Monday, March 03, 2014

Sunday on Fox News Darrell Issa claimed that former head of the IRS tax exempt division will testify on Wednesday. Her lawyer says no she won't. Issa responds with yes she will. I love a good Mexican standoff.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Rep. Darrell Issa doesn’t know what he’s talking about, the attorney for former IRS official Lois Lerner said Sunday. 

Issa, the California Republican who chairs the House Oversight and Reform Committee, told “Fox News Sunday” that Lerner, the former head of the IRS tax-exempt division, would testify before his committee Wednesday, which he said he had been told by her attorney. 

That attorney, William W. Taylor, said Issa is wrong. 

“As of now, she intends to continue to assert her Fifth Amendment rights,” Taylor told POLITICO. “I do not know why Issa said what he said.” 

Lerner invoked her Fifth Amendment rights not to implicate herself when she appeared before the committee in May 2013, but only after delivering a brief statement defending herself. At the time, Issa and other Republicans said she had waived her Fifth Amendment rights by delivering the statement.

Issa does know that just saying somebody is going to testify is not the same thing as having a commitment that they are going to testify, right?

After this Politico story came out Issa released this statement: 

“Bill Taylor, Ms. Lerner’s attorney, has confirmed in writing that Ms. Lerner is willing to testify and she is now requesting a one week delay for the public hearing. We have informed Mr. Taylor that Ms. Lerner may make her request for a delay on Wednesday when she appears for the hearing.”

Okay so, if I have this straight,  Lois Lerner has no intention of testifying on Wednesday, and according to Issa is asking for a one week delay, which he will consider IF she shows up for the hearing that her attorney has stated she has no intention of showing up for.

I hate to jump to conclusions here, but it looks to me is if Issa will be interrogating an empty chair on Wednesday. And yet still going to be outmatched in a battle of the wits.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    That man is a fucking tool

  2. Anonymous6:37 AM

    There are protocol in place to protect witnesses from undue burden of a hearing's timetable. Usually, witnesses are allowed two weeks lead time to agree to appear. This sounds like no lead time and unless she's subpenoed, she's not beholden to his hissy-fit.

  3. Sure, Issa (Lebanese for 'hey, everybody, this guy's a douchebag') is a douchebag of epic proportions but the aesthetics of a highly paid government official pleading the 5th when being asked about their official duties doesn't do anybody any favors. It looks bad when Christie's henchmen and henchwomen do it and it looks bad when this IRS official does it.

    Issa? Was, is and always will be a Grade A, corn-fed, U.S. Gov't inspected douchebag.

    1. hedgewytch9:12 AM

      In most cases I would agree with you, but not in this one. Issa is known for his partisan witch hunts and media grandstanding. He brings people into a hearing and then he attacks and pounds them with false equivalencies, irrationalities, conspiracy theories, straw man arguments, etc. The hearing becomes an event that Issa is using as a platform for his grandstanding. And if he has requested any confidential, secure documents - he EVERY time releases information that is still sensitive and confidential. I wouldn't appear before this guy unless I was compelled to and then you bet your ass I wouldn't talk to him either.

    2. Beldar J Conehead10:01 AM


      Every point you make is valid and well stated.

      Issa's chairmanship of the committee is just one of countless penalties this country pays for having elected a Grand Old Tea Party House majority.

      But it plays into their cynical hands when they can hold up a reluctant witness as "evidence" of far-reaching Obama "scandals".

  4. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Maybe Issa can get some tips from Clint Eastwood...

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Ha, ha! I see what you did there...GREAT RESPONSE!

  5. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Issa's parents must have never taught him "no".

    He's playing reverse psychology, just like all of em' conservatives who hate liberals. They must have all met in 2008 and formulated a plan to play the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" chapter out of their "Always Say No to President Obama" manuel.

    When they don't get their way, they tell a lie, push the lie, until it's in the media, then when a fairly large percentage hear it, they believe it. When the other party (with lawyer) corrects the false statement, by that time, no one listens or is paying much attention, and it creates a public impression that the party (Lois Lerner) is lying. Gaslighting the public, and using these nasty schemes, for spending taxpayers money on innuendo.

  6. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Could this lying sonofabitch be any more ridiculous or creepy? When is HE going to be investigated?
    How much money will he & the rest of the goon squad waste doing shit like this?
    America is not on the fast track to hell, we're already there.

  7. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Gryphen, this is off topic, but boy, does it hit the mark!

    White men, as a group, vote Republican because they vote their resentments

    ...Democrats have conquered most demographics in this country, except, of course, white men. This piece in the New York Times about Democratic efforts to capture their vote—or at least more of it—is fascinating insofar as it really shows how much the white male vote is controlled by nothing more than resentment, particularly resentment of women and people of color for spending the last few decades improving their lot in life. It’s not even a vote to restore lost levels of white male privilege, since I think white men must know that putting that genie back into the bottle isn’t going to work. At this point, then, voting Republican is just about punishment. You can’t stop a black guy from being your boss at work and your wife is never going to be Mrs. Cleaver, but you can make life a little harder for women and people of color in revenge for “stealing” the easy life of never having to compete with them that you feel entitled to. Also, MORE GUNS, because your phallic death totems are so soothing and help fill, temporarily, that desire to be a big man.

    But there’s nothing more than resentment there. Even the Republican strategist they interview has no idea how petty he makes the white male Republican voter sound:

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      And here's more sick and twisted:

      Disgraced conservative columnist John Derbyshire is urging the Republican Party to abandon its meager efforts to court voters who aren’t racist white men.

      Derbyshire, who lost his job with the National Review after publishing a “nasty and indefensible” 2012 column about his racial prejudices, told Communities Digital News on Friday that the GOP would never attract enough black and women voters to be worth the effort.

      “The future of the conservative movement is as a home for white ethnocentrism,” said Derbyshire, who now writes for the white nationalist site VDARE.

      He said “conservatives are the only people in the U.S.A. trying to ‘transcend contentious racial issues,’” but agreed with his “friend” — white nationalist Jared Taylor – that white people should stop trying to get along with black people.

      “Whites may as well start asserting themselves and join in fighting for the spoils,” Derbyshire said. “If that’s right, ‘colorblind conservatism’ is a dead end, and the future of the conservative movement is as a home for white ethnocentrism.”

      He also suggested that Republicans should also give up on trying to appeal to women and become more bellicose.

      “Women are just like that,” Derbyshire said. “One thing we might try would be putting some alpha males up front, instead of mealy-mouthed cringing betas.”

  8. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Blind Items Revealed
    August 21, 2013

    This former reality star has not been on a show in some time, but because of who she is and her family i she still has A+ list name recognition. Apparently she is also yours for the night if you get her drunk enough. Five nights in a row she got wasted. Three of those nights she went home with a different guy. Hope she used protection otherwise her next reality show is going to be Maury. Now that would be a great episode of television.

    Bristol Palin

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Hole Lee Shit!!!!

    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      I'm sure she was just trying to preach abstinence to them.

    3. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Holy shit, Batman!

    4. Anonymous9:58 AM

      As much as I despise Sarah Palin, this behavior by her daughter is just sad. I can understand wanting to have a love life and wanting to have sex but it seems self destructive. This is a young woman who mutilated her face with plastic surgery before she hit age 21. How much does she like herself?

    5. Anita Winecooler5:23 PM

      I think it's time for "the talk". Momma June got it right, she got married first, now she's doing the pee stick waltz, and she's on a REAL reality show!

      Hey, Willow, explain the birds and bees to Bristol.

  9. invisible_dragon9:25 AM

    Issa is a tool, an idiot and an embarrassment to everyone under 70 in his district. Oh, and a thief.

  10. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Issa is a meglamaniac, a bully and not trustworthy. It is all about him and how dare anyone not be at his beck and call.

  11. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Someone from a previous post about issa gave an explanation why he continue to go after the IRS, and they hit it out the ballpark, a great read

  12. Anonymous10:55 AM


    C4Pees are pissed that RNC Statement on Women’s History Month omitted Palin. LOL

  13. Anonymous10:57 AM

    C4Pees are pissed that RNC Statement on Women’s History Month omitted Palin.

    LOL @

  14. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Issa Tries To Dispute Fact Checker Pinocchios, Gets Even More Pinocchios

    ...An incredulous Kessler noted that the report referred to by Issa as "somebody else's" was in fact authored in part by the chairman, and that the Republican conveniently redefined his meaning of the words “stand down."

  15. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Pathological Liar Darrell Issa Can’t Stop Spreading the Hillary Clinton Benghazi Lies

    Most adults have been in the very uncomfortable position of sitting in a meeting, around the dinner table, or at a social function and listen to a person lie through their teeth when everyone within earshot knows the person is lying. In those cases, the only person who is not uncomfortable is the clearly pathological liar that psychologists describe as compulsive lying on a regular basis and unable to control their lying despite the inevitable negative consequences or ultimate disclosure of the lie. On Sunday, the biggest liar in America, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa, compulsively lied to Fox News host Chris Wallace without remorse, and for once it was refreshing to see Wallace challenge Issa and reiterate a recent Washington Post fact check accusing him of having the “highest level of falsehood” for his obsession with the attacks in Benghazi.

    Issa was still spreading the blatant lie that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to “stand down” and let the four diplomats fend for themselves instead of alerting the military to “spin up” assets to fight the Benghazi attackers. Wallace reminded Issa that last year a Washington Post fact checker concluded that “Issa is crossing a line when he suggests there was no response — or a deliberate effort to hinder it.” The Fox News host reminded Issa that “for the second time they gave you ‘Four Pinocchios,’ which is their highest level of falsehood.” Issa attempted to defend his lie saying he just quoted “something that was in somebody else’s report” as if it exonerated him for repeating a persistent year-and-a-half lie. One thing is clear; if Issa read “something in someone else’s report,” he also read, or heard in person, several Department of Defense personnel at the highest levels tell Issa they were not given an order to stand down...

  16. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Fascinating walk down history's lane and how GOD took over the GOP.

    ...Not only is the GOP now so God-infested that there is room for nothing else, we are being told that only Christians should be allowed to run the country. Look at the recent Tea Party conference call that told Americans they need a Christian for president, because “anytime you get somebody who disdains law, doesn’t care for the law, who hates the Lawgiver and doesn’t think he deserves his sceptre, doesn’t think that the law giver knows what’s good for you, for us, then naturally you’re going to get pain, suffering, disease and death.”

    Think back to 1972 again and the failure of the Republican Party Platform to mention God, and then think about the fuss made over the 2012 Democratic Party Platform’s exclusion of God. In 1972, this would not have been worthy of even a mention by the media, since the GOP excluded God too. In 2012 you’d have that it heralded the return of the anti-Christ, and indeed, that was the suggestion.

    Today, President Barack Obama is regularly vilified as demonic and Satanic, and is even identified as that anti-Christ.

    God, God, God, OMG GOP!

  17. Anita Winecooler5:30 PM

    Darryl's just got a complex because his parent's named him Darryl. And he's an assclown who has no clue what the fifth amendment's for. Unless she's explicitly subpoenaed, no matter what she says before pleading the fifth isn't usable in court unless it proves she committed a crime, like grand theft auto and money laundering.


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