Friday, April 04, 2014

Mississippi abstinence only sex education course compares girls to dirty peppermint patties. No longer "clean and valuable" after she had been handled.

Courtesy of the LA Times:  

Marie Barnard was delighted when, after decades of silence on the topic, Mississippi passed a law requiring school districts to teach sex education. But the lesson involving the Peppermint Pattie wasn't what she had in mind for her sons. 

The curricula adopted by the school district in Oxford called on students to unwrap a piece of chocolate, pass it around class and observe how dirty it became. 

"They're using the Peppermint Pattie to show that a girl is no longer clean or valuable after she's had sex — that she's been used," said Barnard, who works in public health. "That shouldn't be the lesson we send kids about sex." 

She and other parents lobbied the district to teach about contraception, not just abstinence. After all, as she and other parents noted, 76% of Mississippi teenagers report having sex before the end of high school. 

Mississippi has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the country, with 50 births per 1,000 females aged 15 to 19 in 2011 — compared with 31 per 1,000 nationally. A third of all babies born in Mississippi are to teenage mothers. Access to contraceptives is low, especially in some rural areas where drug stores have been known to refuse to sell condoms to minors. 

Once again it is so helpful of religion to forever leave the burden of chastity with the woman, while giving men a free pass.

A girl who engages in consensual sex before marriage, is a dirty piece of mint filled confection, that is now all disgusting and unfit for love. While a man who sticks his willie in every piece of tail that passes his way, is considered experienced and celebrated by his peers.

A boy who has sex becomes a man. A girl who does the same becomes a slut.

In this day and age the hypocrisy is almost impossible to believe, and yet in some communities it as unchanged as it was back in the days when young men bartered with fathers for the virginity of their daughters, as one would barter for a for any other piece of property or livestock.

However there are a valiant few who desperately try to bring the ignorant into the 21st Century with the rest of us.

Sanford Johnson, deputy outreach coordinator for Mississippi First, an education policy group, encountered these values while addressing the school board in Hollandale, a dusty, rural community with a dilapidated downtown of shuttered stores and peeling paint. 

Johnson thought he had made a good case for contraception education when he shared disturbing statistics: The local birthrate was 73 out of 1,000 females between 15 and 19; the national rate is 29.4 per 1,000. 

He encountered the usual gasps of shock when he revealed that the rate of chlamydia, at 1,346.8 per 100,000 people, was nearly double the rest of Mississippi, and approaching triple the U.S. rate. 

But later Johnson got a call from someone who had attended the board meeting — telling him that people who have sex before marriage don't go to heaven. The board voted for abstinence-only. 

 "People who have sex before marriage don't go to heaven."

And that my friends is when you stand up and walk away.

Because despite the rash of teen pregnancies and the chlamydia epidemic there is no hope of convincing these idiots of anything.

For them all they need to know about love, marriage, and sex, is contained in a misogynistic text, written thousands of years ago, by a group of men who clearly feared and despised women. 


  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    "People who have sex before marriage don't go to heaven."
    Hear that, Bristol?

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      And Sarah, Todd, Track, Willow, Molly, Sally, Chuckie Sr, Chuckie Jr.

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Put a condom around that peppermint patty. It will get a little sweaty, but it won't get dirty.

    1. Leland2:15 PM

      You will NEVER convince them of the efficacy of that statement. If you tell them something like that they would come up with something like: "Eewwwww. Who would eat a peppermint after it's been wrapped in a condom?!"

      They are too STUPID to recognize that the book they believe in DOES NOT HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS!

      You would be wasting your breath.

      Personally, I am convinced that the ONLY reason my niece has not had children yet is ME.

      She got the usual crappy "birds and bees" routine from her parents and was told nothing else except the abstinence garbage.

      Knowing there HAD to be more, she came to me when she was 13 and asked. I gave her the entire enchilada, including from medical sites on my computer. (Hers was severely blocked at home, and she's 20!)

      Her parents found out just recently when my niece laughed at them. They were claiming that she was still a virgin (NOT!) and that she was proof abstinence works.

      They were not happy campers when she explained she a.) WASN'T a virgin and b.) wasn't pregnant because of OUR little talk!

      They cursed her and screamed at her and basically told her the same crap that the teacher in the above posting said. She would never find a worthy man and she was trash in men's eyes now.

      She packed her bags and walked out. Guess where she moved to.

      She's a great cook!

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Leland -
      Obviously, your niece is an intelligent, sensible, confident young woman. She will not only find a worthy man who will cherish her, but she will find a man who will treat her as an equal partner and not as a possession that is valuable only for cooking, caring for a home, and birthing babies.

      Congratulations to both of you for a job well done!

    3. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Lucky niece, Leland. Good job.

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Does that mean Bristol Palin, her Mom Sarah, and her Grandma Sally and fake SIL Britta are all dirty , nasty and won't go to heaven?

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Hell yes, that's exactly what it means!

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Them least of all.

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    What about the man, unclean and invaluable!!! Men are unclean and invaluable!!!

    1. That's what I want to know. Two people have sex, but only one of them comes up dirty and worthless? How is that possible? Boys will be boys, but girls will be sluts? It's ridiculous.

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      I never understood who these young men were supposed to be having all this sex with if the girls are supposed to stay virgins until marriage.

  5. Anonymous1:11 PM

    No wonder Sarah is so mad at the world! She's unclean and a sinner and no amount of prayer or church-goin' or fawning over the Graham men is going to help her and her mother and her daughters. Poor thing.
    Back to MS...just because that fool thinks they are going to hell doesn't mean he should encourage more children being born to teens, or more diseases for his sons. The ignorance is just breath taking.

  6. Does anyone realize how cyclical this whole scenario is? If it is OK for a guy to have sex (boosting his status as experienced), which girl(s) will he experiment on? If all girls are supposed to be chaste (and inexperienced) who chooses which girl these guys will screw, thus making them into "sluts"? If all girls refused to have sex, where would these guys get their experience? What kind of convoluted crap are these idiots teaching?

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      You know how it goes. There is always someone--the slow daughter of a low-status worker, houeshold help, someone they see as "Other" or "not like us," someone they can use and abuse and not be called for it. "Yeah, she really wanted it or why else would she ...blah blah blah."

      Besides, it is pointless to expect logic from people whose morality is based on a collection of two- to three-thousand-year-old folk tales, and whose excuse for everything is "the bible says..."

  7. Anonymous1:15 PM

    O/T but next time ANYONE says that media is liberal, they can go fuck themselves..

    ABC, NBC, and CBS Push Obamacare Lies then Deny Obama Airtime to Deliver The Facts

    ABC, CBS, and NBC all have been spreading Republican fueled ACA lies for years. After enrollment had shattered its goal, all three networks denied President Obama primetime airtime to discuss the facts.

    Buzzfeed reported, “White House officials sought valuable primetime air for a rare, impromptu Tuesday night address to tout the accomplishment of signing up more than 7 million people under the Affordable Care Act. But network officials refused to make the kind of accommodation they did previously for the announcement that Osama Bin Laden had been killed, for instance, and Obama was left instead cutting into the much smaller audiences of Ellen and other daytime shows.”

    At first glance, it may seem that the networks didn’t want to give the president a platform to report good news to the country, but a deeper look reveals the real reason why the broadcast networks had no interest in what the president had to say.

    All three networks have been pushing Republican lies and talking points about the ACA for years.

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Did you read this article, or just write your drivel regardless?
      The article had nothing to do with Obama.

  8. Mississippi is the saving grace for Alabama. I'm pretty sure the Alabama state motto is: "At least we're not Mississippi".

    1. I used to teach sixth grade I news for Mississippi. Plenty of students would volunteer to eat that peppermint patty even after it had been passed around the room.

      Anyone watch Jamie Oliver when he made those chicken nuggets? He still had kids willing to eat them after he made them.

      I think the time is past when schools have any sort of influence over students, especially when it comes to sex.

  9. Anonymous1:45 PM

    OT - Amazing America's didn't make it into the top 100 cable shows for Thursday.

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Sarah Palin's Amazing America: a show so bland it's impossible to hate-watch

      Unless you really hate guns, this hourlong act of jingoism is another typical rabbit out of the hat for a magical former politician clinging to relevance: all flash, no substance

  10. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Calm down, Gryphon--go back and reread: the idea that the candy represents only girls is an inference you made; the metaphor doesn't make a distinction between sexes.

    As for the double standard--it doesn't come from religion, it comes from the fact that it used to be impossible to prove paternity, but not maternity: when a woman has a baby, people knew it belonged to her, but you couldn't say that for the man--the only way to know that it was his was if she only ever had sex with him (or at least around the time of conception). Inheritance of land, wealth and titles made it essential that paternity was certain (ever read/watch Game of Thrones?).

    Today, DNA tests make this "problem" irrelevant and anachronistic, and the double standard equal so.

    1. "They're using the Peppermint Pattie to show that a girl is no longer clean or valuable after she's had sex — that she's been used," said Barnard, who works in public health. "That shouldn't be the lesson we send kids about sex."

      I await your apology posthaste.

    2. Leland2:25 PM

      Sorry, but despite your eloquent explanations and linear thought process, the double standard has been around a LONG and primarily based upon the misogynistic religions of the Middle East.

      It may be irrelevant and anachronistic, but it is still here and VERY real.

      Oh yes. And as for Gryphen inferring, you may wish to re-read paragraph 3.

  11. Anonymous2:17 PM

    The Return Of The Back-Alley Abortion

  12. Anonymous3:50 PM

    They are taking us back to the dark ages, one year at a time.

  13. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

    I wonder what they do with Mississippi Mud Pies? Of course it's those wimmin folk's responsibility to not get pregnant. Can't teach the boys about wrapping their rascals, it's just unnatural!

  14. Okay.

    So let's say every teenage girl in Mississippi decides to refrain from sex until they are married.

    We all know that high schools boys are still going to want some.

    So if no girl is going to put out....are they just going to roam around in packs, grab some girl and gang rape her? Then blame her for allowing her patty to be soiled?

    No, you may not have an abortion.

    What kind of mother are you to give up your baby?

    If you couldn't support your baby, you should have thought of that before you got pregnant.

    Is it possible for the rest of the nation to vote to kick out, say, six states from the union? Waiting for them to secede is taking too long.

  15. To be fair, they need to do another demo for the kiddies, but this time pass around a hot dog.

  16. kathy in KY9:09 AM

    Peppermint patties don't have coconut in them.


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