Wednesday, November 15, 2006

That woman that Nancy Grace interviewed to death might have been an amateur porn star. Nancy Grace is still a soulless bitch though.

As authorities renew their search for missing Central Florida boy, Trenton Duckett, Local 6 News has learned that a private investigator is looking into his mother's apparent secret side business of creating and performing in amateur pornographic videos.

Nude photographs of Melinda Duckett, including one image where she is straddling a child's crib and another explicit video where the sound of a crying baby can be heard in the background surfaced in the missing boy investigation and caused concerns for detectives, the report said.

Yeah nobody claimed that this woman was a candidate for mother of the year but the fact remains that if Nancy Grace had not berated this woman into taking her own life we might now know what happened to little Trenton. Nancy Grace is a menace and needs to be reined in by her cable company before she kills again.

I mean they muzzle other dogs that are overly aggressive. Why not Nancy Grace?


  1. there is not enough duct tape...and WHy oh why with FOX losing numbers haven't they hopped over and offered $$$$$ for Nancy and also Beck- Good wonder foriegners laugh at us..

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Yea, i hate Nancy Grace.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.