Monday, February 23, 2015

Wasilla 4 year old shot when Mommy's gun falls out of its holster. Oops?

Courtesy of Chron:  

A 4-year-old Alaska boy was shot in the leg Saturday when his mother's handgun fell out of its holster and fired. 

Alaska State Troopers say they took a call on the incident near WaNN wsilla just before 11:30 a.m. 

Medics were treating the boy when they arrived. 

Troopers say the family was leaving a pickup when the woman's .357-caliber handgun fell out of its holster, struck the pavement on its hammer and fired. 

The shot hit the 4-year-old just above the knee. The bullet went through the boy's leg and lodged in a building.

Quick who thinks that the mother was charged for reckless endangerment?

Suckers, this is Wasilla.  If anything the boy will get chastised for not returning fire.


  1. Anonymous4:25 AM

    I wondered if this was Bristles, with one of her numerous kids. Looks like the gun her mother posed with in front of the fireplace. One day, in the not too distant future, there will be another drunken PayMe brawl, only this times there will be guns involved. Once the money dries up, the fighting will start. After all, who among them wants to get a real J-O-B?

    1. Anonymous6:38 AM

      It's like you're chalrnging yourself to write bigger and badder lies each day

    2. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Anonymous6:38 AM

      It's like you're chalrnging yourself to write bigger and badder lies each day
      And why is what "anyone" wrote a LIE? Be specific. We know that is difficult for you. to be specific. WHAT LIES? EXACTLY also,too?

    3. laurensd19:04 AM

      I wondered if it were Sarah or Mini Me falling out of the truck and hitting one of the bastard whats-it's-names. Especially because no one was charged.
      (The kid probably stood up and said, "Bullshit! I ain't no girly man faggot!"

      So back back to "chalrngng myself."
      That Palin journalism twit keeps throwing me curves!

    4. Anonymous10:13 AM

      @6:38 AM Drunk so early? Did you sleep at all last night? Pissed off that Julianne Moore won, and American Sniper tanked? Are you 'challenging' yourself to try to write a coherent sentence?

  2. Anonymous5:05 AM

    This was an "accident," and the family has "suffered enough."

    We will see no charges or reckless endangerment or child abuse. And she gets to keep her guns and her carry permit!

  3. Anonymous5:07 AM

    The comment section under the ADN post on Facebook is a wonder to behold. People get mad at safety opinions, not at the violent act that maimed a boy. It's gobsmacking.

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      Amazingly, someone in that comment section actually wrote the mother shouldn't be charged with reckless endangerment because it was her own kid who was hit and not a stranger. And yes, because she's suffering enough.

  4. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Kid is happy mom did not use hollow point bullets. They would have blown his leg off.

  5. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I wonder if there would be charges if the bullet had hit some bystander's 4 year old? Or is it IOWIOYOK (It's OK when it's only your own kid).

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Its Wasilla!!! Nothing is or will happen.
      Its braindead Wasilly!

    2. Anonymous7:01 AM

      I just wrote above that someone in the ADN comment section said as much. It only counts as reckless endangerment when it's someone elses kid.

    3. Anonymous7:38 AM

      That's a great question.

  6. Anonymous6:41 AM

    They keep saying guns don't kill...people kill. Well, let's screen people and make sure we don't let people who have anger issues, people who are irresponsible, people who are mentally ill, and people who are stupid have guns. These people also say well, how do you determine who is any of those things. Well, it is easy to know who has domestic violence issues, road rage reports, constant fights or brawls, who's made threats to people, etc. Well, how do we determine irresponsibility and stupid people? They buy their toddlers real guns and pose with them, and get their little girls pink handguns,and all their kids guns, they keep their loaded guns in their open purses on the table, coffee tables, they keep their handguns in their cars and leave their kids in the car while they run in the store, they wear bra holsters, they go get their 20 yr old son armed with a gun to go chase down some gangster kids with road rage. They are everywhere, Unfortunately, we are outnumbered by the stupid people.,

    1. Anonymous11:13 PM

      those that should not have guns have them and those that do not have guns should have an arsenal of them..

  7. Anonymous6:42 AM

    They keep saying guns don't kill...people kill. Well, let's screen people and make sure we don't let people who have anger issues, people who are irresponsible, people who are mentally ill, and people who are stupid have guns. These people also say well, how do you determine who is any of those things. Well, it is easy to know who has domestic violence issues, road rage reports, constant fights or brawls, who's made threats to people, etc. Well, how do we determine irresponsibility and stupid people? They buy their toddlers real guns and pose with them, and get their little girls pink handguns,and all their kids guns, they keep their loaded guns in their open purses on the table, coffee tables, they keep their handguns in their cars and leave their kids in the car while they run in the store, they wear bra holsters, they go get their 20 yr old son armed with a gun to go chase down some gangster kids with road rage. They are everywhere, Unfortunately, we are outnumbered by the stupid people.,

  8. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Well, you never know when there will be a gun battle in downtown to be prepared. WTF is she doing walking around with a loaded pistol with her kids with her?

    1. Anonymous11:17 PM

      I have no clue...we are taped from Barrow to Ketchican.
      if anything in public goes down? it's on camera...many of them...who needs a gun? those are for target practice
      now a rifle can bring home 1000 lbs of moose in Alaska.
      But hey lets take the target practice gun to the store..

  9. Anonymous8:13 AM

    So I guess the boy failed his Home Skooling lesson for the day, by not being able to defend himself and shoot the pistol back?

  10. Anonymous9:10 AM

    At least there was an arrest when the baby sitter died.

  11. I think my parents were the only ones in this country that knew how to properly handle guns. Shotguns locked in a gun safe in a locked closet. Guns come out after the alfalfa fields were baled and new woodchuck holes were discovered.Once the woodchucks were taken care of they were put back until the next crop of alfalfa.


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