Monday, February 03, 2014

George Zimmerman signs up for "celebrity" boxing and the line of celebrities who want to beat his ass is growing by the minute.

Courtesy of The Washington Post: 

Folks, this is getting ridiculous. Ever since it was announced last Thursday that George Zimmerman, the killer of Trayvon Martin, would participate in a “celebrity” boxing match on March 1, every hardened would-be “hero” is coming out of the woodwork to one-up each other in a misguided contest to avenge the death of the unarmed 17-year-old. 

First, it was the rapper the Game, who declared to TMZ, “I will beat the f— out of him.” He went on to say, “I would not be boxing for me. I’d be boxing for the legacy of Trayvon Martin and for his family.” He added: “I would box him to knock him out. I would definitely take pleasure in it. It’s legal, and I want to show him you can solve your disputes without a weapon.” 

And then the rapper DMX got into the act with comments to TMZ that were so foul I’ll only quote some of them. “I am going to beat the living f— out him,” DMX said. “I am breaking every rule in boxing to make sure I f— him right up.” Again, that’s not the worst of what he said. DMX later said he wanted to fight Zimmerman for “every black person who has been done wrong in the system.” Zimmerman was acquitted of second-degree murder last July.

As a rule I NEVER watch pay-per-view anything, nor do I watch boxing anymore since I learned about all of the head injuries, but I am not about to miss this one. 

Watching Zimmerman get chased around the ring and then beaten down like the little bitch that I know him to be, is almost too good to miss. 

In fact even though I have not set foot in a ring for over thirty years, and am not exactly a celebrity, I kind of wish I could have a shot at the son-of-a-bitch.

Oh well, seeing him knocked out by somebody else will have to suffice.


  1. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon4:46 PM

    I'd like to see Zimmy box Chris Christie.

  2. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Holy crap, isn't this the route Tonya Harding took after 1994?

    1. Anonymous2:51 AM

      Yes. She has a new documentary coming out. I barely recognized her. Heavy, world weary, lost teeth. Poor woman. She is the first US woman to land a triple axel in competition - quite a feet. She was a poor girl fighting in a sport of elites and the elites hated her. Instead of embracing her talent and helping to get her funded, they tried to keep her down but she was just toooo talented and so she took matters into her own uneducated, white trash hands.
      There is a lesson in this. I think /us figure skating is learning slowly. Figure skating is expensive and in a bad econmoy no noe gives a shit except maybe for a few weeks during the Olympics. These days, a Tanya Harding from the wrong side o f the tracks who could do a double axel would be nurtured not ostracized. She was born too soon.

  3. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Hey Todd Palin you pussy, why don't you sign up for Celebrity Boxing?

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      He's limp wristed with voice to match.

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Todd Palin only attacks defenseless Middle School Black kids with his group of AIP buddies. Todd felt like a 'rill' man after attacking that kid.

    3. Anonymous5:05 AM

      But according to Palin supporters, Todd (heelicopter) Palin is such a tough guy who would beat the ass of any man (or woman) who besmirches his loving and supportive wife.

  4. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I'll bet he's seriously rethinking this move. If I had DMX after me, I'd shit my pants.

    It's about as good a decision as it was for Octomom to do porn and Bristol Palin doing Dancing With the Stars.

  5. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Todd Palin how about signing up for Celebrity Boxing and challenge Glenn Rice?

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Brad Hanson would be a better choice.

  6. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Whiny little bitch gonna get his nose broken for real this time :-)

  7. I too would like to see him get his ass kicked, but I will not pay to see it knowing that he'll be getting some of my money. He's doing this supposably to help pay for his attorneys, or to just make money for himself which is why I refuse to watch it. Just hearing the result of the fight is enough for me.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      I totally agree with you!

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      I agree. Wouldn't it be great if nobody paid for pay-per-view, but Zimmerman got his ass kicked anyway?

      He is beyond disgusting at this point. What a piece of shit.

    3. Anonymous3:38 AM

      What a concept - Z fighting a MAN. Isn't he more comfortable hitting women? People who fault the rappers wanting to beat him up are out of touch. We all know (black and white) that had Trayvon been white, Z would be behind bars where he belongs. Z had better watch his back, someone will be waiting to beat his arse, without cameras around. Wimpy fat coward.

  8. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Soooo.... ANOTHER A$$HOLE that perjured himself under oath - and seems to be able to get away with it.
    Didn't he claim he was scared for his life by Skittles-wielding skinny Trayvon??? Didn't he say he knew NOTHING about self defense/boxing/you name it???
    NOW he says he knew boxing since BEFORE 'the incident'...
    So, just WHY did he have to use a gun on an unarmed teen???
    I am so fe-up with our legal system, it is not even funny anymore.

  9. The guy thinks he's invincible. He will be killed...hurray. I can't wait to hear about his ass getting kicked all the way to hell. It will be his just desserts. That ugly horrible stupid POS...

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      I hope, they don't put up a 'show' match, i.e. a match that has the outcome fixed beforehand (like the end result being HIM beating whoever to a pulp, instead of him BEING beaten to a pulp...)
      I guess, potentially HE is the one who decides who will be his opponent.

  10. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Not trying to beat a dead moose, but what happened to Sarah Palin's war against Christmas? Sarah was supposed to continue her book tour.

    Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas Sales Rank: 42775

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Christmas won. The war is over.

    2. Anonymous8:40 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHA, the Skank from the Dead Lake has forgotten about continuing that Farce Book Tour. Maybe her next book will be about all of her Plastic surgeries and her many Hidden Fatherless Grandkids.
      It seems that Pimp Daddy Todd Palin is on the Down Low.

  11. Olivia6:56 PM

    I'm a mid 60s gramma and I would get in there and pound his fucking head and shove a knee up where it might get his attention. I have a lot of life insurance and it would be something that my grandsons could brag about for years.

    1. Anonymous3:42 AM

      Olivia, stick around for your grandkids, there are plenty of young, black guys waiting to get to this coward. Maybe one will break the line and get to him before that, hopefully. He looks fat and out of shape, and we all know he is a wimp.

  12. ibwilliamsi6:58 PM

    Much as I'd like to see any of these guys kick GZ's ass, I'd rather see a white person kick his ass. The support he got from the white community is appalling, and I think it would be a balm if a white person beat the living daylights out of him to show the outrage that the majority of white Americans really feel for GZ. How DARE that little puke go out and shoot a boy walking home from the store and get away with it?

    1. Anonymous3:46 AM

      Well, I think his life is miserable right now, and he might regret ever getting involved with Trayvon. For the rest of his life, he will be a hated man. Trayvon's parents were so dignified during the whole ordeal I admired them. I hope someone young and strong gets a small measure of justice for them after losing their son. The judge and jury in this case should be ashamed of themselves. GZ is a piss poor excuse for a man.

  13. Anonymous7:22 PM

    As much at it would be great to see this asshole get what's coming to him, it's best to just ignore him. There is no positive outcome. If a black guy beats him up, he will get sympathy from his supporters and they rail at the rest of us cheering and celebrating. Zimmerman gets money (which he really doesn't deserve) and he stays in the spotlight (which is making me sick). Ignore him and he will soon be completely out of cash. He'll end up in prison eventually, no doubt. Just like OJ.

  14. Anonymous7:26 PM

    George wouldn't be a celebrity (and hes not much of one) if this case wasn't hijacked and turned into a media circus by opinion 'news', bloggers (cough), Al Sharpton, Trayvons own parents, et al, misrepresenting the facts and further exploiting for their own gain- as the police originally determined what the jury eventually concluded- this was a justified self defense killing. Hell George wouln't be a celebrity if Trayvon Martin had not jumped him and started beating him which of course resulting in getting shot. Thugs life eh?

    Where is Uncle Al these days anyways, I thought we were all 'Trayvon Martin' right? Oh what, the money train ran out? The bullshit runneth over?

    What is most funny about this post is DMX and the Game have criminal records a mile long and then some. Drugs, violence, DUIs, assaults, battery, felony possession of weapons (many times), more DUIs, multiple driving w/o licenses, more drugs, animal cruelty, more weapons charges, theft.... etc etc etc... and you are highlighting these guys, this-the anti-gun blog, really? So guns are only bad when they are owned by goofy white guys who legally have them? DMX and the Game are bigger losers and dangers to society than George could ever dream to be. Although ironically they probably emulated the exact gangsta lifstyle that Travon was enamored with. Strange how that works out. Some of you folks really need to wake up and smell the coffee.

    and --DMX later said he wanted to fight Zimmerman for “every black person who has been done wrong in the system.”
    Coming from this guy? what a joke. Really though, I don't even understand how fighting George has anything to do with 'the system'.

    You are a conflicted man Gryphen, for a guy who I've seen use the word namaste and seems to have a thing for eastern philosophies (yoga maybe- meditation?)- i'm perplexed that you choose to highlight this event and publish the inflamitory words of rapper criminals bent on ego and celebrity street cred for what exactly? Violence begets violence Gryph.

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      STFU before I whoop your ass!!! You have no idea what you're talking about.

      Dumbass, Georgy boy should've stayed in the car like he was ordered to. Secondly, if your kid was followed by some strange guy in the dark, wouldn't you want him to fight back. I've told my kids fight back if a stranger tries to take them.

      So what if The Game & DMX has records, doesn't Georgy have prior convictions too, including resisting arrest, child molestation and spouse abuse? So what's the difference?

    2. Anonymous8:26 PM

      8:06. Maybe you should make a date with the facts of the case and familiarize yourself with witness testimony. Georgey porgie may have been following the kid like a cop wannabe, but Trayvon jumped him without any physical provocation and started to beat him hard. I hope your kids dont follow your advice else they will be going to jail for aggravated assault or worse.

    3. Anonymous8:35 PM

      7:25 PM So you think that Trayvon Martin followed Zimmerman? As for exploitation, Zimmerman's Gay brother was on every T.V. Show that would have him. You are a Punk and a Zimmerman ass kisser. Hopefully his stench will stay on you for life.

    4. Anonymous8:52 PM

      7:26 PM You're full shit.
      Zimmerman was convicted of assaulting a police officer and plea bargained it down to probation and some sort of anger management ... which clearly didn't work.

      Zimmerman beat up his fiance who got a restraining order against him. He stalked her, went to her door, shoved her (at the door) so her dog jumped up and bit him. Big man Zimmerman got a restraining order on the woman! Because after all, Zimmerman is entitled to do whatever he wants.

      Zimmerman finger fucked his six year old cousin and as he got older, he escalated his demands so she told her sister ... who told their parents. The parents and the girls met with Zimmerman and his family at a restaurant and confronted him. What did Georgie do? He said "I'm sorry" and got up and walked out. He didn't deny it, he just got up and walked out of the restaurant.

      George got a job as a security guard, was working a party and picked up a drunk girl who had fallen, threw her across the room against the wall. He was fired from the security job. (He was strong enough to throw a drunk girl into a wall but he wasn't strong enough to handle a skinny young boy so he had to shoot him).

      George applied at more than one police or sheriff's department but wasn't hired. So he gets a Rottweiler and a gun and appoints himself as a neighborhood watchman.

      Then along comes a young black boy who's wearing a hoodie! In the rain, imagine that! Little does the country know that hoodies here in Florida are our winter coats ... lots of people of all ages and all colors wear hoodies. They are especially worn by elderly people. Trayvon compounds his "thuggie" hoodie-wearing behavior with talking on the phone to his girl friend, drinking an ice tea and carrying a bag of skittles. ALL vicious crimes deserving of the death penalty. Right?

      I won't bother to list all the things George has done since he was acquitted in July, 2013.

      You know what I have to laugh at when I hear or read something like your racist, stupid rant? You think when you defend George, you're standing up for a put-upon white man. Wrong. Georgie's great-grandpa was a full blooded black man. BLACK. I'm a Southerner ... have you ever heard of the "one drop rule"? Georgie had more than one drop running through him. But..but..but he hated blacks, right? Right. George hated Hispanics as well even though his mother is Peruvian as well as her having a black grandfather. I read George's MySpace page and it was full of racial slurs against Hispanics. So he hated both Blacks and Hispanics even though he himself was black and Hispanic. He hated himself.

      George Zimmerman is a disgusting perverted killer who got away with murder of a young boy who had only turned 17 three weeks before he was murdered. This isn't a court of law so I can speculate all I want to ... free speech and all that stuff ... IMO, George Zimmerman is a drug addict on top of being a psycho. He was looking for somebody to kill. I wouldn't pay a dime to see him get what he deserves in the ring. I'll just wait, somewhere down the line, Karma will catch up.

    5. Anonymous9:02 PM

      You're not a man, Creepy Junior, so give it a rest, you Fat-Fuck. I'd whip your little punk ass so fast that the little whore that you knocked up and had your bastard kid would be throwing bricks at you in order to get 10 minutes to suck the dick of a real man, not a punk who depends on his little sister (and former fuck-buddy), the shit-eating Quitter Twitter, to pay him for his sock-account internet support.

      Just Call Me Daddy

    6. Anonymous10:24 PM

      8:26 PM Your date with the facts did not turn out so well, like the testimony that Zimmerman was told by the Police Dispatcher not to confront the boy. Hopefully you will run into your hero, Zimmerman, in your Trailer Park and he is armed.

    7. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Creepy Chuckie Jr. told his 2 boys and his wife: "See Ya, I have a young whore to keep happy".

    8. Anonymous10:49 PM

      8 :52 thats quite a rant.

      I dont even understand your point.

      Wasn't it common knowledge that Zimmerman is part black? Do you think that is news to anybody? Whats with your whole paragraph of the one drop rule etc...? thats just plain weird writing dude.

      Defending the facts of the case is not defending George. George may not be a likeable guy, but that doesn't make him guilty. Thats why the case was lost, after the special prosecuter bypassed a grand jury (because a grand jury wouldn't stick) and that is why there is no federal case, and that is why there is no civil case. Because there is no case, it never should have gone as far as it did. Get yourself some mental help, you too 9:02.

      Oh, and Namaste.

    9. Anonymous3:30 AM

      My point in bringing up the one-drop rule is simple: It may have been common knowledge that Zimmerman had a black great-grandfather in your circles but every time that the subject has come up down where I live, people didn't know that Zimmerman is black. When they find that out, they immediately lose interest in defending him.

      In Z's trial, out of six woman "jury", 3 of the women were realtors and two of the women were married to attorneys. What are the odds that a jury like that would be picked? George got away with murder then he stiffed the very people who got him off. Who would have thought!

    10. Anonymous4:04 AM

      Only two people saw exactly what happened and one if them is conveniently dead. Zimmerman has a short temper and a big mouth and a tendency to start trouble. While he was legally acquitted, he certainly contributed to the run up of the confrontation. If Zimmerman hadn't been such a moron with a large chip on his shoulder, none of it would have happened. Now, shouldn't you make your way down to the thread on the guy who pulled a gun on the Girl Scout? He needs your defense, too!

  15. Unfortunately he'll make money, so this won't feel that good to watch.

  16. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Unfortunately, he'll make a lot of money, so it won't feel that good to watch him get knocked out.

  17. Anonymous7:41 PM

    He's a coward & a bully so he will never fight anyone. There will be some excuse given for him backing out - like "My family needs me to be there for them so I have to withdraw, but I would have beaten the sh*t out of _____."

    1. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Exactly. That murderer doesn't have the balls to get in the ring with anyone his size, or bigger. Before the day gets here, he's going to tuck tail and run far away. He's a miserable little man, a coward, and extremely fearful of getting his ass handed to him on a platter. I won't pay money to see it if it comes to pass, but I will read about it with some curiosity, hoping that a few good blows land where they need to.

      Aw hell, I hope he gets the shit beaten out of him, and he is scarred for life from the beating he gets if it comes to pass.

  18. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I'm a 50 year black woman & I would love to kick his Ass!!! Sign me up.

    Add Sarah & Todd Palin to the mix & I'll whoop their coward asses too!

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Set this up and I will be your corner girl. Where do I sign?


    2. Anonymous9:35 PM

      We don't see color here, right behind you doing double.

    3. Anonymous3:59 AM

      LMAO..this is becoming like the scene in Airplane, where folks were lined-up to get another passenger to calm down and STFU.

      It would be great if this boxing match would allow tag-teams. If so, my money would be on DMX and anon 7:57 PM!

  19. Anonymous8:35 PM

    George Zimmerman definitely belongs on Dancing With the Stars.

    1. Anonymous3:55 AM

      I am shocked they have not asked him yet!! He is probably more graceful than Bristles, and the racists would all vote (like her mother's fans did) to keep him on.

    2. Anonymous4:02 AM

      SNORT. That'll be the day.

  20. Anonymous8:42 PM

    My understanding is the lawyers that represented him didn't get all of their money, and the kicker is they want the State of Florida to pay them, georgie's money must've dried up, the racists stop sending him money, he tried selling art, that didn't work out for him, now he's trying this, I like to see the little chocolate girl that won the gold medal at the Olympics get in the ring with him, without his gun, he don't stand a chance


    Please give a retired, old fart like Iron Mike just one round with the coward. Little Georgie will be sucking his dinner through a straw until Brisket's chin doc builds him a teabagger special like she got.

    BTW, we hosted a big poker game and watched this World Heavyweight Championship fight on pay-per-view in 1988 between Mike Tyson and Michael Spinks, both of whom were undefeated and neither had ever been even knocked down in a pro fight.

    SInce it was so short (91 seconds), we watched the replay over twenty times so everybody could see the knockout punch. Cuz it was a short right uppercut that was kinda fast.

    1. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Oooh that would be perfect. I would love to see Georgy boy go down to someone as angry asTyson. Zimmerman would be shitting his trunks before the opening bell.

    2. Anonymous4:02 AM

      A comedian at that time said "Michael Spinks is the only boxer who looks worse going into the ring, than he does coming out!!"

  22. No, no, no. It's completely wrong for him to make any more money off of his "celebrity" status for murdering a teenager. Someone needs to give him the fight of his pathetic life, but not in a pay-per-view boxing ring.

  23. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Zimmerman is making money off his infamy! He sold a painting for $100,000! And it was a copy of a photo taken by someone else!

    Now he will get gobs of money for this latest stunt.

    What the hell kind of people support this creep?

    1. Anonymous10:26 PM

      The same kind who buy into Palin's mystique?

    2. Anonymous4:03 AM

      9:30 The same people who are STILL angry that we have a black President. Racist, ignorant fools. Some would call them republicans, or T-baggers.

    3. Anonymous7:45 AM

      9:30 Are you sure about that? last I heard he was being sued over that for copy rights, a painting of the DA, that was on the front page of a magazine

  24. Next, Zimmy will be doing RNC appearances at signing parties, giving $10 handjobs and $20 blowjobs for Conservative Republican men who are, without a doubt, definitely not gay. He'll agree to split proceeds with Reince Priebus, as long as Priebus will promise to give him a "hand".

    1. Anonymous4:05 AM

      I think THAT is how Rancid got his well paying gig in the RNC!!

  25. A couple of things about Zimmerman: Whenever Zimmerman is criticized, the trolls from the NRA and the gun nut's glee club show up. They care little for Zimmerman the man, but are heavily invested in maintaining the Florida Stand Your Ground law.

    Also, a physical fight between Zimmerman and anyone who is not white would be way too much like a real-life race war. Imagine the hype leading up to such a racial grudge match. Imagine the hate groups who want an actual race war in the USA. Ugly, very ugly. Zimmerman needs to just go away.

  26. Anonymous12:30 AM

    I would love to see his ass kicked but i would much rather it be by a white person so he can't pull any ptsd trauma bs for losing.

  27. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Interesting move, dummy. Ya know...if you get in there and do real well against grown men, it will just prove that your story is bullshit. Just saying, Georgie, boy, you have to let whatever person beat the shit out of you or we'll think you were lying!

  28. Anonymous2:47 AM

    What a Tri-G Zimmerman is! He will get himself killed in that ring. I sure hope he has to sign something that says that the event organizers can not be held responsible for his death from a brain hemorrhage.

    1. Anonymous4:03 AM


    2. Anonymous4:58 AM

      Tasteless to use Tri-G as a bad word. Just stick with retarded, they have no exclusive domain on the use of that word.

    3. Anita Winecooler4:56 PM

      I agree 4:58. Trig's an innocent kid. didn't ask to be part of that family and deserves better.

  29. Anonymous3:39 AM

    George Zimmerman has a lot in common with Sarah Palin. Both low IQs, neither can make a living unless they's scamming people, both are liars, and for some reason both think they are entitled to do anything they want.

  30. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Lovely decisive strategy by Zimmerman's handlers. This is just the kind of offer that will draw justifiable vitriol from rappers in the black community angry about Trayvon's murder. Unfortunately, that same vitriol will be spun by the right wing supporters of this pudgy bastard to reinforce their meme of black men as angry, aggressive thugs bent on beating up a white guy.
    I would not watch. I would not even acknowledge its existence since it's clear to some of us exactly what's going on here.

  31. Anita Winecooler4:52 PM

    Generally speaking, I don't condone violence but this is one case where I'm all for it. What makes Zimmypoo a "Celebrity" all of a sudden? Doesn't one have to birth a baby or three out of wedlock first or show some kind of talent.
    Anyway, if he survives this one, I'll pay for an all night dinner date with Jodi Arias.and all proceeds go to charity.

    I'm shocked this moron's tempting fate after getting away with murder!

  32. Anonymous7:49 PM

    This kind of talk is why you are who you are, and why you so often shoot yourselves and each other.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.