Thursday, March 31, 2016

A message from Shailey Tripp.

I have not heard from Shailey for quite some time now. However yesterday she sent me this e-mail and asked me to share it and so I will:

"It has been 1 year and 8 months since I was brutally taken from my home and left to die in Mississippi. 

Since then, the Mississippi police refuse to aid in the investigation of what happened to me and furthermore refuse to give me access to my own rape kit results. It is also my understanding that all the photographs taken of me in the hospital never made it to the Mississippi's DA's office. Furthermore, the Hammond police took many of my personal items that have sentimental value to me, and digital/computer devices totaling to over$ 8000.00 if I had to replace them today. What is more frustrating is people had donated alot of that stuff to help me gain independence and around the time this happened to me I was finally making money as a radio DJ and as a Freelance Writer. 

Since this all happened I was weak mentally, emotionally, and my body needed quite a bit of time to heal. Moreover my children had to go live elsewhere and I was homeless and lost everything I owned directly due to my abduction. It has been only recently that my mind has become stronger, and I have aquired housing that I have not yet settled into yet. 

I am being sued by creditors who I was not able to pay since I was abducted and lost my means to make a living, my car, the material things in my apartment, all my clothes, make up, my children's belongings. EVERYTHING! I can not tell you after everything I had been through previously how hard it has been to rebuild my life once again. I cry alot. 

I have learned a few things along the way that I want to share with you the public One I am invisible to the police, they will not listen to me, they will not take statements from me, they will not protect me from the people who mean to do me harm. They do not even take me seriously. I know that the Hammond police department posted my whereabouts which caused media to call the hospital where I was at. the doctors and nurses did not let me know this. the hospital staff was caring and thorough. But when I did get to talk to the police in Mississippi the were unkind, accusing, and told me I was full of shit and that this was a publicity stunt and I needed to leave Mississippi and never come back. They said this in front of hospital staff. I know for the first 8 months after I left the hospital the Hammond police tried very hard to investigate and could not get Biloxi police to cooperate. 

It is my belief and opinion that it was the Palins who tried to cause me harm. I know for a fact that Todd and Sarah Palin were in town specifically in Biloxi and Gulfport, MS the day I was found and taken to the hospital. I know for a fact they came again the following week to Biloxi again, and then Pascagoula ad then other areas of the south. And since then have harrassed me where ever I have went, even though I was off radar. They, as in Sarah Palin Todd Palin and some of their kids have made up false Facebook and twitter profiles and have let me know who they are and made veiled threats. When I left Biloxi and went to West Memphis, AR they showed up there. Everytime I went to New Orleans or Monroe, LA they, or at least Sarah Palin, would show up there. Whats more is they are sending family members, cousins and recently my dad nasty messages through social media and making veiled threats of harming my brother and his son. The most recent threat received today. 

I can't live like this, in fear, in hiding constantly and my family and friends getting threats all the time. This is why I am choosing to make this public. I have hired a lawyer to help me get a restraining order on these people. 

To Sarah and Todd Palin, I hope you read this. Please leave my family and I alone directly or indirectly. Please stop threatening me, all your solicitations are unwelcome. As of today any contact from you direct and indirectly I will see as a direct threat against my life or family members lives. It is only appropriate to let our lawyers speak to one another. You have been forewarned leave me alone. O r suffer both my personal wrath and all legal consequences available to me. I am not afraid of you anymore. 

Lastly, as for me, I am not only a survivor, but I will triumph and succeed over this. Eventually. I still have money problems, family problems, and career problems. I do have people in my life who believe in me and are giving me the right opportunities and helping me create more of the right opportunities. I have my bad days but they are fewer, and my good days are moving me forward. 


Shailey Tripp"

I have really nothing more to add here, this is exactly as I received this message with no editing, feel free to discuss your feelings in the comment section. 


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I don't know how I feel about this anymore. To my knowledge, she never told the story of her abduction or whatever it was. Too hazy, too grey, bull* meter is pinging. I donated, I bought the book, I promoted the book, and I believe the initial tale. Now it seems we've spun off into a weird world where I don't know what to believe from her. What are your OWN thoughts, Gryph? I'd like to know what you think.

    1. Anonymous6:42 AM


    2. Anonymous6:48 AM

      There were any number of comments here and elsewhere about the abduction, including people noting how suspicious it was that the Palins were in Mississippi at the exact same time. No offense to the people of Alabama, but who the heck just happens to be in Biloxi!? I also read Shailey's book way back when, and found her story credible. She has moreover always impressed me as a perhaps vulnerable but also very warm, sincere, and genuinely lovely person. Remember, sh*thead predator types like Todd Palin are known to choose their victims carefully. I'm happy to see her resolve to be a survivor, and to keep fighting both for justice and to reclaim her life. It's hard to imagine what the last couple of years have been like for her.

    3. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Why does she need to tell you the story of her abduction? Are you Mississippi law enforcement? As far as I can tell, she wasn't sharing the details because she was trying to work with the cops. Running to the press or bloggers is not conducive to that.

    4. 66gardeners7:03 AM

      I would believe anything can happen in Mississippi. We still have not had a thorough investigation of the gun store owner McLemore and his son who were murdered over a disputed gun repair fee,


      Not a word has come out since.

      Shailey I believe you and hope you peace.

    5. Anonymous7:10 AM

      She doesn't "need" to tell us everything, but given the fact that she even described Todd's "equipment", you'd think she'd share this event with people who financially and emotionally supported her. Trust me, I want to believe her, there are just gaps here that I'm having trouble getting past. No need to flame me.

    6. I have been in contact with Shay before and after the attack. The Palins were in the area and one of them stalked me on blogs. I told this to Homicide investigators.
      We have elections coming up and this is why it is super important to vote out the corrupt scum and get people who will help you in. Shay SHOULD be able to call the FBI for help, she SHOULD be able to call her congressman/woman but she can't.
      Our system is broken when bullies like the palins stalk and harass people just for telling their stories. And LOOK the biggest bullie next to sarah is running for potus?
      "Running to the press or bloggers is not conductive?" what exactly should she do than?
      The palins are a gang of thugs, pimps, rapists and kidnappers! We have a broken system that allows a different law for rich assholes than poor people. All the people the palins target have suffered with homelessness and can't get jobs etc.

    7. Shay has suffered the worst and if you read her book you know why. The police and FBI should be helping her not helping the palins target her.
      Shame on redstate corrupt politics that allow a innocent to harassed and stalk and even abducted.

    8. Anonymous7:40 AM

      7:10, IM has a few very cranky posters who flame others regularly. I suspect a very irritable, menopausal woman, or a overweight, chain-smoking bully.

    9. Anonymous7:47 AM

      I also recall the abduction and the coincidence that the Palins were in the area.

      It was also a time when politicians there were in the midst of some strange happenings. It think there was a suspicious suicide. I don't recall the names, but it was a reflection of the atmosphere of the politicians and authorities of the area. Strange brew.

    10. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Congratulations, 7:40. You sound just like Donald Trump.

    11. Anonymous8:04 AM

      7:51, yeah, except Trump doesn't defend others against bullies. Did I describe hit a nerve? Or the nail on the head?

    12. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Keep digging yourself in deeper, 8:04.

      I'm sure you feel very proud of yourself for using bully tactics to defend other against bullies. How clever of you to use age and weight as insults.

      Why should I be insulted because you imply I'm of a certain age? The fact that you think being a menopausal woman is bad speaks a lot about your own problems.

    13. Anonymous8:26 AM

      I've read your little digs against women who have reached menopause before on this blog. They are mean, petty comments probably just like you. You are the one who comes across as a bully.

      Do you think just because someone hits menopause they turn into useless old bitches? Maybe when women hit 50 they should be put into camps where good people like you don't have to see or hear them any more.

    14. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Media outlets cover SarahPAC's dwindling cash flow. But don't despair she still has one wealthy supporter, Donald Trump. Tuesday, July 28, 2015

    15. Anonymous8:55 AM

      8:26 your camp idea sounds like a win win!

    16. Anonymous9:09 AM

      @7:40 AM Do you hate your mother that much?

    17. Anonymous9:17 AM

      What, 740a isn't referring to Sarah Palin? That sure was what I assumed.

    18. Anonymous9:24 AM


      Sounds like you have some serious "Mommy issues". Maybe those would improve if you moved out of your Mommy's house and got a job.

    19. Anonymous9:35 AM

      7:40 hates women, but he might actually think his own mother was a long as she stopped talking when she because menopausal. She can still wash his dirty underwear for him, but no talking!

    20. Anon 6:51: She went to the cops, little asshat. She has since retained an attorney. I doubt that Shailey would make accusations; Palins making fake twitter, fb accounts to threaten her, and her family, if she didn't have prrof.
      I pray for her safety. People have "mysteriously" died when they angered the Mafia family from Wasilla.

    21. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Shailey is full of shit 9:57.

      She definitely needs to check her head and get help or find a way to help herself. "She has retained an attorney..." lol, you believe this based on what she says! As well as the harassment claims! Get a clue, you are an idiot to believe any of this.

      She has zero proof, but stories a mile wide and a mile high.

    22. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Remember how the Palins bullied BIL Wooten, the teacher in Homer (Kathleen Gustafson) and that guy at the Valdez airport (Hawk)? I also read that Todd used to beat up the only black guy at Wasilla HS.

      Oh yeah, they are more than capable of stalking Shay.

    23. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Anonymous10:27 AM

      Shailey is full of shit 9:57
      She HAS PLENTY of "Proof" and so do Authorities whenever they decide to help her. This has been tweeted to the FBI and potus btw.
      Suck on that paymes!

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    This abduction she speaks about...does someone have a link that summarizes what happened? Just not familiar with this incident.

    1. 66gardeners7:06 AM

      This is the first I have heard about this story, but I believe there is truth to this story. It seems to be Mississippi law enforcement is corrupt to the gone. Google McLemore gun store shooting. Where is the investigation on that in Mississippi?

    2. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Right under Gryphen's post where it says "Labels" click on Shailey Tripp which will show all posts with her name. Like this one for instance:

      When scandals collide. A little vindication for Shailey Tripp.

      Then there is always Malia's blog too...

  3. Anonymous6:30 AM

    If she has hired an attorney then s/he should be able to contact the Palin's attorney and the only communications should flow via their respective attorneys. That appears to be the first step to getting he life back and moving forward.

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Abduction? Maybe I lost track of her story somewhere but I thought she left Alaska on her own accord because of the constant harassment there. Sorry but this email has me perplexed.


    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      She did. The abduction happened afterward.

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      I think she was in New Orleans or nearby when abducted. I could be wrong. It seems she was taken across state lines. I would hope the FBI or federal authorities are involved. Unfortunate if they also cover for the Palins. What's the answer to that?

    3. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Yes, she did leave Alaska - because she was being harrassed there. So she went south. She was OK for a while - until she got viciously attacked. Her appartment was set on fire. Once she got attacked and abducted ( Gryphen wrote about it here, and Malia did so too), she was left to die and it was touch-and-go for her for quite some time. Afterwards, she went out-of-sight.
      I guess, the PayMes did not dare to respond to her book, Boys Will Be Boys, and instead decided to take matters into their own hands and hired some goons down there.
      I hope, Shailey is doing better and better and will recover - even though that will take a long time, and probably lots and lots of counseling. I hope,msomeone is willing to help her.
      My advice to you, Sahiley: stay incognito - do not post any pictures of yourself. See if you can start using a different name - or if you potentially can get into the Federal Witness Protection Program, so they can help you relocate and assume a new idendity.
      Maybe move out of the country for now, until the whole clan has been imprisoned.

      THIS IS A CALL FOR ALL PEOPLE WHO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT THE PALINS: SPILL YOUR BEANS!!! Come out with all the knowledge you have. If you must, sell the info to overseas publications, so it will be published.
      The more stories come out, the more likely that law enforcement finally WILL act and do their jobs.

    4. I would hope the FBI or federal authorities are involved. Unfortunate if they also cover for the Palins. What's the answer to that?
      Exactly. That is what happened to the Christy's also. The FBI TOLD them "anything but palin we will help you with"
      Oh they live in a redstate also...
      There is not MEDIA now except blogs.
      The news is bought by RW'rs. If you haven't noticed...!
      Shay coming to trusted Bloggers is the only way to get the word out. She reached out to Malia also.
      If you are on twitter please tweet this out. Its the only way to make people aware of these "punkassthugs" called the palins!

    5. Anonymous9:01 AM

      The Christys are full of shit and mentally ill. Their son has serious problems!
      I believe Shailey and I think it harms her to bring up the Christys in any posting about Shailey. Please!!!

    6. Anonymous9:15 AM

      The Christys do not live in a red state. And the son harrassed another person and ended up in jail. I know for a fact they have serious psych issues Crystal. I know you believe them, but their stories are totally unreliable.

  5. WalterNeff6:44 AM

    She nuts

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      If that's true, maybe we could have some sympathy for her and hope she gets the help she needs.

    2. Anonymous7:01 AM

      I always found it strange that the Palins never sued Shailey or the National Enquirer for the story. They never went after Shailey for harassment or defamation even when Shailey wrote her book.

      Shailey may have emotional problems and maybe all this more recent stuff doesn't 100% ring true to some of us, but that doesn't mean she wasn't used by Todd as a prostitute.

    3. Anonymous7:16 AM

      If you think that then perhaps you can explain why the former NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care)registered nurse was burned up in her home, transported to Seattle, unconscious, to the burn unit there and never regained consciousness and died. There has never been an investigation of the situation and no promised follow up by the news organizations in Alaska. A former NICU RN mysteriously burning up with her dogs in her house after a mysterious wild plane ride of a woman with a leaking amniotic fluid coming from Texas campaigning for VP with John McCain & claiming birth in two different Alaska hospitals with no record to verify birth at either institution. And a doctor refusing to verify said birth but also not denying attendance at it?

      Then a 'mysterious' fire at a church with a meeting going on inside and only records destroyed. Maybe records of a baptism or birth that should never see the light of day lest it thwart someone's rise to power in the US? No follow up there either by the media.

      Too much mystery in a state that is isolated and carries so much confusion with its dysfunctional family that now sweats the facts about dates and parenthood of yet another baby.

      For those of us who do not deal in hate and greed we do not think in the ways that those filled with hate and greed do. It does not mean that hate and greed does not reach proportions that endanger others' lives and well being - just because our minds don't go there.

    4. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Yes, 7:16, Dar Miller was the nurse and I understand she cared for the infant Trig.

      The fire at the church resulted in, conveniently, only the adoption records burning.

    5. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Remember when McCain became involved with the Palins was when the Johnstons computer was scrubbed. Coincidence? McCain had people befriend the Johnstons and they had access to their home. The pretense was that they were 'helping'.

    6. Anonymous8:08 AM

      7:42, I don't think it was ever proven that Dar was Trig's nurse? And, if Trig's birth was a complete fraud, why would there be an adoption record? The doctor would have put Sara's name as mother on the certificate, along with any other false information and, with records being sealed for 100 years in AK, it probably was not a major concern to the Palins.

    7. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Walterneff Where's your proof?
      Malia Littman has spell thousands and has a FOIA in Federal court about David Chaney. Does that sound like nuts to you? Yes she believes Shay and so do I. You are a troll or a palin.

    8. Anonymous9:01 AM

      8:08. People will believe anything if it feeds their narrative.

      Look at 7:56 "Remember when....", really 7:56, were you there, or was it 'remembering' yet another story written on a blog by yet another mentally unstable person?

    9. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Yeah? Your bad grammar gives you away.

      And 8:08 is correct! There is no proof. Why do people read some anonymous comment on a blog and twist it to be fact? Annoying as hell and stupid!!

    10. Anonymous9:05 AM

      7:42-Everything you wrote is unsubstantiated!! These things were just guessed about by people and now you state they are facts! There is zero proof Dar worked for the Palins or that "only adoption records" were damaged in the fire.

    11. Anonymous9:16 AM

      7:42 and 8:08, Dar hadn't worked as a neonatal nurse for something like 8 years. She had another full-time job. The attempt to tie her to Trig has no basis in fact and is wild speculation.

      The church didn't/doesn't handle adoptions--no reason to think they'd have adoption records on site. And, anyway, I don't think there's evidence that office records were destroyed in the fire. Tying the fire to the Palins is wild speculation.

      It's hard enough trying to interest reporters in the faux pregnancy and other documented Palin misdeeds without these kinds of stories floating around and making it easier to dismiss Palin-critics as nutty conspiracy theorists.

    12. Anonymous9:44 AM

      The media documented that McCain peeps were in the Johnston house.

      I recall at the time seeing things on the internet and suddenly they would disappear. There was a lot of cleaning out things.

      I thought it was odd that Keith Johnston's hockey teams disappeared. It was not negative as far as I could tell. It may have been a problem with money. At the time McCain and Palins were playing friends with Keith.

    13. Anonymous10:47 AM

      7:42 only named the nurse and said that they "understood" she took care of Trig. One is a statement of fact, the other is open speculation.

      As for the fire, didn't news accounts indicate the fire was in an office? Records of some kind were in there.

    14. Anonymous10:54 AM

      9:16 AM Trig's birth certificate would have stopped all of the questions and conspiracy theories many years ago. So why did Sarah Palin seal all of her family records?

  6. I don't recall hearing anything about an abduction. Admittedly, there are times I just don't follow what I think of as "the Palin blogs"- it would be more correct to call them the anti-Palin blogs- so I might have missed it. Is there a recounting of events somewhere I could read?

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Search IM, and also search Malia's blog. Both reported about it.

    2. Ivyfree, only certain blogs were notified.
      This blog and Malia had it.

    3. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Google it, the news reports are online.

  7. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I find it hard to believe the Palins have "shown up" or been in the same lower 48 towns as she describes, at least 5 relatively small cities. I'm not saying they're not vindictive but the Palins have had quite a bit on their plate just in the past year alone with the Sailor pregnancy. Then there is the drunken brawl as well as the Dakota Meyer engagement. I believe it's in Ms Tripp's interest to leave her past connection with them behind and just focus on moving forward.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      It was actually documented that $arah was down there around the time Shailey was anducted and severely beaten. It happened a couple of years ago, either 2013 or 2014. People were actually wondering why the heck she would be down in Biloxi.

    2. Anonymous8:11 AM

      I believe it's in Ms Tripp's interest to leave her past connection with them behind and just focus on moving forward.
      Oh rilly? Well that's what she is trying to do but the palins keep harrassing and stalking her.
      Did you not read what she said? Go back and read.

    3. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Sarah went strange and often confused or dark, after the plot to trap Dakota Meyer flopped. Todd has been almost invisible since Bristol's baby daddy questions and her custody issues. Todd did the Iron Dog. Other than that a few times he was escorting Sarah.

      He has had plenty of time for mischief. I think his last big splash with Sarah was when she was flashing her engagement ring on the US Iowa.

      Before Todd's mysterious'accident'(that the media and authorities are not mentioning much and also appear to be complicit in that cover up) Todd was already pretty incognito.

    4. Anonymous9:14 AM

      If you go back in time, it is not only the Palins. It is also the Heaths. Some of their tactics are demonstrated with the Trooper Wooten incidents.

      It is not a lone Sarah and Todd that are busy messing with people. They have family that likes to be involved. They pay people and they know other nut cases.

  8. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Someone told us a long time ago that Shailey had been abducted from Louisiana and had been hospitalized in Mississippi. If she was up in Monroe, that's where those duck people are.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM


    2. Anonymous8:47 AM

      OT TOO>

  9. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Maybe the Palins haven't actually been harassing Shailey.

    But, really, would any of us be surprised if turns out be true?

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Might be one of their crazy followers, doing it on their behalf. Rape & abduction is a pretty serious tithe for the Church of Palin.

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      7:50 Rape (including incest) and Abduction are the Church of KKKlan.
      It's MISSION is this>

    3. Anonymous9:22 AM

      The Palins could be the least of Shailey's problems. Toad's little prostitution ring involved a lot of people in high places. That's clearly been one of the keys to the force-field protecting this vile family, that they collected a major arsenal of dirt on people. Blackmail is so much cheaper than bribery.

    4. Anonymous10:18 AM

      It can be a crazy dangerous business. It must be hell trying to keep something concealed like a list or information. Shailey didn't deny the business she was in when she knew Todd Palin.

      It is Todd that accepts the facts in her book. If it was not factual, Todd would sue. He has had the opportunity to deny he was a pimp, he chose not to. He knows as time goes on more and more people will see he was a pimp when he was able to function. Now he is gone, it is doubtful he is coming back from this. Doubtful it was an accident. The dude has many secrets and he has been a bully his life. That was bound to catch up with him.

      Todd also has information people would like to get from him or have destroyed. Whoever is the keeper now needs to watch their back. It is often someone they trust and that is an insider that gets sick of them and does something.

    5. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Lol at 9:22. Delusional fool.

    6. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Wrong 10:18.... There is no proof in not suing. You really are an idiot.

      You think the Palins, much less anyone, is going to throw money down the hole just to get dragged down in an endless mindless court case with a mental case sociopath liar, who is broke and a drug addict!?

      You are so damn dumb it hurts.

      But regardless, Ms Trip is a liar, and even poor liars like her have their even stupider followers like you.

    7. Anonymous10:51 AM

      @10:20 AM Keep dreaming, lol troll. and your Palin damage control is not working here, fool.

  10. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I realize you are just posting the story and allowing your readers to give their thoughts on it, but having never met Ms. Tripp, I think it would be irresponsible to weigh in on the validity of her claims or speculate on her mental health.
    I am even concerned about her email being posted, even though she asked you too share it. Commenters are often harsh and I question whether it is in her best interest emotionally/mentally to have her story dissected here?
    You have had conversations with her. What do you think, Gryphen?
    Regardless of where the truth falls, this is a sad story.

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      I believe what she says and think the duck/palins are behind it. The upside in this is Karma is a frequent visitor at the palins the days.

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM


  11. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I believe what she describes as possible to have occurred. I had a personal nightmere or what I refer to as a reign of terror orchestrated by a person and deliberately planned and executed. I reached a point to not care if I was believed nor alleged crazy to insane and file reports. That gave me peace of mind that if the person managed to kill me maybe, just maybe he would not get away with it.

    My best analogy of being in such a position is the story of Dr. Richard Kimball condemned guilty of heinous crime and no one believe him. Worse than that I can relate to Shailey's disillusionment in mankind no one cares about truth or to look at facts.
    There are sociopaths and psychopaths who appear charming, pillars of churches, communities who are Kekyll and Hyde.

  12. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Shailey Tripp is on facebook and some woman is threatning to "Kick her ass" .

    1. 7:11 hahahaha

      If the liar is scared why is she giving out her info?

      The ho is a pathological liar and needs to get help. How many times will she put her kids in harms way? How many times will her kids be taken away? She is an irresponsible mother full of get-over, dope fiend moves.


    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      @game of lies You described Sarah and her brood of bastard kids and grandkids.

  13. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I don't understand. This same post was on Malia's blog this AM. Did S send the same one to you both? Nothing wrong with that, if that is the case.

    But like other commenters, I don't understand the narrative, What abduction? What is the context here?

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Anonymous7:16 AM

      I don't understand.
      What is there to understand? Obviously you didn't pay attention when is was posted her before. Read.

  14. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The Palins rely on folks just "not believing" something like this goes on - but it does ! And police departments can be bribed - large donations, a few eye lashes batted, promises made and they can make evidence and case file disappear. Money and the greed of others get more money, added to the egos and delusions of power make for very dangerous people - and someone like Shailey - with kids, no income except from hard work is very vulnerable and easily dismissed. The truth needs to come out - either way - but don't just dismiss it because it sounds outragous or impossible - but it is very possible and I lean more towards believing her (and distrusting the Palins)

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Anonymous7:16 AM

      The Palins rely on folks just "not believing" something like this goes on - but it does !

  15. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Hmmm... I don't think so because she was content before. These are big problems. I am inclined to recommend that she call legal aid at a university.

  16. All I can say is that I wouldn't put anything past Sarah Palin. She is a psychopath and if I believed in evil---she would be the poster child for it. I hope that Ms. Tripp finds her strength and happiness.

  17. Anonymous7:20 AM

    She's nuts? Don't believe u have any solid proof to back that up.
    Suggest u check ur own nuts, Walter.

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      7:20, please hit the reply button under the comment you are replying to, othwise it is pointless.

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      I've hit the reply button beneath the reply to the comment at 7:20 to test where it lands.

    3. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Also, it's the Reply button under the original comment. Not the reply button under the replies to the original comment.

    4. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Anonymous7:20 AM<--troll cleanup on aisle red!
      check yer nuts palin!

    5. Anonymous9:00 AM

      7:20 AM Are you referring to Sarah or Bristol?

    6. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Walter,are you referring to your own nuts and calling them a She? Hmmmmmm...

  18. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I hope she has kept copies of every message and comment that has been sent to her. Online harassment is against the law and there are ways to find out where it's coming from.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      It would be helpful if she copied and shared some of the e-mails. There might be something in them..

    2. Anonymous10:25 AM

      For now it is good Shay can open up and express herself with this letter. Over time there may be more or not.

  19. Anonymous7:29 AM

    The abduction was in the news for those who missed it:

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Actually, if you google her name, there are a lot of articles about her abduction.

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      I get a "page not found" for this link. Do you have one that works?

    3. Anonymous10:55 AM

      9:15 AM - the link works just fine for me.

  20. Anonymous7:35 AM

    This makes me sick. I hope the Palins pay for all their evil deeds.

  21. Anonymous7:37 AM


  22. Crystal Sage7:40 AM

    I can believe Ms. Tripp. In my little town, a big developer wanted to build a high rise on public beachfront property. Certain town officials supported this. A group got together and voted them out of office. From that moment forward, there was harassment, law suits and a concerted effort to ruin the reputations of those opposed to the condo. I was one of those targeted and it was a very difficult time for all of us.

    That is why I believe that Shailey Tripp has suffered greatly at the hands of the Palins. Maybe some of her accounts are missing key facts, but, as someone who was visited by police at least five times regarding postings on my blog, I know how it can mess up one's mind.

    BTW, the lawsuits were dismissed; the developer pulled out and we're still standing. I hope to see justice served to those who sought to ruin our lives. Meanwhile, we're waiting for Karma to visit them as it seems to have visited Todd Palin.

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      I actually think that because there was a person (s) who saved him, good karma took over. A snowmobile accident at night, where the thing lands on him, he could've died quickly.

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM

      8:06 am For all we know, Todd Palin just might be on his death bed.

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      8:06 AM

      Todd already had substance abuse issues. Now he can die a slow miserable opiate addiction.

    4. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Good. Couldn't happen to a more rotten soul. Karma's ruthless.

    5. Anonymous10:00 AM

      8:59 AM

      I envision Todd in a situation a lot like in the movie MISERY.

      If he had addiction problems before, you can imagine what being on prescription opiates is going to do to him. It will effect all the addicts in the family. Track was already an Oxycontin abuser.

      Anyone with a little knowledge of addiction and opiates will know. Others go to denial.

    6. Anonymous10:12 AM

      I wouldn't exactly say good karma-what's the quality of his life?

      I love watching the Palin's self implode.

    7. Anonymous10:49 AM

      I am looking for Sarah to keep doing her fund raising ploys. She isn't set up to launch anything for Todd yet, perhaps it will have to be done in another name.

      One day she may be able to figure out how to do something that keeps her in the politician act.

      Getting tips.

      Informative, energizing time at CNN's GOP debate in Vegas last night, but Trig had the best seat in the house - at Grandma's! (See his picture from Alaska)

  23. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I remember Gryphen posting about the abduction...AND Sarah WAS in Louisiana at the time under cover of a political event.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      I don't recall that.

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      8:05 AM Then you must have been absent from IM for a long period of time.

    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      I do remember; Hammond LA is a small city and while it seemed odd that this type of intrigue could happen there, it did (see links).

      There is a Native American population in LA that may have 'hidden' Shaily in that area.


    4. Anonymous8:32 AM

    5. Anonymous8:50 AM

      I remember that and all the comments about the "coincidence."

    6. Anonymous9:34 AM

      I remember that .

  24. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Some are questioning why S sent this e-mail. Since her abduction, most of us have not heard much about her. I believe she stays in touch with Malia. Perhaps S thought those who have been concerned about her would want to know how she is doing. I recall the abduction, but have heard very little since then. She has had quite a difficult time it would seem. It would appear she is no longer afraid of the Palins and is ready to fight back. Is her story believable? I don't have a clue - but I wish her well.

    Pat Padrnos

  25. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I believe Shailey had something going on with Toad because they didn't legally go after her for the book. HOWEVER this is so damn far fetched......the fact she went to both Gryph and Malia (wonder who else) leads me to believe she is desperate for cash and this is her way to drum up sympathy in hope people donate

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      It's sad. Pray for her.

    2. If this were about money, she would have gone back to the national enquirer.

    3. Anonymous8:25 AM

      I didn't notice that she asked for money. Could you please direct me to that place in her letter?

    4. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Anonymous7:42 AM
      What is wrong with y'all? She is not asking for money! Just get the word out unless you are a flippin' troll, just get the word out.

    5. Anonymous8:57 AM

      7:42 AM "drum up sympathy in hope people donate"? That describes Sarah Palin and her needy tribe. They are all over the internet asking for donations to SarahPac and using Ted Cruz' name even though they are supporting Donald Trump. What could be more blatant than their obvious BEGGING for OPM.

  26. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Pascagoula, Biloxi, the armpit. I have had family living in Pascagoula. Bad things happen there and no one cares.

    10 cats

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Gulfport especially is a seedy area now. Biloxi is different because there are intelligent people there; then there are typical southerners. But no place is as bad as Louisiana, a place where the police regularly institute shady practices in order to hit quotas. They use intimidation. No that's not uncommon and it happens in every country. But this is a woman who has a lifetime of bad decisions. Her mental state is a result of that.

    2. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Both of these states will be underwater in 50 years, that ought to clean things up!

  27. TwoBlueJays7:47 AM

    Hard to understand why some reading here think that mental health issues and personal tragedy happening to the same person makes them less believable. Having your life wrecked, being stalked, losing everything, certainly seems likely to cause severe situational depression and high levels of stress. Healthy people of sound mind can have tragedy strike, and conversely people suffering from mental health issues can lead trouble-free lives. The driving force in Shailey's situation is the Palin family's taste for revenge. I don't see how you can come to the conclusion that she isn't being honest because she might have mental health issues. She isn't asking for anything more than to be heard.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      She's done this before though. She did lose some credibility over several things with a lot of us. She tells contradictory stories.

      No one wishes her ill, but she's at a desperate place in life where she needs to try to garner attention by connecting to people who don't have anything to do with her. She is a prime example of why we, as a country, need to improve mental health care.

    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      And if you are wrong, your remarks are quite cruel to a woman who has been devastated. You don't know Shailey, so you do not know if it is credible or not.

    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      "She isn't asking for anything more than to be heard."
      That is all that any of us really want and need as long as constitutional JUSTICE prevails...
      Maybe someday..

    4. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Sarah Palin is a prime example of why we, as a country, need to improve mental health care. She advertises her severe mental issues constantly, some distorted out of touch call for help.

      Rich people like Trump exhibit mental health issues but since he is rich and a business person, he is just eccentric.

  28. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Here is local media coverage of her abduction:

  29. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Dakota watch out. This is how the Palins & their followers behave.

  30. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I'm still a little humoured by the fact that her ex-MIL is a yuuggeee Sarah Palin supporter.

    Praying Shailey gets the mental help she needs.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      How about the emotional help she needs instead of "mental?"

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      I don't think this has anything to do with Shailey's mental health. Rather,palins mental health and persecution of someone who spoke up.

    3. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Because people that need mental help, need serious medical treatment before anything else 8:22.

    4. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Anon 8:22... you are right. Poster 7:59 is a dumb fuck hick. There are many who post here. Sarah's supporters but also uneducated and low class Alaskans who hate the Palins.

    5. Anonymous9:36 AM

      9:10 AM Which one are you?

    6. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Why is it that anyone who has MH issues should be medicated first. Compassion and having someone who believes in you does a world of good.

      10 cats.

    7. Anonymous10:04 AM


      Do realize that 99.9% of the people that comment here are NOT Alaskan's, I know of only two others besides myself.

    8. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Compassion and having someone believe in you is exactly what sociopaths feed on 9:46. She needs to be called out on her lies and deal with her delusions and fake stories if she wants to get better.

    9. Anonymous10:45 AM

      10:16 AM Right, Sarah, Bristol, Track, and Todd need to be called out on their lies and deal with their delusions and fake stories. Track Menard? Trig Kolvig? Piper Hanson? Peeping Todd? DWTS weight gain? Teen vandalism?

  31. Anonymous8:01 AM

    My sister was stalked by a handsome, "Christian" man. He was educated and had a great job as an engineer with a high security clearance. He was so stealthy and evil. Managed to cut her car tires about 10 times --unseen because he'd do it when the car was parked in places other than her home. Too random to set up a camera. And expensive for a 22 year old. And he pulled a bunch of other destructive nonsense. He even put a scratch in my car running the entire length of it. This was the 80s, so easier to get away with it. Fewer people armed with cameras. We couldn't get people to believe us. We even went to attorney who told us we could do nothing. We felt so powerless.

    He finally got caught when he did the same to his boss. We knew it was him but the boss didn't know who was destroying his property. My sister had broken up with him (too controlling, no surprise), but the boss hadn't had an incident making it obvious. Turns out, his boss was the father of two gals we'd gone to high school with. We really didn't even know each other well. Can't remember how we met up and started talking about it, but that conversation alerted the boss as to who was tormenting him. He set up cameras and caught him. Lost his job and his clearance. He finally messed with someone much higher on the food chain than us.

    My point being that even "normal" seeming people can be evil and crazy.

  32. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Possibly by going public it offers her a degree of protection. If this is indeed true and she has been silent and hiding fearing her life while still being threatened she sees this as her only recourse. She isn't asking for anything.

    It would take some serious derangement for her or anyone to publicly accuse high profile people of attempted murder so either this is happening as she describes or she is insane. If she were insane do we believe the hospital she was found in would have released her?

    Also she ran into the same stone walling in Alaska when she couldn't get her personal property back. Look we have to understand she had been engaged in prostitution and that alone would make law officials discredit her story.

    Skank was in the south when shailey was found. Skank is thick with rev graham and the duck holes and others in the south.
    As far fetched as this may sound it is entirely plausible. Remember the NE reported on her and Todd in 2008 along with the brad Hanson affair. If the Hanson affair is true per joe mcginniss why can't shailey's story be true?

    If I was feeling my life and my family's lives were in danger and I was getting no assistance from the police I would go public so there was at least a record in the event I was killed.

    Or she is crazy crazy to which I again ask- why would she have not been committed when she was found in the hospital after being missing for four days?

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Or she is crazy crazy to which I again ask- why would she have not been committed when she was found in the hospital after being missing for four days?

      Committed where? Have you checked around some of our cities lately? Thousands of mentally ill are living on the street, under over passes, in ditches and tents. They are delusional, sick and in many cases become criminals in order to survive. Many have been in and out of jail many times. They are living on the streets without meds or medical help.

      Thank you Ronnie Reagan.

    2. Anonymous9:04 AM

      entirely plausible.

      I agree. If you have any experience with parts of the south that helps to understand.

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      They do not really commit people anymore unless they are a danger to themselves or others.

    4. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Committed? Lol, this isn't the movies 8:05. If crazy people were being committed, 50% or more of the homeless population would be in institutions.

  33. Anonymous8:07 AM

    The news reports from the time don't reveal anything except that Shailey was reported missing on a Monday when her car was abandoned, and found on the following Thursday in a hospital in the next state, with officials saying "it is uncertain" if foul play was involved. "It is uncertain" could also be the best way to say "we're saying nothing".

  34. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I don't wish Shailey any ill will at all. I think she has many problems and that makes it hard to find the truth.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Millions suffer from imbalances. Every human probably has some affliction to some extent. A hard life would magnetize that.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      People with emotional and or mental issues can be harassed. So I don't get what that has to do with what she has experienced.

      The corrupt authorities are not only in Alaska.

  35. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I don't know Shailey Trip, i have no idea if it's all delusional or there are some truths. quit following this story line because it raised too many red flags. I've know some mentally ill paranoid people, and they very much believe what they say. The problem is reality doesn't back it up. That's where I think Shailey is.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM


    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      8:25/8:48 Answering the voices in your head?

  36. Frosty no longer AK8:27 AM

    As a former Alaskan, I don't doubt the veracity of Shailey's story. The corruption in that state is beyond belief.

    That the Toad has a nationwide reach is not beyond belief, as the prostitution ring he was involved in, had tentacles nationwide. Why do any of you think the palin's have been so protected? Evidence of wrongdoing (procurring prostitution)in the highest places. Those at the highest level will keep their underlings and police forces from doing the jobs they are paid to do.

    I wonder who Toady threatened with exposure to get him the beatdown that put him in intensive care recently.

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Human trafficking. The National Guard. Pimp Toad has plenty of business and protection.

    2. Anonymous9:37 AM

      He probably said he had had enough and was going to disclose everything about his fucking wife, Sarah! Assuredly, the Palin family is one fucked up mess!

  37. Anonymous8:27 AM

    This is why Todd deserved so much worse than what he got with that supposed snow machine accident. If only Sarah would now get hers--with all her flying back and forth, maybe there will finally be a crash. The Palins deserve crappy futures. Todd and Sarah are evil. Their horrible parenting and how it's messed up their children and caused them to become self-destructive imbeciles is part of the karma, but not enough. But some day all of the karma will make its way to this disgusting family.

  38. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Fields had to leave her home and go into hiding because of threats from Trump supporters. It is not hard for me to believe that the Palin's did this. I am wondering if Todd got involved with then Russian mafia and then oops...

    Ultimately, I am inclined to believe Shalley.

  39. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Shay take comfort Todd got his ass kicked from here to there so badly that the Palins who are known to post pictures and post their every moment has ceased to post Todd's pictures and never posted pictures of his supposedly damaged snowmobile. Who knows what his current condition is. He is either dead, in a coma, a vegetable, paralyzed for life, shitting and pissing all over himself or in his diaper. Take comfort Sarah was shamed into having to leave Donald Trump's side and go home days after Todd was hospitalized and then again had to leave Trump's side to go home days after Track unloaded on his girlfriend's face while he was drunk and armed. Domestic violence is nothing to joke about, did Track learn this behavior from the days Sarah demonstrated domestic violence when she supposedly threw soup cans at Todd? What about Bristol? It has been mentioned Bristol got into a fight with Todd and grabbed his testicles which should also be considered a domestic violence behavior. Didn't Track verbally abuse his sister Bristol by calling her disgusting names that I refuse to repeat. This is a verbal form of domestic violence. The infamous Sarah Palin Family Drunken Brawl is another example and form of domestic violence since it involved Willow and her former boyfriend. It will be a matter of time before Piper will make the headlines in Alaska with her Palin-like behaviors such as domestic violence, underage pregnancy, premarital pregnancy and criminal acts. Shay just keep reading Immoral Minority and take comfort like the rest of us in Alaska that the Palins are finally getting theirs.

    The Sarah Palin Curse has come home to roost.

  40. Anonymous8:34 AM

    She said she was taken from her home one morning, and that her kids luckily weren't present. It was reported her car was found at a piggly wiggly. Isn't that strange, that someone would take a person from their home, and their car as well?

    I cannot think of why this would happen. Why would an abductor think about moving her car if they weren't going to use it to transport her? You'd think that would draw more attention. There were obviously two vehicles because she ended up an hour away.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      It is in the abduction manual, sometimes you just gotta drop off a car at a Piggly Wiggly.

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Plus if you are hungry, you can pick up some abduction snacks.

    3. Anonymous9:33 AM

      8:52 am You are in the IDIOTS' manual.

  41. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I work in New Orleans and live halfway between NOLA and Biloxi, an hour away from Shailey's town of Hammond. I have spoken to her on the phone back when she first released her book and even offered to write a press release for her at the time. We had been trying to make plans to meet near her home at the time but she fell off my radar and that meeting never happened. I even created a yahoo account and sent a pitch of her book to a list of local media in the New Orleans area at the time. I did believe the book was true. One item that interested me at the time was that in the list of clients, she included the name of the BP executive who was over the Oil Spill recovery in 2010, whom I included in the pitch.

    Living here as long as I have (13 years), you can truly believe anything could happen as it relates to crime and corruption/police corruption. Anything. An example is that prostitutes have been turning up dead in various gruesome discoveries over the past five years-tossed out of cars on the highway/I-12, left in burnt cars on the side of I-10, washing ashore in pieces in Biloxi (a discovery my ex husband made while he was working the spill recovery in the area a few years ago). Not just prostitutes, of course. Anyone.

    One other thought - when the abduction was reported on local news, I remember that Todd & Sarah were in Biloxi, Pascagoula, New Orleans and Monroe in the day of/immediate days following the reported abduction.

    So I can't say if this is truth or that I have any way of knowing, but I wouldn't discount it.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      I don't know what to think. On one hand the story she tells seems plausible, but on the other hand it's hard to believe that no one in authority has helped her. Surely, there must be one honest person in the Biloxi police department.

  42. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Don't feed the crazy. She needs help, in a serious way.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Thanks for the tip, Sarah.

    2. Alright, we'll ignore you.

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Yes, Sarah, Bristol, Todd, and especially Track need help, in a very serious way. ASAP!

    4. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Sarah is constantly fed and we all know how much she needs help. Serious help.

  43. Anonymous9:09 AM

    The Gulf Coast from New Orleans to Mobile, AL, is known for corrupt cops, corrupt politicians, and the violence that accompanies such corruption. The ghost of Carlos Marcello lives.

  44. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Biloxi is in Mississippi. On the coast.

  45. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't after you. I'll add: just because you're crazy doesn't mean it didn't happen (just makes you a better victim in eyes of the perpetrator).

    People who have been abused often sound crazy, paranoid. Sometimes they are gas-lighted. They are often are inarticulate - sometimes in sustained state of shock. Or they sound inarticulate because most of us can't imagine such things to be true. it's easier to believe the speaker is somehow "off."

    Maybe it's true. maybe not. i don't know Shailey. I do think she has been traumatized by something (probably a lot of somethings, a series of cascading events.) I have compassion for her. I think something happened.

  46. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Hard to comment on the abduction since I don't know anything about it. As for any police officer anywhere not listening or helping a minority woman....well that's what happens nationwide to all of us.

  47. Anonymous9:26 AM

    20 months ago was June-July, 2014, right?
    Anyone who believes that Sarah Palin just happened to be in town when Shailey was attacked please let me know, I have this bridge for sale that I'd like to talk to you about.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      As Sarah says, there are no coincidences.

  48. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I feel sorry for Shailey Tripp. I have no doubt Todd Palin used and abused her. Her actions have been suspect and curious since so not many give her much credibility. I wish she had some irrefutable evidence but unless and until she does she isn't going to see much support. It's too bad but the way it is.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Speak of the devil...He is Risen! Post by Sarah regarding update on Todd!

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Blah Blah Blah $arah.
      Who gives a shit.

    3. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Fuck Todd Palin and Sarah with their lies.

    4. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Oh look, there are two beds in that room and Todd IS wearing the yellow socks. Looks like another "conspiracy" theory bites the dust.

    5. Anonymous10:53 AM

      How can you date the picture on the sofa?

    6. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Exactly 10:41.... Wasn't it just yesterday all the IM nutter crowd were insisting he was dead? As you said, another push conspiracy swirls down the drain. Better luck next time suckers!

    7. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Not everyone said he was dead because they thought he was dead. It was a way to get Sarah off her butt and have some news on her toad.

      You nutters really are slow and can't figure out anything.

      Sarah Palin is owned.

    8. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Then why are you here? Where there is trolls.....Palins trying to hide something.

    9. Anonymous11:30 AM

      10:53 AM An ass whipping could have put Todd Palin in the hospital, sucker. No wrecked snow machine, no accident. Better luck next time, Palin Damage ConTROLL.

  49. Anonymous9:34 AM

    It sounds like Shailey has cause to sue the police department and, possibly, the Palins. I'll withhold judgement until there's some evidence to support her story.

    Shailey's relationship with Todd was documented and then she lost some credibility with me as some parts of her story were changed, expanded, and/or exaggerated after she started working with her co-author--she reversed the story about the Tripp license plate, changed the date of Sarah's massage, identified David Chaney as a client.

    I hope Shailey and her kids are okay and hope she gets the help she needs.

  50. Anonymous9:53 AM

    As I read this, I really had to cry. Shailey, you've been through the grinder of life. Don't give us, and I know IM'ers here sometimes don't like to hear about God, but the Lord is the best judge and jury you can have. He will protect you and do righteous justice for you; please seek Him, in Christ Jesus.

    This isn't just a physical battle, it's a spiritual battle, and the ones who serve Satan will reap what they sow. In fact, the time seems to be coming that they will reap very soon. You can have complete freedom from this perpetual evil, and I am vying for you and your family, that you can over again and have peace and reassurance and joy, both here in the world and eternally.

    IM reader

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Hasn't your god been doing his job? Why is Shailey having these problems if your god is protecting her? Is your Satan winning the battle for the Palins? Your all powerful god is slacking on his duties. Does your god only protect 'special' people? What has your god done to stop all of the killing around the world? Get real, your god is your imagination.

  51. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Did she say how she was released from her abductors? Someone should poke around - call a local Mississippi news organization and see if they've heard about it or can investigate if Ms. Tripp will go on the record.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Lol. Oh you mean proof or corroborating evidence? Yeah well don't hold your breath.

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      @10:37 We are still waiting for corroborating evidence of Todd Palin's wrecked snow machine, do you have it? Yeah, well don't hold your breath, Palin Troll.

    3. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Why would anyone need evidence of a snowmobile accident 11:26? Do you think evidence is gathered at every recreational vehicle or snowmobile accident lol? You pretty much are alone on this one with a few of your fellow Palin obsessed IMers. The rest of the world believes he had a snowmobile accident as they said, and doesn't really care one way or another.

  52. Anonymous10:43 AM

    O/T: Sarah has finally posted pics of Toad in hospital and says he is at home wincing occasionally on the couch.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      He looks like he could dictate to his ghost writer and say what happened. You know everyone wants to know what happened to the snow machine. Who took pictures for him? You're going to say he doesn't want to file an insurance claim for his expensive toy?

      The story is the machine landed on him?

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      We want pics of the damaged snow mobile from the night it happened in situ.. Or it never happened. Not another they've conveniently found.

    3. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Nobody cares what you want, or believe 11:09. It happened. Time to move on.

  53. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Team Sarah follows the blue blogs and others that feature the fantasy lives of the Palins. It was only a matter of time until they were smoked out and would post something about Todd.

    Todd looks like he is able to give an interview and thank everyone as he lays out the details of what happened. Because people do care.

  54. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Must be a pro bono lawyer.... since she has nothing left... all righty then.

    There are so many details missing from this "email" that I just can't give it any creditability. Perpetual victim-hood is hard to swallow without backup info.

    Cough up real details or be prepared to be dismissed.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.