Tuesday, April 08, 2014

I don't think I like these new changes.

And here I thought the old Coke was bad for the health of the country.


  1. Anonymous5:38 AM

    The Robert's Court is simply a rotten, paid-for corporate rubber stamp branch. Did he give the ACA a commerce clause because he knew they'd sell elections to the 1% Let them have cake, while the rich have a larger and more influential vote over you?

  2. Congresswoman Louise Slaughter is introducing a Ethics bill in Congress. Watch the youtube on there...Thomas didn't know "how" to fill out a Disclosure form? And this guy is making "laws"? Watch and urge the Congress to pass this bill supported by Whitehouse also,too! http://www.louise.house.gov/press-releases/slaughter-murphy-blumenthal-and-whitehouse-introduce-supreme-court-ethics-bill/

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    We are in big trouble, the Koch brothers are worth $80 BILLION and made $12 BILLION last year. Just think how many candidates they are going to be able to buy.

    The democrats have to get out the vote this midterm in big numbers.

  4. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Despite getting pummeled by millions in Koch attack money, Michigan Democrat Gary Peters bounces up

    Finally, a Michigan poll from a decent pollster. Public Policy Polling's new survey finds Democratic Rep. Gary Peters retaking the lead from Republican former Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land: He's now up 41-36, after trailing 42-40 in December. Remarkably, despite all that heavy ad spending (and Obamacare lies exposed as b.s.) from Americans for Prosperity, Peters' favorables have barely budged, from 21-22 late last year to 26-27 now. Ironically, it's Land, who has faced far fewer negative ads, who has seen her favorability plummet, from 34-23 to 28-31. Good job, Koch boys!

    The governor's race, meanwhile, is all but unchanged. GOP Gov. Rick Snyder leads Democratic ex-Rep. Mark Schauer 43-39, compared to 44-40 in December. Snyder's job approval score remains underwater at 40-48, little different from last time, and Schauer, like Peters, is barely known, with favorables of 22-23. As we always say, no incumbent ever wants to find himself in the low 40s, and much like AFP's experience, all the money Snyder's spent on weird ads trying to boost his image evidently hasn't had much of an impact.

    Finally, PPP's generic legislative ballot question shows Democrats with a healthy 46-36 lead on Republicans. Since the median seat in both the state House and Senate is about 10 points to the right of the state as a whole (thanks to GOP gerrymandering), an edge like this could be enough for Democrats to take back either chamber.


    Good, hope the Koch's wasted their $

    1. Thanks for good news (for a change).

      Somehow I have to believe there will be a tipping point when gobs of $$$$$$$$$ will stop beating out Reason.


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