Sunday, April 27, 2014

Great quote to start the day.

I love this quote because I remember as a child wondering what it felt like to be an adult, and having no idea why adults seemed so sad, and tired, and depressed all of the time.

I am still waiting to understand.


  1. Anonymous2:55 AM

    While I rarely see sad adults in my life, the ones who are do make me think. I know the adage is true, that we all have inner battles. But I can't really comprehend how some people can't overcome deep sadness and others can.

    Then I think about Bob Saget, who's seen a lot of sadness and as it appears uses comedy and his dirty daddy persona to combat that.

    Re: people here who attack. Obviously, Gryphen's regulars hate mongers here have deep sadness in their lives, that result in their nonsense attacks and gratuitous insults.

    I just don't understand.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Look at any Palin child, and you'll immediately understand, or maybe you won't, but at any rate, what's your score on "Candy Crush"?

  2. Anonymous3:40 AM

    " no idea why adults seemed so sad, and tired, and depressed all of the time." quote: "you can't handle the truth".....just about sums it up........the "adults' around me are a never-ending well of says my "inner child"........adulthood is a form of insanity........simple as that.

  3. Anonymous4:01 AM

    And here's another quote that will start your day, but NOT in a good way:

    Sarah Palin to Frothing NRA Crowd: ‘Waterboarding is How We Baptize Terrorists’ (Video)

    We expect ignorant and obtuse things out of Sarah Palin. That we expect these things doesn’t make them any less ignorant, nor does is make them any less obtuse when they arrive.

    While firing up a crowd at an NRA convention in Indianapolis this weekend, Sarah Palin stated that gun-free zones are “stupid on steroids” (she knows all about stupid, folks. We should trust her on this) and that our founding figures “knew that if the Second Amendment goes, the rest of the Constitution is not far behind.”

    Actually, the way things are shaping up, the Second Amendment will be the last one to go, if it goes at all. But let’s not let reality step in the way here; if we wanted facts and truth, we wouldn’t be turning to the NRA, much less half-term Governor Sarah Palin.

    During her 12-minute speech, Palin also reiterated a favored anti-regulation argument: “Gun stores are an accomplice to crime and that fork made me fat.” For the curious, you can debunk this argument easily enough by reminding people that it’s possible to eat fat-free foods with a fork. After all, a fork wasn’t made to make you fat. A gun, however, was made to make you dead.

    She mocked Attorney General Eric Holder’s recent testimony on Capitol Hill, troubled over Bloomberg’s push for gun control, and went after Biden’s recent advice to fire in the air to scare off attackers by saying: “Just aim up in the air – that was his directive, his advice. Well, fine, Joe Squirt Gun, if your rapist is a bird.”

    Of course, it wouldn’t be Palin if she didn’t bring that extra blood thirsty twist:
    She also derided those who she said place an emphasis on political correctness in handling the country’s adversaries “instead of putting the fear of God in our enemies.”

    She said later in her address that if “I were in charge” — a line that drew applause from the crowd — “they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.

    If you really want to, you can watch the whole speech below. All 12 minutes of it.

    If all this sounds vaguely familiar, that’s because it’s a rehash of the garbage they spewed in 2013. They put a different color lipstick on it, but it’s still the same pig.

    1. Anonymous5:12 AM

      This woman gives a whole new definition to vile.

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Not that I'm advocating violence of any sort against La Palin. But having just watched the movie Beckett, I do wonder what it will take to rid us of this meddlesome bwitch.

  4. Anonymous6:48 AM

    If Palin was a butcher, she should be arrested for selling spoiled meat. I mean for christ sakes, Who puts that shit in her fucked empty head anyways. She is one unhappy camper!


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