a BROKEN convention – something the republicans understandably fear because it will all be on camera for the world to see. The republican elites' dilemma: if they forbid her from coming or don't give her the acclaim, accolades, and coverage she demands, she and the base will throw an even bigger tantrum; and if they do accede to her demands, she and the base will continue to pound their nails into the party's closing coffin.

  8. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Reviews on IMDB:

  9. Julianne Moore was brilliant. In those last few scenes especially, it simply WAS Palin on the screen.

    They went way too easy on JOhn McCain. One of 2 things are true; either he was completely disengaged during the process of her selection or he was involved and cynically chose someone he knew was unqualified. Either way he displayed a complete lack of competency to be the POTUS.

  10. Anonymous9:01 AM

    any tips on how to see game change? I don't have HBO, but I really want to see it...

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      I called Comcast, my cable provider on Friday and was given a 3 month free trial of it. You could call your provider and see if they have the same promotion. Although it premiered last night, it will be shown again in the coming days and weeks.

    2. Anonymous11:12 AM


  11. Anonymous9:01 AM

    'Game Change': HBO's Sarah Palin Film Sparks Twitter Reactions

  12. Anonymous9:02 AM

    FBI and Secret Service, keep a very close eye on the Bitch. Remember, this is how Hitler got started.

    1. Please God, do not let there be a fire at the Rotunda!

      (like at the Reichstag...)

  13. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I wonder if there are any emails from her to Frank B. or anyone about the poll she made the campaign do. Also too, I'm kind of glad they played it light on the family, now she can't say the movie attacked her children.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      The was not about her children.

  14. Anonymous9:08 AM

    This was an outstanding movie and I was rivetted to it throughout! Woody was the outstanding star as far as I was concerned! What entity provides awards for HBO movies? "Game Change" will be a winner!!!!

    I so hope that Palin is no longer provided media time and I wonder how FOX will handle it and her. (Hannity is the only one that really handles her anymore!) It is said she isn't liked or respected there either! Are we surprised?

    Sarah Palin is one nasty woman! Know I'd stay away from her as much as possible. Her poor kids! They are the ones that have suffered by having a mother like her. Too bad that Bristol is favoring her, but look at the example she has had!

    Sarah Palin is one huge fraud!!!! Cannot imagine having her balls to attend the Republican Convention in Tampa...attendees will be laughing behind her back, that is for sure! Would also think that any larger gatherings she might encounter will do one hell of a lot of booooooing! She will deserve every bit of it too.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Palin probably feels she would garner much attention at the convention. So by saying she'd be there, she'll force them to let her speak.

      Palin is hell-bent on causing trouble. She hates Obama but, in the future should a Republican ever be President again, I think she'll try to disrupt their presidency, too.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      I wonder if the cameras are running around the Barstool household this morning. The back and forth between Barstool, Wallow, Scara, and Toad the Pimp will make for must see entertainment. Reality show... really? Show us the money, Barstool.

  15. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Another scene that stuck out was when character Steve Schmidt told Sarah that she was NOT cleared in the Troopergate investigation. She was trying to insist she was and I loved his response to her on her willingness to lie and how that wasn't the type of campaign that John McCain was running.

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      I loved this too!!! "NO YOU WERE NOT CLEARED!!"

  16. Anonymous9:09 AM

    My Live Blog of Game Change

  17. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Game Change, the movie, is an example of what happens when you remove the journalists from journalism: you get a story.

    A pretty good one, in fact. By choosing to focus on the psychodrama behind and following John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate, the makers of the movie picked out the 2008's second most compelling narrative (the major one having something to do the history of race in America, whatever) – but by far its most intimate one. Not many people can really identify with the story of a man attempting to fulfill the destiny of an entire people; almost everyone has a story about a blind date gone terribly, terribly wrong.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      That was wonderful!!!!

  18. Anonymous9:12 AM

    "Game Change" is Everything Conservatives Feared it Would Be

    In “Game Change,” Palin is the one who is presented as a goofy and unfair caricature. She is depicted as an angry demanding diva who wants her way at all costs. She throws tantrums, yells and breaks her promises about supporting the McCain ticket. Her personality is extremely exaggerated and distorted in this film.

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      I think that's why she's depicted that way -- because she IS all those things. None of this is news. It was all known at the time for anyone paying attention.

    2. LOL

      Yeah, those durned facts, with their librul bias, do have a way of emerging, no matter how many Rethugs stomp around them in their storm trooper boots to keep them hidden.

  19. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Immensely gratifying to finally see this. So much so, that I'm going to watch it again!

    Anyone else going to re-watch it today?

    1. hedgewytch10:33 AM

      Oh yeah!

    2. Pat in MA10:46 AM

      you betcha!

    3. Anonymous11:11 AM

      I am! It was great, and yes, I absolutely will be watching it again.

    4. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Watching it now in Georgia

    5. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Yes! Whoot!

  20. Anonymous9:14 AM

    If the film, which was adapted from the Mark Halprin and John Heilemann book of the same name, is telling the truth, then we came dangerously close to having a raving lunatic "one 72-year-old's heart beat" away from the White House. Because that is how the film depicted Palin: Stupid, mentally unstable and dangerously ignorant on all things relating to our national interest.

    Even for those of us who don't like Palin anyway, the film was skewering. She did not know North Korea and South Korea were separate countries? If the film had been fiction, it would be hard to believe.

    If the film is "historical fiction" as Palin says, then it is sexist in the extreme. Palin is depicted as being even more incapable and unintelligent than first assumed. She only cared about Alaska and how the state felt about her. More than that, she did not even know what the Fed was. And this woman could have been leading our country?

    Further, the depictions of her mental instability were perhaps the most insulting of all. It is already so hard for women in politics to be taken seriously. In every realm. We are seen as hysterical, not as smart as men, too emotional and, worst of all, we are seen as "mommies." Palin got all that and more in the movie.

    1. hedgewytch9:57 AM

      Interesting twist this review takes- Describes Sarah's personal failings and then projects them on all woman in politics in general.

    2. Sally in MI10:15 AM

      Have you not been watching this woman for four years? She is mentally unstable, and she has set becak women's rights, adn continues to do so with her support of Rush and the entire GOP.
      She is the one who inuslted Hillary for her tears at one even in 2008, then dared to claim SHE would break that glass ceiling for her! The GOP thought that those of us who respect Hillary's intellect, maturity, world experience, and yes, parenting, would fall all over ourselves to vote for Sarah, just because she was female. Fortunately, we liberal women know a fraud when we see one. Any bried Google search of Palin in 2008 revealed her ineptitude at governing and the problems of her children. And that was before people started wondering about Trig's sudden birth to the flat-stomached 46 year old.

    3. What is sexist about portraying her as she is (more than enough evidence from her own mouth over the last three years)?

      What is more insulting to women is Palin herself who has chosen to use the flirt, wink, and wiggle method of getting ahead (because it's all she had).

    4. lostinmn10:26 AM

      Sara probably thinks North and South Dakota are different countries now that they cleared up that Koreathingy for her.

      "God, cool, who knew?" I can hear her respond.

    5. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Why are the depictions of $arah Palins mental instability insulting? It’s true. Women like $arah Palin are the reason some women aren’t taken seriously in politics. It’s mostly women who don’t like $arah Palin, largely because she makes women look bad.

      1.$arah Palin has behaved hysterically in public.

      2. $arah Palin has proven that she is not as smart as many men, women, or dogs.

      3. $arah Palin has been emotional in public.

      4. $arah Palin has repeatedly bragged about her “mommy credentials,” by carry Trig everywhere like a sack of potatoes, giving her perspective about things through a “moms eye view,” and has even said that being a “mom” makes her qualified to be president.

      Women like Hilary Clinton are taken seriously in politics. It’s women like $arah Palin who make women look bad. There was nothing sexist about ‘Game Change,’ and it was true.

  21. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Wonderful movie! Todd was the only one that seemed a bit phony. I hope this movie removes any doubt from people's minds that Sarah is fit for nothing more than hosting a second-rate radio talk show along side her buddy Rush. It amazes me that Sarah, self-proclaimed defender of women and children, defends Rush by saying he has his right to free speech! Shouldn't Letterman and Maher have that same right? OH...I only have freedom of speech when you're NOT talking about the Palins. Incredible!!

    1. hedgewytch9:58 AM

      Todd LOL! Seriously mis-characterized huh? Talk about white-washing a personality! But I guess they couldn't show how much of a bully-pussy Toddy really is. Maybe that will be another movie sometime later - Suggested film title? - Hand Job?

  22. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Just because the movie showed a loving Palin family during the campaign doesn't mean SP was a saint. Of course as a newly-selected VP candidate, she was going to try to impress the campaign team as a wonderful person and mother. This is the way with deceivers. She portrayed herself as someone who didn't use strong language, giving the impression she was a mild-mannered moral woman. This has been her act all her life. That's how she gets selected.

    But when they finally start having to work closely with her, her true personality shone through.

    Not saying she doesn't love her family, but surrounds herself with them like a barrier against attacks from those who really KNOW her.

  23. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Good tweets! I watched Game Change 1 1/2 times last night (ordered HBO just to see it), and had seen Ed Harris in a play on the same day. It was my Ed Harris day. I thought Woody Harrelson was magnificent. And to the exquisite Julianne Moore: You are a genius! You should get an Emmy! Brava! A powerhouse of talent! If anything, your portrayal was too humane!

  24. Olivia9:21 AM

    The last 2 days of attacks here seem to indicate that Palin and the flying monkeys must have seen the movie ahead of time or had access to someone who did.

    1. lostinmn9:27 AM

      And yet they are so quiet today - withdrawals - depression - wonder what gives?

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      What gives?

      Bad koolaid hangovers.

    3. I'm thinking one who is spending time with her husband today at a NASCAR race may be barred from obsessively posting during time with her husband, though it looks like she has gotten off a few this morning from her Blackberry.

  25. lostinmn9:25 AM


    The trolls that are usually here are over on HP trying to tear down the SNL skit where a dude plays Sara. HAHAHAHAHA

  26. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Two props one must give her. Teleprompter breaking temporarily during RNC and her calmness. Thats someone who knows herwords. Obama loses all composure without a teleprompter. Proven. Go look it up.

    2. Her funny adlibbing during the debate. She's good on her feet.

    1. lostinmn10:28 AM

      Finally a troll appears. Your point on #1 is a lie - she made up the teleprompter story.

      As for #2 - WTF are you talking about? Did you see him undress the FN reported regarding gas prices? Go back in your mourning - your comment was weak at best. They are taking your snark over on HP if you feel the need to earn some money from SaraPAC today

    2. Olivia10:29 AM

      PRESIDENT Obama speaks often and well without a teleprompter. Impromptu speaking is one of his gifts.
      Sarah Palin can't make a coherent sentence even with a teleprompter. Proven. Go look it up. Idiot!

    3. hedgewytch10:34 AM

      Nice try. Get any sleep last night, or have you been up all night "refudiating"?

    4. Anonymous10:35 AM

      "Proven. Go look it up."

      Christ, you're tiresome. Will you please just go the fuck away?

    5. Anonymous10:38 AM

      bwahh. She was an actress who could memorize her lines. no more no less.
      If she is so good at ad libbing, why didn't she say her water didn't break. ahh, umm ,if you ah. must know emm, uhh,

      yeah..great at ad libbing lol

    6. Anonymous10:41 AM

      She's good at "makin' stuff up", you got that right. As for the debate, she winged it. She didn't answer any of the actual debate questions, she just talked about shit that she wanted to talk about. That, by definition, is not a debate.

    7. Anonymous10:42 AM

      You are HILARIOUS. No props are ever given to her. Her IQ is 83. She's so good on her feet she thinks the Civil War and the Civil Rights movement are the same thing. She thinks Saddam Hussein caused 9/11. She thought the Queen was the head of government. You must be one of her children. Go look it up.

    8. Anonymous10:47 AM

      As far as Obama losing composure, poor troll you are too funny & delusional. But I'll play along. I looked it up only cause you said so. Contrary to what you believe about the our beloved President, here are some proof of an articulate & intelligent man without a teleprompter. Enjoy!! he he

      Obama Goes To GOP Lions' Den -- And Mauls The Lions

      and another
      President Obama Holds Online Town Hall on Health Reform

      Watch President Obama's Full News Conference on Debt Talks' Latest Breakdown

      I can go on and on.

      As far as Palin the only did she is good at is acting. She's an actress.

    9. Here is but one example of our intelligent President speaking without a prompter.

      We're on to ya Sarah!

    10. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Hey, Bristol (or Willow), do me a favor -- will you please let your mom know that the teleprompter screen is sometimes reflected in her glasses when she's doing her time delayed commentating thing on Fox News shows?


    11. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Multiple members of the McCain campaign have stated that the teleprompter did NOT break; that is a lie Sarah tells that for some reason they decided to include in the movie.

      The ridiculous wingnut meme that our President in unable to speak without a teleprompter only shows how ignorant and brainwashed you are. Obama was a law professor for twelve years. If you don't know how law is taught, look it up! No one thinks faster or clearer on his feet than a law professor. Stop watching Fox News.

    12. Anonymous11:12 AM

      1. That crap about the teleprompter breaking temporarily during the RNC speech, was debunked. FACT. And, she was giving a speech about her life, not giving a foreign policy address.

      2. President Obama writes his own speeches, and books, and doesn’t need a teleprompter to give a LIVE press conference, nor did he need a teleprompter when he smacked down the House G.O.P. on LIVE teevee, also without a teleprompter. The G.O.P. though they were going to be able to embarrass him because he didn’t have a teleprompter. They were wrong! FACT. $arah Palin could never do that. And, at least President Obama doesn’t have to write on his hand to remember a few simple answers.

      3. If $arah Palin was so quick her feet, she wouldn’t hide from real reporters, and she would give a LIVE press conference, and answer tough question she didn’t already have in advance. The Obama campaign agreed to an EASISER debate format for $arah Palin, which allowed her to answer questions with canned answers, rather than having get into a detailed 10 minute discussion with Joe Biden. FACT. In ’Game Change,’ Steve Schmidt said Palin was a good actress, which meant they could give her lines to memorize, to make her appear competent. ALL the snap polls (CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC) after the debate said Joe Biden won the debate, except for Fox “News,” of course. Therefore, Palin’s debate performance didn’t fool most people. And, of course, SNL made a joke out of her “debate” performance, too.

    13. Marleycat12:33 PM

      Bullshit to you, too! Here's a thought - the comments you make here are so devoid of originality, accuracy, and common sense. I think until you decide to address the scandal of Todd's sex business you should stay away or be banned. Please, consider that - and don't come back until you acknowledge that Game Change is not the only trouble your parents are in. Wait 'til the client corporations and the other entities involved with your Dad selling sex decide they need to make sure there are no more leaks about their illegal activities. Remember, there are also a lot of Shailey Tripps out there waiting to come forward now - sucks to be you - but STFU with the denial shit - for your own good!

    14. SHES SO GOOD ON HER FEET THAT she breaks down into the fetal position cause why?..her feet hurt?

      grow up child.

    15. Anonymous1:21 PM

      WC, is that you??? I think this is my friend from Mediaite. You guys should try it. It's great fun talking Palin over there.

  27. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Revenge is sweet. Nice job Nicole and Steve. You ran circles around Sarah. Our nation thanks you.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Revenge is a Bitch served cold !

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      I'm very glad that Nicole and Steve acknowledged publicly what a disastrous choice Sarah Palin was. However, the facts remains that she might have become vice president and she continues to spew forth illogic, lies and venom. The McCain campaign, and above all John McCain, are responsible for the damage Sarah Palin has been doing since election day 2008.

  28. Anonymous9:31 AM

    IF you can stomach it...

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Sorry, I can't stomach it. Those folks all have low IQs like Sarah. Why should I read their delustional (not a typo) writings anymore?

  29. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Excellent movie! Superior acting! I will watch it again and maybe again!

  30. That BigHollywood Thomas Van Flein "scoop" story and the bizarre comments are hilarious, in that they ignore that Van Flein talks about his contact with Palin during Troopergate, not about during the campaign when he wasn't even present.

    Van Flein also refers (as other Palinbots have) to "reporters on her campaign plane" never seeing her catatonic or in a stupor.

    But from what I've read in live-blogging the movie (I didn't sign up for HBO), the scene where she goes catatonic is in a meeting room with a large number of McCain campaign operatives -- no reporters.

    Is this a case of Breitbart sycophant Christian Toto being stupid, or purposely misrepresenting the situation?

    1. Marleycat12:22 PM

      Perhaps Thomas Van Flein's law license needs to be reviewed if he is guilty of covering up vital information about someone who could have become POTUS! Or join Breitbart in HELL! Why are there no laws about misrepresenting the truth when it is vitally important to national security? He couldn't have been a good lawyer for Palin if he didn't tell her it was illegal for Palin to use the power of her office to engage in personal vendetta's against Wooten and Monoghan. What was played out there in those vendetta's are the methodology used against Palin's other victim's - intimidation, smears, threats, etc. - no wonder Shailey was set up so easily! I call on Sarah and Todd Palin to turn over all profits they enjoyed from the prostitutuon ring, including the payments made to the from the corporations the "business" supplied sex workers for to Anti-sex trafficking efforts! I hope to god children were not used by these people - but how often does a full service prostitution ring on a national level not cover the full gamut of victims?

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Also thought it was strange that VanFlea didn't comment on the troopergate report from the Alaskan Legislature.
      Didn't know that Palin had her own campaign plane.


  31. Anonymous9:44 AM

    My fav LOL moment in the movie, when Palin was stumbling over Couric's question about what she read, Schmidt braying "Name one fucking newspaper!" Absolutely priceless.

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      And when Palin got on the topic of Putin "rears his head up", Schmidt started on a list of "don't go there" topics for Palin's debate prep.

  32. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Oh please, how could anyone watch the lies and fiction in this piece of drivel from the left wing media. If you want the truth about this amazing woman, see The Undefeated ... bc that is what she is!

    1. How can one be Undefeated when they lost and then quit?

    2. Olivia10:31 AM

      BWAAAHHHHAAAAAHHH! You mean, "The Constantly Defeated"? Have you seen the reviews???

    3. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Wasilla ladies:
      Get a professional stylist. Surely you can afford one.

    4. Anonymous10:32 AM

      LMAO!!! Idiot.

    5. Oh, please....

    6. Anonymous10:39 AM

      time for your pills dear.

    7. Anonymous10:40 AM

      You must be a parody artist. She's defeated again and again. Usually by one of her own alternate personalities. But she's had a split in her psyche since childhood.

    8. Anonymous10:42 AM

      You just keep sitting in your padded little room now. Don't want you hurting yourself with those flying cans.

      Clearly you're uneducated as UNdefeated is not truthful. You lost - again and again and again.

      Let me check into a program that has Hooked-on-Phonics for you. You might understand that better.

    9. cuppajava10:49 AM

      Lord Gawd Honey.... How did you have enough brain cells left over from being a Palin sycophant to actually turn on your computer today?

      BTW, the only lies and fiction in that movie are the ones freely spewing forth, continuously, from the mouth of the Palin character...

      And what's that you said there about "the left wing media"??? Get with the program, Dear ... it's "lamestream media"...

    10. Anonymous11:16 AM

      ‘Game Change’ was based on the factual accounts of two conservatives (Steve Schmidt, and Nicolle Wallace) you fucking idiot. I’m not watching “The DEFEATED.” That is fiction, and lies.

    11. Anonymous12:07 PM


    12. Anonymous1:00 PM Have you even bothered to GLANCE at the reviews for Oft-Defeated? Gadzooks. If I want an infomercial it will NOT be a Sarah Palin!!!

  33. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Guess it's back to fish pickin'. Good thing she loves it so much!

  34. Anonymous9:46 AM

    To those commenting on Palin's love (or lack thereof) for her family - narcissists love their families insofar as they see their families as an extension of themselves. When family members start asserting their own identities and individuality, clashes inevitably occur.

    1. DobieTracker10:35 AM

      My own "mommie dearest" was a narcissist and your explanation is dead on---oooohhhhh how dead on it is--- i could bore everyone here with incident after incident of her "love" for family in public and the downright evil cruelty that led my psychologist, her priest and my father's rabbi to send me a jointly signed letter telling me to never ever come back to Memphis no matter what my mother said or did.

      Palin did miss her "baby" ( and I believe she was referring to Piper when she said this in the movie) because the "baby" being sooo young depended on and needed mommie and that supplied Palin's narcissistic needs.

      What is Palin going to do when Piper reaches puberty and has more important interest than being with mommie dearest AND while Piper's rose if blooming, Palin's will be fading faster and faster.

      Palin is in for a very rough time.

      Because she is -- literally---internationally known and because she continues to court the spotlight, she has left herself --again LITERALLY ---no place to go, no place to hide when her shit hits the fan.

      Her narcissism plays on the stage of politics and it is an archtypal play that we are all having to watch.

      By showing the dark side of populism, (again mentioned in the film by McCain as a place he did not feel it was right to go to) that Palin courts, a valuable lesson is being displayed for all of us.

      Palin deserves whatever she brings upon herself, and because narcissist CANNOT change ( and I use CANNOT instead of WILL NOT on purpose) we are all going to witness the "bloody execution" of what remains of her soul.

      Shew is an exercise in Evil incarnate.

      Good will come from her in the end because when Evil exhausts itself, Good arises.

      Painful for her and just as painful for us who must watch.

      P.S. Mommie was protestant, married a reform, converted to Catholicism and I hung a left and became a Taoist at about 10 or 11. She said Catholics did not believe dogs went to heaven and right then I knew christianity was bullshit.

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Ugh. That's truly scary.

    3. Marleycat11:58 AM

      Sarah Palin will never let Piper reach normal adulthood - physically, yes, but emotionally, never! Her needs come before Piper's, just like the older kids - she will prevent normal developmental growth to independence to keep control over them - in case she needs them! From the Bristol/Willow comments here - it's obvious they are not grown young women - but emotionally about 13 or 14, and the level of their writing skills reflects that!

    4. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Narcissist love others like a shepherd loves his sheep. They will protect them and feed them because they want to collect the milk and the wool. When a sheep gets too old, it is slaughtered and new sheep replace the old sheep. Other people are not real to the narcissist, only a source of emotions to feed off of.
      M in MD

    5. uhh..hate to tell you but that is not to say they love bla bla BS THEY control/..then when they cant they create conflict..because a child accepts their mothers insanity...till they grow up themselves aND say..YOU ARE FUCKING CRAZY

  35. Anonymous9:49 AM

    There were a few points that were new - one was the degree to which McCain watched MSNBC and then agonized over the analysis presented by its coverage.

    Second, that Nicolle quit Palin -- I did not realize that happened.

    Third, that McCain was unwilling to try and control Palin. I am sure he correctly assessed the situation, she would have turned on him. His refusal to confront and deal with her is kind of like his refusal to participate in resolving the financial crisis. He allowed then Senator Obama to control the table and that famous meeting where the bailout was being debated. He remained silent.

    1. lostinmn10:31 AM

      McCain realized he was one heartbeat away from letting this lunatic run the country. It was his heartbeat and that must have freaked him out big time when he realized she wouldn't skip a beat making it stop.

    2. Great points!

    3. Anonymous12:11 PM

      He still insists that she was the most qualified person for VP...

    4. Anonymous1:20 PM

      How could McCain – especially now, as an Arizonan who is aware that the crosshairs are STILL UP on her facebook page – not be reminded that if he ever turned on Palin, the crosshairs could just as easily be aimed at him (just as a political statement, of course; yeah, right)??

    5. DobieTracker1:42 PM

      TO Author of:

      "It was his heartbeat and that must have freaked him out big time when he realized she wouldn't skip a beat making it stop."

      If you saw how she turned on her advisors, and how she has ALWAYS turned on people who helped or mentored her ( Lyda Green who she called a cancer on radio show and who was a cancer survivor, the former mayor of Wasilla who got her into politics there etc) AND you saw in Game Change how she turned on McCain (SHE was really running for president, not VP) by going "rogue" you know IF they had been elected, she would have really been full of herself and would have really resented the fact that HE stood between her and where she truly thought she belonged.

      She would have killed him to get him out of her way.

      She was already accusing the aides of "being in her way" and didn't realize that when she passed the debate with Biden, it was ONLY BECAUSE SHE HAD MEMORIZED ANSWERS GIVEN TO HER BY THOSE AIDES !

      Her arrogance arises from falsely perceived "successes" and in her delusions, she then thinks she IS successful ON HER OWN.

      Yes, one way or the other, Palin would have caused that heart to stop beating.

      She IS that ruthless.

  36. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I am looking forward to reading the coming review and political effects of Game Change. As well as the future films and docudramas surrounding various aspect of the Palin's impact on American culture and politics.
    How close of a friendship would Sarah Palin maintain with someone who blames Army leaders? Have any on the right addressed the following apology. When President Obama apologizes in anyway it is treason the them.
    U.S. army forced to issue an apology:

  37. Anonymous9:57 AM

    That's what I think also, too!

  38. Anonymous9:58 AM

    One basic reason why she was chosen can be explained by a very old saying-When the blank gets hard the brain gets soft. Just sayin'.

  39. The silence from Palin's Trolls is deafening.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Agreed. There's nothing they can say to refudiate (j/k---refute) the facts in the movie.
      I was thinking the same thing!

    2. Must not have internet access in Vegas (Ms. Palin and husband are in Vegas today for a NASCAR race)

  40. Anonymous10:02 AM

    RE: Nicole Wallace. Here's a link from a 2011 IM post where she discusses "cuckoo for cocoa puffs" being based on Palin:

    Also remember: Palin's document files from the 2006 Governor's Race were authored by "CooCoo For Coco Puffs". TRUE!

    At some level, Palin knows she's crazy.

    1. cuppajava10:55 AM

      Is there any possibility that Palin's nickname for her old love/lust interest, Glen Rice, was ever "Cocoa Puffs"? Just wondrin'...

  41. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Even though I knew beforehand what an idiot she is, this glimpse into the totality of it left my jaw dropped throughout.

  42. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I like the way the Breitbartians trot out Van Flein as the authority for what went on during the campaign. He wasn't there on the ground - he was just getting emails from Palin.

    So his authority is limited to telling the self-serving story she told him.

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      But, but, but... $HE DOE$ NOT LIE!!!

  43. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I thought it was pretty good - the arc of the story had us first admiring Palin, then sympathizing with her, then realizing, as do Wallace and Schmidt, that she's a monster.

  44. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Just read at C4P that Toad and Palin are in Vegas for a NASCAR race. Someone even posted a picture of them there.

  45. Anonymous10:15 AM

    McInsane is STILL as of today insisting that she was "the most qualified" person for the job...

  46. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Toad and Palin at a NASCAR race in Vegas. Check out her tongue hanging out look...

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      When all else fails, how do try to salvage yourself? Sexually of course. Rolling Thunder re-do.

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM

      That's a sign of retardation. I always thought something was mentally wrong with Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Last I thought, Toad was racing his snowmachine was he not??

      But then again, he like his wife, is a loser. If he had won, we would have heard about it as she'd book herself on the Foxhole.

    4. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Don't blame SP, TP made her do it. Pimps are like that.

    5. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Are they sex-trafficking some folks for NASCAR now?

    6. Marleycat11:49 AM

      Shitty wig and all! Just got here - are the Sarah, Bristol, Willow, paid minions back? I'm sure they are! what else do they have to do! Here's a big clue BOTD - TOO LATE - cats out of the bag! I'll go check . . .~

  47. honeybabe10:16 AM

    when put under a microscope that push up bra doesn't look nearly as good as it used to, thank goodness. worst governor ever! obama 2012

  48. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead10:19 AM

    Gryphen, STOP MAKING SHIT UP!!!

    Good Ol' Gramps McCain has OFFICIALLY stated that the film was concocted by UNNAMED SOURCES and therefore has ZERO credibility! ZERO!!!

    Can you prove this Schmidt fella was even part of the campaign? In fact, according to IMDB, he was a flippin' bartender in Boston at a little pub where everyone knows your name, for chrissakes!! And Nicole Wallace? Come on!! Who has a name like that? She's not even a real person! It's all just a ploy by the liberal elites to confuse the mentally inadequate conservative base. Get real, man!

    This was a hatchet job on The Screechy Wretch(th) and you know it! All she needed was a LITTLE more time - say... 18 to 24 months - 3 years TOPS - to bone up on a bit of geography, history, politics, civics, journalism, health care, energy, basic biology and maybe some quadratic equations and NO ONE would have known she is stupid. NO ONE!!!

    And when Congressman Issa finishes his investigation and hearings about this film, I'll bet you a shiny new Reagan-head 75 cent piece that it'll turn out it was all written Obama and Rahm Emmanuel!

    Isnt it about time you stopped bashing people you don't know personally?

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Keep trying idiot as Gryphen has met both of them -- which is more than can be said of you and the morons that may have had a glimpse of Klondike Kardashian as she pimped her books and the kid.

    2. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Anon, that's a parody post you're berating. Lighten up.

    3. Anonymous12:17 PM

      LOL Beldar! Good one - you got at least ONE person to think you really meant it!

  49. Well first Gryphen, your "visceral and emotional response" that kind of rocked you is exactly why I chose not to watch it, but simply read other's comments. It is because you knew all this; there is almost nothing in the movie about Palin and/or the campaign that you did not know or guess (like McCain being ultimately afraid of her or her and Todd?). But to see what you knew confirmed in action, seeing it played out and apparently well and believable has got to be scary. It is like you are living it again!

    Get outside today, or sit with some music and poetry and refresh yourself. Get the ugly out for a bit.

    Secondly, I love your Tweets and I hope you will address some of them more fully in your review; like the preparation (script) for the O'Biden debate, give us the details. This makes me so mad.

    Finally, I want to know why they presented her demeanor to Levi as being cold, and have you tell me then how that reconciles with the very, very famous scene (to me anyway) of her stroking his cheek on stage and gazing into his eyes. We don't see her eyes, so maybe they were threatening and cold - "you will do what I say" messaged there, but his expression seems warm and real to me; there is no grimace and I don't think Levi is that good an actor. Also how does this reconcile with the stories we have read that a. Levi did live with them and was essentially part of the family or b. Levi was seldom in their home only until after Bristol told them she was pregnant. I don't get it!

  50. Anonymous10:22 AM


    1. Amen! Why isn't this already taking place?

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM


    3. Anonymous11:48 AM

      The McCain's got out of many investigations. Todd will do likewise.

  51. Anonymous10:27 AM

    O/T - Hilarious!!

    Westboro Baptist Church Picketers showed up at Santorum's event!!

    They said they did not come to protest or support Santorum but to deliver their message.

    Santorum has a problem! But then -- they are alike!!

  52. Anonymous10:29 AM

    If you and your girls are reading today, re-hire the stylist that styled you during the campaign. You looked so much better then!

    1. lostinmn11:19 AM

      Can the Belmont girls read now? Or can they read as well as Sara?

  53. Anonymous10:29 AM

    McCain Reacts To HBO’s Game Change: I Don’t Use That Much Profanity In Real Life

    At the end of his appearance on Fox News Sunday earlier today, Senator John McCain weighed in on the HBO film that aired last night chronicling his 2008 presidential campaign and decision to choose Sarah Palin as his running mate. McCain admitted he did not see the TV movie, but based on everything he’s heard about it, he does not believe it portrays an accurate picture of the campaign. Not only did McCain say that the movie is based on a biased view of the campaign, but Ed Harris‘ portrayal of him was too salty.

    McCain told Chris Wallace that he was watching a Phoenix Coyotes game during the movie last night. From that point he started completely ripping the film. McCain said he finds it remarkable that almost four years later, people are still fixating on Palin’s character. McCain defended his former running mate, saying her nomination “energized our campaign” and the movie is the latest attempt to “disparage and attack her character.”

    Wallace shifted the conversation from the portrayal of Palin by Julianne Moore to Ed Harris’ performance as the senator. In the film, McCain is advised by Steve Schmidt to go with a “game-changing pick,” and after a conversation about how McCain shouldn’t run alongside another white, middle-aged politician, McCain says, “Find me a woman.” The senator denied the conversation ever took place during the course of the campaign, before taking issue with one of the ways in which he is portrayed.

    “I’ve been told that I’m portrayed as using an exceeding amount of coarse language. I don’t use coarse language very often. I have a larger vocabulary than that.”

    Both McCain and Palin have asserted that the movie takes a great many liberties with the facts, but as Wallace noted, Steve Schmidt has said publicly that having seen the film, he says “it’s the true story of what happened over those 10 weeks.” Wallace asked McCain to respond not to Hollywood, but to Schmidt. McCain left it at a blunt “I regret that he would make such a statement.”

    1. lostinmn11:04 AM

      He didn't see the movie but tore into it in great detail - ESP John? With that much knowledge you could have known your flight to Washington was going to be a nothing deal and screw your campaign for good. And hey John - did you go to Washington because you really thought it was needed or did you want to get the hell away from Sara for a couple of days?

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      As for profanity and his temper -- Oh yes he does and there are many on record who have talked about it. From elected people to pundits to reports.

      Two writings quickly found. The first where in front of aides and reporters he calls Cindy a 'C'.

      The second "Cornyn was raising some issues about the amnesty bill, and McCain called Cornyn’s concerns “chickenshit,” and said he was raising them to derail the bill. Cornyn, to his credit, snapped back, saying: “Wait a second here. I’ve been sitting in here for all of these negotiations and you just parachute in here on the last day. You’re out of line.” McCain responded by telling Cornyn: “Fuck you! I know more about this than anyone else in the room.”

      McCain's wiki page says:

      "McCain acknowledges having said intemperate things in years past,[314] though he also says that many stories have been exaggerated.[315] One psychoanalytic comparison suggests that McCain was not the first presidential candidate to have a temper,[316] and cultural critic Julia Keller argues that voters want leaders who are passionate, engaged, fiery, and feisty.[292] McCain has employed both profanity[317] and shouting on occasion, although such incidents have become less frequent over the years"

      The man has been well known for his temper. Think of that within a war or war negotiations. Not what's needed and why I can't understand that they allow him to speak to world leaders, most certain in Iraq, Afghanistan, et al. He can't be trusted. He paints himself one way on camera but I hate to think how he speaks 'behind it'. He's dangerous to national security.

      I heard the movie language was tame for him.

    3. lostinmn11:18 AM

      Interesting how when Sara is in Vegas the trolls are mostly absent - maybe too because Brisket is probably breathing a sigh of relief today her shit wasn't left out there in a stinking pile she's not coming to mommy's defense.

      I'm sure Sara loves Vegas - we should look for this junket on her SaraPAC expenses as I'm sure she won't be paying for this for herself. As it is she gets SaraPAC to pay the freight, gets to wear her Belmont's and get the NASCAR racists all hot and bothered. Todd can maybe slip away and check out setting up some contacts for his pimping since NV has legalized prostitution.

      Could be a great trip in many regards (and every time I write trip in any form I chuckle that his granddaughter is named after his prostitute)

    4. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Last time there was an absence of trolls when $arah and the girls were in DC at Cpac.

    5. Anonymous1:36 PM

      "Interesting how when Sara is in Vegas the trolls are mostly absent -"

      Proving once again that Sarah = trolls!!!!! And that CforP is just a family-run small (VERY small) business.

  54. Anonymous10:31 AM

    McCain 2008 Advisor Nicolle Wallace Says Game Change Was ‘True Enough To Make Me Squirm’

    The biggest political event that happened yesterday wasn’t a primary, but a movie on HBO about the 2008 campaign and John McCain‘s decision to make Sarah Palin his running mate. Nicolle Wallace, one of the ’08 campaign’s top advisors, was on This Week today, and she admitted that the movie was accurate enough to make her feel uncomfortable watching it.

    George Stephanopoulos introduced a clip from the film where Wallace has an angry phone conversation with Palin over the infamous Katie Couric interview. In the exchange, Wallace says the interview “sucked” because Palin did not properly prepare for the interview, to which Palin shouts, “I am not your puppet!” Stephanopoulos asked Wallace how “true to life” the movie really was. Wallace’s answer showed it was clear the movie’s accuracy made her uncomfortable.

    “True enough to make me squirm. But, um, you know, this isn’t a movie about campaign staff, and this isn’t really even a movie about McCain and Palin. This is a movie about the vast gray area in which 99 percent of our politics takes place. And I think what gets boiled down or sometimes the fights, the instant analysis, the black and white of who’s up and who’s down, the truth is… you’re just feeling your way through a very gray area and you’re doing your best.”

    Mary Matalin said it was “just a fictional movie” with no ties to the realities of the 2008 campaign. Though one can’t help but note that Wallace was actually part of the McCain campaign, so if she thinks it’s true enough, does that lend more credibility to it?

    1. A LOT more credibility. Matalin has gotten to the point where she will say ANYTHING to defend the Republican Party; even when it disputes all of the facts.

  55. Well, apparently, according to C4P, "Game Change" shall have no detrimental effect on Sarah Palin's plan to waltz into the GOP convention, do a fancy pageant walk, and claim the crown:

    "What they thought would tear her down the Lord is using to draw more attention to Sarah's real record and consequently, galvanizing support for the general election. Go God!"


    Jesus wept.

  56. Anonymous10:59 AM

    The Game Change was right on the money. I'll watch it again tonight to make sure I didn't miss anything. I agree with Grypen, Palin is done; maybe over done.

  57. Anonymous10:59 AM

    What was most striking to me . . . apart from how they portrayed Bristol's "convenient" postpartum pregnancy . . . is the chasm between McCain and Palin. He met with her but a few times: during the initial interview; at the convention; a few campaign stops, and finally in defeat. It was if they were running two separate disastrous campaigns. And of course the old man must now defend her heinous, for his perilous judgment is called into question.

  58. Does anyone know how many viewers the film had last night?

  59. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Parents of special-needs babies must be pleased with all those scenes of Sarah and Todd Palin making sure baby Trig got his intensive therapy.

    It's not like Trig's development was put on hold during the campaign, right, Sarah?


  60. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Toad and Palin at a NASCAR race in Vegas. Check out her tongue hanging out look...

    Actually Todd is checking in on his legal prostitution business in Las Vegas and is adding to his used condoms wrapped in facecloths collection.

    Todd just loves Las Vegas.

  61. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Toad and Palin at a NASCAR race in Vegas. Check out her tongue hanging out look...

    Actually Todd is checking in on his legal prostitution business in Las Vegas and is adding to his used condoms wrapped in facecloths collection.

    Todd just loves Las Vegas.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Interesting that Todd goes preppy at NASCAR but dresses down at other times.

      M in MD

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Is this another SarahPAC sponsored family trip?

    3. I thought I'd seen everything but I've never seen someone like Sarah Palin. A normal person would be locked inside their house vowing to never show their face in public again. But not Sarah. Here she is in Las Vegas, dressed in black, shades on and flashing her tongue with her husband, the pimp, following close behind her.

      No embarrassment. No shame. That's not "balls or cojones": those terms indicate some courage. Sarah and Todd Palin do not possess courage. There's something else going on with her: drugs? insanity? or dense, solid rock stupidity? Probably all of the above.

      I wonder which person in her extended family will say "Enough! She's caused us enough embarrassment" and intervene? Surely someone has an IQ above 83. Surely someone in her family loves her enough to do that? Anybody?

    4. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Wow. I usually don't comment on her appearance but she really, really looks cheap and terrible. Pleather jacket, that NECKLACE...what the heck is that? The hair? She would have been better off in a ponytail and t-shirt jeans. This is horrendous.

  62. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Howard Kurtz Confronts Writer & Director Of Game Change About Film’s Accuracy

  63. Anonymous11:17 AM

    As it happens I had seen a single interview with Palin before she was tapped for VEEP. The interview was with Larry Kudlow. With just that very brief interview, I had no trouble assessing Sarah Palin. She was clearly full of herself and incompetent. (The mentally unstable aspects weren't obvious to me yet.)

    Why was I so quick to pick up Sarah Palins more blatant flaws? One reason was that I'd seen women much like her rushed to upper management. The MEN doing the selecting liked women that were easily manipulated, not very bright, and sexy as hell. Another reason was that a close relative also used Palin's "little girl gushing over big wonderful man" technique.

    But the biggest reason that I could tell Palin was a disaster was very, very simple. No penis!

    The "Game Change" (book/movie) shows only men doing the Palin selection. Those men simply had NO idea that many, many, many women would see immediately that Palin was an idiot.

  64. akbright11:23 AM

    Our cable channel REELZ, is showing the movie "Undefeated" twice today. Damage control?

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      I think I'll watch it. I'm a glutton for punishment. Masochist, whatever....

  65. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Watched last night and I am going to watch again today. I hear it is even better the second time. Say goodbye Sarah. She did not want to come back to Alaska, and when forced too, she made a decision to use Alaska and its people to make her money. My guess there are thousands that will help her pack and move to Arizona, A.S.A.P.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Me, me! And, I'll slam the door behind her.

  66. Anonymous11:25 AM

    GREAT movie! It was riveting throughout the entire 2 hours.

    I upgraded from basic cable and got HBO just to see it, and I can say it was definitely worth it.

    No one can say they depicted her family in a harsh light, and that will prevent the bots from using that as a criticism. I love how the story unfolded with them all supporting her and being on her side, until she started to show her true colors. Her ignoring Nicole Wallace was incredible!!! For a grown woman to act that way, OMG!

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      I agree. The family was not a focus because it would have been a distraction to the message. The message? We almost had a Batshit crazy wig wearer in the Whitehouse.

      John McCain continues to either deceive himself or deceive the public. Humbled? That old fart BUMBLED in his v.p. pick.

  67. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I knew Palin was a disaster when she was on Charlie Rose in July 2008 saying she didn't know what the VP did. And they still picked her.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      I knew she was unqualified when I watched her debate Halcro and Knowles during the gubenatorial campaign in Alaska. She didn't answer any of the questions, just sort of talked around them. I could see it, but unfortunately not many others in the audience that day could see past the glitz.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      It didn't so much bother me that she didn't know, it was the idiotic folksy-jokey way she said it, as though it was trivial and didn't MATTER that she didn't know. THAT pissed me off.

      I mean really, any SERIOUS human being looking at filling a position would be able to find some information about it. The idea that a VP candidate was so OPENLY ignorant and LAZY that she couldn't be bothered to actually know anything about the position she was looking to fill is just mind boggling.

      And then later, when she tried to pretend she was just "joking" and, of COURSE, did know, she got it all wrong, proving she didn't know anything. "I'll be in there working with the senate to get some good legislation done".

      What an utter fool and complete embarrassment to America.

  68. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I feel pity for any of her kitchen appliances today. Especially her refrigerator. Though, perhaps she buys them in bulk at Costco or Wal-Mart?

    Also, I wonder if she returns her damaged refrigerators to Nordstroms or if Lake Lucille is filling up with Sarah damaged refrigerators?

  69. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Just in case a certain fridge in Wasilla didn't have enough dents in it...

    Also, as far as I'm concerned, anyone with two brain cells to rub together should be able to make their own mind up about the veracity of the movie, considering that four years later, SP is still the same old no-nonsense know-nothing...

  70. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The one that is rubbing the bat shit crazy one raw right now is the scene where Todd told her to remember when HALCRO intimidated her in a debate with his facts. Aha, Andrew's name got mentioned....BURN, bitch.

    McCain saying he would not talk to her because he did not want to get in her crosshairs or on her shit list was an excellent way to get out there she scared the Hell out of him. This big time war hero was scared as shit of her.She is freakin mean.

    There are some awesome quiet moments in this flick. Like Palin asking Steve if he can protect her Emails. Anyone else catching these?

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      I'm going to watch the movie again - there was so much in it - like the email statement you just noted! The baby birthing issue was noted a couple of times too. Good stuff STILL out there to continue making movies about Palin and I hope they do!

      She is such a liar and fraud!

  71. Watched myself last night and recorded it. Hubby (B.S. Political Science, Berkeley; M.S. US-Soviet Relations, U of Maryland; career Army officer, retired Col.) is watching now. Oh. My. He hasn't read all the books and blogs. Watching his reaction at how close John McCain came to putting this woman a heart beat away from the

  72. jcinco12:12 PM

    I wonder if roger ailes views her interviews on faux nowadays and reacts to her ignorant nonsense the way steve schmodt did during the campaign...

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Only if the ratings are slipping.

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Wouldn't it be fun to know EXACTLY what the people at FOX think of Palin? Bet it isn't good!!!! Plus, they provide her the questions prior to her interviews and she reads the answers off the teleprompter! And, she still goofs and does her horrible 'word salad'!

  73. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Conservatives may be upset with various details that they believe HBO got wrong in the Palin portrayal, but one detail that the network got right was its portrayal of McCain as a cynical man so devoid of common sense and sincerity and so completely reckless that he would allow himself to be four days away from picking his running mate for the second highest office in the land, still intent on making a ludicrous selection with no serious backup plan, leaving his equally cynical aides to vet Sarah Palin mostly by Google over the span of 72 hours. Neither Sarah Palin nor Barack Obama were ready for the presidency or the vice presidency in 2008, and it is a reflection of the shallow times we live in that our political process produced two inexperienced and untested national candidates at at time when our country needed seasoned leadership.

    For all these reasons, Game Change is an indictment, not of Sarah Palin and her shortcomings, but rather of John McCain, who did her no favors by trying to compensate for his many shortcomings by plucking an unripened banana from the tree and then wondering why the banana cream pie didn't taste quite right.

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      I beg to differ with you. President Obama WAS ready to lead. He was well educated in foreign affairs, and domestic affairs. He was a state senator and a US senator. He had traveled the world extensively and learned all he could about foreign affairs. He had wrote and introduced bills in the senate.
      Why don't you do your research about President Obama, become you make anymore incorrect comments about him.

      How dare you put him that category as Palin.

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      You are wrong in indicating President Obama to be in the same category or status as Palin! There is absolutely no comparison! He had traveled, was very well educated, a Senator, very interested in the world around him, well organized and an outstanding speaker!

      And, he has been a truly outstanding president in spite of the Republicans in Congress trying to make him fail! Thank God we have him!

      Plus, Palin was running for VP - not President! John McCain was running against McCain - not Palin!

  74. Bear Woman12:40 PM

    And this may be $P's friend in Montana

  75. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Game Change Is Not A Movie, It’s A Cautionary Tale

    However, the predominant emotion I felt while watching the movie was not an appreciation for the very fine work on display by all those involved in this first rate production. No. Instead, I was nearly overcome by a nearly complete sense of terror over how close we came to having an incredibly incompetent neophyte politician within one 72 year old man’s bad health outcome of becoming President of the United States. Game Change does not so much resemble a political drama as it is does an 80′s horror flick.

  76. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Gryphen, I'm surprised that at the time of the debate you didn't realize that the campaign essentially scripted all of her responses ahead of time. I sure wasn't familiar with Palin then, but did know enough to see that her answers were just enough off from the question itself that she was just using generic answers that she had memorized.

    "I so don't want to go back to Alaska." The Sea of Pee keeps making it sound like that's a lie because she has remained in AK. However, they just don't understand that she didn't want to go back AT THAT TIME. She wanted to go to Washington as VP instead of to AK as a nobody.

  77. DobieTracker1:09 PM


    Here is one troll's comment. Obviously they did NOT watch Game Change---

    " Anonymous said...
    I was heartened by the scenes where Sarah and Todd Palin juggled schedules to make sure that baby Trig got the daily intensive therapy so critical for the development of a Down Syndrome child.

    It's not like they put Trig on hold during the campaign.

    March 11, 2012 10:48 AM"

    1. DobieTracker, I think that was snark. :-)

  78. Anonymous1:22 PM

    How the people see it:

  79. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Here's the upcoming schedule:

  80. Anonymous1:34 PM

    As devastating to $arah as the movie was, in real life she's so much worse. It is hard to believe that's she's so breathtakingly evil but, alas, that doesn't make it untrue. The she-can't-be-that-bad mentality is what permitted her to climb as far up the ladder as she did. Now it's time to fall back down into Hell whence you sprang, Demon.

  81. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Geoffrey Dunn has a new post up at HuffPo.

    Game Change You Can Believe In? You Betcha!
    Posted: 03/11/2012

  82. Well, thank gawd it's aired. I missed it, no HBO. Would any kind reader here want to burn me a copy, I'd be happy to pay you for it.

  83. What I found most interesting was what I've been saying since Day 1. There were far better, smarter, hard-working Republican women out there than Sarah Palin. Rick Davis (I think) was shown at a computer, looking at their google images. Linda Lingle of Hawaii, Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas,Meg Whitman of California, and two others were looked up but tossed aside as too smart or not goodloooking enough.

    Palin was chosen strictly for her looks and charisma.

  84. Anonymous1:59 PM

    somebody has new lips at Nascar today....,ap:20050301:nascar,photo,ap-201203111322481246141:1


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It just goes directly to their thighs.