Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The Palin family makes list of "America's Fakest Families." Finally, they get credit for something true about them!

"Remember reality shows and speaking gigs for everybody who smiles. Goddammit Track!"
Courtesy of Radar Online:

Former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has prided herself on Republican family values, but her daughter Bristol had an illegitimate child and a nasty battle with her baby daddy, and her son Track and his wife split up after less than two years. Another embarrassing report said Bristol’s failed reality show Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp, received $354,348 from taxpayers to film in Alaska.

I went through some of the other families also on the list and think that some are fairly included, and some are not. However there is NO doubt that the Palins belong front and center.

Virtually EVERYTHING about them is fake, from the number of pregnancies, to their Christian morals, to the fact that Mama Grizzly and  the pimp are only still together for appearances sake and Palin's determination not to prove a certain Alaska blogger right.

That's okay though, time is on our side. Someday the truth will spill out like half baked political tinged word salad from a certain fright wig wearing fame whore.

Family lies this toxic cannot be contained forever. You betcha!


  1. CJWhite4:10 AM

    My day? Made!

  2. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Gryph, a commenter over at SPHASH's place mentioned that Todd is in love with a young woman who works at the Rainbow Resort. Have you heard anything along those lines?

    1. Sally in MI5:00 AM

      Well, that would explain his investment in the place, or did he hire her too? This family is creepier and creepier.

    2. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Once the PAC funds dry up, Todd is outta there. Sarah's world is crumbling right now.

    3. Anonymous6:21 AM

      lol at your gullibility.

    4. Anonymous8:40 AM

      I doubt he invested more than a token's worth of actual cash for his partnership. His value is in luring old, fat. lazy, rich guys up there with the promise of some shooting and fishing, and being able to hob nob with a real secessionist who might or might not bring along Sarah in her skivvies, for the right price. Barring that, an unemployed daughter or two, or some of his old stable from Anchorage. They all get drunk, tell racist, sexist stories, pretend they're rill men, and, voila: at the end the girls get paid, the guys who don't retreat but reload on their viagra, get some stories to tell back home, and Todd takes a percentage off the top.
      Best little hidden away, top-price whorehouse in Alaska.
      Rill 'merican work ethic on display.

    5. Anonymous9:35 AM

      "Rainbow" seems so gay! I'd suggest "Two-tone Last Resort"

    6. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Would anybody be surprised if it were true?

  3. That photo is so revealing. No closeness, no leaning in toward each other, no reaching out, no body contact. An empty, sterile, assortment of people who have no apparent relationship with each other.

    The contrast with family photos of the Obamas is striking.

    1. Anonymous4:40 AM

      There IS no comparison to the Obamas and all the fakery in the world will not make it so.

    2. Anonymous6:22 AM

      Pictures like this are posed by photographers. You are weird

    3. Anonymous7:46 AM

      6:22 You are the weird one. Most families would gather together for a family photo, not spread out like that. They obviously are not close at all, not one tiny bit. Looks as though some might have been photoshopped into that "family photo"

    4. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Why was the Palin family posed in such an awkward isolated from each other way? It looks odd, and does not project the close family they love to write about . I just got back from a wonderful family vacation. Every single picture shows family members physically close, hugging, or touching each other. Many were un-posed candid shots. In my mind, that's how a happy family looks in pictures.

    5. Anonymous9:23 AM

      My son is a professional Photog, having families so apart is just NOT done unless the family requests it.

  4. Anonymous4:35 AM

    That photo is just so creepy. You would expect it to be the "family photo" from a horror film.

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM

      lol You need hate therapy.

    2. Anonymous7:48 AM

      6:22 Hate therapy? How is THAT working our for the most hatefilled BITCH on the planet, $carah? Please stay off this blog, nobody wants to read your moosecrap.

    3. Anonymous10:22 AM

      6:22 Liebell/Slanderella, Is that you? Of course it is. Hi Liebell, How's it going? You know I worry about you when you just up & disappear. Where you been? Solitary, again? Busy thinking up some new names to post under. Good luck with that. New name, same old shit.

      You know gang, I think what we have here is a Tourettes Troll. She just rolls around the web shouting out, libel, slander, hater, immature, liars, get a life, live vibrating, jobs, family values, and all of the little outbursts.

      Did you notice that she hasn't whooped out the words libel or slander for awhile?

      Liebell always forgets that I spent almost 5 years working with the mentally ill & brain damaged people. Silly Liebell! Have a nice day Toots.

  5. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Great Photo of America's first family.
    Is there anything more fake than living down low?

    1. Anonymous5:38 AM

      Let 'em portray what they want. Bottom line is there are PLENTY who know exactly who they are and will give them just enough rope to hang themselves. They're well on their way towards that end and it won't be pretty.

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      4:43 AM Are you referring to Todd Palin's Secret Life?

  6. Anonymous4:45 AM

    When parents view their kids as collateral to earn a living, the kids are going to suffer the greatest. There's no way that they won't need some help in finding their own true identities and managing their grief of being just a tool for mom's ambitions AND dad's enabling and inaction. The gifts she gives them to shut them up won't comfort the inner pain these Palin childen including the adult children.

    This has all been brought upon us by those who enable Sarah Palin in treating her like a superstar. They feed her super-sized ego and she is never accountable. She strives to hurt others by endorising those who prevent citizens from affordable health coverage, while she smiles and smirks and gloats and boasts. It's sickening.

    This family is sick, from it's head to it's toes. And no one had the courage to rescue those kids from parents who not only neglect them and exploit them, but would sue anyone who dared to intervene. It's the tragedy of the century and all watched on prime time TV, and there is nothing our society can do to stop it.

    It's disgusting to watch her smile and hiss and critique others on Fox, while at home, there's a pressure cooker of toxic psychological abuse and lack of involvement of a parent. And the little guy with special needs, he never seems to appear like he has a real mother who loves him deeply. It is a total sham.

    1. Anonymous5:28 AM

      When Piper shoved a reporter and thanked him for ruining her vacation, that should have been a very sobering moment for Sarah. It should have been the 'teachable' moment she claims Trig gives her by virtue of simply being DS. Piper needed to be sat down and explained the role of a public figure family, and that she was biting the hand that feeds or left at home in the comfort and quiet of a private life. There's that.

    2. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Piper is going to be worst of ALL in later life. Mark my words. So many miserable lives...all because of Mommie Dearest's narcissism and selfish ambition.

    3. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Yet her kids have jobs, live decent lives in normalcy, and know the value of family. I hope you have the same. It sounds like you're empty.

    4. Anonymous6:24 AM

      Wow. your lies are disgusting Anon 4:45. Proves how ignorant you are.

    5. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Yeah, we've really seen Bristol's "decent life in normalcy" on all her creepy and pathetic reality show appearances. It's one thing to expose yourself as an inarticulate, unaware and unself-aware, fearful, helpless, and uneducated pitiful being, but no one who is normal OR decent allows her child to be nationally exposed as a foul-mouthed brat -- or raises him to be one. Obviously Bristol knows no better, and that is NO excuse.

    6. Anonymous7:57 AM

      6:23 EXACTLY what jobs do these people have? Tell us what they do to make a livingI still remember the photo of Piper as a 6 - 7 year old, onstage with her parents and grandparents, scowling and giving the finger to a little boy also onstage. I thought right then that something is missing in this group, such as respect for others and parental guidance. Piper has only gotten worse, since she disrespected the journalist who was trying to ask Palin a question, and Piper pushed herself into him. I said to my daughter "If that guy has any sense, he will stop covering this family, before he is hit with sexual abuse charges" She was pushing herself right into the man's crotch!!

    7. Anonymous9:26 AM

      None of Sarah's kids have jobs. Track forgot to sober up enough to fish for 6 weeks this yr. Willow turned down a professional gig to sit at Briskets and eat. Brisket's fake job, well, why does she never drive to Anchorage if she has a job?

    8. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Why hasn't Willow opened her beauty salon? Or even gotten a job IN a salon.... or even gotten her license to work in a salon....

      Really? 20K for a year's training and nothing!?!?! What's the hold up girl?

    9. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Hey Palin Troll, 4:45 got it right. Sarah Palin and her Dysfunctional Family are FUCKED UP Mentally.

    10. Anonymous2:23 PM

      6:22 AM You Palins need Sex Therapy and Birth Control.

    11. Anonymous4:48 PM

      $arah does not have a job.
      Todd does not have a job.
      Track does not have a job.
      Bristol does not have a job.
      Willow does not have a job.

      None of the Paylin's have a lick of interest in furthering their education, traveling, or improving themselves in any way.

      Rill American values there!!! Their hypocrisy is beyond limits.

  7. Anonymous5:04 AM

    I'm trying to think of all the VP and Presidential candidates who came and went, and how they behaved with their children, and none of them, none of them, turned their family into a reality TV spectacle, using the images of themselves and their children for money and fame.

    There are the Duggars, who are as exploitative as the Palins, but, who did that one thing and stuck with it. And even as disgusting as that was, at least they are rarely in the news pushing any political agenda. The difference between reality TV families and the Palins, is that the dominatrix mother, Sarah, puts herself out there attacking American families and voters who sway Democrat, and she attacks the POTUS. These are personal attacks, not just party line criticisms and disagreements; she literally hates the opposition and it shows in her face. With this added contemptuous trait, she moonlights as a fierce pro-life outdoorsy mom with her outdoorsy accessories (children) and during the day, promotes herself as a political powerhouse.

    It is IMO schizophrenic.

    1. Anonymous6:12 AM

      So true.

      And you can imagine this yahoo in the White House right now???

      Our country (& the world!!) barely survived GW Bush and Cheney. We would never have survived a dimwit like Palin.

    2. Anonymous6:25 AM

      Funny considering 99% of their lives are private and normal. Just because of a few public appearances doesn't make them Duggars. They at least have jobs and love their lives in AK

    3. Anonymous8:00 AM

      6:25 Stop it, you are swaying nobody here. We ALL got $carah's number long agoGet a job, unless you flunked out of hair school?

    4. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Palins = no jobs, lazy slobs. They do not work. None of them.
      Palin family = abnormal, bizarre, deranged and sick

    5. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Sarah spends 90% of her time iving in Arizona away from her husband, how is that a normal family? She also spends that much time away from her minor children.

    6. Anonymous9:52 AM

      6:25 So they "love their lives in AK" Why then do they keep leaving for Arizona and California? Why are they STILL hoping to get another "reality" show? Quit with the Bristles has a job in a doctor's office, we all KNOW that is a blatant lie. What happens (or in this case does NOT happen) in Ak does not stay in Ak, news travels FAST.

  8. MissSunshine5:17 AM

    I believe we have just lived through Chapter One of the Palin story, and more material is being generated daily. It may take decades, but I believe the Palin girls will eventually be able to break free of their toxic mother and have a normal life.

    I also have hopes for Becky, who I trust is keeping a journal. Maybe when she is a little old lady, and facing her maker she will write a TRUTHFUL account of her life.

    1. Anonymous6:26 AM

      You're ridic

    2. Sally in MI6:48 AM

      I'm sorry, but the Palin girls are uneducated, and can't even keep a boyfriend for long. They have no idea how to work for a living, no idea how to parent...just how will they ever be anywhere near 'normal?' And that goes for the Palin 'boys' as well. What kind of role models do they have? It is sad, but happens all too often with these faux Christian families who devalue education. My MIL didn't think a woman should go to college, and was only meant to take care of her husband and have children. Her youngest followed this advice, dropped out of nursing school, married, ahd four kids was miserable, her husband cheated on her, they divorced. Then guess who got to raise the four young kids while Mommy went back to school? Granma and Grandpa. Lucky for Mommy, she got that degree and got a great job at a bank. Now 50, she is married to a very wealthy man, and she is raising her grandkids in her mansion with the pool, the pool house, the electric riding toys, and the poured deck with more square footage than our first home, while her kids all work for the vey rich man and own big homes (oh, and none of her four kids has a college degree either.) But they are all professing Christians who don't go to church and hate 'liberals.' And really hate Obama.

    3. Anonymous7:48 AM

      You say "you're ridic"

      I say "you're a dick"

      ;) fixed it for ya!

    4. PalinsHoax9:45 AM

      Anonymous 6:26 AM "You're ridic"

      Oh, that describes the Palins to a T !!!

      r - repulsive
      i - ignorant
      d - disgusting
      i - idiotic
      c - con-artists

      Yes, that's the Palins alright. RIDIC.

    5. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Must be one of the Palins who does not remember how "ridic" ends!!

    6. Anonymous5:33 AM

      "Ridic" must be Sarah herself...started writing "ridiculous" and quit halfway through.

  9. Anonymous5:26 AM

    The woman feels she also too has to lie about the number of dogs she has. For the love of God, she has to lie bout pets?

    1. That's the definition of a pathological liar: someone who lies even when there is not reason to.

      It's also an important marker for Sociopathy, now called Anti-social Personality Disorder in the new DSM-5.

    2. Psychopaths would lie when the truth would serve them better. She would be in the Malevolent subset of ASPD, and would score very high on Dr. Hare's psychopathy scale.

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      I remember when $arah was campaigning for GINO and she loved to talk about how Brisdull was named after Bristol Bay.

      Then when she was running for VP, she said Bristol was named after Bristol Connecticutt, where ESPN is headquartered, because $arah always wanted to be a sports commentator.

      $he didn't even care that her lie was so obvious and recorded on video tapes.

  10. Anonymous5:27 AM

    The Robertson family isn't all it's cracked up to be either.

    1. Anonymous6:26 AM

      Families are unique. I would bet there's more unity and love in this one than when GRyphen talks about his.

    2. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Then you would lose that bet. Without knowing a thing about gryphen s family I can still tell you that skank and her family are fake lying grifters. Good for rol calling them out on their fake family values! The only things they value are money and the trash toys money can buy-what toys? Any of them-all of them. You idiot

    3. Anonymous8:03 AM

      6L26 You would LOSE that bet, guaranteed.

    4. Anonymous10:17 AM

      6:26 AM

      Blah Blah, black sheep.

    5. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Gryphen and his successful daughter obviously love each other very much and get along very well. I'm not sure what the hell you're talking about.

  11. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Yanno, one could make a virtual game of bowling with that photo...

    "10 Pin Bowl (with a couple of parts missing)"
    "10 Pin Bowl (with a couple of loose screws)"
    "10 Pin Bowl (featuring Palin Maths)"

    JUst sayin...
    - Oz

  12. Anonymous5:32 AM

    and her son Track and his wife split up after less than two years - edit: after a shotgun wedding with a 4 months preggers bride.

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Yet Britta is still close to them like nothing is different.

    2. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Nothing is different you idiot. The "marriage" was in name only to either give the baby legitimacy or to cover for bristol's dwts baby.

      Britta was and still is a friend of skank and track is still lost and dazed and confused and you are still an idiot. New day/same story.

    3. Anonymous8:05 AM

      6:27 Sure she is!! Since Track does not work, Britta has to get child support from the Grifters. A whole group of people will be left high and sty soon, when the money dries up. Someone could make a fortune right now, exposing the whole lazy bunch.

    4. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Word in the valley is that Britta's parents breathed a real sigh of relief when this union dissolved. They are not judgy types, her parents, but they felt that the Palin kids lived a little to "fast" and that overall the family was somewhat lacking in the moral and cultural department.

    5. Anonymous10:33 AM

      6:27, Liebell, not only are you stalking, AGAIN, but you are lying too. Oh Liebelly, you're just too damn funny. You poor, poor, little delusional fool.

    6. Anonymous3:59 PM

      "Like nothing is different."

      So, is it that they still act married or that they never acted married? Which one? Because otherwise, your comment is just plain stupid.

  13. BabyRaptor5:44 AM

    I wonder what our "ZOMG Sarah is TEH BEST!" troll will have to say about this?

    I'll be back later to see.

  14. Anonymous6:00 AM

    The Palin's contradictions are a red flag of fakery aka lying to manipulate for personal gain. They seem to believe they are entitled to lie playing the victim card they are attacked by haters when fact checked or challenged. If a family equates being loving with chronic lies about one another then for them truth may be hate in their warped narcissistic world.

    The BS about protecting the kids while putting them on stage, on tv, even yesterday with her white board about kids and dogs disgusts me. Bristol spinning she works in AK while living in CA is crazy too.

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      What about Gryphen's lies and contradictions?

    2. Anonymous6:19 AM

      It's sad how ignorant you are, and proud apparently. Why don't you just accept the fact you've been led down the garden path of Gryphen's lies

    3. Anonymous6:21 AM

      All those families have the same reasons listed. And they're all not unlike every one of you. smh at radar.

      In that case, everyone should be on the list.

    4. Anonymous6:21 AM

      Gryphen still cannot admit that he's wrong. A grown man. that's not even hypocritical. It's pathological.

    5. Anonymous6:28 AM

      Still can't accept the fact Bristol has had a job since 09. It's fine. It's not like your ignorance impacts her, or anything really.

    6. Anonymous6:29 AM

      Saw a tweet from a woman who said that she just discovered Sarah's a regular in her yoga class. She had just recognized her that day. I know Sarah loves yoga but that's funny. Sarah can do the incognito thing in AK well. (the woman was from AK)

    7. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Hey troll. You truly are mentally ill. Yoga? Who the fuck cares. Your posts indicate severe psych problems. Get help.

    8. Anonymous7:12 AM

      6:18-6:28, I hope you have shot your wad for the day.

    9. Anonymous7:24 AM

      The trolls are really earning their consultant's pay today (and last night). I can repeat the lines, your haters, why don't you like the palin family? reading all of the lies, get a life, damn, I wish I had finished high school so I could express myself.

    10. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Yeah and I bet you see bears floating in your bedroom too-seek help for those harmful visions!
      If you saw a tweet you would link the tweet so stfu.

    11. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Wow the mentally ill troll is spewing nonsense like never before! Sarah are you coked up again? Drug addict.

    12. Anonymous2:09 PM

      6:18/6:28/6:29 Trolling is addictive just like Sarah's cocaine and meth addiction. Does Willow still swig vodka and smoke marijuana at drug parties? Does Track CAIN'T GET RIGHT still have that Oxycontin habit? Does Bristol still go Barhopping and searching for a Trial Daddy? We know that Todd is still Pimping with the cover of APD.

    13. Anonymous3:12 PM

      6:28 Can you please explain (and I bet you won't) how someone who is not a high paid CEO or consultant can take weeks off from a job to go dancing with stars or "reality" recording and not be fired? I want a job like that!

  15. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Clinton, Kennedy...

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Lincoln, Washington

  16. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Random, but I bet you anything Hilllary's "people" paid a large chunk of money to have that movie killed. Clinton initiative has weird expenses. Though most of the expenses are LOTS of travel. smh

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      How old are you? 12? Get help.

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Actually all Hills had to do is reach out to her people and say don't cooperate. Large chunk of money??

    3. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Lots of travel expenses? Really? Are you aware that this is an INTERNATIONAL focused charity? That generally means that staff travels to countries all over the world, thus high travel expenses.

    4. Anonymous8:10 AM

      7:30 Please do not confurse these trolls with FACTS. They only know what $carah tells them they should know. Not enough BRAIN power to even think for themselves, unless they are afraid the gravy train is pulling into the last station.

    5. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Lots of travel expenses ... They are LEGITIMATE expenses, contrary to the FAKE 'postage' expenses that $arahPAC shows each time!

    6. Anonymous9:32 AM

      GOP members worked very hard to get the show cancelled. Hillary never commented on it. BTW Hillary's travel expenses are her's to worry about.

    7. Anonymous9:40 AM


      Funny that you would assume people were paid off.
      Do you have experience in that regard?

      Unlike Sarah, the Clintons don't have to shell out money to keep people from talking about them.

  17. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Bristol does NOT work in Anchorage at a doctors office. As someone close to the family, I can tell you this is a fact.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Thanks for the confirmation, but DUH!

    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      7:09-thanks for being such a bitch.

    3. Anonymous12:27 PM

      12:06, sure, anytime.

  18. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Wow 41 posts and half are from the prolific pro-Palin troll. Guess that article hit a nerve.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Yep, every time like clock work! What the ignoramus fails to see is that not only does it strengthen Gryph's and our stance but solidifies just how whacked her base is. JUST like their golden calf.

  19. That is one demented troll on this post.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Like idol like idolater, Nefer!

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Hey, 8:25, what does that even mean? Sounds like somebody has been twerking the golden calf (who herself has been dry-humping the DWTS dance floor)

      Wild Tortoise

    3. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Sorry, Wild Tortoise. I was referring to "demented." Palin certainly is and so are her worshipers! Agree with Nefer!

  20. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I'd sure love to see some pictures of all those dogs that are hanging around the Palin compound. As a dog lover, I have many many pictures of my 3 dogs interacting with the family. Hell, I have pictures of my adult children's dogs too! Where are the Palin photos? I call BS

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Photos of dogs coming up in 1 - 2 --3!! Lou Sarah (or say it fast Loose Scarah) os hunting for some photos of animals even as we type. Hopefully she will get photos that do not have copyright controls.

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM

      She'll post a photo of Bo Obama and claim that she has a dog just like the President.

    3. Anonymous1:44 PM

      .....and that he copied HER, 10:45 AM!

  21. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Being one of the most fake families must really hurt, judging from the trolls who have shown up. Of course the Palin Family is fake. It was the only image that Sarah had when she was governor, dragging her family along on official visits. Other governors don't do that-- and expect the state to pay for their expenses, too. Sarah's story of Trig's arrival via the Wild Ride was fake; so were her two ghost written books. So far, we have seen that the Palin kids acted out in order to get attention, or just rebel-- Track and Willow, some vandalism, Bristol-- unmarried teen mother, Piper shoved reporters and sassed them. That scene on Bristol's TV show, where Tripp dropped the F-bomb was an indication of what a poor mother Bristol is. Then, to put it all out there on TV, showing us that Sarah, the great hunter, couldn't load her own gun and couldn't hit the caribou-- fake fake fake.

  22. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Oh Gryphen looks like you have a not so secret admirer. LOL

    I wonder if the troll even knows how badly it's failing? I doubt it has that much self awareness.

  23. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Palins are the most evil, inbred, mentally ill, sick, disturbed, dysfunctional family in the history of the world. No hyperbole.

  24. Anonymous8:34 AM

    WHERE IS TRI-G????
    We don't trust you after what you did to Dar Miller and Curtis Menard. MURDERER

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      A comment that really goes over the top. There have been a lot of Trig photos lately, and the other stuff is a guess, not factual. You sound like the pee-bots.
      Signed... Not Kristy

  25. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Can always tell when you've struck a nerve, Gryph . . . and the posts hit uncomfortably close to the asylum (I mean compound).

    : )

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Hence "panties in a knot" trolls. A little TOO close to home.

  26. Anonymous9:21 AM

    They beat the Kartrashians by 3 spots!

  27. Anonymous9:26 AM

    As Elaine said in one Seinfeld episode... "fake, fake, fake fake"

  28. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Completely on-topic (but via a little time traveling); have just rented "Cinema Verite" (HBO 2011). It's a film about the making of "An American Family), the 1973 PBS series that opened up the floodgates for reality TV.

    The similarities are uncanny! If you remember the original (forty years ago!), you saw the week-by-week unraveling of an outwardly "perfect family". The average and ordinary are made to believe they are exceptional (here's looking at you Bristol and Sarah) as the facade is exposed for all to see. Bonus points for the cheating hubby.

    It would make a great double-feature movie night with "Game Change".

    An extra-special feature is the late, great James Gandolfini playing the character of the film's director.

    Wild Tortoise (who will NEVER forget Lance Loud)

  29. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Today's troll is the same troll that has recently been emailing and tweeting people from this blog and a few others. She's been collecting emails and twitter handles for quite some time and sends odd random things such as Palin Facebook and old MySpace screenshots. A couple of us were sharing stories the other day and it seems that this person might be called Kristy Patullo (I think GinaM calls her "Krusty") I logged onto a really old email account that I haven't used in years and there was all this crazy Palin stuff sent using a fake email, not her real name. As she is famous for saying "that's just weird".

    Anyone else here been getting her emails or tweets?

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      How would she get your email address? Just don't make it public on here. Twitter yes.
      If she is bothering you, report her to the police. You can easily find her city on line. Harassment is harassment but first block her and make sure you are anonymous online.

      PS she is literally insane. But some of the posts I think are from the Palin girls. I don't blame them for being angry. I blame their parents.

  30. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Number of pregnancies -- that is an understatement !! Let's see:

    Bristol: Trig, Tripp, DWTS baby + other white outs we may not know about
    Willow: probably one daughter (per the photo you had here in August with her carrying a child with a bonnet on...and look at the "Reindeer Games" episode of Life's a Tripp when Willow and Andy are in the café where she worked. She has a huge belly and clearly has gained a bunch of weight--looks VERY pregnant. That was winter 2012).
    Track (??): Kayla Grace

    Family values my ass.

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      This is all made up bullshit.

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      The Palin girls are whores that can't figure out how to use birth control.

    3. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Prove it, 12:00 PM.

    4. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Why they'll never be married, 12:08 PM. "Why buy the cow......" And anyone marrying into that clusterf*ck is a damn FOOL.

    5. Anonymous1:51 PM

      12:00 PM The Truth hurts, eh? Bristol and Willow screw like Rats, so there would be babies and abortions. Sarah Palin did have all of their records sealed.

  31. Anita Winecooler12:54 PM

    LOL! The photographer probably said "smile if you're a Palin".

    Why the long faces Track and Trig?

    Love me these family posers!

    I'm kind of bad with poser's names, but let me give it stab
    Trick, Pippie, Whinny, Twiggy, Prop, Pimp, Briskette , Propp

    Am I close?

    LMAO "America's Fakest Families" ," That's the ENTIRE United States!".

    Proceed, Trolls!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.