Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Now that the Democrats do not have to fight against the Republicans anymore who will argue with now? Each other of course.

Carville, during coffee and rolls with political reporters today, said Democrats could have picked up as many as 50 House seats, instead of the nearly 30 they have so far.

Asked by a reporter whether Dean should be dumped, Carville replied, “In a word, do I think? Yes.”

He added, “I think he should be held accountable.” He added, “I would describe his leadership as Rumsfeldian in its competence.”

Okay we have a country to repair, a war that needs a solution, and a national reputation which requires our immediate atention. And what is James Carville arguing about? He is pissed that the Democrats landslide did not have more land in its slide. What a stupid fucking thing to argue about!

Carville shut the fuck up!

Why would you offer the Republicans any help whatsoever! Let's not help them make us look like children who cannot stop arguing long enough to solve any of our problems. I am going to go back to being an Independant if this shit keeps up!

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