Monday, September 16, 2013

UN releases report that sarin gas attack was delivered by surface to surface missiles. Only Syrian government had that capability.

Courtesy of CNN:

The United Nations team investigating a chemical weapons attack last month in Syria has found that sarin was used. 

"In particular, the environmental, chemical and medical samples we have collected provide clear and convincing evidence that surface-to-surface rockets containing the nerve agent sarin were used in Ein Tarma, Moadamiyah and Amalaka in the Ghouta area of Damascus," a 38-page report says. 

Chemical weapons "were used on a relatively large scale," U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a briefing to the U.N. Security Council. 

It's "the most significant confirmed use of chemical weapons against civilians since Saddam Hussein used them in Halabja in 1988," Ban said. 

"This is a war crime and a grave violation of the1925 Protocol and other rules of customary international law. I trust all can join me in condemning this despicable crime. The international community has a responsibility to hold the perpetrators accountable and to ensure that chemical weapons never re-emerge as an instrument of warfare." 

The U.N. team's mandate did not include assigning blame for the attack. Ban would not speculate on who may be responsible.

Gary Quinlan, Australia's U.N. ambassador, who is currently serving as president of the Security Council, said the report bolsters his country's stance. It "confirms, in our view, that there is no remaining doubt that it was the regime that used chemical weapons." 

Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., also said a preliminary review of the report shows it supports the U.S. position that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime was responsible. 

"The regime possesses sarin, and we have no evidence that the opposition possesses sarin," she said. 

And, Power said, "it defies logic" to think members of the opposition would have infiltrated a regime-controlled area to fire on opposition-controlled areas.

I never really thought there was any doubt after more information came in about the attacks, but I know that the Russians and certain Right Wing "news" outlets were still trying to create confusion about where the attacks originated.

Nice to know that our intelligence was right, which I have to say is a vast improvement over the Bush era intelligence, which seemed to be whatever the hell Dick Cheney wanted it to be.

Hopefully with this report out there the Russians will hold Assad's feet to the fire and move quickly to get control over his chemical weapons program.


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Well, lookee here! Iran seems to have gotten the message that the US president doesn't fool around, but he WILL talk if you step up to the table responsibly:

    Iran Signals 'Desire' To End Nuclear Dispute With West

    Iran said on Monday it wanted to settle a decade-old nuclear dispute with the West that has raised fears of a new Middle East war, but the United States said it must back words with action.

    New Iranian atomic energy chief Ali Akbar Salehi pledged greater cooperation with the U.N. nuclear watchdog, delivering a conciliatory message before talks this month about activities that the West suspects are aimed at developing a nuclear weapons capability.

    Iran was also optimistic that broader negotiations with major powers could achieve a deal if the parties came with good intentions, Salehi told the annual meeting of the 159-nation International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    "This time we are coming with a more full-fledged ... desire for this," he said.

    Iran's new president, Hassan Rouhani, a relative moderate, has pledged to smooth relations with world powers to help ease stringent sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic over its atomic activities.

    Salehi said Rouhani's election and his appointments in nuclear diplomacy had created a "like-minded group" that would "facilitate the resolution" of the dispute if the other side was willing to do so.

    So, once again, President Obama has taken steps that look well beyond today and impact well into the future. Iran was watching and listening to the Syria debate and they see their moment to come to the table while cooler heads prevail and 'negotiation' is in the current consciousness of the international community. Yep, our prez rocks!

  2. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Kudos to our wonderful President Obama for holding strong for diplomacy and creating a safe place for countries to work toward peace. Too bad he can only serve two terms.

  3. Anonymous2:08 PM

    It's gonna be fun to see how the media spins this one: 67% approve of Obama's approach on Syria:

  4. Anonymous2:11 PM

    The Right’s Sickening Syria Spin

    If Obama persuaded Assad to step down and move to Siberia, the critics would still find something to whine about.

    I don’t know about you, but I’m not very interested in being lectured that Bashar al-Assad has no real intention of giving up his chemical weapons by the very same people who a decade ago were pushing this country into war—and having the deranged gall to call the rest of us unpatriotic—on the argument that there was no possible way a monster like Saddam Hussein had given up his chemical weapons. Barack Obama has been forced to spend about 70 percent of his presidential energies trying to repair crises foreign and domestic that these people created, and forced to do so against their iron opposition on all fronts; and now that he’s achieved a diplomatic breakthrough, they have the audacity to argue that he sold America out to Vladimir Putin? It’s staggering and sickening.

  5. Anonymous2:16 PM

    O/T Saweeee.

    Why didn't these folks use the old reliable tried and true common-sense Palinbot imbecilic "stop on the side of the highway for an hour with your headlights on to show your undying support for the Quitter" method. I wonder how many of the 6 or 7 idiots that supported the Quitter Queen on that incredible display of stupidity either ran out of gas or had to call AAA to get them to jump their batteries?

    Don't Tebo fans remember how clever and earth-shattering the response was to that lame, desperate show of hope by the PeeBots?

    I'll just say that at least these 3 Tebo fans had the sense to bring a cooler with them, probably full of beer, which sparked the interest of the homeless guy that walked up. And the 2 journalists said, "Hey, you guys gonna still be out here about 5:00 this afternoon. Man, we could sure use a cold one!"

    Oh, wait these are Tebo fans, so it'll be Iced Tea and Lemonade. Homeless man grabs a couple of lemonades and walks away, mumbling something about effing TeabotTebozos. Says he'll have to bum some change for a Big Gulp cup of ice to pour the lemonade in to mix with his vodka. Then he turns and flips bird and scratches his ass. This occurred off camera, because the journalist and camera gal were gone after 5 minutes, once they realized they'd have to stop and buy their own damn 40-ouncers after work for themselves. No free beer... assholes!

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    >>Too bad he can only serve two terms.

    I could not agree more with this statement.

    Can you imagine the heads exploding if that happened? OMG.

    He's such a positive force in the White House and in the lives of those he touches. The opposition becomes more and more shrill as he continues his successes. I was just thinking the other day of how much he has accomplished, on his own, with his team and with the support of the majority of Americans.

    In no particular order:

    Election 2008 (beat the Clinton political machine)

    Nobel Peace Prize

    MASSIVELY elevates our international reputation.

    Pulled economy off a precipice of disaster and stopped the bleeding.

    Repeal of DADT ( NOT as an executive order, but with full support of Congress and the Pentagon, and the American people.

    Bin Laden DEAD after decades on the run

    Iraq war OVER, soldiers home to begin their healing.

    OBAMACARE (healthcare for all - something that was attempted for DECADES without success)

    Election 2012 (A BILLION dollars was spent to try to stop him) AND he still was fulfillling his presidential responsibilities which weren't small potatoes.

    Libya (Kadaffi out, no boots on the ground, no loss of lives)

    Syria (Diplomatic solution in the works (with Russia onboard))

    Has comforted the nation through Tucson shooting, Sandy Hook, Hurricane Sandy, Ft. Hood massacre, Midwestern tornadoes, Gulf Oil Spill...with dignity, with words that soothe, with grace and honor and respect for the victims and the survivors.

    There is so much more to the list, but those are some showstoppers, for sure!

    Most of these are HUGE historical, unprecedented, called impossible, fighting against every right wing, gop lawmaker, radio and tv pundit, every racist asshole, some threatening to kill him.

    AND STILL he perseveres.

    Yes, another term would be a godsend.

  7. Anonymous6:58 PM

    surface to surface missiles.

    That John McCain is a clever dude, how on earth did he get that taken care of for Assad and keep his name clean?

  8. Anita Winecooler7:58 PM

    When President Obama says "All options are on the table" then uses diplomacy on steroids to get things done, he knows damn well his intel is tight and spot on. The surgical strike to get Bin Laden, while attending a roast, was way beyond Bush's skill set. Hell, opening a door was beyond his skill set, but the man could duck shoes with the best of them!
    Imagine if Mr Howell and Ayn Rand Paul were at the helm. WW III !!!


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