Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Geoffrey Dunn weighs in on Game Change and Steve Schmidt's epiphany concerning Sarah Palin.

Courtesy of the Huffington Post:

Schmidt, above all others perhaps, has understood the resonating impacts of the Palin candidacy. At what were largely overlooked remarks at a recent forum on the 2012 election sponsored by The New Yorker, Schmidt acknowledged that Palin has had a "destructive impact" on the both the tenor and substance of the American political process: 

"I think that she helped usher in an hour of know-nothingness, and mainstreamed it in the Republican Party to the detriment of the conservative movement... And I think her nomination trivialized American politics, and had a lot of results that I'm not particularly comfortable with. And, of course, you know, I had a very personally difficult relationship with her during the campaign. But it was a mistake. There's just no two ways about it." 

Game Change serves as Steve Schmidt's confession. The film reveals Palin for what she is: intellectually dysfunctional, psychologically imbalanced, and most importantly, politically polarizing. Near the end of the film, Schmidt emotionally apologizes to McCain: "I'm so sorry that I suggested her."

Geoffrey  also talks about his off the record interview with Schmidt three years ago while Schmidt was in the middle of his "crisis of faith" if you will, and that his impression of the intimidating political operative that he had been warmed about turned out to be a very conflicted man going through a painful process of recognizing the enormity of what he had almost done to the country that he loves.

I am still somewhat frustrate that people are still working under the impression that Palin was a last minute decision made by Schmidt, other McCain political advisers, and McCain himself.

That is NOT what I have heard repeatedly, and in many ways Palin's own e-mails back up the idea that she was being groomed years in advance of McCain winning the nomination.

In my opinion THAT is the truly explosive part of this whole debacle, but as of yet I have not been able to gather enough evidence to expose it properly.


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    This movie is a lot more about Steve Schmidt than Sarah Palin. If anything, this movie and his candid revelations about Sarah is an indictment against the system and tactics used to prop her up as a suitable and viable candidate. It's his Wasilla Redemption. His walk
    On the green mile. His Atonement.

    1. I agree! I just left a comment on HuffPo at Dunns post.
      We'll see if they let it through as I mentioned Shailey's book etc.
      He violated the Mann Act which is an old law from 1910. White slaves used for sex and taken across state line!
      Speaking of Shailey, while reading her book and finding that her father was abusive as was her husband, I can fully understand how this could have happened to her or anyone in her circumstances.
      I councelled battered women for the Courts in MA and was trained to help them get away from their abusers. Most of the women I met were in a similar state as Shay was. They haven't any money, usually 2 or more kids, family is sick of helping them and they keep going back to their abuser, sometimes 10 or more times.
      It's hard to understand if you've never been abused. I know as I was and the loss of self esteem is devastating.
      There is a lot more to come in this saga and I for one am thrilled this is all coming out!!!

  2. to your last point.
    while palin was being looked at by some for a possible VP slot (i have no interest in looking them up)everything i have read suggests McCain himself knew nothing about her.
    only out of frustration at not being allowed to run with Lieberman, did mcCain let himself be conned into her as running mate.

    remember john mccain was not a "maverick" but rather an undisciplined cowboy who took enormous chances and was always bailed out because of his grandfathers and his fathers name.

    he was at the bottom of his class as a military student ,wrecked planes that would have washed out any other pilot and was actually disobeying orders that led in large part to his being taken prisoner.

    mcCain acted like a petulant child in picking palin because thats exactly as he had behaved his entire life.

    1. Amen, and McCain got what he deserved in that regard. But he can never undo the harm he has done to the whole country by bringing Palin to national attention.

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      That was my understanding as well JadeZ.


  3. Anonymous10:54 AM

    "I think that she helped usher in an hour of know-nothingness, and mainstreamed it in the Republican Party..."

    Sarah Palin is as dumb as a box of rocks. Sarah used SarahPac money to pay people to educate her.

    Prior to the McCain campaign Sarah didn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.

    1. People educated her???? I think she still doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      And she does now?

    3. Anonymous2:31 PM

      She still doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground or much else either.
      She has not learned anything except how to grift more and more and teach her children to do the same.

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I agree, this is all so confusing about when this woman was being looked at as far as time goes. Her emails might show little things, and maybe show the fact that she was being tantalized and that she could go further and into the more international stage of politics. But what is Steve Schmidt not telling people, or better yet the republicans? Maybe they all thought that they could get away with putting a stupid woman with good looks on the ticket and it would be an easy win for the presidency. They thought wrong and Americans have seen today, if they didn't then, just what the GOP was up to. This is their burden that they have dealt with for 4 yrs and will have to deal with for another 4 years. And it just keeps getting nuttier and nuttier with these right wing bastards. I would have thought they learn't their lesson after the last presidential election.

    1. They're taking their lessons from 2010. They think they're in.

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      At least it did show that a lot of Americans actually think a VP would be qualified to step to the mound and win the game if the starter some how cannot close out an important inning.

      That is comforting.

  5. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I don't think that she suddenly popped up as a candidate based on her good looks and her supposed high ratings in Alaska. She was groomed to be a VP candidate after GWBush so that the GOP could look progressive in promoting a woman. Too bad they didn't find and promote a SMART woman in their ranks. However, I don't think that the GOP would actually vote for a woman as a woman's place is in the home, waiting on her man and raising lots of good, white children.

    Not only does Palin fail in all respects, she was brought on only as an attack dog, a job that she truly embraced and loved as the crowds were with her. All the uninformed, uneducated, and under-educated men were entranced by her. She was a dream woman who was unattainable, but who knew how to reach each and every one of these men at the most basic level.

    Palin is responsible for opening the gates of hate of phony xtianity in the GOP ranks. However, as long as she is getting attention, even negative attention, this hateful person is happy.

    1. Excellent comment 1smartcanerican™! Which brings me to think that the Toad was Baldy's pimp he could at least get something out of it...hence the "prostitution ring" side business!

      And poor Beefy and Wallow....they're unable to post their troll droppings in this post because they can't figure out what Gryphen meant by "grooming"...and April is just as dumb!

      So they are waiting for a call back from RAM to tell them that "grooming" in Baldy's case is not her head and her lady parts but per

      3. to train or prepare for a particular task, occupation, etc. to groom someone for the Presidency

      Scary huh!

    2. Marleycat5:13 PM

      How much you wanna bet that the Toad's sex business is in some way involved in Sarah being considered - favors to powerful people, the Fundie Extremists, BP, the Military Industrial Complex power brokers. there's something there - especially all the silence nationally from the media AND Palin's enemies on the left. What gives? This sex and drug brokering to secure contracts, influence politics, the sleazy parties - they'll ignore Shailey's story and in a few years the corruption will get so out of control and over the top that we'll see another scandal like the one with the Bureau of Land Management - re: company sex entertainers, execs, etc sleeping with and partying with the BLM regulators. Just watch! It will come out. I really wonder about the investigation into underage sex trafficking a few years ago in AK - was Todd involved with that, too? What happened to that?

  6. Sarah made ignorance, bigotry, and hate very fashionable. Look how many bots she has swooning over her. What's even funnier is that probably half of them actually believe that she is "the one" that will lead them through the rapture, except, there is nothing in the Bible that says that any one person would be here to do so. Unless of course, they think that she is Jesus.
    And Bristol has made being a slut, a money making project. Kind of like a hooker with $arah as her pimp. Too bad momma Grifter didn't give Bristol a couple of aspirins when she went on that camping trip.

  7. Anonymous11:01 AM

    '''That is NOT what I have heard repeatedly, and in many ways Palin's own e-mails back up the idea that she was being groomed years in advance of McCain winning the nomination.'''

    I am not buying this for a second.
    1. If she was being groomed years in advance that would mean she was a mayor of a small town of 7,000 at the time.
    2. Also if she was being groomed years in advance, she would have known US government, civics, and had world knowledge, and would have already had a passport, and traveled around the world to get experience outside of Alaska, which did NOT happen.
    3. She would have known that Africa is not a country, but is a continent.
    4. She would have known how many countries are in NAFTA.
    5. She would have known the countries that make up North America.
    6. She would have knows that N and S Korea are two different countries, and why they are two different countries.
    7. She would have been reading up on magazines and papers to know what was was going on in the world, and not have looked like a fool talking to Katie Couric, because she could not name one.

    Yes, Palin was chosen a the last minute to lure disgruntled Hillary supporters, who could not stand a Black man being nominated over a white woman.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      No she would not have been any different than what THEY wanted her to be. if she remained ignorant and unlearned, she would be easier to control. Her own ego led her to believe she was the chosen one and there for entitled to go rogue to fulfill her destiny.
      They did not choose one of the smarter female GOPpers because what we are seeing today has always been their end game. A smart GOPper female would not go along with the bull shit and would be uncontrollable in a different way than Palin. Palin went egotistically rogue, a smart female would have gone to the press and exposed the bull shit we are seeing today.

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Naw, I still say I do not believe that for one second.

    3. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Me neither.

    4. Anonymous4:04 PM

      I don't either. I believe that once Hillary was not the Dem nominee and that she wasnt on the ticket as VP, the Repubs saw her as the perfect choice to gain the disaffected Hillary vote. In theory that might have worked with a different candidate but it didnt take long to see that she will ill-prepared to run anything let alone a country. It backfired big time. I do believe they were in desperation mode to find a way to counter the Obama juggernaut.


    5. Anonymous7:12 PM

      I have to agree with you on this. You bring up some very valid points. The question is ....why 'Sarah Palin'? I believe they truly wanted a female for this ticket to win some women's votes but why her and not someone else? Was it her good looks? Why not someone else from the lower 48? Was there no good looking women with half a brain to choose from? And I don't mean this in a sexist way, I'm female and just trying to get into the heads of what these arsewipes were thinking 4 yrs ago.

    6. RWNJs are always bragging that Republican women are better looking than Democratic women, and they even put up a YouTube video to prove it.

      Rather selective, and excruciatingly dated.

    7. DetroitSam12:31 AM

      I have read that Bill Kristol was the one responsible for selecting Palin. It seem that he and some other right-wingers were on a cruise to Alaska and had moose stew at the Palin house. Kristol was so taken with Sarah that he brought the idea to the McCain staff. McCain was basically forced to accept Sarah.

  8. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Groomed years in advance, you say? Well that only proves ust how intellectually lacking she is.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Bingo: If this is what passes for "grooming" in the Republican Party, then it is doomed to extinction by way its willful incompetency. Palin stands-and will always stand-as a testament to the inherent peril of such oversights.

    2. The only grooming I could detect was wardrobe, hair, nails and makeup. Frankly it does not make a person a puppet if she was clueless how to dress professionally, lacked decorum and gravatis. Jesus, she would have strolled out in a crappy wig, ski jacket and clothes that did not fit with platform sandals on.

      This wiman did not have her shit together to dress fir the job she wanted...did not blink about.

    3. Marleycat5:26 PM

      They made a mistake and assumed she had at least basic knowledge of American history, world politics, and government, civics, science - as WE ALL DO. They focused on using her T&A, eff me pumps, and eff me lip licking, tongue action, and winks to attract voters - male voters. After all, who would believe that any one who graduated from college thought that to deal politically, strategically with Great Britain that you go talk to the Queen! They truly thought she had some basic knowledge. I don't think she was groomed for years, but she was being prepared for longer than 5 days. Someone must have caught McCain with his pants down and forced him to bow to the Fundamentalists/Teabaggers/Right Wing Fringe. Maybe he effed one of the whores provided by a powerful company - it's not impossible. I don't believe the 5 day vetting story! He wanted Liebermann, had to take Palin - that cruise to Alaska was that mission, and I am sure they were well entertained by Todd or the group who controlled him.

  9. It's refreshing to know that at least ONE Republican will admit to a mistake. Good on you, Steve!

    Interesting watching the out-in-force trolls painfully try to defend misogyny, Sarah's lies, and illiteracy! Major FAIL, trolls.

    See you on Saturday when your sad, mentally ill, queen goes down. And good luck with your pathetic "reality" shows on the "lamestream media" that you SO like to trash. All the money in the world won't buy respect or happiness. And, even with Photoshop, Sarah can't out-run KARMA.

    President Obama is the Best. President. Ever. Get over it Baggers. November Landslide!!!

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Exactly. President Obama is the best. Let's make it a landslide this November.

  10. Anonymous11:11 AM

    There is a limit on how much truth schmidt can tell if he ever wants to work again.

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM


    2. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 12:11 PM

      "work"!! Uh...I think Steve wanted to "LIVE"...remember the IT guy who died in a "mysterious" plane crash? Yeah...well Steve remembers him too!

    3. lostinmn3:10 PM

      If they vetted after the fact then Steve might know a heck of a lot more about the plane crash and the death of Dar Miller than we do.

    4. lostinmn3:11 PM


      You kind of have to wonder who it was that actually scrubbed computers and gathered photographs. If it was Sara that's one thing but if it was McCain or GOP operatives then they probably have a treasure trove of very embarrassing and possibly incriminating information on her. Want to bet they have all of her emails from all of her accounts and they aren't redacted?

    5. Marleycat5:31 PM

      That's right - that was not random, it was deliberate because they knew or had some inkling of nasty shit lurking all over the place in Alaska.
      I'm sure they knew a lot more than they are telling - and still have that evidence, hands down, they have it, and I bet President Obama has the whole story now, too. Probably why he always has that sardonic grin going when Palin is the topic! Kind of a pitying grin - like you poor, poor thing, I know who you really are!

  11. As a regular viewer of MSNBC, I have come to respect Steve Schmidt for his candor and his expertise on the subject of presidential campaigns. I do believe that he is a changed man after his involvement with Palin. He was conned, like many people were in 2008. The difference is that he recognized that he had been conned, made himself available to the writers of Game Change and endorsed the HBO movie.

    Contrast him with those who are still buying the con; contributing to it; and attacking anyone who dares to uncover it. Some will go to their graves believing that Palin is a great leader. Pity them when all is revealed in the afterlife (or not, depending on your belief system.)

    I certainly wish that there would be the definitive take down of this menace to society. It seems to elude us. Perhaps the HBO movie, as it is digested by a larger audience, will prompt people to visit this blog and read the other books about Palin.

  12. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Your instincts are right G. Palin WAS groomed years in advance for her presence in the political stage. Probably since childhood. There's a name for this programming but I don't think you'd believe me if I told you what it is even though I've hinted at it on previous postings.

    IMO, McCain/Palin were the DESIGNATED losers in 2008. Obama was the DESIGNATED winner. Politics is a strange bedfellow and so corrupt most people cannot or will not wrap their minds around it - it would probably destroy them if they knew the truth.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      The Repubs REALLY to win. The Repubs ALWAYS want to win. Don't fool yourself.

    2. Anonymous 12:12, I hope you're not hinting at the hypnotized sex-kitten story, or whatever it's called. Anyway, isn't she a bit long in the tooth for that?

    3. Jude..I remember somebody on IM's awhile back kept dropping that crazy "mind control sex kitten" link about Baldy!

      They have a new link says something like..."here's the reason why McCain/Palin lost the election" and it's some crazy website where they said Gayle King is really Whitney Houston! But now that Whitney is dead...I haven't seen the link anymore.....HMMMMMM...coincidence? LOL!!

    4. The sex kitten bit is only a tiny fraction of the MK ULTRA mind-control fear of the far right. Their conspiracy theories live forever.

    5. Anonymous12:25 AM

      Yes, it's called MK Ultra Mind Control - of which Sarah would be classified under 'Beta' or sex kitten programming (including her many personalities - mother, religious fanatic, sexy, hunter (outdoors woman) right-wing politician, etc. Her 'handlers' likely include her dad, Todd, all the way up to Henry Kissinger and beyond. Again, Sarah, in all likelihood, was groomed for her role on the world's stage since childhood.

      I've been researching this material for YEARS, being the ultimate skeptic for the longest time - but sorry to all you 'conspiracy nuts' haters - the EVIDENCE is all too apparent...if you care to look at it. This type of research requires an ENORMOUS amount of reading and CRITICAL THINKING. Not for the faint-of-heart nor the mentally lazy.

      This type of mind-control program is also called 'Monarch', which uses the Monarch butterfly as its symbol. Sarah also dresses in power clothes and colors - mainly black/red, black/white, the high-heeled shoes - again ALL programming. 'They' didn't need to groom her in intelligence - 'they' groomed her as a person of charisma, good looks, and home-on-the-prairie philosophy. MILLIONS of people fell for the rouse, some are still under her 'spell'.

      This stuff is DEEP and I'll have to hand to the programmers, they are GOOD. Damn good. They've perfected it to a science.

      It really doesn't matter whether you believe me. All you have to do is research this material yourself. But if you keep yourself satisfied with 'WTF is wrong with Sarah?' platitudes, thinking she is acting as an individual, you'll NEVER understand. Your loss. Everything becomes clearer when you see the big picture. Quite liberating too, as now NOTHING surprises me what politicians, movie stars, music stars, sports stars, the military, etc., actually DO and how they present themselves to the gullible and quite ignorant masses. They're laughing their asses off at us, and at the same time ripping us off financially and sending our children to wars that only profit THEM (in the name of patriotism).

      All this mind-f*ck is in our faces 24/7/365 and maybe, MAYBE, .05% understand what is happening. I've been in the country music industry and what I saw and experienced opened the rabbit hole for me. What a ride it's been.

    6. Anonymous6:23 AM


      dude, you need to get some air.

  13. As I have said before, I have a hard time believing that a professionally run presidential campaign would have waited until the last minute to come up with a v.p. candidate. I know that supposedly McCain wanted Lieberman, but were there no backup choices? Did they not vet those backup choices? They make it sound like amateur hour, procrastinating students trying to cram for an exam, making the v.p. choice at the last minute with little time to vet her. I have a hard time believing it. It also contradicts a lot of what has been speculated about in the blogosphere about Kristol and Paxson. I still suspect that Schmidt is 'taking the fall' for the Palin pick.

  14. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Just a couple of words~think "Manchurian Candidate".


  15. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Bill Kristol and a bunch of right wind writers and pundits were on a boondoggle cruise which docked in Alaska, and Sarah winked and twitched and flirted her way into their masturbation fantasies. They wanted to find the next new rising star, and Sarah wriggled onto their list at just the right time.

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      You said it!

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Bill Kristol is known to be a buffoon. Fired by the NY Times, still peddling his neocon bull. A self-satisfied snob who thought he could get credits for finding an unknown, sexy Republican.

    3. Marleycat5:38 PM

      The thing is - someone effected that meetup - and it had to have been planned well in advance. That is when Palin began to be discussed as a serious national political figure - some deal was made, probably with the way greased by a lot of obscene, revelatory activities. Who got Kristol and the others cruising to Alaska. Kind of like the "spontaneous" CNN coverage of the primaries in Wasilla - bullshit - that was well orchestrated and scripted - well before they got here!

    4. What is that slogan......everything goes better with "Koch"!

  16. Anonymous11:36 AM

    AMAZON REVIEW Boys Will Be Boys

    WOW! Shailey Tripp does an excellent job providing a detailed, horrifying look at the sex for hire political racket run by Todd Palin before, during, and after his wife was Governor of Alaska. Todd Palin apparently provided sexual services through Sahiley and many other men and women for his political and corporate cronies, even trafficking prostitutes across stare lines for the purpose of winning federal contacts and entertaining his friends.
    Todd Palin took advantage of Shailey, a single mom of two disabled kids, and lured her into a sordid world, while playing the "First Dude" of Alaska. Shailey's tale is riveting , heartbreaking , and finally redeeming....a must read!

    1. lilli3:21 PM

      Wonder why Gryphen hasn't done a write up on Shailey's book..maybe it's still in the works..hint hint!

  17. Anonymous11:37 AM

    We're giving the GOP too much credit. They didn't "groom" her well in advance. She winked at a few opinion-leaders like Bill Kristol.

    The primary race was a mess, and all those overpaid consultants fell all over themselves making too much of the Hilary-factor, and thought it was about getting the female vote. Sort of like naming pretty-boy Dan Quayle to do the same thing.

    So when Biden was the pick, the GOP grabbed for what they thought was the brass ring... fueled as well by the distaste the party powerbrokers felt for McCain, and the distrust they felt for Lieberman, who in addition brought nothing to the ticket.

    Sarah was the solution, the savior, the hail-mary pass. It was so last minute that in their frenzy they didn't even bother to vet her. So they really were caught by surprise to discover how little she knew, how poorly she learned, and how little she cared about actually even appearing qualified to govern.

    She was discovered too late to be their worst fear personified: a popular, untrainable idiot with a very bad attitude.

    No wonder they cut the sound to prevent her from making a VP concession speech anyway.

    1. DetroitSam12:37 AM

      I remember reading somewhere that after Sarah was selected someone in the McCain camp looked up up on google. That was the extent of vetting.

  18. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I wasn't sure what to expect but Shailey's story blew me away. I also didn't think it was possible for me to feel more contempt for the Palins' than I already do but this tripled it at the very least. Todd is a snake, lower than dirt, taking advantage of a mother of two disabled children, using her for sex and then "referring" his friends and business associates to her. What really rocked me was hearing that she was not the only woman he had done this to. Shailey met several others who had been recruited by Todd. He used to run ads on Craigslist and was so very familiar with the lifestyle that he already knew what words to use as code to indicate special services, etc. She talks about how he deposited $350 in her account one month for seeing six of his friends and how he suddenly expected her to now service him for free! The number of clients increased but the money remained the same. I know many of us have often wondered how the Palins afforded the lifestyle they had, their toys and vacation homes, not to mention buying their third home in Alaska within 15 years of marriage while Sarah had only worked making a decent salary for 1/3 of those years. Four children in Alaska is not inexpensive but now we know how they made ends meet. Sarah may have not known just how he made his extra money back then but she certainly does now. It's more than enough to trigger an IRS investigation.

    If there's any doubt as to how the name Tripp came to be, I think Levi may have suggested it as he ran into Todd sneaking out of the spa via the back door and had an argument out in the parking lot in the summer of '07. Every time Sarah hears the name Tripp, what does she think? What does Bristol think, knowing her son's name was influenced by the last name of a mother of two disabled children that her father abused sexually and profited from by peddling her services to others? What a sick and disturbed family the Palins' are!.................

    SEE MORE @

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Bristol may not have know what Levi was suggesting when he suggested the name "Tripp." I think that he was supposed to have told Bristol that it was a brand of hockey equipment. For Levi, it was a form of "payback." He had already been threatened by Todd and kicked to the curb by the Palin family. This was his parting shot at them.

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Okay first off...Bristol thinks it's okay to name her kid after hockey equipment? WTF?!

      It seems like you're trying to blame Levi for the Tripp naming when it was Bristol who was the one who carried Tripp in her womb for 9 months. She had no say in her own child's name? Was Bristol that much of a doormat?

    3. Irishgirl12:54 PM

      I wonder if that is what caused the fight between Todd and Levi on January 5th, 2009 - the name!!!!

    4. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Advertised on Craig's List! Of course, all of those adverts are archived. Definitely traceable.

    5. Anonymous3:03 PM

      The other women need to come forward.

    6. Irisgirl, i see what you did there!!!!!

      I believe you're gobsmack on to something!

  19. Cracklin Charlie11:39 AM

    I totally agree, G,

    These people are professional political operatives, even John McCain. They would have known plenty about this woman. Maybe not all they needed to know, but these people have conferences, meetings, committees, and all kinds of other networking opportunities. Would any of us have supposed that her closets were THIS full of bones?

    Even though I can acknowledge that Schmidt could not have imagined what a truly flawed candidate Sarah was, I have a hard time feeling sorry for him. By not admitting what they had done, or at least attempting to remove her from any future in national office, they have caused the "hour" of know-nothingness for which they criticize her.

    I wonder if Schmidt feels any responsibility for the state of the Republican primary campaign/clown show of 2012? Schmidt's "crisis of faith" must surely be continuing still.

    1. Marleycat5:50 PM

      Especially with all the very open fighting with Wooten, the threats, Monahan, etc. all that shit didn't start after she was picked, at the very least the chaos was starting up- those conflicts, the AIP shit, all of it. It was out there, the Menard complex crap, etc. That stuff wasn't hush hush cover up! They merely had to read back a month or two on Alaska's print, television, and online news to find out a lot of it. Schmidt and McCain were part of a seasoned political machine. If they didn't know something about someone, they certainly knew someone who did and would talk! They found out a lot, but didn't bother to follow through and finesse the research they did do until they realized that Mama Grizzly REALLY
      was the ass everyone said she was!

  20. Anonymous11:46 AM

    The "Groomers of Palin" failed. All that grooming and in the end, there she sits, resplendent in her hateful ignorance.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      You groom dogs, or in this case, a female BITCH!

  21. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I have HBO and cannot wait to watch this!

    I was born & raised in Alaska, registered R for almost 20 yrs before she was picked, then changed to I. My husband remains a registered R, but he would not (and did not) vote for her or any of the other sanctimonious know-nothings on the table for love or money. No way. He & I had differing opinions about McCain from the start, and once Palin was picked he threw up his hands in disgust and looked elsewhere for a ticket to vote for. My life-long R royalty in-laws did the same.

    Sure, she was being groomed, but she was being groomed by idiots. She was not a part of the R establishment in Alaska, she was seen as evil by them after her hijinks with Randy Reudrich. I know R establishment in Alaska, was married into it for years, and can tell you that she was loathed by them. For the Randy situation, for her AGIA efforts, for raising taxes on the oil companies.

    She was groomed by idiots that thought that her special brand of religion + politics was going to lead her to greatness. After GWB and wars and economy going to hell in a handbasket that was not going to go over well. She was GWB in a skirt, but even more illiterate, unintelligent & radically religious. Rabidly. That's only going to appeal to a certain subset of the US population. Now even some of that subset have seen through her and wouldn't vote for her.

    Hard lesson learned for the GOP -- you lay down with pigs you get shit on you. One hopes that they see their way to sanity after the debacle of the last election & this clown car posse that's making the rounds this time.

    Hearing her talk about the possibility of a run in 2016 brings to mind the best Gary Larson Far Side comic -- the one with the dog hiding, sign saying "Cat Fud" with an arrow pointed at the dryer, cat poking its head into the dryer, dog saying "Please please please..." If Bible Spice pokes her head into that dryer in 2016 the GOP will come down on her like a ton of bricks. They will not stand for her ruining their chances for a third cycle.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      I hope you're right but many of the GOP seem content to just stand back and let her go. I am completely astounded at how long Sarah Palin has been able to string people along. Her understanding of political issues is superficial at best. She should focus her attention on performing - with the understanding that she is performing. She should focus her efforts on becoming a reality star. I think that's what she wants anyway.

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      And you still vote GOP?? I bet u are still in love with TedStevens. I know a lot of Alaskans that still won't admit he was corrupt. Remember his best friend Bill Allen who was having underage sex parties with his friends.

    3. lilli3:17 PM

      Wonder if Shailey or Todd know anything about Bill Allen's sex partying?

    4. Marleycat5:52 PM

      I bet they do!

    5. Anonymous6:27 PM

      One of Shay's Johns did a very disturbing you tube about Ted Stevens crash.

      He certainly acts guilty. CEO of GCI...

  22. Gasman11:47 AM

    Schmidt is FINALLY beginning to admit just how stupid Palin was/is/always will be and how reckless was the decision to tap her as V.P. I think his reluctance to fully admit this is because it makes him look pretty stupid for not recognizing how unbelievably shallow and feckless Palin obviously is. He's not quite the hotshot political consultant when he can't recognize that particular bleeding elephant in the snow.

    But, better late than never.

    However, it is even more disturbing to learn that Palin had been considered for the majors for a long time without ANYBODY actually learning anything about her. If they had spent only a couple of hours in her presence it would have been absolutely clear that she's thicker than shit. Maybe this should serve as an object lesson that candidates should be picked for some reason OTHER than their looks?

    What astounds me is that despite the best efforts of Schmidt and Wallace to actually teach Palin something, she still has all of the intellectual acumen of dryer lint. Actually, I'm convinced that most lint would actually have a measurably higher IQ.

    I have a feeling a certain refrigerator is going to receive a rather brutal beating come Saturday.

    1. lwtjb3:31 PM

      I think she was picked - or rather pushed - for her religion and because she was seen as easy to manipulate. I am with Gryphen. She was in the running long before the so-called vetting by McCain. She was already trolling for national office when she met that ship with all those nasty religious types on it. It was obvious what she was doing. That event riveted my attention on her because of the overt right wing religion pitch and because I also have Wasilla connections. I thought her promotion for candidate was a flagrant move to install right wing religion in the presidency. Still think that. Look what we've got running now.

      Obama/Biden Landslide 2012

    2. Gasman6:30 AM

      But that cruise ship performance was in the Spring of 2008. William Kristol and the other dirty old GOP men all had hard ons for Palin, quite literally. They let their boners do the thinking and vetting. The fundagelicals may have had delusions about Palin as POTUS, but they also have delusions about flyin' through the sky come a Rapture.

      For what it's worth, the fundagelicals don't trust the GOP party elite who reciprocate that distrust for them right back. Kristol et al. don't really want the fundies in positions of real authority within the party. They don't share the same cartoonish, strident religious/social views and they think the fundies are but cousin' humpin' goobers with more toes than teeth. However, they cannot resist pandering to them come election time.

      The people who were supposed to be the smart politically savvy ones totally missed what a vapid moron Palin is. Shit, I could see what a simpleton she was from her GOP convention rollout speech.

      That ANYBODY would be willing to let someone so feckless, incompetent and plain fucking stupid even have a chance at becoming POTUS is frightening.

  23. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Groomed by whom??? Dominionists? sure, I'll buy that. Main stream (read Rove, Bush(s), etal.) GOP---I don't see it (which doesn't mean it isn't true, Gryphen ;o)

    Rmoney has been groomed by high level Mormons for decades---doesn't mean the GOP was in on the game.

    I suspect a "conservatard women" short list is maintained by right wing players. I understand Michelle Bachman was there along with Palin (and I'm sure thrown out as an option 30 seconds after they met Marcus).


    1. hedgewytch12:53 PM

      Exactly right - she was the high hopes of the Alaskan Dominionists who have been working in the US political scenes on the state and fed level for over 20 years to get "their" people in all levels of government. She was picked first for Mayor by her Wasilla Church of God cronies who thought they could control her. Ooops....except she did a lot of their work here in the state before she left by appointing even more of her Christian Dominionist friends to all areas of state government.

    2. I think she was groomed by the Dominionists who thought they had a good puppet. They didn't care whether she knew anything. She was supposed to be the good little woman puppet and do exactly what she was told. I think it has been her many times of "going rogue" that finally did her in. The puppet masters appear to have abandoned her.

    3. Gasman1:11 PM

      The Alaskan Dominionists are about as stupid a collection of humans as could be possibly found anywhere on our planet. These are the same morons that think people used to ride dinosaurs. These are the same cousin humps that think the entirety of creation is but 6,000 years old. These are the same dumbasses that get up each morning and seriously wonder "is THIS the day that the Rapture will happen and I will fly through sky to meet Jesus?"

      These peawits are indeed dumb enough to think that Palin should be president. They are but inbred simpletons. What's Kristol's or McCain's or Schmidt's or Wallace's excuse?

  24. Anonymous11:49 AM

    You are absolutely right, Gryphen, that Sarah (and others) were being "groomed" years in advance. For a few of the others, think Michelle Bachmann, or Katherine Harris (of Florida recount infamy). Harris, in fact, was the first of the proclaimed "Queen Esthers."

    Anyone who doubts that the Fundie GOP doesn't lay its traps decades in advance and keep its "entrapped proteges" in line for years with blackmail and strategic financing, should read "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power."

    It is about the C Street group in DC (worldwide, actually), and how they "groom" up-and-coming politicos and religious leaders to do their bidding.

    Sarah was speaking (during her earliest days in politics in Wasilla) about her calling from God to be President of the US. This has been well-document by Dunn, Bailey, and McGinniss. Sarah still seems to feel this is all part of "God's Plan."

    McCain really did want Liebermann as his Veep, but Paxson (who had entrapped McCain on several fronts) twisted his arm. After February 23, when Paxson and his operatives called off their revelations to the New York Times about Vicki Iseman), McCain acknowledged that Palin would be his running mate. McCain wasn't happy about this, and may have tried to balk at the last minute, but Palin was forced on him.

    Schmidt has a lot to answer for, as does McCain, but they were being played by much larger forces.The attempt to make this a simple error of judgment or "vetting" by the McCain team is only part of an attempt not to dislodge much larger rock of scandal that the GOP does NOT want turned over.

    I suspect the Dems knows all about this too and are waiting to turn over their cards until the most effective moment.

    1. icstraights12:37 PM

      I have heard this story many times in Alaska WAY before she was tapped as VP.
      The dominionists are very crafty as to not reveal themselves. I also think they have dirt on EVERYONE. McLame & Schmidt probably had no choice. Who are they? Oil CEO's, Catholic church, all the above?
      I hope you can find some dirt on them G!

    2. Anonymous1:35 PM

      I suspect that Sarah has been groomed for a long time. Groomed by Dominionists. They found, in Sarah, someone who is charismatic and "charming" (only charming if you are not onto her), and decided that she would be a good person to to move their agenda forward. It is my guess that Sarah truly believes that she is the chosen one - because that is what everyone around her has been telling her. Only "the chosen one" scenario can explain her level of confidence in spite of evidence supporting her incompetence. "The devil will try to cut you down. Recognize this, Sarah, and push forward," "Gain strength from what your enemies are saying." Sarah is NEVER alone. There is always "one of her team" there to coach her along and keep her strong.

    3. Anonymous2:05 PM

      If she was groomed she WOULD HAVE BEEN groomed.

    4. Anonymous8:17 PM

      She attended GOPAC training but I don't think she learned as much as she should have. That does explain her attachment to Gingrich, though.

      Watch and read the notes directly below the video. I remember this from 2008.

  25. Rather than vote for McCain with paylump as his vp the American People voted in the first black man in the history of ths Country as President . Scarah, get a clue and also Thank You!

  26. Beldar Screechy2012! Conehead12:00 PM

    Well, Mr. Fancy Pants Alaska Librul Blogger, it looks like you've done what MOST non-rill-common sense conservative Americans have done: you TOTALLY misunderestimated the awesome divine power of The Screechy Wretch(tm)! Ha ha ha!!! Lamestream media CNN is reporting that Alaska's stoopidest former governor has NOT - repeating: NOT - ruled out a run for Queen of America in 2012!!! READ IT AND WEEP, MISTER BLISTER!!! SHE'S RUNNING!!!

    You were WARNED against bashing someone you didnt know personally and NOW she will have the ULTIMATE revenge when she is carried into the Republican Convention in Butt, Montana, atop a gold-and-semi-precious stone encrusted sedan chair lofted effortlessly by 6 bare-chested muscular Barack Hussein Obama-lookalikes. And there isnt a damn thing you can do about it!!!

    And when she is installed as Queen of America FOR LIFE and moves the nation's capital to Alaska's meth capital, you and your librul blog buddies can just sit back and cry like little girls!!!

    Just remember, you HAD your chance to fall in line and worship our future Queen but you thought you were better than her. Well, SOON you shall feel her wrath - or at least smell the foul odor of her fetid breath!

    Sure, she might be an incurious, divisive, unintelligent, thin-skinned, prevaricating, job-quitting, rapidly-aging, alopecia-suffering, word-salad-spewing grifter and international laughing stock.


    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      :) Good one!

    2. LMAO! Beldar you crack me up....EVERYTIME!

      RUN, SCREECH, RUN!!! Indeed :)

    3. Kimosabe5:10 PM

      Now I am just waiting for someone to condemn you as a troll! Well, after I stop laughing!

    4. Marleycat5:57 PM

      Uh-oh! I feel another uncontrollable laughing jag comin' on! Thanks for reminding us to laugh at this obscenity!

    5. Well said, Beldar!

  27. Groomed for years? Nah. I don't think so. She was only gov. for two years. She flounced in to view on some Alaska cruise that Bill Kristol participated in sometime in 2007. That is probably when the "grooming" began. Actually, it was the public that was groomed, not the candidate. Her few public appearances following the GOP stunner convention speech, and the howling stupidity that she has displayed since, is evidence of no grooming at all.

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      She was governor for less than two years when she was picked to run for VP. SO, I don't believe she was groomed either.

  28. Irishgirl12:01 PM

    Read p159-160 of Geoffrey's book.I think there was definitely something up regarding McCain, Vicki Iseman and Bud Paxton (Trig Paxton Van Palin).

    Palin met McCain for the first time on Feb, 23rd, 2008. This was around the same time as the Times article concerning McCain and Iseman was written.

    I don't think Schmidt was in on it...but I would have my suspicions about McCain. He could have been ripe for blackmailing. This was also around the time that Sarah decided she was pregnant and started wearing scarves.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM


      veerrry interesting

  29. Anonymous12:01 PM

    The film reveals Palin for what she is: intellectually dysfunctional, psychologically imbalanced, and most importantly, politically polarizing

    Soory G, I think politically polarizing isn't most important, psychologically imbalanced is.
    Crazy. Cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Batshit. Certifiable.

  30. Anonymous12:06 PM

    In this photo Steve is telling John ... "I just heard Todd sniffs his hooker's panties"

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Doesn't everyone do this?

    2. OR...he's saying...."I can't believe she tried to come on to ME! Doesn't she know that this is a campaign not a beauty pageant"!

  31. Anonymous12:10 PM

    OT, G
    Rick Santorum calls Palin’s daughter, Bristol, a breeder of criminals

    Santorum: Single Moms Are “Breeding More Criminals”

    crickets from the mommy maverick

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      I am African America, a single mother, and my son and daughter are college graduates, successful in their fields of employment.
      Also our President Obama's mother was a single mother.
      And there are millions more examples of single mothers raising successful, law abiding children.

    2. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Oh yeah. There are millions of two parent homes with criminals for children. Examples, the Palin's, the Bushs'.

  32. Irishgirl12:11 PM

    I forgot to mention that Bud Paxson is an evangelical christian and his networks aired a lot of religious programming!

  33. Grover Norquist has openly revealed that the GOP only wants a puppet to sign *their* bills into law. Palin got away from them.

    “Too smart by half?”

  34. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Why hasnt main stream media picked up shailey tripps book ? It seems they would. Any idea why

    1. lostinmn12:40 PM

      They would have to explain why they didn't get after it to begin with.

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      I think they will, eventually.

    3. As soon as it goes 'e'(Book), it will explode.

  35. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I have never thought Palin was 'groomed' for the position by the Repubs until AFTER she was named to the ticket. She had aspirations to go further on the national scene and her name came up off and on as being on long/short the list for McCain's VP. McCain always wanted Lieberman on the ticket with him, but was talked out of it and Palin put in thinking a 'woman' would be better and her stand on abortion was where they wanted it to be!

    Palin changed the looks and actions of the Republican party and they are in disgrace now due to her divisiness during the campaign!! (The Repubs in Congress didn't help either!)

    Look at the type of folks there were in the running for the national repub primary and how they have dropped like flies! I sincerely hope Santorum falls by the wayside soon too.

    Look at Franklin Graham (Sarah's supposed friend) speaking out as he has and the trouble he got into nationally recently. Palin is the kiss of death! She voted for Gingrich, Toad endorsed him and he came in 4th in the State of Alaska for the recent republican primary. Sarah hasn't verbally endorsed anyone because she wants to be picked as the VP nominee at the Republican Convention in Florida by whomever might be left standing. Or, perhaps she has aspirations to be named to run for president if it were to come to that? God forbid! She's probably hoping that Gingrich wins more states other than Georgia and perhaps he would name her to his ticket? What a pair those two would be - they'd kill each other if they ever got to the White House. But, I doubt seriously he will become the nominee. Women don't like him! Plus, he comes off as an arrogant asshole and control freek!

    Sarah is evil, inept and all about Sarah! She works the media better than anyone I have ever seen and they are nuts to keep her in their news cycles. (CNN currently!) She is no longer the pretty little thing and has aged considerably in the short number of years we've been following her. The constant negative energy coming from her will eventually do her in. Plus, the information would be made public (if she were named) covering the misdeeds of her and Todd in Alaska to include IRS - the retarded child - i.e. did she really birth him (?), Todd's prostitute ring that has been covered up by the Anchorage Police and on and on. Remember too, she is on camera saying she'd do anything she wanted to unless she was stopped because of the law!

    Thank God we have President Obama in the White House and I sincerely hope he is reelected. He's doing a hell of a job in spite of the fact he has been cut off at the pass constantly by the Repubs in Congress. Get the Republicans out of office next election folks - things need to be calmed down and we don't want another war as they do!

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      If Sarah is "all about Sarah" as you state above, then what do you make of Sarah's father's statement that Sarah does what "they" tell her to do?

      We need to know, in great detail, who "they" are! Paxson? Adelson? Graham? Murdoch? C Street? Another GOP- affiliated organization (I can think of several possible candidates)? Another country, even?

      Sarah may be personally loathsome, but she is also a pawn in a much larger game, as is her pimp husband.

      And, yes, Sarah was being "groomed" for many years by her Church leaders (acting on the behalf of the mysterious "THEY.")

    2. Irishgirl2:27 PM

      I agree. Except they didn't take into account the fact that she was so fecking stupid.

    3. Anonymous2:53 PM

      I disagree with some of your responses to my entry above. She does what 'they' tell her to - I think he was referring to the folks in the McCain campaign that had the responsibility of her! (Cannot even imagine having that job!)

      Church leaders - doubt that too. She became involved with Graham AFTER she became the 'quitter' governor. (That can be proven!) She is no more a christian than am I! She doesn't practive faith (as taught across our country)in any way, shape or form. And, she doesn't attend church in Alaska (the Palin family is 'too' busy according to Brisol!).

    4. Anonymous3:12 PM

      I wouldn't believe anything Chuck Heath has to say.

    5. Anonymous3:19 PM

      You might be right but I have a hard time much that Chuckie says seriously. They probably means Todd for all we know.

      Her church leaders were grooming her to be a politician yes, but not with the McCain campaign....

    6. Marleycat6:11 PM

      She is only able to work the media because they are allowing it - those media pros know a fool when they see one - but for some reason, they are holding back, despite the avalanche of sordid truths they already have. Example, FOX News - when the anchors or panel were all caught laughing about her SPA - they clearly recognized her as an idiot! They weren't laughing with her, they were laughing AT her - and the contempt Bill O'Reilly can't disguise, even Glenn Beck couldn't help himself when he clearly called out her ignorance - then moved on as if he hadn't insulted her on national TV. They know, but haven't discarded her totally yet! When they do - the RWNJ's are going to be a million times more harsh. She does generate clicks and viewership - people want to witness the public freak out, and she is a good attack dog. The best part is - they can pretend it was all Sarah Palin responsible for the insanity, and ignorance, hate,etc. - not them, those who sponsored the hate and racism!

  36. Anonymous12:37 PM

    What you talkin' bout Willis?

    Sarah wasn't groomed... just look at her toes and hair!

  37. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Actually Sarah has been groomed since 2008 by IM bloggers.

    Whenever she does something retarded with her looks, house, feet, shoes, clothes and whatever, we always jump on her and then next thing we notice is that she changes what she did.

    Sarah Palin owes us... Pay up bitch!

  38. The major issue I hold Palin accountable for is why was she not personally prepared given she knew she was on the short list, stated she had the ambition to be president and obviously agreed she be considered for highest office.

    No sane person would be self deceived she or he know little to nothing and get a pass for running playing Bash the Opponent, shedding weight, raising her skirt and parading her kids like pet ponies.

    Anyone in their right mind would have been ready including buying at least two good suits and have mastered geography 101. It is f'ing nonsense "poor Sarah". Ask 100 mothers and a minimum will validate that is a crock of shit.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      I think Palin would tell you it has to do with God and opening doors and it being her time, etc. I think it's part of her mental illness that she would think she could transfer herself from her protective, controlled circle in AK to the middle of a presidential campaign and not have to prepare herself in the least.

  39. LisaB259512:43 PM

    Years? Really? By whom? People so impressed by a woman whose only prior elected office was mayor of a town of 5000? Are you kidding? A woman whose only other statewide office was a appointment that she quit?

    The idea that the real "movers and shakers" in this scheme of yours somehow picked Palin YEARS before the nomination is laughable. You need to get Outside more often if you think in any other state of the union someone whose only prior elected office is mayor of town whose population is only slightly above the enrollment at my son's high school (3,685) becomes governor.

    As a female governor, she she automatically made any short list for the VP slot. There was no long term scheme to groom Palin. Palin fooled the GOP established in thinking she was a good idea the same way she fooled the Alaskan people into voting for her.

    "Grooming" implies a willingness to be groomed. Palin couldn't even be short-term groomed during the election. She doesn't take advice. She can't be guided, advised, educated or otherwise curbed into a more palatable candidate.

  40. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I too have come to respect Steve Schmidt and look forward to his appearances on MSNBC. However, I do not believe that he actually recommended or
    foisted her on McCain.

    Rather, I think the old f#%t (McCain) saw a photo of Sarah somewhere and felt his Viagra kicking in. Then he interviewed(sic)her and was impressed (yeah, right!) There is also the possibility that his choice of Palin was, in fact, a middle finger to the GOP powers that were who would not allow him to run with Joe Lieberman (Jew/ex Democrat/ugly guy/Jew/Jew/Jew.)

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      yep.. that'll work...LMAO

  41. So the religious powers that be were looking for the next Margaret Thatcher. I am certain Sarah was groomed religiously...Franklin Graham comes to mind. Floyd Orr was a blogger that was relentless looking for clues. Maybe he will post a comment here.... If we keep digging maybe a clue will surface. Also kudos to Shailey Tripp for writing her tell all book and remaining alive to tell the tale.

  42. imnofred1:14 PM

    This is O/T but interesting. I saw a post on HP where Hannity claims to have "the goods" that will bring the President down via tapes that Brietfart had that were kept secret.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Do you mean the Top Secret Secret Secret
      "Whitey Video"? LOL!

      Here it is.

      At Harvard, Obama Dived Into Diversity Fight

    2. I've seen that video before....PBS did a special on the President and this video speech was included!

      Is this the video the crazy right wingers were saying Beerfart claimed to have? If so...

      EPIC FAIL!

    3. Dinty2:34 PM

      No, we know what it is. The tapes are of the President when he was in college attending and later joining a roundtable discussion about Saul Alinsky.

      I'm not kidding.

      These guys are so driven by hatred that anything they perceive as negative they believe will be viewed as negative by the population in general.

    4. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Here's the long version

    5. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Oh but they weren't specially edited by BreitFart Bannon Baldy's new butt boy will have to edit the tapes to show something....
      These people are so fucking lame.
      I can't wait tell BreitFarts tox screen shows Speed killed him! (or coke)
      Then the topic will be dropped like a hot rock!

  43. Anonymous1:19 PM


    It's good to hear you say that Palin was being groomed. I believe strongly that a number of people were selected for the combination of stupidity and willingness to allow others to control them in forming a puppet government.

    George Bush was just a trial run for governing the US by proxy.

    Palin was a disaster in more ways than one.

    1. Hmmm, might the trial run have been Reagan? Too bad the GOP/TP patterned their sequels after the "Nightmare on ...." movies.

    2. Anonymous2:39 AM

      Yes, Reagan was a tv star who was approached by oil men and asked to run for CA governor. He did their bidding from then on.

  44. Anonymous1:32 PM

    The GOP wanted a woman for VEEP. They preferred a stupid person because she would be easier to control. They preferred an inexperience person because she would be easier to control.

    Palin fit the bill. Stupid, eager to display overt sexuality, fertile, reasonably good actress, family of young children, DS baby for fundie creds.

    Palin turned out even stupider than the GOP wanted!

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Well said ! Don't forget lazy and incurious. She didn't want to work or learn. She is only interested in the fun parts of political office. Educating yourself is work. It's much easier to follow orders. She appeared to be the perfect puppet. The big question is: "Who would be pulling the strings?"

  45. Bwahahahahahah!

    Sarah ends up being the ignoramus who drives the GOP Clown Car off the Cliff!

    Where's Your God now? What happened to all those Open Doors? Or did your God actually use you and your "Servant's Heart" to expose the hypocrisy of the GOP/psuedo Xtian platform to take the USA back to the dark ages of 1776?

    Thanks for the dumbing down of 'Merica, Idiot! Now just STFU and go away!

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Isn't it funny that God supposedly told Bachmann, Perry , Cain and Santorum to run for president ? Maybe God is a Democrat ?

  46. Anonymous1:36 PM

    John McCain is on the news right now - complaining about the US not leading. He really has some nerve, considering what he unleashed by naming Sarah Palin as his running mate.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      McCain wants a war! With any of them all of them.
      We know he is not fit to serve. AZ is like AK corrupt to the core.

  47. Anonymous1:50 PM

    It's on the record that GOP types were going up to AK on those cruises and stopping off for lunch with Sarah Palin, long before she was tapped for the VP slot. The New York Times, or the New Yorker, had a long piece about it I think. Bill Kristol was one of her longtime admirers.

    And then this student who out of nowhere came up with a Draft Sarah Palin movement? What about that? Bet someone higher up put him up to it, like the young people who were groomed by some Republican think tank to do stuff like impersonate pimps and embarrass ACORN. The supposedly spontaneous, and remarkably coincidental, website made for a folksy grassroots narrative but it was likely much more calculated than that.

    Here's a piece on the lunches:

    And here's a piece on that kid with the internet site (he was receiving a Ronald Reagan Leaders scholarship from the Phillips Foundation, a group clearly tied to the Heritage Foundation, hmmm):

    That Steve Schmidt now sees it was all a huge mistake is cold comfort, indeed.

    This woman was definitely on the NeoCons' radar as a sexy choice who would do Big Oil's bidding should she weasel her way into the White House alongside an elder statesman like John McCain.

    Sheer evil was at work, I am telling you. Looks like Rupert Murdoch was interested in her early on, as well.

    Kinda funny she turned out to be so unreliable! Lucky for us, obviously...

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      See Jane Meyer's piece in the Oct. 27, 2008 New Yorker -- The Insiders: How John McCain came to pick Sarah Palin.

      The article documents how Adam Brickley began the palinforvp blog site in February 2007(!).

      Brickley was from a Colorado Springs Evangelical household that had practiced "Messianic Judaism" an amalgamation of Christian Fundamentals and Judaic practices. He said he felt "the hand of God" was behind his work in promoting Palin. Note again, this was in early 2007!

      As Jane Meyer puts it, "Brickley is an authentic heartland voice, but he is also the product of an effort by wealthy conservative organizations in Washington to train activists." He was "groomed" by "Young Amerca's Foundation," by the "Leadership Institute," and by the "Heritage Foundation." He was an intern at, a leading conservative Web site.

      Seems like a lot of very early "grooming" of a lot of people behind the scenes was going on to promote a "cult of personality" candidate -- Sarah Palin -- in the eventuality that a "moderate" might be nominated in 2008 by the GOP.

      If Romney, instead of McCain, had won the nomination, I suspect Palin would have been forced on him, as well. The GOP was thinking WAY ahead.

  48. Anonymous1:57 PM

    How to Suck Up to Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      OMG - thanks for the link. The comments there are great!

  49. Anonymous2:45 PM

    There was a man hired by Palin, not sure as mayor or gov, who was later discovered to be a sex offender? felon? whatever, and was fired with a hefty severance package. I remember reading that some religious power broker put Sarah up to that hiring, figuring that if she would hire that kind of person when asked, she'd do anything that "they" [powerful religious group] wanted. It was a test she passed with flying colors.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      It was Walt Monegan's replacement. Google is your friend. Fundie creds + crony capitalism = sexual problems. Always. Every. Time.

      From Andrew Halcro:

      That's why Palin replaced Monegan with Chuck Kopp from Kenai, an old Palin family acquaintance who is more likely to follow the governor's line and never say no.
      From Democraticunderground:

      Kenai City Police Chief Chuck Kopp was a rising star in Alaska's Christian conservative movement. He was a frequent speaker at local religious and patriotic gatherings. He was school board president of Cook Inlet Academy, the fundamentalist Christian high school in Soldotna his missionary-educator father founded. Kopp also was on the board of Port Alsworth's Tanailan Bible Camp, also founded by his father.
      From ADN:

      New state Public Safety Commissioner Chuck Kopp never told Gov. Sarah Palin that he received a letter of reprimand stemming from a sexual harassment complaint when he was chief of the Kenai police, the governor's office said on Thursday.

    2. Irishgirl3:49 AM

      Here is an email from Chuck Kopp's sister to Palin regarding his firing.I know nothing about Chuck Kopp but his life went downhill after that. And I mean downhill.

  50. Anonymous2:46 PM

    OT. She's baaaaackkk, shaking her money maker. Sarah gave CNN an interview last night in which she wouldn't rule out running for the presidency.

    1. She has no stamina, knowledge or money to run a campaign - yet she wants the job. It would be interesting to have a brokered convention just to hear what those who spent years on the campaign trail have to say about giving her the nomination.

      I think the reality is she wants the VP job. She's probably busy writing her acceptance. Sarah is still of the opinion the main role of the VP is to be a celebrity.

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM

      She couldn't even strap her boobies on straight for her interview last night ( at least now we know where Tawd hides those used condoms and wash clothes).

      Little Rabbit

  51. carollt2:47 PM

    Well, we all have one thing to be thankful for; Sarah lost the election and is unlikely to win another. As Joe McGinness said, those who know her best like her least. This really hit home to me last night as I saw Newt in Georgia. The folks that know him still like him. He is one of them.

    Sarah Palin is not liked in her home state and anyone with a brain in the other states have come to see that she is perhaps one of the dullest knives in the drawer, if you will.

    As for Steve Schmidt, he did go on 60 minutes when the Game Change book came out and confessed his sins to America. I have to respect a man who admits he was wrong and has learned from his mistake. And he does seem to be quite remorseful for his part in putting Sarah Palin in our faces all the time. But hey, they say misery loves company, so the rest of us are enduring what you Alaskans have had to endure these many years. We all suffer Sarah together now.

  52. LOL! Just went to "Crazies4Palin" and saw that they are almost through the final stages of grief! Since they are not able to stop folks from watching the movie or intimidate HBO into not showing "Game Change" they have a post up about a statement released by BaldyPac! Please hold your vomit until the end!

    "Current and former staff members of Governor Palin’s who spoke out against HBO’s propaganda movie ‘Game Change’ at a press conference last month, have now seen the entire movie and released the following statement:

    Despite HBO’s best efforts, we have all seen the movie Game Change. We stand by everything we previously said on the record. The movie is at best “historical fiction” – historical only in that Sarah Palin was nominated and campaigned for the office of Vice President. The movie is a series of scenes where the dialogue, locations and participants are invented or rendered unrecognizable for dramatic effect. HBO and its surrogates continue to argue that they spoke to 25 sources. None of them are on the record nor is their level of “involvement” in the campaign disclosed. Not one source is on the record in either the book or in the movie and it is clear why. The authors of the book never even traveled on the campaign with Governor Palin. We call on HBO to add the fiction disclaimer.

    Tim Crawford
    Jason Recher
    Randy Scheunemann
    Meg Stapleton
    Tom Van Flein
    Doug McMarlin
    Andy Davis


    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Damn....outright lying to the poor bots once again, 'eh??

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Poor Sarah. She is so retarded to think anyone gives an F at this point what her staff says. Sarah has proven to the world how nuts she is time and time again on national TV!!! The movie is believable! Sarah, we saw the interviews you did, and your other wacky things. What you are doing now PROVES every word said about you in Game Change. Are you so dang slow that you don't see that.!!? Do you think labeling it fiction matters now?

      Dang Sarah you are a nut job who NEVER learns when to STFU! Keep advertising the movie. HBO will laugh and so will we. I mean you think Americans are so stupid that they believe " the undefeated" Is that labeled as fiction??? it's all a bunch of lies. Unlike Game Change.

      What a joke you have become and you created it yourself.

    3. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Those 6 fellers are speaking up for Sarah how come those 6 fellers are not speaking up for Todd and his prostitution ring?

      So Shailey Tripp's book must be true.

  53. *falling on the floor in laughter*

    Oh heavens...before posting my last comment I should have read the comments posted at "Crazies4Palin" first!

    The insanity is in full effect! Each comment posted was more bizarre than the next! But if I had to pick a winner...this one would be IT!

    "VADMCollingwood 41 seconds ago

    How about we offer to parachute Tom Hanks and all his Hollywood cocain sniffing sodomite buddies into some Cuban cane field with a zippo and a pack of Marlboros. We'll promise to pick them up in about a year. Maybe by then they will have reconsidered their undying support for atheism, socialism, and government control of everyone's life."

    Ummm....I can't*clears throat*... is this even real...this poor man...*walks away from computer*

  54. London Bridges3:12 PM

    You will recall that Sarah went to Israel and met with Netanyahu. When Net met with Obama he gave Obama a book: The bible's book of Esther!

    The Repugs wanted an unknown thinking there would not be time for the Dems to vet her. What they didn't count on was Sarah's pure stupidity and evil and propensity for going Rogue & Mavericky.

    Furthermore: The Repugs were thwarted by a crew of brilliant determined Alaskan bloggers like Muckraker, Audrey, Gryphen, Halcro, and others.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Do you have a link to the news article about President Obama getting this gift? I find it hard to believe it had anything to do with Sarah.

  55. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Good gawd Mr. Schmidt, where the hell you been?

    We, here in Wasilla knew she was a clueless backstabber when the first Harry Potter book came out.

    But honestly Mr. Schmidt, no worries, you gave some Wasillians hope, that once she was picked, she might reveal some sort of clue. Could it be true? That some sort of intelligence would seep through the nasty fighting snarling teeth. BUT NOOOOOOOOO, she was her usual self = nasty mean, petty and wonderfully clueless.


  56. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Ok I'm hooked, Groomed and by whom?
    I know Kristol was ga ga about her tabula rasa brain but who else in the Republican Chiarra would have known about her "years" ahead of time and been able to reach into Alaska and groom her. The only one I can think of is Murkowski, but his passing over her for the senate seat seems to let that fall.

  57. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Karl Rove latest dig @ Palin & Todd, must read - Their endosments not worth a snot.

    1. Marleycat6:18 PM

      Oh no - he just got done reading "Boys Will Be Boys"!

  58. carrieoki3:49 PM

    O/T Interesting Tweet in my Twitter feed: Andree McLeod (R) ‏ @AndreeMcLeod
    SHAM ALERT! Unethical Corrupt Sarah #Palin @ it again. Will masquarade (sic) as AK delegate @ FL GOP convention while she pockets $ from FOX NEWS?

    Interesting. (Did not validate this info).

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      I wondered how she could just go. Don't you have to be a delegate?? It's frightening that she would do this thinking she will be called to duty.
      Sarah Palin is NUTS!!!

    2. Anonymous8:29 AM

      I doubt Palin would be picked to be an Alaskan delegate to the Republican convention? Any more conversation going on about this?

  59. Anonymous3:56 PM

    O/T The annoying ad on this blog (supposedly from tracking me around the web and seeing where I click) is a poll to "Overturn Obamacare". So can anyone tell me why more people with healthcare is a bad idea? Why would I want to overturn the program that provides health insurance for my 24 year old? that insures my spouse with a pre-existing condition won't be denied coverage?

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      You need to get the "AdBlock Plus" addon/extension for your browser. Works wonders!

  60. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Palin may have had aspirations of becoming President for years, but that doesn't mean she was being groomed for the position for years. If they had been grooming her she would have been better prepared in 2008, and she simply was not. She can run every 4 years and she will never win the election. The vast majority of Americans can not stand her and think she's a know nothing politician and she hasn't done anything to change the opinion of the American public. She has only made things worse for herself with her reality star status!

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      I think the indications are clear that Palin was being "groomed"early by her church leaders(who convinced her that she was on a Mission from God, and by others (including Linda Menard), and then, as time went on, by more Political types.

      Shailey Tripp's book indicates that Todd was also engaged in "grooming" prostitutes for the (interstate and perhaps international) use of high-ranking government and industrial leaders. Clearly he didn't get into this business all on his own. He was both being "groomed" by his superiors in the blackmail business and he passed on the "grooming" to his underlings, Sarah included, most likely.

      By summer 2007, Dick Morris, political "groomer" par excellence (see Meyer's article in the New Yorker referenced above), was having long conversations with Sarah. There were almost certainly others involved.

      Yes, Sarah was not well prepared and is incredibly crazed and stupid, but she was elected Governor of Alaska.

      She and McCain might well have won the election in 2008 if the economic crash had held off only a few months.

      And that was all that was needed -- a few months of Palin being charismatic and avoiding complete disaster -- for a major Dominionist victory/takeover of US government.

      Palin is now in the process of crashing and burning, but it is wrong to think that she and McCain (and their handlers) didn't almost pull this off.

    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      I truly have a difficult time thinking that Palin was groomed for anything. She did horribly in Alaska debates - didn't do press conferences well and Toad did a lot of the work (for her) when she was the 'quitter' governor. What kind of grooming does that involve? She's one lazy broad and has always been! Her only 'smartness' includes being devisive, lying and getting the press to pay attention to her. Other than that, she is a zero!

  61. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Difficult to imagine that Palin was being groomed for years yet never did anything to prepare for what lay ahead of her. OTOH, she is so delusional I can see that she didn't think she needed to learn or needed to travel. Besides, if she was "God's chosen one", then God would tell her what she needed to learn, right? "Don't worry your pretty little head, Sister Sarah, I've got this".

    Sarah did an interview early on with Hannity. They were in chairs facing each other. More than once, the camera showed Palin moving her eyes over Hannity, right down to his crotch - all caught on camera! I thought, holy shit, she's coming on to him! Hannity turned very red, began to squirm and by his facial expression, appeared to enjoy the attention. It was all right there in the video. Anyone besides me remember it? I've looked for that video on YouTube but have never been able to find it. The only subject that I remember them talking about was TrooperGate.

    I bring that up because I think Palin "charmed" Bill Kristol, Dick Morris and every man she comes in contact with not just with her "cutsey" ways and push-up bras but also, too, by making them think that she's interested in them personally. She sends personal signals out that she's attracted to them. Not saying she's available, just saying it's definitely a tease. Skills she learned on Saturday nights in Wasilla bars? Tactics that probably didn't work on Steve Schmidt.

    The information that is revealed about Palin comes out in slow drips. I do wish we could get a flash flood of info that would shut her up forever. I worry that 10 or 12 years from now a whole new crop of voters will have come of age and will know nothing about her. All of this may be archived but look at Newt. During the 1990's, did anyone think that he would ever make a come back and be running for president? He's been forgiven, remarried, reborn and running again. Get the secrets out and shut Palin up once and for all.

    O/T: Has anybody but me noticed that each time Palin is defended on MorningJoe that Mika wears a long, usually ugly scarf that coordinates with nothing she is wearing? Mika's been doing that for a couple of years. The scarves she chooses are reminiscent of Palin's pregnancy camouflage. A token of solidarity?

  62. Anonymous5:31 PM

    $arah was being groomed - by the Council for National Policy. Check her travel records for 2007, when she went to Salt Lake City for one of the 3 annual meetings. While the membership of this group is secret, the 2007 membership list was leaked. Members included Grover Norquist, Ollie North, Dick Cheney, Phyllis Schlafly, Pat Robertson, Focus on the Family leaders, among others. Tink of the Sith Lords of the Ultra Right.

    - newmeximan

  63. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I don't think SP was being groomed by the mainstream GOP. I think, perhaps, she was being groomed by the Dominionists who were hoping to use SP (running as a republican) to inject themselves into a position of national power.

    Conscious at last

  64. Anonymous6:41 PM

    My dogs get "groomed" regularily and have been for yrs ( and their coats look alot better than Saree's greasy wigs) but that doesn't mean I vote for any of them on a Nat'l ticket.
    But in all seriousness,I think it is great that this movie is outing Granny Lulu as batshitcrazy and a sociopath.

    signed Little Rabbit

  65. Anonymous9:57 PM

    We present exclusively the concession speech that speechwriter Matthew Scully—a Palin loyalist—had written for the vice presidential nominee, as well as the victory speech that he penned for her in the event of a positive outcome. On election night, senior McCain aides had to tell Palin several times that she would not be allowed to speak before the Alaska governor finally relented.

    The clash between the McCain and Palin camps became so heated, we reveal, that McCain’s aides literally turned the lights out on Palin when she retook the stage later that night to take pictures with her family, fearing that she would give the concession speech after all.

    Best Lines from Palin’s Undelivered Concession Speech:

    •“If [Obama] governs America with the skill and grace we have often seen in him, and the greatness of which he is capable, we’re gonna be just fine.”
    •“Now it is time for us go our way, neither bitter nor vanquished, but instead confident in the knowledge that there will be another day.”
    •“It would be a happier night if elections were a test of valor and merit alone, but that is not for us to question now.”
    •“I told my husband Todd to look at the upside: Now, at least, he can clear his schedule, and get ready for championship title number five in the Iron Dog snow machine race!”

    Read Sarah Palin’s election night victory and concession speeches, reprinted for the first time exactly as written:

    'Game Change' Screenwriter Responds To Charges That Film Borrowed From Palin Biography

  66. London Bridges3:44 AM

    To better understand this y'all should be fully aware of "The Family" a fundamentalist group that give free housing to wackjob Congressment & Senators in D.C. The are modelled after Nazi Germany, but with a so-called "Christian" twist.

    They are major power brokers.

    Here is a good primer:

  67. Anonymous4:01 AM

    so, like, is Parnell now being..."groomed"...for...President...or VP or something by large repub money? Just wandering... It seems unclean somehow and yet cozy...and not the way we do in the US. Odd.

  68. Anonymous5:31 AM's not rilly Say ruh at all. Mebbee it's Alaska's awl and other resources they want in these international days and times. Perhaps "they" thought she could be not only groomed (hah!) but controlled (hah!) Well. If not her then who CAN be controlled...can you think of any "Alaskan" resource guys...? I spose I could. Also, what would YOU expect in the dwindling daze of "awl"? Power etc.

  69. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Did anyone get a handle on what exactly it was that Dick Cheney and and ostensibly Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin were talking about on the phone? Alaskans have a right to know this. Many are curious. She was gloating over the conversations in one of her "state of the state" speeches.


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