Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Lunch lady threatens to bring in an AK-47 and shoot up the school she worked at after somebody overcooked her cookies. Well at least she had a reason.

Courtesy of My Fox Boston:  

A cafeteria cook at King Philip Middle School is facing charges amid allegations that she threatened to shoot up the school over a batch of cookies. 

Wendy Ferris was arraigned Monday on a charge of threats to commit a crime stemming from an incident that took place Friday. 

According to a police report, Norfolk police were contacted by the assistant superintendent of King Philip Schools just after 3 p.m. about alleged threats made by the school's head cook. 

Witnesses told police Ferris entered the cafeteria manager's office looking for a band-aid in an "uproar" at about 2 p.m. Ferris was reportedly "going off" about a co-worker re-baking cookies that she made because they were overcooked. The manager said Ferris told her she needed to find another cook because evidently she did not know how to do her job or how to cook. 

Ferris is quoted in the report as saying, "I'm thinking about going out to buy an AK-47 and shooting this (expletive) school up!" 

The manager said Ferris exited the office mumbling profanities after she told her she did not say that and it was a threat. 

I am sure the NRA will say she is perfectly justified. I mean for God's sake we are talking about cookies here!

Just imagine if this school had taken the advice of the NRA and had armed some of their teachers, including possibly a certain easily ticked off lunch lady. The lunch for that day may have contained more lead than is usually considered safe.


  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Perhaps Wayne LaPierre could hire her as his personal chef.

  2. Anonymous2:28 PM

    This cook appears to hold a different view of zero tolerance.

  3. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Cookie Monster armed with an AK-47. NRA's new pinup.

  4. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Where is her hairnet and mustache?

  5. KanaW2:45 PM

    "The manager said Ferris exited the office mumbling profanities after she told her she did not say that and it was a threat. "

    What does this even mean? Which "she" is "she" in each of these?
    Did Ferris tell the manager 'that'? Or did the manager tell Ferris 'that'? And who threatened whom? Did the manager say 'it' was a threat, or did Ferris say 'it' was a threat?

    Bloody hell, I took honors English and I can't make head or tail of that!

  6. Anonymous2:48 PM

    The Bill Nye vs Ken Hamm debate is beginning in 15 minutes. I think you had covered it in your blog a few months prior so thought you might be interested.


  7. Anonymous3:02 PM

    She's free on $5,000 bail (upi.com). Judge must think the locals can defend themselves.

  8. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Teabaggers claim they aren't violent but yet here's a video of an elderly woman at a Tea Party breakfast, complaining to Oklahoma congressman Jim Bridenstine about the president.

    “Obama, he’s not president, as far as I’m concerned, he should be executed as an enemy combatant.” plus more.

    Of course the congressman says NOTHING!


    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Watch What Happens When A Woman Tells Rep. Bridenstine Obama Should Be Executed (VIDEO)


  9. I think this woman was just letting off steam and didn't really mean she would actually do it. People say a lot of things when they're pissed off that they don't really mean, but in the environment we live in today everything has to be taken seriously. This woman was obviously not thinking about what she was saying.or the seriousness of it.

    1. Well, yes in the context that if I say "fuck you," doesn't really mean I want to have sex with you. But if you mention getting an assault rifle and coming back to the work place with it, you Ber I'm going to be concerned and take the necessary precautions!

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      A 5 year-old kindergarten child in my family knows the rules. No mention of guns, shooting, weapons, etc. in school, around school, on the bus, at the bus stop etc. No art depicting such, no gestures that can be construed as such.

      If a 5 year is expected to meet that standard, then the lunch room staff should have to conform too.

    3. Anonymous5:10 PM

      That's a great point!

      Had a meeting with the Assistant Principal and my 14 year old because his teacher heard him say something that fell under zero tolerance, even though it was obvious to all that he was kidding. We were questioned by the police! The school had no choice but to follow the prescribed procedure, even though I could tell they were sympathetic about the situation. It's really a "can't be too careful situation" nowadays.

  10. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Being a citizen of MA, which is the bluest of blue states, I just can't help but wonder what the heck is going on in this country? I understand the crazies are everywhere but it just feels as though this type of thinking is infiltrating our society on a scary level.

  11. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

    She doesn't deserve the title of "cafeteria cook" Perhaps "cafeteria cookoo would be more fitting. What the Hell is going on? An assault weapon because someone else was redoing cookies she burnt?
    Are they going to do a full psych workup on this crazy person, or just slap her on the wrist and let her demonstrate normal conflict resolution to the students at the school?

  12. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Doesn't anyone here get it? Those mutherfuckin cookies would've been dee LISH us. Mmm. Mmm. Mmmmmm. Now, no goddam cookies. I have a sad instead of a happy and a stiffy for a cookie to go with my YooHoo today.


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