Monday, February 23, 2015

Sarah Palin pimps Mark Burnett's sequel to his television series on the Bible. Suggests that it is as important as "American Sniper."

Courtesy of Mary Mangled Words Facebook page:

Can there be an even bigger reason to watch The Voice than to get to see Blake Shelton?  (Yeah, Christina Aguilera. Duh!) Well tonight there is. Jesus is coming to NBC! Thank you Roma Downey and Mark Burnett for your faith and your boldness. Much like Clint Eastwood sharing his talent with the world in making one of the best, most important films of our time, "American Sniper," so many of us appreciate these artists who jump off the political correct bandwagon to just do the right thing. (And boy aren't the similiarities between a man who preached love and forgiveness and a man who shot men, women, and children to death from a great distance almost impossible to miss?) They bless us when they allow good to work through them!

So apparently Jesus is now getting his own reality show. With about as much "reality" as the "Jersey Shore" and "Sarah Palin's Alaska."

As far as I can tell Palin is talking about some crossover promotion for Burnett's re-imagining of the death and resurrection of Christ on the The Voice tonight, but I cannot find any mention of it anywhere else as of yet.

However I did find this rather interesting video where Mark Burnett calls his effort "Game of Thrones meets the Bible."

It is probably worth pointing out that this is NOT history, and should not be advertised as such.

It should also be noted that the first part of this series only received a rating of 13% on Rotten Tomatoes and the critics were devastating.

One critic had this to say:

Much of this is tediously drawn out, with crazy fly-overs between Biblical Chapters that may make you think it’s “Survivor: Holy Lands,” which, of course, it is.

So whether you believe the story or not, I think comparing it to the record breaking appeal of the HBO series "Game of Thrones" is going to leave a lot of viewers very disappointed.

I also find it interesting that we are again seeing Palin attempting to curry favor with one of those Hollywood elite types. Kind of makes me wonder if she is not angling for a show that is NOT relegated to the darkest corners of cable.

Could be.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Every time they cut to a shot of Clint Eastwood at the Oscars, all that I could think of was how ridiculous he looked talking to an empty chair at the 2012 Republican Convention. He sounded as if he was losing his marbles instead of creating a witty political statement. He spoke with the same clarity as Palin and her nutty followers. So, when Sarah recommends anything on TV, Bibles or country singers, I keep seeing Eastwood, looking like the last gasp of conservative commentary.

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Totally agree. My husband of 32 years likes Clint Eastwood, I see it as well. Same with Chuck Norris and Huckabee, Ted Nugent 33rpms I have from my early twenties? Snapped in half over my knee.

    2. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Thank goodness the tribute to a paid killer didn't win anything big. I can hardly wait for next year, when the largest grossing movie ever, "50 Shades" will be eligible for awards. The RW will explode for sure.

    3. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Didn't Rosey and few others quit the View? She is prob angling for a spot on that craptastic show. She will run it to the grave if they pick her. Funny how she rants and raves about leftist hollywood and louboutin shoes but wears said shoes and desperate seeking a TV show or easy money she thinks?

    4. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Hey 5:13 PM, someone over "there" had a meltdown over The Sniper not winning best picture. "It outsold Bird Man 3 to 1!" WTH, our country, etc., you know how they are.

      Someone had to explain how Academy Awards work (duh) and then they all decided it was that damn leftist Hollywood that hates the troops. As Paul McCartney and the Beatles sang, "it's just another day" at the pee puddle.

      Just wait until they discover Queen Heifer isn't running. Because she's NOT.

    5. Anonymous12:15 AM

      @Anonymous5:16 PM - She'd spend the entire show babbling about "constitutional conservatives" and kicking Nicole Wallace in the shin like the passive-aggressive 3-year-old she is. The show would be off the air before she was there a year..

    6. Anonymous2:26 AM

      me yoo. All I see now is old and crazy. That is his legacy to many now.

  2. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I find both concepts equally abhorrent so I guess I can see how Jeebus Porn equal to War Porn.

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Yeah, that's our Sarah, pimpin' for the Lord.

  4. Jesus and His Dad just staring at the earth, then at each other, then at the earth again... scratching Their Heads...

    1. Anonymous2:28 AM

      there is no magical man in the sky!

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    How come Mark didn't give Bristol a part in the series? She's so glamorous and so Hollywood with her chin and her fancy luggage.

    Bristol would like her mother to do something about Bristol's career. It's been way too long since Bristol was on tv.

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Well, looks like our $carah is kissing up to Mark Burnett for a new show for anyone in their family. I wonder why they did not praise Kirk Cameron, with his religious pap?Anyone who takes the bait and works with the Palins is headed for failure. No talent at all in the entire clan. Soon reality will hit, and they will HAVE to start looking for real JOBS.

  6. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Well, I have to say that I'm happier that it's NBC where it is airing, since it made my skin crawl when The Bible was on the HISTORY channel, at least NBC is entertainment based for dramas. And there's a whole big nationwide tour that is apparently planned around this. Thankfully it's only 12 episodes. But Mark Burnett is a media mogul, no question, and you know that he would use The Voice as a stealth vehicle to get this fiction out there. We're stuck with this pair of Christianists, he and his wife, and the mega-conglomerate of medias he is involved in. Too bad he's promoting false history and indoctrination of souls with this one.

    Though he has also produced some spectacularly non religious shows on the tv front, so I can't fault his talent, just his persistent religious agenda.

    More information for those interested, for whatever reasons.

    1 of 12 Episodes

    Days before the series premiere, Downey and Burnett authored an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal arguing that Bible teaching should be mandatory in U.S. public schools because "(t)he foundations of knowledge of the ancient world – which informs the understanding of the modern world – are biblical in origin."[21]

    Easter Sunday launch for A.D. The Bible Continues is just 'perfect,' according to producers

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      You'd think a woman educated by Irish Nuns would know better.

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Shoving religion down Americans throats. No wonder the USA is becoming less and less Christian. You could not pay me to follow the bullshit these two are going to peddle! And, I know many others that feel as I do!

    3. Boscoe5:05 PM

      Yeah, I'm with you 4:20 (awesome timing, as well! lol) The very thing that spared me from any interest in religion as a kid was seeing how messed up religious families and the televangelists they worshipped were. I wanted to be nothing like any of those people.

    4. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Darn.I was hoping for an Easter week repeat to
      "The Thorn Birds."

    5. Maple7:28 PM

      Ancient Greek history, ancient Chinese history, ancient Indian history, ancient native peoples history -- they're all bible-based?????? Gawd, but these people are ignorant.

    6. Anonymous8:49 PM

      well gosh golly darn what was all that yappin palin did about the middle east? hmmm what could it be?

    7. Anonymous4:16 AM

      Maple at 7:28 pm. I was thinking the same thing. Gee, I don't remember much about ancient Egypt, aside from Moses' time there, or ancient Greece or anything about ancient Asia in the Bible. By the time the apostles were traveling around and preaching in what were, for them, far off places, those civilizations had already existed and been chronicled for a long time.

  7. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Eh, I think I'll stick to I, Claudius.
    M from MD

    1. Boscoe5:03 PM

      Is there a remake or are you actually talking about the 1976 version? That's a classic right there.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Derek Jacobi, also a wonderful Cadfael. There'd be nothing to watch if it weren't for PBS and Acorn.

    3. Anonymous9:51 PM

      That is where I first saw Derek Jacobi and became a fan of his.

  8. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I wish I could bump into that asshole and give him a badly-needed dose of reality.

  9. Anonymous3:30 PM

    She's now "show business," IMers, she said it herself to the SNL onlookers! She wants in that realm so bad that she'll do anything. Of course she's going to promote Mark Bennett; he produced her first reality show.

    Shake your money maker, $arah honey, you're a joke in Hollywood!

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      And DC.

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      and Alaska!

    3. Anonymous4:24 PM

      And all around the country!

    4. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Palin has already failed big time on TV folks! She won't go anywhere on it now - even on the Christian side. She hasn't lived the morals of a true Christian at any time in her life!

    5. Anonymous8:47 PM

      oh she will 'ass u me' that she can cry and ask for forgiveness on a 'christian show' and it will be done...
      fart....l...o...n....g....f...a...r...t....ahhh...we can smell you miles away Sarah...we can smell your scammin'...
      if you expect us to feel sorry for you don't because we won't...

    6. Anonymous10:26 AM

      And Mars

      Jennifer K

  10. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Did you forget that Mark Burnett produced Sarah Palin's Alaska and the failed 'military' reality show with Todd and Chris Kyle?

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      That is why Sarah is courting him again. Sarah tweets and posts about any connection she has with the hopes that they will do her a big favor. She has no talent. The shows don't have any following. Amazing America does not crack the top 100 cable shows shown on Thursday night. Reruns of Seinfeld and Sponge Bob are in the top 100, but not Sarah. Even worse for Bristol, who has even less personality, talent, charisma or anything else going for her.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      She's whoring.

    3. Anonymous8:45 PM

      well that was before he realized she was a whore...

  11. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Sarah is repurposing herself. The channel thing failed, Amazing America is sad, she can't play a running politician. What can she try next? Showbiz!

    Bristol has friends that want to watch her in a new TV show. She is going for Kim Khardasian looks. She did the thrill post with the whip creme. That is a turn on. It is a turn on for some.

    I say they are both desperate enough to kiss Mark Burnett butt. And any other butt with Reality TV potential.

    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Bristol's entire Instagram is a turn on for pedophiles.

      I hope Levi stops her putting his son at risk by posting pictures of him in his underwear all over the internet just because of her out-of-control ego.

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      It really is quite the study in psychoses, those two. Someone out there will get their PhD using them as his/her thesis subject.

    3. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Remember Sarah's Facebook rant about girls taking selfies with fish lips and then she posted a picture of Piper holding a fish? I guess Brissy didn't get the memo...

    4. Anonymous5:36 PM

      $arah looked like she was playing the cutesy flirty school girl with Eddie, but guess what?

      Granny $arah really doesn't have much of a chance with ANYONE at SNL40.

      Eddie's girl friend is Paige Butcher. Let's just say there is NO comparison at all

      $orry $arah, your Granny self has zero chance, except maybe you could find a 70 year old guy from Wasilla in one of the local dive bars.

    5. Anonymous6:12 PM

      I loved it when Alec Baldwin called her "darling." It was a slam and she didn't even know it.

    6. Anonymous8:44 PM

      isn't Mark married to a beautiful actress? good luck getting Sarah anywhere around Mark...he would run..
      eww that smell...can't you smell that smell? eww that smell...that smell is all around you Sarah...

    7. Anonymous2:33 AM

      I didn't know til Sunday that Alec played Julianna Moore's husband in Still Alice. He probably kmows all about crazy Sarah from Julianna.

  12. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Sarah Palin is the last one that should push Christian beliefs. She's never lived the life of a Christian in that she lies constantly, is a fraud, has had affairs while married, is a horrible parent, horrible wife, unethical, a quitter of numerous things throughout her life, etc. Read about her - she's easy to fact check and verify!

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      I think she has, always looking for donations and what those donations can do for her.

    2. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Except for the fact she isn't drawing donations to her PAC like she use one from Alaska is providing her fund anymore!

    3. Anonymous12:32 AM

      She clearly has no idea what Christian beliefs are. She certainly doesn't practice them.

  13. Anonymous4:26 PM

    When Sarah finally catches on that she can never make it in show business, she'll turn to televangelism. I predict she'll fail at that too.

    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      She'd be the perfect replacement for Pat Robertson on The 700 Club when he dies. There's your show business, $arah.

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      no she would have to keep her mouth shut and clothes on...shrug...

    3. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Agree Anonymous 4:26. Televangelism will be her last gig. After her PAC is empty and the family skeletons come tumbling out, her servant's heart will claim she's been a victim of it all. However, if you send her your money and watch/listen to her faux Christian crap, you will feel better, as will her bank account.

    4. Anonymous4:11 AM

      But those televangelists make buckets of money. She'll make much more than she ever did with SarahPAC. All she'll have to do is provide televised word salad sermons. The problem will be if she has to provide more than two or three. Sarah does lack stick-to-it-five-ness.

    5. Anonymous7:02 AM

      She can't keep American history straight.
      Imagine how she'll mangle the Bible!

    6. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Televanglists are in show business. Their sermons are snake oil but it is some fine, slickly packaged, smoothly delivered snake oil. Performance art, almost. Sarah Palin couldn't manage a smoothly delivered order at the drive-thru.

  14. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Let's all face the facts, Sarah Palin will do anything for a buck.
    It doesn't matter what it is, if there is a dollar for Sarah her teeth will be around it.

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      She'll swallow too for a buck!

  15. Anonymous4:37 PM

    And how does Sarah feel about Clint Eastwood forcing his girlfriend to have all those abortions because he didn't want her to be the mother of any of his children?

    Sarah Palin: phony, hypocrite, bitch

  16. Anonymous4:41 PM

    MSNBC cancels Rev Al's show .... The Palin curse struck fast..

    Sarah touched his face and ... poof there goes his show.

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      They're taking them ALL out.
      How Rachel remains there is beyond me.

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Oh goody- they can fill that slot with another prison show.

      One more reason to cancel cable.

  17. Anonymous5:53 PM

    American (Sniveling) Sniperwon zip, zilch, nada, bupkiss last night it was so "important." Silly $carah.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Well, it did win for sound editing. And there was probably a lot more noise in it, with all those bullets flying, than in "Boyhood" or "The Theory of Everything" or "The Imitation Game" (despite its wartime setting). A lot of attention was probably paid to making the audience feel that they were in the midst of the shoot out.

  18. Anonymous6:02 PM

    LOL!!! Mary Mangled Words! Jesse G is King Snarkmaster!

  19. Anonymous6:25 PM

    what the hell is wrong with this palin woman:

    1. Anonymous12:36 AM

      That's a fuckload of crazy right there.

  20. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Palin tried to pose with black people to show she's not

  21. Anonymous6:27 PM

    The woman totally reads this blog! Some pointed out she was always nasty, angry or snarky and now she's posted "smiling" photos. PFT!

  22. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Hey Sarah - You Crucify Those You Cannot Forget

    Looks like your crew can't kill em all either hu?

    Hello Washington DC...

    So how's that gonna work when the President visits Alaska?

    I hear he will go see 'no name' house and conditions...

    Review records and audit the State of Alaska Trust Fund...

    Ouch...what goes around comes around Sarah...head tilt...

    PS...those moles sure 'went and hid in their hollers'

    1. Security8:40 PM

      yeah it is quiet on the homefront...for about 5 minutes...

  23. krbmjb059:03 PM

    I love all these white guys with British accents in these Bible "reenactments"!

  24. I wonder how white these Africans will be? The Bible is set in Africa and the people are browner than President Obama.

    The insufferable witch doesn't know the first thing about the bible. she doesn't read the Bible. All she knows are the little snips that she'd overheard.

    she knows as much about the Bible as she does Paul Revere.

    1. Anonymous10:50 PM

      she's a copycat and a thief...she has no original words or actions she can call her own...but boy oh boy I know someone Palin HATES to the know the one she resigned little thief got her hands caught in the jar...insert upside down smile of twitmobile...

  25. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Talk about totally weird (or is it dumber than dirt?).

    I went to a link to the US4palin site, and since I'm not familiar with it I browsed a bit.

    How lame is this???

    The head guy, Ron DeVito publisher and editor of lists, in public, in his "staff" bio that he is an "Easy Pay Life Member of the NRA."

    Sorry, I'm laughing so hard I can hardly type. This guy brags that one of his great credentials is that he is making payments on his NRA life membership!!???!!!

    I found it so unbelievable that he's bragging about it that I thought that maybe I was confused about what being an "Easy Pay Life Member" was. I was correct, he's listing the fact that he's making payments on a Lifetime NRA membership in his bio.

    This is from the NRA Q&A page.
    " Q: I would like to become a Life Member of the NRA. Are there any payment plans available?

    A: To fit the needs of most members, we offer the Easy Pay Life plan. Under this plan, members make minimum quarterly payments of $25.00 until the full amount of $1000.00 is paid. If you would like to get started or would like some more information, please contact NRA Life Member Services at 800-672-3888."

    ps also, too, Maybe Sarah could use the $25 buck a Quarter 'till you pay a fortune plan for her site or SarahPac. Send them an "Easy Pay Membership Card" for signing up.

    pps. I suspect the NRA includes the pay $25 a quarter people as "Lifetime Members" so that their numbers are inflated and that many of the so-called Life members are really only on the payment plan and not fully financially committed yet.

  26. Anonymous7:29 AM

    How many FB pages does this woman have "Restoring America with Sarah Palin."
    And this website had the worst drunk-looking photos of the woman:

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Someone should turn her in! she's posting black children's videos and making money off of it

    2. Anonymous7:50 AM

      DANG! the woman looks like Fu*k in that website...worst than all the other photo-shopped ones...SHOOT!


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