Friday, November 10, 2006

Behold the scapegoat of scapegoats. Donald Rumsfeld!

Donald Rumsfeld's abrupt resignation from the Pentagon the day after Republicans lost both chambers of Congress has infuriated some GOP officials on and off Capitol Hill.

Members and staff still reeling from Tuesday's rout are furious about the administration's decision to dump the controversial defense secretary one day after their historic loss, they said in a series of interviews about the election results.

President Bush announced Rumsfeld's resignation on Wednesday and named Bob Gates, a former CIA chief and president of Texas A&M University, as his replacement.

This should serve as a lesson to any Republican who feels that George Bush is still a man of honor. He threw Rumsfeld to the lions the minute that he felt the Democratice spears aimed at him. He is a coward, and all of that talk about George being loyal to the people who display loyalty to him is a bunch of shit. He only embraces them as long as it is politically beneficial to do so.

I do not think that Bush had any idea that the Democrats would take the House, and especially not the Senate. He was caught flat footed. I find it hard to believe that Karl Rove did not see this coming, but he did not feel the need to educate his boss on the coming ouster.

But Rumsfeld has been the loyal soldier throughout. He took the heat for decisions that were clearly coming from the top. He struggled to explain to the media strategic plans that were clearly flawed and unworkable. He was loyal to the end. And he will remain loyal. Do not look for any tell all book coming from Rumsfeld, because you will never see it.

No Donald Rumsfeld will shuffle off into the history books shouldering the blame for the Iraq debacle, and that is a damn shame! The fault for this war belongs solely to the President. And I, for one, will never let him divert blame to others.


  1. Anonymous9:49 AM

    the world's worst nightmare. a must read - esp for Repugs

  2. I can't wait to see how the Germans do with their pursuit of Rumsfeld, Gonzales, Tenet, et al on war crimes charges.


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