Saturday, June 27, 2015

Catholics come out as victims of their own prejudice, due to their anti-marriage equality stance.

Courtesy of Blue Nation:

 In a video that must be seen to be believed, a group of people, shown in black and white for dramatic effect, sit down to “come out.” 

But they’re not coming out as gay. No, they’re doing something far more courageous. 

They’re coming out as being against same-sex marriage. 

The group behind this video is called Catholic Vote, a conservative non-profit, and it is fairly obvious that as members of one of the largest churches in the world they have no idea what it is like to be discriminated against.

As evidenced by the fact that this video is extremely insulting to every person who has ever been shamed for being gay, or for not being religious, or for daring to stand up for the rights of others.


  1. Anita Winecooler4:50 PM

    I belong to a non prophet as well, and I truly feel their pain. They're persecuted so much in our country, it's just heart breaking, I tell ya. Some are good people, but there's some who are seriously off their rockers. How many people in the Catholic Church receive communion while being divorced? How many are using birth control other than the rhythm method? How many are there to see who's wearing what, who's sitting next to who, and who's living in sin?
    Along the same lines, one of your links to the left has an excellent take on it. Margaret and Helen chime in and hit a home run. Well worth the read.

    Can't wait to hear what Pope Francis has to say about it. He seems to be trying to bring his church more in line with compassion, love, and caring for the environment. He even said that sometimes Divorce is necessary because staying with an abuser can be injurious or worse.

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      I've never known any woman to go to Mass just to see what anyone's wearing. We are the most boring bunch of dressers on the planet. We have no need for layers and layers of make-up and big hair like the fundamentalists...and unlike the fundamentalists we even tend to keep the same shabby old husbands.

      I've also never know any Presbyterian or Methodist women who do it, either. In fact, that accusation is most often made by women who never go to church... women who tend to view themselves as superior, for some reason.

    2. Sincerely, I'm not trying to pick on you, but you can't spell. You meant nonprofit. A few days ago, replying to a harsh comment from me, you confused compliment/complement. Don't blame the Catholic schools you attended.

      I second the comment at 7:21 PM. I grew up Presbyterian, then spent decades as an agnostic Unitarian Universalist before converting to the church from which you no doubt honestly excommunicated yourself. Most people are snarky from pain, and I include myself in that group, but it's counterproductive.

      To your credit, you appreciate Pope Francis. Read more of the great theologians of every faith, and eventually maybe you'll come home. I intuit that your heart's in the right place. Bringing your mind into alignment may be more difficult. Don't give up.

    3. Leland2:30 AM

      I must say, 7:21, that you must be quite young. And no, that isn't a slap.

      I happen to be in my upper 60's and when I used to go to church - back in the days when I was literally forced to go - we dressed for church. I remember seeing women wearing hats and lace head covers for crying out loud. Even the little girls wore lace covers on their hair!

      It used to be called "Sunday go to meeting" clothes.

      No, I wasn't raised catholic, but we were "high episcopal" which is damned near the same thing. (Just no pope.)

      As for the other side of your statement, about the women who didn't go to church? The ones you claim felt superior for some reason? Since I "woke up" and found that organized religion is a complete waste of time and actually dangerous, I have found that it is mostly the xtian people who feel superior and entitled to telling OTHERS how to act and what to do.

      Further, there were a LOT of attendees who gossiped and laughed about what someone else was wearing and what they were doing when not in church. It was a great place for the "old biddies" to gather and point and laughed and spread lies.

      Nowadays, of course, they are having so much trouble getting people to attend that they have dropped the idea of dressing nicely for church, so maybe that is what you are talking about.

      The number of hypocrites in churches in those days was huge! I won't even try to speak about today, because I refuse to walk through any of these doors, but if the people who talk about others and judge them in open conversations in places like work are any indication, it's even worse now.

    4. SallyinMI4:29 AM

      OK, guys...your snark meters are turned off..Anita got you good!

    5. @ Leland 2:30 -- you are right that church women look at other women & judge them; my friend lost 23 pounds and was accused of having an affair.

      When her husband (a deacon) stood up in Church -- after getting to know three drag queens (through me) -- and decried from the pulpit how his church judged & treated gay people, he was shunned.

      They were both church volunteers big time for years & years.

      They left that church shortly after and never joined another. Sunday for them is now a real day of rest, or open for whatever they want to do. A weight has been lifted from them.

      Religious organizations make their adherents pathologically and dangerously judgmental, IMHO.

      Come over to the "dark side" you sheep still in churches and see the light!

    6. Maple7:22 AM

      Leland, right on! Same age bracket, different church, but yes, we dressed up for it every Sunday -- and Easter Sunday was extra special because we got new spring hats, coats, the whole works! And yes, my parents used to talk about who was there, and who wasn't, and why wasn't he/she, and I with my mighty mouth would dare to criticize them for it! For many, church was the way to fit in with the community, and for us kids, it was a social occasion. Then I grew up, and grew out of it all....

    7. Spelling errors are one of my pet peeves. I ignore them unless they are just too egregious.

    8. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

      So Sorry to peeve you off, Jude. I promise to try harder to screw up my grammar and usage every chance I get. I'm usually more careful for important things like letters to the editor, and formal writing for work, and my secretary usually corrects them at work. I'm not going to call on his expertise on his time off. It's just an opinion on a blog post.

      Deep Cleansing Breaths usually help. I hope your blood pressure meds are covered by your insurance.

      And I meant "non Prophet" literally.

      To the others, I attended parochial school with the old order of Saint Joseph's nuns, the ones with the killer beads from belt to hem, metal edged wood rulers, and rubber tipped wooden pointers. These items had many uses, kind of the swiss army knife of weapons. Physical abuse was rampant, I made the sin of wearing patent leather shoes once because my oxfords were being re;soled. I had to kneel, legs crossed,with both hands out, palms up, while she piled books on both hands, and stayed like that, in front of the class for the whole time. I witnessed corporeal punishment of all kinds every day. It was common and accepted then. If I complained to my parents, or heaven forbid they got called, I deserved the punishment because nuns could do no wrong.
      It doesn't foster a good learning environment, but despite it all, I do feel I got a decent education, though I would have fared better in public schools. I'm in my mid fifties for a point of reference. The college I attended was run by Jesuit Priests, and things changed drastically. No more punishment and they demanded much and got it. We earned every credit we got, not complaining, but the difference in teaching methods was like night and day.

    9. Now that you got all that off your chest, maybe you can brush up on which words should be capped and which should be lower case. It's just as easy to write correctly in a blog comment as in formal correspondence.

      Teachers everywhere are concerned about the lowering of written standards, thanks in part to electronic communication of all kinds. Fair or not, you're judged on the particulars of what you write--both the content and the style.

    10. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

      "Teachers everywhere" really? Knowing what I meant by "non prophet".... As you like it,, sir. Omniscience must really be a burden, but you already gnu I'd say that, rite?

    11. Yes, teachers everywhere, including those of us who are older and have more insurance.

      Jesuits would have taught you about tolerance, love, and mercy. Hard to practice but impossible to deny.

    12. Anonymous2:08 PM

      OT but I remember lectures and handouts about teh cyber-slang. U can't spell rite anymore ROFL. Gawker stopped using it.

  2. Anonymous5:02 PM

    The Catholic Church will give up every precious tenet of their "faith" if they can retain the vast wealth of the Vatican and their iron grip for controlling women. Jesus would be so proud.

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      I'm sure their clergy would like to keep buggering little boys with complete immunity from the law as well. Seems to be one of the major tenets of their religion.

    2. in "Suffer the little children..." ?

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    So, Mr. and Ms. "don't believe in gay marriage": has this stance ever cost you a job, prohibited you from getting married to the person you love, denied you the right to be by your loved one's side as s/he is dying, kept you from getting a joint mortgage, blocked your ability to adopt children? No? Then STFU.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      YES! Thank you for this, exactly right!

  4. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I've never seen so many people lose their minds before like the gay marriage decision. Christians banded together and passed state laws discriminating against a group of Americans. The Supreme Court ruled the state laws were unconstitutional. Maybe the Christians needs people who can write a law that doesn't take away rights. *snicker* yeah right!

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Arithmetic: If as they say 10% of the population is homosexual, and 1-2% of the Congress is non-Republican homosexual, that means that 8-9%of the Congress must be in the closet. The RW ones are the most enthusiastic supporters of anti-gay legislation.

    2. Anonymous5:37 AM

      The swelling music and false victimhood displayed in that video made me puke.

  5. emrysa5:11 PM

    hey gryphen ot but you gotta get your scalia burn:

    1. I put in for Sarah Palin and got Scalia saying "One would think that Sarah Palin's positions are the growth of a diseased root. One is tempted to shield his eye from the upcoming spectacle".



    2. Anonymous6:07 AM

      Excellent Marvin!

  6. This makes me insane! These supposed 'catholics' have absolutely no idea what catholicism is about. Perhaps they should go back and read the Baltimore Catechism in its entirety. Shame on them. I am just glad that I learned at an early age that it was all about the money for the priests and the parishioners be dammed.

  7. Anonymous5:43 PM

    A common thread running through comments I've read the last few days is how worried they are about being sued for discrimination. They reference the baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple. Every last one of them, that is what they come up with.

    How about they just don't discriminate? Problem solved. I know, I'm a simpleton sometimes.


  8. Anonymous5:48 PM

    All this intolerance of my intolerance...hatred of my's just SOOO unfair!

  9. As a matter of fact, in the homes closest to me, I don't know how many people live in each home, how many children there might be, whether the folks are straight married, gay married, or maybe not married at all, because... I mind my own business. One of them lets their cats run loose, which is worrisome, but if they lose any, it's their own fault.

    It seems to me, that if people have truly interesting lives, they don't have time to waste on the kind of sustained, detailed prejudice showcased in this video. Quite pitiable.

  10. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Their ignorance just makes me sad. Thank goodness most people don't think that way.

  11. Anonymous5:57 PM

    This is. A very small fringe group of Catholics. Sorry of like westboro Baptists are to Protestantism.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      True. Most Catholics support gay marriage.

  12. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Dear Catholics,
    No one is making you victims except yourself.
    Walk away, be spiritual all you want, but walk away.
    The freedom is envigiroting to say the least. Be who you are, who you are meant to be, walk away.

    Walk away, walk away proud of who you are, but walk away.


    a recovering Catholic

  13. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Gay people won't ever be marrying in the Catholic church therefore the Catholic church has no business sticking its nose in. If anybody tries to tell you that the churches are afraid of being sued, tell them to fuck off, the church can refuse to marry anyone on any grounds on any day and that has always been the case.

    You are not married until the State says you are- the same State that issues marriage licenses, registers celebrants, records marriages, and issues divorce decrees... none of which any church can do because a church wedding is ONLY ceremonial.

    1. Yes, what bothers them is that we are married if the State says so, without any religious officiating or pomp. The church cannot bestow the legality of marriage, and they can't invalidate a legal one, either. They know they've cut their own throats with their history of anti-gay rhetoric and no sane gay couple would want such a church's fingerprints on their marriage.

      But that means doing without gay money too, and we know how much the church loves that. The butthurt going on here is that, doggone it, there's no way to tell people they're condemned to eternal damnation while simultaneously hoping to solicit a check.

    2. Leland2:34 AM

      AMEN BROTHER! (or sister as the case may be.)

    3. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Thumbs up!
      Voulu a vuche avec moi?

      Sorry. Got carried away.

    4. Anonymous4:24 AM

      They tell them they are going to hell while the plate is in front of them every day...that's what keeps them coming back...all the Catholics have to do penance and go to confession, and meanwhile, the priests are duggaring with the altar boys. But not because they're gay..because they are pedophiles. So keep giving them money, Catholics. Keep proclaiming that only the Pope can speak to God for you (where is that in the Bible again?)

    5. Anonymous12:34 PM

      @ 3:26 --

      Do you mean Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?

  14. Anonymous7:46 PM

    As an ex-Catholic and product of 12 years of Catholic schooling, I feel qualified to say that despite the superiority complex Catholics are encouraged to develop, they also really relish feeling persecuted. That said, to give credit where it's due, the majority of Catholics actually support gay marriage, in opposition to the church's official position. So this group is not really representative of the laity.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      This group may not be representative of Catholic laity but they sure as hell represent the SC dissents and the hyperbolic whining of right-wing evangelicals about the coming persecution of xtians.

      I submit Franklin Graham's interview with Todd Starnes.

  15. Anonymous7:55 PM


    The article identifies Tundra Turd as being 58 years old. BWAAHAAHAAHAA

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      She's supporting "traditional marriage" at the save time Barstool is pregnant, and unmarried.....

    2. Awwwwwww sheesh~thought that was from the Onion or from Wonkette. Soooooo funny!

    3. Anonymous9:36 PM

      It is satire website. See the the additional .co on the URL.

    4. Anonymous9:38 PM

      who knew she was 58?

    5. Anonymous1:14 AM

      It is a satire site. Funny sure, but it is satire.


  16. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I have a solution. Catholics should just say, "I'm CATHOLIC married". Then those people who only feel that marriage is between a man and a woman will know that the couple has a real "God-Approved" marriage. The rest of us will just say, "I'm married", and then everybody will know that we are just civilly married and no god was asked for his or her stamp of approval. This will save a lot of confusion for those who only acknowledge church marriages, and then they can happily ignore the rest of us, and we can happily ignore them back. I'm now really curious about how my Catholic in-laws feel about this, but I'm not going to ask, because it's really NONE OF MY DAMN BUSINESS.

  17. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Marcus Bachmann filed for divorce from Michelle Bachmann the day after the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage folks! Didya see that one coming? :)


  18. Anonymous8:50 PM

    The love of money is not the root of all evil.


    Thank you. I'll be here all day.

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      The catholic church combines religion AND the love of money which truly makes it one of the most heinous organizations on this planet.

  19. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Marcus Bachmann files for divorce on the same day as the SCOTUS endorses gay marriage.

      is not

    2. Anonymous9:56 PM


    3. Anonymous10:18 PM

      I wasn't sure if it was satire or not until I read this line: "GOP insiders still praise Michele to this day for her tireless critiques and rebuttals against Obama’s policies, always tied in to current, up-to-the-minute, topical, global events."

  20. Justice Kennedy is Roman Catholic. So's Justice Sotomayor.

    1. Leland4:08 AM

      That tells me they are sincere in their understanding of the Constitution and the secularism contained therein.

    2. Anonymous4:19 AM

      There are six Roman Catholics currently serving on the court (Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Sonia Sotomayor, and Clarence Thomas) and three Jews (Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Elena Kagen).Jul 1, 2014

  21. Caroll Thompson1:29 AM

    Don't like gay marriage? Then don't have one.

  22. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I don't think the world is ending because gay people are on their way to equal rights via a SCOTUS decision. It's more likely ending because of man made global climate change, multiple nuclear meltdowns in Japan killing the Pacific Ocean, and fracking our ground water into carcinogenic soup. As Grandpa said, "Don't shit where you eat".


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