Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bristol Palin's ghostwriter decides to weigh in on the Chick-Fil-A kerfuffle.

Courtesy of Brancy's blog:

Don’t let liberals get away with saying they’re for “diversity.” They only want people to be different on the outside – like different hair, skin, and eye color. But what about being different on the inside? Well, that’s where they draw the line. 

The latest example of this is when the president of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, answered a question in an interview with Baptist Press. He said their company is “very much supportive of the family… the biblical definition of the family unit.” 

During an interview on “The Ken Coleman Show,” he explained his position further: 

“I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’ “

(Question: How does Mr. Cathy KNOW that God is about to get all "wrathful" over gay marriage? And doesn't HE understand that claiming to speak on God's behalf is to go against the Third Commandment? I bet he doesn't.)

Do you think liberals celebrated Cathy’s beliefs, which add a little diversity to the conversation about gay marriage? After all, many companies are trying to make gay marriage mainstream. (For example, Office Depot’s decision to partner with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation.) So, did liberals embrace Chick-fil-A, as a mark of their tolerance and diversity? 

Um, not so much. 

So, help me understand this, liberals. Are you for true and difficult diversity – diversity of opinion, religion, and beliefs? The kind of diversity that requires talking to each other about our differences of opinion and ideas? Or just the easy kind of diversity that makes for cool advertisements?

Well this of course is not a serious question, but let me address it as if it were.

Yes, of course we support diversity. ALL types of diversity, so long as it does no harm to others. However we DON'T support diversity which tries to impose THEIR idea of what is right and wrong, or morally acceptable, onto others.

You see Brancy you are confusing "diversity" with "duplicity." Mr. Cathy does not want to simply be allowed to live his life in the way that he sees fit, he wants to impose HIS definition of "traditional marriage" onto others and has given nearly two million dollars to groups that are fighting against equal rights for the LGBT community. And then he doesn't want to be judged or have his business negatively affected due to those decisions.

However it is perfectly reasonable for individual who DO support diversity to choose to spend their money in restaurants and businesses which respect the rights of others to love as their biology dictates that they love.

When YOUR version of diversity is determined to destroy another individuals diversity, THAT is not something that anybody should support. However I am not at all surprised to see that the ghostwriter for the child of Sarah Palin would be one of those that would.

By they way, if Dan Cathy, Bristol Palin, OR Nancy French took the time to actually read the Bible they would quickly come to understand that THEY are the ones who don't understand traditional Biblical marriage.

 Or do they support these versions of "traditional marriage" as well?

P.S. One more thing to keep in mind. Homosexuality is NOT a choice, but religion is.


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Bristol if I wanted any lip from you; I'd scrape my zipper!

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Now that is something that Bristol can understand. BWAHAHAHAHA.

    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Come on you guys Barstool just trying to get a job being the new "dic-fil girl"!
      Oops sorry Chic-fil girl...

      And WTF is this "liberal" shit? From all the stupid palins including wallow?

      Because they are all CONs? Cons like ex-cons, conning everyone?
      Cons are stupid? Cons are not as smart as LIBRIULS!
      I can't wait until that suckass LAT bullshit fucktard show is OFF THE AIR!

  2. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Bristol and Nancy wrote that the majority of Americans oppose gay marriage, therefore we ought to be supporting the Chicken guy. They are wrong.
    Polls in 2012

    A June 6 CNN/ORC International poll showed that a majority of Americans support same-sex marriage being legalized at 54%, while 42% are opposed.[10]

    A May 22 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed that 54% of Americans would support a law in their state making same-sex marriage legal, with 40% opposed.[11]

    A May 17-20 ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that 53% believe same-sex marriage should be legal, with only 39% opposed, a low-water mark for opposition in any national poll so far.[12][13]

    A May 10 USA Today/Gallup Poll, taken one day after Barack Obama became the first sitting President to express support for same-sex marriage,[14] showed 51% of Americans agreed with the President's endorsement.[15] A May 8 Gallup Poll showed plurality support for same-sex marriage nationwide, with 50% in favor and 48% opposed.[16]

    An April Pew Research Center poll showed support for same-sex marriage at 47%, while opposition fell to an all-time low of 43%.[17]

    A March 7-10 ABC News/Washington Post poll found 52% of adults thought it should be legal for same-sex couples to get married, while 42% disagreed and 5% were unsure.[18] A March survey by the Public Religion Research Institute found 52% of Americans supported allowing same-sex couples to marry, while 44% opposed.[19]

    A February 29 - March 3 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found 49% of adults supported allowing same-sex couples to marry, while 40% opposed.

    Nancy and Bristol want to have a diversity of opinion, not just a diversity of color. So far, they seem to call people with who they disagree "haters." So much for accuracy and diversity.

  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Bristol/Sarah, kiss my big fat white ass you trailer trash piece of pooh.

  4. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Yes Barstool, we got it. Your child parroted your real feelings about gay people on national tv. The rest of your screed is blather. We know how you feel already and you're raising the next generation of haters right there in Wasilla on a dead lake like your momma spawned you. Your Facebook rant and your offspring have already exposed your core and it aint purdy.

  5. What? I thought homosexuality was a choice and obesity was hereditary. At least, that's what they say in Alabama and Mississippi.

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Do you think obesity isn't hereditary? You made this same comment yesterday and I guess you didn't get the responses to bulrushbupbon current medical knowledge. I think you are trying to be funny only it isn't funny. It's ignorant and you make it sound like everyone in the south is stupid.

    2. Anonymous8:50 PM

      I meant to write "brush up on" medical research!
      Dumb spell checker!

  6. sewnup4:58 PM

    "By they way, if Dan Cathy, Bristol Palin, OR Nancy French took the time to actually read the Bible they would quickly come to understand that THEY are the ones who don't understand traditional Biblical marriage."

    So true. Furthermore, they seem to be missing the point that it's a moral choice, one to be made by persons, not a government which then mandates as it chooses. Not only do they not know the Bible, they seem not to know what the founders of our country had to say about mixing religion and government.

    Sadly misinformed parrots, just sucking up and spitting out what any hatemonger feeds them.

  7. Anonymous5:00 PM

    How is "diversity" that is defined by people's sexuality just about different hair or skin. I believe it's actually about what's on the inside. Bristol, you're an idiot.

  8. Anonymous5:00 PM

    For fuck's sake, people who make sex tapes and teach their 4 yr old son to say faggot and then let strangers film him doing it should refrain from weighing in matters moral.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      So well said! Thank you!

    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      I'm so surprised! More hate from Sarah Palin's mini-me. Such a disgusting family - just when you think they couldn't be more stupid.

  9. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Maybe god will go wraftful on all people who have sex before marriage or all the adulters and ppl who have been married more than once. If you go by the bible so to say if you remarry your first marriage partner needs to die to free you or else you are a adulter. Ppl always single out one thing and they do all the rest of the sinful things. They just think they are so special that God forgives whatever they do. So many of the church ppl have been married about 4 times but that's okay.

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Yeah, I wish she would at least address her own hypocrisy. The Bible doesn't exactly advocate single parenthood or parental alienation. And before some Palin apologist claims Levi started the parental alienation, no, he didn't, and even if he had, he isn't setting himself up as some sort of arbiter of other people's morality.

  10. Anonymous5:03 PM

    These idiots will always see things through their own foggy, distorted glasses. How else can bristol/brancy think discrimination is ok?? Now they yell Free Speech to cover their asses.

    A comment posted at palin4america (c4p's exiled sister site) shows the racism and prejudiced attitude that the palin's think is so patriotic:

    "This morning I went to sign my dogs up for welfare. At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare." So I explained to her that my dogs are mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and have no flippin clue who their Daddy's are. They expect me to feed them, provide them with housing and medical care. So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify. My dogs get their first checks Friday"

    The poster did offer an apology if others found his comment too.... PC.

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      "my dogs are mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and have no flippin clue who their Daddy's are. "

      With the possible exception of "mixed in color," that sounds like a perfect description of the Palin offspring.

    2. Anonymous7:46 PM

      meant to write "un PC". Sorry.

    3. Anonymous8:05 PM

      What an ignorant redneck and he's probably proud of it

  11. laprofesora5:03 PM

    "Diversity" does not mean "discrimination". I'm sick of the willful ignorance and stupidity of the RWNJ.

  12. Rick Hill5:06 PM

    I don't support diversity. People are what they are and if they're not fucking with other people then what they do is their own business. What a fucktard attitude and argument they're presenting.

  13. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Does Bristol Palin really know her Dad? Todd Palin can explain HOMOSEXUALITY to Sarah, Bristol, and Willow. Listen to your Dad, he is an expert.

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      I know...this must make Todd feel like trash. He is being persecuted by his own daughter!

  14. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Sexual orientation is not a choice. Being white trash is.

    1. I dunno. Mebbe it's genetic sometimes. Hey, it runs in families. Genetic enough? -:)

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Youyiu can be born into trash and it isn't always easy to get out. Just ask people in the poorest areas of Appalachia

    3. Anonymous4:25 AM

      Please. I live in Appalachia and it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. You can get out if you choose to get out. It's called education. Some people choose to do what their parents and grandparents did. That is their choice. And, maybe you should visit. We are no trashier or inbred than any other part of the country. And yes, I have lived in several large cities with a 35 year career with a fortune 500.
      I was not born here, but I CHOOSE to live here.

  15. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I am so sick and tired of the religious faithful claiming the wrath of god will be inflicted on those who do not abide by his word. This is complete BS and nothing more than mind control of the weak and ignorant. Some believed god the great creator unlike their very own modern day god, Ronald Reagan. There will be no wrath because of homosexuals or a nation adopting gay marriage. The will never be a wrath from a believed higher power because he or she simply does not exist. The world will end when we fuck it up so much that is can no longer be repaired. Give me proof there is a god beyond a book... anyone? Show me how some being not of this world will attack those who go against him/her.. History has taught us no such being exists. That's why it is called faith and not fact. Strike me down if I am wrong! I'll see you all tomorrow because I know I'll be back here.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      I wish one of these religious nutjobs would also address or at least acknowledge the inherent selfishness in their approach. "Gay marriage is my business because God will punish my country if it's legalized"? So your real opposition to gay marriage has nothing to do with your morals and everything to do with a frantic desire to save yourself from God's so-called wrath.

      Apparently "God's wrath" will not descend on people for hypocrisy, hatred, lies, judging others, or any of the myriad wrongs that the Bible addresses with much more frequency and severity.

    2. Anonymous4:00 AM

      This is complete BS and nothing more than mind control of the weak and ignorant.


      Thank you!

  16. krbmjb055:29 PM

    Ya, right. Like Bristol even knows how to SPELL diversity, yet alone know what it means!

  17. JulieB5:30 PM

    Are you KIDDING Me? When will this hell end? Who does NOT see through the hypocrisy of this freaking trainwreck of a family?

  18. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Bristol and Nancy have been posting political comments. There were four separate posts about "Show us the company you built." It's a stupid argument because just about everybody is helped by the government in one way or another. We drive on roads and bridges built by the government. Our money in the bank is protected by federal insurance. Our country has tariffs in place to protect our businesses. What's their point? Is Bristol's next career going to be following in her mother's footsteps, inserting herself in government with her limited education?

    1. Anonymous4:03 AM

      They are working towards a PAC for Bristol. Everything they do is for 'proof' to document she is has political chops, like her mother.

    2. Anonymous4:21 AM

      The ironic thing is that her stupid effing blog wouldn't even exist IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT.

  19. WakeUpAmerica5:40 PM

    Brancy is a perfect fit for the Palins; turn the argument inside out. No logic whatsoever. Listen, Dipshit, Cathy's beliefs are the standard; gay marriage is the diversity. You're so unbelievably stupid that it hurts my eyes to just read what your immature little self writes. You have the critical thinking skills of a third grader. Furthermore, I don't know who ever encouraged you to be a writer. You absolutely suck at it. But then again, I guess that's why you're writing for the even dumber Palins. Bleh.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      And Nancy isn't even trying to pretend to sound like Bristol anymore, not that she ever did a good job of that. All you have to do is watch the so-called reality show for two minutes to know that the vapid, vibrantly challenged, vacuous Bristol Palin is incapable of even this level of thought and language. If Nancy's as deep as a toddler pool, Bristol's a rain puddle.

    2. Anonymous9:47 PM

      Ahh, just wait...the Palin curse will get Nancy. Just watch and wait.

  20. Anonymous5:43 PM

    "Homosexuality is NOT a choice, but religion is." I want a t-shirt that says this

  21. Boscoe5:48 PM

    Wow. That was the stupidest attempt to "take down" liberals I've ever read. Epic FAIL.

    So by "Bristol's" "reasoning", "liberals" are hypocrites if they don't accept racism, antisemitism and nazi-ism as "diversity"...

    Here's the simple version "Bristol": if it encourages or justifies hatred and/or oppression against other people, then no rational human being would support it as "diversity". Get it? Gays wanting to love each other openly and get married is not an attempt to take rights away from anyone else. Meanwhile, being "in favor of traditional marriage" is just code for being anti-gay.

    Is that simple enough for you "Bristol?"

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      And if she was REALLY in favor of traditional marriage, then, you know, the wedding ring should have preceded the baby by at least nine months.

    2. lostinmn7:36 PM

      Killing the Jews, Gypsies, Blacks, mentally infirm, physically disabled, Soviet Prisoners of War, Poles in general, and anyone else they didn't like under the guise of racial purity? We have to accept that the Nazi's were within their right to have diverse feelings? OMG, these people who call themselves christians. They would have killed Jesus himself.

  22. Supporting diversity has NOTHING to do with donating money to anti-gay organizations, which is actually discrimination. I'm not religious but I don't donate money to anti-Christian organizations.

    Do these fucking paylumps even think before writing?

  23. Olivia6:06 PM

    Watching Kathy Griffin on Bravo right now as she discusses "Life's a Tripp" ... Hilarious!

    1. Thanks Olivia! I will be watching! LOL!!!

  24. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Good gracious, they cannot be this thick!

    By their logic, if Cathy donated millions to white supremacist organizations that looked to roll over the rights of anyone with skin darker than a brown paper bag, we should just be ok with that and support their bastardized definition of 'diversity'? Would they be so supportive if Cathy's 'diversity' if he donated $2M to Planned Parenthood?

    Got it Brancy. If I wasn't so certain you'd say anything to keep your names in the media, I would be more offended, but instead, I feel sorry for you both as you're nothing more than floats in goofy Sarah's 'look over here at me, I'm doin' stuff!' parade. Enjoy it while it lasts, cause it ain't gonna be forever.

  25. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Never underestimate stupid.

  26. Anonymous6:17 PM

    How does a company that makes so much money selling cock become so anti-gay?

    1. How deliciously naughty.

    2. WakeUpAmerica8:00 PM

      BWAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!! Now that was funny!

  27. Er...this is a bit O/T but Beefy related...but Beefy may want to hire a bodyguard because it looks like Krusty is on her way to full blown Annie Wilkes (crazy fanbot stalker from the book Misery...picture Krusty looking like the Kathy Bates character!).

    She posted this comment over there about how Beefy treated Gino and it ain't looking good for Beefy especially if in upcoming shows Gino doesn't "show her the ring!! It's long, know a typical Krusty comment!

    "Kristy Patullo Oh my gosh, Bristol, what happened with you and Gino?! You two always seem so happy and in love. It's obvious you have a very passionate relationship. Which is probably why you and Gino are always "on and off". But to kick Gino out of the car in another state in front of your son was beyond the pale. Tripp was arguing with you to keep him in the car, for God's sake! He wouldn't let go of Gino's arm. He thinks of Gino as his dad. He calls him "daddy". Did you really think it was better to abandon Gino at a gas station in Arizona rather than argue in front of Tripp?! If I were Willow, I would've gotten out of the car and stayed with Gino. There is no way you would've left Willow in that position. And then after all that, Gino calls you to ask you to meet up with him in Seattle. That he wants to drive you back to Alaska and what do you do - tell him "no" and accuse him of an ulterior motive. I only know what I see on television, but the camera doesn't lie. Gino has a big heart, Bristol. He just wanted to make sure you got home safe. I don't know what these trust issues you say you have with Gino are, but you've always said he's a good guy. That he's awesome for Tripp, he's awesome for you. He loves you so much, Bristol. Why wouldn't you let him take care of you? It broke my heart to see him cry over you and Tripp. It shows how much he loves the two of you. You're his family, Bristol. He just wanted to be with his family. I know that you love Tripp with all your heart and soul, Bristol. He's your son. The most important person in your life. And I know if a girl ever abandoned him in another state you would be livid. No matter if he was 21, 31, 41, etc. He will always be your baby boy. I don't know what's going to happen with you and Gino. It's in God's hands. But I truly believe that the two of you are meant to be together. (don't listen to Willow!) You're like Ross and Rachel. (on and off) Gino's your lobster. Haha You just need to work out your issues in an adult manner. Oh my gosh, I wrote a book! Guess I had to get a few things off my chest. Haha But I still love you, Bristol. You're an awesome girl. Just profoundly sad over this. But super excited about the finale next week! It's been a joy to get to know you better through Life's a Tripp.
    4 hours ago · Like"

    Me thinks that Krusty will be getting a visit REAL soon!

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Kristy sounds like she's related, ahem, to Gino......

    2. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Thanks for going over there so we don't have to, Gina.

      The Kristy in this comment sounds completely different than the automaton Kristy we've all come to know Is this not really Kristy, or have we been attributing Palin comments to Kristy?

    3. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Kristy is friggin insane!! Off her rocker. What kind of adult woman wants to live vicariously through a 20 year old girl! Especially one as boring as Bristol!
      She is a stalker

    4. Anonymous9:10 PM

      I think a lot of Bristol's worshipers posted messages of disapproval of Bristol kicking Gino out of the car. If Gino was my son, I would tell him to stop seeing Bristol. She makes Kate Gosselin look charming. LOL

    5. Anonymous8:05 PM

      You know I think I have to agree with you...that the Krusty comments that we get here could be coming from that family of gargoyles and even Krusty said she has "impostors"...LOL!!!

    6. Anonymous4:33 AM

      Krusty knows they will make up for next episode. Happy ever after. Krusty and trolls are just promoting the controversy so they don't seem so dull.

    7. I think our Krusty is Nancy French.

    8. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Kajo, I think you may be right. Notice the use of , there was another meme that krusty was trumpeting here and then nancy wrote about that exact phrase later that day?

      Nancy is a shitty writer who seems to know punctuation, and that's about it.

      Obviously they know about crazy Krusty too.

      Why should Nancy risk anything? Just use Kristys name all over the internet, defending palins. She should be flattered, right? ;)


  28. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Don Cathy is an idiot. He needs to stop selling religion and concentrate on food.

  29. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Last week, Brancy had four separate posts about "I built this business." It was a distraction so we wouldn't notice that Tripp had used a swear word in last week's "Life"s a Bleeping Mess."

    Surprise, another political column. What are we not supposed to be notice about this week's show? Oh, yeah, Bristol pretended to kick Gino out of the truck because he wondered if she wrote her blog-- or did Nancy? Bristol was offended, but she would have been offended by anything. There was nothing going on in the show, so they needed to create some drama, even fake drama. Gino swore a blue streak. The only question is whether Tripp learned his f-words from Gino or from Bristol.

    Last week, the criticism was about Tripp's vocabulary and the fact that Bristol did nothing to explain which words are nice words and which ones are not nice. Tripp had a meltdown when he was told he couldn't go in the pool, "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you." This week, poor Tripp cried over Gino's treatment, getting kicked to the curb. Tripp doesn't realize that the cameras were filming a fake setup show. Tripp must be wondering if he could get kicked out, too. Three years old don't think in a rational way. And, neither does Bristol. She is still a child, too.

    So now Nancy and Bristol want people to respect their right to say and write hateful things. However, try criticizing Bristol and Nancy, and you'll be called a hater. They accept no diversity of opinion. Agree with them, and that's fine. Disagree, and you are a hater.

  30. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Brancy: As a christian I am grieved by the statements that you and other professed christians say, and what they do. Where in the Bible does it say the church is to judge people's personal struggles, and differences with each other? Where does it command them to post tweets, facebook messages, letters, complaints, editorials, against a lifestyle that they disagree with? If christians believe one lifestyle is wrong, is it right to personally attack those who choose that lifestyle? Why not live your life as an example and be an Ambassador of Christ, not a holiness, sin police? If your son was gay, would you like it if the majority blamed him for God's judgment on the nation?

    It's inappropriate and sinful to have sex before marriage, according to the Bible. It's sinful to be promiscuous, sinful to have extra-marital affairs. The Bible teaches that God hates divorce. It tears families apart. Yet, YET, Brancy, we never hear of you posting criticism of a society that openly practices divorce; so where is the indignation, Brancy? And, Brancy, these are things that people can sometimes control, but choose to divorce because it's the easy way out.
    Teens break up after a baby birth, because it's easier to give up than make that sacrifice and marry the father of the child. The thing is Brancy, everyone falls short, yet Jesus forgives. So why aren't you talking about that? You condemn people, and it's NOT your job.

    Homosexuality is something that you, Brancy, can't understand, you have never walked in those shoes. It is not a "planned" behavior, or a feeling that is chosen by the individual, according to many in that situation. So why bark up that tree? Do you have issues that would require the Old Testament pharisees to cast stones at you? Or are you, Brancy feeling justified that you have no sin?

    Don Cathy said, I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say "We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage". He is supportive of the family....the biblical definition of the family unit. Does that family unit include a single mother of a young child who drags her child into a reality TV series to entertain and subject that child to hearing your family disparage his daddy?

    If that isn't inviting God's judgment on the nation, when a young girl behaves in a manner that is unprincipled and exploits her little child for fame and money, then I don't know what is. But, he hasn't sent harsh judgment, thankfully, because He is patient, kind, and merciful to all of us, and to you, Brancy, and as he is to others.

    1. Very Nice.
      Thank you.

    2. Anonymous8:41 PM


    3. That was a lovely post, very well said!

  31. Anonymous7:00 PM

    If Bristol's 'So Called Blog Writing is anything like her English Grammar on the "UNREALITY SHOW LIFE'S A SHAILEY TRIPP", "DON'T ARGUE ME", then we have not seen her writings on the BRANCY BLOG. Bristol Palin should never have DROPPED OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL for MONO.

  32. Anonymous7:07 PM

    What the fuck? What completely baffled me was at the end of the first paragraph which read 'But what about being different on the outside. Well, that's where they draw the line". Either I'm on the same level as they are, or I didn't misunderstood what their trying to say. It's common knowledge the Tea Party, despite what they try to say, is racist. On top of that liberals are the ones who brought in civil rights legislation and stood behind blacks then and now. Conservatives are the one's trying to enact legislation that limit minorities from voting and on and on... I just hope I'm not as stupid as they are in believing what they wrote has any truth to it.

  33. is the promo for the Toad's show! Umm...for some reason all the "stars" got a speaking part in the promo except for....drum roll please.....the TOAD! LOL!!

    So are they going to dub Toad's lady voice with Baldy's new manly screech or will the Toad just stand there and look pretty for his partner?


    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Toad sounds suspiciously like a castrato.

  34. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Definition of DIVERSITY

    : the condition of having or being composed of differing elements : variety; especially : the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization

    In Brancy's world we would have to accept pedophilia as "diversity"

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      I don't think that we have to accept anything that is against the law, like pedophilia-- or hate speech.

  35. Anonymous7:18 PM

    so palin gets some big new boobs for the convention and the old white guys since
    the gop know mittens isnt going to last long.


  36. Here's the official bio on the Toad...what a load of SHIT!

    "Todd Palin

    Todd Palin is a lifelong commercial fisherman in Alaska's Bristol Bay, where his Yupik Eskimo family has been salmon fishing for many generations. He is also a former North Slope production operator in the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay.

    Palin is a four-time champion of the Iron Dog, the world's longest and toughest snowmobile race spanning over 2,000 miles of frozen wilderness from Alaska's Mat-Su Valley to Nome to Fairbanks.

    Palin is the husband of former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin. As the First Gentleman of Alaska (informally called "The First Dude"), Palin focused on vocational training opportunities and programs for Alaska workers.

    In addition to appearing in the top-rated TLC show "Sarah Palin's Alaska," Palin assisted on the show's logistics and production.

    Palin is an active private pilot who enjoys flying in his Piper Super Cub and his Cessna 185 float plane. His other hobbies include hunting, fishing, hiking, building, and snowmachining. Todd and Sarah have five children and two grandchildren. They live in Wasilla, Alaska."


    What "logistic and production" did the Toad to get the prostitutes to the crew? This fake ass resume needs to be revised to...Toad was the REAL Gov of Alaska and had a part time job as a pimp with many prostitutes male/female in his stable.

    He also was a blackmailer and even though he has been exposed as a pimp by Shailey (thanks Shay!) he now only pimps out his bald headed, fake booby wearing, nasty covered spray tan wife!

    And to think I was going to be sad (NOT!) when Beefy's show went off the air...but now I have the Toad's to make fun of!


    1. Anonymous8:54 PM

      "vocational training opportunities and programs for Alaska workers."

      = marketing speak for recruiting and pimping out prostitutes

  37. Ratfish7:21 PM

    Like her mother and many ghostwriters over these many years, Bristol assumes that critics of the Palins and their beliefs- including homophobic ones- are liberals.

    In fact, many gays, including critics of the chicken chain, are conservatives....who no longer support the Palins.

  38. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Somebody needs to post these links on Grifter Jr.'s blog.

    Those poor evangelical suckers might think twice before donating to that reprobate family again.

  39. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Bristol better be careful. The Palin fan club,at this point, basically consists of infatuated lesbians and gay teenage boys.

  40. Gryphen...I think someone earlier posted this link to an interview with Baldy on MOTHERHOOD earlier today!

    You need to listen to the audio....Baldy does her word salad thing when trying to describe raising kids and when the woman ask her about the teenage years...poor Baldy is damn near speechless...the Toad had to step in and take the pressure off the loon! It's reminiscent of the Wild Ride audio!


    Oh yeah...on the audio Baldy sounds like a drunk who is trying NOT to sound drunk! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous11:59 PM

      Wait- this was just the other day? So, Willow is only 17 and NOT 18?? I thought she supposedly just turned 18?

    2. OMG at around 34 second mark, she clearly says "four year oldS" plural...

  41. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, Brancy is not smart enough to understand your comment.

    Plus I'm starting to think this is really Sarah's blog written by Nancy. Everyone ignores Sarah's FB posts so she has taken over Bristils blog. Bristol isn't smart enough to even come up with the idea for this post,

  42. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Dear Brisket,
    Get back to me or my heirs when you finally read the bible.

  43. Hard to believe Bristol had enough time and energy to write that...this single teenage motherhood thingy is working out like only the Palin Cash Cows know how to rake in the hatred and twist it into Biblical proportions.

  44. When gay people sponsor ballot initiatives outlawing Christianity and they actually pass, maybe then these conservatives will have a leg to stand on.

  45. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Do you think liberals celebrated Cathy’s beliefs, which add a little diversity to the conversation about gay marriage?

    "diversity to the conversation" as in, he's different from most civilized people because he's spouting hatred.

    You go, with that, Brissie.

  46. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Why is she whistling?

  47. dlbvet8:29 PM

    I'm simply baffled that the author of Bristol Palin's posts expects the sane inhabitants of this universe to think that Bristol Palin actually wrote any of those words...let alone had a decent amount of neurons firing in sync to string them together in a coherent sentence in the first place. (Was that too harsh?)
    Baffling. Mind-boggling. Comical in a way, but also very (and I mean VERY) pathetic. Who do they think they are fooling?

  48. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I hope that you understand that this whole thing is a well organized Conservative political attack-- namely, attack anyone who attacks Chick-Fil-A's owner for his anti-gay statements. Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, they are all part of this meme, and Nancy, as the writer on a Christian website are all part of the same thing. Tomorrow, they'll have a new cause-- they're taking away our guns, they are trying to make our kids learn stuff, I'm sure that they'll be outraged about something. It's organized.

  49. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Why no blogpost from Brancy addressing Gino's claim that Bristol doesn't write her own blog? I wonder why no rebuttal has been issued on that statement; the one so serious that Bristol kicked Gino the Arizona curb?

  50. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Nancy French is a terrible writer, a sorry excuse for a mother, a wage slave to the palins, and she looks like a horse.

    Neigh, bitch.

  51. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Yes, of course I support diversity of thought. "But when you talk about destruction, don't you know that you can count me out." The type of homophobia Chik-Fil-A supports is destructive to gay individuals and families. Case closed.

    1. Cracklin Charlie5:49 AM

      Don't you know it's gonna be...


      The blowback from the Chick-fil-a guy's comments must have been quick and devastating for them to come out with their "stop being mean to chick-fil-a" whining so quickly.

      Mr. Chick-fil-a will now claim that Christian haters are trying to ruin his business. Dude should have "checked hisself, before he wrecked hisself".

  52. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Everyone knows now that Bristol didn't write that thanks to Gino. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar.

  53. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I say we encourage Chick Fil A, as they are an important factor in destroying the far right Teabaggers thru poor dietary choices. Buy a Chick Fil A meal today and throw it away to insure that right wingers everywhere have the ability to keep gorging themselves on this terrible food! We will win in the end!!!

  54. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I hope Bristol goes to Tampa with Sarah. She can see me holding the "Tripp hates fags" sign.

    1. Anonymous1:47 AM

      If I were there my sign would say: "Tripp hates fuckin' fags" sign.

  55. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Sick non-sensical Palin logic. Tolerate our hate? Really? You think that makes sense Pigstool?

  56. Uh oh...looks like Katie Couric wants a re-do with Baldy!

    "Katie Couric’s infamous interview with Sarah Palin in 2008 may have left the ex-candidate smarting for some time, but that doesn’t mean the former network reporter doesn’t know a good newsmaker when she sees one: Couric told TV writers today in Los Angeles that she’s extended an invite to the ex-Alaskan governor to appear on her new talk show when it bows Sept. 10."


    I think Baldy will be desperate enough to consider this...because we all know she ain't got shit to do!

  57. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Actually Bristol.. Do YOU understand what it means to be different on the inside? Do you understand "diversity"? I'm pretty sure you don't. Go shut your mouth with a cheeseburger.

  58. Anonymous9:51 PM

    By "Bristol" saying such offensive statements, as she has been lately, really makes me wonder what is it exactly that she is trying to distract us from? Do tell, Brisket.

  59. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Chick-Fil-A Sued For Firing Woman So She Could Be A ‘Stay Home’ Mom

  60. Anonymous10:20 PM

    I wonder if Brancy knows the meanings of the words 'diversity' and 'tolerance' Tolerance is accepting of others' views & ideas, it clearly represents the polar opposite of intolerance. The idea that intolerant, racist or bigoted views should be embraced under a banner of tolerance is, to borrow a word, backasswards and stupid!

  61. Anonymous10:29 PM

    What does 'diversity' have to do with 'tolerance' because this is what is at the core of this topic.
    The far-right-wing-nut-jobs have no 'tolerance' for people who are different from them. Bristol who became a teenage mom, not once but twice, should be more focused on raising her son. When she teaches her son not to say "Fuck" and "Faggot" maybe then people will take her ghost writer more seriously because she's nothing but a joke.

  62. Anonymous10:43 PM

    For someone who goes on and on AND ON AND ON AND ON about The Bible,traditional marriage, blahblahblah, Bristol doesn't seem to be in any hurry to practice it herself....

  63. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Has Nancy met RAM?

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      The palins only allow women uglier than them around.

      It's difficult to do, but and Nancy.daughter.of.Flicka.French

      Made the grade.
      Bask in the glory, ladies...

  64. Anonymous11:23 PM

    The Cult of Chick-fil-A

    The fast-food purveyor seeks loyal employees and operators who believe serving chicken is God's work. Careful screening of new hires keeps it out of trouble.
    At a busy Chick-fil-A in Rome, Ga. Richard Yadkowski keeps a paternal eye on employees squeezing lemons and cooking chicken. Like seven teens who work in his restaurant, Yadkowski, 33, came to Chick-fil-A when he was living in a group foster home created by Chick-fil-A founder and chairman S. Truett Cathy. "I tell the kids, 'This is not just selling sandwiches; it pays for your upbringing,'" says Yadkowski, a hardworking, happily married Southern Baptist who plans to work with Chick-fil-A for life.

    Chick-fil-A tries to recruit and retain loyalists like Yadkowski, who is so devoted to the company and its founder that he named his son Samuel (Cathy's first name). The privately held chain--with $2.3 billion in systemwide sales last year from 1,300 franchised stores in the U.S.--is best known for chicken-breast sandwiches that inspire fans to camp out so they are first in line when a new restaurant opens.

    Cathy, 86, credits the company's success to 975 franchisees and 600 employees who are unusually dedicated in an industry known for grumpy operators and high turnover among hourly workers. The turnover among Chick-fil-A operators is a low 5% a year. Among hourly workers turnover is 60%, compared with 107% for the industry. "We tell applicants, 'If you don't intend to be here for life, you needn't apply,'" says Cathy, who opened his first restaurant in 1946.

    That's not the only company mandate. Chick-fil-A's corporate mission, as stated on a plaque at company headquarters (and by Cathy), is to "glorify God." It is the only national fast-food chain that closes on Sunday so operators can go to church and spend time with their families; franchisees who don't go along with the rule risk having their contracts terminated. Company meetings and retreats include prayers, and the company encourages franchisees to market their restaurants through church groups. Howe Rice, a franchisee in Glen Allen, Va., hosts a Bible study group in one of his two Chick-fil-A restaurants every Tuesday. He offers a free breakfast to all who attend. "You don't have to be a Christian to work at Chick-fil-A, but we ask you to base your business on biblical principles because they work," says Cathy.

    Chick-fil-A is run by Cathy and his sons Dan T., chief operating officer, and Donald (a.k.a. Bubba), a senior vice president. They screen prospective operators for their loyalty, wholesome values and willingness to buy into Chick-fil-A's in-your-face Christian credo, espoused often by Cathy, an evangelical Southern Baptist who says "the Lord has never spoken to me, but I feel Chick-fil-A has been His gift."

    Fifty employees and one franchisee grew up in one of 13 Christian foster homes in the U.S. and Brazil run by a nonprofit organization Chick-fil-A funds, the WinShape Foundation. Sixteen others were in Sunday-school classes Cathy teaches at First Baptist Church in Jonesboro, Ga. Cathy likes to give a leg up to people who have ambition but little else: The company asks operators to pay just $5,000 as an initial franchise fee. KFC, for example, demands $25,000 and a net worth of $1 million.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      This is a preview. Did anyone catch where he told the teenager that this is paying for their upbringing,When they make women have all these children that they can't possibly have enough money to take care of, they will all be sent to foster homes and made to pay for thier upbringing. Tell telling. I bet if they dig deep enough there will be abuse stories.

  65. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Has anyone noticed that whenever the rightwing bashes "gays", it's the males they concentrate on? Threatened by love much? Feel your "manliness" is at risk?

    They truly enjoy the girl on girl action they find in their porn, though. Women are always there for their entertainment and reproductive purposes--that's all.

  66. Anonymous3:44 AM

    There's something just not right about having a blog and having someone else write it. If Bristol Palin wants to write about politics or any other subject she should do it, in her own words and expressing her own dumb ideas. If Nancy French wants to write a blog she should do it. But they should be separate. The idiots who want to know Bristol Palin's opinion about anything should get to read that opinion in Bristol's own words; those who are dumb enough to care about what Nancy French thinks (and just who is she?) should get to read her own words under her own by-line. This "ghost writer" nonsense is just stupid.

    We all know that Bristol Palin's vocabulary does not extend beyond a few dozen words, liberally interspersed with "uh" or "you know" and followed by a long whiny and gum chewing sounds. She's not out there reading and pondering and studying serious issues. She's far too busy trying to find Tripp's father. Maybe not the real one but whichever one might be handy at the moment. And Nancy French - she probably knows that no one would choose to read her opinions so she's coat tailing and probably making a lot of money in the process. Even put tougher - who cares what either of them has to say?

  67. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Chik(en) Fil(lled with) A(ssholes) also supports, to the tune of millions, the "Family "Research" Council, which is anti-woman and anti science in addition to being anti-gay -and they lobby to promote those laws. They are against anti-discrimination laws for gays - in other words, they're quite happy to see gays beat up for their sexual orientation, (not a choice), but like Cathy, whine when they are merely boycotted for their religious views (clearly a choice). If it is "just one's religious beliefs, then why do you need a lobbying organization, hmmmm....?

    Cathy likely wouldn't have caught as much flak if he had just left it at the "this is what I believe" part. But to then go and say... so the millions who are suffering in some way ... farmers losing crops, families losing homes, individuals losing jobs, or those losing loved ones... your loss is because god is mad because we accept homosexuality - is willfully inciting violence against gays.

    I mean, personally, if there is a Christ with god powers, I would be pretty comfortable saying the reason the world situation seems to be heading for the great cosmic toilet is because of Baptists like Cathy and Westboro (there's a connection to investigate) and Huckabee and Palin and Rmoney and ArrogANNt Rmoney and all the hateful intolerance they put in the world.

  68. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Bristol believing that Nancy French has her back is just as naive as Levi thinking that Tank Jones and handlers had his best interests in mind. I can't believe that moone in bristols life puts an end to having a third party spew this crap from a 20-year-old who barely has an education or an original thought in her mind. Meanwhile, Bristol should just get a job with chick fil A cauz her 15 minutes of fame are long overdue for the moose dung pile. By the way she should trade in that black bear in for a down payment on an education.

  69. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Really folks, after the last show, hasn't Bristol earned the right to forever be known as Bitchtol? I bet Gino agrees.

  70. Anonymous5:04 AM

    " She's far too busy trying to find Tripp's father. Maybe not the real one but whichever one might be handy at the moment."

    More like whichever one brings the most winecoolers and has the biggest dick because by now, her hooha has to be the size of the Chisholm trail. hey, maybe that's where $carach's hiding the bus?

  71. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Oops. I meant to write "even put together" - it was about 7:30 am here when I wrote this and my eyes were still quite blurry, as they are in the morning when I get awake. Ah, increasing age . . . what a treat!

  72. Paul - Minnesota6:08 AM

    Thanks Gryphen for you post.

    Also, religion is THE recruitment tool. It's not just a choice, it's coercion too. People forced to follow other people's choices made for them. When people are babies, children and pre-teens, teenagers, and into into adulthood and beyond.

    I'm glad my 83 year old Mom has finally stopped bothering me about going to church. Me, soon to be 56, I'm glad I gave this religious stuff up when I made a choice during my teenage years. Though it took me until my 30s to give up liberal Christianity. And into my 40s and 50s to give up Buddhism and more.

    I like being free of constraint and shoulds and ought to and more of spiritual or religious bondage. Also the bible is not factual (fiction, allegory at it's best and much of the bible isn't at all about any best, it's old testament b.s. and sadism) and is bits and chunks of a mix of stuff. Too many people have written stuff in or taken stuff out for centuries to suit some personal, other current time, agendas.

  73. Anonymous6:32 AM

    How come they are not worried about all these so called christian men like priests or religious men, and jerry sandusky. having sex with boys why wouldn't that bring god's wrath? but we saw and will continue to see them protect to the end these ppl. They even blame the victims. I guess it's only bad to them, if you marry someone of the other sex.

  74. Anonymous7:31 AM

    My Friend Flicka + Mr. Ed = Nancy French

    What color"goes with" your little black daughter today, bitch?

    What is her name again? Token?

    You are disgusting, lady.


  75. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I like being free of constraint and shoulds and ought to and more of spiritual or religious bondage. Also the bible is not factual (fiction, allegory at it's best and much of the bible isn't at all about any best, it's old testament b.s. and sadism) and is bits and chunks of a mix of stuff. Too many people have written stuff in or taken stuff out for centuries to suit some personal, other current time, agendas. So come on now gryphen, admit that your dotter chose to ge queer and you choose to keep your queerness in the closet. Always read your messages to your blog carefully and thoroughly.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM



  76. Anonymous11:24 AM

    8:29 AM Your Unintelligible Posting shows that you
    have avoided education. Have any of the Palins Graduated from High School with their Class? Or did
    most of the HEATH/PALINS go the Path of MONO/PREGNANCY and disappear from High School? How old is Willow's new Baby? She was certainly PREGNANT
    in that scene with TRIPP and his Homophobic Slur. Todd seems to like wearing PIMP DADDY outfits when he is PIMPING GRANNY GRIFTER with her BOTOXED FACE

  77. Anonymous11:26 AM

    @8:29 AM The only one in the CLOSET is PIMP DADDY TODD with his ALTO GIRLY VOICE and his desire for MEN.


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