Monday, April 07, 2014

New report on climate change should start a worldwide panic. But sadly it will barely be noticed.

Here are the highlights.

  1. We're already feeling the impacts of climate change. Glaciers are already shrinking, changing the courses of rivers and altering water supplies downstream. Species from grizzly bears to flowers have shifted their ranges and behavior. Wheat and maize yields may have dropped. 
  2. Heat waves and wildfires are major threats in North America. Europe faces freshwater shortages, and Asia can expect more severe flooding from extreme storms. In North America, major threats include heat waves and wildfires, which can cause death and damage to ecosystems and property. The report names athletes and outdoor workers as particularly at risk from heat-related illnesses. 
  3. Globally, food sources will become unpredictable, even as population booms. Especially in poor countries, diminished crop production will likely lead to increased malnutrition, which already affects nearly 900 million people worldwide. Some of the world's most important staples—maize, wheat, and rice—are at risk. The ocean will also be a less reliable source of food, with important fish resources in the tropics either moving north or going extinct, while ocean acidification eats away at shelled critters (like oysters) and coral. Shrinking supplies and rising prices will cause food insecurity, which can exacerbate preexisting social tensions and lead to conflict. 
  4. Coastal communities will increasingly get hammered by flooding and erosion. Tides are already rising in the US and around the world. As polar ice continues to melt and warm water expands, sea level rise will expose major metropolitan areas, military installations, farming regions, small island nations, and other ocean-side places to increased damage from hurricanes and other extreme storms. Sea level rise brings with it risks of "death, injury, ill-health, or disrupted livelihoods," the report says. 
  5. We'll see an increase in climate refugees and, possibly, climate-related violence. The report warns that both extreme weather events and longer-term changes in climate can lead to the displacement of vulnerable populations, especially in developing parts of the world. Climate change might also "indirectly increase" the risks of civil wars and international conflicts by exacerbating poverty and competition for resources. 
  6. Climate change is expected to make people less healthy. According to the report, we can expect climate change to have a negative impact on health in many parts of the world, especially poorer countries. Why? Heat waves and fires will cause injury, disease and death. Decreased food production will mean more malnutrition. And food- and water-borne diseases will make more people sick. 
  7. We don't know how much adaptation is going to cost. The damage we're doing to the planet means that human beings are going to have to adapt to the changing climate. But that costs money. Unfortunately, studies that estimate the global cost of climate adaptation "are characterized by shortcomings in data, methods, and coverage," according to the IPCC. 
  8.  There's still time to reduce the impacts of global warming...if we cut our emissions. Here's the good news: The IPCC says that the impacts of climate change—and the costs of adaptation—will be "reduced substantially" if we cut our emissions of greenhouse gases.
 There are many who think that the damage is too far along and that nothing can be done to stop the inevitable.

Others don't believe there is any problem at all and that these findings are just the imaginative ravings of liberal Chicken Little's.

However there is still time, and if we really start to address the situation with the seriousness it deserves, and focus the scientific community into solving the problems with the same zeal they show for improving computers, we could very well see things turn around to the point that the most troubling predictions will not come to pass.

And in fact some of the recent breakthroughs in renewable energy research have been amazing.

The clock is ticking, so the question remains, are we doing enough, fast enough?

Sadly I don't yet think that we are.



  1. Off topic, but a fine antidote to the "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep"-post below.

    William Rivers Pitt coming gloriously in defense of Mets player Daniel Murphy

  2. Anonymous7:22 AM

    The worldwide panic scares me more than the climate change. We will need intelligent, cool heads working together to get through this.

    That leaves the preppers, isolationists, survivalists, (out only for themselves) and the End of Times nuts along the rest of the crazies on the right to fuck it all up.

    Maybe that's why they're hoarding all those guns.....

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      "We will need intelligent, cool heads working together to get through this. "

      We have been living with Climate Change for at least a decade or two / maybe more.. The Apex of it is still in the distant future..When the next Cat5 super storm hits and it happens to be Florida, then at least wiping out parts of that will give the rest of the country some hint .. dramatically.. of the things to come. Hurricane season isn't too far away..

  3. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I also think we need to find a retro fix for gas guzzling autos. I'm no expert at this subject at all, but I would think the cost of waiting for the entire planet to change over to electric or other green sources of transportation is too high. For the planet and for most individuals. We will have to find ways to subsidize the change.

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      There "Could" be Hemp fuel, and all kinds of things we could/should do, but the greedy 1% who control everything have a hold on all this watch this:
      GasLand: and the Fire water is TRUE! These a$$hole Haliburtion etc do not care, infact Dicky Cheney took away all regulations for fracking! Water quality etc. They will not be happy until the whole earth is raped and scared and then I guess the 1% will go to the moon or something?
      Until we get back control, we are at the mercy of these GREEDY Fuckers!

  4. Anonymous8:19 AM

    One of the regulars at the pee pond weighs in on the issue:-

    virginiagentleman1 • 26 minutes ago
    Good Morning Shipmates!

    The rain is coming down so hard here in central Virginia, that I've broken out my plans for an Ark!
    The weather has certainly been strange this year. A long and lingering winter followed by a wet early spring. However, contrary to what Algore and the 'climate change crazies' would like you to believe, this is neither 'global warming' nor is it 'global cooling'. Instead, simply by looking at the weather history as recorded for this area, it is NOTHING more then a periodic weather fluctuation, of which there have been MANY over the last 150 years. If a simple minded idiot like me can look at the weather history and discover the truth, then why can't the weather/climate change crazies?
    The answer is so obvious!
    Remember yesterday when I told you that only the 'tiniest %' in any type of 'faction' are responsible for the majority of our problems? The same applies to the weather/climate crazies! IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY! Gore has made himself fabulously wealthy peddling his prostituted and untrue climate 'facts'. How is that for another inconvenient truth, Al? You and your band of climate liars have been caught up in more lies! Yer a SICK ONE, Mr. Grinch, I mean, Gore!

    What is the moral and mental defect in a liberal that requires lies, distortions, and a in general, " the sky is falling" attitude towards life? Futhermore, why are the deceitful ones themselves the ONLY ones who can FIX the problem? Charlatans!

    In essence, it seems to me that the 'liberal' point of view is based on the presumption that ONLY liberals are qualified and able to cure the ails of the nation. That may well be true since THEY are the PRIMARY REASON we face so many unusual problems!

    On the other hand, conservatives believe that the AMERICAN PEOPLE are the best resource for addressing the nations problems.

    And as for the republicans? They won't know what to do without testing the prevailing winds, commissioning countless worthless polls, and holding hundreds of hearings that ultimately conclude with the decision that many more hearings are needed! In other words, THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO! Worthless leeches!

    You want to take our country back from the liberal deceivers and republican do-nothings?


    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Good ol' vg1. That heart of his can't last much longer what with his ranting and $arah-fapping.

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM

      "a simple minded idiot like me"
      Truer words have never been spoken.

      Hey, you simple-minded idiot! Weather isn't the same as climate.

    3. Vg1 hasn't a clue about "the polar vortex" and how the jet stream may be permanently altered due warming!

      North Carolina is just a stone's throw away from vg1 -- maybe he ought to look at how the U of NC is monitoring winter (and spring) weather patterns, rather than reading the Farmers' Almanac, or checking for groundhogs.

      Also, there's this: Q: "Is there such a thing as "normal", aside from El Niño and La Niña?"

      "A: Over the long-term record, sea-surface temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific diverge from normal in a roughly bell-curve fashion, with El Niño and La Niña at the tails of the curve. Some researchers argue there are only two states, El Niño and non-El Niño, while others believe either El Niño or La Niña is always present to a greater or lesser degree. According to one expert, NCAR's Kevin Trenberth, El Niños were present 31% of the time and La Niñas 23% of the time from 1950 to 1997, leaving about 46% of the period in a neutral state. The frequency of El Niños has increased in recent decades, a shift being studied for its possible relationship to global climate change."

  5. When we have no water, we'll have no food. We already have the floods, wildfires, blizzards, freezing cold waves, heat waves which cost us billions. Who needs terrorists? When the water supply is exhausted, we will cease to exist. Bees have been the first to suffer and die off.

    1. We'll have no food long before we have no water.

      The bees will be dead.

  6. Olivia9:14 AM


  7. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Check it out, Gryph:

  8. 1. We're already feeling the impacts of climate change. Glaciers are already shrinking, changing the courses of rivers and altering water supplies downstream.

    Glaciers are not ALREADY shrinking. They've been shrinking for the past 50 years. I have family pictures of Mt. Rainier's Nisqually Glacier my dad took in the 1950s, and if you compare it to pictures over the years, you can see how much the glacier has retreated up the mountain to where it's a fraction of its former size.

    Heck, I have pictures of Mendenhall Glacier from when hubby and I visited in 1998, and I'm shocked at the appearance of that glacier in recent photos. I was told in 1998 that the glacier had been shrinking noticeably even then.

  9. Anonymous11:38 AM

    We have 20 generations left as a species max.

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      You are being an optimist on this one, maybe 4 IF we are lucky. One nation with nukes who needs arable land and water and game over.

  10. I'm doing what I can.

    I installed PV panels on my roof 10 years ago and generate more electricity than I use. I generate at peak hours and use at non-peak.

    I bought my first Prius 9 years ago. When I replace my current one, it will be with an EV and I will install more solar panels.

    After I retire next year I will be driving a lot less and using my bicycle a lot more.

    I compost, recycle, grow my own and cook from scratch as much as I can to eliminate food packaging waste. After my dog passes away, I'll probably get chickens. Eggs for consumption and manure for composting, not to mention the little buggers can eat all the snails.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      We're getting ready to lease a Leaf. Very excited!

  11. Randall4:55 PM

    I've recently started asking my conservative friends who disbelieve climate change to put it in writing and sign it.

    So their grandchildren will be able to see it.

    And when they say Randall are YOU willing to put YOUR belief in writing and sign it? I immediately take pen to paper and write:
    "Global warming - climate change - is real and is happening now and we must DO something immediately or our children will suffer because of it." and then I date it and sign my name.

    So far not a single conservative has been willing to put his disbelief in writing.

    ...what if we continue to burn fossil fuel and HE'S wrong?
    ...his grandkids will see it
    ...and realize what an idiot Grampa was.
    EVERYBODY will know what an idiot Grampa was
    ...because the consequence of doing nothing about climate change is disaster!

    If I'M wrong but we turn away from fossil fuel as energy
    ...we end up with renewable energy and a cleaner planet.

  12. I think the answer to Gryphen's last question is that we can't possibly do enough, fast enough. Irreparable damage has been inflicted, because most of us were unaware of the destructive effects of our poor stewardship of the planet until fairly recently.

    Some percentage of humans still don't understand, due to poor education and low innate intelligence. A small, purely evil faction is reaping profits from the destruction of earth's ecosystems by manipulating ignorant and venal political toadies to serve their corporate interests.

    We've raped Gaia, most of us unwittingly but still with selfish and wasteful personal consumption, and we've consigned our children and grandchildren to pay the price as members of "Generation Hot."

    Pax et bonum


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