Wednesday, July 01, 2015

The Hobby Lobby's "Museum of the Bible" a monument to misinformation currently being built within walking distance of the Smithsonian Institute.

Courtesy of TPM:

The museum will be a living, breathing testament to how American evangelicalism can at once claim it is under siege from secularists, the LGBT rights movement, or feminism—yet also boast of acquiring a prime private perch, strategically located at the nation’s epicenter of law and politics, and nestled among its iconic public monuments. If you ask its creators, it’s meant to protect American Christianity from persecution. But it may be the most strident example yet of how that expression of religion, which in many ways is running counter to trends in American public opinion, continues to flex its political—and financial—muscle.

The building is being built by the Green family, owners of the Hobby Lobby arts and crafts stores, and it is supposedly being built to educate people about the "facts" of the Bible and the history of its creation, so the building will of course be awash in misinformation, much like Ken Ham's Creation Museum in Kentucky.

Oh but folks will not have to actually visit the museum in order to be confronted with religious propaganda: 

“The subway stops in Washington are ugly, so we will put on there an electronic billboard talking about the museum,” he (The museum director.) said recently at an event for donors. “So when people are just coming to Washington, they’re going to hear about the Bible even if they’re just coming to see Congress.”

I can see the brochures now: "Come to Washington DC for the history and the politics, stay for the Christian indoctrination."

It just must be terrible to be so persecuted in this country that you are able to build a giant museum to celebrate your holy book.  

How do these people get through their days?


  1. There was a time was religious zealotry ruled the world -- it was called The Dark Ages.

    1. Leland7:26 AM

      Only in Europe, Barbara. That was essentially the only area that was backwards BECAUSE of the RC church.

    2. Good point, Leland.

  2. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Fairy tales are not factual. That's a fact. Sad day if taxpayer funds are being used in any way.

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      I would say don't support the Greenes by shopping at their shitty Hobby Lobby stores. I would be interested to know what that prime real estate cost on which they're going to build this dumb-down-the-masses "museum".

  3. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I'm a firm believer that when you are in business the most unwise thing you can talk about with a potential or existing customer is politics & religion...

    There are 2 businesses that have earned a spot on my "I Will Never Patronize That Business List" despite the fact I have never set foot in one...

    Hobby Lobby & Chick Fil A...

    1. Leland5:46 AM

      @ 5:00AM

      Mine, too, but I am in the process of expanding that list to include that which is owned by that racist pig who doesn't like Mexicans.

    2. Ditto Domino's. Antifeminist; antichoice. Not a dime of mine do they get.

    3. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Agreed to all the above!

    4. Anonymous9:11 AM

      I'll bet that fat-assed Donald Trump is going to see a huge decline in his business in NY.

      See where Macy's just dropped him today and that is one place he sells his clothes! Do you think he'll sue them too?

      He's such a jerk and a huge sorry excuse as a human being.

    5. Anonymous9:19 AM


  4. Let's pool our funds and build a Museum of the Koran next door.

    1. Anonymous5:31 AM

      That'd frost their cupcakes now wouldn't it!

    2. Leland5:48 AM

      Liz, you wanna bet about whether or not they would file suit to stop it?

    3. Maple6:29 AM

      Well, surely the Washington DC transit authority will have something to say about any animated billboards in its subway station, and I'm sure sure there's nothing to stop organized protests just outside this monument to fantasy.

  5. Anonymous5:18 AM

    The museum director sounds like a moron.

  6. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Here are 9 ‘facts’ you know for sure about Jesus that are probably wrong

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      This would make a great post on it's own. Along the same lines, my MIL went berzerk when I mentioned that "The Last Supper" on her kitchen wall, was, in all likelihood, a Seder Meal. She didn't know "Jesus" was "Jewish". I got "the look" and "No way did Jesus practice Judaism! Are you nuts? Jesus was a CHRISTIAN" .
      I saw a birthday card that said "Jesus Joins Twitter" with a caricature of him walking with a cell phone. Inside it says "Hey, I just joined and already have 12 followers!" and at the bottom it says "Hope you're surrounded by followers on your Birthday!:

      I was SOOOO tempted! ! ! ! But decided against it.

  7. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I look forward to the day when their building is repurposed for something worthwhile.

  8. Anonymous6:21 AM

    How did they get that land? Was it a public auction?
    No building in D.C. can be higher than the U.S. Capitol dome. I hope that whatever-it-is does not.
    I also predict that it will collapse in a snowstorm or tropical storm, both of which occasional visit D.C.

  9. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Will Y'All forgive me? I bought $17 worth of merchandise in HL last week. It was 50% off and the only place I could get matching shelf brackets for a redo project. It had been at least 10 years since I bought the first set.....but I plugged my ears to the bad religious music and know that the person that helped me could tell I am a atheist just by my superior, liberal swagger. Got the brackets, paid, and got the hell out of there.

    RJ in BBistan

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Hobby Lobby has a wall decoration I have wanted for months. I am searching wayfair for something similar. No more Hobby Lobby for me.

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM

      It's okay RJ just don't do it again, alrighty? Anyway you have the unfortunate fate of living in Brownbackistan, Kansas correct so you probably have limited choices of where to get goods?

    3. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Hey, we're only human, I'd cave for a deal like that, then go home, toss the bag and packing, have an adult beverage, and take a long shower. While we're at it, I shopped at Walmart to get a deal on a vacuum cleaner. I wore Goucho Marx glasses and moustache, pulled my hat tight on my head, and spilled some oily stuff on my shirt after tearing it a bit. Gotta fit in, ya know!!!!! Texted my friend and said "If I die in Walmart, please drag my corpse to Neiman Marcus before calling the cops"

  10. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Will Y'All forgive me? I bought $17 worth of merchandise in HL last week. It was 50% off and the only place I could get matching shelf brackets for a redo project. It had been at least 10 years since I bought the first set.....but I plugged my ears to the bad religious music and know that the person that helped me could tell I am a atheist just by my superior, liberal swagger. Got the brackets, paid, and got the hell out of there.

    RJ in BBistan

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Sorry for the double post, also, too.

    2. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Just claim "the devil made me do it!". The double post was obviously fairies at work.

  11. Nothing binds a group together like the belief that they are being victimized and persecuted. In pulpit after pulpit, that idea is preached continuously. It keeps people isolated and assures tithes.

    I grew up in Oklahoma when fine Christians wouldn't think twice about asking where you went to church, often when applying for a job. My first job was in a small town where you were fair game for speculation because everyone knew you didn't go to church.

    I don't feel sympathy for Christians who imagine they are persecuted because courts may make rulings contrary to their personal beliefs. Lots of decisions are contrary to my beliefs, but they don't equate to persecution. Hobby Lobby offends me.
    The company philosophies are contrary to mine and they have plenty of money to spread their ideas, but I am not persecuted and victimized by their ideas.

  12. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Wonder how long it will be before their building is torpedoed?

    I thought religion wasn't suppose to mix with the U.S. government. They are fucking assholes. Is it any wonder why so many inauthentic Christians are abhorred?

  13. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I highly doubt they'll get permission from WMATA (Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority) for their billboards. They've been cracking down on standards for what get's posted on the existing billboards.I'm curious what's slated for demolition for them to build it. There's no real open land in the area around the Smithsonian that they could purchase. I'm guessing maybe they got a deal on an old federal office building that isn't being used anymore that GSA was happy to unload.

  14. Anonymous10:19 AM

    now now now. Come hereth and let me tell you a story and fairytale my fellow humans. This museum can be of interest and does have a place in history!! as ALL of our history. Even the enslavement of people due to the religion?. There is something to learn. And it deserves respect part of our history in this world. It is a great big world out there kids. As an Agnostic, Independent voter for over 25 yrs, protestor for justice and advocate for causes? I do welcome the information of the many many world religions. Their selected book of worship and their beliefs. All exhibited as one, in one brand new building, all together. It must include all known religions to humans

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Ah, but that's just it 10:19 it's not going to include all known religions to humans just their kind of religion, American evangelicalism. Dumbass Americans!!

    2. Anonymous1:56 PM

      It's also all about a version of the Bible that is so skewed that it looks like a corkscrew.

  15. Just because it's within "walking distance" (a highly inaccurate form of measure) doesn't mean anyone will go there. Advertisements in the subway won't necessarily encourage people to go there either.

    The Smithsonian is huge. I spent five days in D.C. and three of them were at the Smithsonian. I also hit the a few of the memorials and the National Cathedral.

    But walking even a block away from the Smithsonian was never on my schedule. Nor did I have the time. I was at the Smithsonian from opening to closing.

    I wouldn't worry too much. Especially when some of the curious start burning the museum for it's inaccuracies and silliness. The political cartoons will be amusing too. It will be a laughingstock. Eventually it will close and the building be sold.

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Yea, that's what I thought about Ken Ham's Creation Museum in Kentucky. A pretty smart guy, a History teacher actually at my school said that the highlight of his summer vacation last year was taking his family and granddaughter to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. Needless to say I was dumbfounded. Ya just can't fix stupid. I do like your optimism though, mlaiuppa.

    2. Did the history teacher go there to laugh and point out all of the errors to his children and grandchildren?

  16. Anonymous10:44 AM


  17. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Maybe the museum could hire Bristol to be a guide.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

      HA! She could be a "greeter" in her thong dress and designer glasses. Does Vera Wang have a maternity line?

  18. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

    I'd love to build a Wicca/Agnostic/Humanist/Festivus/Mosque/Crusades/Holocaust/Native Reservation History etc etc museum right next door, No charge for admission.. Better yet, a "Bingo" hall/Casino museum.
    Architecturally speaking, that building looks absolutely hideous, I've seen lego creations that spark more interest than that, what does it represent in the Bible? The money changers and tax collector's building? It looks like something square with a hairpiece in the wind.


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