Thursday, March 24, 2016

A flyer apparently being handed out by Christians to stump Atheists.

What can I say?

There is simply no way to refute this logic.


  1. Is it inbreeding or their slow but insistent destruction of public education?

    1. Ya might have a real conundrum there.
      Ya might try a coin toss.

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM


    3. It can't be both?

  2. Anonymous2:15 AM

    I know "some people" connected with this blog who are avid atheists like to question the intelligence or reasoning ability of religious people. The flip side of that coin are religious fundamentalists who are so certain of the existence of their deity of choice. As an agnostic, I really don't see how either side ever truly knows, if they're honest with themselves. I know that evolution is a proven fact and yet observing so many beautiful/inspirational things that life offers also makes me wonder how something so wonderful could not have come along without a creator. But then I am also dyslexic and an insomniac, so I stay up alot at night wondering if there really is a dog.

    1. ".....I really don't see how either side ever truly knows, if they're honest with themselves."

      I've never seen a person fly by waving their arms like wings. I know with a certainty no one can do that.

  3. Leland2:55 AM

    Oh WOW! Talk about opening one's self up for a BACKFIRE! That's just too funny!

    I wonder if they got permission to use the name of the soda?

    1. Balzafiar11:37 AM

      From the last panel: "Millions of years later,..."

      Someone screwed up and admitted that the earth is older than 6,000 years!

  4. Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy:
    Babel fish

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Don't Panic!
      Oh and always bring a nice terry-cloth towel

  5. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Well, I'm convinced.

  6. Anonymous3:30 AM

    No logic, nothing to refute. Next.

  7. Anonymous4:10 AM

    WTF? What logic?

  8. This nonsense has Ray Comfort written all over it.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      banana logic at its finest.

  9. Anonymous4:38 AM

    This is why I consider most rabid xtians gullible and not very intelligent.

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      My rabid xtian sister told me that since my daughter is atheist, she worships the devil and will burn in hell. I told her that atheists don't believe in either gods or devils and that religious people like her are stupid beyond words. That was two years ago and she still hasn't spoken to me, which suits me fine. No room in my life for foaming at the mouth, hateful religious zealots.

    2. Next time you might consider just saying OK

  10. These people are fools. Everybody knows the cans came first. How stupid do they think we are. Hrmph!

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      According to the Bible, Moses parted the Red Sea with his staff. Obviously, this sea consisted of Coca-Cola, and he and his followers simply brandished their drinking straws...

  11. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Damn, all christians can't be this stupid, can they? I mean, I hate to generalize and stereotype any one group of folks. Even us atheists are very, well, varied. I think the idea of an atheist church is ludicrous, but I'm not goin' to take that away from the ones of us who want that. Seems counter-intuitive to me. If you don't want to meet in a bar for sharing the love of logic, have a back yard bbq or something. Anyway, that's what works for us. You do you, booboo.
    That flyer could only appeal to the mindset of the kool-aid drinker. Anyone who's come even halfway out of the swamp of creationist fantasy would be ashamed of being associated with such poor reasoning and deduction skills.

    Thanks for the morning groan, Uncle G!

  12. Anonymous5:07 AM

    What atheist ever said no one designed the coco-cola can? How dare anyone claim that?

    Or, for that matter, what Christian ever said that their God designed the can, all of it, including the paint color? Or, am I so stupid that I just didn't know that they think God is responsible for every single decision ever made about anything at all? That no man or woman ever made an independent decision about any part of their life?

    Sorry, but the logic of this test is just not there.

  13. London Bridges5:12 AM

    What about Ted Crudz?

    1. Balzafiar11:40 AM

      Ted was the result of the leftovers than ran down the wall.

  14. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Aha! All is now clear to me. God makes Coca-Cola cans.

    1. Hey, if God hadn't intended for us to drink Coke, he wouldn't have created Coke cans.

  15. Anonymous5:41 AM

    I remember tagging along with my older sister while she handed out these types of tracts. She had just found God via a very cult like evangelical group. Even at the tender age of 15, I thought they made zero sense.

  16. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Whole lot of stupid right there in one cartoon. Coke should sue whoever did that.

  17. Tennessee Christian7:41 AM

    "There is simply no way to refute this logic."

    Yes, there is away. David Hume (1711-1776) offered a number of the most memorable philosophical criticisms to William Paley's watch analogy (the cartoon is nothing more than an unimaginative revision) before Darwin's theory of evolution had been discovered.

    Hume's first objection is that we have no experience of world making. Hume highlighted the fact that everything we claim to know the cause of, we have derived these inductions from previous experiences of similar objects being created, or seen the object itself being created ourselves.

    The second criticism Hume offers is about the form of the argument as an analogy in itself. A watch is not a universe....

    The third criticism Hume offers is that even if the argument did give evidence for a designer; it still gives no evidence for the traditional 'omnipotent', 'benevolent' (all-powerful and all-loving) God of traditional Christian theism.

    More convincing is Charles Darwin's explanation for complex artifacts, one where a design is not necessary. No need to expound on this one, since all of us have read "The Origin of the Species" (or we like to believe we have read it).

  18. Anonymous8:03 AM

    My God drinks Pepsi!

  19. John 15.2 KJV wrote: Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

    Every soda can that leaketh, doth not sell, and manufacturers cease to create them. Every soda can that leaketh not, and is brightly colored, sells well, and manufacturers bring forth more of them. Yea, verily, I say unto you, I understood the power of natural selection long before these [untranslatable] came along.

  20. Anonymous8:58 AM

    There is simply no way to refute this logic.


    The simple way would be to refudiate it.

  21. Anonymous10:17 AM

    The response to this: You're right! I guess the coca-cola can WAS created by humans, just like God was.

  22. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Whenever the Jehovah Witnesses come by and give their argument about butterflies being too complex to "just randomly happen", I always encourage their argument and tell them that I'm sure that a God with the ability to create planets and universes with the wave of a hand or crinkle of his nose is definitely a possibility. Then I innocently ask where this amazingly complicated entity who can perform magic came from, because he is way, way, way too complex to have "just randomly happened". They always respond with; "Well, some things we just have to accept on Faith".

    I have wondered if any of them have gone home and at least asked their husbands about this conundrum, or if they do not even think about it. I always assumed the latter, but then I read that despite their draconian habits of shunning their own children, etc. for leaving the religion, Jehovah Witnesses actually have one of the highest loss rates of members of any of the Christian churches. So then I started thinking that I was having an effect, until my 8 year old son told me that he was pretty sure that it was more likely because as kids they really hated not celebrating birthdays and Christmas. After seeing this Coke can argument, I'm thinking that my son was probably right.

    If we Atheist/Pagan/Nature Lover Religion People (is that what Ken Ham would call us?) could just think up a super fun holiday with singing and presents and bonfires and decorations and stuff, maybe the Christians would switch over to our religion! Oh wait, we already did, didn't we?

  23. Anonymous3:59 PM

    D. No Coca-Cola. We now Pepsi.

  24. Anita Winecooler5:03 PM

    Banana Boy Cameron's logic is easier to swallow, but this? We all know Coke Cans are fossils and the brown syrupy liquid came much later. Shouldn't that be five thousand years? Do I need a coke can for my dinosaur's other hand? Oh screw it, consider the source ;)

    OT Whoopi gives the Donald acid reflux while excoriating Dr Carson on "The View". After all this, she invited Donald on the show to speak in person. HE then took to facebook to show how much he respects women.

  25. Randall2:58 AM

    The Coca-Cola can didn't evolve because aluminum cans don't have sex.
    Sex = exchange of characteristics (genetic information).
    The argument holds no merit.

  26. For me an interesting difference between the believer and the atheist can be found on FB. My religious friends post multiple times a day proclaiming their faith. My atheist friends never post anything about being atheist.

  27. I don't get it.

    This is supposed to be their "proof" that God exists?

    That has to be the dumbest rebuttal ever.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.