Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Bill Nelson's son is so excited that his dad beat Katherine Harris that he celebrates by getting peppersprayed and arrested. The Democrats are back!

Officers responding to an alleged brawl near the hotel that hosted the senator's victory party discovered the younger Nelson with a woman slumped on the ground next to him, apparently passed out. According to a police report, an officer noted the man smelled strongly of alcohol, slurred his speech and had poor balance, and he called paramedics to ensure the woman was OK.

The report quoted the younger Nelson as saying the woman was fine. It did not say what their relationship was.

Police say Nelson tried to pick her up and drag her away, dropping her when the officer instructed him to put her down. The report said the senator's son attempted to push the officer away, then was pepper-sprayed for two to three seconds and handcuffed.

Now see Republicans just do not know how to party like this!

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