Sunday, May 08, 2016

Sarah Palin thinks that Paul Ryan is soon to be "Cantor'd," will support his challenger, and believes she is already vetted to be Trump's VP choice.

Courtesy of the Guardian: 

Palin was interviewed on CNN’s State of the Union, where she said she would support Ryan’s primary opponent. 

“I think Paul Ryan is soon to be ‘Cantored’, as in Eric Cantor,” she said, alluding to the former Republican House leader who was knocked out of his seat in 2014 by a more conservative candidate. 

“His political career is over but for a miracle because he has so disrespected the will of the people,” she said. “And yeah, as the leader of the GOP, the convention, certainly he is to remain neutral. And for him to already come out and say who he will not support is not a wise decision of his. 

“If the GOP were to win [the general election] now, that wouldn’t bode well for his chances in 2020, and that’s what he’s shooting for,” she said, adding that Ryan’s decision “kinda screws his chances for the 2020 bid”.

I found it interesting that Palin was unwilling to pile on asked about Trump's attacks on Hillary Clinton as being an "enabler" who supporter her husband's infidelities.  It seemed as if she was finally becoming aware that her own marital issues might be raised if she went after Hillary and Bill.

If true that shows some actual growth.

As does this next part possibly.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

“I think I’m pretty much as vetted as anybody in the country could be vetted,” Palin told CNN’s Jake Tapper. 

“I think there are so many other great people out there in American that could serve in this position.” “I think if somebody wanted to choose me, they already know who I am, what I stand for,” she added. “They wouldn’t be in for any surprises.” 

But Palin acknowledged that she also came with baggage. 

“I want to help and not hurt, and I am such a realist that I realize there are a whole lot of people out there who say, ‘Anybody but Palin,'” the former VP nominee admitted. “I wouldn’t want to be a burden on the ticket and I recognize that in many, many eyes, I would be that burden.” 

“So, you know, I just want the guy to win. I want America to win.”

I think that Palin's statement "I want to help and not hurt" is also an indication that she realizes she is done in politics, and that she has to be careful what she says because her life, and her family's life, is so rich with potential tabloid fodder.

I don't want to give Palin TOO much credit here but it does appear that she is finally noticing that her life is essentially a burned out crater and that she has little to offer any candidate or political organization at this point.

Of course she is also addicted to the limelight so if somebody like Jake Tapper offers her a spot on a Sunday morning show she is certainly not going to say no.

And I imagine the same is true if Donald Trump really was ignorant enough to choose her as his VP. 


  1. Hedgewytch8:08 AM

    Noticing her political life is burned out? Potentially, but what I think is really happening is she realizes she is standing on very very thin ice which could dump her into the freezing slush of her own massive illegal, ethical and moral history at any moment. I'm betting that she has been warned to keep her mouth shut.

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      After her disastrous speeches in Iowa and Oklahoma, and the reasons you mention, I also too think she's been told to keep her mouth shut. I've said so here many times.

      As for "many, many eyes," she has no idea how many there actually are. Maybe she's finally getting a clue?

      As for the "kinder, gentler" Palin, I'll believe it when I see it. A leopard doesn't change its spots. She's as nasty as they come.

    2. 66gardeners9:05 AM

      Every republican I know in Maryland who voted for Trump says $araySaysPayme would be a game changer in the general. She is a total nonstarter for them.

    3. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Folks, Trump's VP is going to be Newt Gingrich.

    4. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Trump and Palin are very much alike. Neither of them can change their stripes! Trump 'acting' presidential is a total joke! As is Sarah Palin being gentle and kinder. They both are horrible individuals and their history shows it!

      Were Trump to pick her for his ticket, they will lose big time. No doubt about it!

      And, Sarah honey, you will not and do not vet well! Ask John McCain and his crew that actually put you on his ticket. It was a friggin' disaster for all concerned!

  2. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Does Palin think the 1960s drape look is still in style? Whatever.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      I was just wondering WTH she was wearing to be interviewed on this 'Sunday Morning NEWS Show'? Whatever -- so typical of her. :(

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Looks like a graduation picture! I think she has the hots for Tapper...
      Not sure why Trump is meeting with Ryan after Palin threw her support to Ryan's competition in Wisconsin? Sounds like Trump has already made up his mind that Ryan is out!

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM

      My thoughts as well. In 1980 i wore that black velvet drape thing for graduation photo....

    4. Yeah. That's pretty inappropriate all around.

      Age inappropriate. Show inappropriate.

    5. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Leave it to Sarah to wear an off the shoulder top, when business attire is proper. What a loooooser !!

  3. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Is Sarah living in Vegas now? What city is the backdrop cuz that doesn't look like Alaskeee.

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      It's downtown Anchorage, looking up from the bluff from the coastal trail.

    2. Anonymous8:47 AM


    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Stock photo of Anchorage, but a view from offshore, not from any window.

  4. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Wow she actually looks nice for a change!And that's the nicest thing I can say about this washed out has been hater.

  5. Was she coming from a cocktail party at trump tower?

    1. 66gardeners8:53 AM

      Today while walking in Fort Smallwood Park with dear friends during conversation about Mother's Day picnics, I point blank pleaded, "Please tell me you are not going to vote for Donald Trump".

      These are people I pretty much assumed voted republican, but we have never talked politics directly. They seemed a little surprised and essentially conceded that Donald Trump was not a good candidate.

      I informed them that I was very excited about voting for Hillary Clinton. When they expressed reservations about Hillary, I said a lot of people have been brainwashed and did not know the facts.

      I reminded them that Donald Trump had said, "If I shot someone on 5th Avenue I would not lose any voters." I got the impression they had not heard that one.

      I intend to work on them gently over the next six months to sway them in their voting habits at which time I will remind them that Donald Trump has the uneducated white vote sewed up. All with a smile on my face and remaining perfectly calm, knowing I have the facts and reality on my side

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Go 66, this is how to do it! Thank you.

    3. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Thanks 66gardeners for your service to the country

    4. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Why oh why did the Clintons attend Trump's last wedding? Those photos are coming back to haunt and I hate it! Dammit!!

    5. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Really? It hurts Trump a lot more than Clinton, @11:10. She was a New York Senator. She knows a lot of folks in both parties there. It makes him look like a Democrat!

    6. Anonymous11:18 AM

      But did they go to any of his other weddings?

    7. 66gardeners11:23 AM

      Happy Mother's Day everyone.

      I appreciate the encouragement in the capacity of being a patriot while serving my country. Keep in mind my husband had a hissy fit on the way home from the park about me bringing up politics which I almost never do unless someone else goes there first. In that case, all bets are off.

      I have come to the realization that no republican with any kind of walking around sense can defend what the republican party has become. I have even confronted my local county councilman who I once gave a ride home from my nephew's pool party when he was about 10 years old. Believe me he got an earful. Look up AA co. John Leopold scandal. Republicans here can be easily shamed.

      Country first. This election is way too important. If you don't think having the first female president is something fresh and new, you are an idiot.

      Sheriff Ron Bateman arrested is also a really good local republican scandal.

  6. Anonymous8:23 AM

    If Trump truly does NOT want the job of President and he wants to make damn sure that he doesn't win the election which then he has to work on governing, something he knows absolutely nothing about, just pick Sarah as his VP. He kills two birds with one stone (which I happen to believe was his original reason for running as a Republican for President but then his narcissism got in the way, haha). He kills the Republican Party and he take Sarah out with it forever and ever! Yippeee!

  7. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Someone said she must have been out drinking last night, passed out wering that outfit, and just stumbled in front of her TV camera. "Rode hard, put up wet" applies to her every time. Why didn't Tapper ask about her illigitimate grandchild on the way? Another "Gift from God' no doubt. Had she been REALLY vetted, all the slime on her family would have been exposed. All the babies, prostitution, drugs, deaths. Anyone with any sense would shut the HELL up, and go away.

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      She wasn't vetted, period, just another lie of hers. It all came out after it was too late and we were stuck with her. Too bad so sad, $arah, you just aren't that smart to hide your dysfunction.

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      When these interviews are set up, it is agreed upon what subjects are or are not broached. Why she got SO shakingly mad at Natalie Morales and Matt Lauer because they went there. As well they should have.

    3. Anonymous8:54 AM

      When Jordan told Track she was preggers, that was when he clocked her while drunk.

    4. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Notice that $creech demurs on the VP pick saying she 'doesn't want to be a burden' -- that implies she still believes she is actually qualified for the job. So delusional it's scary ...

      Has anyone read the responses to PayMe's appearance on Tapper? I'm off to do so now. lol

  8. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I watched her. Yup, took one for the team. Yes she does look horrible. More interesting is what the heck was she doing there?

    I think Trump sent her out to do her favorite work, being the candidate's hatchet man She was used to attack Paul Ryan and threaten him in his primary before he meets with Trump on Thursday. And she did manage in her usual deeply stupid way to get that across.
    Ryan is an overrated empty suit in my book but he is as close as the Repubs come to a star and Palin is more than willing to follow Trump's order to take him down, motivated by her usual: envy, insecurity, and hatred. She's around to handle the crap that even Trump won't stoop to doing.

    I also think she is taking briefing orders from Trump staff. Again, remarkably clumsy and deeply stupid but she managed to duck Jake Tapper's pretty insipid softball questions - a task she has not been able to handle in past outings.

    Oh boy it's really ugly to see her out again. As another IM'r puts it, Fuck you McCain.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      You are right on with your description of Ryan. And, he is considered a GOP star right now even though he hasn't really accomplished anything except the title "budget wonk". I suspect that he is participating in the discussions about a 3rd party run.

    2. 66gardeners8:56 AM

      I suspect Paul Ryan has educated, intelligent friends who ask him regularly, "WTF?"

  9. She looks terrible. Still has no self awareness. Her head jerks and facial expressions are just as awesomely stupid looking as always. The years have not been kind to her either in how she looks nor how she talks. She is only fodder for the comedians and critics now. Maybe it won't be long till we don't have to hear that grating voice or see those outfits again.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Not to speak ill of menopause, but she looks like a menopausal man.

    2. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Really Todd!

    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      How IS Todd? Hope he has nursing care...

  10. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Ah, she's still all dressed up for the correspondents dinner!
    I really have nothing more substantial to say about her


    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      She hasn't been invited back to the WHCD since Joe Lieberman ran interference on her trying to touch President Obama.

    2. Balzafiar8:50 AM

      It would be a kindness if someone would tell her the dinner is over. Then lie to her and tell her that her invite got mislaid somewhere...maybe next time.

    3. Anonymous9:05 AM

      @ Balzafair
      t would be a kindness if someone hosed her down with a garden hose, she looks so dirty that all I can wonder is how many types of lice doe she have on her.

    4. Anonymous9:28 AM

      I'd love seeing President Obama invite her and Todd to the White House and then, on TV, verbally demolish the two of them.

      He could do it in a heart beat! But, we all know, he'd never would! He's too professional and smart!

  11. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Only the Govtard would wear an off the shoulder sweater on cnn

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      On a Sunday morning. When, you know, all the conservative religious right wingers are going to church. $arah looks like she's either going to or coming from her gig holding up the far end of a late night dive.

    2. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Come on, folks! It's her crypt-keeper Mother's Day outfit.

  12. Anonymous8:34 AM

    off the shoulder shirt. hmmm. not presidential. and my husband noted how old she looks. she could use a little blusher!

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      she's going rogue, and has been trying to keep "rogue" and "rouge" seperate. Donald Trump uses the she stays all-of-a-color..taupe.
      as to Blusher, she should be blushing at her own idiocy.

  13. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Botoxed eyebrows always have that arched look. And nice greasy lips screech

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Yeah, she needs to get with the program, lip-wise. That greasy glossed look is OUT and the matte lip is back in. I suppose that a matte sheer lip color is....chapstick? At least that wouldn't show when it rubbed off on her dentures like pigmented lipstick would. And that's why she won't wear a colored lipstick.

    2. Anonymous11:42 AM

      she wears the gloss when she has a herpes uotbreak.... which is often

  14. Anonymous8:39 AM

    This part of the (continuous) US Election (Republican) Saga is especially juicy. As someone who lives in Europe it gives me a choice between fear and absolute 'jaw-on-the-floor', 'Let's finish watching this movie, because you'll never know ..." feelings.

    The scary part is, like we did often in Europe, you'll choose 'with your gut instead with your head' (a mangled Colbertism). And that, for me (and many others), would be like watching the comet land on (y)our head ...

  15. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Nope. She is saying that she is an outsider with problems like the general electorate. She wants the job as vp.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Wouldn't it be delicious if Trump did choose her?

    2. Anonymous10:02 AM

      I would love it!

    3. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Recall Trump has told people to surround themselves with stupid people.

      Sara has a chance!

    4. Anonymous10:06 AM

      She and trump are equitable when it comes to poor behavior.

    5. It's that self-deprecating reverse psychology stuff she's pandering to Dullard.

      Kinda a "no you shouldn't have well if you insist."

  16. “I want to help and not hurt, and I am such a realist that I realize there are a whole lot of people out there who say, ‘Anybody but Palin,'” the former VP nominee admitted. “I wouldn’t want to be a burden on the ticket and I recognize that in many, many eyes, I would be that burden.”
    She is not in any way acknowledging that there are excellent reasons for people to say "anybody but Palin."

    She is, as always, painting herself as a victim. She has been "pretty much as vetted as anybody ... could be vetted" (ha), and has all that execumative experience from being the CEO of Alaskan airspace and whatnot, but she will graciously allow that for no good reason, many people will say "anybody but Palin."

    I think she is still hoping for something, anything during this election that will put cameras, microphones, and or monetary potential in front of her narcissistic face.

    Tapper is just giving word salad zombie harpy another reason to arise screeching and flapping once more from her well-deserved political grave.

    I wish someone would wrap garlic ropes and crucifixes around her house once and for all.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      The fact that she didn't rule out being VP means she hopes to be picked. She never said she would not accept it.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Yep, that screeching and flapping is what ol' Granny counts on to feed the grift machine that her whole clan depends on. Not one of the PayMe's has a real job ... let alone interest in education, travel, or advancing their lives/experiences in any way. So inspirational!

    3. Balzafiar4:48 PM

      When you finish the garlic rope wrap and the crucifixes, have a wooden stake handy when it flushes her out of the coffin.

  17. Anonymous8:44 AM

    "...her own marital issues might be raised if she went after Hillary and Bill."
    Her and Todd's "issues" pale in comparison to Bill and Hillary's.
    Trump has already shown he is gonna go nuclear on Bill's philandering ways.
    He won't need Sarah's help.

    1. Hedgewytch9:05 AM

      Bill is not running for office. And Trump should be one of the LAST people throwing stones in that direction!

    2. So did Trump go nuclear on his first wife who must have enabled him when he was doing Marla Maples in a suite in his casino while Ivana worked downstairs? Give me a break. Trump is a joke.

    3. 66gardeners9:26 AM

      Benghazi would have more traction than Bill Clinton's infidelities. Trump better get some new material.

      Trump is so uninformed and sociopathic that he will spend all his time talking about how he is the great one and what happened yesterday on the campaign trail. There will be nothing of substance.

    4. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Hillary won't go after Trump's sexual background - affairs, etc. Someone else will though and counter him every step of the way!

      Hillary will discuss her policies should she win the nomination, which I think she will over Sanders.

      I can hardly wait to vote for her!

    5. Anonymous 8:44 AM wrote: Her and Todd's "issues" pale in comparison to Bill and Hillary's.

      Really? Are you trying to suggest that Bill is/has been a pimp? With more women on the string than Todd? Or are you simply unclear on what "pale in comparison" means?

    6. Anonymous10:08 AM

      I disagree. Todd and Sara have abused power with others and to others.

    7. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Yes angela. And their daughter is mousey, while ivanka has pretty daughter.

    8. Anonymous11:15 AM

      8:44 AM When was the last time that Sarah and Todd were seen together? When was the last time that you have seen Sarah and Todd even hugging each other? Sarah doesn't even hug her grand kids. Aren't all of Sarah Palin's adult children hardworking, educated, functional citizens? BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

    9. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Exactly, Angela!
      He bettah not go there, let's not forget what Ivana wrote about her marital-rapist ex!

    10. Anonymous11:50 AM

      The last photo of Sarah and Todd together, which was publicly offered, was the one of Todd in the hospital and Sarah sleeping not he chair at his side.

    11. Anonymous12:36 PM

      @Ted Powell9:33 AM
      "Really? Are you trying to suggest that Bill is/has been a pimp?"
      He sure as fuck ran with one...

      "Palm Beach billionaire Jeffrey Epstein is a financier and political donor. He is also a convicted sex offender who is the subject of ongoing litigation from at least a dozen of his then-underage victims.

      Flight logs show Bill Clinton traveled at least 10 times on Epstein's private jet, dubbed the "Lolita Express" by tabloids, and he is widely reported to have visited Little St. James, Epstein's private island in the US Virgin Islands. That's where, according to attorneys for Epstein's victims, many of the worst crimes against minors were committed by Epstein and friends who traveled there with him.

      In a 2011 interview with her attorneys, Virginia Roberts, one of the teenagers preyed upon by Epstein, said he had told her he had "compromising" information on Bill Clinton and that the former president "owes me a favor."

    12. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Let's see, anyone who is/has been in a marriage more than five years knows that even the most successful long term relationship has challenges. If anything, it's a credit to Hillary in she had to (publicly!) handle hers. Yet she did it not by doing that horrible ReTHUGlican "stand by your man" because you have nowhere else to go schtick (numerous conservo/evangelical wives - McCain's, Gingrich's etc) not by being the raging/sniping shrew (BRistol), not by becoming the aging and desperate collector of toyboys (Ivana) but by keeping her dignity intact AND modeling good behavior at such a time. They've patched it up (likely stronger) and now are on to being wonderful grandparents via a successful, beautiful daughter and handsome accomplished son in law.

      Trump can try this route, but every married woman over 30, whose husband has ever had a stray glance at a "new model" will circle the wagons around her. And vote.

    13. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Nice try, 12:36 but it appears T.Rump was also connected to Mr. Epstein.

      And just a reminder, Bill Clinton is not running in 2016. Hillary is. The each have their own careers, unlike the Mrs.s Trumps, who appear to be contractual prostitutes.

  18. “I think I’m pretty much as vetted as anybody in the country could be vetted,” Palin told CNN’s Jake Tapper.
    When I heard her say that, my morning coffee actually came out my nose! Ummmm...NO Sarah, you weren't vetted, not at all. There's SO much more about you that the American public needs to know. Isn't that right Gryphen?
    I could hardly wait to come to your blog to see you weigh-in on her interview and the comments she made! And I fully expect to be reading your "Updates" to this post, also, too!
    Go "Get 'em" Gryph!

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Yep, like birthing the retard sarah words not mine.

  19. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Trump's way out of line and so is she. I'm enjoying some aspects of the GOP's meltdown, but it does piss me off how Ryan is expected to bow to trump after how Ryan was brought in to restore some amount of order and dignity to the party and try to get things working again. He must be hating life right now having to tolerate all this BS after finally agreeing to the speakership. Yes, I know taking the speakership wasn't all about martyrdom. He gets something out of it. But I believe he did make a decision based on real service to the country.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Oh bull. You are assuming Paul
      Ryan has a shred of decency in him. He does not.

    2. Anonymous9:28 AM

      When Paul Ryan says for the umpteenth time how Obama has damaged the country, I feel no sympathy for his predicament as the leader of a failed party. He deserves everything he gets, like RMoney did.

    3. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Trump said he was the head of the Republican party now. Some republicans disagree.

    4. Anonymous10:24 AM

      How quickly and conveniently people forget that Obama inherited two wars and a country on the brink of the worst recession since the Great Depression when he took office in 2008 from George Bush.

    5. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Ryan is incapable of restoring order and dignity to the party. He has a lot to do with the gop's lack of order and dignity. And he took the speakership in order to be seen as a martyr, not as providing real service to the country. He only serves his party and their big money contributors.

    6. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Who writes this bs for her? Cantor was forgotten, until SHE brought him up once again. Second hand $arah is a flop.

    7. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Cantored was coined days ago. Red wing freaks were using it all over the internet

    8. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Yes, Ryan is incapable - that backwards hat workout photo says it all.

  20. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Sarah Palin is an idiot and I write that as someone who is no fan of Ryan. I wish many of their ilk would stay home and quit sleeping in their offices while telling people how frugal they are at the same time. Federal office, federal gyms, contractors to pick up after them.

    I digress.

    What the hell is going on with Track's case? Has anyone seen him in months or is he being held in a darkened room at the Palin's home? Don't forget to give him fruits and Vitamin D supplements.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Have you seen the calendar for these representatives? They are hardly EVER in DC. To say they work part time is being generous.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      The good news is that they were not in DC last week and have to face a shit storm this week

  21. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Reminds me of the old TV commercial ...

    Meth does a body good

  22. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Scabs on lips?? Hmmm.

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      looks like somebody forgot to take her valtrex!

  23. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Wow she's dumb. Reince Preibus is the head of the RNC.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      She IS that dumb! Why she thinks she's an authority on anything is knee-slapping hilarious.

  24. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Her top looks like the drape worn for high school graduation pictures.

    She was vetted, all right, eight years ago. Several illegitimate babies, knock-down-drag-out screaming fights since then, plus failed reality shows, failed engagements, a PAC that's sinking into the melting ice cap: Sarah you'd need a full and thorough "vetting" again, and you'd lose to Olive Oyle in the semi-finals.

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      She needs a thorough bathing before Rehab.
      Nice scaly bony shoulders all covered in pancake makeup, Granny!

  25. Anonymous9:07 AM

    MP.she's fishing; she wants somebody to say: of course you're not hurting $arah.

  26. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Well I don't know why Trump wouldn't pick her, it looks like Trackmarks has an abstinence bastard on the way for election yr and everything!

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Yes, she could trot out the entire unmarried crew on stage, babies and all. I mean, they have no issue in the GOP with TRump's three wives and multiple affairs-I'm sure the Palin soap opera would be no big deal.

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      An abstinence Bastard, and a domestic violence court case pending.

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Abstinence bastard! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
      Gotta steal that one! Another poster said once that scaaarah has "grandbastards" instead of grandchildren, and I almost fell out of my seat laughing!
      you guys crack me UP!

    4. But Tri-G isn't "cute" and easy to carry around any more. I suppose she could use Sailor for her photo-ops.

  27. 66gardeners9:10 AM

    Here's to hoping Paul Ryan gets Cantored.

    Pass the popcorn.


  28. Caroll Thompson9:12 AM

    Sarah forgets that Trump lost Wisconsin big time. Ryan has nothing to worry about. His is a safe seat.

    I know polls don't mean so much this far out, but did any of you see the poll where Trump and Clinton are tied in GEORGIA? Yes, I said GEORGIA.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Georgia is half reasonable minorities and half right wing bigots. Makes sense.

    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      The southern evangelicals do not like Trump and many will not vote for him, now I'm not saying they are going to vote for Hillary...I think many will just not vote or just not vote for the office of the presidency on their ballots. BTW, the same thing will happen in every other southern state.
      The minorities and Democrats will get out and vote for Hillary. After all, they consider the First Lady of Arkansas to be a southern :)

  29. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Why is Sarah wearing that high-school-senior-girl-yearbook-photo drape?

    Where is she? The background does not appear to be Alaska and doesn't look like New York or Atlanta.

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      She is trying to lose for her voice picture, like trump's pictures try to make him look like Churchill. Except trump has pin hands and head.

    2. Anonymous10:33 AM

      The backdrop is Anchorage.

    3. Anonymous11:11 AM

      I find the majority photos of Trump, put up by the media, to be horrible.

      He is not an attractive man, has no chin, is obese, appears to not be very smart, as well as being a bully! The guy is an emotional mess!

    4. Anonymous11:19 AM

      It's Anchorage.

  30. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Did you catch her dig at Clinton? "trump's multiple marriages, which he has acknowkedged." Two things. She's intimating that Bill never admitted he fooled around, and she's lying about Trump. He's never said his divorces were a mistake. Never admitted or expressed regret about cheating on his wives. Never said he's found Jesus and been forgiven. Nice try, Sarah.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      yeah, those deeevorce and remarriages are SINS, Seeeeerah, doncha know?

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Excuse me. I'm guessing you didn't get the memo that he WAS definitely revirginated before each marriage and affair.

  31. Anonymous9:23 AM


    And yes I'm shouting :)

    1. We don't want her for VP. We want Trump to choose her so he is guaranteed to LOSE the election. She is the lead albatross of politics.

  32. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Dear Governor Dumbass,

    The only thing Paul Ryan has to worry about is Republicans holding onto the Senate. You pushing Trump will sway enough Democrat down ballot seats to give it back to the left. You truly are an idiot!

  33. LOL! Vetted? Where's your medical records, Sarah? A handwritten note from your supposed doctor; given out election eve, is NOT a medical record.

  34. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Yes Sarah Palin has been vetted. Why do you haters have a problem with this? Get a life.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      NOW she has been and why she admits herself that she's an outcast. Get your own life; we're doing fine, thank you.

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      And yet here you are, once again projecting your own faults onto others.

      Thanks for the psychological insight!

    3. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Vetted? No, when Sarah has been really vetted, all the skeletons will be swept from he closet. Trig's true birthdate and parents. The parents of her children. Did she have abortions? Did she have her tubes tied after Piper as she claimed at the time? Did Todd and his buddies use materials from the ice arena illegally to build that eyesore on the dead lake? Oh, and so many many more....

    4. Anonymous10:43 AM


      Until she admits that she did NOT birth Tri-G, she has not been vetted one little bit.

      I'd say nice try, but it wasn't.

    5. Anonymous11:03 AM

      If Sarah Palin had been vetted, they would have discovered her tubal ligation procedure after Piper Hanson's birth. They wouls have discovered Trig's biological mother is not Sarah Palin. Lowell Bud Paxson(1 of Trig's middle names) protected his Evangelical puppet(Sarah Palin) because he thought that the Trig hoax would bring all of the right to lifers on board to win the election. You, stalker, need to get a life.

    6. Anonymous11:06 AM


    7. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Hey TROLL, had she been 'vetted' on what became of Jill the Wonder Dog from that scam kennel in Iowa?
      The dog she launched on her fecebook as "Trig's buddy and therapy dog"?

    8. Anonymous12:55 PM

      I think it was sarcasm.

  35. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Can others imagine what the Trump women must think of the 'white trailer trash' Palin Klan from small town Wasilla, Alaska?

    I'm sure Trump would get huge backlash (to begin with his own family!) were he to pick her as his VP candidate. It would never work! Plus, he and Sarah have such huge egos that they'd fight like Hell!

    Remember her actions w/John McCain? He couldn't even handle her and still can't!

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Looked to me this AM like he refused to share an interview with her too.

  36. Anonymous9:45 AM

    No wonder Sarah likes this Nehlen guy!

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Would enjoy calling him out on this published piece. Make having a CCW dependent on training with one's weapon once per month. And a physical fitness testevery three months.

  37. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Whoever is thinking about having Sarah Palin as their running mate should take a poll from Alaskans and ask them would they ever pick Sarah Palin as our governor ever again?

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Let me think about it.

      Ahhhh hail nah

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Darn straight!

    3. Anonymous10:27 AM

      That question was already answered in an Ivan Moore poll done in Alaska a month ago - it measured fave/unfave responses to our DC delegation (mostly favorable) and also asked about $arah -- the unfavorable responses were through the ceiling. lol

    4. Anonymous10:27 AM

      I wouldn't trust Sarah to pump my septic tank! Not even for FREE!

    5. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Probably even the town group. Even her own family group. Yep that bad.

    6. Anonymous11:06 AM

      I would, 10:27 AM, and then force her mouth open and insert the tube.

      But, we Alaskans already know she is full of shit and has always been!

    7. Anonymous12:01 PM

      I checked out the reporting on her latest media appearance in a few southern newspapers.

      They are hating on her in Alabama!
      Literally not a single positive comment about her. NOT ONE.

  38. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Sarah Palin was on Team Trump and was screeching from here to there telling people to vote for Donald Trump and Sarah Palin couldn't even get Alaska to vote for Trump in the recent election. What does that tell you?

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Yes, Ted Cruz won Alaska AFTER the idgit from Wasilla backed him and then changed her mind and said she was supporting Donald Trump. Hence, Trump lost Alaska!

      Alaskans all know she is the kiss of death to any candidate she supports. The majority of Americans and Alaskans see Trump losing the next national election if he wins the nomination.

      He'll be in even more trouble should he select her as his VP candidate! He needs to confer w/McCain and vet her (and her dysfunctional family members)thoroughly! There is a LOT of bad stuff about the Palin klan in Alaska that has occurred since 2008!

      To include bastard Palin kids, a husband that ran a house of ill repute (and was known to have bedded Shailey Tripp!) in Alaska, jail for members of the Palin klan, brawls to include the entire Palin family in Anchorage, and on and on!

      The Palins are nothing more than jokes and Sarah was a horrible wife and mother - proven time and time again throughout the past six years!

  39. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Look at the middle comment on Bristol's instagram page with a picture of a frowning Sailor:

    grammab50foreverOh my what are you thinking sweetie?!
    tinschuzWe can't believe she hasn't been indicted yet, either. Sweet, Sailor.
    jbender907@bsmp2 seriously the best baby! Come visit us...🌴☀️😎

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      FAS baby.

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM


    3. Anonymous12:57 PM

      I think you two missed the point.
      "We can't believe she hasn't been indicted yet, either. Sweet, Sailor."

  40. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Anyone else notice the abortion discussion?

    Actually I thought this was the most disconnected thing she said. "I sure wish that politicians wouldn't worry about these racial divides that are for the most part made up by those who thrive on division and contention,"

    Said it in this portion of her punditry:

    "TAPPER: Let's talk about Latino voters for a second.

    Senator John McCain, your former running mate, has publicly maintained that Donald Trump, he doesn't think, will have much of an impact on McCain's campaign for reelection in Arizona. But, behind closed doors, McCain was caught on tape expressing concern that Trump might damage his reelection chances.

    Take a listen. (BEGIN AUDIO CLIP)

    SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R), ARIZONA: If Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket here in Arizona, with over 30 percent of the vote being the Hispanic vote, no doubt that this may be the race of my life.

    If you listen to or watch Hispanic media in the state and in the country, you will see that it is all anti-Trump.


    TAPPER: How is Donald Trump going to improve his standing with Latino voters?

    PALIN: I give a lot more credit to Latino voters than perhaps the mainstream media would, in just assuming that they have kind of a herd mentality and are all going to go to one candidate over another.

    Latinos, for the most part, hardworking, independent people who just want -- they want to be able to have a good job. Those who are here legally and will follow the rules that America has set forth, they want to work hard and provide for their family.

    I sure wish that politicians wouldn't worry about these racial divides that are for the most part made up by those who thrive on division and contention, and instead politicians worry about perhaps what their record has said about themselves.

    TAPPER: Including -- including John McCain?

    PALIN: Well, John McCain and I, we have gone through a lot of battles, separately and together. And I really respect the man.

    And I think that he doesn't have any more to worry about with Latinos than perhaps he would have to be concerned with in terms of explaining his record to the general populace there in Arizona.

    TAPPER: Donald Trump...

    PALIN: But I don't live in Arizona, so I haven't paid as close to attention as everybody there has, of course. "

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      But Sarah, you DID live in Arizona, back when you thought old John might retire and you could hop into his Senate seat. Didn't you but an estate or two down there? Oh I remember. Bristol had a baby in one of them. The other is still on the market, isn't it? I guess "Sarah Palin slept here" is not a big selling point.

  41. London Bridges10:07 AM

    The inmates have taken over the institution. Don't Look In The Basement!

  42. Anonymous10:26 AM

    O/T - Dr. Jill Stein is a jerk, too! She's criticizing Hillary as a mother? She just tweeted : "I agree w/ Hillary, it's time to elect a woman for President. But I want that President to reflect the values of being a mother. #MothersDay"

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      What an asshole.

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Who in the world is Jill Stein and what is she a doctor of? For what it's worth, I think Hillary was a great mom and I'm sure she's enjoying being a grandmother too. Does this Jill Stein think that Sarah Palin is the perfect mother or grandmother?

    3. Anonymous11:38 AM

      WTF did Stein mean? She needs to clarify her stupid tweet or just stop.

    4. Anonymous12:13 PM

      I'm from 11:38, and thanks to stupid Jill Stein, I googled that shit. No explanation of her low sucker punch tweet.
      However, I DID find a geeeeorgeous picture taken at Chelsea's wedding of Chelsea, Hillary and Hillary's mum.
      I could be wrong, but the smiles looked pretty damn genuine to me, and Chelsea was a very pretty bride.
      Would love to know just how has Mrs Clinton been NOT displaying motherly values? Either I'm lost in the weeds on this one or Stein is. Was stein maybe confusing Palin with Mrs. Clinton regarding the shitty tweet, as Beaglemom suggests? That'll happen when ya drunk-tweet!

    5. Anonymous12:43 PM

      FYI - Dr. Jill Stein is the Green Party presidential candidate.

    6. Anonymous2:39 PM


      I'm guessing it's about stewardship of resources for future generations. But Stein is pompous and stupid- the 'net translated it to "she's a bad mom." And circled the wagons. You look at Chelsea and you see that is one area that Hillary cannot be targeted with.

  43. Anonymous10:27 AM

    O-T link to Stein's Mother's Day tweet -

  44. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Gee more word salad. Just shutup pos sarah. Pile of sh*t! Same words as ever. Can't anyone give her real words to read verbatim? Omg 30 years later same word salad. Omfg. Old hag, greasy mutton lips. Fat, no collar bones any longer. Face all stretched out. Figly human.

  45. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Todd's recovery from his accident of whatever didn't come up?

    Track's arrest and court date didn't come up?

    Bristol's custody battles didn't come up?

    The rumored new grandchild on the way didn't come up?


    Vetted my @$$!

  46. Anonymous10:36 AM

    “I want to help and not hurt..."

    This is nothing new. It's one of her stock talking points she's been using since McCain/Palin lost in 2008 to show how humble she is.

    Aug. 2012, to Greta: "I also know my mission that I'm on is to help and not to hurt."

    May 2014, to Hannity: "again, whatever I can do to help and not hurt…"

    That said, I agree that she knows she's done.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      I think what she means to say is
      "Whatever I can do to help cause some hurt...."

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      remind me of a cutter who just can't stop

  47. Crystal Sage10:37 AM

    Things I noticed: 1.) Sarah was not wearing her enormous cross (has she written off the fundies?)2.) Her hair looked really dirty - not a bit of shine to it. 3.) Prom dress and greasy lipstick like something out of the 1960s. 4.) Her statement that she "doesn't live in Arizona" when questioned about McCain's campaign for Senate (still trying to sell that house are ya?) 5.) Her assertion that she has been vetted. (OMG! Our National Palin nightmare would never have happened if she had been properly vetted.)

    And now I need to lie down and try to forget what I just saw on CNN.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Is that a different wig, or her old 'real' hair with some colored powder to hide the excessive thinning? Observe the hairline, which is in plain view, and not disguised, per usual, with the cheap tack-on extensions(as opposed to the $$$ kind of weave).
      Hair looks thinner here than with one of her stinky lousy wigs. My bet is, that's her own hair with tons of colored powder on her scalp/hairline. She's been taking the leftover pregnancy vitamins from Brissy's latest WHOOPS to regrow her starvation-balded head!

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      The powder hide the lace on a lace front wig. She must have taken Willow with her to Anchorage for a blow out at what 4 a.m.?

  48. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Old $ara looks like a washed up two bit hooker just off her latest late night meth binge...speaks like one..dreeses likes one...panders to the highest bidder like one. Fuck off and die $ara along with the rest of your racist gop!!!!

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      her breath smells like gingivitis and vodka, EWW

  49. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I just turned on the TV (CNN) and John McCain was being interviewed. He said the only resentment he had from his campaign was the unfair treatment by the media toward SP!!!! Not sure what happened next. I changed the channel. I didn't want CNN to begin with.


    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Unfair treatment?!! That they didn't let you pull a fast one, Johnny? Thank you, Katie Couric!

    2. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Heh. If John McCain gets cashiered it will be your fault mr h8 blogger!

  50. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I think deep down he knows he's going to lose. If he chooses Palin he can blame her.

  51. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I want Sarah to be "vetted".
    I want to know where Trig came from. I want to know the real birth dates of all her kids. I want to know the real birth date of Grace and all 5 of her grandchildren. I want to know how she was able to pull of the pregnancy hoax of the century. I want to know if she really has a college degree and diploma. I want to know if she was behind Dar Miller. I want to know why Kathy Baldwin Johnson lied for Palin. I want to know why John McCain put his party first instead of his country. I want to know why Steve Schmidt and Nicolle Wallace still have jobs in the media and are allowed to have credibility. I want to know how the Palins are able to live in the lap of luxury when not one damn person in the family has a job or has to work for a living. I want to know why no "news person" would do his/her job in investigating the corruption of the Palin administration in Alaska and the faked pregnancy and faked "wild ride" birth of her "meal ticket" for life.
    Yea, right, Sarah was vetted all right. McCain was hoping that people would vote for the pretty face and all they got was an empty head.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      I agree, Anon at 10:51 am. As long as any part of the media still gives Sarah Palin a microphone or a book contract or any kind of paycheck, we have a right to know the truth about the matters that you described above. She's made enough mischief for about ten lifetimes.

    2. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Silly Sarah the Trojan Moose says:

      "But, when it comes to abortion, it's very sensitive. It's very -- it's such a personal issue."

      OH REALLY. IN WHAT RESPECT IS IT A PERSONAL ISSUE? Governor Mooselini, let me remind you people still have some questions about you and your lies. John McCain also too!

      "TAPPER: Donald Trump recently said he wants to change the Republican Party platform as it relates to abortion. He wants the party's opposition to abortion to include exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.

      Now, when you ran for vice president, you ran on a platform that has no exceptions. Do you agree or disagree with Trump's call to change the platform to allow for exceptions?

      PALIN: I don't want the platform to change, no.

      That culture of life that will be built upon the pro-life views that the majority of conservatives and Republicans hold, I respect that. I -- there's -- I don't think that there's a need for that to change. But, when it comes to abortion, it's very sensitive. It's very -- it's such a personal issue. I think that the plank in the platform is the way it should be. And I respect and support and want it to stay that way.

      And when we can conclude that the plank of the platform is fine as is, then we can start talking about what people are really concerned about in this nation, concerned about in this election. And that is, as I have said, debt, open borders, illegal immigrants coming on over and receiving freebies left and right, instead of our own people, especially our vets, being able to receive the benefits that they have earned, growing government, that intrusion that the failed liberal agenda so perpetuates.

      That's what people want to talk about."

    3. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Get outta my head.
      I thought I wrote this lol!

  52. Anonymous10:55 AM

    " Those who will follow the rules that America has set forth", does she include her brood of vandals, drug addicts, alcoholics, brawlers, a pimp, tax evaders, and domestic violence suspects?

  53. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I've never heard, nor have I seen, anyone saying "Anyone but Palin for VP". She's just dug out that shroud of victimization again, can't quit it. Every dem I know wants her for VP candidate.

  54. Anonymous11:26 AM

    She looks like an uncolorful version of Endora from Bewitched. Those eyebrows are so Endora, and back then they didn't have Botox and Agnes Morehead was made up by pros to look like a witch.

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      @11:26, that's a Keeper!
      A beige-and-grease colored Endora! Can you imagine how bad she smells?

  55. Anonymous11:31 AM

    She speaks as if Ryan has done all sorts of horrible things to deny the will of the people. All he's said is that he's not ready to throw his support behind Trump yet. She and others are acting as though nothing else matters but the fact that a certain segment of people have voted for Trump. How he acts and what he says and how he knows nothing and how he refuses to meet anyone halfway--they are all expected to come to him and bow down to someone who hasn't become pres and hasn't even officially been nominated--is all that matters. Stupid, shallow people who have no interest in learning anything at all about the US governmental instutution.

  56. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Why would you go on national TV looking like an old hooker? I think she still sees herself as a hottie when nothing could be farther than the truth. Pathetic is too mild of word for her.

  57. WA Skeptic11:34 AM

    Swamptwat Palin: A GOP Decider!


  58. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Dear Governor Dumbass,

    Isn't quitting your job mid term disrespecting the voters who put you in office?

  59. Anonymous11:43 AM

    She is so ugly. The more they try to doll her up, the more we can see that she really is manly. And that blown back hair to show off her earrings only shows off her strange ears. She has no upper lip and I don't know why she insists on wearing that shiny clear gloss instead of color. It's so distracting because all you can watch is that constant discomfort she obviously feels about the gloss that has her rubbing her mouth and forcing the clear goo up over onto the are above the on-lip. That and her constant heaving, as if she's on cocaine, is so bad. So embarrassing, everything about her.

  60. Jkarov12:51 PM

    Paylin endorsed DrumpF so she could get her face on TV and blogs.
    Being a sociopath, her entire life is about fame and money, in that order.
    She campaigned for Dump in Wisconsin and Iowa and he lost, and her "endorsement" couldn't even give him Alaska.

    3 Time quitter, failed,defeated, faux Christian, racist, nasty $arah is due for another failure when Dump loses

  61. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Ugh, looks like an aging barfly.

  62. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Why are they still asking this reality star her opinion on politics?

    As for the vetting, she hasn't seen anything yet, Clinton campaign will have a field day with all the skeletons in her closet. Starting with her grandson, Trig.

  63. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Donald has chosen Trey Gowdy as his Attorney General. I think he is going to be choosing his cabinet according to how much they hate and have badgered H Clinton.

    I don't think that Sarah has the chops in the Clinton hating department and his VP should be more along the lines of inviting John McCain, as a move that would both neuter Palin and get her off his campaign support.

    It would be a good move for him and would finally find a place for McCain in the halls of power. I hope he does it.

  64. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Wasn't there a guy a few months ago that was posting about Sarah and knew some "stuff" about the family and he was pretty certain about some of the baby stuff?

    Where is that person now that we need him?

    1. Balzafiar5:15 PM

      Yes, there have been several imposters floating the lie that they had inside information. A lot of it sounded plausible for a time, but then they slipped up and were determined to be frauds.

  65. Anonymous3:02 PM

    What's with the evening gown and the fan blowing her hair back?

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      She's trying to look sophisticated. Hahsha

  66. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Well, lost my job, have no hope of getting another because of my age.

    I see Sara Palin and trump and I think wtf?
    There is no God.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Im sorry about you losing your job.There is a Federal program called Experience Works. They train and help older people find a job.It's a start. Good luck!

  67. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Interesting RW assessment at HotAir:

    'But just in terms of smart politics, remember that Ryan hasn’t ruled out supporting Trump and is actually very likely to do so once Trump offers him an olive branch or two. Why go after him now? Palin is acting as a campaign surrogate at this point and there’s no profit to be had in starting a needless war with the guy who will be overseeing the proceedings at the convention. **Seems like a bad move all the way around if you ask me.** It risks Ryan’s future endorsement and winds up looking like empty boasting if he cruises to an easy victory in the primary.'

    (**my emphasis**)

  68. Anonymous4:21 PM

    This is fun...her sycophant from New Zealand has created a list of articles (over 100! he says) regarding her interview with Tapper...only thing is, from what I can tell by a quick perusal, the comments on EACH post are running mostly against her!

  69. Anonymous4:38 PM

    What a worthless hag.

  70. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

    I'm surprised. This is the first time I saw/heard Sarah show some shred of self-awareness. She already knows she's a total failure and the kiss of death. All anyone has to do is google her name, and they've got almost everything they need to know about this barn door that goes with the flow.
    Her god is the almighty dollar, and it seems her god is onto her. Maybe Todd can sell Trump the blueprints for the double deck he built when Joe lived next door.

  71. Anonymous6:09 PM

    First thing I noticed is she's trying to dress like Meghan Kelly . Lol. And the lips! Lol


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