Thursday, July 19, 2012

George Zimmerman on the death of Trayvon Martin: "It was all God's plan." Update!

Courtesy of Think Progress:

Hannity asked Zimmerman if he regretted getting out of his car to follow Trayvon, carrying a gun, or anything at all about the night he killed Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman said he regretted nothing because he believed “it was all God’s plan.” He also said there isn’t anything he would do differently in retrospect.

I was actually channel surfing during a commercial break in Rachel Maddow's program, and caught part of this interview. I only heard a few minutes but I have to say that I was physically sickened by watching this guy tell his highly implausible story and make excuses for essentially shooting an unarmed boy that HE had left his car to follow for no good reason.

I also could not help but notice that Hannity was leading this guy through the questions much the same way he leads Palin.  Providing soft ball questions which are shaped to help Zimmerman give answers that show him in the best light possible.

I never thought I could dislike Sean Hannity more, but I was wrong.  

And this "God's plan" excuse is just about the lowest thing I have ever heard.

I wonder how Trayvon's parents will react to hearing that it was not George Zimmerman's fault that their son died from a hole in his chest, alone and in the rain, but rather God's fault?

Update: The Martin family responds:

"We must worship a different God because there is no way that MY GOD would have wanted George Zimmerman to KILL my teenage son,” Tracy Martin, father of Trayvon Martin said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press shortly after Zimmerman's interview with Fox News. 

Here is another update that helps to explain WHY the Barbara Walters interview did not take place:

Barbara Walters walked away from an interview with Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman after the former neighborhood watchman demanded at the last minute that, in return for the chat, ABC put him and his wife up in a hotel for a month, a source told Page Six. Walters flew down to Florida early yesterday and met with Zimmerman and his lawyer to discuss the possibility of a lengthy TV sitdown. Her interview would have taken place after he was done talking with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, a situation that already made the newswoman leery, we’re told, as she prefers to land exclusives. But we’re told that Walters was “appalled” by Zimmerman’s hotel demand, and told him the deal was off. An ABC News spokesman confirmed that Walters met with Zimmerman, but refused to confirm what he asked for. “She went down there with every intention of doing an interview, but Mr. Zimmerman made a demand at the last minute that we could not and would never agree to,” the rep said. 

So just what DID Hannity promise to get his exclusive interview? 

You can bet your ass it was a LOT more than just a month's stay in a nice hotel!


  1. I watched the interview and he seemed to be soaking it in. He was confident and obviously didn't feel one little bit of guilt and even went so far as to say he wouldn't have done anything differently. If he had simply listened to the 911 operator and stopped following him, NONE of this would have happened. I think Zimmerman is a sociopath. He reminds me a lot of Casey Anthony. Those two should hook up because they deserve each other.

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      This is beyond sick and Hannity looks like a baboons ass!
      I couldn't watch the whole thing.
      I can't believe that mofo said it was "god's will"? WTF? So now its ok to kill someone, if YOU think its "god's will"? What fucking god wants you to kill another?
      This is so fucked up and of course foxnoise has this on...I say give zimmerman the death penalty its "gods will"!

    2. Leland7:07 AM

      If the prosecution does NOT constantly hammer home that he was ordered to stop following by the 911 operator, then he isn't doing his job. By ignoring the call by the 911 operator, he stepped out of the stand your ground law in my book.

    3. But how else is little Georgie Z going to be a hero unless he shoots the big, BAD BLACK MAN?

      Oops. Or unless he shoots and kills an unarmed 17 yr old kid who wasn't BAD yet and wasn't a MAN yet, but of course, he was BLACK. And EVERYBODY in the Fox News viewing audience KNOWS that ALL black boys grow up to be gang-bangin' crack-dealin' criminal thug black adult men. So, better to go ahead and shoot and kill a black kid TODAY, since it just makes things easier on SOCIETY having to pay so much in taxes to have THE SYSTEM deal with those black thugs LATER.

      So, I guess that makes li'l Georgie a HERO after all! Hurray! I wonder--- how soon Barbara Walters will have him on one of her Friday Night Specials? Reckon if it will be before or after he gets a Citizen of the Year award from the NRA? Either way, old Babs better get her ass into gear if this is going to be a "get" for ABC.

      Wait! Oh no. Something terrible just occurred to me...

      Wouldn't it be a just a cotton-pickin' shame to have the librul court system--- with them commie-lovin' activist judges always just a pushin’ for that social justice--- really FUCK UP this Teabaggin' Right-Wing Stand Your Ground by Shootin' Blacks Orgy by convicting poor little Georgie, thereby putting his little celebratory P.R. tour on hold for, say, 10 or 20 years? Shit! That would really suck, for Georgie, wouldn't it?

      I mean, if he's convicted, how the hell is Georgie s’posed to be able to sign a 7-figure deal with a top publisher? Everybody knows it's hard to promote a best-seller with all the obligatory talk show appearances and book signings when you're stuck in the pokey for a decade or two. Shit, Georgie might not even be FAMOUS in 20 years! Now THAT would really suck, for Georgie, wouldn't it?

      After all, Georgie’s hero now, isn’t he?

    4. Anonymous9:50 AM

      When Zimmerman was interviewed by Detective Serino and told that Trayvon Martin was not a punk, but a decent kid from a loving family, there was absolutely no response from GZ, not a bit of regret or remorse expressed. GZ's actions the day after the shooting, his attempt to return to work immediately, speaks volumes about his personality. He has no conscience. How could anyone shoot someone and then 12 hours later just expect to go into work as if nothing happened? GZ would not have gone to his family doctor except for the fact that he needed medical clearance to return to work.

      If your head had been bashed against the concrete sidewalk repeatedly and you had been punched in the face at least a dozen times as GZ claims, you'd look and feel a hell of a lot worse than he did. I worked in the ER for over 3 years after getting my nursing degree and have seen guys look much, much worse after only a few punches. If Trayvon had been on top of GZ there would have been tremendous force in those punches to his face and nose. Yet we don't see any swelling or black eyes. In fact, there is zero proof that his nose was broken as it was NEVER x-rayed. This guy has been working these stories of his since day one but his biggest problem is there is so many inconsistencies in the stories when compared to his written statement and the re-enactment video.

      GZ needs to spend the next couple of decades in jail. It's what he deserves for taking an innocent life. Otherwise, anyone who gets in a fist fight is going to think they can kill the other person and get away with it simply by claiming self defense. I also believe he lied about the line he attributed to TM, "you got me". In the autopsy report there was no blood in the esophagus or trachea which you would expect to find if he had tried to speak. His lungs collapsed almost instantly preventing the passage of air. GZ is going to be convicted if the prosecution just tells the truth about the inconsistencies and has believable witnesses on the stand. For TM's parents, I want to see GZ do some serious prison time.

    5. I thought I was just being snarky about Barbara Walters when I mentioned her in my comment. I didn't realize what was actually happening happening behind the scenes with her and ABC trying to do the interview with GZ also.

      This thing has become too crazy to be really happening. Disturbing.

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Enjoy being the racist fringe of the country's darling George! I hope you understands that it's 'God's Plan' when you're being sodomized with a broomstick in the shower after you're sentenced to prison time.

    What a scumbag. He wouldn't have done anything differently? Seriously? I'm still trying to understand what kind of threat Trayvon Martin presented to him as he was sitting in a 2,000lb vehicle -- with a gun.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Not to quibble on meaningless shit like vehicle weights, but his SUV was probably more in the 2-ton (4000 lb) range. Which, for that matter, just makes GZ an even bigger pussy.

  3. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Well, I guess it is God's plan that at some point we all die. But I think that God would have something to say to George Zimmerman about having killed a person. It is one of HIs commandments: "Thou (including George Zimmerman) shalt not kill." Maybe for George Zimmerman and for Fox News and their viewers, that commandment did not include killing African Americans for sport. Because that is what George Zimmerman did on that rainy Florida evening. Frankly I do not think that defendants in criminal cases should be allowed to be on television spouting their self-serving versions of what really happened.

  4. I hope God's plan for him is a life in prison.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      How about the death penalty? Florida has the death penalty, don't they? It's all old testamenty, an eye for an eye and whatnot. Zimmerman=delusional

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Except this occurred in Florida where many would give him "the key to the city" for his actions. Thinking hannity couldn't be any more of a loser, he takes another dive.....

  5. Chella6:59 AM

    Does he not realize this speaks volumes to his character? That he has no guilt of what happened?

    I'm sure the prosecution is doing a little dance and rewording their approach. Hannity just handed them a conviction.

    1. hedgewytch8:18 AM

      My thoughts exactly. No matter how the defense tries to spin it, the prosecution now has it on tape that Zimmerman is remorseless and took initiative in his actions. Period. The end. Game Over. Go to jail, directly to jail, do not collect 2 million dollars.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:01 PM

      I agree on all points, the whole idea of this interview was to pollute the possible jury pool and to raise money for his defense. What he says in this interview pretty much negates "Stand Your Ground".

      He has those cold, dead eyes of a psychopathic killer.

  6. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Zimmerman is a racist murderer who hunted down trayvon because he's black. Anyone who can't see that is racist themselves or just stupid.

    1. eclecticsandra7:55 AM

      If you look closely, you will find that Zimmerman is and was not racist.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      There are those who say he is (and was), just as there are those who say he isn't.

    3. The testimony of the cousin that Zimmerman allegedly molested when Zimmerman was a child is important because she also averred that George's family hated black people 'unless they acted white'.

    4. eclecticsandra7:55 AM
      If you look closely, you will find that Zimmerman is and was not racist.
      Of Zimmerman’s not racist.
      George was just being a GOOD CHRISTIAN ™ by doing his CHRISTIAN DUTY™ because it was GOD’S WILL™.

      Are we looking close enough for you now, eclecticsandra?

    5. Anonymous9:42 AM

      eclecticsandra, What?

    6. Anonymous9:51 AM

      7:55, yes, the part where he called a teenager a f***ing c**n, that's not racist at all.

    7. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Darlene Underdahl 7:11 AM
      "Sometimes, I feel a little dirty..."
      Me, too, Darlene. I want to be able to forgive someone who has done something wrong or stupid because we all make mistakes, big and small, and likewise, I hope to be forgiven when I've made a mistake as well.

      But I completely understand why someone would thumb their nose at me and my apology if I don't accept the responsibility for my own decisions and actions, along with the consequences of my decisions or actions. If I'm not accepting personal responsibility, my sorrow is pretty shallow or insincere, and I'd expect perceptive individuals to "sense" that, just as I usually do from others depending on their level of contrition.

      Sometimes it's impossible to repair a situation to where it was before because of the size of the transgression. In those cases, true empathy might be nearly impossible. But it's a whole lot easier for me to be compassionate and forgive someone if I can recognize just a hint of remorse or contrition.

      Maybe I just have a blind spot, but I'm trying real hard but still not hearing or seeing either contrition or remorse from this guy at all. Instead, what I do sense from him is that he might be a sociopath or have some type psychopathic disorder.

    8. eclecticsandra3:19 PM

      He did not say, "Coon." The word was "Goon." This is the name gang members call themselves. He was dressed in a black hoody like one group of Goons wear.

      You're going to accept one woman's impression of his family as being his? Why was he trying to get the black community to protest on behalf of the homeless man who was beaten? Why would his family have so much concern about acting white when they had so much African blood? Look at it closer.

    9. eclecticsandra3:21 PM

      Consider his record of speaking out for blacks. His beliefs may be too simple, but he is not a racist. The word was "Goon."

    10. Anonymous3:37 PM


      Your attempts to distract is duly noted. Despite your pathetic attempts to defend the racist known as George Zimmerman, you are wasting your time here. And you know it too.

      You are the kind of troll that doesn't care what the subject matter is, you will always defend your own kind. No one has to look at the Klan closer, we all know it when we see it. Go back under your bridge.

    11. eclecticsandra5:48 PM

      Please, look at my record. I am not a troll. I believe Trig is not SP's natural child. I am pro Obama and OWS. Sometimes you see a different side to things. I am very disappointed that I, of anyone, can be called a troll here.

    12. Anonymous6:30 PM


      Yes, you are a troll and you know it, which is why you keep coming back and commenting.

    13. eclecticsandra10:56 PM

      You don't seem to know what a troll is. If I were a troll I would not use my name. Look at my history, and you will see what I am. I keep commenting because I want people to consider this might be a man who only tried to defend himself.

    14. Anonymous6:42 AM


      Trolls have names too and yours is eclectisandra.

      George Zimmerman had a GUN. Trayvon Martin did not. The evidence will prove that Zimmerman is a liar and a murderer. That it what YOU are defending. A murderer, TROLL.

  7. Since God was behind all of this, why ya reckon He didn't have just an absolute deluge of rain pouring out of the sky with thunder/lightning and quarter-sized hail pummeling the area? That might have given Trayvon a better hint that it might be best to put that sweet tooth on hold 'til the next day. Oh, and just as a backup, the torrential rain and hail probably would've kept most of the wanna-be Barney Fife-type sociopaths at home to prevent getting their "squad car" all dinged up.

    God knows... that anytime we walk to and from the store to get a snack and drink, while talking on our cell phone to our girlfriend, that there's always a strong likelihood that we might be murdered (justifiably) before we get home.

    So let's be sure to put the blame squarely where the responsibility rests, right George Z? It's not YOUR fault George, it's ALL God's fault.

    Don't you agree, Mr Hannity?

  8. Anonymous7:04 AM

    God's plan? And who or what is this man's god?

  9. Leland7:05 AM

    God's plan, huh?
    And people wonder why atheists find them ignorant! (Well, at least, I do!)

  10. Yes, well God has a plan for Zimmerman, too. Stay tuned.

  11. Trayvon's parents HAVE reacted, just like we have. They're repulsed by Zimmerman's "God" excuse.

    1. KaJo7:08 AM
      Trayvon's parents HAVE reacted, just like we have. They're repulsed by Zimmerman's "God" excuse.
      and rightfully so. What a slap in the face for Trayvon's parents!

      Dammit, I just hope the prosecution can use at least a portion of this to show a jury what an arrogant, self-glorifying, cold-blooded murderer looks like--- there's not one fucking ounce of remorse in this punk for killing Trayvon. Not a fucking ounce.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:34 PM

      Treyvon's entire family have handled themselves with far greater grace that THIS mother ever could. For them to go on Fox took a lot of courage.
      For George to equate his love for nieces and nephews with the love for his "yet to be born children" is another meme to make him seem "pro life", and a slap in the face of the Martin family.

      I can't imagine being in their shoes, they'll never get their son back

  12. Sane people are getting more and more disgusted.

    Sometimes, I feel a little dirty when I get strident against the right wing, but then crap like this pops up, and I’m reminded that it isn’t time to let off the gas. We may need to keep “petal to the metal” our whole lifetimes.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Darlene, I tried to reply to your 7:11 message at 10:07, but evidently I clicked on the wrong reply button and it posted up above.

      I hate the rigidity of this commenting system because it isn't very "dummy-friendly". Hence, I struggle.

    2. Very nice... thank you.

  13. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I read somewhere yesterday that Hannity was paying Zimmerman's legal bills. I don't know if it is true but the timing of the claim is interesting considering that Zimmerman appeared on his show last night and Hannity went out of his way to stress that Zimmerman wasn't being paid for his appearance.

    No, he may have not been paid directly but douchebag Hannity who once again cements the image of anything BUT an unbiased journalist, is still contributing to Zimmerman financially.

    Then again, Hannity once agreed to be waterboarded for the "troops" but chickened out. Those conservaturds are not known for their bravery but they sure are known for their lies.

    1. Even if Hannity is not actually paying his legal bills, he IS paying George Zimmerman "in kind" by providing him FREE AIRTIME on his "2nd highest-rated program on cable TV" show, giving GZ a vehicle to promote his "legal fund" which was re-instituted recently. Once the $$$ amount collected exceeds all of the billable legal hours, at the very least, GZ and his wife will have themselves a nice little honeymoon fund, courtesy of Mr Hannity. That way, even if he's convicted, he'll have some "walkin' around money" to spend while his conviction is on appeal, assuming GZ remains the poster-boy of the NRA's Stand Your Ground National Promotional Campaign. Hannity is proving himself to be A GREAT AMERICAN, isn't he? More like a crock of shit, Sean.

      Fuck You Both, Sean Hannity and George Zimmerman.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:40 PM

      She's Toast,

      I, totally agree!

      It seems Barbara Walter's agrees as well, She waxed poetic about his need for money then smacked him down royally for snubbing her.

      Well played, Ms. Walters, Well played!!

  14. Anonymous7:12 AM

    That was the most disgusting interview ...The whole thing was staged and rehearsed. Notice how they kept their voices at a low even level.. Zimmerman was absolutely lying through the whole thing and Hannity was enabling him the whole way through it. I couldn't believe my ears when he said "it was Gods plan" and he wouldn't change a thing about that night..when he said Martin was roaming around the neighborhood that night..what in the hell does he think he was doing!!

  15. Anonymous7:18 AM

    "God's plan": The refrain of the insane.

    1. Leland7:57 AM

      I certainly hope he isn't rated as insane! He would be committed and then "cured" and then released.
      No thank you!

  16. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I only saw a bit of this on the tv and was so disgusted I knew I listened to any of it for more than those first few seconds I would have been yelling at my TV.

    Just as disgusting - he is getting rich over this -- dirt bags out there are sending him MONEY !!!! to help his defense.

  17. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Was it also "god's plan" that he molest that young woman (I think she said it started when she was just 6 years old and went on for years of abuse and threats - but that now she finally feels safe enough to speak out because Zimmerman around and hiding out)

    he is the lowest of the low!!

    1. eclecticsandra7:58 AM

      When she was 6, he was 8.

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      An 8 year old should not be sexually touching a 6 year old. It is a sign of serious disturbance.

    3. Anonymous9:53 AM

      So he was bigger and stronger and preyed upon a little girl who couldn't fight him off. What a great guy!

    4. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Are you defending him, eclecticsandra? Eight years of age is old enough to know right from wrong and this went on for years. Children torturing animals is a common trait of serial killers. You don't put abusing a younger child in that category. What the hell is your problem.

    5. He/She is a paid shill to defend the indefensible.

    6. eclecticsandra3:24 PM

      You are accepting this woman's word without reservation? Try a little objectivity.

    7. Anonymous4:28 PM

      And you, Sandra, are dismissing her claims and siding with a man who has a history of assault. I cannot for the life of me figure out why you bend yourself over backwards to defend George Zimmerman. He deserves a fair trial, but we should not pretend he didn't make a series of awful decisions to be a "big man."

    8. Anonymous4:34 PM

      eclectisandra sounds just like Kristy, stupid.

    9. eclecticsandra5:51 PM

      I don't know who Kristy is, but I am not stupid. That sounds like a C4P ad hominem. Look at the charges of assault. One was dismissed. The other was because an undercover ABC guy was strongarming his underage friend. Look at the whole person. Don't cherry pick.

    10. Anonymous6:36 PM


      Now you are a liar in addition to being a troll. You claim to have a record on here but you don't know who Kristy is? That's a lie and you know it.

      You are trying to say that Trayvon Martin caused his own death and we can see right through your white sheet and your racist troll comments are not welcomed here.

      I'm sure you will be welcomed back to C4P with open arms. I'm sure they have missed you.

    11. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Um, no, eclecticsandra. Zimmerman was arrested for Interfering with police business. When the undercover officer identified himself to Zimmerman, Zimmerman said he didn't care and continued to be belligerent. Strong arming? Where did you come up with that word?

      Furthermore, Zimmerman's charge was reduced when he agreed to get alcohol counseling.

    12. eclecticsandra11:01 PM

      Maybe he persisted too long on that. It's not a long record.

    13. Anonymous6:43 AM

      STFU sandra. And get lost. Stop trying to defend the indefensible. Did you contribute to Zimmerman's defense fund, is that why you are defending the scumbag?

  18. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Fuck You George Zimmerman.

    Sick people like this thinking they are God's tool doing his will, different God indeed.

  19. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Zimmerman is trawling for more donations. His attorney advised him to say that.

  20. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Fuck You Ann rMONEY.

    1. Ah yes, “Get your raggedy asses back in the field. Don’t challenge your betters.”

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      It is amazing how quickly the public is turning on Ann Romney who is no longer the attractive and adoring wife and mother she once seemed. She is as cold-hearted and illogical as darling Willard. She will milk the MS and breast cancer every chance she gets unlike Betty Ford who was a real person.

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      'You People' -- Let the bitch keep talking. She's digging the hole deeper for both of them. She's supposedly his best strength according to the hack media.

    4. Especially when she's wearing one of her $975 t-shirts.

  21. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Actually, Hannity was giving him every opportunity to say he regretted it or would do something different. Zimmerman is as low as they get.

  22. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I was disgusted by this as well. So it was God's will to accost and shoot an unarmed teen dead? Sick, sick, sick. If I thought god was telling me to do that, I'd tell him to go fuck himself. Killing is wrong. An all-powerful god can do his own dirty work.

  23. Aint religion swell?!

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      yeah, I was just going to say the same thing. Better than having to deal with their consciences.

  24. He's appealing to the religious extremists. Just a little problem with the Commandments - #6 Thou shalt not kill.

    1. Right-Wing True Christian Good Americans have a Pre-Approved list of Exceptions to Commandment #6 Thou shalt not kill.

      1. Muslims
      2. Negroes
      3. Communists
      4. Marxists
      5. Fascists
      6. Atheists
      7. Elites who don't love Murica
      8. People of color/non-Western culture outside U.S.
      9. Doctors/staff/clinics who terminate pregnancies.
      10. Gov't officials who favor reasonable gun laws.
      11. Witches, warlocks, other various "evil" persons
      12. Your wives if they screw around, etc.
      13. Unmarried pregnant daughters
      14. Horse thieves
      15. TBA***

      *** See your bulletin at church this Sunday for updates.

    2. eclecticsandra3:26 PM

      Zimmerman is far from Right Wing. He killed in self defense and has to accept that it was the right thing. I am completely jumped on on the Wagist site, and then I come here and people jump on me. I really want people to think rather than react.

    3. Dis Gusted4:35 PM

      when you are the attacker it is impossible to claim self-defense.

    4. Anonymous4:36 PM

      So now you are saying we're not thinking. How offensive! I've read the report and Zimmerman's shifting story. By his own admission, he followed this kid with a loaded gun. We don't know the kid's story because he's dead. What we do know is that the kid was walking back to the place he was staying, doing nothing wrong, when he was confronted by a man. Not a police officer who would have identified him or herself as such, but a guy who questioned the kid with absolutely no authority.

      George Zimmerman created a dangerous situation without the ability to get himself out of it. Police officers are trained to deescalate heated situations. George Zimmerman was not a police officer. Add a loaded gun and a guy itching to use it and you get a dead kid.

    5. Anonymous4:43 PM


      "the right thing"?? How was it the "right thing" to kill an UNARMED TEENAGER?

      Yes, you want people to "react" but then that is what a troll does.

    6. eclecticsandra5:54 PM

      Unarmed? This was an athletic young man with several inches on GZ. He came out of hiding in the dark and confronted GZ. He should have gone home. The gun was in a holster, and GZ had a permit to carry. He got the gun because of harassment by an untethered dog in the neighborhood.

    7. Anonymous6:38 PM


      Your views will be welcomed at your previous hangout, C4P.

      Glad you showed your true colors, pun intended.

    8. Anonymous7:18 PM

      The kid probably wondered why this guy was following him and acting all suspicious. If it was ok for Zimmerman to follow Martin, it was ok for Nartin to follow Zimmerman. Of course, we have no idea what really happened, just the word of a man on a lot of psychotropic drugs, with a history of assault, who lied to a judge about his finances.

    9. eclecticsandra11:06 PM

      If you saw me on C4P, you know that RAM booted me off there. I gave an interview to the Alaska Dispatch when I was posting on Mudflats and C4P. I was tagging the racist remarks for RAM and told the Dispatch person. RAM resented the fact that I said some of her commenters were racist and finally booted me off in response to some idiot woman from the UK.

    10. Anonymous6:45 AM


      Do you really think anyone cares about your history when you are defending a RACIST MURDERER.


  25. Anonymous7:43 AM

    "Fair and Balanced" should give the Martin family double the airtime this Zimmerman slime got. Plus Fox should pay for Martin family airtime on other networks.

    When you host a killer on your network, FOX, you damn well better make sure the victim's voice is heard.

  26. Chenagrrl7:52 AM

    Guess Zimmerman and Hannity missed Mount Sinai memo No. 6: Thou shalt not kill.

    It is the ultimate arrogance on the part of fundamentalist panderers that this can somehow be rewritten.

  27. Anonymous7:57 AM

    F U Sean Insanity!

  28. Anonymous7:59 AM

    George's lawyers must be thrilled now that George makes it sound like premeditation.

  29. Leland8:02 AM

    Hhhmmm. Just out of curiosity, when is that idiot going to interview Martin?
    Oh, THAT"S right. He's DEAD!

    And as an aside, I'm wondering if George's lawyer is preparing the ground for a plea for a retrial because they couldn't find any unbiased jurors.

  30. London Bridges8:03 AM

    The good thing about this interview is that if he is convicted, the interview may be used to showed he has shown no remorse whatsoever and will permit the judge to give him the maximum penalty for his crime.

  31. zimmerman should make a mad dash to a store and back home before a lone gunman stalks and shoots him. Its god's plan.

    That punk is dead meat. he has lied so much he doesn't care if he gets caught. he believes he has this vast following based on the bloody donations he receives.

    zimmerman is a murderous racist crazy dicwad. he needs to be back in jail before he kills another innocent African-American teen again.

    he enjoys torturing Trayvon's parents. he will get his in the end.

    his appearance makes me sick.

    1. eclecticsandra3:28 PM

      Why was this innocent young man not home when he realized he was being followed? He should have gone home, not turned around to attack Zimmerman.

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM


      Are you saying that young Trayvon Martin had no business being on the streets? What about Zimmerman, shouldn't he have following Martin?

      You sound stupid and dumb. And like a racist. Trayvon Martin should be able to walk the streets of Anywhere, USA and not be SHOT TO DEATH!

      Please climb back under your bridge. You are an embarrassment to this site.

    3. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Victim blaming, the same as blaming a woman's behavior for her rape. Shame on you, Sandra.

  32. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I have to say "It was god's plan" is probably the worst defense this joker could have invoked. To say that he would have done nothing different shows what a cold blooded killer he is. Even cops who have had to shoot someone have enormous guilt and wish things had gone down differently. For this little shit to be so comfortable with his decision that led to killing an unarmed young man is very very chilling.

    1. Okay, now I think I understand exactly what George Zimmerman is trying to communicate:

      "That nigger got exactly what he had coming to him."

      Go ahead, Sean Hannity, help GZ articulate that by asking him another leading question or two, you racist dog-whistlin', grifting, piece-of-shit punk.

      Say it for him, Sean. I know it's just killing you not to hear GZ say it.

  33. lostinmn8:43 AM

    So if Zim's attorney's fees are being paid for by Hannity then how in the hell can he do an interview? I don't get it at all. Isn't that nothing more than a paid defense posturing? Wow. I do really hate Fox and this stuff can just add to the hate.

  34. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Sean Hannity enjoys interviewing Stupid people. Zimmerman and Sarah Palin are no different. Plane crashes, Burning Churches, telling LIES in Court, Blood Libel and all of the other Crimes by Sarah, Todd, and their CRIMINAL OFFSPRING.

  35. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I sincerely doubt that Zimmerman will repeat this obscene excuse when and if he testifies on his own behalf. Pure crap! He is a poor actor and and even worse human being and Trayvon's parents' remarks were spot-on. This brutal killing was the act of a weak bigot whose power came from the gun he was carrying to "stand his ground." I believe he fully intended to hunt and kill that night, probably for the adoration and respect his warped mind imagined he'd inspire in his little world. Let us hope the prosecution does its job well and that this guy is thrown in jail for life if he is found guilty of murder. This terrible and unfairly enforced law must not stand so let Zimmerman become a martyr in his mind.

    1. Dis Gusted4:36 PM

      he doesn't need to repeat anything. the interview has been submitted as evidence by the prosecution.

  36. Anonymous9:03 AM

    George Zimmerman is definitely someone that the Religious Right™ can get behind now.

  37. Anonymous9:04 AM

    For this sociopath to say it was God's plan for him to shoot and kill their unarmed child, is just another stab in the heart of Trayvon's parents.

  38. Enjay in E MT9:06 AM

    Since it was God's Plan that Zimmerman killed Trayvon - then it must also be God's Plan that Zimmerman become the new fish in cell-block D

    Screaming 'Oh God' everynight on his knee's for the rest of his life

  39. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I’ll tell you, while most reasonably sane people understood Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker and what made them tick, their flock kept right on flocking and the dumb kept right on donating. The main difference between Zimmerman and Tammy Faye are the make-up and tears. Well, I think there’s another distinction and it’s an important one. Had Tammy Faye been around The Retreat at Twin Lakes that fateful February night, God rest her soul, she most likely would have marched right up to Trayvon and asked him what he was doing. She was a feisty one. She would have asked him to pray with her, too. Then, she would have asked for money. George, on the other hand… he just wimped out.

    Hannity went easy on him. He could have asked questions about why Trayvon’s body was found farther south from where the confrontation took place, according to his account; how he managed to get the gun out of the holster upside down and fire directly (meaning straight) into the victim’s upper chest; and how the boy’s arms were tucked neatly under his body the way they fell, when he showed investigators during the reenactment how he spread them out and away from his sides. There have been so many inconsistencies in his stories but, like political interviews, I suppose, there will always be questions that remain off-limits. I understand — there’s a trial ahead — but I still believe that George Zimmerman will never, ever admit that what he did was wrong, and tonight he proved it. He said he was sorry about what happened, but quite absent was an apology for what he did; he got out of his vehicle with a loaded gun. Instead, he asked for apologies from Al Sharpton and Spike Lee for calling the shooting a racial crime.

    PFFFFFT. As if he would ever be the one to say I’m sorry to.

    Oh yes, he’s good, alright, but even after he clarified his ethnicity by saying he’s Caucasian and Hispanic, he made it a point to call himself an American first; above and beyond. Well, Yankee Doodle Dandy, George, you sure do know how to touch the masses. I don’t think you’ll ever be president, but after tonight, I’m not quite sure how you feel about that.

  40. Anonymous9:20 AM

    "God's plan"? So why isn't he admitting guilt and accepting his sentence? Why is he fighting for lower bail and lying to the judge? Isn't the CONSEQUENCE part of God's plan, too, George?

  41. Mark O'Meara looked VERY uncomfortable during the interview with Hannity. It's hard for me to believe that he condoned Zimmerman being interviewed in the first place!

    Maybe ~ now ~ Mr. O'Meara is planning his own escape - kindasorta like Hal Uhrig and Craig Sonner did back in April. We've all seen the results of 'going rogue'.

  42. Anonymous9:28 AM

    This guy is a puke, as is Hannity. Tell me again about how we don't have a problem with racism in this country. This infuriates me enough to speak out and become more active in fighting against these soulless creeps. I grieve over and over for the Martins who have to endure the pain of losing a child to this monster and than have this disgusting idiot politicize it for monetary gain.

  43. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Barbara Walters was scheduled to interview Zimmerman after Sean Hannity did, but when she flew to Florida to do so Zimmerman told her he would not consent to the interview unless she met certain conditions — conditions, Walters said, that she could not meet “as an employee of ABC.” Was it a “quid pro quo” situation, Joy Behar asked? Walters told her “I won’t get into it,” but did say Zimmerman is “desperate for money” and refused to do the interview with her against the advice of his lawyers.

    Walters ruefully congratulated Hannity on his get, and shared a bit of what she heard from Zimmerman in Hannity’s interview — he claims that it was “God’s will that he did this” and told Hannity “I feel it was all God’s plan.” Sherri Shepherd and Elisabeth Hasselbeck were not swayed by this, with Shepherd saying if Zimmerman goes to jail that’s “part two of God’s plan,” and that was the end of the segment.

    That is, until Zimmerman’s lawyer called the show, interrupting the last ten minutes, telling Barbara that Zimmerman was willing to do the interview. From her perch on the couch Barbara shut them down, saying pointedly “We will now continue with our program, and with the people who agreed to interviews and [came] here”...

  44. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Fox is a personal ATM for morons -- remember, AZ Brewer, the ditz from Nevada -- where they were allowed to give their websites to donate. Now the 'Pimping for Dollars' O'Mara and Zimmerman.

    Zimmerman also stated he had no knowledge of the 'Stand Your Ground' law. Really?? For a Cop Wannabee who was rejected -- he knows them all. In his statement, the Judge on the most recent bail hearing, reference was made that Zimmerman had wanted to be a cop, add that he's the Neighbourhood watch or whatever it's called. That's more the DA will use at trial. As a gun owner -- to carry -- you know the phucking law. Pure BS.

    Add that today Zimmerman showed his colours in trying to 'control' the media. His rejection of Walter's interview was purely because there was no $$$ -- whether it be cash or the hotel room as being written about. For Zimmerman and his 'Pimping for $$' lawyer to separately call into The View while taping, was evidence of them trying to control the show knowing it would be immediate discussion.

    It further revealed and confirmed Zimmerman's character -- he's a control freak. Now he's totally pissed because he was rejected by Walters not once, but twice -- the second on air as it happened. Zimmerman will be shopping media today trying to regain control and the BS that will spew from him will be more to be used against him -- like the Hannity interview and Walters commentary on The View today. Walters will probably be called by the prosecutors as a witness -- into the character of Zimmerman.

    How long before O'Mara quits or says things in order to get himself fired by Zimmerman as clearly O'Mara's credibility which was very good in FL -- has totally tanked now that's he's publically pimping for his fees. O'Mara clearly signed on to a hornet's nest which tells me, he does not have the skills to 'read' his clients. Evidence that his previous credibility -- was a smokescreen. As a lawyer -- he sucks. Wouldn't hire him for my dog.

  45. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Listening to Zimmerman with Hannity was like listening to Sandusky's interview with Bob Costas.

    Birds of a feather....

    Both dug themselves in so deep, they're standing in water

  46. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead10:29 AM

    "(Gunning down that innocent black boy in cold blood was just) all part of god's miraculous plan (for despicable homicidal gun toters like me)"

    Single most offensive thing I've heard in "praise of god" in a goddamn long time. Literally nauseating.

    If this guy walks and enriches himself with NRA-fueled contributions to his DirtyHarryPAC, it's a miscarriage of justice even more egregious than OJ's acquittal.

    1. Beldar ~ some things need to be damned by god.

  47. Hey G,

    There's an update on the Barbara Walters story at NY Post. It seems that Zimmerman and his wife were asking ABC to put them up in a hotel for a month.

    BabaWawa had to say no and I guess that's where things fell through although Zimmerman's attorney tried called Waters during the show today to try to set up interview, but she turned him down.

    Keeps getting more bizarre.

  48. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Well that's fine you little shit. Don't come crying to me when you are sentenced for murder - remember, if it was God's plan that you kill an unarmed teenage boy, then it is God's plan that you spend the rest of your life (hopefully) in jail. Maybe God is trying to teach you a lesson about preying on those younger and weaker than you. I hope you think about Witness #9 when you are being sexually violated. Of course there is no way they can put you in general population - those guys are just waiting for you to show up. Remember, it's God's plan you murdering little fuck.

  49. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I can't stand anyone to say anything is God's will. About 15yr ago I was in a store, the news came on and the stoey was some man killed his kids and it was a horrible death. The G/mom was interviewed and was going on about how she knew they were with God and that he wanted them there with him. I had trouble containing myself. Why would God want children to be killed like that just to have them with him. He would have the power to beam them up so to speak, if he needed that bad.. Ppl forget the bible says time and unforseen circumstances befall us all.But that is beside the point Thou shalt not kill !!!! Thou shall not kill!! In the bible it talks about, if a person accidently killed someone, the person had to flee to the city of refuge if he was caught before he got there he was done away with, but if he made it he was never to leave there, or he could be hunted down.. He sure didn't get money and book deals like nowadays. My b/i-law said they found weapons on the boy not in his outerclothes but he had weapons and that he was arrested and had done things, he was not that innocent kid. . I had never heard anything like that! and I listen to a lot of news. I just don't get where ppl come up with this nonesense

  50. Talking Points Memo Muckraker
    NICK R. MARTIN JULY 19, 2012, 1:12 PM

  51. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "It's god's plan" hmmm..??? Now where have I heard this before????

  52. Anonymous12:45 PM

    So Barbara Walters balked at Zimmerman's greed. Gosh, she must have some kind of soul after all.

  53. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I also couldn't dislike Sean Hannity any more after hearing a small part of this interview. He is an evil snake. I could have watched the whole interview, but in my heart knew that it would be a display of Zimmerman looking like the victim.

    I also cannot fathom Zimmerman saying this was God's plan on national TV. So he's jumped on the God is on my side bandwagon and he thinks this will be good in his defense?

    The Martin family have to listen to this garbage. Not only did Zimmerman kill their innocent son, but he twists the knife in by masking as a pious religious follower and Hannity, with his sickening adoring 'martyr' face, laps it all up.

  54. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I commented above about George Zimmerman and "God's Plan." Then I read about Barbara Walters having wanted to interview him. I find that absolutely creepy! He didn't just climb Mount Everest. He didn't just write a blockbuster novel or star in a blockbuster movie. He is NOT a celebrity. He committed a very serious crime. No one except attorneys involved in the case should be talking to him. Frankly I think he should be sitting in jail awaiting trial.

  55. Randall3:00 PM

    I wonder if Zimmerman would be getting a Hannity Job if Zimmerman had been a black man, and Trayvon been a seventeen-year-old WHITE athlete?

  56. Anita Winecooler7:39 PM

    I haven't gone through the comments. Zimmerman's Hannity interview made me sick to my stomach. I saw a blip on the newscrawler on msnbc yesterday that alluded to the interview being done, but it wasn't on Fox's website yet.
    I was watching In Session on Trutv, and they were reading off of a transcript of his jailhouse conversation with an unnamed friend of his who is a Veteran. In this conversation, they stated that a group of people have collected money for his defense if he hires Jose Bias, there were initals in the conversation as if speaking in code, one of which was "SH" referred to as "a donor", Zimmerman refused the deal because he trusts his lawyer. He also spoke from jail with Terry Jones, the florida pastor who burns Quorans and hangs POTUS Obama in Effigy with a Rainbow flag in one hand and a baby doll painted red in the other (anti gay anti abortion racists)

    I've scoured the net for a transctipt, and can't find it, but Huffington Post has a link about the Pastor connection.

    This pos Hannity is despicable in this interview, the sole purpose is to get more money donated to Zimmerman's defense. Sean may not have paid for the interview, but Sean lied, and I hope his name is exposed as a donor. For a "News Station" to have this biased agenda to muddy the jury pool AND that's o.k. by the FCC?

    He lied to the judge about his passport and finances, and the same judge lets him out on bond?????? What's wrong with this picture?
    Poor George got hate mail, but it's ok, it was "God's will" an unarmed kid was killed by an armed wanna be racist cop.

    I hope Treyvon Martin's family gets justice, but something tells me this scum is going to get away with murder.

  57. Anonymous12:23 AM

    What the heck is going on?! Beyonce's baby now, in that link, does not look like the baby they presented as a one month old AT ALL! Two different babies for sure! The hair, the HAIR? The shape of the head? I can't take this anymore. Fake babies, fake marriages, fake lives, fakefakefakefake.

    Gryphen, what do you think?

  58. After reading this article i felt in this interview the only good thing is he is convinced.

  59. Anonymous1:42 PM

    A niece of a friend just named their newborn son Treyvon...


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