Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Senator Allen does not seem to like liberal bloggers. Well we don't like him either! So there!

A heckler who confronted Sen. George Allen at a campaign appearance Tuesday was put in a chokehold and slammed to the floor by three of the Republican's supporters in an incident captured on video.

Mike Stark, a liberal blogger and first-year University of Virginia law student, approached Allen at an event in Charlottesville, loudly asking, "Why did you spit at your first wife, George?" according to witnesses.

Three men, all wearing blue Allen lapel stickers, immediately grabbed Stark, dragged him backward and slung him to the carpet outside a hotel meeting room, according to video captured by WVIR-TV in Charlottesville.

You know it may have been rude to ask, but now I am curious, why did Senator Allen spit on his first wife? I have been divorced and never spit on my exes. It just seems kinda rude to me.

By the way I saw the video and Allen's people definitely overreacted.

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