Friday, April 25, 2014

Palin's political pimp-a-palooza keeps on chugging along.

Courtesy of  

Two Republican rock stars and a cast of backup singers brought their act to Nebraska Friday for U.S. Senate candidate Ben Sasse as the state’s GOP primary heads for a wild finale. 

Tea Party favorites Sarah Palin, a former vice presidential candidate, and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas rallied a crowd of about 1,000 to support Sasse in the May 13 primary. 

“What we need in the Senate are folks who are willing to not just go along to get along. We need the fighters,’’ Palin said. “That’s why I’m here for Ben Sasse. He is the right person for this job.’’

As it turned out Palin forgot to change her t-shirt from an earlier appearance with T.W. Shannon in Oklahoma. After all remembering to change clothes has never been a Palin strength.

Sasse said Palin — who wore a red light sweatshirt with a jeweled Nebraska “N’’ to the rally — arrived in North Platte on Thursday wearing Oklahoma Sooners shirt after campaigning in Tulsa. Sasse joked that he considered postponing the event to investigate her character. 

Sasse said Cruz was supposed to wear a Husker shirt, too, “but he didn’t keep his word.’’ At that, Cruz flashed a Texas “Hook ‘em, Horns’’ hand sign to boos and laughter from the crowd. 

Apparently Sasse does not understand that if somebody doesn't dress Palin that she just continues wearing the same clothes day after day, even if they possibly send the wrong message during a political rally.

I mean change the wig, sure. But the clothes? Well that's a lot of extra work.

Wow! Two different rallies in one day, and both with Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz.

It looks like Palin is really making an effort this time to appear to give a shit about resurrecting her conservative political bona fides.

I wonder if she will remember to change clothes for the next one?

P.S. Speaking of Palin's wigs, this time her appearance cannot be blamed on Willow, as this lady claims to be the one "honored" to do the wig wrassling.

Really don't think I would be bragging about that if I were her.


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    That side shot of Palin really shows the "lollipop" head that is out of proportion to her anorexic body.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      I'm not sure if it's the big head/wig or her emaciated body. Either way, she looks hideous, unwell. Hard to believe how much she's changed since the Republican convention...

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Sarah has also reach the age when people start shrinking. Since she is already petite, there isn't going to very much left of her. And if she falls, those bones of hers look rail thin.

    3. Anonymous6:05 PM

      the crosseyed skank's ( third pic down ) wig is falling off her humongous cranium ( fourth pic down )

    4. Anonymous7:37 PM

      I was actually shocked at how frail she looks. Suddenly I'm thinking her makeup and wig work has less to do with making her look good and more with simply making her look like she's not a reanimated corpse.
      Some day she's going to break her hip getting out of bed. It'll be interesting to see how she pimps out her wheelchair/walker when she stumps for doomed candidates-- after all, Sister Sarah is the epitome of hard work, right? She didn't even take time off for that birth, are we to believe a little broken hip would stop the screeching wretch? Seriously, though, she looks like a skeleton and she's lost whatever sex appeal she once was able to offer the GOP. She might like how her face looks on camera with less weight, but the rest of her .... tsk tsk tsk...

    5. Anonymous9:02 PM

      I"m older than she is and unfortunately have not started shrinking yet!

    6. Anonymous10:37 PM

      have you ever tried hot yoga? You cannot be unhealthy or anorexic and get through the hour to hour and a half without passing out. Sarah regularly does yoga

    7. Anonymous4:08 AM

      Wow, you have no idea what you're talking about, 10:37. Anorexics regularly over-exercise and hot yoga is tailor made for that.

    8. Anonymous4:30 AM

      10:37 Sure she does, along with running marathons, shooting moose, and making chilli. Also, too, she gives birth after a 3 week pregnancy then takes the special needs "gift from God" to work with her three days later. Wonder woman, that's our $carah.


      Check out this picture of Baldy from last night y'all!

      The ugly has finally broken through and has been captured on film!

      This crazy bitch has no clue how much fun it is to point and laugh at her stinking ass!

      Don't stop doing you Baldy Louise Heath Palin(??)


    10. YIKES some more!

      More pics of Baldy looking like a ghoul!

      Here's the link to the gallery of pics of Baldy looking like a damn corpse!

    11. Anonymous6:35 AM

      omg, what is she wearing? cruella deville's bed jacket?

    12. Anonymous7:13 AM

      you need to check out the picture linked to the last comment, Gina. her heinous in her her room with the chubby mini me willer hair "stylist" (and I use that term loosely).

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Wow! Her hair looks horrible.

    1. I suspect she kind of puts herself together two or three times a week and, in the days in-between, she touches the wig with a comb, tops off the thick make-up, and hits the eyelashes with more mascara. I doubt she cleans well more than two or three times a week. It was good enough for fishing, after all. This is a woman who was fairly primitive and is maybe defiant about too much washing. It’s not unusual.

    2. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Hey, Willow was busy.

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      When Sarah looks in the mirror, putting on all that makeup, how is it that she never looks at her hair at the same time.

    4. Anonymous6:06 PM

      crosseyed skank don't fish, even though she smells like it

    5. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Hygiene issues are quite common in the mentally ill.

    6. abbafan7:32 PM

      Hard-core narcissists such as $arah are known for atrocious manners (non-existent) in mixed company, but mostly for poor hygiene (or lack thereof)!

    7. Anonymous10:37 PM

      I see people are still acting like moronic shrinks with no lives but to attack others.

      And abbafan, you take the cake

    8. Anonymous4:02 AM

      10:37, make an appointment with your own shrink ASAP.

    9. Anonymous4:33 AM

      10:37 Hey, Bristles, shouldn't you be taking care of your latest addition, the Junker baby??

  3. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Investigate her character? Has that just finally occurred to conservatives?

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    The dumb dame has something written on the palm of her left hand again.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      It's the first name of the the Oklahoma candidate because she couldn't remember how to pronounce it. In the end. she just referred to TW Shannon by his initials. She could not remember one name, the name of the guy she was there to endorse.

    2. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Well, it's hard you know.He wasn't named after a lake or a tree or a smoking poor Sarah got confused. Plus she only goes where they tell her, and without Brissy to Google for her, how is she to know how to pronounce those names of strangers anyway? She says the same damn thing at every many 'rill conservatives fighting' for the Constitution and conservative values and freedom' are there left? Watch this guy go down in flames too...the Palin Curse is real. Sarah....not so much.

    3. Anonymous7:15 AM

      check back in a week, dollars to donuts the hand writing will still be on her unwashed hand...can you imagine how filthy the back of her neck is?

  5. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Hook 'em, Canadiens!

    1. abbafan7:33 PM

      Habs for the Cup!!!

    2. Anonymous9:04 PM

      nope, neither
      gonna be the dark horse blue jackets for lord stanley

      and the alaska aces for the kelly cup - who just now swept vegas in four, round one

    3. Anonymous9:29 PM

      oops, forgot the habs ARE the montreal canadians


      though i've never got the habs moniker

  6. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Looks like Todd and Sarah are enjoying yet another extended vacation away from their children.

    Nothing says family values like consistently leaving behind a kindergartener with special needs and a girl just about to hit her pubescent stride (according to the Palin-Heath timeline).

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Track, Bristol, Willow are old enough to take care of themselves. Who looks after Piper and Trig?

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Well Piper is pert near tent and wine cooler age.

    3. Anonymous6:08 PM

      i'd say that piper and trig more'n likely look after the three older retards

    4. Anonymous6:14 PM

      I think the message for Piper will be the same as for Willow: Don't get caught and don't get pregnant.

      Other than that, she's pretty much free to do whatever she wants.

    5. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Grow up. She's gone for like 4 days. Are you saying you disapprove of ALL The people who have to leave for weeks?

      Get a life.

    6. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Sarah Palin doesn't "have" to leave 8:56. She chooses to leave. And for what? To rally behind some piece of shit small potatoes political wannabe? Is Sarah getting paid for all these appearances?

    7. Anonymous10:02 PM

      8:56 pm Are you Stalking Sarah's Facebook again?

    8. Anonymous10:34 PM

      lookie there at 8:56, one of the three older retards themselves finally rolled out of the sack - naturally doesn't have a fukin' clue what day it is either ...

  7. Anonymous4:51 PM

    First thing I thought when looking at the photos...wig looked horrible - hair line waaaay back and reflecting a receding hairline. She looks her age of 50 and is in no way nearly as attractive as she was 8 years ago. She has aged horribly!

    And, Sarah, I hate to tell you this, but it's only going to get worse! Look at the family you have!

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      She looks older than 50.

    2. Anonymous9:51 PM

      She looks like an eighty year old Barbie. Oversized head, oversized pump-up bellmonts, and huge wig.

  8. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Wouldn't it be a hoot to have a fly on the wall and hear what Ted Cruz, etc. REALLY think of the idiot from Wasilla, AK? Hopefully, some day, we'll hear as we've already learned what the FOX crew had as nicknames for Sarah and Todd.
    Pretty embarrassing for both of them!

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      What was the Fox crew's nickname for them?

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      The bitch and the Eskimo.

    3. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Sounds about right.

  9. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I didn't think it was possible but the skank seems to be losing more weight. Her waist looks to be about 20". And all that makeup to cover her pastiness and gin blossoms. Her family doesn't seem to care because if she croaks they probably get the dough. Hey Sarah, you better change your will, your family obviously doesn't give a shit about you.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      the fat crosseyed skank looks to be at least 40 lbs overweight to me

    2. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Leave all your money to the AIP. Your family doesn't care about you, even after all the things you've done to, I mean for, them. They will have a big party when you croak, especially that Todd, he can't wait.

    3. Anonymous6:40 AM

      she looks like a brunette jan brewer..

  10. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Yep - Nothing says "family values" like posing with a toddler who is holding a gun. (I don't care if it's a toy - It's ridiculous to have it at a campaign rally.)

    1. Anonymous11:13 PM

      Thanks for being the only other one to find this more disturbing than Sarah's wig!

    2. Anonymous3:46 AM

      Why can't Sarah go around wIth a loaded gun in her coochie?

      You SCARED, bitch?

    3. comeonpeople7:26 AM

      I want to call CPS, but that's just me.

    4. Anonymous7:27 AM

      3:46 it would fall out lol. She could hide a flamethrower in that overused thing.

  11. Anonymous5:17 PM

    But who's the 70-yr old dude in drag who is working the crowd?

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      That would be Baby Jane Palin.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:56 PM

      Amen, 5:30.

  12. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Ted Cruz is looking more like a cross between Liberace and Beelzebub everyday.

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Addams Family Uncle Festus.

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Uncle Fester from the ADDAMS FAMILY.

    3. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Liberace !! Thank you !
      For months, I've been trying
      to think who Cruz looks like .
      Nothing says " elect me " better than
      parading around a baby holding a rifle ,
      flanked by a cast of weirdos,
      including the scary skinny Palin.
      Only one missing was Welfare Cowboy Bundy.
      None of these adults looks competent enough to babysit the rifle toting toddler.

    4. Anonymous6:20 PM

      How bout a more sinister Mr Haney from Green Acres. Same voice too.

    5. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Turn that wig around and we got Cousin It! My personal favourite. Cousin Sahah, hah.

    6. Anonymous6:41 AM

      lol, spot on. :)

  13. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Thought bubble over Sarah's head while contemplating Ted Cruz's hand gesture, "one plus one is three, gee I'm smart!"
    Good ole' cross eyed Sarry.

    1. Anonymous9:08 PM

      "Used to hear some joke at the Mugger about women bein' kinda' like six packs and they'd be wavin' their hands in the air just like this..."

  14. Anonymous5:29 PM

    It's hilarious that this idiot insists on wearing college-imprinted clothes, yet none of her children will ever get close to a college. I'm losing hope for Piper, who seems very interested in wearing clothing that's way too old for her.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      I agree, and they better keep an eye on little piper since the palin's consort with dirty old men like the duck killers, bundy, Limbaugh, etc...who think 13 is getting too old for their child-molesting ways.

  15. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Ted Cruz, the guy who reportedly wouldn't study with anyone who hadn't attended an ivy league school has no problem hanging out with two of the biggest dummies on the public scene (Sarah and Todd).

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Sarah and Todd make Cruz look smart. While Cruz was in school, he couldn't risk having anyone outsmart him. With the Palins, no problem.

  16. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Gryphen, are you making this shit up?

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      shit can ANYONE or would anyone make anything up. look at the woman and the 3 I wouldn't doubt it if Bundy and Zimmerman were in the
      I had a hard day at work, but all I had to do was look at the trio and now I can't even type! I mean, just look at the photo where she's trying to be sexy with the sweatshirt off the shoulder!!!!

    2. Anonymous7:43 PM

      (shakes head sadly) sometimes I wish he made shit up. Because the alternative is too depressing: that someone that immature and clueless has any voice or platform in American politics.

    3. Anonymous8:48 PM

      7:43 PM Trolls shake their heads a lot because they're always telling LIES. You are the champion of immaturity and stupidity. You generate more laughs than Sarah's speeches. Do you write on your palms also? How's that Todd Palin 2-toned Dildo workin' for ya? Are you shaking your head happily while you use it?

    4. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Not sure what you're ranting about, 8:48, but you should read 7:43's comment again.

  17. Anonymous5:34 PM

    She looks like a cheap slob, especially in the picture next to Cruz with the horns signs. She seems be merging or transcending from a wanna-be-teeny-bopper to an old dirty hag .

  18. Anonymous5:37 PM

    From the looks of Palin and her wardrobe I don't think the family has any of that money we talk about and think they have. I think she and Toad are flat broke and her Sarah Pac is all dried up like her body. Could be why she has to go out and whore herself to the tea party. Kochs are not going to waste money on a has-been who is irrelevant.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      She has a lot of people to support and/or pay off.

    2. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Ding ding we have a winner!

    3. Anonymous6:18 PM

      The Kochs are the money and the message behind the TeaPotty. They 'hire' people like Palin who are dispensable and shameless enough to say or do anything if the money is right.

      Palin has no choice anymore, there is nothing legitimate out there for her. She's failed or quit everything she attempted not to mention she pissed off well over half the country 6 years ago and she's been losing steam ever since.

    4. Anonymous7:20 PM

      I don't think that Sarah can afford to be fussy about appearing at some candidate's rally. Her show on Sportsman Channel is dreadful, stupid and a total bomb. (And, those are compliments). She was not one of the important speakers tonight at the NRA convention. Sarah will be a "special guest" at a rally tomorrow night in Indianapolis. She doesn't have anything else unless she has the ghost writer crank out something about how they are keeping Easter sunrise services out of our public schools.

    5. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Yeah, I think when people got wise to the PAC spending(s) someone in the family may have wised up and reeled things in a bit.

    6. Crystal Sage5:41 AM

      I just saw a review of Sarah's show from Wonkette. Noticed her flabby arms (no muscle tome) in accompanying picture.

  19. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Look t the flappy arms in the picture with her extended arms!!!! OMG! Sarah, do NOT flap your arms like that, it looks nasty.

  20. Anonymous5:42 PM

    tsk, tsk, tsk. Sarah sure has ruined her looks. She was gorgeous back in 2008. Not anymore. When Cindy McCain dressed her she looked pretty, clean, and professional. Now she just looks like one hot mess. Couldn't leave well enough alone.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      I wouldn't say gorgeous. She was naturally pretty, but always wore a ton of make-up. She has never before or since in her life looked better than she did during the 2008 election cycle when she had real professionals cleaning her up.

    2. Anonymous2:55 AM

      Once she opens her mouth and starts her screech, interest falters. She looks like HELL and sounds like a screeching banshee. Where is her "gift from God" (Trig)?

  21. Anonymous5:46 PM


    check her many wrinkled faces, looks like Willow pulled out flat hair wig out of her hat.

  22. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Did the "wig wrangler" have to sign a confidentiality agreement?
    Those damn lazy Palin girls are useless! Why the hell did Sarah Pac send them to hair school and skin school if they weren't going to be able to work their magic on the ole dried up prune?

    1. Anonymous2:57 AM

      How would it look to have pregnant daughters, still unmarried, with her?? Those two are either pregnant, or just had a baby.

  23. Anonymous5:50 PM

    If that woman wrassled Sarah's wig, that poor woman lost.

  24. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Anonymous5:32 PM: there's nothing to make look at the pictures, the speak for
    even the filth can be seen through the pictures...just look at your nasty master palin...ewwwww...tsk tsk tsk

  25. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

    That last photos a hoot. The gold lame' wig bag is so chic! She looks like "The Long Island Medium" with black hair channeling the beast of the LA Brea Tarpits.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      I think that might be one of bristols grad pals, poor thing, bless her heart for taking one for the team. so sad she too could not get a real brisdull.

  26. janice6:10 PM

    Sarah looks like a dishrag, disgusting. How could anyone want her onstage with them?

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      It's like all she does is raid her kids' closets. God forbid she have a pantsuit or a skirt that doesn't look like it belonged to an 80s hooker. No professionalism at all. You could find better dressed people in their piss-poor audience.

  27. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Sen. Mike Lee is getting no respect on this trip.

  28. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Sarah thought the "N" stood for "NO!" --the GOP motto. Just like a two year old's temper tantrum. No, no, no.

  29. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Lookie, a group photo of those who caused the last government shutdown.

  30. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I thought Skanky was supposed to be in Alabama today, not Nebraska.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      And Sarah WAS in Alabama tonight. Please check the twitter photo. Who is picking out Sarah's clothes? And, worse, doesn't Sarah see how wrinkled her outfit is? No, not any more than she can see how messy her wig is.

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Today: Nebraska @10 AM and Alabama @ 6 PM
      Indiana tomorrow and Iowa on Sunday...

    3. Anonymous9:56 PM

      By the time Sarah and Todd get home, Piper will have a Trial Daddy.

  31. Anonymous6:55 PM

    shit lol...just look at the woman and the 3 I wouldn't doubt it if Bundy and Zimmerman were in the
    I can't even type! I mean, just look at the photo where she's trying to be sexy with the sweatshirt off the shoulder!!!! And she's wearing the same ugly granny wrinkled pants to match her neck. OMG!

  32. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I read this comment over at Stonekettle. I laughed my ass off. This is from Cthulhu: "I don't mind Sarah Palin barking like a fool and chasing her tail, but I really object when she drags her worm filled ass across our national carpet."

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      Bwahahahahahaha .......bwahahahahaha

  33. She stayed at the LaQuinta Inn and Suites. How the might have fallen. I guess they weren't paying lodging for her appearances. How the mighty have fallen.

    Sweatshirts & t-shirts. You're supposed to dress for the job you want. Palin clearly wants to be unemployed. What a ridiculous fool.

  34. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I like how Sarah stepped in front of her own husband to hog the camera. And who put the gun in that hands of that kid? He'll shoot his eyes out-- or he might shoot someone standing near him.

  35. Anonymous7:46 PM

    That picture of Sarah Palin shaking hands looks very weird.


    Sarah has a big head and no ass.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Palin does have an ass... she talks out of it. Patriots *fart* Commonsense conservatism *fart*

    2. Anonymous3:04 AM

      $carah DOES have an ass - his name is Todd.

  36. Anonymous7:48 PM

    “What we need in the Senate are folks who are willing to not just go along to get along."
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah that saying is getting old.

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      It's the same speech since she ran for city council

  37. Anonymous7:55 PM

    The light/dark contrast in the hair color is harsh on anyone, but I think it is especially unflattering on an older woman.

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Is her hair color supposed to be ombré? Maybe just over highlighted bubble with dark longer layers.

      Palin was appealing when her hair flattered her and a professionally styled wardrobe was provided.

  38. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Ah the Bejeweled Banshee

  39. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Look at how everybody is looking back to where Cruz is when the skank is shaking hands. Neither is she looking at anyone either.
    I have never seen a walking skeleton like her. She has absolutely NO butt, and only an overblown skull with an ill-fitting wig that is scrunched up behind her hair line.


  40. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Seeing that little one holding the gun in the one photo is the most asinine highlight of the photo. Consider the 'supposed' adults in the photo though!

  41. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I think $carah reaches her destinations, walks through each airport and picks up a $23 sweatshirt of whatever area she is in...then wears it to the next rally. I think she thinks this will endear herself to the "locals." Whatever.....

  42. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Todd and Sarah Palin = Howdy Doody and Clarabell

  43. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Hey, kid, you'll shoot your eye out with that thing. Now, get behind the wheel of your father's truck and show everyone how well you can go from 0 to 60.

  44. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Her hair looks good. I smell jealousy from Gryphen.

    Gryphen, when are you going to act your age?

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      If her hair looks so good, I dare you to get yours cut the same way.

      Why would Gryphen be jealous of Sarah Palin's hair?

    2. Anonymous9:53 PM

      Looks good? Why aren't you taking care of your bastard kids instead of trolling the Internet, Beefy?
      ~ Your Cool Mom, Sarah

    3. Anonymous9:54 PM

      8:51 PM Trolls post frequently in succession. You are acting your age,12 years old.

    4. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Of course you would say that Sarah's hair looks good. Especially since you just finished hair school. Maybe when you've had some experience. Say, why aren't you doing her hair? Those wigs look awful.

    5. Anonymous5:59 AM

      When Granny bag of bones Sarah acts hers.

  45. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Don't anyone dare call me a troll, but I don't understand how her hair looks bad.

    And honestly, for as frugal as she is, Im shocked she owns different clothes. She has her yoga outfit, and her normal outfit

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      You're not a troll. You're a pathetic Palin toe-licker.

      Her hair looks like shit.

      Are you actually saying Sarah Palin owns only two outfits?

    2. Anonymous9:52 PM

      8:52 PM Troll!!!

    3. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Look at the "profile pic" where she is "working the rope line". See that thing on the back of her head? Looks like it slipped back 3 or 4 inches. Honestly, you think that doesn't look like shit? It does to anyone but a liar or a blind person.

  46. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Gryphen still trying to ignore his President's failures with petty attacks.

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM

      8:54 PM Do you live in Canada? He is your President too. Sarah Palin was in Alabama railing against Obamacare(which many need in Alabama) so why doesn't she rail against the FREE NATIVE HEALTHCARE THAT ALL OF HER KIDS GET? She also said that she is going RINO hunting, in reference to Mainstream Republicans. Now we will see Sarah Palin getting the criticism that she deserves from Republicans. Karl Rove is licking his chops. Get your popcorn ready. Sarah Palin will soon disappear from public view.

    2. Anonymous9:16 PM


    3. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Your president, too, sweetheart.

    4. Anonymous9:50 PM

      His President? Is your name Bundy the Polygamist Freeloader? No one is more petty than you.

    5. Anonymous10:01 PM

      9:15 PM How does Cliven Bundy's dick taste, Fat Boy?

      Creepy Junior's reply: "To be honest, just like Sean Hannity's ass."

    6. Anonymous10:06 PM

      Let's just take a minute to be serious. Obama got Osama bin Laden. Towards the end of his presidency, GWB said he didn't think about bin laden. GWB attacked a country that did not attack us. There never were WMD, and his administration lied about that, costing the country billions of dollars and thousands of lives, ruining Iraq. Their dictator was none of our business. We can't go around attacking every bad guy in the world. Obama has been using diplomacy. When Bush left office the economy was in the tank. The Dow was around 8,000. Today, it's over 16,000.

    7. Anonymous3:11 AM

      Pissing off Rove is not a good idea. Soon it will start, the drip, drip, drip of the TRUTH about the PayMe clan will start to leak out. Rove makes a very good living pimpimg out the gop, so $carah is now encroaching on his livelihood. She has no idea who she is screwing with. Does she honestly think what she says does not get noticed?

  47. Anonymous8:55 PM

    She's so frugal, she wore the same outfit she bought for Bristol's high school graduation to the TIME 100 gala a year later. Nothing wrong with that of course.

    1. Anonymous9:27 PM

      It's hard to believe she wore that horrid dress even once.

    2. Anonymous5:57 AM

      It's not frugality, it's being dowdy, and not having a sense of style.

  48. Anonymous9:06 PM

    What about the new MTV series Slednecks? Can Sarah and her kin get in on the action? Supposed to be more like Jersey Shore and Laguna Beach not really a MatSu Buckwild. Maybe they can film Todd at Arctic Man!

    "The production company that made "Buckwild" is behind "Slednecks," too. Clips of the new series shown to advertisers Thursday featured loud arguments, a snowmobile rider flipping and crashing, and people jumping naked into a lake through a hole cut in thick ice. The show is expected to premiere this fall."

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM


    2. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Let's hope Joey Junker isn't part of this POS...

      "a snowmobile rider flipping and crashing" as Junker's part of the Slednecks team and was recently pictured with crutches.

    3. Anonymous10:13 PM

      Now sources tell TMZ the show has been shooting for about a month now in Wasilla, Alaska with a whole new cast. Our sources say the concept is the same as before -- lots of hooking up and fights -- but with some insane new stunts.

      We're told they've already shot the cast skinny dipping in freezing cold water during an ice fishing trip ... and a crazy snowmobile ride through the mountains, with people being pulled on inner tubes. Our sources say the stunts being shot now may or may not make the final edit.

    4. Anonymous10:21 PM

      There is a lot of Alaska shows on TV these days. We like the real estate one, Buying Alaska.

    5. Anonymous3:12 AM

      The ONLY way Bristles would jump into a freezing lake, naked, would be if a bear attacked her tent.

  49. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I want to know where her clothes are that she wore as Governor. She always looked nice in pics. WAY before she had an assistant in that area. But ALL politicians have someone dressing them for events. Though men just had a couple suits.

    Sexist world. There is nothing attack worthy of clothes. People are no lives.

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      "nothing attack worthy of clothes"
      "People are no lives"

      Drinking again?

    2. Anonymous9:33 PM


    3. Anonymous9:47 PM

      9:10 PM Troll, what did I tell you about playing with your Dildo while using the computer? You are as coherent as Sarah's son Track on Crack. Get a grip, and not on your Dildo.

    4. Anonymous7:38 AM

      9:10 if skank and her family actually decided to get out of show business and live a private and vibrant life no one would care what she wore or said. As long as she continues with the grift and being an imaginary king maker/political consultant then she is putting herself and her family out there to be critiqued. And SHE is the one who puts her family out there!! Move along and keep your crush to yourself-it's embarrassing to witness.

  50. Anonymous9:12 PM

    In speech to Alabama Republicans, Sarah Palin blasts Obama and 'RINOs' alike

    lots of pics -- it looks like she borrowed her black outfit from Sally Heath

  51. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Sarah doesn't know and doesn't care.

  52. Anonymous10:17 PM

    It could be that Sarah dresses for what she thinks of the audience, rednecks, hicks, people who go for a gal with a big bust and tight jeans, people who think that a studded belt makes Sarah look hot. The same goes for the hair. Dolly Parton made the joke that it takes a lot of money to look that cheap, big hair, big boobs, and the same kind of clothing. The difference is that Dolly has talent. She writes songs and she sings. Sarah is doing the same thing, kind of following the same image as Dolly and Tammy Faye Baker, playing to a rural, white audience, thinking that they still like that look form the '80's and '90's. At least when the GOP dressed Sarah in 2008, they dressed her as she might look if she actually won. They wanted people to see her as a Vice President. What must people think of when they see Sarah now? Her fans dream that she is going to run for President, LOL. Not looking like that, she's not.

  53. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Sarah needs to eat and stop the diet coke thing. Who as has Trigg when they both are away?

  54. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Story of the day

    So I am in Minnesota on a business trip. I'm at a grocery store getting decent food since I have a kitchen in my hotel and hate eating out. I was in the produce area when I spot a woman wearing a shirt that advertises some sort of Alaskan thing. We are both dressed super casually. I got the feeling she was either heading to or returning from the gym.

    Anyway, I inquire if she's from Alaska. She replied, enthusiastically that she lived there for 7 years. moved for work. Then without a beat, she said, "and yes, I know Sarah Palin well. I love her. She was a good friend to me. Sweet woman." She further regaled me with how she looks back with fondness on the time she spent with Sarah and family. She specifically mentioned that when she met them, Sarah had 2 kids, both small. But a third was born before she left Alaska.

    I got the feeling she would give anything to visit Alaska again. She joked that she'd crash at Sarah's house.

    It's stories like these that make me sad that there have been so many people in the media try ruin Alaska and innocent people's hometown. And really, for no reason but selfishness and monetary.

    Things won't change until we stop supporting liars in the media. And liars who spread tales about public figures for their own selfish reasons, whether a blogger or jealous one.

    1. Anonymous3:58 AM

      What a crock of shit.

    2. Anonymous3:59 AM

      What a crock. Yeah right. And you accuse others of lying? What a joke.

    3. Anonymous4:16 AM

      Your story is bullshit

    4. Anonymous4:25 AM

      Take your Pollyanna whitewashed stories and head over to C4pee. No one else here is going to believe your stupid bullshite

    5. Anonymous4:52 AM

      Go preach to the gop and $carah who demean our President daily. $carah has never said a good word about the President. He is well educated, with a beautiful, classy wife and darling daughters. In other words, the polar opposite of trashy PayMe. Michele Obama would NEVER appear in public looking like an over the hill whore like $carah does.

    6. Anonymous6:58 AM

      lol, are you on acid? the truth about palin is still to's nothing like what you're alluding to either.

    7. Anonymous7:28 AM

      This person has likely never been to MN, let alone "on business."

      It's just another lie from our resident fairy-tale Palin toe-licker.

  55. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I see many mentally ill people here. ie people who lie about public figures for no reason and don't care who those lies hurt.

    Admit it, Gryphen bots, you will never know her.

    1. Anonymous3:56 AM

      As if any of us actually want to know that piece of trash.

    2. Anonymous4:23 AM

      We know she's a liar, a criminal, sends sexting messages to under age boys, faked a pregnancy, and has spewed hate, prejudice, and racist shit all over America, and lived on whore income from her pimp husband

      Palin, along with Ann Coulter, Sharron Angle, and Pam Gellar are among the most ugly and hateful women alive on planet earth today

    3. Anonymous4:54 AM

      10:38 We know ENOUGH about her and her grifting family of liars. Can't wait for the truth to come pouring out, the babies, the pregnancies, plus the fake pregnancy. Soon, it will all be exposed. $carah is pissing off too many people.

    4. Anonymous4:58 AM

      I feel sorry for you, you poor ignorant Palin worshiper!

    5. Anonymous5:11 AM

      "you will never know her".......Please and thank you.......

    6. Anonymous7:00 AM

      if we want to know someone like her we can always hang around the truck stop or trailer park...

    7. Anonymous7:37 AM

      I KNOW yo don't go flat to Gusty in 5 weeks. I KNOW family practice physicians can't be high risk obstetricians without a lot of updated training and surgical practice and adequate malpractice insurance . I KNOW Matsu hospital would NEVER allow a high risk pregnancy to be INDUCED.
      STFU you crazy crazy Palin fan.

  56. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Your Palin Derangement Syndrome is taking a turn for the worse, Gryphen. You take one look at that photo and your main focus is Palin's hair and wardrobe??? On the same day you posted this?

    The first thing I saw was the toy rifle in that beautiful child's hand. And the first thing I thought when I read the earlier post was the eight year old who shot himself in the head with an uzi at a gun show, while supervised by his father (google "Bizilj uzi").

    1. Anonymous3:56 AM

      Anyone who uses the phrase "Palin Derangement Syndrome" cares much more about Sarah Palin than about any child shooting himself in the head with an uzi.

    2. Anonymous4:21 AM

      Getting desparate aren't we? Trolling here in IM?

      Ever think about the fact that IM allows you to post your nasty crap, while if any of us tried to post something about the Palin creature on C4pee, we'd get banned in 2 minutes.

      Why is that? Why can you post, but we can't? Give me an answer or you're a big chicken

  57. The Palin machine keeps on chugging along, in large part, on the backs of bloggers like this one.

    1. A. J. Billings4:19 AM

      Bullshit. The Palin jalopy may look like its going fine, but the truth is that there are many fatal flaws in that old piece of crap car.
      Left Wasilla 2.5 million in debt
      Resigned as oil and gas comissioner because it was too hard a job for the lazy Palin
      Was cited for ethics violations and had to pay back the state of Alaska for 312 days of per diem, for sleeping in her own bed.
      Cited for illegal action against Trooper Wooten.
      Failed as VP
      Failed as Governor
      Quit as Governor
      Was about to be impeached when she left office for serious crime.
      Faked a pregnancy
      Lived off the blood money from Todd's pimp business.

      Shut your piehole unless you have something to contribute troll-bot!
      She resigned because she was going to

    2. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Incorrect. It keeps chugging because of morons who believe in her tripe, assholes who use her to motivate those morons, and cowards who refuse to speak out against her.

  58. Anonymous11:35 PM

    I'm not even reading through these comments. That first picture says it all. THAT is what these people stand for? Smiling with a kid holding a gun. I'm done.

  59. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Is it just me,or does Cruz creep anyone else out........?

    1. Anonymous3:52 AM

      It's not just you

    2. Anonymous4:56 AM

      He reminds me of Lou Costello, the comedian, only Cruz is not funny. Can we deport him AND Bieber back to Canada?

    3. Anonymous5:07 AM

      It's not just you. He is beyond creepy.

  60. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Sarah does not look well. She looks concentration camp thin. Hope Girl got her some Obamacare; she needs a doctor. Pale, thin and from the look of her, she is going bald too.

  61. Our Lad3:33 AM

    Being unwashed is a hallmark trait of junkies, every single one I've known and I've known three really well. In their case the problem was heroin which I doubt Mrs. Palin would be hip enough to get strung out on. That scenario would likely lead to investigating beat writers such as William Burroughs or Jack Kerouac, nay, methinks the poppy plant leadeth down a path too encumbered by bothersome books for the flower of Wasilla. Now crank, there's a substance that likely would float the boat of Our Lady Of The Lake, unless I'm mistaken meth is fairly author-free up to now.

    1. Anonymous3:52 AM

      Maybe, but I'm guessing pills of some sort. Adderral and Xanax?

    2. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Isn't Wasilla the Meth Capitol of Alaska? Also, too, the unwed mommy capital when the PayMe's are in town?

  62. Anonymous5:25 AM


    For being so pro-life, Bristol Palin sure doesn't waste any of her time protesting in front of a Planned Parenthood.

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Much like her dreadful mother being an advocate for Down Syndrome individuals

    2. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Protesting PP is misdirected, their business isn't abortion. "Intended to be a factual statement."

  63. Anonymous6:20 AM

    She may have forgotten to change her shirt, but she remembered to change her glasses. Who wears two different pairs of supposedly prescription glasses (not sunglasses) on the same day?

    1. linda7:02 AM

      Well . . . my sister would. She's a bit flaky too, though.

  64. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Check out this photo of her hair on the Studio 54 Facebook page!!!

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      LOL... Pillow hair in the middle of the fucking day!

    2. Anonymous7:27 AM

      That's hideous and Palin looks high as fuck.

    3. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Oh oh.. someone is going to suffer the Wrath of the Con!!! Disrespecting the Profit Sarah!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.