Tuesday, March 25, 2014

More than two thirds of women hope that the Supreme Court rules against Hobby Lobby today.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

More than two-thirds of U.S. women voters oppose allowing corporations to refuse to cover contraception in their health plans because of religious objections, according to a new poll released Monday by Hart Research Associates. 

The poll, commissioned by Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Women's Law Center, surveyed women between the ages of 18 and 55 ahead of the Supreme Court case Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The Christian-owned craft supply chain will argue before the court on Tuesday that the Affordable Care Act violates its religious freedom rights by requiring it and other for-profit employers to cover the full range of FDA-approved contraceptives in their health plans. 

But 68 percent of the female voters who would be affected by the Supreme Court's decision disagree with Hobby Lobby, according to the new poll, and more half say they disagree "strongly." Eighty-four percent of women agreed with the statement that the decision to use birth control "should be a woman’s personal decision, and her boss should not be able to interfere with it." 

"Overwhelmingly, the women who are most likely to be affected by the Hobby Lobby decision say that corporations should not be entitled to exempt themselves from the requirement to cover prescription birth control, even on religious grounds," said Geoff Garin, President of Hart Research Associates. "As a matter of principle, these women don’t believe corporations should be able to use religion to pick and choose which laws they will obey."

Once again many of these so-called "religious businesses" have no problem covering men's Viagra prescriptions, nor do they seem to take issue with the fact that their tax dollars allowed Medicare to spend over 172 million on penis pumps in six years.

How can those two expenses NOT be considered for recreational sexual purposes?

But for some reason when it comes to providing medication to help women control their discomfort during menses, or take charge of family planning, or provide a safe method for ensuring that a fertilized egg cannot attach itself to the uterine wall, they suddenly get all righteous and indignant.

You know those of us on the progressive side are always talking about getting out the youth vote, and engaging the minority voters, but to my mind the demographic with the largest stake in this next election cycle might be the women. After all surely they are tired of this crap.

I think they are the key to really starting to bring about a change in this country that will see policies implemented that make sure they are paid adequately, treated equally, and respected as fully functional human beings and not simply breeding stock.


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Next up, abolishing the 19th Amendment.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Indeed. Because if all we women are good for is birthing multiple babies and making dinner, we surely are too dumb to vote for the correct rich white guy. This abortion and contraception discussion is just the tip of the iceberg. The Dominionists want us silent and pliant. How many of these guys think rape is a nonissue, because men had 'needs?' We'd better get out the vote in November, or we are all screwed.

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Believe you me, if SCOTUS allows this, you might as well kiss the constitution and laws of this land goodbye.

    3. A. J. Billings11:48 AM

      If the Supreme court rules that a corporation can choose which items to cover, then what about a company owned by a Jehovah Witness person?

      The JW's can then argue they won't allow coverage of blood transfusion to save your life after a car accident

      The Christian Science folks say that their folks should seek healing, and not always rely 1st thing on medicine.

      Some of the extreme Quivering radical Christians believe that lack of faith causes disease, and the medicine and doctors in general are bad.

      On top of all that lunacy, we know that at least 4 of the Justices on the Supreme court are already willing to ignore biology and proven science, and call the "morning after pill" an abortion drug, even though that is untrue

      Soon you'll see the evangelicals claiming religious exemptions for nearly anything that will further their drive to turn women into nothing but stay at home brood mares

    4. Anonymous12:40 PM

      You are on to something... If this passes, I HOPE that other religions come out and say something or another is against their religion... Like the Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, as well as Satanists and Voodoo practitioners, Wiccans...

  2. Anonymous9:30 AM

    OT From time to time, people have posted comments about a guy who is no gentleman and his wife who just had gall bladder surgery. That guy is over weight, straining his bad heart, drinking coffee while we pay for his medical care. And, this is the where our money is going-- keeping his racial rhetoric alive. I know, freedom of speech. He writes to appeal to Sarah's fans. And, I suspect that they are great fans of Hobby Lobby and what it stands for, too.

    "Obama is what happens when voter fraud becomes the norm, when folks are not asked for an ID before voting, cause ya know it is RACIST to ask a black or an illegal for ID! The race baiters and the socialists remind us of that everytime the question of voter ID arises. Ya know, buying a bottle of booze must be a real hassle for them! Or do they ask some liberal white guy to buy it for them?"

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      That old guy bragged that his wife's gall bladder operation was taking place at a hospital that did not accept Obamacare. Here is what he wrote about that hospital today. "When you walk into one of their many clinics or hospitals, you will notice a sign that says NO ONE is turned away for care, regardless of of religion, ethnicity, or ability to pay. If you can get to one, THEY ARE going to treat you! I don't know how you see it, but I see it , as Lipstick said above, "the hand of God" at work, and in practice."

      One day, he writes that his wife is going to work as a nurse, and today, he claims that she does not have any health coverage. Oh what tangled webs we weave..... These people are screwing up any reasonable conversation about health care, or just about anything else.

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      They have to treat you, then they will either patch you up so you won't immediately die and send you on your way or treat you and then send you a really, really big bill.

  3. Anonymous9:44 AM

    SCOTUS is just hearing arguments today, not ruling today, if I understand correctly. scotusblog.org is a good site.

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      scotusblog.com, that is.

  4. Anonymous9:45 AM

    http://www.mediaite.com/tv/john-king-mocks-sarah-palin-over-full-heart-and-full-magazine-reality-show/ “John King, with the full term joke there, I envy your Twitter feed over the next three hours,” CNN anchor John Berman teased. “Have fun.”

  5. Bad news, apparently Justice Kennedy thinks Hobby Lobby is an abortion case.

  6. Anonymous10:00 AM

    But but but Sarah, Bristol, Willow, and Piper call it using 'cramp pills'. They would never admit to using birth control pills.

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      No, cramp pills sound like a good thing. That's OK. Let's have them re-label birth control pills as something else, such as health regulator or to prevent heart attacks.

  7. Anonymous10:07 AM


  8. If a doctor HAS to prescribe it, it should be covered by insurance...no matter who your employer is! PERIOD!

  9. lostinmn10:38 AM

    I do agree SCOTUS will side with Hobby Lobby and in doing so open the flood gates for companies to extend their prohibitions against women, gays, people of color, etc, etc as a testament of their religious beliefs. In the end allowing companies to discriminate based on their religious beliefs will be the final undoing of this country. Sad to see it happen but the white conservative fundies control the votes and have gerrymandered the votes and stirred the pots of hatred in a way they'll keep control until and unless they are ousted. And that's not coming at the ballot box

  10. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Don't hold your breath on women voting the scum out in November. From what I read on the last blog post about that preacher, there were women sitting in the pews, listening to him and not getting up in protest. These women will be the ones that will FOR SURE go out there and vote FOR the scum, because they have been told so by their husbands and preachers.


    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      "Don't hold your breath on women voting the scum out in November." I agree

      I hate to say but women, at times, are their own worst enemies, they don't stick together.
      Look what happened with the ERA back in the 70's. Women were fighting against it, telling us it would lead to coed bathrooms and other nonsense.

      In reality, women hold the economic power in this country and we can't even get equal pay for equal work without some moronic women coming out against it.

      I would not be surprised at all if they try to appeal the 19th amendment and burkas for everyone.

  11. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Why can't the christians mind their own fucking business? Nosy assholes!

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Very succinctly and accurately put. Bravo!

  12. Anonymous11:21 AM

    At some time or another, 98% of women use a form of birth control. Birth control is not abortion.

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Problem is that some of them work by discouraging or outright stopping a fertilized egg from attaching, which means that fertilized egg dies. That is why if person hood laws are adopted, ie giving complete civil rights to fertilized eggs, all of the methods that effectively kill an egg by denying attachment will be considered abortion agents. That's just science. Then, over at the pond one person is mad because someone pointed out that IVF effectively acts as a killer of babies, assuming that some of the fertilized eggs are not implanted. Even if some of the implanted ones don't take, that could be considered murder under these person hood laws. All of these wingers think they have it all figured out, stop all abortion, make women report, describe, and justify any miscarriage or be held for murder. Give full legal and civil rights to each zygote, appoint legal counsel to each zygote, and let your imagination run wild with the things you can be sued for by a lawyered-up zygote. Or, like in Texas, you can be forced to stay hooked up to machines, even if you are brain dead, if there happens to be a fetus of any size. These wingers won't stop until all women are barefoot, pregnant, and most of them poor and uneducated. Another thing to imagine is the state telling women that they must carry to term any and all defective fetuses.

    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Hear, hear, the nut jobs are out in full force on this Supreme case. Slippery slope questions usually bend the nut-wingers beyond all recognition. I like your assessment 12:30.

  13. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife for President

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      That's your ante? I'll raise you one family friend of Jeremy Morock for prez.

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Good one! (Even though, technically, he was not her boyfriend but more like a one night/day fling...)

    3. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Trig's grandmother for President. No, she'll just quit.

  14. Didn't Scalia state an objection to Indians using peyote in their religious ceremonies? How does he square that decision with allowing companies to deny contraception because of religious convictions? And if corporations are people and can decide which laws they don't want to obey, why can't we (real) persons decide which laws we don't want to obey? This will be a contentious decision and SCOTUS should be really careful how they decide because its decision could trigger an avalanche of litigation around this whole idea of "religious objections" to federal and state laws.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Because that other case involved a BROWN person's religion. THIS case involves a Good White Person's Christian Religion (just like Scalia's), so it's all okay to let them force all of their employees to follow the practices of their particular church, whether or not they happen to be Christians.

      See how that works?

  15. Randall1:34 PM

    You mean, 1/3rd of women actually WANT a hobby store to tell them what they're allowed to do with their bodies, their health?

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      exactly -- how bizarre is that?

  16. Caroll Thompson1:46 PM

    If two thirds of women voters would vote for the D's in 2014, they would not have to worry about having their birth control taken from them.

  17. hedgewytch2:50 PM

    Gram*ma Banana is on the right track. Even Scalia admitted in previous cases that people just couldn't pick and choose what laws to obey just because of "religious objection". This is the "slippery slope".

    There is the consideration of "harm" to the individual in religious discrimination cases. Who is it claiming "harming" in this case? The Corporation cannot claim harm for allowing its employees to have contraceptive health care (or any other care its "beliefs" abhor). The Corporation is in fact, seeking to control the individual's decision making ability. The individual who IS being harmed is the employee who has to seek other avenues for that particular medical care.

    I expect Hobby Lobby's argument to go down in flames.

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      I sincerely hope that you're right.

      I think the addition of the section regarding their right to refuse coverage for any medical discussion or counseling that might include the topic of birth control takes this wayyyy too far. Not only is it completely unreasonable to prohibit a discussion of medical issues between a doctor and patient, but it's completely unenforceable as well and directly contradicts HIPPA laws.

      Unfortunately, I haven't seen much coverage of that part of the case in the media.

  18. Anonymous3:34 PM

    If they are so Christian why are they doing business with China? Why are they getting rich off of pagan holidays? Somebody mentioned they are selling Tee shirts that say I love vampires? that doesn't bother them. Hypocrites that's what they are. I will never set foot or buy one thing from Hobby Lobby

  19. Anonymous5:29 PM

    It used to be a sin to eat meat on Friday, but how many owners of fast food restaurants who were Christian owned still sold hamburgers?

  20. Anonymous6:29 PM


    Sen. Barbara Boxer Wonders Why Hobby Lobby Defenders Aren’t Complaining About Viagra

    ..."In a nutshell, Boxer pointed out that not only is this case being used as a way for corporations to get around laws that they don’t like, but it is also a way for men to exert control over women. Sen. Boxer brilliantly interjected the fact that Viagra and other ‘erectile dysfunction’ drugs are generally covered by employer-provided health insurance plans. Yet, there appears to be no moral objection voiced anywhere about this, despite the fact that the only use for these drugs are so men, usually older, can engage in sexual intercourse.

    Obviously Sen. Boxer sees the irony that the majority of those doing the objecting regarding birth control are older men. This also serves as a nice little dig at Rush Limbaugh and his slut-shaming of Sandra Fluke back in 2012. Limbaugh, as well as other male conservative pundits like Bill O’Reilly, have objected to insurance fully covering contraception because they feel it promotes promiscuity. "


  21. Anonymous9:56 PM

    I truly wish that we could have an honest discourse with actual FACTS! You do not lose your civil liberties, just because you start a business.

    Hobby Lobby has no problem covering birth control. Period. It is the 4 abortion causing drugs that they are disputing. They aren't telling anyone that these shouldn't be used. Only that they don't't want to pay for the policies covering them.

    There is a bigger issue at stake. That is the government telling businesses what they can and can't do. If this goes through, then when a Republican gets in, they could mandate things you don't like.


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