Courtesy of Lunatic from Lake Lucille's Facebook page:
Ben Shapiro has a great new book out called “Bullies: How The Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America.” Ben’s premise about the left’s silencing tactics is absolutely correct. Obviously I’ve witnessed the left’s bullying behavior up close and personal when it’s been directed at those so close to me. And, of course, I’ve seen how nasty it can be for other conservatives as well. You know, there’s something especially ugly about the way the left goes after children of conservatives. I still find it highly ironic that the supposedly “tolerant” left has done nothing but bully, demonize, and judge my daughter Bristol for making the right decision to keep her baby and work so very hard as a single mom to care and provide for him. I don’t know of any conservative “war on women,” but I sure have seen the left’s war on conservative women!
Please read Ben’s book and consider his advice about how we must stand up and push back twice as hard against this bullying. We must not allow ourselves to be frightened into silence. Yes, it’s hard to “keep on keeping on” when being pushed around – but like Ronald Reagan said: when we stiffen our spines, those around us can stiffen theirs, too! Press in, press on. Don’t retreat, friends!
- Sarah Palin
First off I have to say that the VERY idea that Sarah Palin, a well established bully in Wasilla and on the media, would use her equally vicious daughter to play the victim of similar behaviors is a level of hypocrisy that is almost jaw dropping.
And then to identify the Left as the bullies in this hyper politicized world we now live in is the ultimate hypocrisy saturated cherry on top of her batshit crazy fudge sundae.
The idea that the Left in this country could even COMPETE with the conservatives in this arena would be laughable if their tactics had not proven to be so harmful to our citizens.
After all which side of the ideological aisle outed the CIA wife of one of their critics in order to punish them for revealing that the war they were dragging the country toward was based on lies?
Which party came up with a color coded system to keep Americans frightened while sending its young people off to die in unnecessary wars?
Which fringe part of that same party now holds their politicians hostage to an untenable conservative anti-tax litmus test with threats of a primary challenge if they refuse to play ball with them?
Bullying? The liberals are light years behind the conservatives when it comes to intimidation techniques and Middle school name calling.
Of course equally disgusting is that the Grizzled Mama put this post out yesterday only the day AFTER the Tucson massacre, where thirteen people were shot and six died, and after which Sarah Palin came out in a video playing (You guessed it!) the victim and claiming there was a "blood libel" against her.
After over a week of silence apparently Palin could not let this terrible anniversary pass without reminding people that the true victims in this country are she and her family.
Of course it is probably anti-climatic at this point to reveal that the author of this book, which Palin is so effusively pimping was written by a Breitbart "news" editor Ben Shapiro. (He also wrote such delightfully non-partisan books as "Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth" and "Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism Is Corrupting Our Future.")
You remember the founder of Breitbart News, Andrew Breitbart, don't you?
And if you do of course you know he was an EXPERT on bullying tactics. So who better, than one of his editors, to write a slanted book on bullying in politics that unfairly vilifies the Left, and who better, than the queen of conservative hypocrisy, to endorse that book?
P.S. You know I almost missed this cry for attention from Klondike Kardashian, you would think she would want to get on television to hawk this book and get her rapidly dwindling fan base talking about her again. Oh wait......
Update: Okay well this just took a turn for the surreal.
Here is a clip of Ben Shapiro, the guy whose book Palin is pretending to hawk while of course using her daughter to play the victim, identifying Palin supporters as bullies who will aggressively go after ANYBODY who dares to criticize her or suggest she is not running for president.
Oh this is TOO good!
"I still find it highly ironic that the supposedly “tolerant” left has done nothing but bully, demonize, and judge my daughter Bristol for making the right decision to keep her baby and work so very hard as a single mom to care and provide for him." Sarah Palin
ReplyDeleteThat is the line I find the most ridiculous. Pure redirection. No one has ever said anything against Bristol Palin keeping her baby and never will. I commend her for doing that. But...dropping out of high school, making garbage reality programming that shows her mothering skills in a very poor light, trying to find "trial" daddies for her son, teaching her son the word "faggot", getting unnecessary plastic surgery, not training for a real career, pretending to be celibate to make a buck...yeah, those things should be called out.
The Palins are not victims but they sure like to play them on TV. America gets you Sarah - you're not a victim, unless it's to your own stupidity and craziness.
So true. Bristol has not trained for any career, diploma or certificate that might ensure a life for her little boy. The Palins remind me of the family in the documentary “Versailles”. The Palins think money is the answer to life’s challenges and like the family in this documentary do not prepare their children for college and the skills to be functioning members of society. It is a travesty given all the posturing Sarah displays in her conservative narrative. I think their family is a low end enterprise — all smoke and mirrors and no substance. Sad.
DeleteI agree. Sarah is quite ridiculous. It seems SHE has alot of anger at her daughter for getting knocked up at 15 and apparently many times. She has strange ways of dealing with her anger. Why not leave your poor daughter OUT OF PUBLIC DISCUSSIONS?
DeleteMother of the year behavior, again.
I agree. Before Bristol's pregnancy, a pregnant teen was fair game for the conservatives. Remember that Ann Coulter wrote and spoke about the horrors of single mothers ( "“Victim of a crime? Thank a Single Mother.”) She remained silent about young Ms. Palin's pregnancy. Then there was the Fox crew and specifically Bill O'Reilly who attacked Jamie Lynn Spears for her teen pregnancy (including an attack on her parents)but praised Bristol Palin for doing the right thing.
DeleteSarah Palin is not getting the ink that she used to and is trying to play her favourite victim card to at least rile up her fans.
Let us not forget the infamous bully session and destruction of personal property (the teacher's sign) when the "Worst Governor Ever" AND her daughter Bristol AND her husband Tawd AND a Rent-A-Stooge in sunglasses encircled and taunted Homer school teacher Kathleen Gustafson:
Why does Sarah Palin only mention one of Bristol's children? Why doesn't she acknowledge Willow's baby? As for Bullies, what about Todd Palin and his criminal cronies? Get lost Wonky Eyed, Unbathed Grifter Granny. We have had enough of your VICTIMHOOD.
ReplyDeleteSarah .. please speak louder, we cunt hear you.
ReplyDeleteWiping coffee from screen and keyboard!
Deleteface palm...
DeleteOh yes Sarah, your unwed teen mom daughter proved to the world just how hard (ly?) she worked -- shaking her business class-sized ass on a two-bit TV dance contest, mugging (chinning?) on magazine covers and in crummy 'reality' TV shows. Bristol definitely put those other lazy moms who awaken when it's still dark outside to get their kids ready for daycare/school so they can get to their minimum wage jobs to shame with her EPIC 'work' ethic!
ReplyDeleteBristol keeping her baby definitely proved to be the right decision -- hell, if someone would have offered my uneducated teenaged behind millions of dollars for doing absolutely nothing more than being too dumb to use a condom, I would've jumped at the chance too!
Scratch that. Self-respect, being raised properly, and wanting an education would have trumped all those ill-gotten gains. I hope she (and you) saved something for when the world finally gets sick of you and your inbred family. Luckily it looks like that day is coming up pretty quickly.
{{{{clapping}}}} Too bad Palin can't read.
DeleteSpeaking of bullies, is our Sarah still employed by Rupert Murdoch?
ReplyDeleteO.T. Just heard that the law suit with the Masseys is settled. Anybody know the particulars?
Deletehere's a link!
Sarah Palin do you consider pimping a form of bullying? Passing out women to other men and to the Secret Service.
ReplyDeleteThat would make Todd the biggest bully in Alaska!
Oh my didn't people die when bully Sarah Palin placed her sniper rifle cross hairs on the names of people who were trying to make life better for others?
ReplyDeleteIf putting bullseye targets over Democrats' districts isn't a form of bullying, I don't know what is.
DeleteTodd Palin is ON TAPE BEING A BULLY!!!
DeleteThis family is so fucking ridiculous.
he supposedly “tolerant” left has done nothing but bully, demonize, and judge my daughter Bristol for making the right decision to keep her baby and work so very hard as a single mom to care and provide for him
ReplyDeleteDamn Sarah, put down the crack pipe or a minute. YOU, my dear, are the one who hates Bristol for getting knocked up at the tender age of 15 and ruining your already shitty life.
You REALLY should try to merge your dissociative personalities so that you stop spewing such total nonsense. When all your hoaxes are revealed, well, the fall will be mighty.
I wonder if Sarah considers Curt Menard Jr a victim of bullying?
ReplyDeleteHe was a victim of Toad's watercan.
DeleteNeo-cons have learned throughout the decades that if they insist on something enough then flocks of believers will as well. When Palin lied by saying that she was honest, her fans parroted that back. When the media reports the truth but that truth is against a con(servative) cause then they are "lame". Palin is now stomping around saying that everyone is being so mean to her tea party failure when all we've had to listen to was their rantings for over four years.
ReplyDeleteI do not live in the US but can tell you as an outsider that most of the ire I hear is from the Fox complex, most of the bullying I witness is from the neo-cons.
Luckily, the world is tired of Palin's rantings (except for pure entertainment value as the woman we all love to hate). I long for the day when we hear that her Fox contract has not been renewed (what are all those gossip blogs doing anyway?).
NAH -- there's no Rethug 'War on Women'.
ReplyDeleteIt was just an illusion that Paul Ryan returned to his 'roots' and in the 113th has introduced a bill for 'Personhood' and banning abortions and banning birth control.
Hell -- if the moron that McCaskill skewered had held on to his seat -- I'm sure Ryan & he would have co-sponsored the bill as they did in the 112th before Ryan was put in for the bullshitting liar VP campaigner he was. There was no one word of truth that came out of the 'dicks' mouth. Skewer the prick at ever chance we can!!
The 'Left' knows a bullshitter when we see one or two i.e. Romney, Ryan, et al. Saw right through them!!
I must have missed this, WHEN did Bristol "work hard"?? Keeping "the baby" was the best thing she ever did for her career!! What a family, still searching around for a free gig to avoid actually working for a living. Toad does not work anymore either, does he? None of them seem to have jobs. How did the book tour of Chuckles and Chuckles Jr. work out? It was supposed to be so easy, have someone else write a book, then go sign them and sell them. Only snag was that nobody was interested. Guess they did not learn a thing from Bristol's failed book tour. Even having her skanky mother along did not help.
ReplyDeleteShe's a hard ass worker dontcha kno?
DeletePlus these two chuckleheads held open forums on choosing their tour sights. How could they go wrong?
DeleteIf Todd and his buddies beat up a kid for being black is that considered Boys Will Be Boys to Sarah or is that bullying? run on sentences and the words premise and ironic used correctly. RAM must still be on the payroll. Hi Rebecca!!! (SP's checks must still be good)
ReplyDeleteI see that she also managed to work St Ronnie Raygun into her diatribe while also using the insulting reload verbiage again. After the anniversary of Tucson, along with the other mass shootings since then (at least 5), the phrase "extremely poor taste" does not even begin to describe SP, RAM and all the other toadies.
The idea of Sarah reading anything other than the tabloids is my funny for the day. I don't believe she read the book or would even recognize the cover in a line up.
Narcissist Palin just. won't. tolerate. attention. paid. to. others.
ReplyDeleteEspecially Gabby Giffords, thinking she is the victim/heroine that everyone should listen to! It should be Sarah! Or Bristol!
What about all those innocent little victims who almost rode the Alaska school bus with the brakelines cut?
ReplyDeleteOnce again, Track didn't cut brake lines, he unplugged engine heaters and deflated tires. The cut brake lines happened 25 miles away, in Chugiak in a different year, perpetrated by a different set of kids who were caught and charged with the crime. Yes, Track still committed vandalism but no that which you referenced.
DeleteNot a troll, but if you are going to use crime as an example of family values, at least keep your facts straight or we all look stupid.
The only people looking stupid are the insufferable palins.
DeleteIt doesn't matter what trackfeet did with the buses.the confused kid fucked around with school buses hoping to cause harm and mayhem. And on slick snowy roads no telling what else.
Really, what an attention seeking nutbag Palin is. Bullying? Hmm let's ask the teacher in Homer, Walt Monegan who was fired, the man taking photos at the airport, the insane very public stalking Palin has done to the President. Bullying is the only thing Palin seems to do well--except destroy the english language.
ReplyDeleteThis silly excuse for a bag of hair thinks she can pimp her daughter out to bad reality series and no one can say anything about how untalented she is. And lets face it, the only people who ever talked about Bristol keeping her kid was INDEED her own family. The other stuff is bullshit.
Its funny, that is what happens to those " tiny " hollywood starlets.
Some people just HAVE to talk about them---huh, Sarah?
O-fucking-le! she is a dippy dumbass grifter. If I see her in lime green I will "punch her in her [turkey] throat."
Deleternc doesn't think she's relevant for godsakes.
All these years and the insufferable hideous bragger doesn't have 1 million followers yet. Trifling clown
Gryph time for an Update. This Ben Shapiro is on YouTube calling Palin supporters cultists and saying she"s not qualified to be President. The inmates at the asylum are pissed off and while some are claiming this is Baldy's way of turning the other cheek ( yeah sure that's her way) she obviously did not do any homework on this guy. Sudyin'? Learnin'? We ain't no stinkin ELITISTS. Her stupidity is simply boundless.
ReplyDeleteHere's the youtube video you referenced:
Has anyone posted it on Sarah's fb page?
DeleteSomeone who calls himself "Michael CoolChange" did:
Delete"If you support Sarah Palin don't buy Ben Shapiro 's book and tell her what said. Please watch this video.
29 minutes ago"
It's pretty much buried in all the paeans to St. Sarah, and numerous vile propaganda-echoing comments about "the left".
You've got that right. HAHAHAHA she is a dumbass. she saw brightfart's and thought (a dangerous feat) it was ok to drop a name.
DeleteROTF her ghostwriter didnt correct her dumbass. This isnt the first time she didn't spewed somethig she didn't research. And we are suppose to believe she knows about QE. lol
Damn one heartbeat and 10 votes away to being President of the US.
Gotta believe baldy is bullying the bejeesus out of RAM about now. Or maybe Shapiro paid her so she doesn't give a damn WHAT he says about her elderly panty-sniffers.
DeleteMichael Cool change was banned from cforp because even they think he's insane. I thought he might be the stalker, but then, aren't they all?
Delete*10 votes = 10 million votes
DeleteBristol, Bristol and Bristol; the oldest son is usually the golden child, but Sarah skipped over him and chose Bristol. However, she cannot whip that young woman hard enough to get focused and become the next provider; poor Sarah, staring at fifty and no one to fill those grifting red shoes.
ReplyDeleteI still think of her in those thigh-high purple velour boots. Damn, wish I could get that image out of my head.
DeleteIf Sarah Palin's house was broken into and destroyed by the leader of the Colony Girls would Sarah consider herself a victim? Why wasn't Willow put behind bars?
ReplyDelete"I don’t know of any conservative “war on women,” but I sure have seen the left’s war on conservative women!"
ReplyDeleteYesterday, two Republican congresswomen introduced bills to defund Planned Parenthood. States with a Republican majority have been restricting women's access to reproductive health care. Sarah Palin charged women $300. for their own rape kits.
The poor little ankle biter is running from door to door, scratching frantically, panting at all the locked doors wanting to desperately carry somebody's, anybody's water. Won't someone please think of the sniveling chi-wah-wah?
ReplyDeleteBest comment so far! Thanks!
DeleteWhat a load of butter wipe. Wonky eye hick trying to push that beefbutter out again. Please we all know you are all slutterygurls having babies before being wedded. Go do your men. Were sick of you idiot, who thinks she even read that book!!hahaha.
ReplyDeleteWhen Bristol claimed on national tv that her baby's daddy raped her but Bristol kept going back for more is that considered bullying by a lying heart broken pyschopath?
ReplyDeleteYeah she was bullying levi into not being a hollywood ho like herself. her insane mother bullying him in not becoming "Ricky Hollywood."
DeleteLet's talk about bullies:
ReplyDelete1. Bristol and Willow wrote homophobic slurs on some guy's Facebook page
2. Sarah, Todd and Bristol ganged up on a teacher in Homer, Alaska who had the nerve to express her first amendment rights by displaying a sign that read, "Worst Governor Ever."
3. Sarah brings out her lawyers to threaten people who are simply expressing their first amendment rights to write opinion pieces.
4. They sure tried to make life uncomfortable for Joe McGinniss when he moved in next door. Don't give me that "he was spying on us" stuff. They didn't seem to mind when the meth lab was located in that house.
5. Ask Levi if the Palins bullied him.
6. Why won't people in Alaska talk to reporters about the Palins?
7. Sarah has her own confrontational style. She is still that girl in high school, stealing the basketball.
8. No one told Bristol that she couldn't keep her baby (babies). Most of us didn't know that Bristol was pregnant until Sarah announced it at the Republican convention. That sounds like a conversation that they must have had at home.
9. The only time that people "go after the children of conservatives" is when those kids do something that gets them in the news. Rand Paul's kids was drunk. Bristol chose to have a lame reality show which was criticized and laughed at in the media.
10. No one is bullying or trying to silence Sarah Palin-- unless she is referring to Roger Ailes telling her not to respond in regard to the shootings in Arizona, two years ago. If Fox, Murdoch and/or Ailes are trying to silence Sarah (maybe they haven't renewed her contract), then I'll be getting out my hanky and wiping away the tears. Poor Sarah, silenced at last. No, not as long as she has people who will continue to ghost-write her Facebook for her.
When Bill Clinton was president (you remember, the real good old days!) his daughter was mercilessly attacked by the right-wing. Why Palin's sugar daddy himself, Johnny 'I can't fly a plane' McCain made cruel jokes about Chelsea. Not to mention the crap Rush Limbaugh said about her. Did the Clinton's publicly complain? Not that I remember.
DeleteIf a Democrat utters the word 'retard,' Palin thinks it is a direct snipe against her son Trig. But if a Republican says the word 'retard,' it's all a joke, funny ha ha. And mostly never a peep out of her.
She's pathetic.
It seems that Sarah was the only one who didn't let Bristol keep her baby(ies).
DeleteSarah is the one who took Bristol's baby, at least one of them.
DeleteIsn't it ironic that Chelsea grew up to be a cultured, sophisticated and accomplished young woman while Johnny Mc's Megan grew up to be a nincompoop whose brains are in her fake tits....ahh sweet karmic justice :-)
Bullies ALWAYS whine that they are the ones being bullied. Look at the "Christian" right whining and crying how all Obamacare discriminates against them and how LGBT equality discriminates against their right to bully and discriminate. When bullies get called out on their actions, their standard recourse is to piss and moan about their "freedoms" being infringed upon.
ReplyDeleteWillow and Bristol's Gay bashing on facebook, is that considered bullying or training for Tripp for Life's A Tripp?
ReplyDeleteHa, I see her ghostwriter was busy again.
ReplyDeleteOn the bright side, no one seems to have rushed to headline this whiny piece of self-centered twaddle.
ReplyDeleteAh, how Palin must long for the old days, when her imbecilic rants about underwater dikes, North Korean allies, and crony capitalism generated banner headlines on major news sites.
Shailey Tripp was a victim of a no good slimey perverted 4 inch multi colored shrimp dick son of a bitch bully in Wasilla.
ReplyDeleteThe very idea that THAT Ben Shapiro "has a great new book out" made me guffaw incredulously. Of course, just because the book is "out" hardly means that $P has read it...
ReplyDeleteMr. B, a lawyer, has lots of true stories about Harvard Law grads who begin their careers at prestigious firms and quickly wash out. Shapiro, for the record, is one of them.
$P and her dullard daughter have "written" more books than they've ever read.
DeleteAttacking a man's genitals just because you disagree with his opinions is a form of bullying from an insecure worthless piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteHave You SEEN Todd?
Delete7:34 am Are you talking to Sarah here? She's known for her comments such as: "Man Up", "Cajones", "Limp", well you get the picture.
DeleteYou are absolutley right that Sarah is "a form of bullying from an insecure worthless piece of shit."
Anon 7:34 Is that you, Todd?
DeleteI'm confused. which baby did Bristol decide to keep, the smart one? Certainly not the one her mother took to raise as her own, and, just askin here, was Bristol preggers during DWTS, and if so, did she abort, or have the baby and pass it off on someone else? sarah palin didn't get pregnant again, so which babie is Sarah Palin highlighting here. is she so stupid as to believe the rest of the world isn't asking the same questions?
ReplyDeleteI'm not a bully! I'm a victim too.
ReplyDeleteI didn't pull the trigger, I only placed gun scope x-hairs on the names of innocent people.
Gawd I love that pic! It makes me LOL every time I see it. Caption contest, anyone?? :)
ReplyDelete"You bet-cha, what with this, our great nation of rill 'Mericuns, founded by the founding fathers, with wisdom and vibrant living patriots just like Fonzie! AYYYYYYYY!!"
Ben Shapiro youtube interview wherein he says Palin's followers are akin to Ron Paul followers. Say anything about her and you get hate mail up the wazzu!! He agrees with Coulter on this as she too is show to comment against Palin in an interview on Fox!!!
I hope that someone posts that video on Palin's FB rant.
ReplyDelete"Michael CoolChange" did. Who knows how long it stays there. And so far, it's the only comment highlighting the video, which means his comment is BURIED among the other 2,250 (so far) comments.
Delete"If you support Sarah Palin don't buy Ben Shapiro 's book and tell her what said. Please watch this video.
Excellent...rubbing hands together Mr. Burns fashion
DeleteHey Gryph...why not send the FB rant juxtaposed against the video to Perez Hilton or some other celeb gossip blogger so that she-who-wants-to-be-a-celebrity will get more exposure. After all isn't that what she wants?
ReplyDeleteDoes she point out her and Todd's own record of thuggery, harassment, sharp elbows and abuse of power to settle even the most petty scores?
ReplyDeleteThe public's backlash against her was for the most part justified, she was an opportunist with a thin resume and a casual relationship with the truth.
And the argument that attractive conservative women are targeted just by virtue of being attractive AND conservative? Bullshit. They are (Malkin, Coulter, Bachmann, Palin, Haley) worthy of disdain because man or woman, they espouse hateful social and fiscal policies and hypocritical thought-streams with the platforms they have.
Of course she comes out with a crock of shit. Dems are compassionate bitch, just don't try to push them around crackhead.
ReplyDeleteThe ultimate in bullying is torture. gop loves it a lot although it has been proven to be ineffective.
How about the gop disenfranchising million of voters...bullying at it finest.
Can we talk about gop governors, insane batshit crazy gop hosts, vajayjay probes, perv officials, death panels, murdoch, kochs, guns all used as or for bullying.
The insufferable ugly skeletor bitch is now bullying fb with more of her insane delusional rants. she tries to bully President Obama, authors, citizens, G, rnc, dead presidents, dems,
Name one dem who insults your uneducated, ho-ing, lying, blasphemous idiot, crazy daughter/s. The only people calling you asses out are observant, sane bloggers. Next time name names stinky. This isn't a campaign, details are relevant, old goat.
What about bustol bullying her child to riding some sort of snowmobile, bearhead? And bustol bullying ALL her bed partners, going as far as to make them cry for nothing or being left behind in the snow. GMAFB old lady.
palin the clown is famous for bullying Rep Giffords (and other dem reps in other districts) and causing death, injuries and pain.the stupid ho commemorates the massacre by snarking and mocking this tragedy every fucking year.
I will be happy when Anonymous gets wind of her nasty ass.
Wonder if she saw Alex Jones rant on Piers Morgan the other day.
ReplyDeleteWOnder if she ever listens to Ted Nugent?
Wonder if she ever listens of fox news?
Wonder if she ever listens to ANYBODY?
DeleteShe hears me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me memememememememememememememememememememememememememememememem
DeleteSo people are aware -- the show on which Shapiro appeared is on SunMedia in Canada -- what became nicknamed Fox News North. This came to life when Fox tried to expand into Canada but lost.
ReplyDeleteSunMedia inially aired on a 'standard' station but it lost too. It had to surrender the licence of the station it aired on and was relegated to a higher station which is available on a handful of cable and satellite systems across Canada.
I was curious when I played the clip - thanks for the background information!
Delete"...the ultimate hypocrisy saturated cherry on top of her batshit crazy fudge sundae."
ReplyDeleteNow THAT was a work of art!
Where is the CULTIST Fitness and Discipline ghost written family book?
ReplyDeleteOh, gosh, didn't know I was a bully. I JUDGED Sarah Palin and found her immensely unfit for the office of Vice President. I JUDGED John McCain unfit because he chose Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteI have never cared about any of the others in the Sarah Palin circus. I don't even care where Trig came from.
But I do know that Sarah Palin won't stop sucking the teat of media exposure until she's exposed for being the sociopath she is. This train wreck is in such slow motion, we'll hardly even hear the sound of the inevitable crash.
Sara remains the rancid cherry on top of the conservative butt-fudge sundae.
ReplyDeleteLove, love, love that comparison. The best part is that it is so true and that people of all persuasions have noticed and are looking forward to Fox without Palin. She reeks in every sense of the word.
DeleteA couple of retorts from her bullying fans, defending her "wonderfulness":
ReplyDelete"Sarah passes smarter stuff than you through her Spleen, Loon."
"Sarah passes smarter stuff than you out in her stool."
And I won't even go into the Brainy Anus's love letters. The guy is ga-ga over the North Star Grizzly Queen.
>>"Sarah passes smarter stuff than you out in her stool."<<
DeleteAnd you can't even tell if it is snark or not because it is posted at C4P...
She is just too stupid to know when she has been insulted.
ReplyDeleteAnd.....a big AND....does not even know she insulted herself. Remember her response to our President getting the "Person of the Year"?
This is a person that flaunts her obvious ignorance, because attention.....any attention is what she needs to exist.
What a sad, pathetic life.
Sarah is desperate. All she has are her followers. The Republican Party has thrown her under her bus, Fox either isn't renewing her contract or they just don't want her on Fox anymore. No movies, book deals, etc. Her brother is talking about forming a third party, good news for the Dems. Sarah is done. She will never run for any office. There are not enough dummies to vote for her and the Republicans will get her out fast. She has too much baggage. The whole family, including her children, have never held a job or accomplished anything. Can you imagine a politican running for office whose children did not go to college or work?
ReplyDeleteDon't forget Bristol, too, also. She had her shot at fame with the awful reality show. Now, all that they can do is accuse people of bullying poor Bristol, judging her and demonizing her. There are truly awful reality shows on TV and sadly, neither Sarah nor Bristol could get their shows renewed. Sarah doesn't appear to be on Fox lately. What does a gal have to do to get noticed, anyway?
DeleteNot only are her children uneducated, they are cruel and classless and, in one case, a dangerous prankster. Do you find cutting brake lines on school buses a crime? I sure do but, apparently, Sarah rules in Alaska and she got her fine boy off the hook and sent the newly-minted "combat soldier" off to do who-knows-what-the-hell.
DeleteRoger Ailes fired her ass months ago. She knew he was going to get rid of her but she behaved very badly anyway, unsurprisingly. Obviously CNN didn't want her either, so it's strictly the internet for her from now on.
DeleteThe MSM ignoring her the way they're doing might serve in her favor if they fail to report whatever Gate it is that is keeping her 1. in Alaska, and 2. quiet.
The US spoke last election loud and clear. her incoherent blather made decent folks pissed. We voted to show these dangerous idiots we don't want any of it. No more of what they were spewing.
DeleteI agree, she is pissed because alies knows her pop-up vitriol attacks make faux news look stupider, another beck.
she isn't worth no where near 10K even for a few guest appearances. her one trick is used and burned up. Thank God.
Tears are next.
Unhinged Tactical Response CEO threatens to ‘start killing people’ over Obama’s gun control
ReplyDeleteThe CEO concluded: “I’m not fucking putting up with this. I’m not letting my country be ruled by a dictator. I’m not letting anybody take my guns! If it goes one inch further, I’m going to start killing people.”
I'm sure glad I don't work in this guy's company. I am so tired of this "dictator," "Stalin," "Hitler" nonsense from people who really haven't a clue what they are talking about. If this guy is actually threatening to kill people then maybe he needs a visit from his local law enforcement personnel or, better yet, from his psychiatrist. Someone needs to get him to calm down and grow up before ever touching a gun again.
What is this nut doing with tons of guns? This is the type of people the nra protects not the 20 babies and the 6 shepherds.
DeleteGun-toting soccer mom found shot dead
ReplyDeleteA mother of three who became a voice of the gun-rights movement when she openly carried a loaded pistol to her daughter's soccer game was fatally shot along with her husband, a parole officer and former prison guard, in an apparent murder-suicide at their home.
Autopsies were planned Friday for Meleanie Hain, 31, and Scott Hain, 33, who were pronounced dead shortly after 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at their brick home in this small city about 80 miles west of Philadelphia.
The couple's 10-year-old son and daughters ages 2 and 6 were home at the time, police said. The two older children ran outside and told neighbors that their father had shot their mother, neighbors said. The children are being cared for by neighbors and relatives.
That is a scary area of PA. Alot of inbreeding and ALOT of Meth.
DeleteFreedom! And chit.
DeleteThis happened October 8, 2009 according to the link you posted. So I have to ask if there is some reason I don't understand for posting this.
DeleteI thought that Wayne LaPierre said that the thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Didn't work.
DeleteAnon @ 9:23a
DeleteSounds like a sister-area to the Meth-Su Valley.
Did you notice that the date is 2009? Why are you bringing this up now?
DeleteI think the intent may have been to shed light on the "If someone had a gun, this would never have happened" theme being pushed by the pro gun yahoos. That's the ONLY way this is relevant.
DeleteDid Sarah bash Levi as an unfit father?
ReplyDeleteDid Sarah bash Levi's mother for her drug abuse?
Did Sarah have a one night stand with a pro athlete, who himself came forward with the news? I don't recall the lamestream media bashing Sarah for this.
Did Sarah and Bristol get facial surgery and botox then we heard that Bristol had to have it to correct her teeth. Does Bristol think we are stupid.
Did Bristol write a book saying Levi raped her so to say and that she hoped he wasn't Tripps father?
Did Sarah post targets on her FB and think the media would just ignore it?
Did Bristol, on her own and publically publish on her FB all the guys living with her and hoping to choose a father for Tripp.
So, without any media news, the Palins are putting all their garbage out on their FB and tweets waiting for the media to print it all then play the victim.
Do we need to go any further?
Okay.....I'm going to cross over the line here....but as someone that was abused as a child here, I think it needs to be said.
ReplyDeleteWomen that were abused as children, especially at the hands of their fathers, will go to great lengths for attention. They will throw their mother, siblings, anyone under the bus to get attention from daddy. Why? They want to please him. As they move into adulthood (notice I did not say grow or progress? Since they are essentially emotionally stunted and cannot move beyond) as they get older they resort to the one tactic that served them so well....attack and deflect at all costs in order to survive.
This is one freaky family, and it saddens me that they are reproducing at an alarming rate.
Chuck may have said some freaky things, but we cannot prove he abused his children.
DeleteSarah is not done. With the gun issues coming up from Biden and Obama and others who want change, Sarah will target them for their decisions and issues and plant her sick mind into her followers. She will be the leader of these sick folk who will do anything she says and she knows it. Sarah will not go down quietly. She is at the stage of revenge against the Dems and Republicans and it won't be pretty. I can see her or her brother and Todd forming militia groups in quiet. Sounds like I am going off the end, but I don't trust her. She must be the queen of something.
DeleteI agree 100%. She is totally fucked up from early and frequent sexual abuse in cold dark Alaska at the hand of her father.
DeleteSAlly , you failed your daughter. Or maybe you are jealous of her? I'm sure the psychology of it is intense. I'vr said it before and I'll say it again: Many (and varied) are the PHDs which will be earned studying Palin in the very near future.
There is no denying the fact that Sarah craves attention. Chuck Heath said of her that she was the one who was stubborn and wouldn't bend to his will. There are some issues there.
DeleteSarah really needs to be noticed. I don't think that it is any coincidence that as the Tea Party is losing its influence, her brother is proposing a new American Party. Already, the fans must be thrilled with this wonderful new opportunity for Sarah (and Chuck and the other Chuck). The money pouring in to the PAC would be nice, too.
I don't see your comment as over the line at all. In fact there is no question in my mind that Sarah was sexually molested at 7 or 8 years old, most likely by her father. She has all the classic signs that anyone with any training in mental health can see clearly. She telegraphs this information regularly with her language, her physical gestures and yes, her insane need for attention. I'm glad you said it, as it needs to be said.
DeleteThe comments about her being sexually abused are your guesses and opinions as there is no proof.
DeleteFace it -- it is a fact that there are morons in this country, in this world and it's not always because their were abused.
The comments/opinions add to the culture of many continuing to be 'a victim' for life and make life hell for the rest of the world.
Ever since she came into national view, I've been thinking she's a victim of severe childhood sexual abuse. To anyone familiar with the field, when she opens her mouth, she just screams abused.
DeleteSevere trauma and abuse would explain her clinging to VICTIMHOOD and passing it on to younger generations.
DeleteI don't see her working through any of her issues. Expect a lot more of the same old. If Chuck is her perp then all this goes back to him. Whatevs she says about victimized Bristol it still all goes back to Sarah's forever perp and the toxic secrets that family keeps glued together to protect.
Brother Chuck has that same creep quality. While married was humping a young girl at an elementary school that approves young children to be close to such co-mingling of sex relationships. School authorities must figure the youngsters can't count months or would they know anything about teachers who score at work place.
@ 9:49-- I don't pretend to know what happened to her in childhood, but add to the list the very curious fact that she constantly spins things into sexual threats to her children. Why is that where her imagination goes first? The idea of sexual assault seems tied to childhood in her mind. She has dirty dirty thoughts that revolve around her daughters and they spring forth given the tiniest provocation. Weird shit, that.
DeleteWhat about all the peeping? This seemed really strange to me.
Delete"“Our being here has certainly changed this summer because of this new neighbor,” Palin says. Speaking to her husband Todd, who arrives on the scene, she says, “You need to drill a little tiny hole here, a peephole, and let me know where he is.”
Ironically, Palin makes the comment at the opening of a reality show, where she’s volunteered to give up her personal privacy in exchange for cash."
Oh and then the kids yet again...
"Palin later adds, “Some reporters said I was overreacting and I wanted to ask them: ‘How would you feel if some dude you knew was out to get you moved 15 feet away from your kids? How would you feel if some dude you knew who was out to getcha moved in 50 feet away from your kids? How would you feel?’”
Not like drilling holes to peep, that's just palin kinky.
As Palin ratchets up the hate on one side you can be sure that the hate is being ratcheted up on the left as well. And so we maybe should be asking ourselves, where will it all culminate? Will it be manifested in gun violence? And if it is then maybe now would be a good time to ask ourselves how we will feel about that if we have played a part in finally bringing it to fruition.
ReplyDeleteWhich side is most angry? Which side will fire the first shot? We all know that there are many out there who really, really want to. We shouldn't kid ourselves into thinking that they exist on both sides. The fuming hate rhetoric of this blog alone tells us that!
DeleteOur response to Sarah (disgust, amusement, pity) should not be confused with the very essence of her soul...hatred. This is a forum where we denounce that which she uses for profit.
DeleteSomebody didn't take their meds today.
DeleteI will take Alex Jones vs. the field on the bet "who takes the first shot."
DeleteWhaddaya say, ten thousand bucks?
(psssst, it already "manifested in gun violence" with the Tucson shootings. Think Christina-Taylor Green and Palin's purchase of "surveyor symbols" used as targets.)
DeleteI hate that The Quitter spreads a lot of "hate" and takes no accountability for it.
It is like her brand is hateful barking screed, spewed to garner followers. So I'm kinda confused with the whole "which side is more angery?" thing.
Ya gotta love Shapiro HATING that obnoxious voice of hers too!
ReplyDeleteMY RANT: Off topic but I've had enough.
ReplyDeleteMSNBC -- and all the other BS 'journalists' & pundits making this big freaking deal about the 'lack of women' being appointed. Add to it those bitches that we've voted into office -- yes -- I say bitches. They are painting us a fucking whiners as they continue to whine on shows about lack of appointments of women. They're painting us just how the Rethugs want us to be painted. I've lost respect for every freaking one of them.
What the hell are the Secretary of Health & Homeland Security -- Chopped fucking liver? They are Cabinet posts for which they are remaining but other than Carney -- have not heard one of those voted in fucking bitches acknowledge one of them.
I just sent and email and phoned my Senator's office for whom I just voted and I wrote and verbalized that she's acting like a whiney fucking bitch. GHrow fucking up and acknowledge Health & Homeland has a woman appointed and as yet haven't heard Janet is leaving.
I'm fucking furious at 'women' Senators, Reps, 'faux journalists', pundits. They should quit thinking with their 'C's and use their freaking brains as they've shown what they really are and don't deserve to be there. Yes I did use the 'C' word in my emails & telephone calls. They deserve it.
I agree with you. It's a trumped up story by the media and those elected responding to it. It's allowing for the appearance of Dems to look like whiners.
DeleteI'm hoping he appoints Jennifer Granholm (sp?) for Labor position.
The fiscal cliff being over and the next big fight too far away, the media et al have to 'make up stories' as they have nothing else. Shows how small minded and stupid they are as I see another issue with the many talking about videos and movies in the gun control discussions to which there are very, very few making mention that these same videos and movies are being played throughout countries 'outside the borders' of the USofA. Those same countries that don't have anywhere near the deaths/shootings the US does but unfortunately from where many of the guns end up in their countries is from the US.
Totally agree with your rant 9:37. The president can't do anything right, even now with the left!
DeleteToday's California school shooing was done with a shotgun by a student.
ReplyDeleteBan shotguns.
Ban students.
Ban shotgun shells.
Ban shotguns that hold more than three cartridges.
Yup Americans, that'll do it! Yup, yup, cause wot's secund mendmunt rits is gud, grunt, grunt.
Nobody died today from that shooting, did they? Let's ban idiots from the internet.
DeleteWhat a weird lady. Her daughter is a disgusting slob who's never worked a day in her life and lives off other people's money. We the hardworking tax paying Americans are the ones paying for Barfstool's lazy lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteThat ain't no lady.
DeleteMass Shootings in the United States Involving
ReplyDeleteHigh-Capacity Ammunition Magazines
Mentally ill and irrelevant sarah is so desperate for attention. Why hasn't her family had her committed yet? Don't they care about her hardcore drug problem? No because they hate her guts like the rest of America and wish she would pull a breitbart already.
ReplyDeleteNow this update....WHOOPS!
ReplyDeleteHi Lou Sarah! I know you are reading along here. Have your ghostwriter google self-pwn. If you have one of your crackberries handy then you can just hit this:
Meantime when does your new fitness show start airing? All these Cheetos are making my ass look like that Sir Mix-a-Lot video. Can you recommend some energy drinks to speed things up?
A guarantee she'll not be happy in Canada again as they have 'legally' restricted the amount of caffeine in the energy drinks!!
DeleteYet another hysterical bitch slap on the national stage.
ReplyDeleteIn fairness, anyone would have the same flappy jowls as Sarah and Bristol after so many beat-downs.
I don't recall Michelle Obama playing the victim when Sarah went after her on issues, Michelle just kept quiet. Hillary, Obama, and include Pam Anderson and Kristy Ally who were jokes of their weight and looks. All these people never played victims. Did Levi ever play the victim from stories Sarah and Bristol sold about how horrible a father he was, deadbeat... Get over it Sarah and Bristol. All the above are stars and had long run shows on tv. Others all have college educations and jobs. I guess all you have to offer if telling people that you are a victim. Get a life and a job.
ReplyDeleteHa Ha! RAM didn't do her homework...uh oh. I wonder if Sarah now knows she is hawking a book by a man who publicly called Sarah's supporters bullies. Ha HA!
ReplyDeleteThere are however plenty of videos and written accounts showing Sarah, Todd, Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Tripp being bullies. BIG bullies.
Ben must be pleased with Sarah's endorsement -- instead of referencing the book she talks about herself and her family.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of world does she live in? Pathological Narcissism to the extreme!!
Ha ha ha, ho ho ho
ReplyDeleteand a couple of tra la las
Palin plays the victim card
That's how she funds her cause...
That clip is just too good!! What will she do now? Write a facebook post tonight claiming, "victim!!" again?
ReplyDeleteShe's not only a bully herself, but she's made millions of dollars being one. Her daughter who gave the middle finger to her haters on DWTS, and her other daughter, who bullied a school teacher with father bully and mother bully during filming of their reality show just adds more fuel to the hypocrisy fire.
On her facebook, she says, "You know, there's something especially ugly abut the way the left goes after children of conservatives." Like the way she went after Levi Johnston, calling him "Ricky Hollywood"? He wasn't even an adult.
What is Sarah's definition of conservative these days. Most, if not all, are self-professed christians. Does a child of a conservative seek fame at any price, putting her child out there on public display in reality TV shows; does a daughter of a conservative dance in provocative clothing and shimmy and shake her torso and hips on national TV, or get on the floor and simulate sex? Is that what a daughter of a conservative really does? Because last I checked most conservatives I know wouldn't even do most of the things Bristol chose to do. Lots of conservatives out there whose kids didn't have premarital sex, abstained, worked hard, made sacrifices, pleased their parents, didn't shame their parents and they may not be 'vibrantly living' with power toys in the outdoors, nor making a lot of money, but they have self-respect.
Whoever is discussing Sarah or Bristol is not bullying. They are speaking out against women with so little self-respect that they sell themselves on the front page gossip magazines with their babies and toddlers for money. Sarah nor Bristol are conservative role models and they KNOW it!!!
Sarah & Bristol are only one thing:
In my family, the ones who claim to be "Christian" and "conservative" are the ones who are divorced, had children before marriage, and never ever attend church..just like the Palins!
DeleteKudos to Anon 11:05 am. Well stated. Too bad Palin won't put down the Enquirer for a minute and read some of the better comments here. She might finally start to 'get' it.
DeleteShe seems to think it's only those on the left who laugh at her or despise her. She would be shocked at the number of repub voting Christians who are embarrassed and revolted by her. She's down to the low info denizens of any persuasion and I doubt they'll keep her in botox or Belmonts much longer.
I just LOVES when Sarah fires up the facebook machine and gets bitch-slapped when the person she's promoting, is found to tell the truth about her and her followers!
DeleteAnd how ironic is it that she brings up Saint Ronnie RayGun! The hollywood actor who divorced his first wife and married Nancy "Just say NO" Davis?
HMMM Didn't the daughter of that "conservative" pose butt nekkid in "Playboy" magazine? Did Sarah borrow the "just say no" chant and apply it to her revirginated first born fornicating teen mom to garner sympathy, conservative "Creds" and $$$$$$ from her cultists?
Letterman's a pedophile
Joe's a pervert
POTUS has a big stick/show your cajones!
gun sites
don't retreat, reload
blood libel
Mrs White Out doth protest too much!
Sarah,go away.Your 15 minutes are up.Nobody cares that Bristol kept her babies.
ReplyDeleteShe kept them, used them. and pawned them off on others to raise, jsut like her darling Mother. I have not seen ANY love from either of these two, and the poor kids must suffer terribly. The only time Tripp is smiling is when he's with Levi. And Trig never smiles or talks, and he's almost 5. Pitiful. This is not a family; it is a corporation.
DeleteO/T but a new website just found. Lots of pictures that haven't been seen in a long time.
Looks like Sarah was wearing the same black suit she wore right before delivering and also right after the baby was born. Must be a multi suit...
DeleteJeez what a fraud. The "post-partum" pix say the most about her ridiculous claims about birthin' Trigger on Apr 18 2008.
DeleteShe doesn't write this shit and probably never even reads it. Just like on "Bristol's" last blog post where she waxed poetic about shopping at Hobby Lobby, a store that we done even HAVE in Alaska!
ReplyDeleteBoth are frauds, acting out roles that other people have written for them. Just like Bristol saying she got knocked up because she was raped in a tent, when really, she was just gettin' it on like every other teen does and forgot to use birth control.
But why admit fault when you can play the victim? I guess the Palin M.O. is to get people to feel sorry for them, and believe me, we do, even without the victim shtick.
I don't feel sorry for them, not in the LEAST. Prositution rings, grifting, lying, fraud -- there's this little thing called KARMA, and it's a bitch, isn't it?
DeleteOh you poor psychotic Bitch. That innocent little 8 year old girl shot at
ReplyDeleteTucson, was not a low life drunken, racist, whoring, imbecile like Bristol. She had a great future ahead of her, before your hateful words and deeds contributed to her untimely death. You have no shame or compassion. You are one sick rabid asshole.
Who gives a crap about this idiot anymore? Seriously, I can't even read it because I am so sick of this piece of shit from Wasilla. She needs to totally fall off the radar and into the deep dark depths of Lake dead Lucille where she and her family belong.
ReplyDeleteThe people on Honey Boo Boo, have higher IQs than the Palin family, and they look better too.
ReplyDeleteAnd they're not homophobes either.
DeleteSlander on the internet coming from ignorant, faceless fools ARE bullies and Sarah and crew are the perfect example of victims.
ReplyDeleteThink about that, if you can think for yourselves after all. I can't tell, honestly. You seem to believe everything People like Jesse right just because you like his blog.
BS 1:03pm! It's calling them out on their crap! They're nothing but grifting frauds. You want to buy into that schtick, be my guest! There's a sucker born every minute.
DeleteIf it's slander, prove it!!!
go pound sand sarah...
DeleteHey, Jesse always rights the troof!
DeleteI'm confused l:03pm. Do you mean whatever Jesse writes is right? or did you mean it's his right to write? or, or, or WTF? You are correct tho, I and many others do LIKE his blog.
DeleteAlso not sure why you tagged the words 'of victims' at the end of what was a pretty honest statement.
Deletelooks like creepie chucky jr's back ...
1:03 PM ?!? chucky, don't you have some unfortunate eleven year olds yer supposed to be "teachin' at the moment you ignorant griftin' bitch?!?
Ahhh spoken like a faceless ignorant fool, 1:03!
DeleteMost people project what they are on others. So, Sarah saying everyone who does not agree with her is a bully does not surprise me. If the bitch wants to see a real bully, all she has to do is look in the mirror.
ReplyDeleteThe important question that I have is did this ignorant person get her contract renewed at FOX? I read that January 11 was the day she entered into the three year deal. And even FOX has had the good sense not to have her on for quite a while. So, I have to assume they will not renew. But I would love to read that new here first.
Completely off topic, but yesterday we received the latest issue of "Alaska Magazine", which we only subscribe to because occasionally we get homesick. The cover was a picture of none other than Todd Palin in his Iron Dog gear. We intend to send the cover back to the magazine with a note that says pornography is not allowed at our house.
ReplyDeleteYou go girl/guy!!
DeletePlease let us know what they say if they reply to you.
DeleteHow many want to bet she didn't read the book!!!
ReplyDelete$P and her dullard daughter have "written" more books than they've ever read.
DeleteI bet she didn't read the books she and Bristol wrote either, haha
DeleteSister Sarah comes out of the woodwork due to all the attention being on Gabby and the others in the Tucson shooting!!! It's her usual MO!
ReplyDeleteoh BOY! That video is almost as good as the Family Guy thing! Remember that? It's not the first time Palin's stepped her ugly toes right in it, and it won't be the last.
ReplyDeleteThe difference is that this time it involves two people that nobody cares about.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.....
Sarah is praying that Piper is smart enough to go to high school. Sarah probably can't take having another retard who can't qualify for college like Caint Get Right Track, Brisket and Willblow.
ReplyDeleteI see home schooling then hair school by her Junior year in Piper's future.
DeleteShe is insufferable!
O/T: #RIPTedNugent is trending on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteYou mean the self confessed pedophile mediocre guitar player who threatened the President?
DeleteYeah, that guy
Yes, it was about that crazy wingnut.
DeleteHas John McCain put a perpetual block on all access to the Palins' many crimes and misdemeanors? all to save his pathetic "reputation?" He is showing what a bitter vindictive sore loser he is. He sure pulled the wool over the public's eyes for a long time. He was a loser from the get go. Choosing Sarah Palin as his VP showed the American people just how pathetic he really is. Can't wait till he's gone from the Senate. Old Blowhard.
ReplyDeleteI see televangelism in Sarah's future.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if Sarah is given a teleprompter to tell her what to say.
DeleteOnly takes pre-screened questions and given the answer ahead of time.
Charges the congregation for each question.
She's STILL going on and on about the virtuosity of Bristol giving birth to Tripp after we all had a chance to hear him swear at his mom and aunt like a sailor because he didn't get what he wanted? Bullies raising bullies, anyone?
ReplyDeleteTrash raising trash
DeleteJust goes to show that you can't cure stupid, and we have a lot of stupid in this country.
ReplyDeleteha ha. The entire media is ignoring her. Her little "poor me and Bristol" FB rant doesn't even show up on google news. Sarah is SO yesterday. She's a nobody now and she'll have to come up with something better than playing the same old victim card over and over. I'm sure she's thinking about how to get some attention 24/7 but she'll have to bring out all her very ugliest (like riling up the loonies to assassinate President Obama) to get any. ha ha ha.
ReplyDeleteShe is talking about herself in her facebook rant. She purposely avoids saying that she herself is the target of bullying, and instead deflects it onto her daughter. She has always done that, in any interview or written statement. She pretends to shrug off the bad press, the hatred, the bullying, claiming in her lying way that she has thick skin and all that just rolls off her. Her whole post is about her, brought into focus by the anniversary of her blood libel video. People hate her and judge her and bully her and it just aint fair! She claims Bristol is the target (when since dancing with the stars? -- or is it the supposed engagement ring/knife stupidity?) Nope, she's talking about herself. Herself all these last 4 years since people got to know what a fake she is. Poor bully victim sarah, try making yourself relevant by endorsing a book about bullies. Pathetic!
ReplyDeleteWhat is SpyPie? A tiny bit of girls bullying against Alaskan non-supporters? Way to "govern."
ReplyDeleteSo this is a far left blog in AK? I had no idea from the post....
ReplyDeleteI don't have much for the Palins - but - if you're gonna sit in your little blogosphere here and try to convince me the left has no bias, doesn't intimidate, is "open minded", tolerant, and downright all for truth, justice and the American way I've got a little Arizona beach front property I'd like to sell you. The "left" is as bad as the right. You're both full of lies, misinformation, agenda driven madness and unwilling to compromise in either direction for the best interest of America and it's people. Forward?? Yeah right. The left & right have us headed for a train wreck.