Saturday, November 04, 2006

Army recruiters are telling potential recruits that the Iraq war is over. Did anybody tell the President yet?

ABC News and New York affiliate WABC equipped students with hidden video cameras before they visited 10 Army recruitment offices in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

"Nobody is going over to Iraq anymore?" one student asks a recruiter.

"No, we're bringing people back," he replies.

"We're not at war. War ended a long time ago," another recruiter says.

Last year, the Army suspended recruiting nationwide to retrain recruiters following hundreds of allegations of improprieties.

One Colorado student taped a recruiting session posing as a drug-addicted dropout.

"You mean I'm not going to get in trouble?" the student asked.

The recruiters told him no, and helped him cheat to sign up.

During the ABC News sessions, some recruiters told our students if they enlisted, there would be little chance they'd to go Iraq.

But Col. Robert Manning, who is in charge of U.S. Army recruiting for the entire Northeast, said that new recruits were likely to go to Iraq.

If you are a parent I urge you to ask your children if they have been approached by recruiters and what those men have told them about the military today. The devious tricks these people are using to trick our children are beneath contempt. Make sure that your student does not sign anything without consulting you first.

And don't fall for that act of patriotism bullshit! It is indeed patriotic to serve your country, but it serves no good purpose to allow your children to throw their life away in an illegal conflict in Iraq. And believe me there are few military personnel who will never leave a bootprint in Iraq these days.

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