Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The President is holding a press conference. Let the disinformation begin!

The key phrase for today is "benchmarks". Can you say "benchmarks" boys and girls?

I may be a bit slow but what exactly is different about calling for benchmarks from the Iraq government and the old policy of "when the Iraqi government stands up, we will stand down"? I am having trouble determining the difference there. I don't see anything new being said here today.

By the way Bush is a mess up there on the podium. He is hesitant, fumbling, and keeps falling back on basic talking points to answer questions. He looks like he needs a drink. And that makes two of us.

The President is satisfied with how Rumsfeld is fighting the war. (Maybe he is already drinking this morning.) Bush once again says that he "believes" the war will be successful. So still no "thinking", just "believing".

Okay I think that Bush just took the blame for how the war in Iraq is going. Is that possible?

Bush is now suggesting that one of the possible reasons that there is such hostility toward the Maliki government is left over anger at hoe the Saddam regime treated its people. "Imagine how you would feel if a family member were killed by Saddam?" And as you can imagine there was not a hint of irony in his words. I am waiting for some brave reporter to stand up to suggest that perhaps the anger of the Iraqi people toward this government might have more to do with a family member that was killed by American military forces.

Bush believes that the Republicans will maintain control of Congress. (More drinking?)

If Bush did not believe that we could win the war in Iraq he would bring our troops home now. So in other words if he stopped listening to the voice in his head and started listening to the experts on the ground we could be out of there tomorrow!

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