Thursday, March 24, 2016

No, he doesn't.

The above is a picture of Tripp Johnston and Trig Palin taken from Bristol's Instagram page.

Aren't they adorable?

Anyhow I thought I would take a moment to address another of the most frequent comments that I get and which I typically reject as idiotic.

And that is the comment which says some version of "Wow, I can't get over how much Trig looks like Levi. Clearly that is his dad."

No, there is nothing that clearly suggests that Levi is the father of Trig. And no matter how many times you say that, it does NOT make it true.

Look folks in the beginning I was right there with you.

We were all piecing together the evidence and certain assumptions made sense, the primary one being that Trig is Bristol's child by her teenage boyfriend Levi Johnston, and Sarah Palin faked a pregnancy to cover up the scandal.

It was such a neat theory and it tied the whole thing together in a perfect little package. Since we knew that Palin faked her pregnancy it made perfect sense.

The problem was that the more we learned the least likely that scenario seemed to be.

First off NONE of the Johnston family members that I have spoken to think that Trig is a member of their family.

Second Levi did not spend $100,000 dollars in court to fight for him, like he did Tripp.

And third THIS is what Levi's children look like.

Now Down syndrome certainly has an impact on a child's physical features, but it does not impact hair color. And as you can see his three children all have blonde hair,

As he himself did as a child.

Levi's children all have blue eyes as well, while Trig has beautiful brown eyes.

Now none of this absolutely proves that Levi is not the father, but it also means that evidence which people think they see in photographs of Trig is purely subjective, and making claims based on that "evidence" really says more about you than about what is actually there.

Once again if I find any real evidence I will report it here. Just like I have been doing for the last eight years.


  1. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Truly, Gryph, I'm as tired of the "Levi is Trig's Dad" spiel as much as I am "He's FAS, not DS!" SIGH.

    All I care about is his happiness and that his needs are being met. He's a beautiful boy.

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      I agree, especially about Trig really being a FAS child. I KNOW what characteristics a FAS child has, and Trig is clearly not in that group. He has Downs Syndrome. After Trigs birth, everyone became an arm chair expert on FAS and DS. The fact that someone dug up the seldom used Tri-G term as to why the Palins named him Trig has also bothered me. Never ever in my 35 years as a professional who worked with medically fragile multi disabled children, did I ever run across anyone using that term. Once again, so many arm chair geneticist! Please, the Palins aren't that smart. I don't know if the public will ever know the true story behind this kids birth. It's certainly seems that Bristol is acting as Trigs mother now. Is it because she's his birth mother or because Sarah is a horrible mother who lost whatever interest she ever had for Trig?

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      I wonder why Sarah and Bristol didn't go after Dylan Kolvig for CS for TriG? Maybe b/c the dad was a police chief in Juneau? You know Juneau where Wills & Brissie got rape "threats" at HS? LOL more like kicked out b/c of drugging, drugging and having sex on the school grounds...not to mention the Party boat of his dad that burned down... Oops Brissie & Tracker being there...
      So where is Dylan these days? Everyone had such high hopes for him?

    3. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Hmmmm, Trig Kolvig.....I like it! it's got a certain ring to it!

    4. Anonymous10:49 AM

      I 100% agree with 6:15 and 6:54. Its tiring to see people just make stuff up like this. Also, the Dylan K thing, how do you know for sure that he is the father
      8:48. ? You write about it like it is the absolute truth and no one knows that for sure! So why do it? It is one thing to speculate, and it is another to take a piece of gossip you read somewhere and then continue it on as fact without anything to back it up.

    5. Anonymous11:02 AM

      @ anon 6:54 am
      Hmmm, 35 yrs in the field and you don't realize that FAS has a wide spectrum, not just one neat set of things, much like autism.
      I actually do see it ( from my many yrs experience) along with the DS diagnosis.
      It isn't one thing or the other, both are possible and likely.

    6. Anonymous12:22 PM

      X2 here.

    7. OK, OK, I'll confess to being one of the conspiracy theorists who've recently fronted another comparison photo of Trig and Levi. And I've been guilty of thinking there's an obvious reason why Bristol has pretty much taken over Trig's daily care.

      You know, at this point, 8 years later, why should I care? You're right, it's time to lay off the Trig conspiracies.

      And yes, he is an extremely cute kid, and I only wish he grows up to be as mainstreamed as possible and lived a happy productive life.

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Yep. He's the ONLY saving grace the palin's have.

  3. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Dylan Kolvig is the father of Trig.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Is that why the Kolvig family took Dylan away?

    2. Anonymous6:47 AM

    3. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Dylan was into drugs and booze.

      He is mentioned in this article.theft and went into rehab.

    4. Anonymous6:55 AM

      I've tried googling Dylan Kolvig and can basically only find a Facebook for his younger brother. If these brothers resemble each other, then yeah, for sure I could see some Kolvig there in Trig's face. Dark hair, eyes, strong brows and jawline. Little Trig doesn't have the short chin/jaw like many of the individuals with Down's that I had the pleasure to work with years ago.
      Would LOVE to see a photo of Dylan! So strange(not)! Plenty of Gino, Joey, any of 'em all of 'em but Dylan.....?

    5. Anonymous6:57 AM

    6. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Intersting if it really is Dylan Kolvig. Sounds like a Skandinavian name - and that might actually then be the reason behind Trig's name, because Trig (or some version of that spelling) is a Skandinavian name.

    7. Anonymous10:50 AM

      How do you know that for sure? Or i should ask do you know that for sure and what are you basing that on???

  4. Anony Moose6:27 AM

    Trig's eyes look green.

    1. They're a very dark brown. Adjust your screen.

    2. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Adjust your eyes. I have the same eyes. They look brown at a distance, but they are mostly green with brown flakes. That's why they look brown at first.

    3. Anonymous11:03 AM

      They look like a very dark hazel, with more brown than the average hazel eye.

  5. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I've always thought the resemblance between the two came from the Palin side of Bristol.

    Do any of your sources confirm Trig lives with Bristol?

  6. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Yes, the pictures are cute. Both boys adorable little guys.

    I was never in the how much Trig looks like Levi camp.

    The following pictures have always been a mystery to me. As I recall they were said to be of Trig and Levi as Sarah Palin was in the bed next to them. That would date this photo close to April 18, 2008, if you go with the 'official' Trig Paxson Van Palin birth at Mat-Su Regional. Later Sarah named the hospital in Anchorage.


    Sarah Palin's Version Of Trig's Birth May Be More Troubling Than The Hoax

  7. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Yeah, it has been a wild ride for all of us and it is time to get off of the Palin's Tilt-A-Wheel.

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      You can do as you please, most peeps do not leave a mystery unsolved. That is the appeal of unsolved mysteries. They can get better with time.

  8. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Could Todd and Bristol be the parents of Trig? That explains the cover up by Sarah.

    1. Once again there is no evidence to suggest such a terrible scenario.

      Remember the source who was a family member theorized that Trig was Todd's by one of his girlfriends.

    2. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Todd has been known to frequent the establishments in Anchorage that supplies girlfriends by the 1/2 hour.

    3. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Todd when Sarah moves to Los Angeles to try to sell The Judge Sarah Comedy Show, you are welcome to come back to our girls. We will give you our friends and family discount.

    4. Anonymous6:57 AM

      Todd was the owner of such an establishment, as well as its top customer.

    5. Anonymous7:02 AM

      As much as I hate that thought, an incestuous coupling could explain the recessive genetics possibility of Translocational Down's piling up in brissy's teenaged uterus to yield a baby born with Down's, (instead of the usual old saw of 'only older mothers have babies with Down's').
      The Daily Mail recently ran article of a British mother, aged 25, who gave birth to a daughter with Down's. Named her Florence and she's soooo sweet! Just want to hug her.

    6. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Let us not forget Todd family of origin and where they are from. It can explain a great deal of how he turned out and how the offspring was raised. Those related by blood and those not Palin blood.

      Trig and uncle/brother/pater Track Palin (now deleted from Bristol's account after Track went off with an assault weapon on one of his drinking binges in January)

    7. Anonymous10:10 AM

      I really believe that Trig is Todd's son from another woman, but that's my opinion only. Maybe the truth will come out when McCain passes.

  9. Anonymous6:46 AM

    So, what does Dylan Kolvig look like? Don't think I've seen a pic of him...

    I do expect Bristles is the egg donor.

  10. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Let it be known that Gryphen is a fair and honest man. As much as America hates Sarah, Todd, Track, Bristol and Willow, you can see Gryphen is not here to capitalize on America's hate. If Gryphen knows or feels that accusations against this horrible family is or may not be true, Gryphen will tell America what he knows. That is why Gryphen and Immoral Minority has such a huge following.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Clever snark.

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      6:49 AM Is that why your trolling stupid ass is always here?

    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      7:09 can go to hell

    4. Anonymous7:56 AM

      "...why Gryphen and Immoral Minority HAVE such a huge following."
      There, fixed it for you Alicia.
      Indirectly, you're right, Alicia, this news blog gets shitloads of hits.

    5. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Awww, 7:09 AM, did someone hurt your widdle fee-fees?

  11. Anonymous6:52 AM

    O/T I don't usually watch Midnight With Chris Hardwick but happened to be flipping through the channels last night and watched "Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders suggest court cases Sarah Palin can preside over in her new position as a reality TV judge. (2:03)"

    The characters playing Donald & Bernie are the best I've seen so far and of course Sarah plays herself which is absolutely hilarious. This debate was so funny I ended up watching the entire hour. Sarah appears only in the first couple of minutes.

    @midnight ‏@midnight 7h7 hours ago

    "#IfIWerePresident I would have Sarah Palin's mouth sewn shut" - Trump on #MidnightDebate

    If you do a search on
    you will find some other good ones like:

    Sarah Palin babbles her way through a bizarre endorsement of GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

    Trevor listens to a spooky story about the recurring national nightmare known as Sarah Palin.

    Sarah Palin blames her son's violent behavior on President Obama's treatment of war veterans.

    Larry imagines going on a cross-country road trip with either Sarah Palin or Kanye West.

  12. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I have always been convinced that Trig's mother is one of Todd's girlfriends/hookers. I consider all proclamations that Trig is Bristol's child to be a lot of noise which actually works in the Palin's favor because it disguises even greater evils that the family hides. Everyone knows that Bristol is a slut, but fewer people know that Todd is a philandering liar whose deceptions equal, if not exceed, those of his so-called wife.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Are Todd's relations allowed by the despot to visit the injured Todd in the hospital yet?

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Is Track Palin allowed to visit his father?
      Or step father?

      Track is out on bail. He is free to see his friends and relatives as he pleases or is allowed by Sara.

      The fact Track is not visiting Todd makes it more obvious that Todd is not Track's bio dad.

      We know Sara and the publicity people want to keep Bristol far away from the Tripp and Todd night snowmobile rides and the way Sailor was transported to the cabin.

      No reason to keep a son from his father.

    3. Anonymous9:18 AM

      According to this tweet from a friend of Todd's, he is out of the hospital and texting with him.

      Very interesting that the Palins haven't said anything.

    4. Anonymous10:32 AM

      9:18 AM

      After the friend of Todd rumor, that was never backed up. The Daily Mail stated that Todd was still at Mat-SU. Not saying either are correct.

      If Todd's injuries were inflated and Sarah lied he could be out of the hospital. If Sarah lies and he is in worse condition Todd may have been transferred where he could have better treatment.

      Sarah may insist Todd remains at Mat-Su where she can give him her treatments. For all we know he is on life support now. It is all to be another secret.

  13. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I still think Sarah could be the mother, although she was not happy about the pregnancy and clearly jeopardized the fetus and strongly appears to be an unattached mother. I don't see her going along with a fake pregnancy to cover for Todd's girlfriend. She would just pay her off or put a hit in her. So it's either Sarah's or Bristol's by another boyfriend.

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      If the child had Down Syndrome and she was running for Vice President on the Republican ticket, she would definitely go along with a fake pregnancy.

    2. Anonymous7:15 AM

      I agree

    3. She had her tunes tied.

    4. Anonymous8:28 AM

      In a gazillion years I just can't see how mid-40 Sarah was pregnant with a 5th child.

      Amazes me that anyone else could honestly believe she gave birth to Trig as she did Track Palin.

      I think it would be easier to believe she did give birth to the square pillow.

      Baby Trig

      I would appreciate the believers of Palin birthing Trig to elaborate on the obvious that counters Sarah as birth Trig mother.

      How do they rationalize the photos and other?

    5. Crystal Sage8:32 AM

      That was the Day the Music Died. Too bad she didn't have her vocal tubes tied as well.

      Still say that this Trig has FAS. Look at the physical characteristics of FAS

    6. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Sarah Palin complained of pain from her TUBAL LIGATION after Piper was born. Has Sarah forgotten about that?

    7. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Trig has DS.

      The Palins can get away with a lot of stuff, but pretending FAS is DS isn't one of them. Trig goes to school. Don't you think his teachers and therapists know the difference?

      He may also have FAS, but there's no denying his Down Syndrome.

    8. Anonymous2:56 AM

      Sure they'd know the difference. His records are also confidential. So the likelihood is still up for debate in the forum of public opinion. Palins want to be public figures,don't cha know? ?!?

  14. Capt Obvious7:06 AM

    Oh come the fuck on ? Gezuz Stevie Wonder can see it and it accounts for the utter importance of the fake pregnancy and ensuing coverup, and the constant annomosity between Todd & Sarah, Trig looks exactly like his Father , His Father is Todd Palin, and yes his mother is Bristol Palin, Theirs is certainly not the first incestuous relationship on the planet but it is the most recent that has had a major impact on American politics, Sometime the obvious just becomes overwhelming.

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      I disagree.

    2. Anonymous7:16 AM

      No. It's doubtful that Bristol is the mother. It's a convenient narrative, but likely untrue.

    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      7:16/2 In Alaska it is LIKELY! My bet TRUE!

    4. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Iincest is so common...especially in Alaska. A friend of ours had a nervous breakdown and ended up in a mental hospital. It turned out that she had been molested by her father and had a child as a teen by him. What was even more sad is that it opened up a convo that revealed that all of us had been molested by our fathers, except one friend was molested by her uncle. I had always felt I was the freak and felt all alone. We are very close because we share such a horrible connection. It does happen so please stop passing it off as impossible. I do hope that is not the scenario.

    5. Anonymous9:21 AM

      8:07 If this AST Cop>
      " Uncle" Wooten ended up babysitting the Palin kids a lot, and also there was speculation that Sarah hid Bristol's pregnancy to avoid a statutory rape court case."
      Keep it all in the family.
      Todd set it all up, then felt guilty..

    6. Anonymous9:48 AM

      8:07, I'm so sorry to hear of this. I'm so sorry for what you kids had to endure. NEVER your fault! The fault of the adults who rape kids, and the fault of the adults who enable them, damn them all!!
      I wish the stigma that society places on the innocent victims of incest would stay where it belongs, the filthy fucking predators.
      An expert in the field of pedophilia stated that in her experience there are 2 kinds of: 1 the kind that is sexually attracted to kids, period, they cannot perform with another adult,
      2, the opportunistic kind. This is where most pedo's fit. They can screw adults, too and this is how they fly right under the radar. They aren't only attracted to kids. THis type of predator was raised to not understand adult behaviour can delay gratification, and most importantly, they have been taught to despise vulnerability and to take advantage of it.

  15. Anonymous7:10 AM

    mommy dearest Barstool and daddy dearest Toad played ptarmigan, to see who IS the better parent. TOAD LOST!

  16. When I saw that picture of Trig(with the drumpf beanie) yesterday, my first thought was "Oh my god he looks like Track".

  17. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Anonymous6:51 AM said
    Dylan was into drugs and booze.

    He is mentioned in this article.theft and went into rehab.


    This explains why Trig has FAS characteristics. Can Sarah explain why Bristol had those giant engorged postpartum breasts filled up with milk and look like they'll burst any second when Sarah Palin was first introduced by Traitor John at the RNC? Can Bristol explain why her current breasts do not look like giant engorged postpartum breasts filled with milk since she said she is breastfeeding Sailor?

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      I recall seeing a photo of Bristol and other family members on the campaign bus; Bristol sure looked like a breastfeeding mom in that pic. She was definitely lactating in August 2008; I believe she's Trig's biological mother. Not sure if Todd, Track, or someone else is the father. (I still find it strange that there was a photo of a blond-haired Levi in a hospital room supposedly holding "Sarah's baby, Trig.")

    2. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Maybe the Palin's tried to make Levi think that Trig was his child...I don't think it is but they would do a dirty trick like that to a teenager who was having relations with their daughter even though they knew it was someone else, Todd, Track or someone else, like an uncle...

    3. Anonymous10:45 AM

      8:46/9:26 Answer>AST "Uncle" Wooten most likely is Tri-g's father with Barstool. That brings the whole Palin KKKlan together and makes the incest more acceptable and explainable, NOT.

  18. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Griffin, you had for a long time been adamant that Bristol did not birth Trig. Have you moved from that position? If so, why?

  19. 66gardeners7:31 AM

    I agree with everything Gryphen says here.

    My husband's sister had fraternal twin girls. One came out with olive skin and brown eyes and the other with blonde hair and blue eyes.

  20. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I read that the palins came to that RNC purposely unprepared wardrobe-wise, in order to grift some free clothes from R donors.
    WHat brissy got, instead of going shopping, was the opportunity to pilfer Meghan McCain's closet, because they were all in a hurry and no time for shopping. A closet full of tailor-made designer wear, ooooh brissy, like candy(oxy?)!! Meghan is a curvy gal, and she has a big bustline, bigger even than teenage prego brissy.
    Being stupid as her mother, brissy didn't know or care that she looked so stupidly out of proportion and suddenly Larger boobs(stuffed with a towel) at RNC than 48 hrs prior at the airport(internet's foreveh, betch). All she was caring about was scoring McCain's hair and make-up crew out from under McCain, and getting to take one of Meghan's $$$ custom made designer dresses and Meghan had to suck it.
    Nobody would really have noticed if it weren't for the clumsily stuffed boobs. Too bad the palins hate on the gays, or any ole drag queen could've told them how to properly stuff bra cups to convince an audience (it involves rolled up tube socks).

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      There was no towel stuffed in the dress. Other photos from the same night clearly show the outline of her bra and boobs.

      But, for a moment, let's pretend Bristol gave birth to Trig. Do you seriously think Sarah would go to all the trouble to claim the pregnancy and birth and still allow Bristol to breast feed/pump?

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Yes, @8:55, because Sarah's IQ is only 83. She's done a ton of dumb things, and many of them are captured on film, with Katie Couric, or in e-mails.

    3. Anonymous9:50 AM

      hunny 8:55 please put down the glue

    4. Anonymous9:51 AM

      That towel stuffed in the dress was for soaking up lactation

    5. Anonymous12:59 PM

      There was no towel. Bristol wasn't nursing during the convention and it's ridiculous to think she was.

      Also 9:34 - I agree Sarah is intellectually/cognitively challenged but the 83 IQ is rumor based on a photoshop.

    6. Anonymous2:16 AM

      Bristol sure was breast feeding.She had a uni- boob/ couch bolster looking chest from being padded up to keep from leaking. Even McCain whined about her nursing trig out in the open after they'd done so much to cover it up.

  21. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Okay. Bristol has brown eyes. Brown is dominant gene but Sarah having brown and Todd having blue means Bristol is heterozygous for eye color and can have either brown eyed or blue eyed children. Levi's eyes look hazel to me which means he also can have children with varying eye colors. Hair color is trickier and can change with age. Curly hair is pretty dominant and people with curly hair like Levi usually have children with curls. People with very blue eyes like Sunny are homozygous for blue. They can only pass on the gene for blue and eye color will be determined by the other parent. (Two blue eyed parents will only have blue eyed children.)

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      My parents both had blue eyes. All except l child have green eyes.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      My Dad's eyes are bright blue and my Mom's dark brown, mine are violet. Eye genetics isn't just about your parents eye color.

  22. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Pretty convincing argument about Mike Wooten being Trig's father, which also explains SP's desperate attempts to ruin Wooten and hide Trig's true conception and birth facts.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      WHOA! thanks for the info, 7:46, wow, And EWWW.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      No!!!! Scharlott later admitted the theory was wrong-headed. It was a ridiculous theory.

    3. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Link please anon 8:57 otherwise I'll assume you're obfuscating.

    4. Anonymous1:10 PM

      from the post at site linked above:

      BS: First, let me say that while the physical similarities are suggestive, in themselves they mean nothing.

      [Scharlott tried to make a case based on Palin's apparent hatred of Wooten which can be sufficiently explained by her sister's divorce]

      from the comments:

      Brad Scharlott
      9/30/2011 04:06:51
      JA: You make a good case. I'm willing to concede that the idea that Wooten is Trig's bio-father is more unlikely than likely.

      Also, Scharlott wrote a piece on Trig's ears in an effort to debunk the two-Trig theory. He insisted that Trig's ear structure was unique and 'proved' it by showing drawings made of prisoners' ears. His premise is false and his 'proof' was illogical.

    5. Anita Winecooler5:46 PM

      I don't trust Brad one iota. A blogger who will remain nameless came out with a theory about Ruffles, and Brad stole it as his own, added ear forms and other BS to obfuscate the issue even more.

  23. Anonymous7:48 AM

    But from all the photos that B posts, it appears that Trig lives with her. If not his mother, she's doing her mom a monumental favor by raising a child (with extra challenges) that's not her own. Actually, Trig is probably the easiest child to raise considering no one seems to have taken the time to teach him much vocabulary beyond "bullshit".

    Also, although I doubt Levi is the father, I would not rule it out on looks. His other kids may look like Tripp but "by crazy coincidence" his wife happens to look almost exactly like his mother! I could well imagine that if he had a child by dark-haired dark-eyed Bristol, the child could look like Trig. Similar beautiful amber eyes and long handsome eyebrows.

    Levi would not be uncaring, but could have emotionally moved past it long ago, due to the enormous pressures of the time.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Did you even read what Gryph wrote?

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Willow posts a lot of photos of Trig. Does that mean he lives with her?

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      8:35 Oh, yer right. (no more posting before coffee for me)

      8:58....Well, Willow may post some pics, but I don't see so many of them compared to Bristol. Bristol posts photos of Trig in bed (in her place) and photos of her reading to both boys (with text saying "my boys") She took Trig to Hawaii and though we don't know who else was there to help out, I think it's pretty certain it wasn't Sarah.

      Of course we know they relish the confusion and I'm guilty of adding to their pleasure by continuing to be curious.

    4. Anonymous10:50 AM

      I have no idea who Trig's father is, and don't necessarily think it's Levi. But I wouldn't rule it out totally because of hair color or because he didn't fight for Trig in court. He was just a kid then, and would not have wanted to provoke Sarah's vindictive wrath.

    5. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Trig, nights at the cabin with the Iron Dogs.

      To grandfather's house we go! Sailor hauled in behind a snowmobile?

    6. Anonymous12:14 PM

      @10:50, I agree. Being that young with a disabled child to take care of would have been really scary for them, I would think. And I bet Sarah used that fear and the fact that she and Todd would be better able to take care of him financially to convince them to give him up. Sarah and Todd also may have formally adopted him so what could've he had done about it later?
      Just speculating, of course.

    7. Anonymous1:35 PM

      12:14/1 The Sarah P photo in that dailymail link with those two young Dance Connection Girls, while she is Sucking her teeth will SOMEDAY horrify them one could only hope.

    8. Anonymous2:19 PM

      9:23 I didn't think Trig was on the recent Hawaii trip. There weren't photos of him there.

  24. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Trig February 17, 2016

    Trig March 21, 2016

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      When did the Palins stop using different Trigs?

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Which are the pictures where Trig looks like Levi?

      Trig looks like Sarah?

      Look. Someone just born.

      Trig looks like who in this picture with Bristol?

      Which Trig? With aunt.

      The old girl just can't help it? January 2 Sarah Palin posts in Facebook a photo of a pretend baby as if it was Sailor Grace. This baby was from a photo studio, it was not Sailor Grace. It did look more like it could be a Dakota Meyer baby.

    3. Anonymous10:50 AM

      10:08 "RUFFLES"

    4. Anonymous2:22 PM

      9:09 I think the 2nd Trig (round ears) only showed up during the 2008 campaign and there's only been one Trig since after the campaign.

  25. Anonymous8:01 AM

    What a nice article with cute kid pictures and a big fish. I suspect Trig was born of a surrogate mother. That would account for all the medical secrecy. When a serious challenge to Sarah parenthood is brought Sarah gets a DNA test and wins BIG. I remember reading something like that on this blog.

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      OMG, I was just about to write the same thing. I have always thought that Trig was a Sarah/Todd surrogate carried by ???. But then I thought, wouldn't the embryo have been DNA-tested before implantation in the surrogate? If it was, wouldn't it show DS? And if it did, would they have gone ahead with implantation anyway?

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Wasn't there a possibility of another baby? (one the Johnstons held on Levi's birthday).

      And the one we know as Trig Palin was adopted? Billy Graham helped or something like that.

      What was all that about church arson and records being all that was targeted? The Wasilla Bible Church where they blamed the LGBT community in Wasilla.

      The media reported, Still no leads in Wasilla church arson

      Basically they dropped the investigation and updates.

      Similar to how the latest big deal, Todd's punched lungs and near death experience, the media and officials drop out and only the designated spokesperson (Sarah now with Todd case) is allowed to say anything.

      Which can mean SILENCE. Where there is silence, rumors take over for another Palin mystery. There does seem to be a pattern.

      In the arson at the church the dominate rumor was to blame a mysterious LGBT community and it was an attempted murder.

      Now there are secret and mysterious snowmachiners.

    3. Why would they bother with a surrogate? They don't even care about the kids they made themselves.

    4. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Win big?? Crazy governor fakes pregnancy is somehow ok? What would be the rationale for using a surrogate privately while publicly faking a pregnancy?

    5. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Sara had had her tubes tied. Plus, no way in the world would she sleep with Toad. But she wanted the attention of a pregnancy while she was governor. So, surrogate.

  26. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Yes, he does.

    And your arguments to the contrary are rediculous.

    Why are you so determined to call your readers idiots? Get over yourself or take a break from blogging. You've lost your a big way.

    1. If I had lost my edge I would not have so many trolls. And my numbers would not be up.

      But nice try.

      P.S. The only ones I called an idiot are the trolls who keep attempting to hijack the threads with the same inane questions asked over and over again.

      But I imagine that must sting those of you who recognize it was pointed in your direction.

    2. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Oooh, the troll is trying a new tactic. You can't get readers to believe your lies so you attack the blogger. It won't work.

  27. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Anyone have a pic of this Dylan dude?

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM[term]=Dylan%20Kolvig&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=0

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM


    3. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Photos of him are few and far between -- as if maybe he were making a point of keeping a very. low. profile.

  28. Anonymous8:26 AM

    What does #theluckyfew mean?

    Are the Palins lucky because they have a kid in the family with Down Syndrome?

    Is Trig lucky because he has Down Syndrome?

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      They are lucky to get by with so many lies.

      Actually, it is other than luck. They have all kinds of help covering up all kinds of lies.

    2. Yeah. Because a disability that equals no normal life and an early death from heart defects is a blessing, dontcha know?

    3. Anonymous9:57 AM

      The Palins always have to make it about them vs. other people. They are the lucky few, the rest of us are haters or some such bullshit.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:03 PM

      Those hashtags were the first things that jumped at me. They're pandering to the parents of DS children as "the lucky ones" as if they were chosen to have disabled kids, which is weird as heck coming from that family. They've done zero zip nada for the DS community but use a child as a propp, when appropriate or when it's favorable to them or their bank accounts.
      Bristancy do the lion share of DS posts to the point where one would think Bristol is the kid's mom, not Sarah. I'm not saying Bristol is for sure, but I know Sarah faked it, the wild ride, square belly, letter from god, and ending in a local hospital with no program to deliver at risk kids, she had seven pregnancies and five births, two white outs, then a "healthy" DS child. All to fit into her weave of "no one would know, I could have had an abortion....but chose life instead" bullshit.

  29. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Good effort, Gryphen. It may help to include this under your 'Important Posts.'

  30. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I think thou doth protest much too much.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      I think thou doth protest much too much.

      I agree Sarah and her daughters have gone overboard with Trig this year. We know previous years not so much.

      Sarah has been critiqued for not showing she cares about the Down syndrome community and Trig. This year she made an attempt to appear like she has a public place with Down syndrome. Not close to the Kennedy work, nothing near the Special Olympics (in Alaska she does not participate in what has been established in the state).

      It does look better to have others with Trig. Hence, Sarah found precious Pearl to use. And use she does. After her major nut job unhinged post "Hooray For the Blacklist! Revelation" she overcompensated being 'good Sarah' the mother of a Down syndrome child. She has been using Trig a lot over the last year and 2016.


      Mother and kid.


      Good mother.

      Dude! .... Ready to rock.... He can't see? Not sure what Sarah was going for here.

      Trig at cabin.

      Trig would not miss this.

      Happy adorable Trig.

  31. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I am still wondering:

    Where was the current Trig kept before he bobbed into view at Matsu Hospital in arms of the Heaths.

    Was Bristol pregnant before she became pregnant with Levi's baby? If so, what happened to that baby?

    Is the "Triggy Bear" baby in the Palins' kitchen photo, the current Trig? That baby had a "ruffled ear". Where is the ruffled ear baby?

    Was Bristol pregnant during her Dancing with the Stars stint? Where is that baby? Who was the father?

    When was Bristol's Sailor really born?

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      barstool has 6-6-6 and counting..

  32. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Even if Trig is Sarah's, what kind of idiot governor gets pregnant while they are 44 and in office, if she was serious about her career, why didn't Toad get snipped, why didn't she use birth control? She couldn't even manage her own birth control, why would she expect Bristol to manager hers? Clearly no teaching or example from Screech. there is such a big age gap between piper and wallow and then piper and trig, what normal person does that, who wants little kids around after you have mostly adult children?

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Didn't you notice that Trig helped Sarah's career? He was the star of the VP campaign and the basis for her speaking circuit gigs. He is a prop and a shield.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      idiot governor at 44 and in office

      Was married to a pimp and when was the last time they had sex?

      It is more believable and more documentation (in spite of all the obstruction) that Shailey Tripp was the light of Todd's life.

      Shailey and numerous lovers and prostitutes.

      The false narratives from the Palins are weak and they have nothing to make the story about Sarah as giving birth to Trig have any validity.

      If there are 10 people that actually believe that I would be shocked.

      Yes, many will go along with pretending to believe the impossible stories, they are just complicit with the fraud and child abuse.

    3. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Lots of normal people do that.

    4. Anonymous9:38 AM

      I have always wondered, additionally, why the GOP thought it was good to have a VP candidate parading around the country who clearly needed to be at home (or at least in her home state) taking care of "her" newborn DS child. What family values! Kind of like the current governor of Alabama...

    5. She had a tubal.

    6. Anonymous9:55 AM

      She did get "snipped" (or Todd did, or both).

      Wasn't Piper unplanned? I kind of remember reading that somewhere.

      You would hope that two adults would learn to be more careful, especially when one of the adults has her sights on the Governor's mansion and beyond.

  33. Anonymous8:59 AM

    This explains so much about all the dysfunction and mental abberations of all the Palins. Heaths, too.

    A friend of ours had a nervous breakdown and ended up in a mental hospital.

    Other cultures have had similar traditions. This is why it can get confusing. Cousins are really fathers, or brothers are really uncles, sisters are mothers and every which way to make the family hide the truth. Generations can go on like that. By the time it gets to the 21st century the monsters are more obvious yet they are still twisted and in the closet. What a shame for the children and future generations. It is the ugliest of curses.

    The Palin legacy is what it is.

    The Palin curse will never end.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      It's Chinatown, Jake.

    2. Anonymous11:47 AM

      The best of American detective films.
      Who will die?

      You know if Bristol has to go it will be covered up and another mystery. Rape, power and Palin’s Wasilla. The Palins can never make it coming from a place with the name Wasilla. And they added the 21st century dimension of a Cult. Extended, extended, extended family. You can also see the snowbillies ending with arrests. More like below a grade B film.

      'Something horrible happens, a great injustice is done, powerful people get away with abusing that power, corruption continues and the weaker people must suffer for it.'

  34. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Even if Trig is Sarah's, what was Mccain thinking putting the mother of a newborn baby on the ticket as VP? uh hello, sleep deprivation, distraction.
    What kind of mother would accept, but screech never put her family first did she, all about her

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      People who live in the POTUS or VPOTUS house don't have to get up in the middle of the night for a baby. There are several household staff to take care of things. And they can put a nap in the schedule on a regular basis. It's like asking what kind of payments do people make to buy a Rolls Royce (they don't).

    2. Anonymous9:22 AM

      JFK moved into the White House with an infant son, you misogynist.

    3. Anonymous9:40 AM

      I just wrote similar thoughts above. (Sorry, I had not scrolled far enough.) AGREE 1000%!

      What family values! NOT

    4. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Above all, what sane and caring mother of a newborn DS child would go on the campaign trail to become the vice president of the United States?

    5. Anonymous12:00 PM

      JFK was an era when the norm was "the little wimmin were happy homebodies with the hub at the head dictator". Not that is was all that way, but it was what was accepted as right. Men rarely changed diapers or did any wimmin's work.

      Sarah taking a young baby in public and exposing him to the masses and germs is just plane crazy and nothing to do with mothering or love.

      Proves she is the last person to be a mother. Does not behave as if Trig is her child.

      Taking a young child out in freezing weather while everyone else is bundled up is plane old Sarah Palin abuse. She is too drunk on her own power trip to care about anything else.

      When did Sarah start to pretend she cared about Trig's DS? I think he was pretty old by that time and she did a bad job of pretending she had any interest at that time either.

  35. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Indeed, the "he looks just like Levi!" comments are clearly bogus. But by that same token, if you dismiss the significance of physical resemblance, you can't turn around and claim anything from a supposed lack of resemblance. Children with the same mother & different fathers can look VERY different. Even children with the same mother & same father can look VERY different. So Trig's resemblance, or lack there-of, to Levi's other kids is totally besides the point.
    For my part, I believe what MALOE told us re: Dylan Kolvig. She also said that Levi was prepared to accept Trig as his own because at that point he loved Bristol and wanted to have a life/family with her -- thereby explaining the mystery of why a very young Levi showed such obvious tenderness to an infant Trig even though he was not, as G now agrees, the father.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      All of that was speculated/published on various anti-Palin blogs years's not breaking news.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      All is not breaking news. Of the many mysteries, this is an update or an effort of clarification of one of the many mysteries.

      Very interesting taht most of them have a similar pattern.

    3. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Having been here since '08 I had heard the name (Dylan) mentioned, but never discussed very much. For example I recall a much bigger dust-up when someone pointed out a physical resemblance between Trig and Wooten. Then MALOE came along and filled in some of the blanks, and, even while some insist she isn't legit, it seems like the conventional wisdom in these parts has shifted to what she told us.
      Maybe because it had such a ring of truth.

    4. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Check out Palin Deceptions. Palin gates. Nothing she's "said" wasn't already printed there. Or Laura Novak's site. Or the zillions of comments here through the years. Or Mudflats in 2008.

    5. Anonymous1:53 PM

      There have been zillions of comments about possible baby daddies going back to 2008, yes. But Dylan Kolvig was never a leading contender until MALOE showed up here.

    6. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Yes, he definitely was. You are uninformed. Did you read all the blogs above? Did you read Allison's blog? Vera City? Bree? He was mentioned in the comments on this blog as a leading contender! Many times! I have read these and more. He was always mentioned due to the boat accident in Juneau.

    7. Anonymous5:05 AM

      Spinning, spinning, and more spinning. Amazing you don't get dizzy and fall down, 243p.
      I just did two google searches. To avoid random hits I searched for three pairs of names in quotes:
      "Dylan Kolvig" and "Trig Palin" returned 63 hits.
      "Levi Johnston" and "Trig Palin" returns 8470 hits.
      "Mike Wooten" and "Trig Palin" returns 2730 hits.
      I'll say it again: Dylan Kolvig was mentioned, sure, but he was never a leading contender.
      But you just keep spinning, 243p. Go on, knock yourself out.

  36. Anonymous9:05 AM

    There's no reason to think Levi is Trig's father, even if there were a physical resemblance. There's also no reason to think Bristol is the mother, except that it's a convenient theory for Sarah's benefit, making her out as a sympathetic figure trying to protect her daughter's reputation. We know from Sarah's emails that she made an effort to spread the rumor.

  37. Anonymous9:26 AM

    JEEBUS! All those designer-duds for those kids... Poor single mother who has to fight in courts over her right to spawn kids and then demand $$$ from the unwitting fathers who she is trying to prevent from seeing their offspring!

    Those designer clothes - they fit for a couple of months, and then the kids need the next set, at a cost that a 'regular' single mom can only dream of having so she can feed her kids. SMHID!!! Hypocritical BEOTCH, Bar$tool! (And yes, you desrbe that name!)

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Unemployed barstool lives off her children . She'd be wringing $$ out of Dylan/Trig's sperm donater as well,but then that would out her as mom.

  38. TwoBlueJays9:33 AM

    Trig and Piper look very much alike. See earlier pictures of her and compare with the Trig photo.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      The point is, none of these supposed comparisons are worth a hill of beans. Even without throwing in DS features, resemblances are rarely ever strong enough to be telling -- especially since people are often attracted to mates who resemble their own family. Sometimes a child is a spitting image of a blood relative: Track and Curtis Menard Jr's mother come to mind here. But, for example, my daughter-in-law could EASILY pass for a sister of my two daughters, and there's no blood relation.

    2. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Piper as Trig's mother is about as sane as Sarah as Trig's mother. If the 'he looks like' is the only indication of who Trig's parents are I am going with Piper and Track.

  39. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I don't think you can go by what Levi's other kids look like. Of course I don't know any thing for certain and would never claim that I do but I can see Trig may have Bristol's hair color if you go look at pictures of her when she was young before she colored her hair.

    I have read over the years people saying how much Trig looks like Levi but I never saw it until the other day when I saw this picture of Levi and Trig.

    H/T to KatieAnnieOakley

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Sorry I got the H/T wrong, it should have been H/T to KarenJ!

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      That Trig has Levi's mouth.

    3. Anonymous11:58 AM

      The nose and eyebrows look VERY much like Levi.

    4. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Wow. I have to admit I'm shocked. I've always thought Trig was the son of Todd and one of his "ladies." Recently, though, I've been persuaded that Barstool is indeed Trig's mother. As to who Trig's father is...dunno. I thought it could be Dylan Kolvig, or could be Levi.

      But that photo comparison is astonishing. The mouths are unique and almost identical. The noses are also very similar. Just the overall impression of both faces is: They're close relatives.

      I suppose it's possible that Levi and his family are locked down so tightly with non-disclosure agreements--backed up by threats to put Levi's mom back in jail or other Palinesque blackmail--that they themselves have come to believe "Triggy Bear" isn't Levi's.

      We couldn't really see the similarity of the two until Trig got to be this age. I suspect he'll look even more like Levi as he ages.

      And no, Gryph, just because Levi has three blue-eyed blond kids does not preclude him having a brown-eyed brunet child.

    5. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Trig doesn't look like Bristol. Sailor looks like Bristol as a baby. She wasn't very pretty but she was cute in a pixie way.

    6. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Oh for Pete's sake. While likenesses can be suggestive, the point of G's post is that they tell us nothing -- again except in rare cases where a kid is a dead ringer for someone other than the purported father.
      People have commented many, many times on the striking resemblance between Levi and Todd. I'd say it's about as striking as any of the resemblances that people have comment on -- which goes to prove my point. But assuming, as now seems increasingly clear, that Bristol is Trig's mother, then sure, it only makes sense that Trig resembles both Levi and Toad. One could just as well conclude that Toad himself is the father.

      PS to 458: keep spinning.

  40. Anonymous10:26 AM

    A grammatical note to Bristol. Are you trying to say that one child picks out "his" own clothes or that one child picks out clothes for both of the boys, as in "their" clothes?

  41. O/T
    palin tried to cut a deal to sell the
    sub-surface rights in the mats-su valley
    under private property, got caught and was forced out as gov. or face charges
    this scam was hatched when she was on the oil ans gas committee. and learned about fracking, which was not well known at the time, as governor, this crazy bitch was going to allow company's permits to frack under towns, and under the homes of powerful people, that's why she got the bum's rush out of her job
    or so the story goes

    any thoughts on this?

    1. abbafan11:49 AM

      I would not put it past her to devise such a scheme. However, seeing that she is not too swift in the brains department, the question is, who engineered that supposed scheme? Who was behind it? Remember the palin mantra "what's in it for us"?? Maybe that explains the breathless, high-pitched resignation screech. She was probably given the ultimatum of "take the fall, or all your dirty secrets will be leaked". That day, $arah shit her Naughty Monkeys in fear, and her asshole puckered up tighter than a snare drum!

    2. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Never heard it and doubt it.

      No conspiracy as the State of Alaska already owns subsurface rights.

      Its not like in mist places where the property rights include subsurface-like the guy who found oil or gold on his property and then became a millionaire.

      So IF Sarah did plan such a thing it would only cause a rukus not a reason to be forced out.

  42. Anonymous10:54 AM

    What's obvious about Trig is that he is clearly living fultime with his birth Mom Bristol, I guess that's just one more thing Sara quit doing.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      It's incredible how Bristol always has Trig. If she were't around, one of the other daughters would be doing the job. Sarah comes across as not having time to be bothered and no interest in her son. It's disgusting.

    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      I agree! She quit on Trig. She is an horrible person.

    3. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Trig is more a nomad I bet. He has no one home, he has several.

    4. Anonymous12:32 PM

      It seems that Trig depends a lot of Tripp and they are very enmeshed, Tripp is the human version of Trig's stuffed monkey toy.

      I bet Trig balks if he has to spend time away from Tripp so they just let him live with Bristol now to keep him calm.

      That's a heavy responsibility on a young boy and as Tripp grows up Trig will be left behind as he establishes new friendships and teen rituals that Trig will never be able to engage in.

      For now, because they are young, Tripp seems okay holding hands and supporting Trig, but that won't last forever, as well it shouldn't. Tripp deserves a life other than as a caretaker for his DS "uncle".

      The Palins are one of those families that always let the older siblings raise the younger ones, which is why Piper is lives more like her adult sisters than a girl who just turned 15. That's never fair to the children as they never enjoy a worry-free existence as they are always caring for someone else.

  43. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Barstool's now posted a pic of Dakota with Sailor. She says "too cute not to share." Sounds like she also is referring to D and not just S with the "too cute," like she's trying to sweeten him up. More, though, she just HAD to post a pic before he did. It was killing her, I'm sure, that he might post a pic of himself with his daughter.

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Interesting. I agree she is up to something!

      Also interesting is Piper logs into her account! It really is a family business grifting off their rubes.

      From the comments...

      jazmyneruby Good for you for posting this. Having a positive relationship with your baby's father will be the best thing for her. Always remember that!

      piper.p Obviously they are if she's posting a picture of him? @lastebe

      bsmp2 Hahahahaha Piper did you write that?? ^ are you signed on to my account still?! @piper.p

      piper.pI totally forgot that I was logged in on your account๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ oops

    2. Anonymous12:44 PM

      It looks like that was a shoot out. Who pulled out the weapon first? I don't see it was a friendly exchange. May be Dakota will post Bristol? Or would that mean he had to break a Bristol rule?

  44. Anonymous11:15 AM

    i think trig looks like a young todd

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      That's interesting. He does have the same crooked smile on one side of the face as seen in the photo with young Sarah in her basketball uniform.

    2. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Trig's smile is crooked because he has DS and hasn't had proper therapy to strengthen weak facial muscles.

  45. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Levi may not be Down's Daddy, but Bristool sure is his momma.

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      There is no 'sure' unless you've got proof no one else has seen.

      From what has been documented, Bristol is no more likely Trig's mother than Sarah--no expanding pregnant belly visible in available photos on line of her from Sept 2007 through Feb 2008.

    2. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Circumstantial evidence, my dear 12:50.

    3. Anonymous4:53 PM

      pics available online sept 2007 through feb 2008?

      har har har yeah, riiiiight.

  46. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Todd last seen with Trig and Sailor, 3/13/16.

    Tripp going for a ride, 3/13/16.

    For some reason there is no mention of Todd's mother, Blanche Kallstrom. You would think her visit to her son would be meaningful. If this is a big cover up, she may have not wanted to participate.

    Jim Palin, Todd's father, was asked questions and answered when he was in Arizona.

    You know he goes to see his son when he is racing and promoting. Does Jim just give Todd a Fuc_ you by not visiting when he is most needed?

    Strange he will not go to Wasilla to see his son in the hospital. Is that his choice or is he following orders?

    You would think by now both parents would be able to see their son at the Mat-Su or wherever he goes for treatment. Why has Sarah (the only one allowed to talk or update Todd's situation) gone dark?

    Why aren't Track and Bristol showing their love and support by being at Todd's bedside? Why aren't Todd's parents allowed to see him and respond with their good wishes and perspective on this huge family concern? Why aren't the other family members visiting Todd? Does he have a friend that would bother to visit him?

    We know how close he is to all the Iron Dog racers. Not one would bother to visit him? Are they just part of a cover up? What all are they cover for?

    The 'friend' that is twittering about Todd can't be trusted to be factual. He has no back up. Sarah may want him to tweet but she gives him no back up.

  47. CorningNY1:19 PM

    Gotta say, no matter who their parents are, those are some cute kids! I understand Tripp is a handful--which I would expect from his mama's poor parenting--but he sure is handsome. Good thing (for him, anyway), too, because being cute lets you get away with a lot of bad behavior that's punished in homely kids.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      And you think that's a good thing, how?

      Wild Tortoise

  48. Cracklin Charlie4:06 PM

    That is a big damn fish. How tall is Ms. Johnston?

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      She's not terribly tall but that's a great catch on any day.

  49. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Up is down. Black is white.
    Gryphen: So you think the Triggy Bear pictures with Levi tenderly holding (Ruffles) his girlfriend's mother's baby are just that?
    And then later Sarah tells Oprah that Levi was only in their house once or twice? And Bristol's timeline about missing prom because she was pregnant fits a timeline of her missing prom because she was pregnant with Trig, not Tripp?
    Come on Gryph. What gives?


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