Friday, February 26, 2016

Dakota Meyer files an emergency motion to see his daughter.

Courtesy of Radar Online:

According to court documents obtained by Radar, Meyer filed an “emergency” motion on February 24 asking the court to finalize a temporary custody agreement for his daughter with Palin, Sailor.

As Radar reported, Palin already filed documents asking the court to allow her to live with the child in Alaska. Meyer lives on the other side of the country, in Kentucky, but Palin insisted she wanted to have final say in when he would see the baby. 

However, that didn’t seem to go over well with Meyer, 27. On February 24, he also filed a “motion for expedited consideration” of his custody request. 

According to Alaskan court procedural documents, such motions are only filed when an individual feels that they “have an emergency that justifies speeding up the motion process.”

Well it looks like somebody has been watching how Bristol Palin is treating her first baby daddy and recognizing that if he wants to see this kid he is going to have to force her to let him.

Or perhaps he just wants access in order to perform a more thorough DNA test.

In the meantime Bristol's sister Piper has been all over her Instagram account defending her big sis and essentially dissing the Medal of Honor winner:

piper.pShe supports her kids. She has a full time job. She left Dakota, it's not your Business to know why. If she wants you to know then she'll tell you. But I will tell you that Dakota still has not met sailor. Bristol has offered for him to meet sailor many times. It's his fault that he hasn't met her and she is 2 months old. He also never contacted Bristol while she was pregnant. So if that doesn't tell you something your messed up in the head. Go take care of your children please and worry about your family. Don't go by the media because it's not true so if you would leave her alone that would be great:) #๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿผ @iamcarlita_ 

After somebody (With the username "Palinarewhores") questioned how Piper could be commenting so early in the afternoon: 

piper.p@palinarewhores school ended at 2 hun๐Ÿ˜˜ 

Even big sis herself feltr the need to jump in: 

bsmp2Lol as you are at work @piper.p .. Ignore them, so much hate, who cares. Look at anyone who comments negatively, everyone of them follows 10x more than they have following them. No one values their opinion. Bunch of punkass - know nothing, naysayers. Ignore them babe, and have a good rest of the day at work! Love you

So classy.

Good luck there Dakota, trust me you're going to need it.


  1. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Fuck John McCain's for trying to foist this trash on us. This is how they would have spent their time as VP family. Ignorant losers.


    1. Anonymous6:48 AM


    2. 66gardeners7:06 AM

      This is what I can see from my porch.

      Bristol is dragging her feet to get Sailor's DNA tested. Dakota has been very patient but wants a court order to speed things up. Once he has access to Sailor, he can have her DNA tested himself in the remote possibility that he is her biological father.

      Dakota has made it clear he does not want a relationship with Bristol, but he will have a relationship with Sailor if she is his daughter.

    3. Anonymous7:13 AM

      "This is how they would have spent their time as VP family"

      Woulda been 24/7 "Beverly Hillbillies meets Mr. Smith Goes To Washington meets WWE Smackdown(r) meets Sling Blade"

      but not in a good way.

    4. Anonymous7:33 AM

      7:13, How the heck can that mash up, not be "in a good way"? Had I known we could have had THAT, even I would have voted McCain/Palin!
      That would have been frickin awesome!

    5. Anonymous8:05 AM

      If no DNA test... could Dakota see Sailor Grace before it is verified he is her father?

    6. Anonymous8:43 AM

      There would have been trailers, drunken brawls and bastard babies scattered all over the lawn at Blair House if Palin had ever become VP.

  2. Anonymous6:14 AM

    "" Ignore them babe, and have a good rest of the day at work! ""

    ???? Did she forget she is supposed to be talking to Piper?

    1. Anonymous6:32 AM

      My guess is that Piper's "work" is babysitting the Palin menagerie.

    2. Anonymous7:01 AM

      Piper has always had a lot on anger issues, from what we've seen of her in public. Some of that may be genetic but it cannot help that her mom is who she is, hoisting Piper out onto the world as her PR shield, and not nurturing.

    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      You might feel angry too if your mother & family mockingly called you Piper-Diaper while growing up and did things like smash your face into your birthday cake and then everyone laughed at you. No telling what else went on in the way of ignoring her feelings and belittling her.

    4. Anonymous7:45 AM

      I remember how Sarah always had Piper tagging along and she'd let the then-young girl witness run-ins with people who questioned Palin. She'd let Piper interact and say things like "You're just jealous." No decent parent would have let a little girl get involved in that stuff.

    5. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Do you think it was Piper that wrote the bsmp2 comments? It could have been Marina, helping her.

  3. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Bristol tells Piper to "have a good day at work."

    Piper's 14 years old. Are there no child labor laws in Alaska?
    Perhaps this is a part-time job after school and after all her schoolwork is finished? Is she going to follow the generations-long Palin/Heath practice of learning nothing academic and dropping out of high school as fast as she can?
    Ah, Piper. you've lived all of this drama, but, sadly, you couldn't escape.

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      If you think about it Piper is the same age everyone mentions that Tripp will start reading the internet posts about his family. She may be putting up with a lot of remarks from school mates and outsiders and feels she needs to defend the embarrassing Bristol. She may be more of a victim than we think. I mean look at her role models!

    2. Anonymous6:28 AM

      Piper has a full time job at the Doctor's office. She works on second shift.

    3. Anonymous6:30 AM

      Piper is working for Sarahpac. Postage ya know.

    4. Anonymous8:09 AM


      That is more like it. She probably morphs into the Russian exotix.

  4. Anonymous6:19 AM

    First off. That will be one cute baby. Next. This is the strangest baby engagement ever. Sleep with someone and BOOM prego. Shotgun marriage. Damn. young and potent makes for lots of kids with no birth control. A lifetime lesson and reason to survive.

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      At last we can end the speculation about Joey Junker, he looks nothing like Sailor baby.

    2. Anonymous8:45 AM

      I think the baby looks alot like Junker. As for the baby's cuteness, not so much.

    3. Anonymous8:49 AM

      umm yes she does look like Junker.

    4. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Baby has Dakota's eyebrows and also that little cleft under the nose.

    5. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Here's an alternative comparison. Tell me whom she looks like (found this on another website).

    6. Anonymous9:15 AM

      8:15 AM Joey and Sailor have the same lines around the mouth and a top hair lip.

    7. Anonymous9:16 AM

      That little cleft under the nose is called a philtrum and most everybody has one.

    8. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Thanks for the link 8:55AM. IMO Sailor looks like Junker.

  5. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Advise for parents ... if your son wants to hook up with Bristol, grab a rusty knife and give him an orchidectomy.

    1. Anonymous6:32 AM

      And dispense with anesthesia or antibiotics. Time is of the essence!

    2. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Just one won't git-r-dun. Better have a double.

    3. Anonymous6:42 AM

      Good advice for any parent whose kid thinks of dating any of that trashy Dumpster Kardashian family.

    4. Anonymous6:49 AM


  6. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Well, if the Palins don't want anyone up in their business, why do they post so publicly and force their business down our throats. It is not the reading public calling the gossip rags and planting stories; it is the Palins.

    Looks like Piper will be another high school drop out. That makes four for four that have not finished high school. But no worries, Donald Trump loves the poorly educated.

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      That is not Bristol's personal account. It is where the Palin Brand conducts business. Product sales.

      How many dummies can think it is about being private, none of your business meme? Trig says 'bullshit!'

  7. Anonymous6:26 AM

    So can we expect a lovely '2 Months Old" partly with accompanying pictures this weekend? Make sure, Bristol, that you research real two month olds and don't show little Sailor almost sitting up or rolling over or cutting teeth. Gotta keep up the charade.
    AS far as potty mouth Piper, when did Dakota have a chance to 'meet Sailor?' Did Bristol tell him she was pregnant with his child right away? Did she ask him to attend the birth? Send him a Christmas card? Anything? We know how you Plains operate. All Bristol wants from Dakota is cash. She prefers not to share anything, including the kids.

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Remember Piper shoving reporters at the ripe old age of seven? That behavior is LEARNED.

    2. AKRNHSNC7:54 AM

      Considering the Palins' did everything possible to keep Levi away from his son and he only lived minutes away, there is no way anyone believes that Bristol tried to get Dakota to visit his daughter. Why should she get final say as to when he sees her? It's not as if she didn't try to screw Levi over for 7 yrs., making him waste over $100k on attorneys rather than working out joint custody! Bristol is a horrible excuse for a mother in keeping her children away from fathers who love them and want to be with them. Bristol MOVED to Kentucky with the intentions of living there and I'm sure they talked about it prior to doing so. This is where Dakota makes his money, the very same money she wants a large share of! Let's face it, if Levi was sending her what amounted to $600/month for Tripp since he was born, he certainly wasn't doing without anything. He had food, clothing, shelter and a lot of crap he didn't need as in a $7k off-road vehicle! She's not in need of money but she'll take all she can get. There is no way that even full-time work at the doctor's office would provide her with enough money to live the lifestyle she does. Her handbags are close to $2k each, shoes are $800 and up/pair and then there's all the traveling she does. Just how much vacation time does Bristol get? The court needs to know about her lifestyle and habits and explain where the money comes from since she claimed she had no income in two of the years she now says she was working. Bristol, sooner or later your lies will catch up to you and so will your Mother's. It couldn't happen to two more deserving people.

    3. Anonymous8:02 AM

      I think Piper is a sleeper...adorable and always sweet-faced, but maybe a second-Sarah about to bloom.

      I remember her shoving the reporters with a surprising fierceness. I also remember the expression on her face when Sarah drove away from one of her "good-bye" events in Alaska, leaving Todd behind. Piper leaned out the window of the truck mom was driving and seemed to be frantic (looking for or at Todd, I guess) and her jaw was set bull-dog style with her lower teeth jutted out.I felt sorry for her and also a little alarmed to see such Sarah-style rage in the little one.

      I'm also remembering the photo of her that floated around in '08 that showed her sitting on a curb at a parade. She was turned to the side and giving the finger to another little kid. Not seen a lot, but it was enough of a stir that even Snopes weighed in on whether or not it was photo shopped. I think they decided that it WAS, but other sites said it was not. Now, in retrospect, anything seems plausible when speculating on the behavior in the family.

  8. So if that doesn't tell you something your messed up in the head.
    Hey Piper, it's YOU'RE, as in YOU ARE. Stay in school, hun.

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Remember the pic of her in high heels working on her flash cards? My kids didn't need flash cards at that age.

    2. Anonymous7:25 AM

      "Stay in school" is not in the vocabulary of the Palin kids.

    3. Anonymous9:09 AM

      The Palins never believe that they make mistakes. If Piper gets help with her homework from family members, she will never learn proper spelling and grammar. "PUNKASS" is such a nice word to write in a message to your younger, teenaged sister, right, Bristol? Piper has probably heard Bristol's Drunken Palin Family Brawl Police tapes also.

  9. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Dakota is in for a lifetime of trouble as is the poor little baby.

  10. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I don't get it. He's been ignoring Bristol's attempts at co-parenting. She's given him numerous opportunities and has NEVER barred him from seeing her. There is an abundance of proof.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      There is only proof that time and time again, Bristol has shown that she cannot be trusted. Levi had to fight tooth and nail to have his child on a regular basis. Dakota ain't gonna take that nonsense. Better to have the judge issue an order and take it out of Bristol's hands.

    2. Anonymous6:41 AM

      Great! Please share that 'abundance' of proof. Lol

    3. Anonymous6:44 AM

      What Proof????????????????

    4. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Ah yes, the abundance of proof. Don't you get dizzy from all that spinning?

    5. How about Barstool tries for once in her life to be classy and NOT let "her side of the story" play out on the internet? I realize that they're uneducated dimwits, but when will she figure out that her children will one day read the garbage that she and her family has said on the internet about their fathers and how much that will hurt them?

      She's a vicious cow.

    6. Anonymous7:24 AM

      The voices in your head are not proof

    7. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Hey - consultant paid Troll - you know nothing! Were you there by Bristol's side when she was calling Dakota on her cell phone every day inviting him to Alaska? No? I didn't think so. Stalker.

    8. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Were YOU by Bristol's side when was calling Dakota, inviting him to Alaska?

    9. Anonymous7:43 AM

      LOL. Co-parenting? Brisdull? LOL.

    10. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Calling Dakota every day? Who's the stalker? Don't blame MOH if he has even an inkling that Sailor isn't his and is being set up.

    11. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Where's the proof?
      Barstool is a known liar so there is no proof there, legally that is hearsay, not proof.

    12. Anonymous9:04 AM

      6:29 AM TROLL Your abundance of proof is a pile of shit. Dakota's phone records don't show a call from Bristol Palin on November 4, 2015. Why didn't Bristol call on Sailor's birth date? Is it because Bristol did not know who the actual sperm donor was? Sailor is too dark skinned to be Dakota's offspring, and everyone can see that. I truly believe that Bristol is cutting Sailor's hair so that it does not grow long enough to curl up. Sailor is not Dakota's baby. FACT.

    13. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Was it the lawyer John T?

      I thought he said they did not know who sent the photo of newborn just birthed Sailor with Bristol in bed to dakota.

      If Bristol can prove she was in contact with Dakota she probably knows who sent the photo.

  11. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Where is Piper working? As a babysitter for Bristol's kids?

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Probably working at getting knocked up.

    2. Anonymous7:39 AM

      She is a model for Marina's company

    3. Anonymous8:57 AM

      The question is, how are Piper's grades?

  12. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Ignore them babe, and have a good rest of the day at work!

    What's that saying?



  13. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Bristol is not going to be able to play games with Dakota like she did with Levi. A judge will be telling Bristol how it is going to be; not Bristol telling Dakota if he can see his own kid.

    Remember Bristol allowed Levi a few hours with his son twice a week and didn't even honor that agreement. Dakota is not taking that road; his is smarter than that. And he has the money for a lawyer.

    He has as much a right to that child as she does. And I have the feeling that the child will be spending lots of time down on the old Kentucky homestead.

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Dakota is a LOT older than Levi was when Bristol started pulling this shite. AND he has access to competent legal advice not be being dispensed by Palin minions.

      No, Bristol is screwed is more ways than one.

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Unlike Levi who was still in high school at the time MOH Dakota is not dillin with the Governor threatnin to bring down the HER Department of LAWS on his family.

      The quitter doesn't have a whole bunch of mouthbreather bible thumpers ready to lay hands on MOH and the walls of the airplane hanger anymore. The Palins don't have all the right wing hate radio hosts to sell their special shit sandwich of hate and lies this time against MOH this time.

      Palins might be fixin to be receiving a rill legal and social media asswhippin this time. They're too stupid to realize it, and too incorrigible to change.

      The stool and quitter can picture post and fecebook 24-7 and that won't fix their latest hot messes.

      All this and then there is Sarah's #1 son's dill to dill with, also too.

      Valley Trash.

  14. Anonymous6:35 AM

    >>>Look at anyone who comments negatively, everyone of them follows 10x more than they have following them. No one values their opinion. Bunch of punkass - know nothing, naysayers. Ignore them babe, and have a good rest of the day at work! Love you<<<

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

    Abraham Lincoln

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      And it is all about the followers, huh?

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      "What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself." - Abraham Lincoln

      Sarah the rogue skunk did it and now Bristol is.

    3. Anonymous8:10 AM

      7:55 GREAT quote!

    4. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Bristol's mistake is believing what he mother tells her - that she's something she is not. "Real" celebrities like the Kardashians Bristol tries so hard to mimic don't spend time on the internet fighting and counting followers. Yes, they do selfies but that's only a small part of it - whereas Bristol thinks fish lipped selfies is all you have to do. They actually work hard and have built a $65 mllion brand. They give to charity. Sorry but you're going to get nowhere selling cheap ass girly boxes with a company that has an F rating. I just don't think Bristol has 1/100th of the brains of the Kardashians to get off her obssesively selfish lazy ass and DO something for herself, her kids and other people. Then she might get somewhere.

    5. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Anon at 8:11 am. I don't think comparing Palins to Kardashians is such a good idea. There is very little to admire in any of the Kardashians. They are grifters in their own world; it's just a higher level of grifting than the Palin kind.

    6. Anonymous9:18 AM

      The Kardashians are gross and should not be admired in any way.

  15. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Piper has a job with Chucky, liking stamps for SarahPAC.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Piper is baby sitting Sailor.

  16. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Hard work if you can get it!

    "By 2014, Bristol claimed she had not earned a penny in 18 months and asked a judge to increase Levi's child support."

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Since brisket was the custodial parent of Tripp she wasn't required to show her income. That's not how it's going to work with Dakota. Because he offered up his income and wants co-parenting rights along with a decision regarding child support she has to submit her earnings as well.

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Stop with the nonsense that Bristol had no income! The documents you're referring to were from Levi's attorney who would have no idea of her income so it was left bank.

    3. Balzafiar7:43 AM

      It's all a matter of wording. She had INCOME (from Sarah's hush-money cash laundering PAC) but she did not EARN any income.

    4. Anonymous8:12 AM

      7:20, please stop telling others to stop (ironic).
      6:40 is making a valid point, NOT trying to claim Bristol didn't make money. DUH.

    5. Anonymous8:50 AM

      @ anon 7:07am
      Both parents are required to verify their incomes to the court.

      @anon 7:20 am
      Barstool either lied about her "6 yr job" or lied to the court system about her income.

  17. Anonymous6:46 AM

    So classy.
    Aren't they, though?

    You know, I've said for years that, hey, it's a free country; let them be as crass as they want to be, just STOP with the "God" crap and bible verse quotes. They exemplify nothing of Christianity. NOTHING.

    After the brawl, ol' boopsie crowed about how proud she was of her ingrate brood. What does that say about her? Most moms I know would be mortified, yet she takes delight in it. It speaks volumes as to her character and why she's got her lips attached to tRump's fat @ss.

    Most of us knew when they were introduced in '08 that there was "something very wrong with this picture." Were we ever right.

    Low class trash and proud of it.

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Low class trash and working really hard to prove it. They only work they have ever done.

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      I think they are about in the same class as most of the people who go around telling others how "christian" they are.
      The more someone tells me they are christian the sleazier they are.

    3. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Yeah, wasn't it Willow that said, when $arah asked for a prayer circle before she went onstage, "why are you pretending to be something you're not?"

  18. Anonymous6:47 AM

    "Or perhaps he just wants access in order to perform a more thorough DNA test" Bingo!!

    And Meyer should release some of the communications to show how he has been trying to see his daughter.

    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      He needs his own dna test before he unknowingly commits on paper to funding raising someone else's kid. You can unknowingly commit yourself without dna results so Dakota needs to be very careful.

    2. Anonymous7:13 AM

      I don't agree. Dakota staying quiet about all of this crap seems to be very good legal advice. Like a poker game...don't show your hand!

    3. 66gardeners7:14 AM

      "you can knowingly commit yourself without DNA". Only if the couple are legally married.

    4. Anonymous7:27 AM

      7:06 here.I wasn't aware of that. I know you can get sucked in to providing for other's kids if your wife cheated on you and claimed it as yours, in a divorce. Thankyou for your input. ;)

    5. Anonymous7:30 AM

      I've read of cases where the couple wasn't married. He thought he was the father. Found out later he wasn't. But because he had raised the child as his own the judge made him continue paying child support!

    6. Anonymous7:32 AM

      No, Meyer doesn't need to act out in public on the internet like Bristol does because somebody said something. He is obviously following his lawyers advice and so far playing his cards just right.

    7. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Very smart for Dakota that he decided not to marry Bristol. Levi also and too.

    8. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Never get involved with a Palin. EVER.

    9. Anonymous8:52 AM


      You are incorrect, most unmarried couples never get a DNA test before the Father signs the birth certificate.

  19. Anonymous6:56 AM

    The gall of this girl. They're just jealous I have more followers? Stay of Instagram and care for all 16 or whatever it is now of your children.

  20. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Sunny posted a quote on fb "the only people mad at you for speaking the truth are those living a lie...keep speaking it!" & she added her comment "Do the math to see the truth #commonsense. Ouch! Bristol, everyone with commonsense has you figured out. Go Dakota, Go!

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Oops! I need to amend Sunny's comment...she said "Do the math to see the truth #commonsense". I wanted to make sure I correctly stated her words.

    2. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Do the math to see the truth? What is she talking about? Sailor?

    3. Anonymous8:07 AM

      She's talking about the amount of $$ Levi has spent fighting for his son. I believe she means Bristol is mad because Levi spoke the truth about his desire to be in his son's life more than a couple days a week. He has the truth on his side & Bristol is the one living a lie. Again, #commonsense!

    4. Anonymous8:51 AM

      7:50 AM She would have been correct if it was about Sailor's birth date also. Dakota and his lawyers know that they can't trust the Palins to have a proper DNA test done, so this is the only way to get an official DNA test done.

  21. Anonymous7:04 AM

    " Ignore them babe, and have a good rest of the day at work! "
    I have never known anyone who needs to affirm how hard they work as much as the Palins do.
    "Mango not gay!" Sure, Mango....

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      She's a hard ass worker

    2. Anonymous7:30 AM

      @7:22, ass work is always hard.
      "She works hard for the money, so hard for it, honey..."

    3. Anonymous8:46 AM

      7:22 AM All whores work hard, right, Bristol?

  22. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Why would Dakota want to see Joey J's baby?

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      I know, right?
      Junker doesn't want to see it, so why would Duh?

  23. What kind of mother lets their 14 year old sister into the private details of a custody dispute then backs the teenager up when she gets into an international online brawl about facts that she really shouldn't have any access to? A really shitty one, that's what kind of mother does that.

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Exactly! Very well stated. And where are the 14-year-old's patents?

    2. Anonymous7:38 AM

      7:21, they are pending...

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      we get ya

    4. Anonymous9:01 AM

      hahahaha, 7:38.


    5. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Let's hope that after Piper sees babies are cute but custody fights are not, and the public airing of ones private life comes with a big price, and that she will be on birth control if she needs to be and she will get the "h" out of Wassilla and go to college.

  24. Anonymous7:14 AM

    What about the Court ordered DNA test? Is Bristol still dragging her feet getting it done?

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Last time we heard about Brissys feet "dragging", it was at a smackdown.

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, her ass was dragging too.

  25. Anonymous7:15 AM

    What's all this about Piper has a job licking? How young do they start em in Wasilla?

  26. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Where's Track's comments defending Bristol? Doesn't Track love Bristol?

  27. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Be quiet and do your homework, Piper.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      What homework.

      It's sad. Education is so low on the Palin priority list.

  28. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Jordan Loewe did your face morph back to normal after your beating? I wonder if this is why Britta left?

  29. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Poor Piper - poorly educated and awful dumb. She's just a kid on Instagram but what a gene pool. Who do we think is stupider - Todd or Sarah? Seems every one of those kids missed out in the IQ lottery.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Correct grammar is "more stupid" and, to answer your question, hard to say. There is so much dysfunction in that household and education clearly is not valued.

    2. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Can you imagine how their home schooling is conducted? Every other word is fuck you, or go fuck yourself.

    3. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Actually, both American Heritage and Fowler's show stupid, stupider, and stupidest as correct forms. Not sure who is stupider, but I do think Bristol is stupidest.

    4. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Todd probably knows his limitations so he uses bullying tactics to get his way. Sarah is too stupid to realize just how dumb she is. She might have been able to bluff her way around Alaska, accompanied by Todd the Bully. But she couldn't fool the folks in the lower 48. We're smarter than that.

  30. Anonymous7:36 AM


  31. Anonymous7:37 AM

    What a twisted inside out bunch of trash. I thought maybe Piper would escape it, but looks like she's in deep. She must automatically believe that living your life for public consumption is the only way to live. IT IS NOT. Make yourselves private, or you will keep earning the hate people deliver to you, because you're arrogant ASSHOLES. That includes you Piper, I don't care how old your ass is.

  32. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I think there is a zero to 10% chance that Dakota is the father. DNA test? Knowing the MO of the KKKlan, it probably has not been done. Was a DNA EVER performed for Tripp and Levi?

    Bristles is a whore, plain and simple; very simple actually, as she forgets to use protection. Dakota is not a pushover like Levi was. He has REAL lawyers (unlike AK Rex) watching his back.

    Get that DNA test done; then make it public. Making it public is how Dakota can vindicate himself from the hatred being spewed in his direction.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      She doesn't forget, she keeps getting pregnant to try and replace the baby her Mom took from her.

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      I don't really think anyone gives a shit other than the obsessive IM brigade.

    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      I don't consider myself obsessive, but I will call BULLSHIT when warranted.

    4. Suck this8:35 AM

      Keep repeating that 8:12. Especially if it makes you feel better.

      Check out the news reports for the last week google turned up for Bristol.

      Search Results
      from Extra (blog)
      Levi Johnston Wins 7-Year Custody Battle with Bristol Palin
      Extra (blog)-17 hours ago
      UPDATED: Bristol Palin addressed the custody arrangement in an Instagram post, explaining, "These babies are my world and I will always be doing what is ...
      Bristol Palin Just Responded To Everyone Saying She 'Lost ...
      Western Journalism-17 hours ago
      Bristol Palin Comments On Custody Battle With Ex Levi Johnston ...
      International Business Times-Feb 25, 2016
      Bristol Palin Weighs in on Child Custody Battle with Levi Johnston: 'I ...
      Highly Cited-People Magazine-Feb 25, 2016
      Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston FINALLY settle child custody dispute ...
      In-Depth-Daily Mail-Feb 24, 2016
      Bristol Palin Says She Did Not "Lose" Custody of Tripp to Levi ...
      Highly Cited-E! Online-Feb 25, 2016
      Media video for bristol palin from New York Daily News►►
      New York Daily News
      Media video for bristol palin from Entertainment Tonight►►
      Entertainment Tonight
      Media image for bristol palin from People Magazine
      People Magazine
      Media image for bristol palin from Western Journalism
      Western Journalism
      Media image for bristol palin from International Business Times
      International Business Times
      Media image for bristol palin from RadarOnline
      Explore in depth (69 more articles)
      Story image for bristol palin from RadarOnline
      Baby Daddy Fights Back! Bristol's Ex Files 'Emergency' Motion To ...
      RadarOnline-16 hours ago
      As Radar reported, Palin already filed documents asking the court to allow her to live with the child in Alaska. Meyer lives on the other side of the country, ...
      Story image for bristol palin from Us Weekly
      Levi Johnston Releases Statement on Custody Battle With Bristol ...
      Us Weekly-Feb 24, 2016
      It took seven years and over $100,000, but according to Bristol Palin's ex Levi Johnston, it was worth everything to get joint custody of their son, Tripp.

    5. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Your stupid ass is still commenting about them, troll. So you must give a shit.

    6. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Didn't Bristol listen to her own abstinence speeches?

    7. Anonymous9:12 AM

      8:11 Bingo and she will keep repeating that drama, returning to the scene of the crime so to speak, until she is vindicated or her uterus gives out.. whichever comes first.

  33. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Why is Piper working instead of focusing on her education and also getting involved in the kind of activities young people do that involve exercise and interests that they can pursue through the next years? I suppose this job he has is so that Piper doesn't even have to think about possibly going to college. Sarah and Todd have always done their best to discourage college, and not even the youngest will get the chance. Piper should be hanging out with peers and not her adult sister all the time.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      For a "hockey" family it seems strange to me that the girls haven't played hockey through Jr High and HS.
      I just went on vacation to the Minnesota Iron Range and spent many nights watching quite a few of my great nieces and nephews play HS hockey.

    2. Anonymous8:29 AM

      And down here in CA my nieces played softball for many years and some basketball. Sports does so much for a kid. Sarah is all talk about being a hockey mom and loving the great outdoors. All we ever see of them being outside (as opposed to Levi's family) are quick shots taken when going somewhere by vehicle. They seek the indoors and the couch and their social media. And poor Piper is not getting enough time out with her peers and doing things to grow from that. She's becoming a little Sarah and being too much of a girlfriend with Bristol rather than seeking out kids in her age range. Bristol and Sarah are allowing a young teen to be part of the adult conversation out there that no kid should be following.

    3. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Piper's 'job' is baby sitting for Bristol.

    4. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Piper is Trig's translator, and I suspect that she spends as much time at Bristol's house as Trig does. Bristol does need a hand taking care of all of her babies.

  34. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Is their a prop that Sarah won't use?

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      That was Bristol in 2010, fat and pregnant.

  35. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Wassilabilly Valley Trash - any of 'em, all of 'em.

  36. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Lol. The IM fangs are really out after 'cousin' made you all out to be fools. The doubling down proves fools never learn.

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      8:06 AM Your trolling has taken over your sorry life. You must believe that Bristol sending a comment to Piper with the word 'punkass' is appropriate? Well maybe it is for a dysfunctional Palin. Why do you comment here, bitch, what is your purpose, damage control? March first is in 4 days, are you earning the last of the 'postage'?
      You are right, Palin fools never learn.

    2. Stay on topic, child. You have the mentality of a Palin.

    3. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Fuck off.

    4. Anonymous8:37 AM

      8:06 AM You are right, you Palin Fools never learn. Your lives are taken over by 'trolling' and damage control fro all things Palin. Any time that you think about fools, say your name, bitch. Your panties are always in a wad about Palin scandals. What wrong, are you anticipating your non-payment on March first? 4 more days and you will be on your own, grifter.

    5. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Oh I am on topic Meghan. The topic is you are a bunch of obsessed morons, especially you. Thanks for the entertainment.

    6. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Cousin wasn't a cousin but she was an insider. This much I know is true.

  37. Anonymous8:08 AM

    In twenty-seven years of teaching, I realized that the students who passed notes, broke the rules, did poorly in class, were the ones who loved drama. Nothing was more important to them than the daily soap opera drama of their lives. I saw them continue the same route as adults in our small town. It was a common complain among the teachers that the poor parenting or lack of parenting, lack of stress on the value of education, could not compete with our daily message of self-worth, self-respect, and value of an education leading to job skills. I see a repeated pattern in this family, and I do not see any hope for change. The drama, fueled by the lack of education, is more intoxicating than the joy or satisfaction of an introspective life filled with growth and coupled with service to others.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Such a good post here. Thank you.

    2. Anonymous8:32 AM

      This is a highly insightful comment. I'd just add that the drama-addicted (and rage-fueled) personality is also common to Fox viewers and right-wing radio listeners, who are of course sharing a big spot on the Venn diagram with the Palin family.

    3. I'm also a retired teacher, and what you say about the love of drama is very true. I hadn't thought of it that way, and since I taught in a city I wasn't able to follow them into adulthood. I hoped they would grow out of it.

    4. Anonymous9:03 AM

      @ 8:08 Great description. There is also a part of the brain that works hand-in-hand with the thrill of one's daily drama. It's the part of the brain that controls pleasure, and it can also be stimulated by drink, drugs, dating a dangerous guy, shoplifting. That rush of excitement, "he said what about me?" is addictive. It also blocks reason and dealing with reality.

    5. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Very true.

      The Palin kids have been surrounded by chaos and drama their whole lives.

  38. Anonymous8:11 AM

    The only way to communicate with a Palin is through a lawyer or with a lawyer present. Outside of family and their small circle of thieving friends, that is the ONLY way.

  39. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Just wait until Dakota is given visiting rights to Sailor and has her DNA tested himself.
    The preponderance of the evidence shows that he and Sailor do not have a DNA match, and he will, I believe, release the results publicly. Best yet would be if he showed the actual DNA strands side-by-side, to the press or on fb or wherever.

    The Palins can cry and wail all they want to when this happens, but they've painted themselves into a corner and the legal and medical professions will leave them there.

    When it's clear to the world that Bristol and Sarah were trying to marry her off so they'd have snared Dakota with a baby, there won't be any going back. They'll be proven to be public liars and "victims," and their 47 remaining followers will go follow pretty-boy Ted Cruz's sparkling charm.

    On another note, it was teenaged Levi who got bad advice, was totally out of his element when confronted with the conniving Palin women. Again, he was an inexperienced teenager. Now he's grown and, luckily, as a man with a wife and family, he's got what he was due.
    Dakota is a grown man heading toward 30, and, no matter what his IQ, he was smart enough to let the Palins get twisted in their own lies.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      You folks are going to have to get over it, let your cherished theories go, and accept that he is the father. Don't worry -- she's still a whore, as she clearly was not sure he was the dad until the DNA results came back. I for one was highly amused at what she DIDN'T publicly say during all her long, pregnant months of wondering who her latest baby daddy is. She was being careful not to make fatherhood claims she might have to take back. What a skank.

    2. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Yeppers, all one needs to do is look at the proof. It is easy to see who the father is.

    3. Anonymous9:06 AM

      If she keeps pushing the MOH, he might just have to come out and say that the reason he hadn't seen Sailor was because Bristol told him she had slept with someone else and wasn't sure he (MOH) was the father. Or Maybe told the MOH he wasn't the father to try and keep him away or punish him.

    4. Anonymous9:08 AM

      I do not think so.
      They STILL keep saying Sarah birthed aTriG at MatSu on 4/18 with a FPP as a high risk OB. One of Sarah's personalities may actually BELIEVE that she did....but that does NOT make it true. REpeating a lie does not make it a truth. Withholding truth does not make it a lie.

  40. Anonymous8:16 AM

    In the last 24 hours, on every MSM article, there are Palin posters asserting the same thing - Bristol "never denied" Dakota from seeing Sailor. Oh and by the way, Dakota was not "involved" or "helped" Bristol with her pregnancy.

    Just guessing, but it appears Dakota wants nothing to do with Bristol. He doesn't want to visit Sailor in a Palin house, which is probably a term of visitation.

    It may be due to dislike/fear/disgust of the Palins, or he just doesn't want to set a precedent that HIS parenting time have to be under a Palin watch, while Bristol takes note of some "bad" parenting thing Dakota might do, and then use it against him. Maybe he doesn't want to listen to Palin whining and victimhood.

    Maybe he's aware Levi was not allowed overnights and had to "visit" his son in a Palin house. That really diminished Levi's parenting time from being HIS. And then Levi went on to be accused by the Palns of being a deadbeat, and blowing off his parenting time, when there was no court judgment and Bristol kept taking Tripp to various locales away from Levi.

    Dakota is taking no chances.

    But it is sad things got so acrimonious that Bristol and Dakota could not have worked out a parenting plan before Sailor was born. That is really sad. I wonder how it got so very acrimonious?

    What's not sad is that Dakota is one very smart man and a great daddy as:

    he's not fighting this in the media;

    he's not having Bristol define his fatherhood role;

    and he's not using his baby for pity parties or grifting.

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Helping Bristol with her pregnancy? Was Dakota supposed to get morning sickness to share the moment with Bristol?

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      That is really sad. I wonder how it got so very acrimonious?

      Palins. They live for this drama crap and chaos. Thy have no identity unless they are victims.

    3. Anonymous9:10 AM

      The best thing he can do is keep everything legal and up front. Stay out of the public fight Bristol is trying to pull him into. The family judge shouldn't look too kindly on a mother who badmouths the father (an MOH recipient) in public and has her friends and family do the same. Sarah Palin got the smackdown when she did that to Wooten.

      I wish the family court had done the right thing with Levi, because he was raked over the coals by the Palins. I think he was scared to say anything because they were threatening him with never seeing Tripp and maybe with some other things as well.

  41. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Dakota - if by any chance you are reading here - make sure your daughter is protected by not allowing Sailor's mother to put her in reality TV shows and move from state to state to state without your permission!! You & lawyers should make sure that Bristol can't be making money off your daughter's image being foisted onto the public. You do want your daughter to grow up normally and have a private life like most kids I hope!

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Great advice. I don't know what the rules could be, but it would be really good if he could prevent Bristol from doing to Sailor what she did to Tripp.

      I would think that, since Bristol has to sign some kind of release, Dakota would have the right to deny it.

  42. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I did not allow my children to work at 14. I told them school was a full time job and I didn't want them to come home from a job and try to do homework at 10pm and then be tired in school! My kids had to fight me to get jobs before they graduated and all 3 are educated, successful, independent adults.

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      I wouldn't worry. She's probably "working" about as much as Bristol is. Not that she's spending much time on homework, as you can see from her atrocious grasp of her native tongue.

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      What is this mystery job of Piper's? I thought she was active in school and sports.

      She has been shown to be taking care of Sailor for Bristol. That is a full time job.

      Bristol doesn't cook, who does the cooking and cleaning when Tripp is at Bristol's house?

      Piper has so many responsibilities she must be stressed to the max. I can't blame her for being full of anger her parents have put too much on her for her age.

      It will be good for Dakota and his family to be able to know who all is taking care of Sailor and the atmosphere of the environment the baby in living with.

      We know the mad alcoholic uncle and his troubled girlfriend go to Bristol's when they are on a binge. Piper lives with the Palins in a house with the drunks and all those assault weapons. That must create havoc for a 14 year old. She has to protect Trig and Sailor when she is at Bristol's or baby sits at Sarah's house.

      It is hard to believe no one notices what stress and insanity those burdens would be for a teen.

      How could she concentrate on study or a job?

    3. Anonymous8:59 AM

      I worked and went to school, it certainly didn't affect my education since I graduated 3 years early and went to a state university on a full ride scholarship.
      One has little to do with the other. And IMO, without also working, being in ex cirr. activities my grades would have faltered since in todays day and age I would most likely have been labeled hyperactive.

    4. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Piper is driving, too.

    5. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Yes. Completely agree and I'm happy for your family. I could see if the Palins were dirt poor and lived where there was no college, but this just isn't the case. They are anti-education. And not just when it comes to college. Todd and Sarah act as if high school is no big deal. That is bizarre. As well, that they brought a girl into their adult world and have only continued to let that happen.

  43. Anonymous8:23 AM

    *IF* Piper is at work, she needs to get her arse off of the internet and actually do her work. I've never understood why so many people internet at work. Get your lazy, useless arses busy and pay attention!

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      here here.
      I said SOY latte not whole milk!
      PAy attention!!

  44. Anonymous8:24 AM

    So many comments talking about Dakota getting shared custody. This is not going to happen while this child is so young. There is AK Supreme Court precedent case law that overturned a judge who did this to a child--shipping a baby cross country every few weeks. That would be very harmful to the development of a child at this age. Bristol doesn't have to be a great mom, she just has to be a good-enough mom in this custody decision. He is likely to get joint legal custody (decision-making powers), as that is the legislative preference in AK, and judges tend to rule that way unless there is strong evidence that it won't work.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Based on other states' parenting plans I've seen, Dakota will fly to AK for long weekends, exercising his parenting time in a center which accomodates that, a motel, or, since he appears to have money, a condo he's purchased. Then, when Sailor is 2 or 3, Sailor flies to KY for up to a week at a time.

      All of this is augmented by significantly lowering Dakota's cs obligation, as exercising his parental time is in the best interest of the child.

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM

      dakota may be able to have the baby drug tested and also who Bristol uses for a nanny and Bristol.

      Not all parents want their babies or children to have medicine so whoever watches them can keep them under control.

      We already saw Bristol putting Tripp in a state of comatose in order for her to do a show on television. Dakota may know more about Bristol's medications and diet programs.

    3. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Being with both parents is not harmful to any child. And court cases can be brought up by anyone. A winning case in family court does not mean that ruling stands forever. Get over it, fathers also too have rights to access their children, bond, and build relationships starting at an early age.

    4. Anonymous9:03 AM

      um really?
      I think shipping her on a boat to china would probably be better for her development than letting a Palin raise her full time.
      You gott be kidding me.
      Any judge who would deny her to Duh sucks.

  45. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Oh, so Piper's stealing from her employer instead of skipping school. Good to know.

    She'd be better off in an after-school remedial English program. So far she's as illiterate as the rest of her family. She'll be a pregnant dropout within a year.

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      And like Bristol she thinks that the workplace means spending her time on social media.

      Many employers, having seen Piper's messages on their dime, would have fired her. I actually hope she does get fired--it would be for her own good.

  46. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Great grandparents are a big deal in our family. They are in the end phase of life. I am curious as to why the Heaths are waiting to be seen with Sailor?

    It is disgusting that Bristol would not consider Dakota's elderly grandmother as well. What is wrong with her?

    I don't blame Dakota in anyway for wanting to move this along.

    These precious people need to see their great granddaughter like NOW!

    Jean Meyer, the grandmother of Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer

  47. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Actually, Piper's high school lets out at 2:15, not 2:00. You'd think that someone actually attending that school would know that. But Piper doesn't seem to.

  48. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Dakota, if you're reading here; your Grandmother must have been praying for you!

  49. Anonymous8:38 AM

    What kind of nut case keeps her MOH ex-lover from their kid.

    I can't forget reading about Bristol when she said she planned this pregnancy.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      She said that two days after the original "I can't hold my chin up, destroyed my life" original post. The original was taken down.

      That's the Palin machine....spin, baby, spin. Jon Lovitz on steroids.

  50. Told ya Barstool. Getting the "final say" meant that you really don't want DM to have any part of the decision making. You just want the money. You don't want Dakota telling you that you can't take Sailor on one of your baby daddy hunts. Or go on a vacation when it is his turn to be with Sailor. You pulled that crap with Levi, and called him a deadbeat dad while doing it. You're a pathetic skank, and I'm glad that Dakota has gotten wise to your manipulating.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      "Final say" sounds like "I've got dibbs on that..." in the playground. Both parties have to reach mutual agreement. Granting Bristol "final say" is as smart as labeling the DNA test as Feb.10, 2015. That lawyer is not going to be a good match for Dakota's bunch.

  51. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Piper's comment sounds a bit like MALOE. In fact, Piper, for 14, sounds pretty mature on print. Sounds like she's had some experience in messaging for a long time.

    Maybe her 'job' is to troll on all the sites that write negative comments on mom and sister.

  52. Anonymous8:50 AM

    "so if you would leave her alone that would be great:)"

    All that has to happen for Bristol to be "left alone," little girl, is for her to stop famewhoring her life (and exploiting her kids) all over the internet. She can have a private life without public judgment any time she wants to. She doesn't want it. What she wants are the fruits of fame without the responsibilities. Boo fucking hoo.

  53. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Here comes the circus!

    It's sad, yet it's predictable, that a Palin would make the most out of a disagreement and plaster it all for the world to see. This is their career.

    They behave the way they want, break rules, disobey law, use people and then trash them on tabloids. The mental part is when the 'victim' of a Palin tries to defend their name and reputation, they have to hire expensive lawyers to do so. It's a game that the Palins have always played.

    The Palins act so sweet and down-to-earth to their intended victims, they lure them into their viper's den, and then WHACK! The person didn't know what hit them, and it's all downhill from there, with lawsuits, social media fights, melodrama, etc. etc. and tabloids getting into the mix.

    Sons, don't go near any Palin girls.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Excellent take on it.

  54. Anonymous8:53 AM

    There is no such thing as healthy boundaries in this family. Never has been, and Piper as a kid was exposed to things she shouldn't have been and today she freely engages in social media as if she is much older than she is. Bristol should know better, but Sarah's poor parenting is really just too stunning--she has no idea how to parent in a healthy way.

  55. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Fortunately,Dakota has better lawyers. Their interest is to protect his MOH image.

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      (the stupid, it hurts)

  56. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Dakota may buy a condo in Alaska so he can be near his daughter. Most of his work causes him to travel, so this would work well as he probably does not spend that much time in his big house in Kentucky. He can keep an eye on her too. Not like Levi who wanted to stay nice, Dakota can collect all of Bristols activities, how much time she spends with Sailer and if Track is living there with his guns and if they party in the house, getting drunk and swearing, fighting...

  57. Anonymous9:03 AM

    G. you'd better take extra naps and lots of vitamins because this election year, and Palin drama is going to require being on your toes.

  58. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Apparently Marina has added her 2 cents to the comments:

    marina_exotix_llc 1 day ago
    Bristol as your friend I have never witnessed you keeping your babies away from the other parent ... Being a parent is not easy and you have done an amazing job !!! I wish people had some clue on how things really go down behind closed doors ...everyone has choices or excuses and one thing I know for sure u have done more then most of this women to reach out and put pride a side and make things great for your babies !!! I know u !! I know your intentions are what's best for your babies don't ever let this nobodies tell you different !!' I have much love And respect for you !!! I will always have your back !! @bsmp2 ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’‹❤️


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