Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Saturday, July 07, 2012
This is the kind of thing you can show your fundamentalist family members and friends just to watch their pointy little heads explode.
You know the more you learn, the less any of what you have been told in church makes sense.
Ways to make closed-minded liberals' heads explode: tell them the truth. Obama was elected to Senate and Presidency in the exact same fashion as Palin was elected, except HIS People are actually dangerous.
Palin's "people" include secessionists and (very recently) convicted murder plotters. Also, Palin never got elected to national office. She lost. "Different" is not the same thing as "dangerous." I feel personally, politically, and financially more free than I ever did under George W, or than I would have under McCain if he'd been elected. That's because I'm not interested in controlling other people, and I don't care whether someone is different. And I have a President who looks forward to the future, not back to the past.
Yes,Palin was elected mayor by literally dozens of votes.Then when she was elected Governor 114,000 people voted for her in the entire state.Thats less than the population of the city I live in.She won by 17,000 votes.My DD lives in a small town with no grocery store that is bigger than that.Our President won with 12 million more votes than McCain/Palin.Todd Palin,however,could have won pimp of the year back in 2008 quite handily.
Presidential Candidates don't debate Vice Presidential Candidates. Sarah doesn't even know the job description of VP, and was "smart" enough to actually express it publicly.
Haha, that reminds me of the old Bill Cosby routine:
"It was because of my father that from the ages of seven to fifteen, I thought that my name was Jesus Christ and my brother, Russell, thought that his name was Dammit. "Dammit, will you stop all that noise?" And, "Jesus Christ, sit down!" One day, I'm out playing in the rain, and my father yelled, "Dammit will you get back in here!" I said, "Dad, I'm Jesus Christ!"
You know, if that young guy on that board were a Muslim and he was trying to justify using the name of Allah in a swearing tone, he would offend his Muslim family and brethren.
So, with this young guy, he offends his brethren in Christ by trying to justify using the name of Jesus Christ in a swearing tone. Just because he can get away with a technicality of the biblical law, doesn't mean he's clear and clean. It's the heart of the law, not the letter, that's taught in the NT. So, in essence, what he's saying might be true, and it might pique the interest of non-believers and give them a chuckle, but it offends real christians.
I've been reading on IM for 4 years now, and came here because Gryphen was searching for truth and was seeing the hypocrisy of the far right. It taught me a lot as well, as the community here recognized the injustices and together we hate the "offensive" things that people get away with and do. So, with that, I am surprised that Gryphen would find it funny that their tiny little heads would explode about their Savior and Lord and Spiritual Help in times of need, Jesus Christ, be blasphemed.
5:18 am personally I love the logic this young man shows on the board. I pray there are millions of young men and women in our country as intelligent and fearless as he is.
You are entitled to your opinion of course. If you can't stand the truth, get your self righteous ass off G's blog.
Yes I know I'm being mean and I don't give a shit. I am sick to death of jebus loving hypocrites.
Jaye===> who usually likes hot weather but is sick of temps over 100 degrees for the NINTH day in a row-and I am not in AZ!!
Be careful what you ask for. When my daughter was very small, she decided she wanted to be a snowman when she grew up. As rational parents, we explained to her that living snowmen didn't exist. She, however, had documentary evidence - books, and even a show about a snowman called Frosty. Eventually we convinced her that her career choice was probably not the best since we live in AZ, but I learned that people can believe almost anything if they're willing to accept anything as evidence.
His brethren?Why?Because he is a nice white boy he must be a Christian? You make a lot of assumptions.If you are really interested in the truth yiu should let go of your assumptions and make a study of the subject that includes authors other than the few dozen chosen by some old white men hundreds of years ago from men who wrote hundreds of years before about events that happened hundreds of years before they lived to re-enforce the religion they advocated and,most important to me,to use those texts to oppress women.
5:18 I don't see him using the name in a "swearing tone" nor being offensive to his "Bretheren", because YOU are implying HE identifies himself as "Christian", a term used to describe many "brands", if you will, of a Religion that's Christ centered. While all the "brands" have one thing in common, they're all different enough to be distinguished from and different than other "brands". And even if he is a "Christian", I'm sure his "bretheren" are "Christian" enough to forgive him for dipping his toe in logic.
It's like people who mistakenly call Jesus Christ "Christian", while they believe it as "true", it really isn't because, as far as we know, in the Bible, at least, there was no "Jesus Christ" before this one, so how could he be "Christian" when he practiced the Abrahamic religion of Judaism?
The point is, this is the name we know him by and so to use it casually is wrong. Translation issues do not change the fact that we are talking about something sacred, for those of us who believe.
It's not that complicated.
I bet you got this off that juvenile website once again. Don't they have anything better to do with their lives? Like help the sick or the poor?
I bet they spend hours and hours on this stuff and feel very proud of themselves afterward, drinking Red Bull and laughing at how clever they must be.
No the poster is not ridiculous, it is simply pointing out how people have come to accept something as fact which is obviously false.
However if you really want to challenge the popular misconception of "using the Lord's name in vain," you have to explain to people that their entire concept of what that means is essentially incorrect.
To "use the Lord's name in vain" wan never meant to indicate that using the word "God" or Jesus" as an expletive was blasphemy. It was to instruct people not to suggest that they were speaking on God's behalf, or that they had access to secret knowledge via God, or that they were serving as s conduit to God.
In other words every minister who claims that God spoke to them in their dreams, or priest who claims to speak on God's behalf, or faith healer who claims to have access to power from God to heal sickness, is "using the Lord's name in vain."
You can essentially say "Goddamn it" to your heart's content without ever coming into conflict with the Third Commandment, "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain." However every Sunday morning that you watch a minister claiming to have special knowledge of God's plans for his people, that guy is earning a special place in hell.
You know, if you believe that sort of thing of course.
@Gryphen 6:36 Excellent point! However, facts and logic have little affect on the view points of most of the modern-day, ultra-right christians. But maybe one or two might listen and actually think. Here's hoping.
"I am surprised that Gryphen would find it funny..."
I don't, not anymore.
In the relatively short time I have spent tuning-in to this otherwise enjoyable site, he appears to need validation for this particular outlook. Rather insecure.
Validation? Are you serious? Do you think Gryphen is unsure of his beliefs? If so, please provide proof, otherwise you might want to take his posts on atheism at face value.
And your response is incredibly typical and insulting. Why is it that only religious people can be insulted by the questioning of the existence of a deity? I'm insulted that atheists aren't trusted like people who believe in a god or any of them, all of them. I'm insulted that time and resources are spent trying to further the interests of corrupt institutions that market nonsense to a scared and gullible population. Ask yourself why the Catholic church spent so much time and money to convince Africans that condoms cause AIDS. Ask yourself why prominent religious figures have frightened innocent victims of natural disasters by telling them it' god's vengeance for their misdeeds.
People like Gryphen do a valuable service in trying to get people to actually think about their faith. And maybe you should ask yourself why that's so scary. Sorry for the rant.
My goodness, betsycaz, sorry to offend, but thanks for the word-salad and rapid-firing synapes. Kinda on a rocket-sled there, in near breathless defence. lol (at you)
Anonymous 11:42 - Word salad? Not hardly. My "synapes" are working just fine, thanks. And so is my rocket sled, whatever the hell that is. Care to argue any of the actual points? I didn't think so. Pray for guidance, maybe it will help. LOL (at nothing in particular)
G doesn't need validation for his ideas. He is reaching out to the minority in which he belongs. In which I belong. A minority that, unfortunately in this country, is still okay to discriminate against. In some localities, we can not hold office. In some churches, they do not allow their followers to marry us 'heathens' at risk of having their congregation turn their backs to them.
I, personally, am bitter towards religions that, while in theory say love thy neighbor, but in practice demonize those who don't share their own personal beliefs. I was raised in the roman catholic church. I went thru the rites of baptism, communinion and confirmation. I went to caticism. I went to confession. I confessed to my priest that I was confused with my sexuality. And something that was to be kept private, was broadcasted to the church, after which I was publically shamed and excommunicated by the very people I thought I could trust and look up to.
I enjoy Uncle G's atheism posts, because it brings us atheists closer together with a common ground. You don't have to read his posts. I read other polical blogs where the author has the occasional religious post, I just chose not to read them, because even if I dont share their religious belief, it does not stop me from enjoying our shared polical beliefs.
Many Christians today that are persecuted, which is incorrect.
Betsycaz's post(s) both are clear, concise and follow logic. I had no problem following her rebuttal (It's not a rant, it needs to be said).
Of course if someone's offended, just blurt out "juvenile", make accusations of "insecurity" and a need for "validation", then pat him on the back for doing a fine job with the site.
Then come back with de fence and synapses.
Thanks, Chella, I loved your comment, your journey is very similar to mine and you expressed it so well.
Oh for Chists sake lighten up Junior. Alot of so called xtians blasphemy Christ by bastardizing his words and his works. When you start calling them out on their bullshit then maybe we will consider your concern valid.
Or $arah Fucking Paylin saying "G_d will let the right people win in 2008"
How did that turn out Ms Paylin, you narcissistic and feckless idiot?
On 2nd thought, maybe the right people DID win, so that 30 million more Americans can get health care in 2014 without having an INSURANCE COMPANY DEATH PANEL reject them for:
Preexisiting conditions Being too old Being too young Being in a high risk job Being in the wrong State Being too poor to afford a policy Needing an "experimental" drug that been used a 100,000 times already with good results
Must be nice to have a GOVERNMENT insurance policy isn't it $arah?
"Jesus" is actually the Greek translation of the mans name,which was actually "Yeshua" in his native tongue.Greek scholars translated the name as "Jesus".The Hebrew name "Yeshua" would translate to "Joshua".Truthfully he should be known as "Yeshua" if you want to use his real name.Or the English version of his Hebrew name which is "Joshua".Christ was never a name.It is a term that means anointed in Hebrew.Why would someone want to use the Greek version all this time?To distance the religion from the Hebrews because they were unacceptable to the Christians?
Greek was the English of the times. The whole Mediterranean World spoke Greek back then (1st century). Roman nobility went to Greece to be educated ; Roman emperors spoke Greek, not Latin.
During those early times when the religion was written down, it was done so first in Aramaic or Hebrew, then translated in Greek to reach the non-hebraic general population.
As a consequence, many important words of christianism (evangelic, Christ, Jesus) are Greek. But some Hebrew words have survived, like Messiah.
The translation from Greek to Latin occured at a much later time (4th to 5th century), too late to affect theology much, although Testament is a latin word.
I think that taking God's name in vain does not necessarily mean that you are shouting it. I think that people who marginalize groups and create harm in the name of God are actually the ones taking God's name in vain. Also, for those who read/have read the Bible, the current "GOP" seems to resemble the Pharisees - those who are bound by the law of the Old Testament and are eager to put down or celebrate the trials of those who do not live by these rules.
Well, for those who object to religion intruding into a political blog, may I offer the following even more troubling blend? I did it back in those heady days when we were discovering that the GOP post-game was not governing, but limbo ("How low can you go?")
Pretty clever! Reminds me of growing up, my younger brother used to "add" items to our nativity scene. Dinosaurs, green army men, hot wheel cars, E,T. figurines, whatever happy meal toys and lots of space ships. Yeah, he used to get yelled at, but we caught our parents smiling from time to time.
So Christians actually worship a Greek God.
ReplyDeleteNow it's all starting to make sense.
Has anyone told Zeus?
Ways to make closed-minded liberals' heads explode: tell them the truth. Obama was elected to Senate and Presidency in the exact same fashion as Palin was elected, except HIS People are actually dangerous.
ReplyDeletePalin's "people" include secessionists and (very recently) convicted murder plotters. Also, Palin never got elected to national office. She lost.
Delete"Different" is not the same thing as "dangerous." I feel personally, politically, and financially more free than I ever did under George W, or than I would have under McCain if he'd been elected. That's because I'm not interested in controlling other people, and I don't care whether someone is different. And I have a President who looks forward to the future, not back to the past.
"closed-minded liberals"??
DeleteDo you also have a sign that says:
"Get a Brain! Morans"?
More information, please? I'd like to be open-minded, but you didn't actually give any facts.
DeleteFACTS?!?!?! He/she don't want none of them librul biased things around. Talk about dangerous!
DeleteBarack and $arah were both possibly born head-first, too.
DeleteThat's about as much as i can muster as far as mentioning both of their names in the same sentence.
Yes,Palin was elected mayor by literally dozens of votes.Then when she was elected Governor 114,000 people voted for her in the entire state.Thats less than the population of the city I live in.She won by 17,000 votes.My DD lives in a small town with no grocery store that is bigger than that.Our President won with 12 million more votes than McCain/Palin.Todd Palin,however,could have won pimp of the year back in 2008 quite handily.
DeleteYou should really cut down on eating the paint chips.
DeleteOh that was funny!
DeletePresidential Candidates don't debate Vice Presidential Candidates. Sarah doesn't even know the job description of VP, and was "smart" enough to actually express it publicly.
Haha, that reminds me of the old Bill Cosby routine:
ReplyDelete"It was because of my father that from the ages of seven to fifteen, I thought that my name was Jesus Christ and my brother, Russell, thought that his name was Dammit. "Dammit, will you stop all that noise?" And, "Jesus Christ, sit down!" One day, I'm out playing in the rain, and my father yelled, "Dammit will you get back in here!" I said, "Dad, I'm Jesus Christ!"
And that reminds me of a Christmascard my husband wanted to send out one year:
DeleteMary and Joseph are staring down adoringly at their baby son in the manger, and Joseph says, "What should his middle name be, Fucking or H?"
I know it's offensive to the great moral majority, but it still makes me laugh...
Me, also, too.
DeleteThanks, Bill Cosby's album "To Russel, my brother, with whom I have slept" is my all time favorite!
DeleteOh -- I always thought Jesus Christ was, like, a title. That sounds stupid now, doesn't it!
ReplyDeleteIn Arabic transliterated to English, the name is Isa ibn Maryam.
ReplyDeleteThat would make a really lousy curse word. No ring to it.
DeleteYou know, if that young guy on that board were a Muslim and he was trying to justify using the name of Allah in a swearing tone, he would offend his Muslim family and brethren.
ReplyDeleteSo, with this young guy, he offends his brethren in Christ by trying to justify using the name of Jesus Christ in a swearing tone. Just because he can get away with a technicality of the biblical law, doesn't mean he's clear and clean. It's the heart of the law, not the letter, that's taught in the NT. So, in essence, what he's saying might be true, and it might pique the interest of non-believers and give them a chuckle, but it offends real christians.
I've been reading on IM for 4 years now, and came here because Gryphen was searching for truth and was seeing the hypocrisy of the far right. It taught me a lot as well, as the community here recognized the injustices and together we hate the "offensive" things that people get away with and do. So, with that, I am surprised that Gryphen would find it funny that their tiny little heads would explode about their Savior and Lord and Spiritual Help in times of need, Jesus Christ, be blasphemed.
5:18 am personally I love the logic this young man shows on the board. I pray there are millions of young men and women in our country as intelligent and fearless as he is.
DeleteYou are entitled to your opinion of course. If you can't stand the truth, get your self righteous ass off G's blog.
Yes I know I'm being mean and I don't give a shit. I am sick to death of jebus loving hypocrites.
Jaye===> who usually likes hot weather but is sick of temps over 100 degrees for the NINTH day in a row-and I am not in AZ!!
Want some cheese with that wine, Anon 5:18?
DeletePlease provide proof JC ever even existed. Oh, that's right. You can't.
DeleteThere is more evidence UFO's exist than there is that your hero Jesus Christ did.
If believing in him floats your boat that's up to you but don't expect validation from me. Or respect for swallowing anything so patently false.
Be careful what you ask for. When my daughter was very small, she decided she wanted to be a snowman when she grew up. As rational parents, we explained to her that living snowmen didn't exist. She, however, had documentary evidence - books, and even a show about a snowman called Frosty. Eventually we convinced her that her career choice was probably not the best since we live in AZ, but I learned that people can believe almost anything if they're willing to accept anything as evidence.
Delete""he offends his brethren in Christ""
DeleteHis brethren?Why?Because he is a nice white boy he must be a Christian? You make a lot of assumptions.If you are really interested in the truth yiu should let go of your assumptions and make a study of the subject that includes authors other than the few dozen chosen by some old white men hundreds of years ago from men who wrote hundreds of years before about events that happened hundreds of years before they lived to re-enforce the religion they advocated and,most important to me,to use those texts to oppress women.
DeleteI don't see him using the name in a "swearing tone" nor being offensive to his "Bretheren", because YOU are implying HE identifies himself as "Christian", a term used to describe many "brands", if you will, of a Religion that's Christ centered. While all the "brands" have one thing in common, they're all different enough to be distinguished from and different than other "brands".
And even if he is a "Christian", I'm sure his "bretheren" are "Christian" enough to forgive him for dipping his toe in logic.
It's like people who mistakenly call Jesus Christ "Christian", while they believe it as "true", it really isn't because, as far as we know, in the Bible, at least, there was no "Jesus Christ" before this one, so how could he be "Christian" when he practiced the Abrahamic religion of Judaism?
Honestly, this is ridiculous, as usual.
ReplyDeleteThe point is, this is the name we know him by and so to use it casually is wrong. Translation issues do not change the fact that we are talking about something sacred, for those of us who believe.
It's not that complicated.
I bet you got this off that juvenile website once again. Don't they have anything better to do with their lives? Like help the sick or the poor?
I bet they spend hours and hours on this stuff and feel very proud of themselves afterward, drinking Red Bull and laughing at how clever they must be.
No the poster is not ridiculous, it is simply pointing out how people have come to accept something as fact which is obviously false.
DeleteHowever if you really want to challenge the popular misconception of "using the Lord's name in vain," you have to explain to people that their entire concept of what that means is essentially incorrect.
To "use the Lord's name in vain" wan never meant to indicate that using the word "God" or Jesus" as an expletive was blasphemy. It was to instruct people not to suggest that they were speaking on God's behalf, or that they had access to secret knowledge via God, or that they were serving as s conduit to God.
In other words every minister who claims that God spoke to them in their dreams, or priest who claims to speak on God's behalf, or faith healer who claims to have access to power from God to heal sickness, is "using the Lord's name in vain."
You can essentially say "Goddamn it" to your heart's content without ever coming into conflict with the Third Commandment, "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain." However every Sunday morning that you watch a minister claiming to have special knowledge of God's plans for his people, that guy is earning a special place in hell.
You know, if you believe that sort of thing of course.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
DeleteTruth hurts.
Delete@Gryphen 6:36 Excellent point! However, facts and logic have little affect on the view points of most of the modern-day, ultra-right christians. But maybe one or two might listen and actually think. Here's hoping.
Delete"I am surprised that Gryphen would find it funny..."
ReplyDeleteI don't, not anymore.
In the relatively short time I have spent tuning-in to this otherwise enjoyable site, he appears to need validation for this particular outlook. Rather insecure.
Yes, we all see you, tough guy.....
(having said that, though, thanks for the site)
Validation? Are you serious? Do you think Gryphen is unsure of his beliefs? If so, please provide proof, otherwise you might want to take his posts on atheism at face value.
DeleteAnd your response is incredibly typical and insulting. Why is it that only religious people can be insulted by the questioning of the existence of a deity? I'm insulted that atheists aren't trusted like people who believe in a god or any of them, all of them. I'm insulted that time and resources are spent trying to further the interests of corrupt institutions that market nonsense to a scared and gullible population. Ask yourself why the Catholic church spent so much time and money to convince Africans that condoms cause AIDS. Ask yourself why prominent religious figures have frightened innocent victims of natural disasters by telling them it' god's vengeance for their misdeeds.
People like Gryphen do a valuable service in trying to get people to actually think about their faith. And maybe you should ask yourself why that's so scary. Sorry for the rant.
My goodness, betsycaz, sorry to offend, but thanks for the word-salad and rapid-firing synapes. Kinda on a rocket-sled there, in near breathless defence. lol (at you)
DeleteAnonymous11:42 AM
Delete"defence" that like "de fence" that the Toad built?
I thought betsycaz was quite clear and informative...I guess maybe your "synapes" must be miss firing...might want to get that checked out! LOL!!!
Anonymous 11:42 -
DeleteWord salad? Not hardly. My "synapes" are working just fine, thanks. And so is my rocket sled, whatever the hell that is. Care to argue any of the actual points? I didn't think so. Pray for guidance, maybe it will help. LOL (at nothing in particular)
G doesn't need validation for his ideas. He is reaching out to the minority in which he belongs. In which I belong. A minority that, unfortunately in this country, is still okay to discriminate against. In some localities, we can not hold office. In some churches, they do not allow their followers to marry us 'heathens' at risk of having their congregation turn their backs to them.
DeleteI, personally, am bitter towards religions that, while in theory say love thy neighbor, but in practice demonize those who don't share their own personal beliefs. I was raised in the roman catholic church. I went thru the rites of baptism, communinion and confirmation. I went to caticism. I went to confession. I confessed to my priest that I was confused with my sexuality. And something that was to be kept private, was broadcasted to the church, after which I was publically shamed and excommunicated by the very people I thought I could trust and look up to.
I enjoy Uncle G's atheism posts, because it brings us atheists closer together with a common ground. You don't have to read his posts. I read other polical blogs where the author has the occasional religious post, I just chose not to read them, because even if I dont share their religious belief, it does not stop me from enjoying our shared polical beliefs.
Many Christians today that are persecuted, which is incorrect.
Betsycaz's post(s) both are clear, concise and follow logic. I had no problem following her rebuttal (It's not a rant, it needs to be said).
DeleteOf course if someone's offended, just blurt out "juvenile", make accusations of "insecurity" and a need for "validation", then pat him on the back for doing a fine job with the site.
Then come back with de fence and synapses.
Thanks, Chella, I loved your comment, your journey is very similar to mine and you expressed it so well.
Hey Einsteins, after mopping up the slobber, and since parsing appears to be a viable tool with you, lookey here:
Deletedefence or defense (dɪˈfɛns) — n
1. resistance against danger, attack, or harm; protection
And since you quotated(you look it up) "juvenile", you'll need to point out where I used the word. Hint: I did not.
And I did not pat the tough guy on the back for doing a fine job, I thanked him.
But, don't let that stop you from seeing what you want to read.
I DID typo synapses, though. So, I guess that's something you can cling to.
g'nite, kids
PJ aka Anonymous
Oh for Chists sake lighten up Junior. Alot of so called xtians blasphemy Christ by bastardizing his words and his works. When you start calling them out on their bullshit then maybe we will consider your concern valid.
ReplyDeleteLighten up, people.
ReplyDeleteOr politicians claiming that it's God's plan for them to run for office.
ReplyDeleteOr $arah Fucking Paylin saying "G_d will let the right people win in 2008"
DeleteHow did that turn out Ms Paylin, you narcissistic and feckless idiot?
On 2nd thought, maybe the right people DID win, so that 30 million more Americans can get health care in 2014 without having an INSURANCE COMPANY DEATH PANEL reject them for:
Preexisiting conditions
Being too old
Being too young
Being in a high risk job
Being in the wrong State
Being too poor to afford a policy
Needing an "experimental" drug that been used a 100,000 times already with good results
Must be nice to have a GOVERNMENT insurance policy isn't it $arah?
(And maybe future rants are just warming up)
Since when was JC Greek?
ReplyDeleteI don't really "get" this...
Certainly not making my head explode, that's for sure.
"Jesus" is actually the Greek translation of the mans name,which was actually "Yeshua" in his native tongue.Greek scholars translated the name as "Jesus".The Hebrew name "Yeshua" would translate to "Joshua".Truthfully he should be known as "Yeshua" if you want to use his real name.Or the English version of his Hebrew name which is "Joshua".Christ was never a name.It is a term that means anointed in Hebrew.Why would someone want to use the Greek version all this time?To distance the religion from the Hebrews because they were unacceptable to the Christians?
DeleteGreek was the English of the times. The whole Mediterranean World spoke Greek back then (1st century). Roman nobility went to Greece to be educated ; Roman emperors spoke Greek, not Latin.
DeleteDuring those early times when the religion was written down, it was done so first in Aramaic or Hebrew, then translated in Greek to reach the non-hebraic general population.
As a consequence, many important words of christianism (evangelic, Christ, Jesus) are Greek. But some Hebrew words have survived, like Messiah.
The translation from Greek to Latin occured at a much later time (4th to 5th century), too late to affect theology much, although Testament is a latin word.
Thank you for your pedantry. We need that like we need another hole in the head.
DeleteAnd it should be "A European viewpoint." If you care about words, use the correct article.
I think that taking God's name in vain does not necessarily mean that you are shouting it. I think that people who marginalize groups and create harm in the name of God are actually the ones taking God's name in vain. Also, for those who read/have read the Bible, the current "GOP" seems to resemble the Pharisees - those who are bound by the law of the Old Testament and are eager to put down or celebrate the trials of those who do not live by these rules.
ReplyDeletejesus fucking crist!! allah fucking akbar...i hate them both!
ReplyDeleteJosh Christ, son of Joseph and Mary Christ? This is hilarious!
ReplyDeleteGod is an imaginary idea.
ReplyDeleteGod is only in the minds of man.
And if a man accepts him as real, he's an idiot!
Well, for those who object to religion intruding into a political blog, may I offer the following even more troubling blend? I did it back in those heady days when we were discovering that the GOP post-game was not governing, but limbo ("How low can you go?")
Pretty clever!
DeleteReminds me of growing up, my younger brother used to "add" items to our nativity scene. Dinosaurs, green army men, hot wheel cars, E,T. figurines, whatever happy meal toys and lots of space ships. Yeah, he used to get yelled at, but we caught our parents smiling from time to time.
Anyone who takes the Bible literally gets tied up in knots pretty quickly.
ReplyDeleteIf you read the Bible literally you will also find that the people back in Biblical times had food fights!
DeleteBook of Zacariah: "I lifted up my eyes and beheld a flying roll." (Heads up, Zach!)
There's apparently a rumor going around that Joseph wasn't even the actual father of the boy.