Sunday, March 04, 2012

ProFlowers pulls advertising from Rush Limbaugh show. Sort of gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Say it with flowers!"

Courtesy of ProFlowers Facebook page:

PROFLOWERS STATEMENT At ProFlowers, our mission is to delight our customers with fresh and long lasting flowers, and that is our singular focus each and every day. We do not base our advertising decisions to align with any particular political view or opinion as our employees and customers are as diverse as the USA. Mr. Limbaugh’s recent comments went beyond political discourse to a personal attack and do not reflect our values as a company. As such, ProFlowers has suspended advertising on The Rush Limbaugh radio program. 

I am fairly impressed that ProFlowers is taking this stand, and perhaps the next time I have to apologize to a woman I will give them a ring.

Of course to be honest with THIS kind of thing popping up on their Facebook page, perhaps they just felt they did not have much choice.


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    ProFlowers twitter page is filled with acknowledgment messages to people who sent messages to ProFlowers.

    I give them Kudos for acknowledging the people too with a return tweet. That is unusual.!/proflowers

    1. Petition to get Rush off the air! I'm surprised he's made it this long with all the hateful, racist stuff he's spewed...

    2. Anonymous12:41 PM

      I bet none of you hypocrites have ever blurted out or said something bad about someone in your life right?.......yeah exactly, so give it a rest. Focus on your own lives.... goodness

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Yes bring the effen blowhard down.

    O/T...Jeebus this is funny:)

    from an old Monty Python clip...

  3. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Hoisted by his own petard. How fitting.

  4. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I don't know who put that on the ProFlowers Facebook page, but it was brilliant.

  5. Anonymous11:40 AM

    You know, Limbaugh 'wrote' this supposed apology - did not verbalize it. Wonder if he will tomorrow on his show? And, I wonder if he called Ms. Fluck and verbally apologized directly to her? If I were her, I'd tell him to go straight to hell and would not accept it. Wonder what is going on behind the scenes?

    Still think this is all political and that the heads of the Republican party contacted him and said he'd better back off his words because he was doing damage to the party and they couldn't handle much more!

    Keep the pressure on folks - sponsors and to his managing heads/executives. His show should be pulled!

    1. AnonymousMar 4, 2012 12:40 PM

      You know, Limbaugh 'wrote' this supposed apology - did not verbalize it. Wonder if he will tomorrow on his show? And, I wonder if he called Ms. Fluck and verbally apologized directly to her? If I were her, I'd tell him to go straight to hell and would not accept it. Wonder what is going on behind the scenes?

      Yes...I've been wondering the same thing.

      Oh no....I may have to break down and listen to the fat rat bastard tomorrow on the radio...wheezing, lisping and talking to that character "Snerdley"...because one thing Limpballs is good playing victim!

      And yes...I think the GOP got to him and MADE him issue this statement...OR...the stations lawyers told him that Ms Fluke had a defamation case against him...especially since the idiot maligned the woman for 3 fucking days!

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Very interesting point. So, since his tirades continued for 3 days and the apology is not at all serious, perhaps a lawsuit could also name the STATIONS, lol; after all, they are now complicit in repeating the slander and doing nothing to stop it. Oh, if I were a plaintiff's lawyer, I'd be licking my chops at this point. Calling someone a prostitute is libel/slander per se. Moreover, the ongoing (lifelong, I'd say) emotional distress that would come to a private person from having such a lie (and the accompanying deliberate humiliation) be broadcast to 15 million people could result in damages that might create a bottomless pit of liability.

      Another question: would either Rush's or the stations' insurance policies cover deliberate slander and intentional infliction of emotional distress – and if so, to what extent??? Is there any amount of damages that might be awarded that might/would not be borne by a third party???

      Libel/slander lawyers, and those experienced in handling cases involving the intentional infliction of emotional distress, please stop by and speak up.

    3. Anonymous4:07 PM

      I wish an attorney would get involved with this discussion. Does Ms. Fluck have a case against Limbaugh or would he get away w/his three-day tirade under the 'free speech' law?

      I keep thinking about what I'd do if I were in her shoes? But, she studying law and I'm sure she is getting expert advice on the matter. Will be interesting to watch.

    4. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Oh, and if the stations were sued, it would indirectly be Romney that was sued, because Bain owns Clear Channel.

      Not only that, but if really hefty damages were imposed (say, $1 awarded to the plaintiff for each of Rush's 45 million audience members who heard it, multiplied by the number of minutes of each of his rants, multiplied by 3 –the number of days he ranted) then maybe, just maybe, other demonically mean righties might, just might, think twice before opening their mouths and spewing hate.

  6. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I don't know who put that picture on the ProFlowers Facebook page, but it was brilliant.

  7. Anonymous11:43 AM

    What took them so long !
    Suspending better be a euphemism for ending.
    It looks like Lifelock is still standing with this abhorrent creature.
    That says a lot about their marketing strategy and their character and the type of consumers they target their product to.
    Do they really want to be the last ones defending Limbaugh's repugnant behavior ?

  8. First Beck , now Rush!

    Power to the People!

  9. Anonymous11:52 AM

    "I am fairly impressed that ProFlowers is taking this stand, and perhaps the next time I have to apologize to a woman I will give them a ring."

    Yea, sure, women are totally down with being "apologized" to with flowers. That's so 1950! Sorry Gryphen, that doesn't work any longer!

    1. What? When did they change the rules?

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Works for me!

      Gryph, why don't you order up a bunch and give it to that wonderful daughter of yours?


    3. AnonymousMar 4, 2012 12:52 PM
      Yea, sure, women are totally down with being "apologized" to with flowers. That's so 1950! Sorry Gryphen, that doesn't work any longer!

      AWWWWWW...damn! I better not let my husband see this comment...I'm a sucker for flowers ALONG with a sincere apology ;)

    4. I am a woman....and I would say that flowers would help. :O)

      I stand with Gryphen!

    5. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Dear Gryhen, I am a 62 woman, and even I can assure you it has been quite some time since women forgave men just for a bouquet of flowers.

      It may signal to them that you realize you behaved badly, but it doesn't get you off the hook.

      Only genuine behavioral changes does that. :)

    6. lostinmn12:50 PM

      If flowers don't work then why are the financials on ProFlowers so good and why aren't flower shops closing their doors? I think women - at least the ones in my life - still love flowers - unless they are dead roses - I think Todd gets his wholesale from the dumpster behind the wasilla flower shop. No wonder Baldy is always so pissed

    7. nellcote12:52 PM

      He's gonna give them a ring not flowers!

    8. It may not work for Anon, but I can assure you there are many of us who are absolute suckers for flowers. Everything is better with fresh flowers!

      I've even sent them to guys, and they've even admitted to enjoying them.

      The next time I buy towels, it's Penney's and the next time I send flowers, I'll use Proflowers.

    9. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Speak for yourself. It may not substitute fro an apology, but it will get me to at least listen to one.

    10. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Yeah, flowers are no substitute for a heart-felt apology. I think it is the assumption that bunch of flowers can make it all better that can really tick someone off. I love flowers as a kind gesture, not as a tool for manipulation, i.e., I sent you flowers, now forgive me. So Gryphen, what are you doing to piss off these women?

    11. Anita Winecooler5:51 PM

      Gryphen's right, especially when they're unexpected. Since the day I met my hushand, he's brings me flowers for my birthday, and sends my Mother a dozen white roses (her favorites) on the same day.

    12. Marleycat6:38 PM

      I still take flowers - but I was born in 1954, so, I am old school in some ways - but not for the things Rush said. ProFlowers took a long time but they came to the right decision - maybe they had to line up a new advertising venue,

    13. Anonymous6:44 PM

      my dude always brings me flowers and put them in the kitchen for me! they're are making me smile, very happy and i feel so loved! flowers really work for me.

  10. Perhaps now would be a good time to send Rush an order from Proflowers?

    1. Irishgirl1:45 PM

      Oh yes. I like that idea!

    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Just send the donation reciept or the $. Cut/delivered flowers are SUCH a waste.

    3. Anonymous4:57 PM

      How about donating to planned parenthood in his honor? Sending flowers to Sandra Fluke in his name?

  11. Anonymous12:04 PM

    This is a good day for all Americans. It is an especially good day for women, who accounted for 53% of the votes in 2008.

    Message sent: Do not eff with our daughters.

  12. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Yeah Pro Flowers! I use you often when sending flowers to clients through work. I was prepared to switch vendors if you hadn't taken a stand.

    It appears these reich wing blowhards have misjudged America and "rill Americans". Take that Scarah, this is what happens in real America when you overstep.

  13. Here's one link for ALL of Rush's advertisers.

    Please disseminate far and wide! Great job, ALL. This truly is Rush's Waterloo. Can't see him ever coming back from this one. 40,000 comments on HP. Now it's on to GAME CHANGE ...

    November Landslide!!!

  14. Anonymous12:23 PM

    This website has a number of email contacts for Rush's sponsors, and for the show itself:

  15. I am telling you first!12:24 PM

    Doesn't Bain own Clear Channel? They will create a line in future advertising stating that companies can only pull their ads with huge financial penalties and make them not able to share this with anyone.

    1. Actually you're not the first if you mean the part about Bain owning Clear Channel. I'm not quite sure what you mean in the second a contract where they can't quit without penalties and are legally bound not to reveal that? Sounds devious enough to be what they will try to do.

    2. laprofesora5:21 PM

      And hopefully devious enough to turn off potential advertisers.

  16. Anonymous12:25 PM

    "Suspended" implies a temporary halt.
    "Ceased" would mean they'll never go back.

    We need to take a once-a-month look at Limbaugh's national and local advertisers, and keep the heat on.

    In addition to getting him kicked off the Armed Forces Radio Network, where he is broadcast around the globe.

  17. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I don't like listening to this man, but this morning I was even surprised by George Will on 'This Week':

    “[House Speaker John] Boehner comes out and says Rush’s language was inappropriate. Using the salad fork for your entrĂ©e, that’s inappropriate. Not this stuff,” Will said. “And it was depressing because what it indicates is that the Republican leaders are afraid of Rush Limbaugh. They want to bomb Iran, but they’re afraid of Rush Limbaugh.”

    Rush needs the Don Imus Treatment. In the words from the Apprentice: "You're FIRED!"

  18. Anonymous12:34 PM

    The word 'suspended' leaves me suspicious -PreFlowers has an intricate advertising campaign of daily code words and discounts radiating from Limbaugh's radio show - it would not surprise me to see them reinstate in in the near future when they think no one is paying attention.

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      I'm with you, Ozmud. I heard they were only suspending their advertising for one week. My guess is they will be back once the internet flap dies down.

    2. Marleycat6:41 PM

      Oh no - I hope they realize, this is certainly not going to be acceptable!

    3. Anonymous12:23 AM

      Since they're constantly rated #1 by the RW Wall Street Journal, the Pro in Pro-Flowers makes me highly suspicious about their corporate slant. The stalling & double talk they're doing almost confirms it. I won't be using their flowers at all & encourage the rest of you not to either.

      When I send flowers to my family & friends in different areas, I google the Florists in that area & order my flowers directly from them. Saves a lot of money and supports the local economy.

  19. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Rush scares the shit out of people into using Lifelock. Pretty pathetic on his part.

  20. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Right on. It is time for all of us to pull our marketplace support of anything and anybody (including Palin and anything Fox!) that keeps ramming crap down the collective consciousness that does not add to the conversation in an informative and solution-based manner. We do have power and it is in the marketplace!

  21. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Just like our Gryphen, someone realized the power of humor and created that brilliant "poster."

    Only when people really started laughing at Beck did he go down. Same could happen to Limbaugh. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Maybe our long national nightmare is calming down.

  22. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Lifelock also has a facebook page. Many many negative posts on their page. The power of the internets (RIP TED)

  23. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Suspended? It's an appreciated gesture but I will wait and see if they Terminate their ads.

    The boycott will continue until then. I hope they are not just pulling their ads until the heat dies off.....

    Surely they know that we will be keeping track..???

  24. eclecticsandra12:53 PM

    It seems like a strange demographic for promoting flowers. I'm wondering if his male listeners are the type that blow up at home and can only send flowers as an apology. They wouldn't be able to discuss the problems.

  25. How funny is that? The ad right under the "Create a Link" below is, you guessed it, ProFlowers!

  26. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Well, and sending flowers to a woman from a company that seems to endorse a guy who thinks that women who have sex are sluts... well that could be a romance killer as well.

  27. ". . .perhaps the next time I have to apologize to a woman I will give them a ring" - I totally read the pronoun wrong, and thought you would be apologizing to a woman by asking her to marry you!!!!!

    *needs to go back to school to get her grammar refreshed*

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      A ring, Jesus Gryph, why not a good conversation. You buy dinner. F the flowers and jewelry. Make a donation in her name, anything but flowers and bling. UGH.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:08 PM

      I don't think he meant jewelry, the term can also be used to convey
      "ring" as in "telphone call", not "bling", "jewelry".

      I like the "Jesus Gryphen" part, it has a nice "ring" to it! ;o)

  28. Anonymous1:11 PM

    It's nice to see Limbaugh finally get the Glenn Beck treatment. I'm sure Goldline and Survival Seeds wouldn't mind buying up all that unused ad time at a discount...

  29. Rushbo's new theme song -- H/T to Hustle and Flow -- "It's Hard Out Here for a Blimp."

    And I guess the REAL Oscar-winning song belongs to Pimpmaster, Todd Palin, eh Shailey? BTW, Shailey SO rocks for writing this expose ...

  30. LifeLock's Facebook page is deleting any negative Rush comments... it's a shame some companies hide beside the GOP lying machine, or is that lie beside?

  31. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I just went and ordered somethign from ProFlowers. Never have before. As an added benefit, they were cheaper than 1800-flowers. If they go back to advertising with Rush I may change my mind for the next order.

    Nothing says support like money(well, that's not true, but I can't listen and "be there" with a corporation, even if corporations ARE people).

  32. That's great, because I wasn't crazy about their new slogan: "Nothing says, 'I Love You, Slut,' like a bouquet from

  33. Irishgirl2:01 PM

    Rush Limbaugh may be sorry he called student advocate Sandra Fluke a "slut," but Ron Paul isn't buying it.

    "He's doing it because some people were taking their advertisements off of his program. It was his bottom line he was concerned about," Paul said. "I don't think he's very apologetic. It's in his best interest, that's why he did it."

  34. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I've told my family that no one is use ProFlowers until they TERMINATE their contract with RL. Not a single, solitary penny.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Have you heard of shaping - by successive approximations.

  35. Anonymous2:13 PM

    If someone hasn't posted this link to Daily Kos already or you missed it here are excellent tips on how to hit Limpdoughballs where it hurts:

    "How to take action against Limbaugh at the local level"

    "In this diary, I'm going to share some tips from the inside about another line of attack: some useful techniques to put pressure on your local Limbaugh affiliate to consider whether to keep carrying the show, and also why some of the well-meaning suggested lines of protest probably aren't worth the effort."


    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      OMG! Love "Limpdoughballs" that's exactly who he is!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:38 PM

      Thanks for the link, Colleen. What an informative look at what goes on behind the scenes. I found four local stations and one network to visit/contact.

  36. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Michael Moore's tweets:

    I guess Romney knew that Rush, who made the mistake of saying what most Republicans think (women as sluts), had cost him the Nov. election.
    Or after losing 6 sponsors yesterday Rush decided he loved $ more than he loved calling women prostitutes. Musta been a tough call, eh Rush?
    Some sponsors don’t care how much Limbaugh apologizes: (I know – what were they doing there in the 1st place?)
    RT @pattonoswalt Ayn Rand would be very pleased with how the free market bitch-slapped Limbaugh today.
    Dear Rush: Please don’t stop! You say what the R candidates don’t. Voters must hear every day til Nov what Republicans truly think of women.
    Don’t give up, Rush! It’s a WAR ON WOMEN & you’re the Supreme Leader. Keep reminding voters how hate & violence drives the Republican agenda
    Rush – As soon as u started losing the big $$ from your hate speech, you caved & obeyed the men who pay u. Who’s the prostitute now, bitch?
    And BTW Rush, your vile & vicious attacks on me over the years – I wear them as a badge of honor. You are sad & sick & I’ve always pitied u.

  37. TNbluedot2:32 PM

    I love this spot-on, priceless comment from a poster on today: "Rush Limbaugh is a clever anal cyst that grew a human to elude detection."

    1. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      Ha Ha! So true!

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM


  38. Anonymous2:55 PM

    What does Mrs. Limbaugh see in Rush?

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Money and power is a great aphrodisiac. Just ask Kissinger.

    2. Anonymous3:58 PM


    3. Balzafiar4:10 PM

      A micropenis with a ton of money who can't get it up.

    4. Anonymous5:08 PM

      5:10 - Balzafair - your input cracked me up - exactly my thoughts! He's overweight, on heart medication and I'm sure cannot get it up w/o Viagra!

    5. Anonymous5:09 PM

      HOw is this different from calling someone who supports contraception a slut.

    6. Anonymous5:14 PM

      An inheritance of Millions!!!

    7. Anita Winecooler6:53 PM

      Rush? Have YOU seen Rush?

      My gue$$ i$ $he'$ after future alimony, Doe$n't $leep in the $ame bedroom and i$ boinking the denti$t, $creaming "Drill Baby Drill!!!" ;o)

    8. Anonymous6:55 PM

      I posted this: HOw is this different from calling someone who supports contraception a slut. earlier.
      It was supposed to be in response to 5:10 (and now I'll add 6:08) responses to the person who asked about Mrs. Limbaugh. It isin't a response to the person who asked about Mrs. Limbaugh.

    9. Anonymous7:23 PM

      $$$$$$ I bet she wouldn't be with him if he didn't

  39. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I've had a hypothesis for a long time:

    I don't think Rush believes much of what he says.

    I think Rush was surprised by the lack of reaction, and/or actual support for some of his outrageous statements.
    So he decided to see how far he could go.

    He's now found out.


    I don't think he cares. I think it was/is all a game to him. He apologized because he'd be happy to continue his gig, but he knew how it might end (he's not an idiot and he watched what happened to Beck & Imus). And he doesn't need the money.

    The next phase of the game is to see if he can keep his job and what he'd have to do and whether his wings will get clipped more?

    That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. It makes more sense to me than that a man of his education believes much of what he says (particularly given what you learn about him if you listen to what friends and family say about him - which describes a very different person than the one on the radio). I don't think much of the Republican establishment (Santorum & Bachman as exceptions) believe much of what they say. They are catering to an audience becuase it works for them.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      I hate to say this but you are probably right. Talk about cynical though! It's pathetic that there is a market for it.

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Anyone who wastes the airwaves the way Rush Limbaugh deserves all of the ill will sent his way. He is a despicable person, worthy of no one's respect or sympathy.

    3. Anonymous4:15 PM

      I completely agree with you, to a point. Back 15-20 years ago in his hayday, I think he was provocative just for the sake of being provocative. Just throw it against the wall and see what kind of reaction you get. Who cares about the consequences.

      But the bigger he got, literally and figuratively,I think he became consumed with the fame and fortune and celebrity and adoration he received, and the fear factor he projected to Republicans who were afraid of him solely because he told them to be.

      And then, and this is where it really got dark, I think his drug use, his obvious mental illness, most likely gender confusion, probably some serious issues of abuse or neglect and rejection in his childhood began to take him over. And he lost the ability to relate to anyone except as the loud mouth, cigar chomping, anti politically correct just for the sport of it, physically hideous Palm Beach billionaire who could only attract friends or wives or supplicants or the Republican Establishment because he paid them or bullied them or used them or made them fear him.

      He is an aging, ugly inside and out, loser who doesn't recognize that time has passed him by. We aren't buying what he is selling anymore. It may take a while longer but his hate and bile and hubris and misjudgement and total lack of a moral core will destroy him.

      May it come sooner than later for all of our sakes.

    4. Anonymous5:06 PM

      My Mom, age 90, has told me she use to enjoy listening to Limbaugh when he first started....she hasn't tuned in to him for a long time....said he got terribly nasty and then when he said the things he did about President Obama - that really pissed her off!!

  40. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Very glad I took the time to email them yesterday.

  41. Anonymous3:26 PM

    "Rush – As soon as u started losing the big $$ from your hate speech, you caved & obeyed the men who pay u. Who’s the prostitute now, bitch?"

    Spot on tweet from Michael Moore!


  42. Anonymous3:48 PM

    At the bottom of the list of comments on my computer screen is an advertisement. That's always there. What's funny is what is there today - Proflowers!

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      An add for Proflowers popped up when I connected too - immediately. Ticked me off!

    2. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Ads on Google blogs are based on your own web browsing history and cookies collected in your cache. Since many have been searching ProFlowers and looking at their website and researching articles containing their name you will see their ads on google. If you don't like seeing ads on blogs or websites you can download software for free called AdBlocker. Then you won't see any ads on any websites. I use it on Mac with Safari and I understand there is a version for PC users that use Safari or Firefox.

  43. My God, that is one unfortunate looking man. I cannot believe he has gotten FOUR women to marry him.

    This tells me we should keep writing to LifetimeTV about their glamorization of underage sex and pregnancy along with telling millions of young women they too can be millionaires if they simply "forget" to take their "cramp pills". Keep writing to Lifetime and tell them you are not interested in seeing a girl who is famous for having a baby tell you how hard life is raising a child "alone"- while she does everything she can to shut out the child's father and his side of the family.

    Tell them you have zero interest in hearing Bristol talk about how she works for diapers and formula when a) she doesn't work (and her purported "full time job" is 2.5 hours from her home- are we expected to believe she spends five hours a day commuting?) and b) her only acknowledged child is too old for both diapers AND formula.

    And I most especially do not want to hear Bristol wax dipshitstic on how motherhood is "everything to her"- while her full time nanny cares for Tripp off camera.

    Make your voices heard- tell Lifetime TV you will not only have their channel pulled from your cable tv package, but you will write to their advertisers as well!

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      How do you contact them? Plese indicate.

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      We can't go after everyone we don't like-- liberal respect other people's PsOV.

      Bristol just makes herself look stupid. So what.

  44. Nadine Shubailat

    If you search this name in the documentcloud archive, you will never look at ABC news the same way again. In January 2009 they were trying to do a story on the Palins and you simply will not BELIEVE the level of partisan ass kissing! It is so over the top, you simply must read it for yourself!

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      OMG - how sickening. I cannot believe how she was praising Palin.

    2.'s the document you're referring to...

      On the other thread I you posted you had problems copying and pasting the emails...I left you some instructions...did you get them?

    3. Can you supply a link? I wanted to read but could not find. Thank you!

  45. If you search "refreshed back in Anchorage" in the documentcloud archive, you will see just how many times Sarah Palin can use the word "boob" in an official state correspondence. What a boob!

  46. Anonymous5:14 PM


    Check out RL's impact: Now high schoolers are getting in on the act. At least one girl has been called all kinds of names by a class of Limbaogh Lower fans.

    This girl may never feel safe again and I'm not sure that she will. This was, however inevitable.


  47. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Anytime someone on the 'right' said something against Rush -- we could all countdown in 3, 2, 1 -- and the walkback statements would be released - well under 24 hours. No one got away with dissing Rush.

    If you notice, it's only after the Public's outrage that some of the spineless 'right' have finally said anything and even then, it was pretty weak statements.

    Boner issued a limp statement through one of his staff. Politico posted comments from Carly Fiorina early Friday morning (link below). Other from the 'right' -- mostly what you heard was CRICKETS.

    The one person who took me by surprise speaking out about the 'right' was George Will - an OMG moment!!

    “[House Speaker John] Boehner comes out and says Rush’s language was inappropriate. Using the salad fork for your entrĂ©e, that’s inappropriate. Not this stuff,” Will said. “And it was depressing because what it indicates is that the Republican leaders are afraid of Rush Limbaugh. They want to bomb Iran, but they’re afraid of Rush Limbaugh.”

  48. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Unfortunetly, Rush is still on the air spewing hatred...including his major hatred of women.

  49. Carbonite also dropped their ads and could use our support on their Facebook page. They're getting hammered by the dittoheads.

  50. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Hey Rush...

    "I am woman, hear me ROAR,in numbers too big to IGNORE!"

    Can you hear us now you pompous assclown?

  51. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Perhaps it's time to dust this off again...

    Words and Music by Helen Reddy and Ray Burton

    I am woman, hear me roar
    In numbers too big to ignore
    And I know too much to go back an' pretend
    'cause I've heard it all before
    And I've been down there on the floor
    No one's ever gonna keep me down again

    Oh yes I am wise
    But it's wisdom born of pain
    Yes, I've paid the price
    But look how much I gained
    If I have to, I can do anything
    I am strong (strong)
    I am invincible (invincible)
    I am woman

    You can bend but never break me
    'cause it only serves to make me
    More determined to achieve my final goal
    And I come back even stronger
    Not a novice any longer
    'cause you've deepened the conviction in my soul


    I am woman watch me grow
    See me standing toe to toe
    As I spread my lovin' arms across the land
    But I'm still an embryo
    With a long long way to go
    Until I make my brother understand

    Oh yes I am wise
    But it's wisdom born of pain
    Yes, I've paid the price
    But look how much I gained
    If I have to I can face anything
    I am strong (strong)
    I am invincible (invincible)
    I am woman
    Oh, I am woman
    I am invincible
    I am strong

    I am woman
    I am invincible
    I am strong
    I am woman

  52. Anonymous9:05 PM

    I enjoyed reading this article, Gryphen, you might as well.

    Fear The Vagina: Rush Limbaugh Latest Victim In War On Women

    But then a funny thing happened. Rush Limbaugh is no stranger to liberal outrage and/or boycott threats, and neither are his advertisers. Pissing people off is his stock-in-trade. The fact that he kept up his attacks on Sandra Fluke demonstrates that he certainly wasn’t afraid this time. Then, he started actually losing advertisers. In a matter of days, he went from cockily doubling down, to issuing a self-described “sincere” apology to Ms. Fluke.

    Now, there are certainly significant problems with Limbaugh’s apology, which might explain why early indications are it didn’t do the trick, but for the first time in my memory, Rush Limbaugh showed fear, fear that one of his constant provocations might actually hurt him.

  53. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Jesse, what do you think of this line of thinking?

    Rush Limbaugh’s Apology: Saving Conservative Line on Obamacare?

  54. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Rush Still Doesn't Get It

    There must have been a major shitstorm in RushWorld after advertisers started pulling their spots from Limbaugh's show because of the crude, misogynist remarks he made toward Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke and her Congressional testimony. His "slut" and "prostitute" remarks were not based in any reality whatsoever. Advertisers let him know by pulling their ads and it looks like he was either scared enough or pressured enough by ClearChannel to actually apologize in a statement.

  55. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Poor Sarah, wasn't Rush one of her last friends? Also, why isn't she defending Ms. Fluke? Is she commenting at all?

  56. Anonymous12:12 AM

    I'm not impressed with Pro-Flowers at all, they stalled as long as they could before getting hit with the landslide of complaints. Rated Best by the "Wall Street Journal?" I may be getting paranoid, but me thinks the Corporate owners are PRO, more than just flowers. Clear Channel is half owned by Bain Capital, no wonder Romney won't bash them.

  57. Join the call to dump Rush:!/stoprush

  58. Margaret and Helen sum it up quite nicely.

    Sluts for Obama

  59. Not What You Want to Hear6:32 AM

    I just read the best slam against Republicans who are afraid to denounce Rush Limbaugh for this...and surprisingly, it came from another Republican, George Will.

    He said: "...the Republican leaders are afraid of Rush Limbaugh. They want to bomb Iran, but they’re afraid of Rush Limbaugh.”

    So true. When it comes down to it, the Republican Party is a party of sidekicks to a greaseball bully.

  60. A. J. Billings8:32 AM

    I just listened to Rush's opening today (monday March 5) at 12 noon.

    He's still not really apologizing, and just claims to have made a mistake by using two words, that's it. He did use the word apologize, but it's obvious it's all about saving face, and he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.

    He also says he didn't stay true to character by "descending" to the liberal mindset, and THAT'S why he screwed up by calling Sandra Fluke a slut.

    Rush deserves to have ALL his advertisers to leave.

    I bet Rush's lawyer scum pays off a male student at Georgetown to go public with lies about how he slept with Sandra, and say she's a slut too.

    NOthing is beneath this heaping pile of fat. quivering, racist pig bastard named Rush.

    1. Not What You Want to Hear9:57 AM

      He didn't just rail at her that she was a slut, although that was horrific enough. This greasy, leering man then pivoted to the perverted suggestion that she post herself having sex online.

  61. So fed up with ignorance and hate and all these fake apologies. God, no one is asking anyone to pay for graduate students' activities; just asking that insurance companies dispassionately provide comprehensive healthcare for women. I sent an e-mail to ABC saying I was done watching "The Middle." Ugh.

    1. Anonymous5:07 AM

      Uh, Obama is demanding, not asking, the insurance companies to provide contraceptive coverage for "free", which means they will raise the premiums to pay for "free", which means the institutions The One has targeted will be paying for "free".

      And to all of you: how do you know Limbaugh's apology wasn't sincere? You read his mind, know his heart, when you don't even listen to his show? You people are such a joke!

    2. Chesterton11:36 AM

      Anon, with just the few comments I've read on this site, I think you'd be better off writing to people who aren't as mean and closed-minded as these. It still shocks me how nasty the supposed sensitive left can be toward those who hold a differing opinion. The left never lets the facts get in the way of a good smear campaign.


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