Sunday, October 29, 2006

It is Sunday so what better day for an Immoral post! Gotta protect the rep.

As Aaron Strickler sees things, the world would be better off if others could see him having sex on film.

"Filming sex is fun and bringing joy and levity to other people is the biggest thing we can do in this life," he said before he premiered a short film of explicit footage in a split-screen, black-and-white format.

Now who could argue with that?

I am a man so my views on porn do not have to be stated on this page, however I do feel that amateur porn is far more stimulating then the more commercial porn. All of the surgical enhancements and fake moaning are very distracting, and not much of a turn on at all.

I think that someday amateur porn videos will take the place of youthful drug use as a barometer to determine the morality of future actors, or school board members, or even Senators. There are so many couples filming themselves now days that there are actually workshops being offered to help them get the lighting and camera angles right.

From a completely moral view I am of course conflcited by porn. I am not in favor of women being victimized by an industry that treats them as an object rather then a person, or forces them to do something degrading for money.

However I have the same view of the music industry and Hollywood.

I guess that is why I have less ambiguous feelings concerning amateurs making tapes then the porn industry at large. But this raises the question of whether both participants were willing that their intimacy to be viewed by other people. If either one was against that then we have no right to infringe on their privacy. And this goes for the tapes of famous people as well.

Don't you hate moral quandries? I know I do.

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